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        準社團法人인 敎會의 分割

        김교창(Kim Kyo Chang) 한국법학원 2007 저스티스 Vol.- No.98

        法人에는 定規의 법인(正法人)과 準法人이 있다. 法人으로서의 실체를 갖춘데 더하여 설립허가를 얻은 법인과 준칙에 기하여 설립등기를 마친 법인이 正法人이고, 實體만 갖추고 허가도 얻지 아니하고 등기도 마치지 아니한 법인이 準法人이다. 학설과 판례는 準法人을 민법 제275조 내지 제277조가 말하는 非法人社團ㆍ財團으로 誤解하고 있다. 법인과 조합 중간에 법인으로서의 실체를 갖추지 못한 실제 비법인사단ㆍ재단은 따로 존재한다. 이들은 준법인보다 結集이 약하여 권리주체로는 대우를 받고 있지 아니하지만 조합보다는 결집이 강하여 위 조항과 특별법 등에 의하여 특별한 대우를 받고 있다. 法理란 論理的 思考로부터 導出되는 것인데, 권리주체인 準法人을 非法人社團ㆍ財團으로 오해하고 있는 학설과 판례는 잠시 論理的 思考를 그르쳐 그런 오해에 빠진 듯싶다. 이 事案은 準社團法人인 교회의 분할에 관한 것이다. 이 사건의 原告敎會는 어느 특정 敎團에 소속된 支敎會로서 자신의 명의로 재산을 소유하고 자신의 명의로 그 재산의 소유권이전등기와 소유권보존등기도 경유하여 놓고 있었다. 原告敎會는 이처럼 엄연한 權利主體인 준법인인데, 이의 법적 성격을 대상판결은 이제까지의 예대로 非法人社團이라고 오해하고 그 재산은 교인들의 總有에 속한다고 설시하고 있다. 대상판결은 위와 같은 오해에서 깨어나지 못한 것이다. 대법원은 민법상의 법인에 관하여 민법에 해당 규정이 없다는 이유를 들어 법인의 합병ㆍ분할을 原則으로 인정하지 아니하고, 그 법리가 비법인사단(실제 준사단법인임)에게도 준용된다는 태도를 堅持하고 있다. 그러면서 대상판결 이전까지 例外的으로 그런 사단인 교회에 한하여 敎人 全員의 意思로 분할할 수 있다고 분할을 인정하는 태도를 취하였었다. 그러던 대법원이 대상판결을 통하여 그 예외마저 인정하지 않는다고 이제까지의 태도를 변경하였다. 교회에 한하여 예외적으로 인정하던 분할의 길마저 봉쇄한 것이다. 대법원은 한편 대상판결 이전까지 敎團變更을 인정하면서 그 변경도 교인 전원의 의사에 의하여만 가능하다는 태도를 취하고 있었다. 그러던 대법원이 대상판결을 통하여 그 태도를 변경하였다. 교단변경을 定款變更에 해당하는 것으로 보아, 정관변경에 관한 민법 제42조를 준용하여 교인 3분의 2 이상의 찬성으로 변경이 가능하다고 판시한 것이다. 필자는 민법에 해당 규정이 없더라도 法人(正法人, 準法人)과 비법인사단은 모두 총회의 결의로 분할할 수 있다고 해석한다. 현행 민법아래서도 판례로 얼마든지 그런 길을 열어줄 수 있다고 해석한다는 말이다. 이 사안의 원고교회 내에서 A, B 두 그룹이 첨예하게 대립하고 있었다. 두 그룹은 어차피 갈라서야 할 상황이었다. 이들에게 위와 같은 분할의 길을 열어주었더라면 두 그룹은 원만히 그 길을 택하였을 것이다. 대상판결처럼 분할은 인정하지 아니하고 교단변경만을 인정하면, 敎人 3분의 2 이상의 찬성으로 교단변경이 이루어진 경우 이에 반대하는 3분의 1 미만의 교인들은 그 교회를 떠날 수밖에 달리 길이 없다. 맨손으로 교회에서 내쫓기는 不公正한 사태가 벌어진다. 한편 교단변경에 찬성하는 교인이 3분의 2 미만이면 교단변경을 이룰 수 없으므로 그들이 맨손으로 교회를 떠날 수밖에 달리 길이 없다. 이 역시 不公正한 사태이다. 그리고 교단변경에 찬성하는 교인이 3분의 2 미만이라서 교단변경을 이룰 수도 없고 그렇다고 맨손으로 교회를 떠나기도 억울하여 교회를 떠나지도 아니하면, 두 그룹이 대립하여 한 지붕 밑에서 두 집 살림을 계속하여야 하는 상황이 지속된다. 교단변경에 찬반으로 의사를 달리하는 두 집단이 한 지붕 밑에서 두 집 살림을 하는 難堪한 사태가 벌어지는 것이다. 그런 사태들이 벌어지게 하는 대상판결에 대하여 필자는 반대의견을 표한다. The present case concerns the division of the church as a quasi-juridical person. The plaintiff(“the Church ), as a member of a specific fraternity, legitimately possess property rights and holds both “Ownership Transfer Registration and “Ownership Preservation Registration. Thus the legal status of the plaintiff(the church) is of a quasi-juridical person and subject to title' is explicit. But the present case has misconceived the legal nature of the church as in-juridical person’ and ruled that the title to property belongs to the members of the church as a whole. Thus the present court failed to overcome this misconception about the legal nature of the church. The Supreme Court does not in principle acknowledge the amalgamation and division of a legal person’, stating no such regulations exists under the current civil code. And further holds that such legal rational extends to in-juridical person.’ At the same time, the court has acknowledged that the property of the church(in-juridical person. But actually a quasi-juridical person) can only be divided according to the majority consensus of the members of the church. But, if the Supreme Court fails to acknowledge and recognize this exception(exception of the church), then it will be contradicting and dissenting from its precedent rulings. And this in turn will be eliminating the possibility of division,’ which as an exception, applied to the church. The Supreme Court has maintained the view that changes to a religious fraternity’is only possible through unanimous consensus of the church members, but has diverted from this position through this case. In viewing changes to a religious fraternity' as a changes to the articles of association,’ the court has ruled that by applying Article 42 of the Civil Code (Changes to the Articles of Association), this change' becomes possible through two-thirds approval from the members of the in-juridical person. Although no such regulations exist under the current civil code, the author firmly believe that both “legal person and “in-juridical person can be divided through the resolution of the general assembly. And the court can also realize this possibility under the current civil law system. Thus during future amendments to the civil code, principle regulations concerning the amalgamation and division of a juridical person’ must be created. Especially, if division’ becomes possible, it will guarantee appropriate distribution of the property of the juridical person and of the members during the process of division.’ In the present case, both groups A and B cannot co-exist within the church(plaintiff). But, if such division’ becomes possible, both parties would come to an agreement. And if division’ is rejected and only a change to fraternity’ is granted, then as shown in this ruling, one-third of the juridical person, who dissents to the majority, has no alternative but to depart from the church. Thus, resulting in an unjust situation, where they are literally ostracized from the church. On the other hand, if there is less than a two-third majority vote, change to fraternity’ becomes impossible but nonetheless, results in the same outcome. This also produces an unjust situation. And if a situation arises where there is less than a two-thirds majority vote an they refuse to depart from the church, this too results in a discord, where two conflicting groups must co-exist under the same roof, only causing further continuation of conflict. The author is expressing strong dissent to the current court ruling, which will only encourage the continuation of disharmonized and conflicting situation.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        A Comparison of Outcomes of Three Reconstruction Methods after Laparoscopic Distal Gastrectomy

