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        주의력의 신경심리학

        김창윤,김성윤,Kim, Chang-Yoon,Kim, Seong-Yoon 대한수면의학회 1999 수면·정신생리 Vol.6 No.1

        "Attention" is not defined sufficiently. This term incorporates several dimensions or complex information processes such as alertness, spatial distribution, focused attention, sustained attention, divided attention and supervisory attentional control. In practice, however, various aspects of attention cannot be assessed separately with a single test. Moreover, a particular test is never assessing attention only, because the several intervening variables may influence the attentional component. Therefore, one can only assess a certain aspect of human behavior with special interest for its attentional component. This paper attempted to clarify various concepts of attention, reviewed signal detection theories with receiver operating characteristic(ROC) curves, and listed practical methods for assessment of attention.

      • 소설 「조만득 씨」의 영화 <나는 행복합니다> 되기

        김창윤 한국언어문학교육학회 2015 한어문교육 Vol.32 No.-

        This study analyzed a novel's becoming a film with Deleuze's 'becoming' concept as a foundation for seeking a way for a novel and a film to acquire mutual valuable, artistic performances. Novel's becoming a film marks the point which a novel is changed at from previous itself after its meeting with a film, and at the same time marks the point that the film is changed at from previous itself after its meeting with a novel. Until now, the studies about the novel 「Mr. Man-Deuk, Jo」 and the film <I'm happy> have focused on the narrative differences being revealed from the media difference of novel and film, but this paper developed the research with more focusing on the theme aspect. Because that was considered to be a more appropriate research method in the creation's becoming a film, rather than the difference. In its beginning section, the novel 「Mr. Man-Deuk, Jo」 largely asks two questions: 'Does Mr. Man-Deuk, Jo want or doesn't want that (treating the delusion of grandeur)?' and 'It is up to Mr. Man-Deuk, Jo to make Dr. Min treating him as a real fortune or as a unfortune.' And the novel answers the two question through the section of conclusion and Dr. Min's speech. The film <I'm happy> tries to draw its thematic consciousness through its answer about the second question, 'It is up to Mr. Man-Deuk, Jo to go through the real matter after his treatment.' The film constructs a different narrative framework from that of the novel 「Mr. Man-Deuk, Jo」 by focusing on expanding the characters in order to draw such answer, and produces an expanded meaning structure rather than the meaning of film itself. And the expansion of characters draws Su-Gyeong and Man-Su's another conclusion. The film suggests an open ending different from the novel's closed ending, and makes the audience grasp the chain of symbols. The novel 「Mr. Man-Deuk, Jo」 could newly sew the chains of the symbols having floated through the film <I'm happy>'s creation of a new meaning structure, and that led to the expansion of meanings. Also, the film <I'm happy> could let the audience grasp the chains of symbols in open ending by getting the answer about the second question through the first question as the meaning structure focused on the novel 「Mr. Man-Deuk, Jo」.

