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      • 경인여자대학 등록금 수납관리 운용 등에 관한 연구

        오영균,이지환 경인여자대학 1998 경인논집 Vol.- No.7

        An Important need of the community and current full time students to which Kyungin women's College responds is continuing access to higher education beyond the typical established patterens of instruction and learning. Through the College of Extended Learning program and modified fee regulation for current enrolling full time students, assistant is given to groups and individuals who seek to improve and update their occupational competencies, as well as enhances their personal enrichment through educational opportunities other then on-campus academic program. However, fee regulation in Korea University and college is not set up completely and there are a lot of problem to solve. Not only this College of Extended Learning program but on-campus regular academic program, have not research the system of part and full time fee regulation, In this research, we provide all fee information of Korean college regulation and several college in America.. As a result, we can suggest several case of fee regulation for full time student. College of Extended Learning program students and incoming students in Kyungin Women's College.

      • KCI등재
      • 참외를 이용한 각종 절임식품의 품질

        이명희,오영애,노홍균,김순동 대구효성가톨릭대학교 식품과학연구소 1992 식품과학지 Vol.4 No.-

        생과로서 부적합한 미숙과 및 잉여분의 참외를 이용하여 절임식품을 개발코자 여러가지 절임액을 이용한 참외절임을 제조함과 동시에 절임과정중 성분 및 색상변화와 저장성을 검토하였다. 10일간 1차 소금절임(15%) 과정중 중량은 16%정도 감소되었으며, pH는 5.7에서 4.7로, vitamin C 함량은 20%가 손실되었다. 또 chlorophyll 함량은 35% 감소되었고 색상 L^(*)값은 6% 감소, a^(*)값은 17% 증가, b^(*)값은 7%가 감소되었다. 2차 절임시의 중량은 된장과 간장절임에서 약 8%의 감소가 있었다. pH는 간장, 된장에서는 큰 변화없이 유지되었으나 술지게미와 조미액은 pH 4.7에서 3.8로, 식초절임의 경우는 3.0으로 감소하였다. Vitamin C의 경우는 2차 절임후기에 약간의 증가현상이 관찰되었으며 특히 간장의 경우는 현저한 증가가 있었다. Chlorophyll은 모든 절임이 절임기간동안 계속 감소하는 경향을 보였으며 술지게미와 식초절임에서 감소율이 가장 컸다. L^(*)값은 감소현상을 나타냈고 그중 간장의 감소율이 두드러지게 나타났다. a^(*)값은 증가하는 경향으로 간장이 가장 높고 된장이 그 다음으로 높게 변화되었다. b^(*)값은 감소현상을 보였으며 간장의 감소가 가장 컸다. 15% 소금용액으로 10일간 절임한 후 각종 조미액으로 10일간 2차 절임한 결과 된장, 조미액, 간장, 식초절임의 품질은 제각기 기호성을 갖는 특성있는 절임이었으나 술지게미절임의 경우 숙성중 심하게 연화되어 앞으로의 연구가 요망되었다. 포장방법과 포장재료에 따른 저장성을 조사하기 위하여 10일간 20% 소금절임한 참외를 polyvinyl, polypropyene, polystylene film을 사용하여 각각 가열접착포장, 질소충진포장, 진공포장하여 20℃에서 저장한 결과 polystylene으로 진공포장했을 경우 부패율, 연화정도, 조위상태등에서 품질이 가장 양호하였다. 그러나 제염방법과 제염후의 2차 절임과정에 대한 앞으로의 연구 필요성이 요구되었다. 2차절임을 끝낸 각종절임류를 polystylene film으로 진공포장한 후 4℃와 20℃에서 각각 25일간 저장하면서 품질변화를 조사한 결과, pH 변화는 20℃에서 저장한 경우 약간의 감소 현상을 보였다. Vitamin C 함량은 20℃에서 저장시 4℃에서 저장했을때 보다 함량의 손실이 컸다. Chlorophyll 함량은 4℃에서의 경우 전반적으로 25-30%의 감소를 보였고 20℃에서는 30%의 감소를 보였다. 색상 L^(*)값과 b^(*)값은 저장온도와 저장기간에 관계없이 큰 변화는 없었다. a^(*)값은 4℃에서 저장시 서서히 증가하는 경향을 나타냈으며 20℃ 저장의 경우 평균 25%정도의 증가를 보였다. 2차절임한 참외의 4℃에서 50일간 저장중 경도변화는 저장 10일까지는 약간 증가하다가 그 후 간장, 된다, 조미액절임은 서서히 감소하는 경향을 나타낸 반면 식초, 술지게미절임은 급격히 감소하였다. Considerable amounts of unripened and excessively produced oriental melon are discarded yearly from the rural vinylhouse. This investigation involved utilization of waste oriental melon to produce the pickles, and to study quality changes of the pickles during soaking and fermentation, and storage. During the 1st soaking and fermentation of the oriental melon in 15% brine solution for 10 days, weight, pH, vitamin C and chlorophyll content, color L^(*) and b^(*) value decreased, but a^(*) value increased. During the 2nd soaking and fermentation in various soaking materials for another 10 days, a similar trend in the quality change was observed as in the 1st soaking and fermentation except the followings. Vitamin C content and a^(*) value of the pickles, especial ly the one soaked and fermented in soysauce significantly increased. Results of sensory quality of the final products showed that each pickle has its own characteristic quality property. However, the pickle fermented in lees of refined rice wine was evaluated as too softening. In a storage study of the pickle, fermented in 20% brine solution and packed by various packing methods (sealing, nitrogen and vacuum-package) and packing materials (polyvinyl, polypropylene and polystylene), the vacuum-packed pickle into a polystylene bag showed the best storage stability in terms of the sensory quality.

