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      • KCI등재후보

        의료분쟁조정법상 형사처벌특례제도의 도입에 따른 형사책임의 변화

        김재윤 원광대학교 법학연구소 2015 의생명과학과 법 Vol.14 No.-

        In the medical malpractice cases, a patient injured by medical malpractice has to prove a wide variety of damages. The most common examples are loss of enjoyment of life, physical and mental pain and suffering, and loss of future earning capacity. And due to complicated medical evidence and juries’ tendency to support doctors and hospitals, medical malpractice lawsuits are difficult to win. Most law experts would agree that the current medical malpractice system in Korea does not work effectively either to adequately and fairly compensate the victims or prevent injuries caused by medical errors. After many discussions, the National Assembly finally passed the Bill on Malpractice related Damage Relief and Medical Dispute Resolution on March 11, 2011. And the Korea Medical Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Agency (KMDMAA) was established on April 8, 2012. This act aims to secure just, speedy and inexpensive resolution of medical disputes, focusing on alternative dispute resolution (ADR) procedures. Especially, in this act exceptional clause on criminal punishment has been introduced in order to encourage the active participation of doctors in the procedures of a medical dispute mediation and arbitrations. Nevertheless, this aim might be hard to achieve. On the contrary, this punishment-exception has been criticized that it brings about only negative changes in criminal liability. The purpose of this article is to explore the change of the criminal liability by the introduction of no punishment against victim’s will in Act on Medical Dispute Mediation. This thesis consists of four main parts: Ⅰ. Introduction, Ⅱ. An overview of exceptional clause on criminal punishment in Act on Medical Dispute Mediation, Ⅲ. Effectiveness of exceptional clause on criminal punishment and change in criminal liability, Ⅳ. Conclusion.

      • ZigBee를 이용한 대화형 글로브 개발

        김재윤,김성래,이순흠 순천향대학교 부설 산업기술연구소 2016 순천향 산업기술연구소논문집 Vol.22 No.2

        This paper proposes a communication device named a conversation mode glove that can be easily used in a situation where voice communication is difficult. The proposed device is composed of MCU, a LCD, flex sensors, vibration motors and a ZigBee module. The message to be transmitted is obtained by the flex sensors attached to the finger part of the conversation mode glove. The bending patterns from the flex sensors are encoded and transmitted to the receiving glove. The receiving glove not only transforms the received message into the vibration pattern for the vibration motors installed at the fingertip part of the glove but also display the message on the LCD in the glove. The proposed conversational mode glove could be effectively used for alternative communication where voice communication is difficult.

