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      • KCI등재

        通过 ≪护产厅日记≫ 对朝鲜王室关于分娩的医学处置以及医学哲学的考察

        류정아(柳姃我) 한국의사학회 2014 한국의사학회지 Vol.27 No.1

        연구목적 : 朝鮮 王室子女의 출산과정을 日誌 형식으로 기록한 『護産廳日記』는 후기 朝鮮의 臨産과 분만, 산후 및 신생아 증상에 대한 의학적 처치 및 産室排設과 출산의례를 고찰할 수 있는 가치 있는 醫學史料이다. 연구방법 : 1. 『護産廳日記』에 기록된 세 번의 출산에 대해 출산 전후 産婦와 신생아의 실제 상황과 증상, 醫官의 판단과 治法, 處方내용, 치료경과 등 의학적 처지의 내용을 살펴봄으로써 당시 産科醫學의 경향성, 발달정도 등을 가늠해보았다. 2. 『護産廳日記』에 기록된 세 번의 출산에 대해 朝鮮王室의 출산형식 및 관련의례에 드러난 당시 의학의 출산에 대한 醫哲學이 어떠하였는지 고찰하였다. 결과 및 결론 : 産前 醫官의 정기문진으로 산모와 의사 간 관계형성 및 産婦의 안정을 도모하였으며, 醫女의 진찰소견을 醫官이 판단하여 처방하였다. 臨産에 佛手散과 人蔘茶, 産後瘀血症에 加味芎歸湯을 頻用하였으며, 和飯藿湯의 食治가 주요 산후조리법이었다. 신생아의 救急에 특히 牛黃을 頻用하고 증상에 따라 乳母가 服藥하기도 하였으나, 早産된 신생아의 靑色症(cyanosis)으로 보이는 症候와 死亡例가 보인다. 産室排設 및 懸草, 捲草祭 등 관련의례에는 출산을 '하늘과 직접 소통하는 하나의 儀禮'로 생각하여 외부 환경의 방해 없이 産婦와 신생아의 天癸가 잘 작동하도록 배려한 醫哲學이 드러나 있다.

      • CaO를 이용한 보일러 배가스의 반건식 중온 FGD에 관한 연구

        류정인(J. I. Ryu),송완중(W. J. Song),이재성(J. S. Lee),이병오(B. O. Lee) 대한기계학회 2001 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2001 No.9

        By the sudden increase of using a boiler, environmental problem is now becoming a international issue and so our government intensify the environmental rules. Now, we must prepare the change of international circumstance and develop a emission control technique for improvement of our atmosphere quality. in this study, we make a 800ppm SO₂ gas which is exusted by real boiler, and execute a series of FGD tests. As a result of this study it is concluded that an optimum desulfurization ratio depend on such as humidity, temperaure and flow quantity.

      • KCI등재

        《虞初廣志》의 문헌적 성격과 《虞初廣志》 소재 安重根傳 연구

        柳正一 한국중국소설학회 2017 中國小說論叢 Vol.52 No.-

        《虞初廣志》 소재 <三韓義軍參謀中將安重根傳>에 기재된 評語를 통해서 評者는 당시 안중근을 ‘刺客’이라고 호칭하는 것에 대해 다소 부정적 입장을 취하고 있었음을 알 수 있었다. 《民國彙報》 소재 안중근전의 分章 형식은 朴殷植의 또 다른 傳記物인 <淵蓋蘇文傳>에서 비롯되었음을 밝혔다. 章名을 완전히 삭제하고 그 뒤에 評語가 부기되어 있는 《虞初廣志》 소재 <三韓義軍參謀中將安重根傳>에 이르러서는 전통 文言小說 가운데 한 장르인 ‘傳體’로 개편된 양상을 띠게 된다고 했다. 《虞初廣志》의 편자인 姜泣羣에 의해 <三韓義軍參謀中將安重根傳>이란 근대적 傳記物이 ‘虞初體’ 문언소설로 탈바꿈되어 중국 문언소설집에 실리게 된 경위에 대해 자세히 살폈다. 본고는 마지막으로 《虞初廣志》 소재 <三韓義軍參謀中將安重根傳>이 지닌 다양한 의미에 대해 짚었다. This paper looks into the newly discovered biographical fiction “samhan uigunsammojungjang anjunggeunjeon” in Woochogwangji, and analyzes the literary characteristics of Woochogwangji and the meanings and stylistic features of “Anjunggeunjeon.” The “Anjunggeunjeon”in Woochogwangji, however, has not yet been published in any scholarly forms, which makes the current study an extremely important one. In addition, this particular version is proven to be the earliest among all the extant biographies of Anjunggeun, and will shed significant light on the formation and adaptation in the body of Anjunggeun biographies. During the Ming and Qing dynasties in China when fiction as a literary genre was highly developed, a large number of fictional collections with “Woocho” in their titles emerged following the appearance of “Woochoji”. From late Qing to the Early Republic Period, fiction anthologies emulating the format of the “Woocho” collections resurfaced in large quantities again. Woochogwangji edited by Gang-eubgun was one of such didactic novel anthologies that collects stories of exemplary historical figures. One of the main focuses of attention in the research of early Anjunggeunjeon biographies lies in the way in which he was addressed, which is often telling of the biographers’ attitudes and judgments. As recorded in this “Anjunggeunjeon,” the Chinese reviewers criticized their contemporary newspaper reports and biographies for calling Anjunggeun an “assassin”, which suggests that he was viewed in a positive light. This study reaffirms the meaningful fact that the Anjunggeunjeon biographies included in the Woochogwangji was the earliest biography of a Korean figure written by a Korean author in the history of Chinese classical fiction. In the mean time, through the examination of this biography, this paper effectively traces the process of formation and adaptation of the series of Anjunggeun biographies authored by Bag-eunsig.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        韓國 醫書에 보이는 佛手散의 處方構成과 效能·主治에 대한 고찰