      • 한국산 감귤 수입 예상국의 수입 검역제도에 관한 연구

        김택조,강영길,권오균 濟州大學校 亞熱帶農業硏究所 1995 亞熱帶農業硏究 Vol.12 No.-

        수출밀감 생산지와 밀감 수출관련기관에 유용한 정보를 제공하고자 제주산 온주밀감 주요수입국 및 수입가능국의 검역제도를 조사분석한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 조사대상국의 연간 수입량은 캐나다 61.5천톤, 미국 101.1천톤, 일본 1.2천톤, 홍콩 32.3천톤 정도이었고 1993년 한국산 감귤 수입량은 캐나다 1107톤, 홍콩 6톤, 러시아가 150톤이었다. 2. 캐나다는 병충해 위험도 평가를 실시한 후 한국산 밀감을 식물위생증이나 수입허가서 없이 수입하고 있다. 수입검사 중 캐나다에 분포하는 병해충으로서 감염정도가 심하지 않은 식물류는 소독처리하고 캐나다에 분포하지 않은 병해충이나 분포하는 병해충이라도 감염이 심한 경우 폐기 (반송)된다. 한국산 밀감의 경우 부패과를 제외하고는 검역상 문제가 되지 않고 있다. 3. 미국은 수입허가제를 채택하고 있으며 한국산 밀감은 궤양병, 흑반병, 화살깍지벌레의 미국내 유입을 막기위하여 수입이 금지되고 있으나 궤양병 무병 생산단지 및 완충지대 설정, 과실의 예방적 소독처리, 박테리아제 테스트 실시, 선과 후 안전조치등을 조건으로 미국내 수입이 한미간 합의 되었다. 과실의 채소류의 반입항에서 수입물량의 약 2%의 임의 표본 추출하여 검사하며, 미국에 분포하는 병해충만이 검출되는 경우에는 수입이 가능한 반면 검역대상 병해충이 발견될 때 소독방법이 있을 경우에는 소독하고 소독방법이 없을 경우에는 폐기 또는 수입이 거부된다. 4. 일본은 14종의 금지병해충의 기주식물 및 식물성 생산물의 수입을 금지하고 있으나 한국산은 수입금지품에 해당되는 식물이 없다. 금지병해충 (14종)과 특정 중요병해충 (42종)이 부착된 식물중 효과적인 소독방법이 확립되어 있지 않은 과실은 폐기되고 소독가능 병해충이 발견된 과실류는 소독되거나 선별된다. 5. 홍콩에서의 수입 비제한 품목인 과실 및 채소류는 식물위생증이나 수입허가서 없이 수입되며 수입검사중 병해충이 발견되면 소독처리된다. 6. 러시아에서는 수입비제한 품목을 제외하고는 식물 및 식물성 산물의 수입시 식물위생증과 수입허가서가 요구되며 허가항을 통하여 수입되어져야 한다. 7. 감귤류가 재배되지 않아 수입검역이 까다롭지 않은 캐나다, 홍콩, 러시아의 동부에 한국산 밀감 수출 증대를 도모하는 것이 바람직하다. This study was conducted to obtain knowledge of import quarantine system in Canada, the U.S.A., Japan, Hongkong and Russia, which may facilitate export Korean mandarins to these countries. The results are summarized as follows : 1. Canada, the U.S.A., Japan, Hongkong annually import about 61,500, 101,100, 1,200 and 32,300 tons. respectively, of such citrus fruits as mandarins, tangerines and clementines. In 1993, 1,107 tons of Korean mandarins were imported into Canada, 6 tones into Hongkong and 150 tones into Russia. 2. After pest risk on Korea mandarins for Canada was assessed, the mandarins have been imported into Canada without phytosanitary certificate and import permit. When either diseases and/or pests which have occurred in Canada are found or they are not severe during import inspection, disinfection is ordered. When either diseases and/or pests which have never occurred in the country are found or they are severe, the importer is ordered to destroy or reship the shipment. In Canada, import quarantine for Korean mandarins has been smooth except the rotten fruits have been found. 