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        Regulation of Cyclin D3 by Calpain Protease in Human Breast Carcinoma MDA-MB-231 Cells

        최병태,김군도,최영현,Choi, Byung-Tae,Kim, Gun-Do,Choi, Yung-Hyun Korean Society of Life Science 2006 생명과학회지 Vol.16 No.4

        The $Ca^{2+}-activated$ neutral protease calpain induced proteolysis has been suggested to play a role in certain cell growth regulatory proteins. Cyclin proteolysis is essential for cell cycle progression. D-type cyclins, which form an assembly with cyclin-dependent kinases (cdk4 and cdk6), are synthesized earlier in G1 of the cell cycle and seem to be induced in response to external signals that promote entry into the cell cycle. Here we show that cyclin D3 protein levels are regulated at the posttranscriptional level by calpain protease. Treatment of human breast carcinoma MDA-MB-231 cells with lovastatin and actinomycin D resulted in a loss of cyclin D3 protein that was completely reversible by the peptide aldehyde calpain inhibitor, LLnL. The specific inhibitor of the 26S proteasome, lactacystin, the lysosome inhibitors, ammonium chloride and chloroquine, and the serine protease inhibitor, phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride (PMSF), did not block the degradation of cyclin D3 by lovastatin and actinomycin D. Results of in vitro degradation of cyclin D3 by purified calpain showed that cyclin D3 protein is degraded in a $Ca^{2+}-dependent$ manner, and the half-life of cyclin D3 protein was dramatically increased in LLnL treated cells. These data suggested that cyclin D3 protein is regulated by the $Ca^{2+}-activated$ protease calpain. $Ca^{2+}$-농도 의존적으로 활성화되는 neutral protease calpain에 의한 단백질 분해는 세포의 성장을 조절하는데 중요한 단백질들의 역할에 매우 중요한 역할을 한다. Cyclin의 분해는 세포주기의 진행을 위한 필연적인 과정이다. D-type cyclins는 외부자극이나 신호에 의하여 세포주기의 G1 초기에 합성이 된 후 cyclin-dependent kinases (cdk4 및 cdk6)와의 결합하여 세포주기 S기 진입을 촉진하는 역할을 한다. 본 연구에서는 MDA-MB-231 인체 유방암세포에서 cyclin D3 단백질이 calpain protease에 의하여 전사 후 수준에서 조절 받고 있음을 제시하였다. 본 실험의 조건에서 lovastatin과 actinomycin D가 처리된 MDA-MB-231 세포에서 cyclin D3 단백질의 발현이 완전히 사라졌지만, calpain inhibitor인 LLnL의 처리에 의하여 정상 수준으로 회복되었음을 알 수 있었다. 그러나 26S proteasome의 선택적 억제제인 lactacystin, the lysosome 억제제인 ammonium chloride 및 chloroquine, serine protease 억제제인 PMSF는 동일 조건에서 lovastatin과 actinomycin D 처리에 의한 cyclin D3의 발현저하를 억제하지는 못하였다. In vitro 조건에서 순수 분리된 calpain은 cyclin D3 단백질을 $Ca^{2+}$ 농도 의존적으로 분해하였으며, cyclin D3 단백질의 half-life는 LLnL 처리에 의하여 매우 유의적으로 증가되었다. 이러한 결과는 cyclin D3 단백질이 $Ca^{2+}$에 의해 활성화 되는 protease calpain에 의해 조절됨을 보여준다.

      • 노화촉진생쥐(SAM)의 정소복합당질에 대한 Lectin 조직화학

        최병태,최영현,정해영,이원호,조운복 부산대학교 유전공학연구소 1995 분자생물학 연구보 Vol.11 No.-

        To localize glycoconjugates in the testis of SAM(senescence accelerated mice) and SRM(senescence resistant mice), seven different biotinylated lectins(SBA, DBA, PNA, BSL-1, sWGA, UEA-1 and Con A) were applied with ABC method. The cell surface of spermatogonia and primary spermatocytes showed an affinitty for PNA and sWGA, and an additional DBA and SBA to those found in the cell surface were observed in the Golgi region of primary spermatocytes. The developing spermatids in transition from Golgi to acrosome phase, reactivity to SBA and BSL-1 were detected in acrosome, PNA and Con A in cytoplasm, and PNA and sWGA in cell surface. In the spermatids of maturation phase, however, affinity for DBA, PNA, sWGA and Con A was observed only in the tail. The staining was observed in the cytoplasmic droplet of developing spermatids with all lectin examined except BSL-1 and UEA-1, PNA, BSL-1, sWGA and Con A staining showed in the cytoplasmic process of Sertoli cells.

