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      • 식민지 토착군과 근대성에 관한 試論

        韓錫政 東亞大學校 大學院 1997 大學院論文集 Vol.22 No.-

        Military coups of the third world have been heavily analyzed. However, it is seldom discussed that many leaders of the third world used to be members of indigenous army which Western or Eastern (Japanese) imperialists organized before 1945. This paper investigates the causality between experience of colonial conscripts and their rise to power. First of all, literature of military sociology is a helpful guide. It sets a model of power balance between the military and the civil society. This theory indicates that the military were the only organized and modernized group to bid power at the chaotic stage of the state-formation of the most third world countries. But the modernity of the military is given in the theory. another influential explanation might be found in some world system works. They maintain that rise to power in the third world countries was a matter of choice by superpower (or "new imperialists"). Malleable ex-colonial conscripts were adopted by the hegemons, while nationalists were rejected. Although this kind of historiography has an insight, it exaggerates the role of hegemons and overlooks the capability or human capital side which these colonial soldiers possess. After tracing their new experience in several domains, I want to suggest that these people were the first modernized group in the indigenous society. Although heavily victimized, either from combats or forced labor, survivors experienced not only basic military skills, but also essential elements of modernity, such as punctuality, group life, fixed salary for work for the first time in their society. Some of them acquired the advanced knowledge of firearms, counter-insurgence, and even guerilla tactics. Colonial army was a school for them, in a sense. I argue that this skill brought quite a comparative advantage for them vis-a-vis their competitors at the state making process.

      • 전해질 손상 및 Kanic Acid 을 사용한 편도체 중심핵 손상이 공포로 상승된 경악반응에 미치는 효과

        한정수,김시현,김기석 한국심리학회 한국심리학회지 생물 및 생리 Vol.4 No.1

        본 연구에서는 공포로 상승된 경악반응을 이용해, 공포나 불안을 담당하는 신경구조물인 편도체핵군 중에 하나인 편도체 중심핵의 역할을 알아보고자 하였다. 실험1에서는 조건화 전에 손상용 전극을 심은 후에 이틀에 걸쳐서 조건자극으로 빛(8w, 3700msec)과 무조건자극으로 발바닥 전기충격(1.0㎃, 500msec)을 20번 짝지워 제시한 후에, 편도체 중심핵을 전해질 손상(2.0㎃, 10sec)시켰다. 편도체 중심핵이 손상된 동물은 단순한 경악반응에 의한 반응크기와 조건자극과 경악자극 복합에 의한 반응크기간에 차이를 보이지 않았다. 전해질 손상은 세포체뿐만아니라 축색을 모두 손상하므로, 실험1의 결과는 편도체 중심핵의 세포체손상에 의해서가 아니라, 이 부위를 지나가는 축색의 손상에 의해서 야기된 결과일 수 있다. 그러므로 실험2에서는, 세포체만 손상시키는 카이닌 산(0.1㎍/0.2㎕)으로 조건화 후에 편도체 중심핵을 손상시켰다. 손상을 받은 동물은 조건자극에 대해 상승된 경악반응을 보이지 않았다. 이 결과로 보아, 편도체 중심핵내에 뉴론이 상승된 경악반응에 관여함을 알 수 있다. Of several amygdaloid nucleus, the central amygdaloid nucleus seems to be related to the expression of fear. This experiment is to examine effects of the central nucleus of amygdala on the fear-potentiated startle responses. In experiment 1, monopolar tungsten for lesioning were chronically implanted into the central amygdaloid nucleus in rats. After 7 days, rats received two conditioning sessions on consecutive day, each session consists of 10 light-footshock pairing(light of 8w incandescent bulbs, 3700msec: footshock of 1.0㎃, 500msec: ITI of 4min). After the conditioning, electrolytic lesion(2.0㎃, 10sec) was administered to the central nucleus. One day or seven days later, rats were tested for conditioned fear by comparing the magnitude of the startle reflex to a noise burst presented either alone or in the presence of the previously fear-conditioned light. Results were that the lesioned animals showed no fear-potentiated startle responses. In experiment 2, using kainic acid(0.1㎍/0.2㎕), we lesioned cell bodies without damaging any axons after the conditioning. Results showed that animals lesioned with the kainic acid did not showed potentiated startle responses to the conditioned stimuli. Taken together, it may be said that the intrinsic elements of central amygdaloid nucleus are involved in the expression of fear.