3. The import of Korean mandarins into the U.S.A. is prohibited to prevent citrus caker, phoma rot and arrowhead scale from being introduced into the U.S.A. However, it has been agreed between Korea and the U.S.A. that there can be imports into the U.S.A. of mandarins from Chejudo based on implementation of certain procedures. At the ports of entry, inspections are conducted by sampling about 2% of the imported amount of fruits and vegetabls. When injurious diseases and/or pests are found, disinfection is ordered. When there is no methods of disinfection which can completely kill the diseases and/or pests, the importer is ordered to destroy or reship the shipment. 4. Prohibited are host plants and plant products of 14 kinds of diseases and pests that have never occurred in Japan. In import inspection, when diseases and/or pests are found, disinfection is ordered. When there is no methods of disinfection which can completely kill the diseases and/or pests. the importer is ordered to destroy or reship the shipment. 5. Fresh fruits and vegetable can be imported into Hongkong without phytosanitary certificate and import permit. When diseases and/or pests are found during import inspection, disinfection is ordered. 6. Phytosanitary certificate permit are required in Russia for import of plants and plant products from foreign countries. The port of entry is designated by the quarantine authorities. It seems to be desirable to try hard to increase export amount of Korean mandarins to Canada, eastern Russia and Hongkong which do not raise citrus fruits and are not strict for import quarantine of citrus fruits.

      • KCI등재

        SH-SY5Y Human Neuroblastoma Cell에서 에스트로겐의 신경세포 보호효과에 대한 기전

        염지현,김희,홍현석,방오영,허균,묵인희 대한치매학회 2003 Dementia and Neurocognitive Disorders Vol.2 No.1

        Apoptosis is one major mechanism underlying neuronal cell death in degenerative diseases in the central nervous system. Previous studies have shown that estrogen has neuroprotective effects in several neuronal cell death model systems. In the present study, we established a staurosporine-induced apoptotic neuronal cell death system with human SH-SY5Y cell line. 17b-estradiol(E2) blocked staurosporine-induced apoptosis of SH-SY5Y cells as revealed by MTT as well as LDH assay. The cells showed typical DNA fragmentation at 4 h and 8 h following staurosporine treatment, which was attenuated by E2 pretreatment. Staurosporine-induced chromatin condensation was also reduced by E2 treatment. Because apoptotic stimuli are known to induce caspase-3 activation and PARP cleavage, we examined whether E2 blocks these processes. E2 markedly attenuated staurosporine-induced casapase-3 activation and PARP cleavage. This study shows that E2 blocks staurosporine-induced apoptosis in SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells, suggesting that E2 is a neuroprotective agent that may be used for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.


