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      • Thiobacillus ferrooxidans를 이용한 소화 슬러지의 중금속 제거에 미치는 슬러지 농도의 영향

        류희욱,김윤정,조경숙,강근석,최형민 이화여자대학교 환경문제연구소 1998 이화환경연구 Vol.2 No.-

        철산화세균인 Thiobacillus ferrooxidans를 이용하여 폐수처리과정에서 발생되는 혐기소화 슬러지의 생물학적 중금속제거에 ㅍ미치는 슬러지 농도의 영향을 조사하였다. 혐기소화 슬러지와 탈수슬러지에 적용이 가능하도록 슬러지 농도를 2, 5, 9, 17%(w/v)로 설정하였다. 5%(w/v)이상의 슬러지 농도에서 T. ferrooxidans의 중금속 용출율이 매우 낮았다. T. ferrooxidans의 철산화능은 슬러지 용출액의 농도가 증가할 수록 저해받았고, 특히 슬러지 농도가 6%(w/v)이상인 슬러지 추출용액에서는 균의 활성이 완전히 저해받았다. 고농도 슬러지에서의 T. ferrooxidans의 활성저해는 물질전달의 제약보다는 용출액에 함유된 유기물이나 다른 용존저해물질의 작용이 주요 원인임을 알수 있었다. T. ferrooxidans는 혐기소화 슬러지액과 같이 고형물질의 양이 1.3∼4.0%(w/v)의 낮은 슬러지 농도에만 효과적으로 적용이 가능하였다. To investigate the feasibility of the microbial process for removal of heavy metals from the high solid content sludge, the effect of sludge concentration on the solubilization of heavy metals by an iron oxidizing Thiobacillus ferrooxidans was examined. With increasing the sludge concentration, the removal efficiency of heavy metals and the oxidation rate of iron were inhibited. Especially, when the sludge concentration is over 5%(w/v), the activity of T. ferrooxidans was remarkably inhibited. This inhibition is considered to occur due to the dissolved inhibitory materials such as organic compounds, heavy metals, and others which were extracted from the sludge during incubation period. In conclusion, the microbial process by T. ferrooxidans is only effectively used in ranges of 1.3 to 4.0%(w/v) sludge concentration.

      • 형광검출 역상 액체크로마토그래피에 의한 Histamine의 정량

        유희춘,김형룡,김상현,김대기,이영미,김형민,안년형,신태용 우석대학교 의약품개발연구소 1996 藥學硏究誌 Vol.1 No.-

        Histamine을 정확하고 신속하게 정량하기 위해 9.Fiuorenylmethyl chloroformate를 형광유도체화제로 하여 역상 HPLC법으로 정량하였다. 히스타민을 형광유도체화할 때 반응액의 pH, 반응시간, 형광유도체화제의 농도 등 최적 반응 조건을 검토하였다. 이 방법으로 히스타민을 분석한 결과 0.1~0.5ug/ml의 농도범위에서 상관계수가 0.922인 양호한 직선성을 나타내었으며 검출한계는 0.01??/ml였다. A rapid and simple method for the determination of histamine by reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection was established. 9-Fluorenylmethyl chloroformate(FMOC) was used as fluorescent derivative reagent. The optimum conditions for the derivatiation such as pH, reaction time and he concentration of FMOC were investigated. Linearity of calibration curve was obtained between 0.1ug/ml/and 0.5ug/ml(r=0.922) and the limit of detection was 0.01ug/ml.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        복합유기용제에 노출된 조선소 도장작업자에서 발생한 파킨슨증후군

