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      • 멀티미디어 응용을 위한 시간명세 및 검증방법

        김태남,오길호,신윤식,임은기,장춘서,오득환,김병만,이기수 金烏工科大學校 1996 論文集 Vol.17 No.-

        Interactive multimedia application(IMA) has been emerged as a hot-spot trend with the advance of technology to handle sound and motion video. But, it is still difficult to build IMA since it gets more complex to specify the temporal and spatial synchronizations and interactions with users inherent in IMA as the complexity of IMA grows. In this paper, we propose a formal specification and verification mechanism to detect specification errors of complex IMAs. In our system, the specification is carried out via top-down approach, which means a high-level specification of an IMA is completed and each component of high-level specification is specified in more detail. The detailed description are verified to be equivalent to its high-level specification. We show the usefulness of the specification and verification mechanism by illustrating an example.

      • 군장병의 헌혈을 통한 말라리아 전파의 위험성에 대한 조사

        임채승,김영기,이갑노,염용태,김순덕,김대성,황유성,오홍범,김두성 대한감염학회 1997 감염 Vol.29 No.2

        목적:국내 헌혈 혈액에서 전염병 감염 방지를 위해 시행하는 감염표지자 중 말라리아를 검출하려는 노력은 최근의 비무장지대 내의 군장병에서의 말라리아 재발생에도 불구하고 활성화 되어 있지 않다. 일반적으로 말라리아가 토착화 된 지역을 거주하거나 여행한 사람 중 말라리아에 걸렸거나 치료한 경력 있는 사람은 치료가 끝난 후라도 3년내에는 헌혈을 금지하도록 규정하고 있다. 저자들은 국내 헌혈의 중요 부분(57.8%)을 차지하는 군인에서 헌혈시 말라리아 전파의 위험성을 파악하고자 본 조사를 실시하였다. 방법:1995년 5월에서 1996년 10월까지 군병원에 입원한 환자중 말라리아로 확진된 174명의 환자에서 면담 및 입원 기록을 추적하여 병력과 헌혈 기록을 확인 한 뒤 헌혈장소, 헌혈일, 헌혈 기록을 확인 한 뒤 헌혈장소, 헌혈일, 헌혈 횟수를 조사하여 환자의 증상 발병일과의 간격 및 연관성 분석하였고 이를 기준으로 공혈 혈액의 수혈시 말라리아의 전파 위험성을 평가하였다. 결과:전체 174명의 환자중에서 1회라도 헌혈을 시행한 사람은 70.7%인 123명에 해당하였고 환자의 증상 시작일과 헌혈일과의 간격은 2일에서 평균 2750일(평균 377알, 표준편차 488일)의 분포를 보였다. 증상시작일과 헌혈일의 간격이 3년 이내인 경우는 전체의 87.8%에 해당하였다. 말라리아 치료후 헌혈을 실시한 경우는 (n=18) 모두 치료 후 3년 이내에 헌혈을 하였다. 헌혈장소는 토착형 말라리아의 호발 지역과 동일하였는데 경기도 파주시(40%)와 연천군(29%) 및 철원(15.5%) 기타(15.5%)순이었다. 결론:한국에서 토착형 말라리아 군인 환자들의 병력조회에서 헌혈에 의한 전염가능성이 존재하는 기간 내에 헌혈이 적지 않게 실시되고 있어서 이들 지역에서의 군헌혈을 실시하는 경우 엄격한 헌혈자 선별기준 적용되어야 할 것으로 생각된다. Background: Screening of donor blood for malaria has not been activated in Korea yet in spite of the recent resurgence of tertian malaria among Korean army soldiers in Delimited Militarized Zone areas. Prospective donors(travellers, immigrants, refugees, citizens or residents) following a visit to or coming from and endemic area who have had malaria or taken antimalarial prophylaxis should be deferred for 3 years after cessation of therapy or after depature from malarial area. We studied the risk of the transmission of malaria, especially through army blood donation which comprised up to 57.8% of whole blood donation in Korea. Methods: The data were collected by personal interview and review of donation records of Korea Red Cross Center and medical records from 174 army soldiers with malaria who admitted to Army Hospital from May 1995 to October 1996. We analysed the time interval between onset of illness and blood donation, and geographic distribution of the patients. Results: About 70.7%(123/174) of the patients donated blood before the onset of illness, and the internal between blood donation and onset of illness ranged from 2 days to 2,750 days (mean 377, standard deviation488). Patients who donated blood within 3 years before onset of illness were 87.8%(n=108) of the total blood donation. All donation (n=18) after treatment were within 3 years from 46 days to 342 days(mean 138, standard deviation 80.7). The frequent of blood donations were from the prevalent areas of malaria such as Pajoo City(40%), Younchon Kun(29%), Cholwon Kun(15.5%) and others(15.5%). Conclusion: We showed that donated army blood a risk of malaria transmission. Therefore the blood bank needs to set strict guidelines for blood donation especially from Korean army soldiers to control malaria transmission.

