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        서부민간인 통제구역에서 4가지 둠벙 유형에 따른 수환경 특성과 습생식물 군집의 유사성 분석

        김승호,김재현,김재근 한국습지학회 2011 한국습지학회지 Vol.13 No.3

        김승호 등(2011)에 의해 제안된 둠벙의 유형이 화학적 수환경 특성과 습지식물의 서식 유무를 반영하는지 확인하기 위하여 4가지 유형을 대표하는 CCZ 내 8개의 둠벙에서 습지식물상과 물의 화학적 특성을 조사하였다. 연구결과 샘통형 둠벙에서는 양이온과 음이온의 농도가 모두 낮았으며, 다른 유형의 둠벙에서는 양이온 또는 음이온의 농도가 높았다. 특히 물흐름형 둠벙인 경의선 둠벙에서는 양이온과 음이온이 모두 높게 나타나 지표수가 주로 유입됨을 보여주었다. 대체적으로 물의 화학적 특성과 습지식물상은 둠벙의 유형 분류에 따라 나누어짐을 보였다. 그러나 CCA와 cluster analysis 모두에서 물흐름형 둠벙은 서로 연관성이 없게 나타났다. 이는 둠벙의 분류 시 논과의 물교환보다 급수원이 더 중요함을 의미한다. 그러므로 이를 반영하는 새로운 둠벙 분류체계가 고려되어야 함을 제안한다.

      • KCI등재

        朴淵의 노힐부득 달달박박과 說話移住의양상과 의미

        김승호 한국어문교육연구회 2018 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.46 No.4

        The purpose of the article is to explain why he came to Kaesong instead of Mt. Backwol in Changwon, which is known as the birthplace of the ‘No-Hill’ and ‘Dal-dal’ Located near Park Yeon, No-Hill and Dal-Dal's stone Buddhas are recorded in various literature by visitors and tourists. However, the stories of narrative story related to Park Yeon are all tale of dragons and there are no stories of the No-Hill, Dal-Dal. Therefore, it turns out that there is no narrative link between Park Yeon and No-Hill Dal-Dal. Nevertheless, the fact that Park Yeon was designated as a place for No-Hill and Dal-Dal seems to have its own cause. Here we tried to examine the cause in roughly three respects. First of all, I saw that there were many foreign stories such as Cheonma Mountain, Seongju Mountain, and the valley and Park Yeon in Daeheung-dong. The phenomenon of two holy men's story settlement in Kaesong is explained by the acceptance of unique folktales by Buddhist temples who do not mind taking part in preceding books that guarantee sacredness and spirituality. The Won-Tong temple is known as a Buddhist temple built to remember when a monk who was helped by Kanyeun Buddha became a Buddha On the other hand, I think it is related to the nature of the two holy men's stories of Mt. Nambaek, which is more strongly private than the legend. The battle between the two, aimed at becoming Buddha, contrasting a tolerant and generous mind, strongly suggests the folklore of No-Hill Dal-Dal story. In the end, the story of No-Hill Dal-Dal has changed from folklore to fanfare, and has become familiar in the Gaeseong area. In terms of narrative, the No-Hill and Dal-dal mean more than simple sculpture. It is a powerful proof that reveals the future of two holy men's story, which emerged during the Silla Dynasty. 김승호, 2018. 박연의 노힐부득 달달박박과 설화이주의 양상과 의미, 어문연구, 180 : 119~139 본고에서는 개성의 박연(朴淵)에 노힐부득․달달박박의 석불이 조성된 까닭이 무엇인지를 설화 전승적 측면에서 살펴보았다. 박연에 얽힌 설화들을 통사적으로 점검한 결과, 남백월이성(南白月二聖) 담이 큰 변이없이 개성권에 전승되었던 것으로 나타났다. 이성담(二聖談)이 개성권으로 이주(移住)한 점을 두고는 3가지 측면에서 타진하였다. 우선 이성(二聖)의 백월산(白月山) 수행처와 박연 주위의 경관, 입지가 유사한 탓에 이성담이 개성권(開城圈)에 정착한 것으로 보았다. 두 번째로 개성의 이성담은 선행 연기담에 편승하는 창사(創寺)설화의 속성과 관련된다고 판단했다. 즉 개성권의 신생 사찰의 연기(緣起) 담당층이 앞서 남백월이성담의 신성(神聖), 영험(靈驗)적 발현기능에 주목하는 한편 그를 전범으로 삼아 창사 유래를 마련한 흔적이 농후하다는 것이다. 이로써 원래 창원(昌原) 백월산남사(白月山南寺)의 연기담이었던 이성담이 개성까지 확장된 전승사적 이면을 어느 정도 엿볼 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        통합교과의 이론적 근거

