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        최근 10년간 조선대학교 부속치과병원 교정과에 내원한 부정교합 환자에 관한 역학적 연구(1990~1999)

        황미선,윤영주,김광원 대한치과교정학회 2001 대한치과교정학회지 Vol.31 No.2

        With socioeconomic development and change of esthetic recognition, the demand for orthodontic treatment and number of orthodontic patients has been increasing so rapidly. And frequency of malocclusion was changed. So this study was done in an attempt to provide an epidemiologic study so that we can accomodate their orthodontic needs adequately and to obtain the reliable quantitative iHormation regarding the characteristics of orthodontic patients. Distribution and trends were examined in 3,070 malocclusion patients who had been examined and diagnosed at Department of Orthodontics, Dental Hospital, Chosen University over 10 year-period from 1990 to 1999. The results were as follows : 1.The number of patients per year was increasing trend and higher visiting rate in female(56.5%) than in male(43.5%). 2.Age distribution had shown 7∼12 year-old group being the largest(37.9%) and each percentage of 13∼18, 19∼24, above-19, 0∼6 year-old group was 32.0%, 19.6%, 7.1%, 3.4%. 3.Hellman dental age rya which is completion of the permanent dentition showed the highest percentage in male and female. 4.Geographic distribution showed a majority of patients in Kwang Ju(71,0%). Group within the distance 1017n from Chosun Dental Hospital was 56.3% and group within 20km was 14.7%. 5.Anterior cross bite showed the highest percentage in chief complaints and percentage of Mn, prognathism and Protrusion of Mx. teeth was 12.6%, 12.2%. 6.Distribution In the types of malocclusion according to the Angle's classification had shown; 38.9% for Class 1,20.7% for Class II division 1, 2.0% for Class II division 2.384% for Class III. 7.In the dental vertical dysplasia according to the Angle's classification, deep bite was the most frequent in Class II div.1 and div. 2(24.3%, 56.7%) and open bite in Class III(21.4%). 8.In the skeletal sagittal dysplasia, 39.3% of skeletal ClassII was due to the undergrowth of the mandible and 46.3% of skeletal ClassIII was due to the overgrowth of the mandible. 9.Distribution in nrthodontlc treatment accoding to The extraction and nonextraclion had shown 66.9% for nonextraction case, 33.1% for extraction case, and four first bicuspids have been extracted in the highest percentage(38.6%). 10.Patients who had orthognathic surgery comprised 7.9%, with an Increasing trend.

      • KCI등재

        정부의 정책파트너로서의 지역사회 구축에 관한 연구 : 주민자치센터를 통한 지역사회 구축 (community building) 방안 A Strategy of Community Building through the Citizen Community Center

        하미승,강황선 한국정책학회 2002 韓國政策學會報 Vol.11 No.4

        지역공동체가 정부와 파트너쉽을 형성하여 공공서비스의 생산과 전달에 참여하는 것은 서구 선진국가에서는 이미 일반화된 현상이다. 그러나 이 서구중심의 민관파트너쉽 모델이 한국사회에 적절한가에 대해서는 자성직(self-reflective)인 연구가 필요하다. 이 연구는 현재 서구선진국가에서 주목받고 있는 지역사회구축이론의 내용과 사례를 소개하면서 우리사회로의 도입을 위한 핵심적 변수들을 도출하였다. 이를 바탕으로 우리나라의 주민자치센터가 다양한 지역공동체들이 정부의 정책파트너로서 성장하는데 중요한 역할을 수행할 수 있다는 가능성을 전제로 지역사회구축을 궁극적인 지향점으로 하는 주민자치센터 운영의 개선방안을 제시하고 있다. 이 연구를 통해 우리나라에 적합한 점진적이고 주체적인 지역사회구축의 가능성을 모색하고자 한다. 지역사회구축에 관한 이론과 사례에 관한 연구는 문헌조사와 사례 연구를 통해 수행하였으며, 주민자치센터의 개선방안에 관해서는 관련 전문가 집단을 대상으로 3차에 걸친 델파이 기법을 활용하여 결론을 도출하였다. It is a wide­spread phenomenon that local communities are involved in producing and delivering public services as policy partner of government in many western countries, But the west-oriented model of the partnership between government and local communities should be Put into a self-reflective study to make sure if the model would fit for the relationship between government and local communities in Korea. This study introduces the theory and best practices of community building in western countries. Based on the preliminary research, this study attempts to draw out core factors of community building to find a possibility of adjusting the theory and practices to Korean situation. Upon the premise that the citizen community center could play a significant role in stimulating local communities to grow as policy-partners of government this study suggests a plausible model of managing the citizen community center. Through the effort, this study aims to establishing a Peculiar model of community building in the korean society. An extensive literature review and case study on community building are conducted and the research conclusion and policy implication arc constructed via three-round policy delphi survey


