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      • KCI등재

        국내외 ‘영아’ 관련 연구물의 최근 동향 분석 : 2000년~2013년 발간 논문을 대상으로

        이승연,권수현,권연정,김언경,나영이,유주연,최정아 이화여자대학교 교육과학연구소 2015 교육과학연구 Vol.46 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to examine research trends in infant research published from 2000 to 2013, in order to understand overall aspects in research topics, methods, and subjects in infant research and to suggest directions for future infant research. A total of 2916 journal articles and theses/dissertations, both domestic and foreign, were selected for the analysis. The findings of this study were as follows: First, for the 14 year period, 737 domestic articles, 634 domestic theses/ dissertations, 1242 foreign articles, and 303 foreign dissertations on infant research were published, and there was a steady increase in the number of articles and theses/dissertations over the years. Second, in terms of research topics, different patterns were found between the domestic ones and the foreign ones; the topic of “education and teachers” in the domestic ones and “development” in the foreign ones occurred most frequently. Third, in terms of research methods, the domestic ones employed “survey” the most, and the foreign ones employed “experiment” the most among quantitative research methods; when analyzing the relation between methods and topics, the foreign ones showed clear matches between topics and research methods, while the domestic ones preferred “survey” regardless of the topics. Fourth, in terms of subjects/participants, “infants” were the most researched in both the domestic ones and the foreign ones, followed by “parent” and “teachers.” Among the infants, the domestic ones focused on 25~36-month olds the most, while the foreign ones focused most on 0~12-month olds. In addition, in all types of infant research, there were more single subject studies than multiple subject ones.

      • 20대 남녀의 환경온도 및 착의에 따른 체온의 변동

        성수광,양가연,권오경 대구효성가톨릭대학교 사회과학연구소 1993 女性問題硏究 Vol.21 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to obtain the basic data for Thermo-physiologically sound wear. The study investigated the skin temperature, oral temperature, rectal temperature, eyeball surface temperatures according to various thermal environments. Adult male and female in twenties were studied in nacked and in both summer and autumn clothing. The significance of the various factors was analyzed according to the environment temperature, manner of dressing, and sex. The results were as follows. 1. With a normal mean skin temperature of 33~34℃, summer attire was found to be comfortable at environment temperature 28℃ while autumn attire was most comfortable at environment temperature 22℃. 2. The correlation of skin temperature between the torso and the extremities was found to be lower than that of other regions. 3. The range of body temperature according to the change of environment temperature was eyeball surface > oral > rectal temperature. 4. The correlation between mean skin temperature and body temperature was eyeball surface > oral > rectal temperature. 5. Form the result of a normal correlation between mean skin temperature and body temperature, we can obtain the regression equation for mean skin temperature.

      • CORE 편포의 세탁에 따른 열적 특성의 변화

        성수광,김연희,권오경 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1992 연구논문집 Vol.45 No.1

        This study was carried out to investigate the changes of thermal properties such as warmth retaining and contact warm/cool feeling of a core knitted fabric by repeated washing. Three kinds of knitted fabric such as core, polyester/cotton(P/C), and cotton were repeatedly washed, and then used as specimen. Thermo Labo Ⅱ type was employed to measure the thermal properties of warmth retaining and contact warm/cool feeling. And also, the experimental results were analysed statistically to related the thermal properties and structural properties such as thickness, weight, bulk density, porosity, cover factor, and air permeability. The results are as follows. 1. The warmth retaining and the contact warm/cool feeling were remarkably changed at early washing, and after further washing no changes occured. The change rate of the materials to repeated washing was in the order of cotton>P/C>core knitted fabrics. 2. In case the knitted fabric of the same thickness and of the same weight have been considered, the warmth retaining was in the order of P/C>core cotton knitted fabrics. And also, the contact warm/cool feeling was in reverse order of the warmth retaining. 3. The warmth retaining showed positive correlation with thickness, weight, porosity, and cover factor and negative correlation with bulk density, and air permeability. And also, the contact warm/cool feeling showed an opposite trend to the warmth retaining 4. The warmth retaining and the contact warm/cool feeling were expected by measuring the structural properties such as thickness, weight, bulk density, porosity, cover factor, and air permeability according to the obtained regression equation.

