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        The Scarlet Letter 에 대한 다양한 접근 방법

        박영의 한국호손학회 2000 미국소설 Vol.7 No.1

        The objective of this paper is to introduce diverse approaches to the analytical study of The Scarlet Letter: anti-Christian lion, moral-Philosophical interpretation, psychological, interpretation romantic and femanistic interpretation, dialogic and deconstruction theory lion, formalistic interpretation including symbolism, irony and ambiguity, and the Lest is the reader-response interpretation, including reception theory and a comparative study with different cultural backgrounds and tradition such as Eastern philosophy and religion. Due to the limited space of the paper, the analyses of the text with these are rather brief. It is hoped that the examples of this study may serve a general guideline especially for the students of English literature. The guideline of the analyses of the text may be applied to the other texts of interest.

      • KCI등재

        『오렌지 회귀선』에 나타난 신자유주의 통치성과 주체화

        김가희 ( Ka Hee Kim ) 미국소설학회(구 한국호손학회) 2014 미국소설 Vol.21 No.3

        In reading Karen Tei Yamashita``s Tropic of Orange, I scrutinize the exclusion of the ethnic minority in the urban space, Los Angeles, and how this exclusion is connected with American neoliberal governmentality focusing on security and urban plan. I problematic ze the governmental technology for immigrants and marginals. The neoliberal governmentality utilizes the inclusion/ exclusion strategy according to which an individual is included or excluded in the society whether he/she possesses the ability of self-decision and self-control. I also explore the possibility of new subject from neoliberal subject, or the entrepreneurial subject of choice in the irquest for self-realization through examining protagonists in Tropic of Orange. How to live ethically as a third world subject can be answered when we consider the technology of self-care, or parrhesia which is a key practice of personal ethics as suggested by Michel Foucault. To make oneself a truly independent subject is a task that should be sought through the subjectivation process, which requires the courage to be able to speak the truth in any situation one encounters.

      • KCI등재

        윌러 캐더의『교수의 집』: 장소, 경험, 그리고 생태학적 순환성

        공명수 ( Myung Su Kong ) 미국소설학회(구 한국호손학회) 2011 미국소설 Vol.18 No.2

        This paper aims at analyzing the loss and recovery of equilibrium based on the life rhythm shared by all the living things. Cather seeks to treat with the ecological cycle by overcoming or removing obstacles, by slight variations, or by opportunistic adaptations. Cather believes that maintaining the pattern of the ecological cycle is the most elementary instinctual purpose of life, as an organism seeks to regain equilibrium in order to maintain that biological pattern. For her exploration of the pattern about this ecological cycle, Cather tries two experiments in content and form. One involved inserting Peter`s experiential world into Tom Outland`s natural world, the second connected Tom Outland`s natural world to the Blue Mesa with the historical traces of Pueblo Indians. Further inquiry into the treatment of the embodied places in Tom`s and Peter`s relationships between the Cliff City and the two houses indicates something of the place-centered imagination, recognizing how biology and culture interact. She avoids the one-dimensional approach that reads culture and nature according to the current reigning ideological stance, by her version on Tom`s research of Cliff Dwellers, and Peter`s experiences of two houses. Her ecological cycle reflects the new ecological thinking that is now developing in response to the interconnections between the human culture and the natural world, or between the human and the nonhuman.

      • KCI등재

        The Mulatto and Tabooed Desires: Reading James Weldon Johnson`s The Autobiography of an Ex-Coloured Man