      • Acridine Orange 염색법을 이용한 말라리아의 진단

        임채승,김영기,이갑노,김대성,김순덕,염용태 대한감염학회 1997 감염 Vol.29 No.2

        배경:최근 한국에서의 토착형 말라리아는 1993년을 기점으로 점차 증가하여 1996년도에는 발생 환자가 350명을 넘게 되어 한국도 이제 토착형 말라리아가 정착한 것으로 추정된다. 그러나 아직까지 말라리아의 진단은 말초혈액도말이나 후층도말법등 기초적인 진단법에 의존하고 있어 예민도가 높은 진단법이 요구되는 상황이나 아직 국내의 연구는 부족하여 저자들은 말라리아 진단시 예민도가 높다고 보고된 형광 염색법인 acridine orange염색법을 적용하여 기존의 진단법과 비교하였다. 방법:저자들은 1996년 경기도에서 의뢰된 말라리아 의심 검체 20개와 군 병원에 입원한 환자 67명의 치료전 후 혈액을 이용하여 박충 및 후충도말을 만들어 Giemsa 염색을 실시하였고 동일 혈액도말검체에 acridine orange 염색액을 한 방울(10-50㎍/mL)떨어뜨려 염색을 실시하였다. 이를 경험이 풍부한 말라리아 전문가가 광학 현미경과 형광 현미경으로 판독하여 각 방법간의 예민도를 비교하였다. 결과:대상 검체에서 acridine orange 염색법의 예민도는 83%로 박충도말법과(82%) 후충도말법(83%)과 우월하거나 비슷하였고 시간 면에서는 기존 방법에 비하여 월등히 우수하였다. 결론:말라리아 진단에 있어 acridine orange 염색법은 예민도가 높고, 조작이 쉽고 시간도 빠르다는 장점이 있어 초보자와 대량 검체의 검사시 선별 검사로서 유용할 것으로 생각되었다. Background: In South Korea, indigenous malaria has been reappeared since 1993 and more than 350 cases diagnosed in 1996. For the diagnosis of malaria the classic methods such as thin and thick blood smears with Giemsa or Wright stain has been routinely used. Since recently fluorochrome staining has been shown to be more sensitive, easy to do, and less time-consuming, we applied the new method, Acridine orange stain, for diagnosis of clinically suspected cases. Methods: Thin and thick blood smears were prepared from civilian patients of Kyunggi Province(n=20) and Republic Of Korea army patients pre(n=67) and posttreatment(n=13) of malaria. The slides were fixed by methanol and stained by either Giemsa or Acridine orange solution(10-50㎍/mL). For comparison, an expert on malaria diagnosis examined them by light and fluorescent microscope, respectively. Result: Acridine orange stain was found to be a rapid technique, and as sensitive(83%) as thick smears(83%) for diagnosis of malaria. The detection limit of acridine orange stain was 23.5 parasites/μ1 of blood. The staining time was much shorter(30 sec) than that of Giemsa stain(30-60min). Conclusion: Acridine orange stain is evaluated as a simple, rapid, and sensitive method for malaria diagnosis, compared with Giemsa stain.

      • KCI등재

        Live attenuated nephropathogenic infectious bronchitis virus vaccine provides broad cross protection against new variant strains.