      • KCI등재후보

        대구, 경북지역 대학생의 식사행동 및 일본음식에 대한 인상 및 기호도 조사 연구

        한재숙,이연정,최석현,최수근,권상용,최영희 동아시아식생활학회 2004 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        본 연구는 대구, 경북지역의 대학생(570명)을 대상으로 식사내용, 식사관습, 식사예절, 일본음식에 대한 인상과 시식경험 및 기호도를 조사한 것으로 그 분석결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 음식은 항상 일인분씩 담는다’의 경우는 전체응답자의 15.5%에 불과하였고, ‘음식을 큰 접시에 모아서 담는다’의 경우는 ‘가끔 한다’가 44.8%, ‘항상 한다’가 35.8%로 나타나 큰 접시에 모아서 담는 가정이 많았다. ‘저녁은 가끔 가족이 함께 모여서 먹는다’가 59.9%로 가장 많았고, ‘항상 가족이 모여 같은 음식을 먹는다’는 끼니는 아침이 42.3%, 저녁이 23.3%, 점심이 3%로 나타나 아침에 가족이 모여 같은 음식을 먹는 경우가 가장 많았다. 2. ‘식사시 가족의 자리가 정해져 있다’고 한 경우는 전체응답자의 53.5%였고, ‘가족이 모여 식사할 경우, 연장자가 수저를 들기 전에는 먹지 않는다’는 전체의 56.4%였으며, ‘가장에게는 음식의 양이나 수가 많다’는 30.9%였다. 3. 식사예절에 대해 가장 자주 주의를 받는 것은 ‘TV를 보지 않고 먹기’(13.4%), 남기지 않고 먹기(11.5%), ‘수저사용법’(8.0%)의 순으로 나타났다. 반면 ‘식기 부딪히는 소리’(76.9%), ‘입 다물고 먹기’(76.6%), ‘씹는 소리’(74.6%), ‘밥 먹는 모양’(71.4%), ‘수저 사용법’(69.7%)등은 전체응답자의 70% 이상이 ‘주의를 받지 않는다’고 하였다. 4. 음식 만들기에 대한 선호도는 5점 만점에 3.48점으로‘보통 이상’으로 나타났고 국가별 요리에 대한 기호도는 한국요리(4.39점)가 가장 높았고, 그 다음이 중국요리 (3.76점), 이태리요리(3.45점), 일본요리(3.32점) 순이었으며 프랑스요리(3.16점)가 가장 낮은 기호도를 보였다. 음식 만드는 빈도는 한달에 1∼2회 정도로 나타나 대학 생들이 직접 음식을 만드는 빈도는 매우 낮음을 알 수 있었다. 5. 일본 방문경험은 조사대상자의 93.8%가 없었으며, 그중 92.6%가 일본방문을 희망하였고 일본음식에 대한 이미지는 ‘가격이 비싸다’(4.15점), ‘장식이 아름답다’(4.05점), ‘색채가 예쁘다’(3.98점) 등은 높은 점수를 보인 반면에 ‘맵다’(2.21점), ‘기름기가 많다'(2.51점), ’깊은 맛이 있다‘(2.56점) 등은 낮은 점수를 보였다. 6. 일본음식 중 가장 높은 시식경험을 가진 것은 우동(95.3%)이었고 그 다음은 스시(93.1%), 덴뿌라(81.9%)순 이었고, 반면에 니쿠자가(6.4%), 오차즈께(9.3%), 오코 노미야끼(11.1%), 다코야끼(16.0%) 등은 매우 낮은 시식경험을 보였다. 7. 일본음식에 대한 기호도는 우동(3.98점), 스시(3.85점), 덴뿌라(3.69점), 소바(3.43점), 스키야끼(3.12점)는 대체로 높은 기호도를 나타낸 반면 낫또(2.68점), 오차즈께(2.76점), 오코노미야끼(2.87점), 미소시루(2.88점), 다코 야끼(2.88점) 등은 낮은 기호도를 보였다. 이상의 연구결과로 변모해 가는 우리전통 식사예절의 동향 파악이 가능하였고 가족간의 화목과 건강한 사회를 이루기 위한 가족 단란의 식사지침이 요구되었다. 한편 일본음식중에는 우동과 스시가 한국대학생들에게 가장 인기가 높은 음식임을 알 수 있었고 대부분의 일본요리에 대해 장식이 예쁘고 색채가 아름답지만 값이 비싸다는 이미지를 가지고 있어서 가격을 좀 더 낮춘다면 그 이용이 더욱 늘어날 것으로 기대되었다. 또한 낫또, 오차즈께, 오코노미야끼 등 이용도가 낮은 음식에 대해서는 한국인의 입맛에 맞는 요리법을 가미한다면 대중화가 가능하리라고 여겨진다. This study was conducted to investigate the dietary behavior and image and preference of Japanese foods. The Subjects were consisted of 570 university students(243 males and 327 females) in Daegu and Kyungbuk area, Korea. The students responses to the 10 questions about image of Japanese foods were also measured on 5 point Likert scale. Data were presented by using frequency, percentage, chi-square test and T-test. The results of this study were as follows: (1) On the eating habits, 'the whole family has breakfast together with same foods everyday' scored high as 42.3% and 'foods put in a big platter by gathering everyday' as 35.8%. (2) About the eating customs, 53.5% of the subjects responded that the seat was fixed at meal time, 56.4% didn't start to eat before the patriarch started a meal and 30.9% responded that the head of a family had more foods in number and quantity. (3) On the table manners, 13.4% of the subjects were scolded about 'watching TV on eating', 11.5% about 'making left-over foods', 8.0% about 'misuse of spoon and chopsticks'. (4) The preferred ethnic foods by University students was in other of Korean, Chinese, Italian, Japanese and French foods. (5) Among subjects, 93.8% had no experience of visiting Japan and 92.6% wanted to visit Japan. Images on the Japanese foods were 'the price is too expensive' (mean 4.15) and 'the decoration is wonderful'(mean 4.05). But the subjects did not think Japanese foods as 'hot'(mean 2.21) and 'greasy'(mean 2.51). (6) The favorite Japanese food of subjects was Udon(mean 3.98), Sushi(mean 3.85) and Tempura(mean 3.69). So Udon turned out to be the most popular Japanese foods by university students in Daegu and Kyungbuk area, Korea. But they did not prefer Natto(mean 2.68), Ochazuke(mean 2.76), Okonomiyaki(mean 2.87) and Misosirn and did not eat. From the above results, Korean university students preferred Udon to Natto among Japanese traditional foods, and they estimated Japanese foods as 'too expensive'. Therefore, lowering the price and developing the cooking method for Korean taste were needed to increase the intake of Japanese traditional foods by Korean university students and.

