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        Age Differences in Signs and Symptoms of Patients with Temporomandibular Disorders

        조정환,박지운,김지락,서형덕,장지희,정진우 대한안면통증∙구강내과학회 2015 Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain Vol.40 No.2

        Purpose: The aims of this study were to evaluate the differences in subjective symptoms, clinicalcharacteristics, distribution according to Research Diagnostic Criteria for TemporomandibularDisorders (RDC/TMD) subgroup, psychological profile of TMD patients, and to identify theprevalence and trend according to age. Methods: A total of 1,052 patients (261 men and 791 women; mean age, 34.40±15.73 years)who visited the Orofacial Pain Clinic of the Department of Oral Medicine, Seoul National UniversityDental Hospital complaining of TMD symptoms of were evaluated. All patients werequestioned for medical history, clinical symptoms and contributing factors. Clinical examinationand patient grouping based on RDC/TMD was conducted. Radiographies were taken. TheKorean version of RDC/TMD axis II and Symptom Checklist-90-Revision (SCL-90-R) were administeredto evaluate pain-related disability level and psychological status of the patients. Results: Prevalence peaked in the 20-year-old age group. There were more women than men inall groups. The highest T-score among SCL-90-R dimensions was somatization in each group,except for teenagers who showed the highest T-score in interpersonal sensitivity. The 30-yearoldage group showed the highest distribution of high disability based on the graded chronicpain scale. Age was positively associated with pain intensity (r=0.100), number of positivemuscles on palpation (r=0.137) and negatively associated with maximum mouth opening(r=-0.168). Conclusions: Subjective symptoms and clinical characteristics of TMD patients show distincttendencies according to different age groups. Treatment should be customized and personalizedaccording to age for efficient symptom resolution and patient satisfaction.

      • 形式的 當事者訴訟

        曺正煥 대진대학교 1994 大眞論叢 Vol.2 No.-

        1. The Party concerned litigation of form is administrative litigation applies the legal of the administrative agency, but the parties to the administrative litigation is not the administrative agency, but one side party of the rights and duties. The Party concerned litigation of form is that material is the appeal litigation of administration, but formal is the Party concerned litigation. 2. Recognition of the necessity. The dicision of the land expropriation committee applies to the appeal litigation of administration, and the defendant is the land expropriation committee, but the defendant to the demand of compensation money is person of an enterprise. The legel procedure of these bring about a right relief to a roundabout way, and duble to expences and procedure. The Party concerned litigation of form intrude a government agency ofadministration in to an affair of the party concerned. 3. The oprative Laws in the Party concerned litigation of form are included in the provisions of the Patent Act(§187, §191), the clause of the Design Act(§75), the Clause of Utility Model Law(§35), the clause of the Trademarke Act(§86), the clause of an organic law respecting electricity and correspondence(§19,⑥⑦), and the clause of an undertaking law respecting electricity and correspondence(§67,⑥⑦). 4. A theory and a precedent are oppsed to if that the clause of real estate expropriation law(§75,②)is included in tje party concerned litigation of form.

      • 전기화학적 처리 시간에 따른 자철광 단결정의 특성 변화

        趙正煥 고신대학교 자연과학연구소 1996 고신대학교 자연과학연구소 논문집 Vol.6 No.-

        The electrochemical modification of magnetite single crystals was carried out through continuous cyclic voltamrnetry (CV) scan in an aquous solution of 0.1 N KOH. The CV diagrams obtained at different scans (10, 120, and 1200) were compared in terms of the magnitudes and positions of redox peaks. It was revealed that the CV treatment altered the morphology and the electrochemical properties of the crystal surface. This work also presents the effect of the electrochemical modification to the Verwey transition and electrical transport property of magnetite single crystals.