        두부회전에 따른 측모두부방사선 계측치의 변화

        김광수,황미선,최의환,김광원,윤영주 대한치과교정학회 2000 대한치과교정학회지 Vol.30 No.1

        본 연구는 측모두부방사선사진 촬영시 발생될 수 있는 두부회전이 측정된 선, 각계측치들에 어느 정도의 투사오차를 야기시키는지 알아보기 위해 조선대학교 의과대학 해부학교실에 소장중인 건조두개골 중 비교적 상태가 양호하고 특별한 비대칭이 없는 영구치열기의 건조두개골 17개를 표본으로 선택하여 시행하였다. 각각의 건조두개골을 수직축(Z축)을 중심으로 기준위치(0˚)에 대해 1˚ 간격으로 ±15˚ 까지 실험적으로 회전시켜 총 527장의 측모두부방사선사진을 촬영하였다. 이를 근거로 기준위치(0˚)에서의 계측치와 각 회전각에서의 계측치들 사이에 paired t-test를 시행하여 측모두부방사선사진 계측치 간의 차이를 규명하였으며, 이를 통해 투사오차의 관점에서 교정학적으로 유용한 측모두부방사선 계측항목을 구한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1.각계측항목이 선계측항목에 비해 투사오차가 작았다. 2.각계측항목은 정중시상면에 위치한 기준점들을 많이 포함할수록 투사오차가 작았다. 3.수평선계측항목의 길이는 필름방향으로 회전됨에 따라 점진적으로 감소되었으나, 초점 방향으로 회전됨에 따라서는 증가되다가 감소되었으며 상대적으로 그 변화양이 작았다. 4.두부회전에 따른 투사오차는 수직선계측항목에 비해 수평선계측항목에서 컸다. 5.수직선계측항목은 회전축으로부터 거리가 증가함에 따라 투사오차가 증가하였다. 이상을 종합해 볼 때 두부회전에 따른 측모두부방사선사진 계측치의 투사오차를 최소로 하기 위해서는 선계측항목보다는 각계측항목을 사용하는 것이 유용할 것으로 사료된다. This study was performed to find out the effect of projection errors on cephalometric linear and angular measurements according to head rotation during taking lateral cephalometric radiographs. Seventeen skulls with permanent dentition and no gross asymmetry were obtained from the Department of Anatomy, Medical School, Chosun University. Total 527 x-ray films were taken with 1˚ interval from the reference position(0˚) to ±15˚ around the vertical axis (Z axis) which is perpendicular to the midpoint of the line connecting the center of two ear rods in submento-vertex direction. Statistical analysis was performed by faired t-test if there were statistically significant differences between the mean of the reference position(0") and that of each rotation angle. The following results were obtained. 1.The projection errors of angular measurements were smaller than those of linear measurements. 2.The projection errors of angular measurements including midline landmarks were smaller than those including bilateral landmarks. 3.The horizontal linear measurements were gradually decreased when the skull was rotated toward the film, but slightly increased and then decreased when the skull was rotated toward the focal spot. However, the changes were smaller in focal direction. 4.The projection errors of horizontal linear measurements were larger than those of vertical linear measurements. 5.The projection errors of vertical linear measurements were increased with increased distance from the rotation axis to vertical measurements. It is concluded that the use of angular measeurements rather than linear measurements is recommended to minimize the projection errors.