        Lim, T-H,Kim, M-S,Jang, J-H,Lee, D-H,Park, J-K,Youn, H-N,Lee, J-B,Park, S-Y,Choi, I-S,Song, C-S Poultry Science Association, etc 2012 Poultry science Vol.91 No.1

        <P>Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) infections cause great economic losses to the poultry industry worldwide, and the emergence of new variant strains complicates disease control. The present study investigated the genetic and protectotypic features of newly emerged Korean IBV strains. A phylogenetic analysis showed that several recent isolates formed 2 different clusters (new cluster 1 and 2), which were distinct from other preexisting clusters. New cluster 1 IBV strains represented recombinants between Korean nephropathogenic strain KM91 and the QXIBV strain. New cluster 2 IBV strains showed low amino acid homology (<58.7%) compared with previous isolates. We evaluated the protective efficacy of commercial IBV vaccines (H120 and K2 strain) against these new isolates. In cross-protection studies, the H120 strain did not provide sufficient protection against these variants. However, highly attenuated nephropathogenic IBV vaccine, K2 strain, provided significantly higher levels of protection against variants compared with chickens vaccinated with H120 (P < 0.05 or better). These results indicate that the K2 vaccine could be helpful for the reduction of economic losses caused by newly evolving IBV recombinants (new cluster 1) and variants (new cluster 2).</P>

      • An emerging recombinant cluster of nephropathogenic strains of avian infectious bronchitis virus in Korea

        Lim, T.H.,Lee, H.J.,Lee, D.H.,Lee, Y.N.,Park, J.K.,Youn, H.N.,Kim, M.S.,Lee, J.B.,Park, S.Y.,Choi, I.S.,Song, C.S. Elsevier Science 2011 Infection, genetics and evolution Vol.11 No.3

        The infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) is continuously evolving through point mutation and recombination of their genome, subsequently the emergence of IBV variants complicates disease control. The objective of this study was to investigate genetic characterization of new IBV variants isolated from commercial chicken flocks in Korea collected between 2005 and 2010. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that all new IBV isolates belonged to Korean group II (K-II), which included the nephropathogenic IBV strains. However, the isolates formed a new gene cluster that was distinguished from the two distinct K-II subgroups (KM91-like and QX-like). Recombination events were identified in the S1 gene, with their putative parental strains being the KM91-like or QX-like subgroup. In addition, two crossover sites were observed in the S1 gene of IBV isolates. These results suggest that natural genetic recombination between heterologous strains classified into different genetic groups has occurred and may have caused the emergence of new IBV strains. This finding provides important information on IBV evolution and is essential for the effective control of IB in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        Current Status of the KSTAR TF Superconducting Magnet Development

        ByoungSu Lim,C. S. Kim,D. J. Kim,D. K. Lee,G. S. Lee,H. K. Park,I. S. Woo,J. S. Bak,J. Y. Choi,J.J. Joo,K. Pak,K. Kim,K. P. Kim,M. S. Ko,N. H. Song,S. Lee,S. J. An,W. Chung,W. W. Park,Y. J. Song 한국물리학회 2006 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.49 No.III

        The KSTAR (Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research) TF magnet system is a fully superconducting magnet system which consists of 16 TF coils. The TF coil system provides a field of 3.5 T at a plasma center, with a peak flux density at the TF coils of 7.5 T. The stored energy is 470 MJ. TF coils use a Nb3Sn superconducting strand with Incoloy alloy 908 (afterward, Incoloy 908) conduit. The Nb3Sn strand has KSTAR HP-III specifications in which the critical current density is greater than 750 A/mm2 at 12 T, 4.2 K. The nominal current of the TF coils is 35.2 kA with all coils in series. For the fabrication of CICC (Cable-In-Conduit Conductor), a continuous CICC jacketing system is developed, and the procedures of coil fabrication are established to develop the TF coil. The prototype TF coil and the TF 01 16 coils are fabricated for the KSTAR superconducting magnet system. The TF17 coil which will be used as a back up coil is under fabrication. The overall TF coil fabrication will be completed by the end of December 2005.=


        Reduced-Intensity Conditioning with Busulfan, Fludarabine, and Antithymocyte Globulin for Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation from Unrelated or Haploidentical Family Donors in Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia in Remission