      • KCI등재

        횡령죄와 배임죄의 관계 - 문형섭 선생의 횡령죄와 배임죄의 관계에 대한 이해를 중심으로-

        김재윤 전남대학교 법학연구소 2010 법학논총 Vol.30 No.1

        In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird der Versuch unternommen, das Verhältnis und das Unterscheidungskriterium zwischen Unterschlagung und Untreue zu erklären. Nach herrschender Meinung sind Unterschlagung und Untreue nicht etwa zwei einander selbständig gegenüberstehende Delikte, vielmehr ist Ersterer ein Unterfall, eine präzise gestaltete Erscheinungsform der Untreue. Liegt Unterschlagung vor, so ist zugleich Untreue erfüllt, insoweit ist Ersterer lex specialis. Vor allem im Hinblick auf den Handlungsobjekt der Untreue kann nach dieser Auffassung der Vermögensgüterbegriff in den Vermögensvorteilsbegriff eingeschlossen werden. Daher ist das Verhältnis zwischen Unterschlagung und Untreue als die Spezialität in Bezug auf anerkannte Fallgruppen der Gesetzeskonkurrenz zu erklären. Im Gegensatz wird von einigen Autoren eine Sichtweise vertreten, die der Vermögensgüterbegriff und der Vermögensvorteilsbegriff im korStGB sich voneinander unterscheiden, da z.B. das Bargeld und das Grundstück nicht zum Vermögensvorteilsbegriff, sondern zum Vermögensgüterbegriff gehört. Als die Alternativität, die das Gegenstück zur Spezialität ist, kann nach dieser Auffassung das Verhältnis zwischen Unterschlagung und Untreue in Betracht kommen. Sie liegt dann vor, wenn zwei Tatbestände einander widerstreitende Handlungsbeschreibungen enthalten und sich deswegen gegenseitig ausschließen. Die überwiegende Meinung ist zunächst ebenso wenig überzeugend, da sie nicht das System des korStGB entspricht, das den Vermögensgüterbegriff und den Vermögensvorteilsbegriff im Vermögensdelikt ausdrücklich voneinander unterscheidet. Weiterhin wird die mindere Meinung im strafrechtlichen Schrifttum vorgeworfen,dass die Strafbarkeit der Untreue sehr beschränkt würde, da insofern der Handlungsobjekt der Untreue nicht auf die Vermögensgüter, z.B. das Bargeld und das Grundstück, bezogen werden kann. Zusammenfassend bleibt festzuhalten: Im Verhältnis zur Untreue, die das zusätzliche Merkmal des Vermögensschadens enthält, ist Unterschlagung nicht lex specialis sondern einander selbständig gegenüberstehender Delikt zu verstehen. Beim Vermögensgüter, der als Handlungsobjekt der Unterschlagung und Untreue anzusehen ist, sollte Unterschlagung und Untreue nach der Unterschlagungshandlung,die aufgrund der den Eigentümerinteressen zuwiderlaufenden Veränderung der Besitzlage objektiv als Manifestation eines Zueignungswillens anzusehen ist,unterscheidet werden. Schließlich schlage ich als Lösungseweg durch Gesetzgebung vor, dass der Vermögensgüterbegriff zusammen mit dem Vermögensvorteilsbegriff als das Handlungsobjekt im § 355 Abs. 2 korStGB [Untreue] bestimmt wird. 본 논문에서는 횡령죄와 배임죄의 관계 및 그 구별기준에 대한 검토가 시도되었다. 다수설에 따르면 횡령죄와 배임죄는 상호 독립적인 범죄가 아니라 횡령죄가 배임죄의 특별한 형태로 하위 사례라 한다. 이에 횡령죄가 성립하면 동시에 배임죄도 성립하며, 이러한 면에서 횡령죄가 특별법에 해당한다. 무엇보다 배임죄의 행위객체와 관련하여 다수설에 따르면 재물이라는 개념이 재산상 이익의 개념에 포함될 수 있다. 그러므로 횡령죄와 배임죄의 관계는 법조경합의 인정된 사례군과 관련하여 특별관계로 설명할 수 있다. 이와 반대로 소수설은 한국 형법전에 있어 재물의 개념과 재산상 이익의 개념은 상호 배타적인 것이라는 견해를 제시한다. 왜냐하면 예를 들어 금전과 부동산은 재산상이익이 아닌 재물의 개념에 속하는 것이기 때문이다. 이 견해에 따르면 횡령죄와 배임죄의 관계는 특별관계와 정반대로 택일관계로 파악될 수 있다. 택일관계는 두 개의구성요건이 서로 양립할 수 없는 행위를 포함하고 있고 이 때문에 어느 하나만 적용되는 경우를 의미한다. 우선 다수설은 재산범죄에 있어 재물의 개념과 재산상 이익의 개념을 명백하게 상호 구별하고 있는 한국 형법전의 체계와 일치하지 않는다는 점에서 설득력이 떨어진다. 나아가 소수설은 배임죄의 행위객체에서 예를 들어 금전과 부동산과 같은 재물을관련시킬 수 없기 때문에 배임죄의 가벌성을 매우 제한한다는 비판이 제기된다. 전체적으로 다음과 같이 결론을 맺을 수 있다: 재산상 손해라는 추가적인 구성요건요소를 포함하고 있는 배임죄는 횡령죄와의 관계에 있어 특별관계가 아닌 상호 독립적인 범죄로 이해해야 한다. 횡령죄와 배임죄의 행위객체로서 파악될 수 있는 재물의경우에는 소유권자의 이익과 배치되는 소유상태의 변화로 인해 객관적으로 불법영득의사의 표현으로 간주할 수 있는 횡령행위에 따라 두 죄를 구별해야 한다. 마지막으로 필자는 한국 형법전 제355조 제2항 (배임죄)의 행위객체로서 재산상 이익과 함께 재물을 함께 규정할 것을 입법론에 의한 해결책으로서 제안한다.

      • KCI등재

        인터넷과 출판유통에 대한 연구

        김재윤 한국출판학회 2002 한국출판학연구 Vol.0 No.44

        The purpose of this thesis is to study what internet influence publication. Two questions is proposed in this thesis. One is what internet makes publication change as a media, the other is the influence of internet on distribution of books. Mass communication communicate in one-way from sender to receiver without feed-back, but internet gives space everyone communicates with equally. Publication through internet makes reader active. Thesis, professional books sold little will move into on-line. The people who want to read professional books will use data base in computer server. He prints the part of professional book in computer server. But mass book will be in printings. The character of internet communication is two-way and interpersonal. That influences distribution of books by internet-bookstore. Internet-bookstores have shortened the process of book distribution. They can discount price of books, conflicting with Resale Price Maintenance System in Korea. It is time trade by internet become dominant, so Resale Price Maintenance System was not proper for the trade by internet. The fact that the character of internet communication is two-way and internet user is active means that they are involve in process of deciding book price. The consumer or reader is not passive any more in internet communication. He is active and regarded as key factor of succeeding in internet-book store. The publisher controled over process of making, distribution, deciding price of books in the past. He is superior to authors and reader in the past. But the relation becomes equal among them owing to internet.

      • 껍데기뿐인 '도서관 및 독서진흥법' 어떻게 살릴까

        김재윤,Kim, Jae-Yun 대한출판문화협회 1998 출판저널 Vol.233 No.-

        이미 4년전 제정된 '도서관 및 독서진흥법'은 실질적으로 시행되지 않은 채 사문하 돼 있다. 기금이 조성되지 않으니 예산이 없고 예산이 없으니 활동이 없다. 이 법에 명시된 대로 정부는 국고에서 기금을 출현해야 하며 효율적인 운영이 이뤄지도록 실효성 있는 법체계로 개정해야 한다.

      • 건축물에 대한 미술장식품 설치 절차에 관한 연구

        김재윤 동의공업대학 1998 論文集 Vol.24 No.1

        Our country, as well as Western advanced nations. has been headed for modernization, but was often become a society of conflict, where fine arts and technology are separated. Much inconsistency and conflict can be found in the field of fine art covering painting, sculpture. crafts, and architecture are being developed mainly by industrial technology. while other genres like painting. sculpture and crafts tend to put the main priority on arts. In this context. I would like to propose to install fine art decorative works for cultural space on buildings that will aesthetically unite the environment & information society.

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