      • 콘택트렌즈 보존 용기 유래 Acanthamoeba lugdunensis KA/L5주의 내공생세균

        정동일,공현희,김태호,황미열,유학선,윤호철,설성용 경북대학교 의학연구소 1999 경북대학교병원의학연구소논문집 Vol.3 No.1

        콘택트렌즈 보존 용기 유래 가시아메바 KA/L5주의 세포질 내에 존재하는 bacterial endosymbiont(내공생세균)를 투과전자현미경으로 관찰하여 확인하였다. 숙주인 가시아메바 KA/L5주는 형태학적으로 제2군에 속하였고, rDNA PCR-RFLP 결과 A. lugdunensis로 동정되었다. 미토콘드리아 DNA RFLP와 동위효소 분석상 이 충주는 국내 콘택트렌즈 보존용기에서 가장흔히 분리되는 type인 KA/Ll주, 국내 임상 분리주 중 하나인 KA/E2주, 내공생세균을 가지는 것으로 보고된 병원 냉각수 유래 KA/W4주 및 L3a주와 동일하거나 매우 유사한 성적을 보였다. 내공생세균은 약 1.38× 0.507㎛의 크기였고, 아메바 세포질 내에 불규칙하게 분포하고 있었으며. 그 표면에 아메바의 ribosome이 부착되어 있었다. 내공생세균을 둘러싼 lacunae나 막과 같은 구조는 관찰되지 않았다. Legionella 특이 primer를 이용한 효소중합반응(PCR)에서 내공생세균의 염색체 DNA는 증폭되지 않았다. A. lugdunensis의 우리말 이름을 담수가시아메바로 제안한다. Transmission electron microscopy of an Acanthamieba isolate (KA/L5) from a contact lens case revealed bacterial endosymbionts within cytoplasm of the amoebae, The Acanthamoeba isolate belonged to the morphological group II. Based on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) - restriction fragment length Polymorphism (RFLP) of 18S ribosomal RNA coding DNA (rDNA), the Isolate was identified as A. lugdunensis. Strain typing by isoenzyme analysis using isoelectric focusing (IEF) and mitochondrial (Mt) DNA RFLP revealed that the isolate was closely related with KA/Ll , the most predominant type of isolates from contact lens storage cases, KA/E2, a clinical isolate, KA/W4, preciously reported to host endosymbionts, and L3a strains of A. lugdunensis. The endosymbionts were similar to those of KA/W4 In aspects that they were randomly distributed in both trophozoites and cysts, and were rod-shaped bacteria measuring approximately 1.38x 0.50㎛. But the number of endosymbionts per amoeba was significantly lower than that of KA/W4. They were neither limited by phagosomal membranes nor included In lacunae- like structure.

      • 12-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol-13-Acetate에 의한 HL-60 세포 분화유도중 Vimentin 유전자 전사조절에 대한 AP-1의 역할

        임규,김진희,권도원,김승민,이명선,윤경아,손미영,박종일,윤완희,황병두 忠南大學校 癌共同硏究所 1998 癌共同硏究所 硏究誌 Vol.2 No.1

        Purpose: To gain insight on the role of AP-1 in transcriptional regulation of vimentin gene during differentiation of HL-60 cells by 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), the levels of vimentin mRNA and AP-1 have been investigated with Northern blot hybridization and DNA mobility shift assay. Materials and Methods: HL-60 cells were grown in RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 10% heat-inactivated fetal calf serum and antibiotics in a humidified 5% CO_(2) at 37°C. Total RNA was prepared by a modification of the method of Karlinsey et al. Northern blot hybridization was performed by the method of Virca et al. EcoRI fragment of pVIM-GEM was used as probe for vimentin mRNA. DNA mobility shift assay was performed by the method of Lim et al. End labeled DNA probe(Upper strand, 5'-CGCTTGATGAGTCAGCCG- 3') for AP-1 binding activity was mixed with nuclear extracts in a 20 μl reaction volume containing 300 mM KC1, 60 mM HEPES, pH 7.9, 25 mM MgCl_(2), 1 mM EDTA, 1 mM DTT, 60% glycerol, and 2μg of poly[dI-dC]. Results: TPA increased vimentin mRNA levels, with maximal stimulation reached at 24 hr. The level of vimentin mRNA was induced in proportion to the concentration of TPA. TPA-induced vimentin mRNA was almost reduced by actinomycin-D pretreatment. TPA-induced stimulation of vimentin gene was completely reduced by staurosporin pretreatment. In DNA mobility shift assay, AP-1 newly appeared at 24 hr during TPA-induced differentiation and was almost not detected after the pretreatment of staurosporin. Conclusions: These results suggest that the induction of vimentin mRNA during TPA-dependent differentiation in HL-60 cells may be mediated by protein kinases C signal transduction and AP-1 is important to transcriptional regulation.