      • 인자분석에 의한 생체신호 신호대잡음비 향상법 및 기존의 방법과의 비교

        조정환 숙명여자대학교 약학연구소 2004 약학논문집-숙명여자대학교 Vol.21 No.-

        Electronic signals from biological systems such as electrocardiogram(ECG) sometimes are obscured by random noises. When the signal-to-noise ratio(S/N) is low significantly by certain amount of noises, it is sometimes very difficult to get correct biological information from patients. Conventionally, polynomial smoothing methods such as Savitzky-Golay filters are employed, but the efficiency of S/N enhancement is limited. Usually, enhancement factor of S/N is small, at most with the best set of parameters for the polynomial smoothing. As a new solution for the noise reduction, intrinsic ability of factor analysis is applied for the noise reduction, which is separation of meaningful eigenvectors from those of noises. In this study, clean ECGs were generated and certain levels of root-mean-squares(RMS) noises were mixed. These noisy ECGs were subject to the conventional method of noise reduction and a new method of factor analysis and the results of S/N enhancement were compared. As a result, the best enhancement of S/N calculated from levels of RMS noises was achieved by factor analytical method.

      • 인자분석에 의한 생체신호 신호대잡음비 향상법 및 기존의 방법과의 비교

        조정환 숙명여자대학교 약학연구소 2005 약학논문집-숙명여자대학교 Vol.22 No.-

        Electronic signals from biological systems such as electrocardiogram(ECG) sometimes are obscured by random noises. When the signal-to-noise ratio(S/N) is low significantly by certain amount of noises, it is sometimes very difficult to get correct biological information from patients. Conventionally, polynomial smoothing methods such as Savitzky-Golay filters are employed, but the efficiency of S/N enhancement is limited. Usually, enhancement factor of S/N is small, at most with the best set of parameters for the polynomial smoothing. As a new solution for the noise reduction, intrinsic ability of factor analysis is applied for the noise reduction, which is separation of meaningful eigenvectors from those of noises. In this study, clean ECGs were generated and certain levels of root-mean-squares(RMS) noises were mixed. These noisy ECGs were subject to the conventional method of noise reduction and a new method of factor analysis and the results of S/N enhancement were compared. As a result, the best enhancement of S/N calculated from levels of RMS noises was achieved by factor analytical method.

      • KCI등재

        밀집된 모바일 RFID 환경에서의 효율적인 RFID 리더 충돌 방지 기법

        조정환,김순석,김성권 보안공학연구지원센터(JSE) 2007 보안공학연구논문지 Vol.4 No.2

        RFID 기술은 대량의 사물을 동시에 인식 할 수 있는 등의 장점이 있지만, 무선 주파수를 사용하기 때문에, 주파수 충돌문제 등과 같은 해결되어야만 하는 문제점을 가지고 있다. 리더 충돌문제를 해결하기 위한 많은 연구들이 진행 되고 있지만, 현재까지 연구된 대부분은 고정적인 환경에서의 해결 방법들이다. 본 논문에서는 밀집된 모바일 RFID 환경에서의 모바일 리더들의 충돌 방지 기법을 제안한다. 이 기법은 모바일 리더의 위치를 계산하고, 적절한 주파수를 할당하고 동적으로 RF의 세기를 조절함으로써 리더의 충돌을 방지 한다. RFID technology has advantages such as simultaneous identification of multiple items, but it has also problems such as frequency collisions. A number of researches for solving reader collision problem are in progress, but most of them assumes fixed-location readers. In this paper, we propose an efficient mobile reader anti-collision scheme for dense mobile RFID environments. This scheme tries to calculate locations of mobile readers and to assign their frequencies and to adjust their RF power for avoiding reader collisions.