      • KCI등재

        경찰의 역사성 및 정통성 확립과 미래 치안개혁 과제

        김창윤 한국공안행정학회 2019 한국공안행정학회보 Vol.28 No.2

        This article is a primarily study on the History and Legitimacy of the Korean Police and Future Reform Task. According to the statistics of the IMF and the Bank of Korea in 2018, the Republic of Korea has joined the "30 -50 club" in the economic powerhouse with a population of more than 50 million and a national income of $ 31,349. Of the countries with more than 50 million people, there are only seven countries with more than US $ 30,000 in per capita income, including the United States, Germany, Japan, France, the United Kingdom, Italy and Korea. Korean Police has been built on 21th October 1945. It is argued that Korean Police has been Good Police or Bad Police during the time of Modern Korean History. But Korean Police have a great role in the field of social safety and economy growth. Korean Police have been designed for the Korean people to be happy and feel safety from 1945 up until current times. This study comparatively analyzed the change of modern korean police. The conclusions of this study is summarized as follows. Firstly, the period of Kyungmu Bureau(1945-1948) were the times of direct rule system building and centralized police system building. That times Police have had an anti-soviet union and anti-communist policy. Secondly, the period of Chian Bureau(1948-1974) were the times of removing the pro-communist and anti-government That times Police have had strengthened police power and obeying the people. Thirdly, the period of Chian Headquarter(1974-1991) were the times of control and order. That times Police have had protected military government and suppressed democracy. Fourthly, the period of Kyungchal Agency(1991-2017) were the times of contributing to modernize the police organization. In that time, Korea people have played the principal role in setting up the care and service policy of police. And police have taken issues of Police Administration, Detection Techniques, Criminal Psychological and Social Issues, Types of Crime and Legal Questions. 2018년 IMF와 한국은행 통계에 따르면 대한민국은 인구 5,000만 명 이상, 국민소득 3만 1,349달러를 기록하면서 경제강국 ‘30-50클럽’에 가입했다. 인구 5천만 명 이상 규모를 가진 국가 중 1인당 국민소득이 3만 달러를 넘는 국가는 미국, 독일, 일본, 프랑스, 영국, 이탈리아, 우리나라까지 7개 나라뿐이다. 사실상 세계 7위의 경제강국으로 부상한 것이다. 우리 경찰의 뿌리는 아시아 최초의 유길준의‘민중적․민주적’ 경찰에서 시작하였다. 이후 김구선생이 대한민국 임시정부의 초대 경무국장에 취임함에 따라 ‘항일과 독립운동’의 ‘애국경찰’로 이어지게 되었다. 해방 후의 경무국 시대는 정치적으로는 좌익세력에 의한 ‘내부혁명’적 상황이었으며, 사회적으로는 좌ㆍ우 대립에 의한 사회혼란이 극심한 분열상을 겪고 있었다. 경무국의 치안활동을 바탕으로 1948년 제주도를 제외한 남한전역에서 5월 10일 UN의 감시 하에 총선거가 무사히 치러졌으며, 미군정은 제주4ㆍ3항쟁 등 남한 단독선거와 분단에 반대하는 국내 혁명적 민족주의세력의 ‘5ㆍ10선거’ 반대투쟁에도 불구하고 남한단독정부인 ‘대한민국’을 출범시켰다. 치안국 시대는 좌우의 극심한 이데올로기와 절대빈곤의 시대 그리고 전쟁의 참화를 이겨낸 ‘호국의 시대’였다. 경찰봉과 칼빈소총 만으로 공산주의 세력의 침투를 막았으며, 경찰에 대한 적대적인 불신 속에서도 사회안정을 유지하면서 경제발전의 초석이 되었던 시대였다. 치안본부시대는 우리 현대사의 가장 큰 굴곡을 경험한 시대였다. 군사정권의 민주화 탄압에 대한 안보치안의 역할이 증가하였으며, 경제발전을 위한 사회안정이 요구되었다. 이 당시 우리 경찰은 양자의 요구에 대한 딜레마에 놓여 있었지만 폭력조직을 사실상 와해하였으며, 외국공관과 국가중요시설의 철저한 경비로 외교문제로의 비화와 국가마비사태를 막았다. 또한 지속적인 경제성장이 이뤄질 수 있는 토대를 제공하였다. 경찰청 시대는 최초로 정치적 중립과 민주화를 위해서 경찰위원회제도를 도입했으며, 경찰청장과 지방청장을 관청화 시켰다. 또한 경찰청장 임기제를 도입하여 경찰청장의 정치적 중립의무를 강화하였다. 경찰수뇌부의 부정적인 사례가 있었지만 대부분의 경찰관들은 군인, 검찰 등 유사직종보다 기본급이 군인보다 7-10%, 공안직 보다는 3-5% 낮은 수준에서도 묵묵히 맡은바 소임을 다했다. 지난 경찰의 역사는 영광과 과오가 함께 점철된 시간이었다. 이제 국민의 신뢰를 바탕으로 새로운 21세기를 준비해야 한다. 21세기 경찰이 나아갈 바는 여러 가지가 있겠지만 첫째, G20국가의 위상에 걸 맞는 선진 경찰상을 구현해야 한다. 둘째, 행복한 삶을 보장하는 ‘선진화된 범죄안전망 정책’이 추진되어야 한다. 셋째, 국민행복을 위한 미래지향적 치안시스템을 구축해야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        예방의학 발전을 위한 전공의 수련 교육개선