      • 12-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol-13-Acetate에 의한 HL-60 세포 분화유도중 Vimentin 유전자 전사조절에 대한 AP-1의 역할

        임규,김진희,권도원,김승민,이명선,윤경아,손미영,박종일,윤완희,황병두 충남대학교 생물공학연구소 1999 생물공학연구지 Vol.7 No.-

        Purpose: To gain insight on the role of AP-1 in transcriptional regulation of vimentin gene during differentiation of HL-60 cells by 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), the levels of vimentin mRNA and AP-1 have been investigated with Northern blot hybridization and DNA mobility shift assay. Materials and Methods: HL-60 cells were grown in RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 10% heat-inactivated fetal calf serum and antibiotics in a humidified 5% CO_2 at 37℃. Total RNA was prepared by a modification of the method of Karlinsey et al. Northern blot hybridization was performed by the method of Virca et al. EcoRI fragment of pVIM-GEM was used as probe for vimentin mRNA. DNA mobility shift assay was performed by the method of Lim et al. End labeled DNA probe(Upper strand, 5'-CGCTTGATGAGTCAGCCG- 3') for AP-1 binding activity was mixed with nuclear extracts in a 20 μl reaction volume containing 300 mM KCI, 60 mM HEPES, pH 7.9, 25 mM MgCI_2, 1 mM EDTA, 1 mM DTT, 60% glycerol, and 2 ㎍ of poly[dI-dC]. Results: TPA increased vimentin mRNA levels, with maximal stimulation reached at 24 hr. The level of vimentin mRNA was induced in proportion to the concentration of TPA. TPA-induced vimentin mRNA was almost reduced by actinomycin-D pretreatment. TPA-induced stimulation of vimentin gene was completely reduced by staurosporin pretreatment. In DNA mobility shift assay, AP-1 newly appeared at 24 hr during TPA-induced differentiation and was almost not detected after the pretreatment of staurosporin. Conclusions: These results suggest that the induction of vimentin mRNA during TPA-dependent differentiation in HL-60 cells may be mediated by protein kinases C signal transduction and AP-1 is important to transcriptional regulation.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        위장관 ; 한국인에서 위저선용종과 결장암의 상관관계: 16년간 후향적 고찰

        황선미 ( Sun Mee Hwang ),김병욱 ( Byung Wook Kim ),채현석 ( Hiun Suk Chae ),이보인 ( Bo In Lee ),최황 ( Hwang Choi ),지정선 ( Jeong Seon Ji ),최규용 ( Kyu Yong Choi ),정인식 ( In Sik Chung ),맹이소 ( Lee So Maeng ) 대한소화기학회 2011 대한소화기학회지 Vol.58 No.1

        Background/Aims: There is an ongoing debate on the relationship between gastric fundic gland polyps and increased incidence of colorectal neoplasia in Caucasians. However, there was no report on the relationship between gastric fundic gland polyp and colorectal neoplasia in Korea. The aim of this study was to identify the characteristics of gastric fundic gland polyps and whether a relationship exists between fundic gland polyps and colorectal neoplasia in Korean population. Methods: Persons who underwent an esophagogastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy from 1992 to 2007 at the Health Promotion Center of Incheon St. Mary`s Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea were reviewed retrospectively. The relationship between gastric fundic gland polyps and colorectal neoplasia were analyzed. Results: Among 22,451 subjects, fundic gland polyps were found in 328 subjects (1.5%). Fundic gland polyps were more common in women than in men (odds ratio of 6.25; 95% CI of 4.68-8.34). The odds ratios for colorectal neoplasia in all subjects with gastric fundic gland polyps were 0.56 (95% CI of 0.33-0.95) and men who were 50 years of age or older had an odds ratio of 2.81 (95% CI of 1.03-7.66) as compared to the control group. However, age and sex-adjusted odds ratios for all gastric fundic gland polyps were 0.73 (95% CI of 0.42-1.26), for men 1.78 (95% CI of 0.80-3.98), and for women 0.37 (95% CI of 0.16-0.87). Conclusions: Surveillance colonoscopy in patients with fundic gland polyps can be performed in the same manner as general population in Korea. (Korean J Gastroenterol 2011;58:20-24)

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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