      • KCI등재

        사망 진단서(시체 검안서) 작성의 문제점

        김규석,임용수,이중의,서길준,윤여규,어은경,염석란,정연권,이윤성 대한응급의학회 2000 대한응급의학회지 Vol.11 No.4

        Background: This study was conducted to analyze the current problems in completing death certificates and to identify the correct method for completing death certificates Methods: We reviewed 262 death certificates in three hospitals from March 1 to April 30, 2000, and 119 death certificates in one hospital from March 1 to 31, 2000. We identified major and minor errors and analyzed and compared them retrospectively. Results: A total of 381 death certificates were reviewed: 59 in Seoul National University Hospital,101 in Ewha Woman's University Hospital, and 102 in Gachon Medical College Hospital, which has no education program for completing death certificates in postgraduate training, and 119 in Samsung Medical Center which has an education program for completing death certificates. 358 certificates(94.0%) had at least one error. There were only 23 death certificates(6.0%) without an error. In 182 cases(47.8%), there was one major error. In 321 death certificates(84.3%), there were more than two errors. A comparison of Samsung Medical Center with the other hospitals showed that the number of total errors was statistically different(p=0.001). Conclusion: There were few death certificates without an error in this study. In a hospital which has postgraduate training in completing death certificates, there are fewer errors than in other hospitals which have no training course. Emergency physicians actually certify many deaths, so they must know the correct method of completing death certificates for statistics on morbidity and mortality.