      • KCI등재후보

        들깨잎의 품종에 따른 성분분석 및 생리활성물질 탐색

        한호석,박정혜,최희진,손준호,김영활,김성,최청 한국식생활문화학회 2004 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.19 No.1

        The biochemical components of Namcheondlggae, Miryangdlkkae 25, Boradlggae and Ipdlkkae 1 were measured. The samples were extracted with hot water, 60% acetone or 80% ethanol for screening physiological activity. The crude protein content (4.36%) was found in the Miryangdlkkae 25 and calcium content (497.5 mg%) was found in the Namcheondlggae among the tested 4 perilla leaves. Fructose was 30.86 mg% in the Namcheondlggae and free amino acids at all perilla leaves was detected seventeen. In Boradlggae, glutamic acid and alanin were 25.37 and 11.91 mg%. Totally nine non-volatile organic acids were also detected and the contents of malic acid and glutaric acid were 28.34 and 14.57 mg% in Boradlggae. The Miryangdlkkae 25 had the highest vitamin C amount which was 113.24 mg%. Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition activity of 80% ethanol extract of Boradlggae was 46.71%. Electron donating activity of 60% acetone extract from Namcheondlggae was the strongest inhibition activity as 98.19% when 200ppm level of the sample extracts were added.

      • KCI등재후보

        대구, 경북지역 대학생의 식사행동 및 일본음식에 대한 인상 및 기호도 조사 연구

        한재숙,이연정,최석현,최수근,권상용,최영희 동아시아식생활학회 2004 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        본 연구는 대구, 경북지역의 대학생(570명)을 대상으로 식사내용, 식사관습, 식사예절, 일본음식에 대한 인상과 시식경험 및 기호도를 조사한 것으로 그 분석결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 음식은 항상 일인분씩 담는다’의 경우는 전체응답자의 15.5%에 불과하였고, ‘음식을 큰 접시에 모아서 담는다’의 경우는 ‘가끔 한다’가 44.8%, ‘항상 한다’가 35.8%로 나타나 큰 접시에 모아서 담는 가정이 많았다. ‘저녁은 가끔 가족이 함께 모여서 먹는다’가 59.9%로 가장 많았고, ‘항상 가족이 모여 같은 음식을 먹는다’는 끼니는 아침이 42.3%, 저녁이 23.3%, 점심이 3%로 나타나 아침에 가족이 모여 같은 음식을 먹는 경우가 가장 많았다. 2. ‘식사시 가족의 자리가 정해져 있다’고 한 경우는 전체응답자의 53.5%였고, ‘가족이 모여 식사할 경우, 연장자가 수저를 들기 전에는 먹지 않는다’는 전체의 56.4%였으며, ‘가장에게는 음식의 양이나 수가 많다’는 30.9%였다. 3. 식사예절에 대해 가장 자주 주의를 받는 것은 ‘TV를 보지 않고 먹기’(13.4%), 남기지 않고 먹기(11.5%), ‘수저사용법’(8.0%)의 순으로 나타났다. 반면 ‘식기 부딪히는 소리’(76.9%), ‘입 다물고 먹기’(76.6%), ‘씹는 소리’(74.6%), ‘밥 먹는 모양’(71.4%), ‘수저 사용법’(69.7%)등은 전체응답자의 70% 이상이 ‘주의를 받지 않는다’고 하였다. 4. 음식 만들기에 대한 선호도는 5점 만점에 3.48점으로‘보통 이상’으로 나타났고 국가별 요리에 대한 기호도는 한국요리(4.39점)가 가장 높았고, 그 다음이 중국요리 (3.76점), 이태리요리(3.45점), 일본요리(3.32점) 순이었으며 프랑스요리(3.16점)가 가장 낮은 기호도를 보였다. 음식 만드는 빈도는 한달에 1∼2회 정도로 나타나 대학 생들이 직접 음식을 만드는 빈도는 매우 낮음을 알 수 있었다. 5. 일본 방문경험은 조사대상자의 93.8%가 없었으며, 그중 92.6%가 일본방문을 희망하였고 일본음식에 대한 이미지는 ‘가격이 비싸다’(4.15점), ‘장식이 아름답다’(4.05점), ‘색채가 예쁘다’(3.98점) 등은 높은 점수를 보인 반면에 ‘맵다’(2.21점), ‘기름기가 많다'(2.51점), ’깊은 맛이 있다‘(2.56점) 등은 낮은 점수를 보였다. 6. 일본음식 중 가장 높은 시식경험을 가진 것은 우동(95.3%)이었고 그 다음은 스시(93.1%), 덴뿌라(81.9%)순 이었고, 반면에 니쿠자가(6.4%), 오차즈께(9.3%), 오코 노미야끼(11.1%), 다코야끼(16.0%) 등은 매우 낮은 시식경험을 보였다. 7. 