        김창윤,Kim, Chang-Yoon 대한예방의학회 2006 예방의학회지 Vol.39 No.2

        From the start of the residency trainingship in 1963, the residency training programs have been contributed much on the establishment and development of preventive medicine in Korea. But these programs are now have several problems to update the changes in health service needs of the population that were caused by a rapid epidemiologic transition from the acute infectious diseases to chronic diseases in last a few decades. Strengthening in medical practice, not just in knowledge is urgently required. Must have more concentrate on preventive service for the individual, as in clinical preventive medicine. Training residents by the systematic and well scheduled programs, not just 'teacher' assistant' in the academic facilities. Trying the change in the system of Specilty of Preventive Medicine to the well established several subspecialty, so more specific competency can be gained through the training. These approach and reformation may not only contribute for the better future of the preventive medicine, but also improve in disease prevention and health promotion, which required by the society in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        첫 입원치료 받은 정신분열병 환자들의 삶의 질 추적 연구

        한오수,이철,최지욱,홍진표,김창윤 大韓神經精神醫學會 1997 신경정신의학 Vol.36 No.6

        울산의대 서울중앙병원 정신과에서 첫 입원 치료를 받고 퇴원하여 2년 혹은 5년이 경과한 정신분열병과 기타 정신병 108명 중 최종 73명(응답을 66%)을 대상으로 Heinrichs등이 고안한 삶의 질 척도(Quality of Life Scale)를 사용하여 현재의 삶의 질을 평가하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 첫째, 삶의 질 측면 4가지 측면인 대인관계, 직업적 역할, 정신내적 요소, 및 일상적인 물건 및 행동 모두에서 삶의 질이 전반적으로 저하되어 있음을 관찰할 수 있었다. 대인 관계 영역 중 가족 구성원과의 인적 관계 항목은 다른 항목에 비해 상대적으로 만족도가 높았다. 둘째, 정신분열병군의 삶의 질은 기타 정신병군에 비해 대부분의 삶의 질 항목에서 유의하게 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 2년 경과군과 5년 경과군 사이 삶의 질은 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 발병 초기 삶의 질 저하가 상당기간 유지됨을 시사하였다. 넷째. 퇴원 후 삶의 질에 영향을 미치는 변인으로는 첫 입원 치료 기간이 유의한 역상관관계를 보였으며 또한 다변량 회귀 분석에 있어서도 같은 결과를 보였다. 이는 초기 치료에 대한 반응 정도가 부분적으로는 향후 삶의 질을 예측할 수 있음을 시사한다. 기타 첫 입원 당시의 연령, 교육 수준. 사회경제적 수준, 첫 입원하기까지의 이환 기간, 첫 입원 당시 Global Assessment of Functioning 입원 치료시 약물용량 등은 삶의 질과 유의한 상관관계를 보이지 않았다. Objectives : One object of this study is to provide a descriptive level of qua1ity of life(QOL) in a group of the first admired schizophrenic patients through interviews being performed after two or five yeah of fo11ow-up, and comparing them with patients in psychotic disorders other than schizophrenia. Another object is to identify clinical variables on the first admission which correlate to QOL factors, after two or five years of fo11ow up. Methods : A total of 73 subjects of the first admitted patients with schizophrenia(n=57) and psychotic disorders other than schizophrenia(other psychotic disorders group, n= 16) were selected. A Quality of Life Scale(QLS) measuring 21 items of life variables was used. Demographic and psychiatric data were obtained through medical records and psychiatric interviews. Results : Schizophrenia group(n=57) showed moderate decrease(mean 3.7 of 6) in all aspect of quality of life. However, the schizophrenia group displayed a relatively high score in relations with household members(mean=5.2) only among 21 QOL items. Comparison to other psychotic disorders group(n= 16), schizophrenia group showed a significant decrease in almost all aspects of QOL. No significant difference was obtained between the 2 year(n=27) and the 5year(n= 30) group. Duration of the first admission showed a significant correlation with current quality of life in the schizophrenic group. Conclusions : The significantly decreased score of quality of life suggests the need for careful observation and therapeutic concern for the early stage of schizophrenia. The schizophrenic group's relatively high score in relations with household members in this period may provide the importance of rehabilitation to improve their quality of life. Duration of the first admission may be a useful predictor of their subsequent quality of life.

