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        Effect of 3 - Aminobezamide on DNA Fragmentation Induced by Mitomycin C and Cytotoxic Lymphocyte

        손정희,김영상,민들레,황대연 한국유전학회 1995 Genes & Genomics Vol.17 No.4

        The poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (pADPRp) was found to be involved in DNA repair, DNA replication and recombination etc. There were several reports suggesting the involvement of pADPRp in apoptosis process, but only in limited conditions. To study the function of pADPRp in the apoptosis induced by alkylating agent or by cytotoxic lymphocyte, various cells were treated with a pADPRp in the apoptosis induced by alkylating agent or by cytotoxic lymphocyte, various cells were treated with a pADPRp inhibitor, 3-aminobenzamide (3-AB), as well as mitomycin C (MMC) or cytotoxic lymphocyte. P815 mouse mastocytoma, A20 B cell lymphoma and HL-60 human promyelocytic cells treated with MMC or cytotoxic lymphocyte showed DNA ladder of multiple nucleosomal sizes. DNA fragmentation induced by MMC was gradually decreased by increasing dose of 3-AB in HL-60 cells, but not in other cells. This result suggest that apoptosis signaling pathway in HL-60 cell, which is deficient in p53 expression, involves pADPRp, but not in others. The DNA fragmentation induced by cytotoxic lymphocyte was not affected by 3-AB in all the three cell types, suggesting that the apoptosis signaling pathway by MMC is different from that by cytotoxic lymphocyte.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        관상피내암종 및 점액성 암종과 동반된 양측 유방의 점액류양 종양: 증례 보고

        손정희,김학희,신희정,김미정,백문희,김대봉 대한영상의학회 2006 대한영상의학회지 Vol.54 No.1

        Mucocele-like tumor of the breast is a rare neoplasm and only a few cases of mucocele-like tumor have been reported on in Korea. These lesions were originally considered as being benign when they were first described, but now it is believed they can be both malignant and benign, and it is even possible that they are early lesions of mucinous carcinoma. We describe here both the mammographic and sonographic findings in a patient with bilateral mucocele-like tumors that were associated with ductal carcinoma in situ and mucinous carcinoma. 유방의 점액류양 종양(Mucocele-like tumor)은 드문 종양이며, 현재까지 국내 문헌에 보고된 예는 거의 없다. 점액류양 종양은 초기에는 양성 병변으로 알려져 있었으나 현재는 양성에서부터 점액성 암종에 이르기까지 다양한 병변과 연관이 있을 뿐 아니라 점액성 암종의 초기병변일 가능성도 제기 되고 있다. 저자들은 양측 유방의 점액류양 종양과 함께 양측 관상피내암종 및 일측 점액성 암종이 동반된 1예를 경험하여 유방 촬영 및 초음파 소견에 대해 보고하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        <천국에서 한 걸음>에 나타난 자아상의 치유 문제에 대하여

        손정희,이형민 순천향대학교 인문학연구소 2015 순천향 인문과학논총 Vol.34 No.4

        한국계 미국인 작가 안나(An Na)의 대표작 <천국에서 한 걸음>(A Step from Heaven)은 어린 나이에 미국으로 이민을 가는 주인공의 성장 과정을 그린 소설 이다. 이 작품은 흔히 다문화주의 청소년 소설로 분류되어 연구되어 왔다. 그러나 이 작품은 보다 다양한 관점에서 폭넓게 읽어낼 수 있는 의미가 풍부한 텍스트인 만큼, 본 논문은 치유의 관점에서 이 작품을 해석하고자 한다. 먼저 <천국에서 한 걸음>의 집필에 기억의 구조와 역할이 중요하게 활용되었다는 점에 착안하여, 소설의 화자 영주에게 있어서 아빠에 대한 기억의 변화가 자아상에 미친 치유적 의미를 살펴본다. 화자의 아빠에 대한 기억의 재구성은 긍정적인 자아상의 재정 립이라는 측면에서 이해될 때 그 의미가 잘 드러나게 된다. 또한 자아상의 문제 와 심리적 요인에 초점을 맞추어 아빠 캐릭터의 이해를 시도한다. 이러한 해석을 통해서 작품이 보여주는 치유의 성공과 실패 양상을 드러내고, 독자가 얻을 수 있는 치유의 가능성을 모색한다