일본음식에 대한 기호도는 우동(3.98점), 스시(3.85점), 덴뿌라(3.69점), 소바(3.43점), 스키야끼(3.12점)는 대체로 높은 기호도를 나타낸 반면 낫또(2.68점), 오차즈께(2.76점), 오코노미야끼(2.87점), 미소시루(2.88점), 다코 야끼(2.88점) 등은 낮은 기호도를 보였다. 이상의 연구결과로 변모해 가는 우리전통 식사예절의 동향 파악이 가능하였고 가족간의 화목과 건강한 사회를 이루기 위한 가족 단란의 식사지침이 요구되었다. 한편 일본음식중에는 우동과 스시가 한국대학생들에게 가장 인기가 높은 음식임을 알 수 있었고 대부분의 일본요리에 대해 장식이 예쁘고 색채가 아름답지만 값이 비싸다는 이미지를 가지고 있어서 가격을 좀 더 낮춘다면 그 이용이 더욱 늘어날 것으로 기대되었다. 또한 낫또, 오차즈께, 오코노미야끼 등 이용도가 낮은 음식에 대해서는 한국인의 입맛에 맞는 요리법을 가미한다면 대중화가 가능하리라고 여겨진다. This study was conducted to investigate the dietary behavior and image and preference of Japanese foods. The Subjects were consisted of 570 university students(243 males and 327 females) in Daegu and Kyungbuk area, Korea. The students responses to the 10 questions about image of Japanese foods were also measured on 5 point Likert scale. Data were presented by using frequency, percentage, chi-square test and T-test. The results of this study were as follows: (1) On the eating habits, 'the whole family has breakfast together with same foods everyday' scored high as 42.3% and 'foods put in a big platter by gathering everyday' as 35.8%. (2) About the eating customs, 53.5% of the subjects responded that the seat was fixed at meal time, 56.4% didn't start to eat before the patriarch started a meal and 30.9% responded that the head of a family had more foods in number and quantity. (3) On the table manners, 13.4% of the subjects were scolded about 'watching TV on eating', 11.5% about 'making left-over foods', 8.0% about 'misuse of spoon and chopsticks'. (4) The preferred ethnic foods by University students was in other of Korean, Chinese, Italian, Japanese and French foods. (5) Among subjects, 93.8% had no experience of visiting Japan and 92.6% wanted to visit Japan. Images on the Japanese foods were 'the price is too expensive' (mean 4.15) and 'the decoration is wonderful'(mean 4.05). But the subjects did not think Japanese foods as 'hot'(mean 2.21) and 'greasy'(mean 2.51). (6) The favorite Japanese food of subjects was Udon(mean 3.98), Sushi(mean 3.85) and Tempura(mean 3.69). So Udon turned out to be the most popular Japanese foods by university students in Daegu and Kyungbuk area, Korea. But they did not prefer Natto(mean 2.68), Ochazuke(mean 2.76), Okonomiyaki(mean 2.87) and Misosirn and did not eat. From the above results, Korean university students preferred Udon to Natto among Japanese traditional foods, and they estimated Japanese foods as 'too expensive'. Therefore, lowering the price and developing the cooking method for Korean taste were needed to increase the intake of Japanese traditional foods by Korean university students and.