        Effects of Level and Degradability of Dietary Protein on Ruminal Fermentation and Concentrations of Soluble Non-ammonia Nitrogen in Ruminal and Omasal Digesta of Hanwoo Steers

        Oh, Young-Kyoon,Kim, Jeong-Hoon,Kim, Kyoung-Hoon,Choi, Chang-Won,Kang, Su-Won,Nam, In-Sik,Kim, Do-Hyung,Song, Man-Kang,Kim, Chang-Won,Park, Keun-Kyu Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2008 Animal Bioscience Vol.21 No.3

        Four ruminally fistulated Hanwoo steers were used to determine the effects of level and degradability of dietary protein on ruminal fermentation, blood metabolites and concentration of soluble non-ammonia nitrogen (SNAN) in ruminal (RD) and omasal digesta (OD). Experiments were conducted in a $4{\times}4$ Latin square design with a $2{\times}2$ factorial arrangement of treatments. Factors were protein supplements with two ruminal crude protein (CP) degradabilities, corn gluten meal (CGM) that was low in degradability (rumen-degraded protein (RDP), 23.4% CP) or soybean meal (SBM) that was high in degradability (RDP, 62.1% CP), and two feeding levels of CP (12.2 or 15.9% dry matter). Ruminal fermentation rates and plasma metabolite concentrations were determined from the RD collected at 2-h intervals and from the blood taken by jugular puncture, respectively. The SNAN fractions (free amino acid, peptide and soluble protein) in RD and OD collected at 2-h intervals were assessed by ninhydrin assay. Mean ruminal ammonia concentrations were 40.5, 74.8, 103.4 and 127.0 mg/L for low CGM, high CGM, low SBM and high SBM, respectively, with statistically significant differences (p<0.01 for CP level and p<0.001 for CP degradability). Blood urea nitrogen concentrations were increased by high CP level (p<0.001) but unaffected by CP degradability. There was a significant (p<0.05) interaction between level and degradability of CP on blood albumin concentrations. Albumin was decreased to a greater extent by increasing degradability of low CP diets (0.26 g/dl) compared with high CP diets (0.02 g/dl). Concentrations of each SNAN fraction in RD (p<0.01) and OD (p<0.05) for high CP diets were higher than those for low CP diets, except for peptides but concentrations of the sum of peptide and free amino acid in RD and OD were significantly higher (p<0.05) for high CP diets than for low CP diets. Soybean meal diets increased free amino acid and peptide concentrations in both RD (p<0.01) and OD (p<0.05) compared to CGM diets. High level and greater degradability of CP increased (p<0.001) mean concentrations of total SNAN in RD and OD. These results suggest that RDP contents, increased by higher level and degradability of dietary protein, may increase release of free amino acids, peptides and soluble proteins in the rumen and omasum from ruminal degradation and solubilization of dietary proteins. Because SNAN in OD indicates the terminal product of ruminal metabolism, increasing CP level and degradability appears to increase the amount of intestine-available nitrogen in the liquid phase.


        Effects of Spent Mushroom Substrates Supplementation on Rumen Fermentation and Blood Metabolites in Hanwoo Steers

        Oh, Young-Kyoon,Lee, Won-Man,Choi, Chang-Weon,Kim, Kyoung-Hoon,Hong, Seong-Koo,Lee, Sang-Cheol,Seol, Yong-Joo,Kwak, Wan-Sup,Choi, Nag-Jin Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2010 Animal Bioscience Vol.23 No.12

        This study was designed to investigate the effects of supplementation of spent mushroom substrates (SMS) on rumen fermentation and blood metabolites in Hanwoo steers. The experiment was conducted as a duplicated Latin square design with six Hanwoo steers ($600{\pm}47\;kg$), each permanently fitted with a ruminal cannula. There were three treatments; i) control (concentrates 4.8 kg +rice straw 1.2 kg/d), ii) Pleurotus eryngiia (PE) treatment (concentrates 4.8 kg+rice straw 0.73 kg+Pleurotus eryngiia 1.20 kg/d) and iii) Pleurotus osteratus (PO) treatment (concentrates 4.8 kg+rice straw 0.73 kg+Pleurotus osteratus 1.20 kg/d). There were no major effects of different dietary treatments on rumen parameters such as pH, ammonia-N, individual and total VFA production. Parameters of N utilization, including blood urea nitrogen (BUN), total protein and albumin levels, were not significantly different among the treatments, except for creatinine. Thus, the present results indicated that protein utilization was mostly unaffected by SMS treatments such as PE and PO, even though creatinine concentration was lower in PE compared with control and PO treatments (p<0.05). The present results indicate that Pleurotus eryngii and Pleurotus osteratus could be used as a forage source to replace 40% of rice straw without any negative effects on rumen fermentation and blood metabolites in Hanwoo steers.