      • 흰쥐 태반형성시의 Heat Shock Protein 27 분포에 대한 면역조직화학적 연구

        최병태,강호성,김한도,조운복 부산대학교 유전공학연구소 1995 분자생물학 연구보 Vol.11 No.-

        임신 10일부터 20일까지 흰쥐 태반형성과정에서 heat shock protein 27(HSP27) 분포를 면역조직화학적으로 조사하였다. 임신 10일 태반에 자궁간막 탈락막세포, 영양막세포 및 거대영양막세포가 관찰되었다. 이후 탈락막세포수는 감소하고 영양막세포는 증가하는데 특히 임신 14일에 현저하게 영양막은 해면영양막과 미로영양막으로 구분되었다. 거대영양막세포수의 변화는 현저하지 않았다. 자궁간막 탈락막에서 HSP27은 임신 10일 및 12일에 탈락막세포의 세포질 또는 핵에 반응이 나타나고 특히 핵에 반응하는 세포수가 많았으며 임신 14일 이후 탈락막 세포수 감소와 함께 반응이 나타나지 않았다. 거대영양막세포는 임신 10일부터 일부 세포의 세포질 또는 핵에 반응이 관찰되나 임신 18일부터는 반응이 나타나지 않았다. 영양막의 HSP27은 임신 10 및 12일에 일부 세포에서만 세포질 또는 핵에 반응이 관찰되나, 임신 14일부터 반응세포수 증가와 함께 대부분 핵에 반응을 나타내고 반응정도는 임신 16일 및 18일에 가장 현저하였으며, 미로영양막에서 반응세포수가 더 많았다. HSP27 of rat placentae from 10th to 20th day of gestation was examined using immunohistochemical method. The placenta consisted of mesometrial decidual cells trophoblastic cells and throphoblast giant cells. With the progress of gestation, the trophoblastic cells increased in number against a decrease of decidual cells, thus the placentae from 14th day of gestation were composed mainly of trophoblastic cells showing a clear distinction between labyrinthine and spongy zone and peripheral decidual cells. In the trophoblast giant cells, no significant changes in cytoplasm or nucleus of decidual cells on 10th day of gestation and more nuclear staining was decidua. A few trophoblast giant cells revealed a weak reaction in the cytoplasm or nucleus from 10th day and an absent reaction was observed from 18th day of gestation. In the trophoblastic cells, occasional immunostaining cells were seen on 10th and 12th day of gestation in the cytoplasm or nuvleus, however, nuclear staining cells increased in number from 14th day and most intensive staining showed on 16th and 18th day of gestation. The cells showing positive staining were observed more abundantly in the labyrinthine zone.

      • KCI등재

        상산의 $NF-{\kappa}B$ 활성억제작용과 $IKK{\gamma}$의 연관성 연구

        최병태,이용태,황장선,문혜인,이경수,안원근,김동완,Choi, Byung-Tae,Lee, Yong-Tae,Hwang, Jang-Sun,Moon, Hae-In,Lee, Kyung-Soo,An, Won-Gun,Kim, Dong-Wan 대한동의생리학회 2006 동의생리병리학회지 Vol.20 No.6

        Activation of $NF-{\kappa}B$ is known to be a trigger of various cellular disorders including inflammatory and autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. Numerous approaches are ongoing within laboratories to identify potential therapeutic agents which inhibit the $NF-{\kappa}B$ activation. In this study, we have tested the inhibitory effects of five traditional medicines on the activation of $NF-{\kappa}B$ by NIK. Among three medicines which exhibited inhibitory effect on the expression of $NF-{\kappa}B$ repoter plasmid, we investigated further the inhibitory mechanism of Dichroa febrifuga in connection with IKKY activity. Wild type $IKK{\gamma}$ inhibited the $NF-{\kappa}B$ activation by NIK but the C-terminal deletion mutant of IKKY did not show the inhibitory effect, indicating that the C-terminal leucine zipper domain of $NF-{\kappa}B$ is important for the inhibition of $NF-{\kappa}B$ activation. The water extract of Dichroa febrifuga(DFE) also strongly inhibited the $NF-{\kappa}B$ activation by NIK. The inhibitory activity of DFE appeared to be independent of the expression of $IKK{\gamma}$, suggesting that the pathways of inhibition by Dichroa febrifuga and $IKK{\gamma}$ are different. Our results suggest that Dichroa febrifuga can be used as a medicine for inhibition of the $NF-{\kappa}B$ activation in a wide range of cells without relation to the expression of $IKK{\gamma}$.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 옴개구리 설점액질의 활동기 및 동면기에 따른 변화에 대한 조직화학적 연구