        ( Kangyl Ko ) 미국소설학회(구 한국호손학회) 2016 미국소설 Vol.23 No.3

        <div style="display:none">fiogf49gjkf0d</div><div style="display:none">fiogf49gjkf0d</div><div style="display:none">fiogf49gjkf0d</div><div style="display:none">fiogf49gjkf0d</div><div style="display:none">fiogf49gjkf0d</div><div style="display:none">fiogf49gjkf0d</div><div style="display:none">fiogf49gjkf0d</div> This essay interrogates the dominant discourse of a mixed-race man`s sexuality under Jim Crow and its counter-discourse by exploring James Weldon Johnson`s The Autobiography of an Ex-Coloured Man (1912). Recent scholarship on the novel presents Johnson`s text as a somewhat conservative text in which the protagonist`s alleged deviation from normative racial identity and heterosexuality prefigures his tragic fate. Scholars such as Siobhan B. Somerville and Phillip Brian Harper contend that Johnson`s portrayal of his mulatto protagonist as a homosexual subject conforms to the logic of dominant white discourse in which homosexual and interracial sexuality are tabooed and stigmatized. Against those critical assessments of Johnson`s novel as a male version of the tragic mulatta narrative, my essay argues that The Autobiography of an Ex-Coloured Man challenges the cultural politics of racial segregation that racializes and sexualizes a light skinned black male subject. In doing so, I examine Johnson`s rhetorical strategy through which, I suggest, his narrative actually troubles the racist fantasy that pathologizes the protagonist`s biracial origins and sexuality. Specifically, I explore Johnson`s appropriation and strategic deployment of racist stereotypes associated with a mixed-race man, arguing that Johnson`s use of racist discourses criticizes rather than reifies the conservative politics that critics generally identify in The Autobiography of an Ex-Coloured Man.

      • KCI등재

        " The Minister`s Black Veil " : 죽음의 모호성

        박영의 한국호손학회 1996 미국소설 Vol.3 No.1

        "The Minister's Black Veil"에 둥장하는 Hooper목사의 얼굴에 드리워진 검은 두건이 목사가 숨기고 있는 어떤 죄를 상징한다는 데는 비평가들 사이에 큰 이견이 없으나, 그가 숨기고 있는 죄가 과연 무엇이냐는데 대해선 아직 만족스러운 해답이 나오지 않고 있다. 특히 H. J. Lang은 Hooper목사의 검은 두건 사건에 있어서 문제의 핵심은 Hooper목사가 숨기고 있는 죄 자체 보다 목사의 지나치게 예민한 성격에 있다고 주장하고 있으나, 필자의 주장은 이사건의 근본문제는 Hooper목사의 지나치게 예민한 성격에 있는 것이 아니라, 그들 스스로 하나님애 의해 택함을 받았다고 자부하고 있는 청교도들의 교만한 믿음과 잘못된 교리에 있다는 것이다. 바꾸어 말하면, Hooper목사의 지나친 과민한 성격은 문제의 결과이지 문제의 원인이 아니라는 것이며, 따라서 Hooper목사의 검은 두사건의 문제를 해결하기 위해서는 그 당시 청교도들의 예정론과 구원론을 철저히 연구할 필요가 있다는 것이 본 논문의 핵심이다.

      • KCI등재

        정동의 주체성: 캐더의 「폴의 사례」를 중심으로

        한광택 ( Kwangtaek Han ) 미국소설학회(구 한국호손학회) 2016 미국소설 Vol.23 No.3

        <div style="display:none">fiogf49gjkf0d</div><div style="display:none">fiogf49gjkf0d</div><div style="display:none">fiogf49gjkf0d</div><div style="display:none">fiogf49gjkf0d</div><div style="display:none">fiogf49gjkf0d</div><div style="display:none">fiogf49gjkf0d</div><div style="display:none">fiogf49gjkf0d</div> This essay examines how Willa Cather complicates and challenges the existing philosophical and theoretical notions of subjectivity by representing affective subjectivity of the titular protagonist in “Paul`s Case.” What Cather depicts about Paul`s ambiguous subjectivity, formative of and formed by its affective relations and responses to the world, indicates the way in which his subject oscillates between the conscious and the unconscious, as well as between subject and surroundings. By focusing on how Cather narrates such precarious ontological vacillation, I propose that she precisely captures and foreshadows the multifarious, contradictory aspects and operations of affective subjectivity so as to lead her readers to recognize the same constitutive contradictions within their affective subjectivity.