        Lee, K.H.,Lee, J.H.,Lee, J.H.,Kim, D.Y.,Park, H.S.,Choi, E.J.,Ko, S.H.,Seol, M.,Lee, Y.S.,Kang, Y.A.,Jeon, M.,Baek, S.,Kang, Y.L.,Kim, S.H.,Yun, S.C.,Kim, H.,Jo, J.C.,Choi, Y.,Joo, Y.D.,Lim, S.N. Kluge Carden Jennings Pub. Co 2017 BIOLOGY OF BLOOD AND MARROW TRANSPLANTATION Vol.23 No.9

        To investigate the role of antithymocyte globulin (ATG)-containing reduced-intensity conditioning (RIC) in hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) from unrelated (UD) or haploidentical family donors (HFD), we conducted a phase 2 trial of 237 patients (age range, 16 to 69 years) with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in remission. Patients undergoing UD-HCT (n@?=@?93) or HFD-HCT (n@?=@?59) received RIC comprising busulfan, fludarabine, and ATG, 9@?mg/kg, whereas those undergoing HCT from matched sibling donors (MSD, n@?=@?85) received myeloablative busulfan and cyclophosphamide conditioning or aforementioned RIC with ATG, 4.5@?mg/kg. For graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) prophylaxis, cyclosporine and methotrexate were administered. The median follow-up period was 44.7 months after HCT for 161 survivors. For UD-HCT versus HFD-HCT, there were no significant differences in leukemia recurrence, nonrelapse mortality, relapse-free survival, grades 2 to 4 acute GVHD, and moderate-to-severe chronic GVHD. Furthermore, when the outcomes of UD-HCT and HFD-HCT were combined and compared with those of MSD-HCT, there were no significant differences in leukemia recurrence (3-year cumulative incidence, 30% versus 29%), nonrelapse mortality (3-year cumulative incidence, 7% versus 8%), relapse-free survival (3-year estimate, 63% versus 63%), and grades 2 to 4 acute GVHD (120-day cumulative incidence, 16% versus 13%). Moderate-to-severe chronic GVHD, however, occurred less frequently in UD/HFD-HCT (2-year cumulative incidence, 22% versus 40%; P@?=@?.006). The addition of ATG to conditioning regimen was a significant predictor for less chronic GVHD (subdistribution hazard ratio, .59). In AML in remission, UD/HFD-HCT after ATG-containing RIC achieved leukemia control equivalent to that of MSD-HCT. Despite HLA disparity in UD/HFD-HCT, chronic GVHD occurred less frequently after ATG-containing RIC, suggesting a strong GVHD-modulating effect of ATG.

      • Mammalian Systems Biotechnology Reveals Global Cellular Adaptations in a Recombinant CHO Cell Line

        Yusufi, F.N.K.,Lakshmanan, M.,Ho, Y.S.,Loo, B.L.W.,Ariyaratne, P.,Yang, Y.,Ng, S.K.,Tan, T.R.M.,Yeo, H.C.,Lim, H.L.,Ng, S.W.,Hiu, A.P.,Chow, C.P.,Wan, C.,Chen, S.,Teo, G.,Song, G.,Chin, J.X.,Ruan, X. Cell Press 2017 Cell systems Vol.4 No.5

        Effective development of host cells for therapeutic protein production is hampered by the poor characterization of cellular transfection. Here, we employed a multi-omics-based systems biotechnology approach to elucidate the genotypic and phenotypic differences between a wild-type and recombinant antibody-producing Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line. At the genomic level, we observed extensive rearrangements in specific targeted loci linked to transgene integration sites. Transcriptional re-wiring of DNA damage repair and cellular metabolism in the antibody producer, via changes in gene copy numbers, was also detected. Subsequent integration of transcriptomic data with a genome-scale metabolic model showed a substantial increase in energy metabolism in the antibody producer. Metabolomics, lipidomics, and glycomics analyses revealed an elevation in long-chain lipid species, potentially associated with protein transport and secretion requirements, and a surprising stability of N-glycosylation profiles between both cell lines. Overall, the proposed knowledge-based systems biotechnology framework can further accelerate mammalian cell-line engineering in a targeted manner.

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