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      • KCI등재

        자궁외임신에 관한 임상적 고찰

        신승권,최호준,윤길팔,양영균,양우열,고만석 대한산부인과학회 1997 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.40 No.4

        The study was undertaken for the clinical evaluation and statistical analysis on the 222 patients with ectopic pregnancy who had been adbitted and treated at the Mokpo St. Columban`s Hospital from Jan. 1, 1993 to Dec. 31, 1995. The results were obtained as follows. 1. Hospital incidence of ectopic pregnancy wasd 1 in 45 deliveries(222/10,078). 2. Ectopic pregnancy was found to occur most frequently in the age group, ranging from 31 to 35 years(36.9%). 3. Nullipara was 26.5% and woman who had experienced artificial abortion was 69.8%. 4. Hemoglobin value over 10.0 gm/dL was in 78.8% and below 8.9 gm/dL in 4.1%. 5. Initial systolic blood pressure rise above 100 mmHg was in 75.0%, the mean value was 104.5mmHg. 6. The clinical manifestations were appeared in 64.4% from the last menstrual peroid to the next 5~8 weeks. 7. Total amount of intraperitoneal hemorrhage between 100~1,000 ml was in 62.1%, above the 1,000 ml was in 29.3% and less than 100 ml was in 8.6%. 8. Ectopic pregnancy was implanted follopain tuve in 95.0% ovary in 4.5% and cervix in 0.5%. Among tubal pregnancies, ampulla portion was involved in 76.6%, interstitial portion in 3.1%, isthmic portion in 12.2% and fimbrial portion in 3.1%. 9. In the past history, the laparoscopic tubal ligation was in 18%, peritonitis was in 1.8%, appendectomy was in 7.2% and cesarean section was in 8.6%. 10. Culdocentesis was positive in 70.0% and urinary HCG test was positive in 90%. 11. 77.8% of total cases was treated by salpingectomy, 14.9% by salpingoophorectomy and 1.4% by hysterectomy. 12. Of 222 total cases, no death occurred.

      • KCI등재

        고령 산모에 관한 임상통계학적 고찰

        신승권,윤광혁,이명재,양영균,정병욱,정진국 대한산부인과학회 1998 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.41 No.1

        According to most studies, there are numerous complications of pregnancy-affecting both the mother and the fetus or neonate-among women over the age of 35. So, we have compared 542 cases of the elderly gravida over the age of 35 at the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Mokpo, St. Columban`s Hospital, from January 1, 1994 to December 31, 1996, with 500 cases randomly chosen young pregnant women during the same period. There results were as follows. 1. There were 542 cases of the elderly gravida among total 10706 deliveries and the incidence of the elderly gravida was 5.06%. 2. The rate of elderly gravida was increased from 4.72% in 1994 to 5.39% in 1996. 3. The maternal age distribution of elderly gravida was from 35 years to 46 years. 4. The parity of elderly gravida was that primigravida was 12.2% and multigravida was 87.8%. 5. 501 cases(92.4%) of total cases were vertex presentation and breech presentation was in 34 cases(6.3%), transverse lie in 7 cases(1.3%). 6. The preterm pregnancy was 9.2% compared with 10.4% in control group. The postterm pregnancy was 3.1% compared with 5.4% in control group. 7. The rate of cesarean section was 42.4% compared with 22.4% in control group. Among the incidence of cesarean section the highest incidence was previous cesarean section(41.3%). Other indications were elderly primigravida(28.7%), cephalopelvic disproportion(7.0%), and abnormal presentation(8.3%) in order. 8. Concerning the prenatal complication, the incidence of hypertensive disorder was 5.4% compared with 3.6% in control group. 9. The Incidence of low birth weight was 12.0% compared with 6.4% in control group. 10. The male-to-female sex ratio was 1.22: 1 compared with 1.09 : 1 in control group.