        조민희,류향우,김은아 大韓産業醫學會 2009 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        배경: 유기용제 노출에 의해 파킨슨증후군이 유발되었다는 사례들은 국외에서 다수 보고되어왔고, 그 기전을 밝히는 연구가 활발히 진행되고 있으나, 아직까지 국내에서는 이에 대한 보고사례가 없었다. 산업안전보건연구원에서 심의된 직업병 사례 중, 복합유기용제에 만성 노출 된 조선소 도장작업자에서 파킨슨증후군이 발생한 사례가 있어 이에 대한 산업의학적 평가 및 고찰을 보고하고자 한다. 사례: 53세 남자근로자가 약 13년간 조선소에서 스프레이 및 웃 도장작업과 선체파워작업을 하다가 특검결과, 중등도 인지기능장애를 보여 유기용제에 의한 만성독성뇌병증을 진단받았다. 작업환경측정 결과 및 과거의 열악한 작업환경을 생각해볼 때 복합유기용제에 의한 과다노출이 상당했을 것으로 추정되었다. 근로자의 과거력 상 특이사항은 없었으며, 지능검사 및 심리검사 결과, 경도의 인지 기능 감퇴와 우울 및 불안소견을 보였고, SPECT 소견에 서는 왼쪽 측두엽 말단부에 경도의 관류 감소 소견을 보였다. MRI에서는 뇌실주위 및 피질하 백색질의 소혈관의 허혈성 변화 외에는 특이소견이 없었다. 신경전도검사상 양측 수근관 증후군 및 신경뇌병증, 말초신경장애 등 으로 진단받아 계속 치료를 받아오던 중 왼쪽 팔다리가 어둔해져오고 운동완만, 경축 등이 있으면서, 왼손의 떨림 현상이 발생하여 파킨슨병 의심 하에 도파민 약물로 치료하였으나 효과가 없었다. 이상의 임상소견과 직업력을 근거로 이 환자는 유기용제에 의한 파킨슨증후군으로 진단받았으며, 양쪽 심부 뇌 자극술을 시행하여 손떨림은 덜해졌으나 운동완만은 호전되지 않았다. 3년 후인 현재, 환자는 왼손 떨림이 오른손으로 진행하는 등 계속적인 악화양상을 보이고 있다. 결론: 이 사례는 환자가 유기용제에 의한 만성독성뇌병증으로 진단된 지 수년 후 파킨슨증후군이 나타난 경우 로, 약 13년간의 유기용제 노출력 및 노출평가를 볼 때 유기용제에 과다노출 되었음을 추정할 수 있었다. 또한, 환자의 임상양상은 파킨슨병에 가까웠으나, 유기용제로 인한 독성뇌병증의 정신 증상이 다른 증상보다 선행하여 나타났고, 중요한 진단기준인 레보도파 약물 치료에는 반응이 없어 파킨슨병과는 차이가 있었다. 망간에 의한 파킨슨증후군의 경우 주로 바닥핵이 손상되어 파킨슨병과 구별되는 임상증상을 보이는 것과 달리, 유기용제의 경우 바닥핵 뿐 아니라 흑색질도 관여된다는 보고와 함께 뇌 백질의 손상도 동반되는 것으로 알려져 파킨슨병과 감별이 어렵다. 따라서 이 환자는 유기용제 독성으로 인한 파킨슨증후군일 가능성이 있는 것으로 판단되었다. 현재 유기용제와 파킨슨증후군의 정확한 발생기전은 알 수 없으나 유기용제 노출 근로자의 신경질환 예방을 위해서는 유기용제에 의한 중추신경독성과 파킨슨증후군의 관련성에대한 활발한 역학적 연구가 필요하다. Background: It is well-known that organic solvents can cause various neurologic toxicities, and in particular, it had been reported that Parkinson's syndrome can be caused by organic solvents. Case report: A 53-year-o1d man who had worked for 13 years as a shipyard spray and brush painter and manifested with moderate cognitive disorder and was diagnosed with chronic toxic encephalopathy. We can assume he had had considerable exposure to organic solvents considering the estimates of the amounts of organic solvents in his work place. He had no specific medical history. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) showed mild cognitive deficit, depression, and anxiety. Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) indicated a slightly decreased flow at the edge of the left temporal brain area, while T2 brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) showed no specific signs except for ischemic changes in small vessels in the periventricular and subcortical white matter. He was also diagnosed with both carpal tunnel syndrome and peripheral neuropathy through a neuroconductive study. Several years later, he developed progressive bradykinesia and rigidity and, later, resting tremors in the left hand. He was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and treated with dopaminergic agents, but there was no effect. After that, he was given deep brain stimulation, both. As a result, his tremor is improved, but, the rigidity remained. Three years later, He has continuously received dopaminergic therapy, but, he complains about tremors in both hands and more greatly reduced cognitive function. Conclusion: In this case, we assumed by patient's work history and exposure estimates that he was exposed to excessive levels of organic solvents. The clinical symptoms of this patient were very similar to those from Parkinson's disease, but the psychological symptom appeared earlier than the other Symptoms and there was no response to dopaminergic agents. We conclude that this case is likely Parkinson's syndrome caused by organic solvents.