      • KCI등재
      • 경북지역 주부들의 전통 부엌 세간의 보유 현황 및 이용실태 조사 연구

        한재숙,최영희,조연숙,변재옥,한경필,김현옥,정종기,최석현 동아시아식생활학회 2002 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.12 No.4

        Housewives residing in the Kyongsang-Buk-do area were surveyed to determine their ownership of Korean traditional kitchen appliances and their usages. A breakdown of the appliances for the survey was as follows: 16 tableware, 17 household utensils, 15 heating utensils, 14 ceramic and earthen pottery, 6 stone utensils, 9 cooking utensils, 9 utensils made of the dried bamboo and bush clover, and 13 dining tables ("sang"). The types of the appliances with the largest ownerships and most frequently used were as follows: The jeopsi was most frequently owned, followed by the daejeop and the jaengban. The most frequently used item was the jubal,, followed by the daejeop and the jeopsi. Among the wooden utensils, bangmangi was most frequently owned, followed by the chanjang, the che, the doe, mal and hop. The most frequently used household utensil was the chanjang, followed by the takjasang and the doe, mal and hop. The utensil the most people owned for heating was the jujeonja, followed by the seoksoe, the musoesot and the siru. The most frequently used utensil for heating was the jujeonja, the musoesot and the seoksoe, in the order. As for the ceramic and earthen pottery, hangari and dok were owned and used most frequently. The maetdol and the jeolgu, though very low in their ownership rate, were most frequently owned items among the stoned utensils. The kal and the doma were the most frequently owned and used cooking utensils. The sokuri, and the chaeban and the baguni were the most frequently owned among the utensils made of the dried bamboo, bush clover and straw, while the sokuri was used the most frequently, followed by the chaeban and the jori. Among the dining tables, the kyojasang was the item most frequently owned, followed by the seonban and the chaeksangban, while the wonban was the most frequently used, followed by the kyojasang and the chaeksangban.

      • 강동구의 산업화와 지속가능한 발전 방안

        옥한석,정성훈 江原大學校 江原文化硏究所 2004 강원문화연구 Vol.23 No.-

        강동구는 신석기 시대 이후 농업사회 및 산업사회를 거쳐 오늘날의 정보통신사회로 변화하면서 지리적 급변을 경험하고 있다. 이 연구의 목적은 강동구의 산업화 과정을 시기별 특색에 따라 고찰하면서 향후 정보통신사회에서 가동구의 지속가능한 발전방안을 제시하는 데 있다. 강동구의 산업화과정은 크게 세 시기로 나눌 수 있다. 첫재, 전산업시대(선사시대∼1962)로, 우리나라 역사에서 농업혁명이 확사되면서 1960년대 들어서면서 그 열기가 산업혁명으로 대체되는 기시깅다. 이 시기 강동지역은 북한강과 남한강의 합강지역으로 문물교류의 접변지로 등장하면서 18세기 상업적 농업혁명을 주도해 나가는 선도지역의 역할을 하게 된다. 둘째, 산업시대(1963∼1988)로, 강동구는 초창기 요업의 성장에서 당시 성장산업인 섬유·화학·기계 산업으로 대체되는 시기이다. 이시기는 산업에서의 변화뿐만 아니라 토지이용에서 변화를 경하하게 되는데, 서울시의 팽창과정에 따라 도시적 토지이용이 농업적 토지이용을 대체하는 시기이다. 세째, 후기산업시대(1989∼현재)로, 강동구는 제조업의 급격한 침체를 경험하게 되고, 제3·4차 산업이 이를 대체하는 시기이다. 특히 유통 및 서비스산업이 급격하게 발달하면서 강동구의 소비공간이 팽창되는 기시이다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 강동구는 서울시 전략산업발전에 있어서 다른 선도지역에 비해 경쟁력이 대체로 취약하여, 서초, 강남, 송파, 강동구로 구성된 서울 동남권의 타 지역의배후지역 역할을 수행하고 있다. 그러므로 현재 강동구의 산업경제 발전방향을 다양한 각도에서 고려해 볼 필요가 있으며, 특히 강동구의 친환경적이며, 자족적인 생태도시의 형성을 통해 산업과 사회복지가 결합되는 새로운 도시관리 전략창출에 대한 방안 마련이 시급한 실정이다. Gangdong-gu has undergong rapid geographical changes from the agricultural society through the industrial society up to post-industrial (information & telecommunication-based) society. The aim of this article is to explore periodized characteristics of industrialization processes of Gangdong-gu and to present alternatives to sustainable development of Gangdong-gu in the post-industrial society. Chracteristics of the industrialization process in Gangdong-gu are divided into three phases. The first stage is the pre-indestrial era (prehistoric times∼1962). In this period, it played a critical role of the distributiion of agricultural and commercial products and goods because of its most favourable location. The second stage is the industrial era (1963∼1988). In this period, Gangdong-gu has experienced rapid industrial changes from the ceramic industry to the textiled, chemical and mechanical industry. These three main industries played a critical role in develpping this region as the regional strategic industry and simultaneously in transforming the land use pattern from an agricultural to an industrial and commercial land use. The third stage is the post-industrial era(1989∼). This period can be characterized as the rapid decrease of manufacturing and the fast growth of the service industry, the so-called, the tertiary industrialization. According to this trend and tendency, Gangdong-gu has experienced the expansion of the urban consumer space. Nonetheless, within Seoul, the status of Gangdong-gu is relatively weak in terms of industrial strategies for the next generation. Therefore, future main tasks of Gangdong-gu's further development are presented as follows : (1) the development of strategic industries for the next generation such as the information and bio-technology based industry, and (2) the creation of sustainable eco-city with a mix of industry and social welfare.