        김승호 한국교육과정학회 1998 교육과정연구 Vol.16 No.1

        오늘날 통합교과는 전통적인 교과에 대하여 하나의 대안적인 것으로 부각되고 있다. 그러나 그러한 경향은 통합교과를 한낱 방법적 원리로만 파악할 뿐, 통합교과를 운영해야 하는 근본적인 이유를 제시하지 못한다. 이와 같이 통합을 단순히 교과를 조직하는 횡적원리로만 파악하는 관점의 문제점을 고려하여, 이 글에서는 통합교과의 이론적 근거를, 통합을 인간의 이해 또는 판단의 성장으로 보는 관점, 곧 종적원리로 파악하는 관점에서 모색하는 데에 그 목적을 두었다. 그 결과, 존재론적 관점에서, 세계는 인간의 통합을 기다리는 대상이라는 점, 또한 인식론적 관점에서, 인간의 마음은 항상 통합을 지향한다는 점, 그리고 가치론적인 관점에서, 통합되지 않은 세계는 결코 인간의 도덕적 행위로 발현될 수 없다는 점을 알 수 있었다. 이상의 고찰을 통하여 드러난 통합교과의 이론적 근거에 비추어 볼 때, 통합교과의 궁극적인 이유는 결국 인간을 인간답게 만드는 데, 곧 인간의 도덕적 완성에서 찾아질 수 있을 것이다. Integrated subject are getting regarded as educational aternatives to the traditional subjects. However, this phenomenon has a limitation in that the viewpoint privides no basic founda tion of the intergrated subject. The aim of this study was to investigate the theoretical foundations of intergrated subject. The theoretical foundation is beyond the viewpoint that regards the concept of 'integration' merely as an horizontal principle of crriculum organization. The foundation is colsely related to the vertical principle of curriculum organization, which looks on intergraion as the growth of human being's understanding/judgement. The research findings of this study are: On the ontological point of view, the world itself is an object which is going to be understood by mind, On the epistemological point of view, human mind tend to understand things or phenomena in an intergrated way. And on the axiological point of view, any fragmental understanding things or phenomena can not lead to any moral behavioral practice. In conclusion, theoratical foundation of the integrated subject makes it clear that the ultmate aim of the interated subject is to realize the human being's moral completion.