      • Precise determination of the lithium isotope ratio in geological samples using MC-ICP-MS with cool plasma

        Choi, Min Seok,Ryu, Jong-Sik,Park, Ha Yan,Lee, Kwang-Sik,Kil, Youngwoo,Shin, Hyung Seon The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013 Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry Vol.28 No.4

        <P>Lithium has two naturally occurring isotopes, <SUP>6</SUP>Li and <SUP>7</SUP>Li, with approximate relative abundances of 7.5% and 92.5%, respectively. Due to large Li isotope variations in nature, lithium isotopes have the potential to reveal important information relevant to nuclear technology, biomedicine, astrophysics, and geochemistry. With the advent of multi-collector inductively coupled mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS), studies of Li isotopes have largely focused on the analysis of geological materials, with varying degrees of accuracy. However, this technique has often been affected by either baseline interferences or isobaric interferences on mass 6 and 7 during ionization in Ar plasma, which is mainly due to the Li compound with hydrogen gas, and double-charged nitrogen and carbon ions at higher levels of RF power. In this study, we reduced baseline interferences in Ar plasma using a cool plasma (∼800 W) technique with a X-type cone. Lithium was separated using a cation exchange column (BioRad AG50W-X8, 200–400 mesh) with a mixture of 6 N HNO<SUB>3</SUB> and 80% methanol at <0.2 mL min<SUP>−1</SUP> elution speed. The short-term reproducibility of <I>δ</I><SUP>7</SUP>Li values of the NASS-5 seawater standard was 30.55 ± 0.45‰ (2<I>σ</I>, <I>n</I> = 15). Measured <I>δ</I><SUP>7</SUP>Li values of rock and seawater standards ranged from 2.48 to 30.55‰, in good agreements with reported values.</P> <P>Graphic Abstract</P><P>Average <I>δ</I><SUP>7</SUP>Li values of a pure L-SVEC Li solution and one passed through the column were 0.00 ± 0.23‰ (2<I>σ</I>, <I>n</I> = 26) and ¬0.01 ± 0.20 ‰ (2<I>σ</I> , <I>n</I> = 9), respectively, indicating that our chemical separation procedure for Li induces no mass fractionation. <IMG SRC='http://pubs.rsc.org/services/images/RSCpubs.ePlatform.Service.FreeContent.ImageService.svc/ImageService/image/GA?id=c2ja30293d'> </P>

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        모낭의 하부 1/2을 이식시 모낭의 재생

        박세정,류형호,서정민,김정철 大韓成形外科學會 1999 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.26 No.3

        We have examined the regenerative capabilities of the human scalp hair follicle after grafting the lower half of the follicle. Twenty-eight of 32 intact whole-hair follicles isolated from the human scalp regenerated hairs when grafted onto the forehead of the same person. Seven of the 15 lower-half follicles regenerated complete hair follicles 8 months after grafting showed that the lower-half follicle implant reconstituted the complete hair follicle. The sebaceous gland was not regenerated, but there was an outgrowth in the sebaceous gland region. Some grafts formed epithelial cysts. Two years after grafting, the histological examination of the regenerated follicle from the lower-half implant showed that the sebaceous gland was completely regenerated. While an intact follicle shows prominent naked shaft outgrowth, the sheath grows concomitantly with the shaft in lower-half follicles in culture. If grafted lower-half follicles were located too deep, the regrown sheath could not reach the epidermal layer. In this situation, the formation of an epidermal cyst was likely.

      • KCI등재후보

        양식 은어의 미포자충 감염예에 대한 병리조직학적 관찰

        조병열,강형길,강효주,류갑민,이재영,박남규,허민도 한국어병학회 2003 한국어병학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        1998년 9월 말경, 경남 지역의 양식 은어(Plecoglossus altivelis)에서 미포자충증이 발생하였다. 채집 당시, 하루 약 200마리씩의 폐사가 10일째 진행되고 있었으며 약 10%의 누적폐사율을 나타내었다. 병어는 입올림을 하거나 기면 상태에 있었으며, 대부분 체색흑화 및 복부팽만 소견을 보이고 있었다. 아가미, 아가미 뚜껑, 각종 내장, 복강벽 및 생식소에 직경 1~3㎜의 흰색 결절이 다수 형성되어 있었다. 감염 어종, 기생충의 형태 및 xenoma 분포 장기의 다양성에 근거하여 Glugea plecoglossi에 의한 감염증으로 추정되었다. 병리조직학적 검사를 실시한 결과, 광범위한 장기에 걸쳐 xenoma를 형성하고 있었으나 xenoma 인접조직에 변성 변화는 없었다. 아가미 새변, 비장, 두신 및 체신의 조혈영역에 심한 울혈 소견이 인정되었고, 간장, 심근 및 신세뇨관 국소에는 응고 내지 액화괴사 소견이 확인되었다. 따라서, xenoma의 인접조직에 대한 물리화학적인 영향보다는 xenoma형성 장기 및 조직에 야기된 국소 순환장애가 은어의 폐사와 직접적인 관련을 갖는 것으로 사료되었다. On September in 1998, a microsporidian infection was recognized in ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis, farmed on Kyongnam province of South Korea. Cumulative mortality was around 10% in 10 days. Infected fish which were piping for air near the surface of the water or in the asphyxic, lethargic condition revealed darkening of body and abdominal distention. Numerous whitish nodules up to 3㎜ in size were observed throughout most of body organs and tissues including gill, operculum, peritoneal wall and organs. Xenomas were also histologically confirmed in multiple internal organs with the evidences suggesting circulatory disturbance. Based on the morphology of spore and xenoma, and the distribution of xenomas in organs and tissues, this disease was diagnosed to be a microsporidiosis caused by Glugea plecoglossi. The mortality might be deeply related to the local circulatory disturbance by xemonas rather than the mechano-chemical effect of xenomas on adjacent tissues.