        Kim, Chang Hyun,Song, Kyo Young,Park, Cho Hyun,Seo, Young Joo,Park, Seung-Man,Kim, Jin-Jo The Korean Gastric Cancer Association 2015 Journal of gastric cancer Vol.15 No.1

        Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare the short-term surgical and long-term functional outcomes of Billroth I, Billroth II, and Roux-en-Y reconstruction after laparoscopic distal gastrectomy. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively collected data from 697 patients who underwent laparoscopic distal gastrectomy for operable gastric cancer between January 2009 and December 2012. The patients were classified into three groups according to the reconstruction methods: Billroth I, Billroth II, and Roux-en-Y. The parameters evaluated included patient and tumor characteristics, operative details, and postoperative complications classified according to the Clavien-Dindo classification. Endoscopic findings of the remnant stomach were evaluated according to the residue, gastritis, bile (RGB) classification and the Los Angeles classification 1 year postoperatively. Results: Billroth I, Billroth II, and Roux-en-Y were performed in 165 (23.7%), 371 (53.2%), and 161 patients (23.1%), respectively. Operation time was significantly shorter ($173.4{\pm}44.7$ minute, P<0.001) as was time to first flatus ($2.8{\pm}0.8$ days, P=0.009), time to first soft diet was significantly faster ($4.3{\pm}1.0$ days, P<0.001), and postoperative hospital stay was significantly shorter ($7.7{\pm}4.0$ days, P=0.004) in Billroth I in comparison to the other methods. Postoperative complications higher than Clavien-Dindo grade III occurred in 61 patients (8.8%) with no statistically significant differences between groups (P=0.797). Endoscopic findings confirmed that gastric residue, gastritis, bile reflux, and reflux esophagitis were significantly lower in Roux-en-Y (P<0.001) patients. Conclusions: Roux-en-Y reconstruction after laparoscopic distal gastrectomy for middle-third gastric cancer is beneficial in terms of long-term functional outcome, whereas Billroth I reconstruction for distal-third gastric cancer has a superior short-term surgical outcome and postoperative weight change.

      • KCI등재

        칼텐본을 접목한 흉추가동운동이 20대 대학생의 복합적 폐활량에 미치는 영향

        서교철,장영창,김대룡,박승환,Seo, Kyo-Chul,Jang, Young-Chang,Kim, Dae-Rong,Park, Seung-Hwan 한국융합학회 2020 한국융합학회논문지 Vol.11 No.9

        본 연구는 칼텐본을 접목한 흉추가동운동이 폐기능에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위하여 20대 대학생 20명을 대상으로 4주간 실시하였다. 실험대상자 20명을 대상으로 실험군, 대조군으로 무작위 동공선택방식으로 그룹 배정을 하였다. 실험군은 횡격막 호흡운동 15분과 칼텐본을 적용한 흉추가동운동 15분으로 구성되고, 대조군은 횡격막 호흡운동으로 30분간 훈련하였으며, 두 군의 운동프로그램은 주 3회 4주간 실시하였다. 측정은 폐기능을 측정하여 자료를 분석하였다. 실험 전·후 폐기능을 분석해 보면, 실험군은 TV, IRV에서 유의하게 증가하였으며, 실험후에 두 집단간의 변화검증에서도 TV와 IRV에서 유의한 차이가 나타났다. 본 연구를 통해 칼텐본을 이용한 흉추가동운동이 폐 기능에 더 긍정적인 효과를 주는 것을 알 수 있었다. 앞으로 임상에서 호흡훈련 시 일반적인 호흡훈련에 흉추가동운동을 함께 접목하는 치료방법이 적극적으로 중재되기를 기대하며 다양한 추가운동프로그램의 개발이 필요할 것으로 사료된다. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a thoracic mobilization exercise using the Kaltenborn on the convergence lung function. The study was conducted on 20 university students in their 20s over a four-week period. The 20 subjects were randomly selective assigned to a Kaltenborn thoracic mobilization exercise group and diaphragm exercise control group. The experimental group performed a Kaltenborn thoracic mobilization exercise for 30 minutes. The control group performed a diaphragmatic breathing exercise for 30 minutes. Each exercise program was performed three times a week for four weeks. When comparing the breathing capacity of the experimental and controls before and after the experiment, the experimental group showed significant changes in TV, IRV. In testing the differences between the experimental and controls in their changes after the experiment, TV, IRV showed a significant change. Based on the results of this study, a thoracic mobilization exercise using the Kaltenborn thoracic mobilization exercise may have positively affected the extrementals lung function. Therefore, if a thoracic mobilization exercise using the Kaltenborn is combined with a respiratory exercise program in the future, it will likely become a more effective treatment technique.

      • 공공 건설공사 중 부도에 따른 공사지연 방지 방안 : Focused on Apartment Houses

        김백용,조영준,구교진,현창택 대한건축학회 2004 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.24 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to reduce the factor of construction delay in the owner's aspect by analyzing the actual condition of field supervision positively such as construction delay sample and process at the distressed company's construction site. As we analyze the examples of construction delay and reopening into various types, to minimize construction delay after the dishonor of a contractor we propose "Cooperation and reliance fixing between the contract parties through the improvement of order method, Contracting system and Construction management system".