      • KCI등재
      • Mixed Copper States in Anodized Cu Electrocatalyst for Stable and Selective Ethylene Production from CO<sub>2</sub> Reduction

        Lee, Si Young,Jung, Hyejin,Kim, Nak-Kyoon,Oh, Hyung-Suk,Min, Byoung Koun,Hwang, Yun Jeong American Chemical Society 2018 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY - Vol.140 No.28

        <P>Oxygen-Cu (O-Cu) combination catalysts have recently achieved highly improved selectivity for ethylene production from the electrochemical CO<SUB>2</SUB> reduction reaction (CO<SUB>2</SUB>RR). In this study, we developed anodized copper (AN-Cu) Cu(OH)<SUB>2</SUB> catalysts by a simple electrochemical synthesis method and achieved ∼40% Faradaic efficiency for ethylene production, and high stability over 40 h. Notably, the initial reduction conditions applied to AN-Cu were critical to achieving selective and stable ethylene production activity from the CO<SUB>2</SUB>RR, as the initial reduction condition affects the structures and chemical states, crucial for highly selective and stable ethylene production over methane. A highly negative reduction potential produced a catalyst maintaining long-term stability for the selective production of ethylene over methane, and a small amount of Cu(OH)<SUB>2</SUB> was still observed on the catalyst surface. Meanwhile, when a mild reduction condition was applied to the AN-Cu, the Cu(OH)<SUB>2</SUB> crystal structure and mixed states disappeared on the catalyst, becoming more favorable to methane production after few hours. These results show the selectivity of ethylene to methane in O-Cu combination catalysts is influenced by the electrochemical reduction environment related to the mixed valences. This will provide new strategies to improve durability of O-Cu combination catalysts for C-C coupling products from electrochemical CO<SUB>2</SUB> conversion.</P> [FIG OMISSION]</BR>

      • KCI등재

        지리산국립공원 피아골과 대성골 지역의 산림군집구조 동태(1)

        오구균 ( Koo Kyoon Oh ),김용식 ( Yong Shik Kim ),오장근 ( Jang Guen Oh ),기영범 ( Young Bum Ki ) 한국환경생태학회 2008 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.22 No.5

        지리산국립공원 피아골과 대성골 지역의 산림군집구조의 동태를 장기간 모니터링하기 위하여 2001년에 고정조사구를 설치하여 2001년과 2006년에 식생조사를 한 결과는 다음과 같다. 피아골, 대성골 지역 산림의 우점종은 각각 서어나무와 신갈나무였으며, 피아골 지역의 산림이 대성골 지역보다 종다양도 지수가 더 높았다. 조사지역 주요수종의 직경급 분포로 보아 안정된 식물군집 구조를 이루고 있으며, 곡간부에 위치한 피아골의 산림과 소능선 사면부에 위치한 대성골의 산림간 종구성은 매우 이질적이었다. 피아골지역 산림의 생장량은 지난 5년간 약 6.4㎡/ha 감소하였으나 대성골지역은 약 8.27㎡/ha 증가하였으며, 이는 노거수들의 고사에 따른 영향으로 보인다. The permanent monitoring plots were installed in 2001 for long-term monitoring the structure of forest communities at the Piagol(Valley) and Daeseonggol(Valley) in the Jirisan National Park, and monitored the forest structure in the studied sites in 2001 and 2006. Dominant species at Piagol and Daeseonggol was Carpinuslaxiflora and Quercus mongolica respectively. Based on the distribution of major species` stem diameter, the species diversity index was higher in Piagol than that of Daeseonggol. The distribution of diameter in major tree species in the studied sites showed a stable plant community structure. The forest of Piagol, which is positioned in the valley, showed a quite a different composition of species from that of Daeseonggol, which is positioned on the slope. In the last five years, the overall grows rate of Piagol Forest decreased by 6.4㎡ per hectare, while Daeseonggol Forest increased by about 8.27㎡ per hectare. I think that this is because of the fact that a lot of large old trees have died.

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