      • 흰쥐에서 음경발기 평가의 척도로서 음경해면체내압측정술 확립

        송윤섭,김용준,이광우,김준모,문기혁,박영호,민영기,유형균,김형건 순천향의학연구소 2001 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.7 No.1

        Purpose: Because studies about the control of penile erection at the entral nervous system was dependent on the animal experiments, establishment of measuring penile erection is important to evaluate the effects changes at the central nervous system on the penile erection. Intracavernous pressure measurement in rats has been introduced as a suitable index for the evaluation of penile erection but this method is invasive and technically difficult. So, we established the intracavernous pressure measurement in rats as the experimental index for penile erection. Materials and Methods: 42 male adult Sprague-Dawley rats (250-300gm) were divided to saline or papaverine treated group. Rats were placed on a heating table to maintain their body temparature and anesthetized with 50mg/kg of pentobarbital sodium by intraperitoneal injection. A cannula was inserted to the left carotid artery to measure systemic blood pressure. Saline (0.05, 0.1ml), papaverine(0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0mg) were injected intracavernously via 26 guage needle filled with saline or papaverine which connected to pressure transducer and polygraph was inserted into the corpus cavernosum on one side to inject the drug and to measure intracavernous presure. Results: Properly executed insertion and intracavernous administration produced a instantaneous but transient rise in intracavernous pressure that substantially stabilized and maintained at 5.4±0.4mmHg. Intracavernous pressure and duration of penile blood flow following intracavernous injection of papaverine are increased comared to those of saline. Conclusions: Monitoring intracavernous pressure in rats represents a suitable index for the evaluation of penile erection in small laboratory animals.

      • 안지오텐신 변환효소 억제제와 안지오텐신 II 수용체 차단제 투여 후 발생한 급성 신부전과 폐부종으로 전원된 선천성 단일신 환자의 치료 1예

        백두현,김경진,홍성철,강석형,송하응,김혜인,김수현,오현정,강혜원,김서우,유민아,류동열,최규복,강덕희 이화여자대학교 의과대학 2010 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.33 No.1

        Blockers of renin-angiotensin system(RAS) including ACE inhibitor or ARB are one of the most frequently prescribed medications for the treatment of hypertension, heart failure and proteinuria. One of the major side effects of these RAS blockers is the deterioration of renal function, mainly due to a reduction of intraglomerular pressure. Therefore, close monitoring of renal function is recommended when RAS blockers are initially prescribed, especially for the patients with impaired renal function. We report a patient who was transferred to our hospital due to the sudden development of oliguria and dyspnea after treatment for hypertension with ACEi and ARB. She was finally diagnosed as RAS blocker-induced acute renal failure with pulmonary edema complicated on congenital solitary kidney. After hemodialysis and conservative treatment, her renal function was recovered with maintenance of normal urine output. Conclusion:This case highlights the necessity of the functional and structural evaluation of kidney to prevent the serious complication such as acute renal failure before the administration of ACEi and/or ARB.


        Highly Efficient AC-DC Converter for Small Wind Power Generators

        Ryu, Hyung-Min The Korean Institute of Power Electronics 2011 JOURNAL OF POWER ELECTRONICS Vol.11 No.2

        A highly efficient AC-DC converter for small wind power generation systems using a brushless DC generator (BLDCG) is presented in this paper. The market standard AC-DC converter for a BLDCG consists of a three-phase diode rectifier and a boost DC-DC converter, which has an IGBT and a fast recovery diode (FRD). This kind of two-stage solution basically suffers from a large amount of conduction loss and the efficiency greatly decreases under a light load, or at a low current, because of the switching devices with a P-N junction. In order to overcome this low efficiency, especially at a low current, a three-phase bridgcless converter consisting of three upper side FRDs and three lower side Super Junction FETs is presented. In the overall operating speed region, including the cut-in speed, the efficiency of the proposed converter is improved by up to 99%. Such a remarkable result is validated and compared with conventional solutions by calculating the power loss based on I-V curves and the switching loss data of the adopted commercial switches and the current waveforms obtained through PSIM simulations.

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