      • Durkheim의 社會結束 小考

        韓錫政 東亞大學校 大學院 1985 大學院論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        This paper tried to review social solidarity of Durkheim and to criticize it from severl points. the problem of social order or the first thesis in sociology developed into the normative world of social solidarity for him. overcoming Comtean paradox (division of labor develops and simultaneously threatens society), Spencerian optimism( individual pursuit of interests automatically maintains industrial societies) and T?nniesian pessimism( industrial societies will eventually disrupt, tn that they cannot solve the diminution of "Gemeinschaftlich" element), he viewed the division of labor as the substitute of conscience commune which had been the binding cement of pre-industrial societies. However, the importance of restitutive norms, interdependence in traditional societies and the significance of repressive norm, conscience collective in industrial societies seemed to be underestimated for him. Above all, conscience commune still effectively works up to now, although its extent has been weakened. His final concern which did not lead to modern industrial societies, but led to primitive religion was probably due to his effots to trace the archetypal mechanism of social solidarity which was expected to explain the emergence of new conscience collective in industrial societies. Also, he considered sacredness as the manifestation of social force. This explanation of religion, however, was too closely tied to social solidarity in that totem, taboo were seen as the universal carrier of social force, compared with the study of Radcliff-Brown. As the same forerunner of functionalism, Radcliff-Brown began more functional approach, at least, toward the concept of sacredness. And, Durkheim's emphasis of repressive norms (which was thought to be the most effective means of confronting threats to conscience commune) can be implicitly interpreted into underestimation of conflict. The importance of conflict even for social solidarity did not come to be recognized. Finally, Durkheimian explanations suggest that norms bind society.. But, at individual levels, the understanding and utilizing of norms work lively. Norms are not finished, but cumulative. This means that we accept norms in only cases that we consider them desirable. His analysis of social solidarity, anomie, primitive religion opened new horizon for the understanding of society which we live in but we do not see. This paper did not appreciate the forest (the real vitality of a great sociologist), but tested the wooden rigidity (critiques from other respects) The limit of this paper lies in that.