      • KCI등재

        고혈압성 임신에 관한 임상적 고찰

        신호영(HY Shin),박호길(HK Park),문영기(YK Moon),곽현모(HM Kwak) 대한산부인과학회 1973 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.16 No.4

        1) 1966년 4월 1일부터 1970년 12월 31일까지 5년간 연세대학교 의과대학 산부인과교실에 있어서 임신중독증 발생율은 7.06% 였고 연도별로 볼때 차차 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 2) Aerican Committee on Maternal Welfare에서 제정한 분류법에 의하여 분류한 바 중자간전증 이 43.8%로 가장 많았고 경자간전증이 33.9%로 다음으로 많았으며 자간은 17.5%의 분포를 나타 내었다. 만성 고혈압성 혈관질환에 급성중독증을 동반한 예가 3.9%, 급성중독증을 동반치 않은 예가 0.5%였으며 미분류군은 0.4%였다. 3) 연령별로는 25-29세군이 42.5%로 제일 많은 분포를 보였고 30-34세군이 30.0%로 그 다음으로 많았다. 4) 경산회수별로 볼 때 초산부가 48.19%, 경산부가 51.8%를 점하였다. 5) 계절별로는 춘계에 28.6%로 가장 많은 분포를 보였고 秋와 冬 및 夏季의 순이었다. 6) 일반군이 71.5%, 지정의군이 28.5%를 점해서 일반군에서 현저히 높은 분포를 보였다. 7) 중독증과 동반한 질환은 쌍태가 28예로서 제일 많았고 태반조기박리가 23예, 본태성 고혈압이 23예로서 그 다음으로 많았다. 8) 연도별 총 분만예의 증가에 비하여 산전 관리를 받은 빈도는 별 변화가 없었으나 중독증의 빈 도는 차차 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 9) 분만 제 3일에 관찰한 부종, 혈압, 단백뇨의 소실과정은 경자간전증, 중자간전증, 자간에서는 부종, 혈압, 단백뇨 순이었으나 만성 고혈압성 혈관질환에서는 혈압, 부종, 단백뇨의 순이었다. 10) 5년간의 본 병원의 주산기 사망율은 36.4인데 반하여 중독증의 주산기 사망율은 121.1로서 현 저히 높았고 분류별 각군에서 중독증의 증상이 심해짐에 따른 주산기 사망율의 증가를 볼 수 있 었다. This study was undertaken for clinical evaluation on the women with toxemia of pregnancy who was admitted to Yonsei University Medical Center from April, 1966 to December, 1970. By evaluating 583 cases of toxemia of pregnancy among total 8,253 deliveries, following results were obtained. 1. The incidence of toxemia was 7.06%. 2. According to the classification of American Committee on Maternal Welfare, the incidence of toxemia were as follows; Mild pre-eclampsia : 33.9% Severe pre-eclampsia : 43.8% Eclampsia : 17.5% Chronic hypertensive vascular diseases with superimposed acute toxemia : 3.9% Chronic hypertensive vascular diseases without acute toxemia : 0.5% Unclassified : 0.4% 3. Age distribution of toxemia was higest among 25-29 years range (42.5%). 4. 48.2% of toxemia was primipara and 51.8% of toxemia was multipara. 5. The numbers of toxemia were most in spring time (28.66%), but no definite significance on seasonal variation. 6. The distribution between clinical cases and private cases was higher in clinic cases (71.55). 7. Among the associated diseases with toxemia of pregnancy were 28 cases (4.8%), and abruptio placentae were 23 cases (3.9%). Other diseases were essential hypertension, polyhydramnios and diabetes mellitus. 8. The total numbers of deliveries were increased yearly, but there was no remarkable change on rate of antenatal visit. There was a tendency of decrease on incidence of pregnancy yearly. 9. The symptoms of toxemia of pregnancy disappeared on postpartum third day, in order of edema, hypertension, and proteinuria on each toxemia groups. 10. Perinatal mortality rate of toxemia was 121/1,000 live birth and it was very high value contrast to over all perinatal mortality rate (36.4/1,000 live births).