        최병태,조운복 부산대학교 1988 자연과학논문집 Vol.46 No.-

        옴개구리 설점액질과 점액세포의 활동주기에 따른 변화를 검색하기 위하여 활동기, 동면전기, 동면기 및 동면후기로 나누어 배상세포의 분포와 점액질 성상을 hematoxylin-eosin 염색, PAS반응, 타액 소화 후 PAS 반응, alcian blue pH 2.5 염색, alcian blue pH 2.5-PAS염색, alcian blue pH 1.0-PAS 염색, aldehyde fuchsin pH 1.7-alcian blue pH 2.5 염색으로 검색하였다. 1. 옴개구리 설점액세포수는 활동기군에서 35.5 개, 동면전기군 31.3 개, 동면기군 25.6 개, 동면후기군 18.3 개로 그 수가 활동기군에 비해 동면기군 및 동면후기군에서 많이 감소하여 설점액질 전체양도 현저히 감소하였다. 2. 활동기군의 옴개구리 설배면점막에서 심상유두상부표층 상피세포들을 제외한 상피세포들의 대부분은 중성점액질만을 함유하고 있었으나 심상유두 상부표층상피는 미량 내지 소량의 중성점액질만을 함유하고 있었으나 심상유두 상부표층상피는 미량 내지 소량의 중성점액질과 상당량의 강 sulfomucin을 함유하는 세포들과 미량 내지 상당량의 중성점액질, 소량의 sialomucin과 미량의 강 sulfomucin을 함유하는 세포들이 섞여 있었으며, 중성점액질은 동면 주기에 따른 변화가 현저하지 않았으나 산성점액질은 변화가 일어나 동면기에서 활동기 및 동면전기에 비해 강 sulfomucin은 감소하고 sialomucin은 증가하는 경향을 나타내었다. 설선의 중성점액질의 함량은 동면전기군, 동면기군 및 동면후기군에서 활동기군에 비해 감소하는 경향을 나타내었다. 3. 활동기군의 설배면 점액세포는 미량의 중성점액질과 미량의 약 sulfomucin 또는 sialomucin을 함유하나 설하면 점액세포는 상당량의 중성점액질과 미량의 sialomucin을 함유하는 대부분의 점액세포와 상당량의 중성점액질과 미량의 약 sulfomucin을 함유하는 약간의 세포가 섞여 있었으며, 중성점액질이 활동기군에 비해 동면기군에서 약간 감소하였으나 산성점액질의 변화는 현저하지 않았다. This study was performed to observe the distribution of mucous cells and histochemical properties in the lingual mucosa of Rana rugosa during the active, prehibernating, hibernating and posthibernating phases. The mucins were stained with hematoxylin-eosin, PAS reaction, PAS with diastase reaction, alcian blue pH 2.5, alcian blue pH 2.5-PAS, alcian blue pH 1.0-PAS and aldehyde fuchsin pH 1.7-alcian blue pH 2.5 methods. The obtained results were as follows: 1. In lingual mucosa, number of mucous cell of Rana rugosa according to active, prehibernating, hibernating and posthibernating phases counted as 35.5, 31.3, 25.6 and 18.3. Number of mucous cells in the lingual mucosa was tended to decrease, especially total amount of mucins was markedly decreased during hibernating and posthibernating phases. 2. During the active phase, most surface epithelial cells of lingual dorsum contained neutral mucins only except upper portion of fungiform papillae. Surface epithelial cells in upper portion of fungiform papille appeared abundantly which have mixture of minimal or small amounts of neutral mucins and moderate amounts of strongly sulfomucins, and these cells also contained minimal or moderate amounts of neutral mucins with small amounts of sialomucins and minimal amounts of strongly sulfomucins. During the hibernating phase, quantities of strongly sulfomucins were decreased than those of active and prehibernating phases while sialomucins were tended to increase. But neutral mucins were not changed markedly. The quantities of neutral mucins in lingual gland were tended to decrease during prehibernating, hibernating and posthibernating phases. 3. During the acitive phase, mucous cells of dorsal surface contained minimal amounts of neutral mucins and weakly sulfomucin or sialomucin. However most mucous cells of inferior surface contained moderate amounts of neutral mucins and minimal amounts of sialomucin while a few mucous cells of these surface appeared to contain moderate amounts of neutral mucins and minimal amounts of weakly sulfomucin. During the hibernating phase, the quantities of neutral mucins were slightly decreased than those of active phase. But acidic mucins were not changed markedly.

      • 多國籍廣告의 轉用可能性에 관한 硏究

        崔炳太 대구산업정보대학 1993 논문집 Vol.7 No.-

        As the internationalization of enterprising Business enlarged, the extent of intervention of enterpises, the importance of world market in the enterprising business is growing everyday. Multinational enterprises which make the world market of a target market have to determine whether they adapt the marketing mix strategy to each country or they standardize it universally. The controversy on the standardization or the adaptation of strategy is especially active in the field of products and advertising. Since the possibility of standardization of multinational advertising which is an essential component of marketing mix insisted by Elinder in early 1960, the controversy on this matter had continued for about 20 years and it was Levitt who interested again the people in this matter in 1980's Levitt confuted the argument of adaptation and main tamed that the consumers in the world have been homogenized by the development of technology. Thus the multinational advertising not only makes the universal image of specific products but also reduces the production cost of advertising. The subject that the advertising strategy of Korea applies to other countries should be studied seriously for the provision against the fact that Korea has grown a leading exproter and that the advertising with Korea brand will be exposed in the near future. This study will present a conceptional model of the transferability of advertising through the scientific pecularity of the advertising theorical approach to the consumer behavior and to the communication and interdisciplinary approach to the method of the comparative cultural approach and will research and analyse according to the product pecularity and the modes of advertising appeal whether Korean advertising can be transferred into the united states.

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