      • KCI등재

        The (Mis)Representation of an Arab/Muslim American Terrorist in John Updike’s Terrorist

        ( Jung-suk Hwang ) 미국소설학회(구 한국호손학회) 2018 미국소설 Vol.25 No.2

        Focusing on American/Western point of view and the impact of 9/11 on America(ns), most canonical 9/11 literature emphasizes the trauma suffered by “innocent” America(ns) and the unrepresentability of the event, ascribing the terrorists’ motivations to religion, Islam, while overlooking America’s long-standing political, military, and economic intervention in the Middle East. John Updike’s Terrorist (2006) tries to reject the dominant narrative. In his attempt to reject the popular representations of 9/11 and conceptualize the terrorists’ point of view, Updike creates an allegedly sympathetic homegrown terrorist, eighteen-year-old American-born Arab/Muslim Ahmad Ashmawy Mulloy. However, Updike’s extremely apolitical Arab Muslim American protagonist can neither represent the conflicting social realities of the post-9/11 America he lives in nor offer the historical contexts underlying the attacks. Examining Updike’s representation of an apolitical and good Arab Muslim American terrorist, I explore how Terrorist ultimately reproduces and reinforces the dominant discourse of 9/11―the misplaced emphasis on the role of religion and the historical amnesia regarding the causes of the event.

      • KCI등재

        혼종문화 속의 수행적 주체로서 수키 김과 창래 리

        이선주 ( Seon Ju Lee ) 미국소설학회(구 한국호손학회) 2011 미국소설 Vol.18 No.2

        This study tries to view Korean American novelists in the perspective of hybrid culture. Korean English literature scholars tended to concentrate on the problems of Korean immigrants` exclusion and alienation by main stream American society or the problem of their identity through Korean American novels. However, the perspectives that scrutinize into problems of domination/assimilation or of identity in Korean American novel is being doubted through the complex reality of hybrid culture. The perspective of hybridity required in the fast changing modern times questions positions that consider identity as being fixed or pure. The perspective of hybridity is an effort to explain the Korean American novels` complexity which is difficult for clear ethical evaluations to do within the opposition of resistance/ assimilation. This study evaluates Suki Kim and Chang-rae Lee as the representative Korean American novelists who intensely face with the ongoing American hybrid society. This study examines how the two novelists look upon the ethnic minorities` and racial problems differently from general ethnic writers and achieve significant narrative developments. Examining The Interpreter and her articles in American newspapers and magazines, we see how aspects of Suki Kim`s performative subject can be characterized as ``addressing to the American mainstream society as a immigrant.`` Chang-rae Lee has transcended the title of Korean American novelist and already established as a prominent modern American novelist. Aspects of Chang-rae Lee`s performative subject is exhibited in how he is striving in the difficult search for mutual understanding within the hybrid culture through Native Speaker and Aloft. This study also deals with the self consciousness and ethical demands of Suki Kim and Chang-rae Lee who rely on Korea and the life of the Korean immigrant as their asset.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Ruth Nichols, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, and the Intersecting Planes of Aviation and Life

        ( Fred Erisman ) 미국소설학회(구 한국호손학회) 2013 미국소설 Vol.20 No.3

        The American aviator-writers Ruth Rowland Nichols and Anne Morrow Lindbergh share many qualities: their background, their education, and their commitment to aviation. Each speaks of this commitment in works of fiction: Nichols in an unpublished novel, Sky Girl (1934), Lindbergh in the short novel, The Steep Ascent (1944). Their aims, however, are dramatically different. As they talk of the complex intersections of flight and life, Nichols sees aviation as sharing with the American West the power to shape the American national character, whereas Lindbergh sees it as a means to greater individual self-knowledge. Though their aims differ, their belief in the shaping power of aviation confirms the mythic role that aviation played for American citizens of the 1930s and early 1940s.

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