      • KCI등재

        북한의 치안정책에 관한 연구

        김창윤 한국경찰학회 2020 한국경찰학회보 Vol.22 No.4

        In this study, after the liberation in 1945, I analyzed the governance philosophy, government systems and national policies of successive governments developed in North Korea. At that time, I would like to discuss the characteristics of the North Korean police security policy and the shape of the police security system. The specific research conducted is as follows. First, in order to analyze North Korea's police security policy, the characteristics of North Korea's police security system, the formation and transition of North Korea's governance philosophy, the formation and development of the North Korean national system, and the role and function of the North Korean social control system are explained. Firstly, I analyzed the three major social control institutions of North Korea, the National Guard, the social security, and the People's Guard Bureau, and conducted a study on the overall social control system of North Korea. Second, I examined the concrete content and development process of the governing philosophy of the successive North Korean governments and their policies. Thirdly, I analyzed the state of police security policy in line with successive North Korean government's governing philosophy and government policies. Finally, I analyzed the security system by North Korea's police security policy by successive governments. This confirms the actual state of North Korea's governance philosophy, national policy, police security policy, and police security system. The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, Kim Il Sung's governing philosophy was “Marx-Leninism” and “Kimilsungism”(Juche Ideology). The Kimilsungism(Juche Ideology) stipulated in the party's unique guiding ideology was stipulated in the party agreement as “Kim Il Sung's Kimilsungism”(Juche Ideology). North Korea advocates a special governing philosophy unique to North Korea, and the Kimilsungism(Juche Ideology) became the basis of the North Korean style dictatorship system. Since the end of the 1980s, the North Korean government has named the “subjective ideal socialism” as the defensive logic for the survival of the system, in a crisis situation caused by the collapse of the Soviet Union and the social sphere of Eastern Europe and the end of the Cold War. The national policies are: ① Socialist People's Republic establishment policy, ② Voluntary socialist state construction policy, ③ Crowd mobilization policy, ④ Policy of establishing a totalitarian dictatorship system, ⑤ Three major economic construction route policies, ⑥ Policy of reign politics and broad politics. The police security policies in line with the national policy were ① the sweeping policy of the remnants of the Japanese Emperor and the supporting forces, ② great purge and political inspection policy, ③ the communist policy of promoting beauty, and ④ the system maintenance policy through public security rule. Secondly, the Kim Jong Il government presented Seongun idea(priority of army) rooted in the Kimilsungism(Juche Ideology) as a governing philosophy for the construction of a great socialist power. Through the 2009 revision of the Constitution (Kim Il Sung Constitution) and the 2010 revision of the Party Covenant, the Kim Jong Il government have established a “principle of military thinking that embodies the Kimilsungism”(Juche Ideology) as the governing philosophy. The country's policies were ① Royal rule, military power enhancement and national system control policy, ② Strong power great nation policy, and ③ Military-oriented priority of army policy. Police security policies in line with the national policy were ① a policy of expanding punishment for exiles and North Koreans, and ② a non-social element clearing policy. Third, the Kim Jong Eun government, through the 4th Party Delegation in 2012, stated that “Kim Il Sung-Kim Jong Il's attention was the only guiding idea, the highest platform of the party. ... 본 연구는 1945년 해방 이후 북한에서 전개된 북한의 통치이념 및 정부체제 그리고 국가정책을 분석하고, 이 당시 북한 치안정책의 특징과 치안제도의 모습은 어떠했는지를 각 시기별로 고찰하려는데 그 목적이 있다. 구체적으로 진행된 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 김일성 정부의 통치이념은 ‘마르크스-레닌주의’와 함께 ‘주체사상’이 통치이념이었다. 당의 ‘유일적 지도사상’으로 규정된 주체사상은 당 규약에 “김일성의 주체사상이 당의 공식 지도이념”이라고 규정되었다. 국가정책은 ① 사회주의 인민공화국 수립 정책, ② 자주적 사회주의 국가건설 정책, ③ 군중동원 정책, ④ 전체주의적 독재체제 구축 정책, ⑤ 3대 경제건설 노선 정책, ⑥ 인덕정치와 광폭정치 정책 등이었다. 국가정책에 따른 치안정책은 ① 일제잔재 및 지주세력 소탕 정책, ② 대숙청 및 정치사찰 정책, ③ 공산주의적 미풍 진작 정책, ④ 공안통치를 통한 체제유지 정책 등이었다. 둘째, 김정일 정부는 주체사상에 뿌리를 둔 선군사상을 사회주의 강성대국 건설을 위한 통치이념으로 제시하였다. 2009년 헌법(김일성 헌법) 개정 및 2010년 당 규약 개정을 통해서 ‘주체사상을 구현한 선군사상’을 통치이념으로 공식화하였다. 국가정책은 ① 유훈통치 및 군사력 증강 그리고 체제단속 정책, ② 강성대국론 정책, ③ 군사중심의 선군정책 등이었다. 국가정책에 따른 치안정책은 ① 사회이탈자 및 탈북자 처벌 확대 정책, ② 비사회주의적 요소 척결 정책 등이었다. 셋째, 김정은 정부는 2012년 제4차 당대표자회를 통해 “김일성-김정일주의를 유일한 지도사상으로 하고, 온사회의 김일성-김정일주의화를 당의 최고 강령으로 한다.”는 내용으로 당 규약을 개정함으로써 ‘김일성-김정일주의’를 통치이념으로 제시하였다. 국가정책은 ① 김일성-김정일주의 정책, ② 김정일 애국주의 정책, ③ 경제건설 및 핵무력 건설 병진 정책, ④ 우리식 경제관리 정책, ⑤ 자강력 제일주의 및 경제이원화 정책, ⑥ 사회주의 문명강국 건설 정책 등이었다. 국가정책에 따른 치안정책은 ① 공포정치의 이원화 정책, ② 반국가범죄 단속 정책, ③ 사회준법기풍 위반 단속 정책, ④ 비사회주의 소탕정책 등이었다.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국과 일본의 미군정기 치안정책 비교 연구