      • KCI등재

        제대결합체의 1 예

        이상룡,신승권,최호준,이명재,양영균,양우열 대한산부인과학회 1996 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.39 No.11

        If twinning is initiating after the embryonic disc and the rudimentary amnionic sac have been formed, and if division of the embryonic disc is incomplete, conjoined twins result. We have recently experienced a case of omphalopagus in 28-year old woman. We present this case with a brief review of literatures.

      • 1단 비례 압력제어밸브의 정특성 해석

        조천익(Chun-Yk. Cho),정헌술(Heon-Sul. Jeong),신슬기(Seul-Ki. Shin),한성민(Song-Min, Han) 유공압건설기계학회 2009 유공압건설기계학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2009 No.11

        Because of the increasing demand on the high precision and high response of a machinery, electronic control valves are widely adopted at various application fields. This paper studies on the static characteristic of a first-stage proportional pressure control valve. At first, a simulation program is developed by using AMESim environment. And then it was utilized for the characteristic study of the pressure relief valve. In order to optimize the valve specifications, various parameter studies affecting of the characteristics are carried out and as the result important design parameters of each characteristic curve are identified.

      • KCI등재

        제왕절개 후 발생한 태반용종 1 예

        김동진,신영관,김준태,윤미림,김태수,황호민 대한산부인과학회 1995 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.38 No.2

        저자는 최근 본 병원 산부인과에서 제왕절개후 2년만에 발견된 태반 용종의 한 사례를 경험 하였기에 이에 대한 간단한 문헌적 고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. A placental polyp is an intrauterine, polypoid or pedunculated mass of placental tissue retained after an incomplete abortion or term pregnancy. While several cases of placental ployp after vaginal delivery and abortion have been reported, few cases of placental polyp after cesarian section were reported before. However, recently, we happened to meet such case, and we present here the history of the case and brief review of related literature.

      • KCI등재

        Post-Transfusion Prupura 1 례

        김동진,신영관,차용재,김준길,김준태,김태수 대한산부인과학회 1994 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.37 No.10

        PTP는 동양인에서는 매우 드문 증후군으로서, 대부분의 경우 진단이 안되거나 ITP로 잘못 진단하는 경우가 많다. 특히 수혈을 많이하는 산부인과 의사로서 경산부에 수혈했을때 발병 가능성이 있으며 일단 PTP가 의심이 되면 즉시 치료를 시작해야 한다는 사실을 알아야 할 것으로 생각되며, 본 저자들은 경산부에서 발생된 PTP 1례를 경험하였기에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. Post-transfusionpurpura(PTP) is believed to be a rare clinical syndrome characterized by the acute occurrence of severe purpura with thrombocytopenia approximately 1 week after blood transfusion. This syndrome occurs predominantly in patients who lack the platelet-specific alloantigen, and has been previously sensitized by prior transfusion or pregnancy. The typical patient is a middle-aged, multiparous white woman. Diagnosis may be suspected by normal clotting studies, bone marrow biopsy showing increased megakaryocytes, and demonstration of a potent antibody reactive against platelets by appropriate serologic tests. Treatment with corticosteroid and platelet transfusion is ineffective. Exchange trasfusion or plasmapheresis has led to improved survival in this disease. Recent reports indicate that IV IgG may become a effective treatment. We exprienced a case of PTP in a multiparous woman received first blood transfusion during Cesarean section. Here we report this case with brief review of literature.

      • KCI등재

        제대허니아 및 심한 복수를 동반한 거대 자궁근종의 1 예

        김동진,신영관,이혜경,이재석,박범승 대한산부인과학회 1992 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.35 No.6

        자궁근종에서 심한 복수를 동반한 경우는 외국문헌상 10만예만이 보고되어 있으나2), 국내에서는 아직 보고된 바 없다. 본 병원에서는 49세의 다산부에서 심한 복수 및 제대허니아를 동반한 6.520gm의 자궁근종을 경험하였기에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. The reported cases of huge uteine myoma with umbilical hernia and massive ascites are extremely rare. This case, 49-year old multipara, was referred to our hospital due to distended abdomen and umbilical hernia. After removal of the uterine myoma, ascites had been completely disappeared. Pathologically, a leiomyoma of the uterus was confirmed.

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