      • KCI등재

        강박증 환자에서 신경 심리 검사를 통한 전두엽 기능에 관한 연구

        안경흡,김명선,김연수,박은희,박선희,신민섭,류인균,권준수 大韓神經精神醫學會 2000 신경정신의학 Vol.39 No.3

        연구목적 : 강박증 환자에서 비언어적 기억의 장애, 실행능력(executive function)의 장애, 시공간능력의 장애등의 신경 인지 기능의 장애 및 뇌 영상 연구에서 전두엽-기저핵 신경로의 기능장애가 있다는 결과들이 보고되어 왔다. 저자들은 전두엽의 기능을 반영하는 것으로 알려진 신경 심리 검사를 통하여 강박증 환자의 전두엽의 기능적 변화의 유무 및 기타 인지기능에 미치는 영향에 대해서 평가하고자 하였다. 방 법 : 서울대학교병원 강박증 클리닉에 내원한 32명의 강박증 환자군과 28명의 정상 대조군을 대상으로 강박증상의 중증도에 대한 평가와 함께 한국판 단축형 지능검사(Short-form of K-WAIS)와 주로 전두엽 기능을 평가하는데 민감한 것으로 알려진 신경 인지 기능 검사군(위스콘신 카드 분류 검사, Rey-Os-terrieth Complex Figure test, Controlled Oral Word Association test, 선로 잇기 검사, Luria-Nebraska 신경심리 바테리 중 언어학습능력검사)을 시행하였다. 이 검사들의 결과를 연령과 교육연수를 통제한 후에 ANCOVA로 분석하였다. 결 과 ; 강방증 환자군은 범주적 언어 유창성 점수(ANCOVA, F=15.07, df=58, p<0.001), Rey-Os-terrieth Complex Figure test의 즉각 회상 점수(ANCOVA, F=6.33, df=57, p<0.015), Rey-Os-terrieth Complex Figure test의 지연 화상 점수(ANCOVA, F=5.33, df=57, p<0.022)가 정상 대조군에 비하여 유의하게 저하되어 있었다. 결 론 : 이 결과는 강박증 환자들이 전두엽의 특징적인 기능으로 알려진 실행기능보다는 비언어적 기억능력의 장애 및 언어능력의 장애를 가지고 있음을 시사한다. Objective : Non-verbal memory deficits, impairments in executive function and deficits in visuospartial functions have been repeatedly reported in subjects with obsessive-compulsive disorder(OCD). The present study aimed to evaluate the frontal lobe function using neuropsychological test in subjects with OCD and normal control. Methods : A battery of neuropsychological test(Wisconsin Card Sorting test, Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure test, Controlled Oral Word Association test, Trail Making test, Verbal Learning test) reflecting frontal lobe function was administrated to 32 OCD patients and 28 healthy comparison subjects. Result : There were no significant differences in age, years of education, or estimated IQ between the groups. Scores in category fluency, immediate recall and delayed recall of Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure test in OCD subjects were significantly lower than those of healthy comparison subjects(ANCOVA, F=15.07, df=58, p<0.001 ;ANCOVA, F=6.33, df=57, p<0.015 ; ANCOVA, F=5.33, df=57, p<0.022, respectively). Conclusion : OCD patients had selective deficits in task involving non-verbal memory and categorical word fluency relative to healthy comparisons.

      • 육안적 혈뇨로 내원한 환자에서 발견된 방광 유전분증 : 증례보고

        김은진;성 현;홍수민;정성연;박경식;손형래;박일권;구호석;고행일 인제대학교 백병원 2011 仁濟醫學 Vol.32 No.-

        Amyloidosis is a disease resulting in deposition of amyloid in the body. The disease can be either primary or secondary. The amyloidosis of urinary bladder is more usually affected by primary amyloidosis and also very rare. The patient with primary amyloidosis of the bladder usually presents with gross hematuria. The amyloidosis resembles bladder cancer in cystoscopy. It can be confirmed by biopsy. The treatment consists of medication (e.g., steroid, antitumor agent, cholchicine, DMSO) and/or transurethral resection. The standard treatment is mephalan and prednisolone. A 49-year-old man complained of recently developed gross hematuria without abdominal pain. We examined urinary bladder cystoscope for gross hematuria. It revealed small bulging mass on trigone are a of bladder. Therefore we did bladder biopsy. Finally, it revealed bladder amyloidosis. The patient was improved by medication (mephalan 2mg and prednisolone 1 mg/kg po daily). We report an unusual case of amyloidosis involving bladder.