        김창윤 경찰대학교 2009 경찰학연구 Vol.9 No.2

        The American military occupations of South Korea(1945-1948) and Japan(1945-195 2) after the world war II had great influences on the history of South Korea and Jap an, the contents and systems. This study attempts to analyze the characters of police policy and their effects on the police systems in South Korea and Japan. For the purpose of this study, it uses a policy process theory on the police policy of Korea and Japan during the American military occupation. The conclusions of this study are sum marized as follows. In the case of South Korea, firstly, the police policy of the introduction of police system period(1945.9-1946.3) are direct rule system building and centralized police system building. These policies are effected on an anti-soviet union and anti-Communist Policy. Secondly, the police policy of the growth of police system period(1946.4-1947.8) is removing the communist party. This policy is effected on strengthening south Korea and upbringing the neutrals policy. Thirdly, the police policy of the establishment of police system period(1947.9-1948.8) are the expansion of police system and the auxiliary police expansion building. These policies are effected on founding south Korea independence government policy. In the case of Japan, firstly, the police policy of the reform of police system period (1945.9-1947.11) is police democracy policy. This policy is effected on a demilitarization and democracy policy. Secondly, the police policy of the decentralization of police system period(1947.12-1952.4) are decentralization of police and democratization of police management. This policy is effected on economy reconstruction policy. The political and ideological determinants were much more important than socioeconomic determinants and these determinants effect on the policies of police. The policies of USAMGIK(United States Army Military Government in Korea) and GHQ(General Headquarters of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers) effect on the police policies in South Korea and Japan. In Korea, the policies of USAMGIK contributed to modernize the police policy and police system. The police of USAMGIK played the principal role in setting up the government of South Korea. And centralized police system continued to exist for a long time. In Japan, the policies of GHQ(General Headquarters of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers) contributed to modernize the police policy and police system. The police of GHQ played the principal role in setting up the government of Japan. And decentralized police system effected on the system of Japan's police and it continued t 0 exist for a long time.

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