      • 다당류 생산 균주의 분리 및 탐색

        김교창,조재민,정준영 충북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 1996 農業科學硏究 Vol.13 No.-

        For the screening of new functional and speecific exopolysaccharide, a microoragnisms were isolated from soil. Two microorganisms were finally selected as potential producer of crude polysaccharide which made very viscous and large size of colony on the selected plate. Isolated strains were identified as Bacillus spp. from the results of morphological and biochemical characteristics. The results of determination of produced crude polysaccharide according to the glucose concentration, P-1 and P-2 strains were produced 6.66, 9.85g/L at 4.0% glucose concentration, respectively, From the color reaction of the produced crude polysaccharides, the crude polysaccharides, produced by P-1 strain, was Fehiling reaction positive, Modish reaction positive, Molish rone reaction, Ninhydrin reaction negative and the other crude polysaccharides, produced by P-2 strain, was Fehiling reaction negative and Modish, Ninhydrin, Anthrone reaction positive.

      • KCI등재

        국내 정신의학 연구에 사용된 심리검사도구에 대한 검토(Ⅰ)

        장환일,반건호,김교헌,염태호 大韓神經精神醫學會 1989 신경정신의학 Vol.28 No.4

        The purpose of this article is to delineate the trends of the use of the psychological test instruments in psychiatric research. The subjects for the study were 125 scientific articles published in "Neuropsychiatry"(Journal of the Korean Neuropsychiatric Association) from 1985 through 1987. The results were as follows; 1) Psychological test instruments were used in 125 articles among 205 articles which were published in the journal "Neuropsychiatry" for 3 years. The number of psychological test instruments used in 125 articles was 214 ; only one instrument was used in 75 articles and more than 2 instruments in 50 articles. 2) All psychological tests instruments were classified into projective technique, self-report inventory, observation method, intelligence test and unknown. The most commonly used type was the self-report inventory(57.0%). 3) 27.1% of the psychological test instruments were made by the authors themselves;48.1%, already-existing ; 24.8% unclassified. 4) The most common purpose of using thd psychological test, was for the psychodiagnostic tool. Through this study the following problems or questions were raised. 1) Defects in methodology of assessment in psychiatric research(especially when using psychological test instruments) 2) Absent or insufficient explanation about the reason why the psychological test instruments were selected and used in the article 3) Uncertainty in validity and reliability, especially in cases of the psychological test instruments of the author's self-made 4) Insufficient coping method to overcome the weakpoint of the self-report type 5) Various problems resulted from the absence of the clinical psychological in the process of psychiatric research using the psychological test 6) Does the content of the article not depend upon the peculiar psychological test so much? 7) It might be necessary to establish the criteria for classification of psychological test instruments 8) Further study would be necessary to assess the appropriateness and quality of the psychological test instruments used in psychiatric research.

      • 불산 농노변화에 따른 실리콘 초기 직접접합에 관한 연구

        김창교,이주헌,이재홍,노일호,양성준 순천향대학교 부설 산업기술연구소 2001 순천향 산업기술연구소논문집 Vol.7 No.2

        A new method using HF solution for direct bonding of two silicon wafers at room temperatyre was developed. The HF bonding was carried out with 1.5% HF solution with 1 Kgf/cm2. The characteristics of the bonded samples were measured under different bonding conditions according to HF concentrations and applied pressure to the samples. With an evaluation of the new bonding method, we confirmed that the method ensures enough strength, air tightness and optical property. An advantage of this method is simplicity of bonding process in comparison with a conventional thermal bonding method. The boned interface and void were analysis by SEM and RARM camera.

      • 病原性 大腸菌이 생성하는 耐熱性 腸毒素의 抗體 생성조건 및 中和效果

        金敎昌,都大洪,鄭埈永 충북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 1993 農業科學硏究 Vol.11 No.1

        The heat-stable enterotoxin(ST) producing Escherichia coli strains were isolated from the swine. The purified ST was immunized with ST-BSA conjugate and obtained antiserum from a rabbit (New Zealand Whit). A pathogenic toidity was neutralized with anti-rabbit serum. When antiserum obtained from rabbits immunized with ST- BSA antigens. It was production the most of antiserum at the fourth immunization (21 days). Obatined antisera neutralized the toxic activity of purified 4 mouse units to 1 : 32 of antisera dilution folds.

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