      • KCI등재
      • 이슬람의 구원관에 대한 비평적 고찰

        김승호 한국복음주의선교신학회 2008 복음과 선교 Vol.9 No.-

        Abstract A Critical Evaluation of Islamic Teaching of Salvation Kim, Seung-Ho Korean Bible University There are over one billion followers of Islam in the world. The collective power of Islam is able to dramatically influence the world stability or instability. Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the world. Islam is vitally important because it has the power to change the destinies of hundreds of millions of people. Its minority radical side through major terror attacks such as 9/11, in addition to the loss of life and the resulting worldwide war on terror has wreaked destruction that will soon exceed a trillion dollars in direct and indirect costs. The writer tried to evaluate critically the islamic teaching of salvation form the perspective of protestant evangelical theological position. Here were some results found from the writer's research: The Muslim concept of forgiveness is unlike that of protestant evangelical position. In biblical Christianity, forgiveness is based upon the death of Christ on the cross. Islam defines sin as wrongdoing. Therefore muslims respond to sin by asking Allah for forgiveness and committing themselves to doing good. The Islam is a religion of salvation by personal effort. Salvation in Islam is centered upon the works done by each individual. The list of good works necessary to enter paradise is long and includes that he or she 1)accept only the Muslim God Allah and his prophet Muhammad, 2)do good works and all that is required of him or her by Allah(the Pillars of Islam), and3)be predestined to paradise by Allah's favor. Allah will not weigh muslims' good and bad deeds after their death; therefore, muslims have not assurance of forgiveness during his life. Most muslims are deeply prejudiced against Christianity. There prejudices may be broken down by sincerity, loyalty, and genuine friendship by Christians. Abstract A Critical Evaluation of Islamic Teaching of Salvation Kim, Seung-Ho Korean Bible University There are over one billion followers of Islam in the world. The collective power of Islam is able to dramatically influence the world stability or instability. Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the world. Islam is vitally important because it has the power to change the destinies of hundreds of millions of people. Its minority radical side through major terror attacks such as 9/11, in addition to the loss of life and the resulting worldwide war on terror has wreaked destruction that will soon exceed a trillion dollars in direct and indirect costs. The writer tried to evaluate critically the islamic teaching of salvation form the perspective of protestant evangelical theological position. Here were some results found from the writer's research: The Muslim concept of forgiveness is unlike that of protestant evangelical position. In biblical Christianity, forgiveness is based upon the death of Christ on the cross. Islam defines sin as wrongdoing. Therefore muslims respond to sin by asking Allah for forgiveness and committing themselves to doing good. The Islam is a religion of salvation by personal effort. Salvation in Islam is centered upon the works done by each individual. The list of good works necessary to enter paradise is long and includes that he or she 1)accept only the Muslim God Allah and his prophet Muhammad, 2)do good works and all that is required of him or her by Allah(the Pillars of Islam), and3)be predestined to paradise by Allah's favor. Allah will not weigh muslims' good and bad deeds after their death; therefore, muslims have not assurance of forgiveness during his life. Most muslims are deeply prejudiced against Christianity. There prejudices may be broken down by sincerity, loyalty, and genuine friendship by Christians.

      • 僧傳에 나타난 꿈의 機能 : 고려이전의 자료를 중심으로 focus on Koryo Dynasty

        金承鎬 동국대학교 대학원 1988 大學院硏究論集-東國大學校 大學院 Vol.18 No.-

        This study aims at trying to pursue and inquire into the function of dream in Soong Jun(Biographies in the Eminent Monks in the Koryo Dynasty). As we known Buddism, which flourished from the sixth to fourteenth century as state religion in Korea. so it give rise to religious tales and lives of famous priests and their miracles related to the Buddists. But there were no known how Soong Jun(增傳) were edited and what is true meaning of it. Generally speaking, Soong Jun has two aims, the one is teaching of Buddha's doctrines, the other is seeing of Monks episodes. Consciously this study conscious of the later problems. So that stories of Soong Jun not only pointed to didatic creed but also personal curiosity. For the purpose of two functions, the writer invented the plot for reader to make more entertaining which focus on the function of Dream. I discover that the dream is used of the important factor in Soong Jun structure. According to the example of many Biographic stories, I think function of dream is to help antagonist's is passage whenever he copes with a crisis. Considering that, it is possible to say that Soong Jun supports Buddha's life, and that, overcome the obstacle which hinder of antogonist's future. In the result of this work, happenly I believe dream in Soong Jun has three patterns. The first is the revolative type. The second is suggestive type. The third is intimitive type. But inspite of all of the type is found, The function of each dream in Soong Jun is role to harmony the complexity and trouble world.

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