      • 초등 과학 지구 영역 '암석' 단원에 대한 학습차원의 하위 범주 분석

        한영욱,최정미,곽민숙 부산교육대학교 과학교육연구소 2005 科學敎育硏究 Vol.30 No.-

        In this study, the earth units rock in center of elementary school science were classified to the lower categories of Dimensions of Learning out of the 7th National Curriculum using the Demensions of Learning Project developed by ASCD in USA. Also they were investigated which lower categories of Dimensions of Learning were used to the Curriculum. The results were as follows ; First, the percentages of using lower categories of Dimensions of Learning were difference especially subject. subject F, C(21varieties) were used plentifully and subject D(16varieties) was used few. This result is because quality of subject. second, the average percentages of using the lower categories of Dimensions of Learning was similar according to grade 3 to 6. For example, the average percentages of using the lower categories of Dimensions of Learning was similar by 69.6%, 66.1%, 60.7%, 67.9%. third, percentages of using the lower categories of Dimensions of Learning was becoming intensively in Dimension 1 and Dimension 2 (Attitudes and Perception, Acquir and Integrate Knowledge). forth, Consequently in Grade especially use ratio of Dimension 5, grade 3, 4 to compare in grade 5, 6 was plentifully used. fifth, Consequently in time especially the average percentages of using the lower categories of Dimensions of Learning was a great extent in 6th grade. the results are considered to agrees with a research result which evenly using, accomplishing is high. sixth, look of Dimension 2 were used plentifully. Because of observatioing is many and data provision picture is many.


        교정선의 종류, 결찰방법, 타액의 유무에 따른 마찰력의 비교연구

        한정숙,이진우,차경석 대한치과교정학회 2001 대한치과교정학회지 Vol.31 No.2

        치아에 부착된 bracket이 교정선을 따라 이동할때 필연적으로 bracket과 교정선, 결찰재 사이에 마찰력이 발생된다. 이에 저자는 동일한 bracket내에서 교정선의 종류, 결찰방법, 건조와 타액상태에 따른 마찰력 차이, 타액의 윤활제로서의 기능을 살펴보기 위해 본 연구를 시행하게 되었다. 본 실험에 사용된 bracket은 .018"× .025" slot의 상악 견치용 standard edgewise bracket(RMO. USA)이며, 교정선은 .016" , .016" × .022" 크기의 Cobalt-chromium(Elgiloy . RMO. USA), Nickel-titanium(Ni-Ti) (ORTHOLLOY : Goldstar Cable Co. KOREA), Beta- titanium(TMA : ORMCO Co., USA)의 2가지형태의 3종을 이용하여 활주할때의 마찰력을 만능시험기(Instron, M 1000 EC)를 사용하여 계측하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1.각각의 동일조건하에서 교정전의 재질에 따른 마찰력은 Co-Cr, Ni-Ti, β-Ti순으로 증가하였다. 단, 타액상태에서 elastomeric으로 결찰한 .016" 군에서는 예외이다. 2.각 조건하(건조/타액상태, .016" /.016" × .022" ) 에서 결찰방법에 따른 마찰력은 elastomeric보다 stainless steel 결찰에서 더 크게 나타났다(p<0.05). 3.각각의 교정선과 결찰방법에서 타액 유무에 따른 마찰력은 stainless steel로 결찰한 .016" Co-Cr, Ni-Ti, β-Ti는 타액상태에서 감소하나, stainless steel로 결찰한 .016" × .022" Co-Cr, Ni-Ti, β-Ti는 타액상태에서 증가하였다(p<0.05). 4.각 조건하(건조/타액상태, elastomeric/stainless steel결찰) .016" 과 .016" × .O22" 교정선 사이의 마찰력은 .016" × .022" 교정선에서 증가하였다(p<0.05). The purpose of this study was fourfold - to evaluate the general laws of friction applied to orthodontic conditions, to compare archwire materials under these controlled conditions, to compare ligation method, and to measure the effect of the artificial saliva on friction with these materials Three wire alloys (Cobalt-chromium, Nickel-titanium, Beta-titanium) in two size wires (.016" ,.016" × .022" ) were examined respect to the bracket (0.18 × .025" standard), and two ligature material (stainless steel, elastomeric) in dry and wer conditions The result were as follows, 1.The order of frictional force against alloy materials was Co-Cr (lowest), Ni-Ti, and β -Ti(highest) - with the exception of elastomeric ligation under wet conditions. 2.S.S. ligation gave rise to significantly greater friction than elastomeric ligation did. 3.Testing in the presence of saliva, rather than in dry conditions, decreased the frictional force for S.S. ligation with .016" Co-Cr, Ni-Ti, β -Ti. but, increased the frictional force for 5.5. ligation with .016" × .022" Co-Cr, Ni-Ti, β-Ti. 4.016" ×.022 " wire generated more friction than .016" wire.

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