      • KCI등재

        예비유아교사의 음악적 자아개념 및 음악적 개념에 대한 실제이해와 음악교수 효능감과의 관계

        최정아(Choi Jeong Ah),권수현(Kwon Su Hyun),유주연(Ryu Joo-yeon) 한국육아지원학회 2014 육아지원연구 Vol.9 No.2

        본 연구는 예비유아교사의 음악적 자아개념 및 음악적 개념에 대한 실제이해와 음악교수 효능감의 수준을 알아보고, 이들 간의 관련성과 영향력을 살펴보는 데에 목적이 있다. 연구 대상은 경상남도에 위치한 3, 4년제 대학의 유아교육과 학생 201명이었으며, 연구 도구는 Svengalis(1978)가 개발하고 Philips(2002)가 수정한 ‘음악적 자아개념 척도’, Kim, Lee, Kwon과 Park(2011)이 개발한 '유아교사의 음악적 개념 실제이해 측정 도구’, Riggs와 Enochs(1990)가 개발하고 방은영, 박찬옥(2005)이 수정한 ‘음악교수 효능감 검사도구’가 사용되었다. 연구결과를 살펴보면 첫째, 예비유아교사의 음악적 자아개 념과 음악적 개념에 대한 실제이해는 보통 수준인 것으로 나타났으며, 음악교수 효능감은 비교적 높은 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 예비유아교사의 음악적 자아개념, 음악적 개념에 대한 실제이해, 음악교수 효능 감은 대체로 유의한 정적 상관을 보였다. 셋째, 예비유아교사의 음악적 자아개념과 음악적 개념에 대한 실제이해는 예비유아교사의 음악교수 효능감 전체에 영향력을 미치고 있었으며, 하위요인 중 음악교수 능력에 대한 신념은 예비유아교사의 음악적 자아개념이 더 큰 영향력을 미쳤고, 결과에 대한 기대감은 음악적 개념에 대한 실제이해만이 영향력 있는 요인으로 나타났다. This study aimed to (1) examine early childhood pre-service teachers’ self-concept in music, the actual level of understanding of musical content knowledge and music teaching efficacy, and (2) investigate the relationships and influence among them. The participants consisted of 201 undergraduate students, majoring in early childhood education at colleges in Gyeongnam, Korea. The measurements used in this study were Self-Concept in Music Scale (SCIM), the scale of Understanding of Musical Content Knowledge, and Music Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument (MTEBI). The results of this study are as follows. First, the mean score of early childhood pre-service teachers’ self-concept in Music and actual understanding of musical content knowledge were about the average, besides their music teaching efficacy was higher than the average. Second, there was a positive relationship among early childhood pre-service teachers’ self-concept in music and music teaching efficacy, and the actual level of understanding of musical content knowledge. Third, early childhood pre-service teachers’ music teaching efficacy exerted a statistically significant influence on the self-concept in music and the actual level of understanding of musical content knowledge. Among the variables of early childhood pre-service teachers’ music teaching efficacy, 'the belief of music teaching ability' and 'the expectation of the results', pre-service teachers’ self-concept in music had more influence on 'the beliefs of music teaching ability' and actual understanding of musical content knowledge was the only influential factor on 'the expectation of the results'.

      • Examining the Management and Utilization Policy of Cultural Landscapes in Village Settings: A Case Study of Hahoe Village in South Kore

        Kwon Su-Yeon 차세대컨버전스정보서비스학회 2021 Journal of Digital Media & Culture Technology Vol.1 No.2

        Historical buildings are instrumental in preserving the ethos of a specific era, serving as crucial conduits for contemporary individuals to experience the past. Accordingly, this study investigates the significance of historical buildings as repositories of past societal and cultural narratives while offering contemporary individuals a means to engage with bygone eras. Through an examination of diverse international village cultural landscapes shaped by human activities over time, this study specifically focuses on analyzing the management and utilization policies implemented in Hahoe Village. As a representative case within the national context, the study sheds light on the inadequacies of current cultural heritage protection policies in considering the resident community, which has maintained historical continuity and adaptability to societal changes. The preservation of cultural properties in Hahoe Village, situated in Andong, necessitates an increased understanding among residents and the cultivation of active cooperation within the framework of management and utilization policies.

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