        柳姃我(Lyu Jeong ah),丁彰炫(Jeong Chang hyun) 대한한의학원전학회 2016 대한한의학원전학회지 Vol.29 No.1

        Subjects : A literature research on the constitution and medicinal effect & adaptation diseases of “Bullsusan”. “Bullsusan” is a herbal prescription composed of Angelicae Gigantis Radix(當歸) and Cnidii Rhizoma(川芎). Objectives : Through the researching on the records of “Bullsusan” in Korean Traditional Medical Books, gain the literature evidence for adaptation to these days child labor as a pre-labor keeping herbal medicine. And have detailed consideration on the constitution of prescription and medicinal effect & adaptation diseases of “Bullsusan”. Methods : First, researched the records of “Bullsusan” in Korean Traditional Medical Books which were included at A Series of Korean Medicine(韓國醫學大系) and analysed component ratio, nickname, herbal manufacture and drug processing method, medicinal effect and adaptation diseases. Second, referred related Korean and Chinese researches that examined the medicinal effect and adaptation diseases of “Bullsusan” by scientific experimentation. Conclusions : We found total 46 records of “Bullsusan” from 20 kinds of Korean Traditional Medical Books included at A Series of Korean Medicine. Prescription component ratio of Angelicae Gigantis Radix and Cnidii Rhizoma were 3:2, 1:1, 2:1, 1:1. 3:2 had most 20 records and 1:1 had second 14 records. Especially 1:1 had a tendency of having nickname “Goonguitang”, but not must had. First herbal manufacture was powder, it had 8 records. First drug processing method was decocting with water and alcohol, had 19 records. Medical Effects of “Bullsusan” can be induced to next 8, that were “remove get bad blood, give birth new blood”, “easy labor by reducing fetal volume”, “acceleration of labor”, “test of fetal survival, elimination of dead embryo”, “elimination of placenta”, “revive”, “allaying pain”, “nourish the blood”. From these medical effects, 9 adaptation diseases can be induced. That were “threatened abortion”, “womb ache and vaginal bleeding by spontaneous abortion”, “pre-labor keeping(prevention of hard labor)”, “acceleration of labor”, “hard labor”, “missed abortion”, “postnatal vaginal bleeding, dizziness, asthma, headache, womb ache”, “postnatal mastoptosis and mastodynia”, “first aid symptom like as dizziness, unconsciousness, stroke caused by excessive bleeding”. The medical effect of “acceleration of labor” and “elimination of placenta” have been examined by modern clinical research. The effect of “remove get bad blood, give birth new blood”, “allaying pain” and “nourish the blood” have been examined by modern experimental study. But overdosing on “Bullsusan” to pregnant mouse can cause natural abortion, so the proper dose of “Bullsusan” in pregnant period is very important.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 내연기관 기술자를 위한 액체의 미립화(II)

        류정 한국자동차공학회 1989 오토저널 Vol.11 No.5

        본 고에서는 현재 이용되고 있는 초음파 발생법의 원리와 특징, 진동자의 설게법 및 진동의 확대법 horn의 설계 등을 다루어 내연기관 기술자가 직접 이용할 수 있도록 개설하여 액체의 미립화를 마감하고자 한다.

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