      • KCI등재

        인간의 공동체적인 관계성에 대한 고찰

        조정환 한국가톨릭신학학회 2010 가톨릭신학 Vol.16 No.-

        인간은 공동체적인 관계성에 기반을 둔 사회적 존재이다. 이러한 인간의 성격은 그리스도교 인간관 안에서 삼위일체이신 하느님의 성격과 긴밀한 연관 안에 있다. 성부, 성자, 성령으로서 자신을 계시하신 한분이신 하느님은, 삼위 상호간의 사랑의 관계로써 실현되는 공동체이다. 즉, 하느님은 자신을 온전히 내어주는 사랑에 바탕을 둔 친교적인 단일성 또는 관계의 단일성의 성격을 지닌 공동체이다. 이러한 하느님의 성격은 당신의 모습으로 창조한 인간의 모습을 결정하는 중요한 근거로서 작용하게 된다. 하느님의 모습에 따라 창조된 인간은 ‘삼위일체이신 하느님의 모상(Imago Dei Trinitatis)’으로서 현실 안에서 삼위일체이신 하느님과의 관계를 바탕으로, 다른 이들과의 관계를 통하여 사랑의 공동체를 구현하는 것이야 말로 인간이 부여받은 중요한 본성이자 또한 이루어야 할 소명이라고 할 수 있다. 이러한 인간의 공동체적인 성격은 그리스도와 긴밀한 관계 안에 있다. 그리스도는 하느님의 계획 즉, 공동체적인 구원 계획의 성취자이며, 인간의 측면에서는 공동체적인 관계의 모범이시기 때문이다. 그리스도의 행적과 가르침은 하느님 사랑과 이웃 사랑으로 대변되는 삼위일체이신 하느님의 사랑을 보여주신 것이었다. 구체적으로 그리스도의 파스카 사건은 인류를 향한 하느님의 사랑을 결정적으로 드러내 주셨을 뿐 아니라, 인간이 하느님과의 일치와 다른 이들과의 일치를 가능하게 하는 사랑의 성령이 증여될 수 있게 하는 중요한 계기가 되는 사건이었다. 그리고 창조 때부터 존재하고 있었던 그리스도와 인간의 존재론적인 연관성은 ‘그리스도의 모상(Imago Christi)’으로서 인간의 공동체적인 본성과 소명을 밝혀주고 있다. 특별히 가톨릭 교회는 삼위일체이신 하느님의 성격과 함께 인간들 상호간의 공동체적인 관계성을 ‘친교(communio) 라는 개념을 통하여 표현하고 있다. 이러한 친교의 의미 안에는 인간이 성령 안에서 그리스도를 통하여 삼위일체이신 하느님과 이루는 친교의 수직적인 차원과, 같은 믿음과 같은 성령 안에서 인간들 서로간의 친교를 의미하는 수평적인 차원의 성격이 긴밀하게 연결되고 있다. 이러한 친교의 성격은 성체성사를 통해 구체적으로 드러나고 있다. 성체성사는 교회 공동체적인 친교의 집약적인 표현이며 교회 생활의 원천이자 정점이기 때문이다. 그리스도의 몸을 함께 나누는 행위 안에는 그리스도교 공동체의 일치와 결속을 이루게 하는 사회적인 성격, 곧 수평적인 차원이 존재하고 있으며, 또한 그리스도의 파스카 사건을 통하여 이루어진 성체성사의 희생제사적인 성격은 성령 안에서 삼위일체이신 하느님과 이루는 친교의 수직적인 차원을 잘 보여주고 있다. Humans are social beings living based on community relationship. This characteristic is closely related to the tribune God s spirit of Christianity. The unique God divined himself as God the father, saint, holy spirit is a community bonded with love between the tribunes. In other word, the God is a community having communion or relational unity with sacrificial love. The characteristic is crucially important in forming human beings image. An ultimate goal of the creative human beings ‘Triune God s Image(Imago Dei Trinitatis)’ are to realize the community relationship between the others based on the relationship with the God. The goal is their calling and what their nature has been granted for. Characteristics of the human beings community is closely related to the Christ. The Christ is a community savior being a model of human society planned by the God. Achievements and teachings of the Christ are all to show the love of the God who is the trinity indicated by the love for God and neighbor. The event of Christ s Passover showed the love of the God for the mankind specifically and caused to be the holy spirit of the love that makes humans to unite with others and the God. The existing relationship between the Christ and mankind which has been existed from the Creation indicates the human beings nature and calling as Christ s Image, Imago Christi. Especially catholic church expresses the community relationship between human beings with personality of the God using the word communion(communio). The word implies perpendicular communion that human beings have with the God in a holy spirit as well as a horizontal communion between human beings with the same belief and holy spirit. The characteristic of communion is specifically indicated by the Eucharist. The Eucharist is an integrated expression of community communion being also the source of the church. Ritual service sharing the Christ body and blood shows the horizontal social characteristic for the unity and bondage of the Christ community and the event of Christ s Passover shown the sacrificial Eucharist shows a vertical communion with the tribune God in the holy spirit.

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