      • KCI등재

        여성의 역할에 대한 재규정: 『의사 제이』를 중심으로

        손정희 미국소설학회 2006 미국소설 Vol.13 No.1

        This paper aims to examine how the radical transformations of the conception about woman’s role and professionalization of medicine in the late 19th-century America are reflected in Elizabeth Stuart Pehlps’s Doctor Zay. Throughout her career, Phelps challenged the notion that a woman’s place was in the home. She provided a variety of potential role models by depicting women as succeeding in traditionally male-dominated professions, such as business, medicine, and the ministry. She also tried to promote women’s rights by claiming the importance of woman’s education and woman’s work in the public sphere. Doctor Zay features a strong-minded woman doctor, “a new kind of woman,” who is dedicated to a life of a professional doctor in preference to a married life of a “true woman.” Waldo Yorke is entrusted to her care after a carriage accident. In contrast to the stereotypical notion that woman is defined as an “invalid” by male doctors, the relationship of the male patient and the female doctor exemplifies an inversion of traditional male-female roles. Yorke is confounded by this inversion at first, but gradually gets attracted to Doctor Zay. She, however, refuses his proposals twice before she finally accepts him. Nonetheless, the ending, in effect, does not guarantee that the marriage will be happy, rather it generates serious reservations on the part of readers. Thus the novel undermines the happy marriage plot of domestic novels by presenting, in the course of the novel, the inversion of gender roles and a subversively reconceptualized new woman exerting powerful agency over a man in courtship as well as in medical treatment.

      • KCI등재

        Owen Wister’s The Virginian: The End of the West, the Beginning of the Western

        손정희 미국소설학회 2008 미국소설 Vol.15 No.1

        This paper examines how and why Owen Wister's The Virginian has been considered to mark the beginning of the modern Western. In order to examine the validity of its status as the prototype of the Western, the paper begins with a comparative reading of two film versions, focusing on what gets changed in the films so that I may gain a clue in understanding the importance of the ending of the text. Then I explore the split of the plot in the text, and its resolution in the ending. The ending, in which not only the marriage between the Virginian and Molly but also their move to the East are depicted, symbolizes a happy union between the West and the East. By dissolving a serious historical threat in a symbolic mode of resolution, Wister creates a kind of moral fantasy about the West as a symbolic topos in which the progressive ideology of American expansion is not hampered by the closing of the frontier. This aspect of wish-fulfillment played a big part in helping this novel enthroned in the status of the Ur-Western text.

      • KCI등재

        제한된 여성의 위치와 전복적 스토리텔링을 통한 치유 효과 - 이디쓰 워튼의 「뒤늦은 연인들」, 「나머지 둘」을 중심으로 -

        손정희,이현주 영남대학교 인문과학연구소 2014 人文硏究 Vol.- No.72

        Edith Wharton wrote to explore the socially prescribed woman’s statusin her time, and through her fictional work, attempted to provide aresolution to the problems embedded in woman’s life. This paper examineshow Wharton grapples with the issue of marriage institution by creatingadaptive and resilient female characters in her short stories, “The OtherTwo” and “Souls Belated.” In “Souls Belated,” Lydia attempts to overcomesocial prejudices about the divorced woman by leaving with anotherman. In “The Other Two” Alice does not show any sense of defeat orfrustration even after she has undergone two divorces and three marriages,but she rather manages to take effective advantage of the state of beingmarried. Wharton’s subversive storytelling in these stories serves tocriticize the restrictions imposed on women by the marriage institution. Wharton’s writing thus becomes a self-healing act to cope with herunhappy marriage life and the male-oriented social conventions, whichopens a possibility of giving readers an opportunity to experience catharsisand problem-solving ability. 이디쓰 워튼은 작품을 통하여 당시 사회적으로 제한되었던 여성의 위치를 탐구하고 여성의 삶에 내재된 문제들에 대한 해결점을 제시하고자 시도한다. 본 논문은 그녀의 단편 소설인 『나머지 둘』과 『뒤늦은 연인들』의 여성들이 현실을 극복하려는 모습을 통해 워튼이 결혼제도 문제를 어떻게 다루고 있는지에 대해 살펴보고자한다. 『뒤늦은 연인들』에서 리디아는 이혼한 여성에 대한 사회적 편견을 극복하고자 과감하게 새로운 남성과의 도피를 시도한다. 『나머지 둘』에서 엘리스는 두 번의 이혼을 겪고 세 번째 결혼을하지만 어떠한 패배나 좌절감도 보이지 않으며, 오히려 새로운 환경을 조정하면서 결혼생활에서의 위치를 효과적으로 활용한다. 워튼은 전복적인 스토리텔링을 통해 여성을 억압하는 결혼제도를 비판한다. 이러한 워튼의 글쓰기는 여성을 억압하는 사회관습과 불행했던 자신의 결혼생활에 대한 아픈 기억을 표출해내는 자기 치유적인 행위일 뿐 아니라, 독자에게도 카타르시스 및 문제해결능력을 제공할 수 있는 치유의 가능성을 열어준다.

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