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        일제시대 한반도에서의 일본인 거주와 그 영향에 관한 연구 : 1925~1940

        玉漢錫,金秀晶 한국 지리·환경 교육학회 1999 한국지리환경교육학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        During the Japanese control period-from opening a port in 1876 to liberation in 1945-the Japanese had a specific aim to make Korea an eternal source of supply for food and materials and an export market for Japanese products and investment. And one policy of invasion and plundering into Korea was emigration of Japanese into Korea and this caused a population rate change and spatial change. Accordingly, this thesis studies 1925 to 1945 during the Japanese control period, and divides it into three periods-the establishment of colonization(1925~1930), early invasion war of colonization(1930~1935), later invasion war of colonization(1935∼1940)-and then analyses the characteristics of colonial policy, and the distribution patterns of Japanese immigrants and the factors according to region and period and focuses on the influence of Japanese on the Korean society. In the period of the establishment of colonization, the rate of influx of Japanese was 2.3% in 1925 and 2.5% in 1930. From this period the rate of Japanese immigration had highly increased in the northern area-Hamkyeongnam·buk-do, but distribution of Japanese immigrants was distinguished in the southern region. Looking at the distribution pattern of Japanese, we can reach five conclusions. First, Chunranam·buk-do was the region of increase of Japanese, the reason of this increase was that emigration of Japanese for making Korea as an area of supply according to the plan of increasing rice production. Second, Kyongsangnam-do had the most number of Japanese next to Kyeongkee-do, but showed a decline of increase because of moving to inland and northern regions. Third, Chungchongbuk-do and Kyeongsangbuk-do was the inland area which was plundered of food, cotton and silk, so Japanese who came supervised and guided Korean farmers. Fourth, East coast region had the role of a trading port and building of a sea village for plundering of sea products. The fifth region was centered at Kwanbuk Beach. This region was developed as a sea industrial site and this region was full of underground resources. Because Japanese immigrants increased at Western coast, Eastern coast and inland of Chungchong-do. Therefore, If we draw the map of the distribution of Japanese in this period, we can see that the distribution pattern of Japanese was an the "H" type. In the period of early invasion war of colonization(after 1930), the rate of Japanese became increased to 2.7%. In this period, the number of Japanese had strikingly increased in the northern region. So we can know that industrial policy was sped up. In this period, the characteristic thing is to distinguish the Japanese population decrease and stagnation in the southern region. This phenomenon resulted from the stopping of the plan to increase rice production and a change of colonial policy. But Kangwon-do, Pyeongannnam·buk-do, Hamkyeongnam·buk-do were mining and manufacturing area, so movement of Japanese increased. Therefore in the Hamkyeongnam-do and Hamkyeongbuk-do, the annual rate of increase of Japanese was 10.51% and 6.10% each and at that time Japanese immigrants increased in Southern inland, northern eastern coast and inland, so the distribution pattern of Japanese showed as the "S" type. In the later the invasion war of colonization, the rate of Japanese had increased to 2.9%(in 1940) and the movement to the northern area had increased. In this period, the number of Japanese has decreased in the southern area and also relatively in the mining and manufacturing industry of the northern area, three important regions appeared. First region is the Hamkyeongnam·buk-do. There were much underground resourcement such as iron, brown coal, and magnesite and the heavy chemical industry was developed in this region. Second region is Pyeongannnam·buk-do. In this region, there was coal, black lead, gold. Third region is Taeback Mt. region, there was coal and limestone, and the ceramic industry was developed. And in this period, the distribution pattern of Japanese was the "P" type which connected Kangwon-do, Hwanghae-do and Hamkyeong-do. With such a change of the distribution pattern of Japanese, the influence of Japanese was showed in the farming, mining and manufacturing industries and development of the cities especially. Japanese who played an important role as invaders lived in the cities after opening a port and they held economic power. In the period of 1925~1940, this period was the time when our country's industry was developed in quality, but the percentage of Japanese was very overwhelming. After investigating about Japanese places of registration, who caused changes in our Korean cities, they usually stayed in the southwestern region (Jukoku region, Gueshu region, Sikoku region). And so we can know that close region was geographically influenced and they had the aim to control the population.

      • 朝鮮後期 以前 江原道 世居氏族의 分布變化에 관한 硏究

        玉漢錫 江原大學校 江原文化硏究所 1985 강원문화연구 Vol.5 No.-

        There are many aboriginal clans in Kangwon province. A clan with a surname, representing the paternal lineage, is classified depending upon whether or not his place of origin, bon(本), coincides with his place of residence. At the beginning each bon of clans had coincided with his place of residence. After some clans migrated to other places from his original place caused by the elevation of high social status, branching the family, or finding refuse, etc., their bon had not corresponded to their resident place. According to this change of their residential distribution, the aboriginal clans can be grouped chiefly into various clans, for instance, tosong clans (土姓), mangsong clans(亡姓), soksong clans(續姓). During Kory? period each country in Kangwon province had two or three tosong clans. Some of then exist up to now. At that time tosong clans of Kangn?ng, Ch'unch'?n and Wonju, the locally influential ones, promoted to two groups of social status: government officials and provincial secretaries. In the late Kory? Khitan and Mongolian invasions had disruptive effects in the correspondence between the place of origin and residence, as they forced then to leave the place of their ancestors. This implies that the distribution of mangsong clans was made in the northeastern and northwestern region of Kangwon province. In addition to that, tosong clans in other provinces and Kangwon province alike have immigrated and diffused in Kangwon province. As a result they are what is called soksong clans. A representative example of other provices was the clan of Andong Kwon(安東 權), and an example of Kangwon province the clan of Chongson Chon(善 全). Through Kory? dynasty until middle Yi-dynasty this residential diffusion has continued and become more popular. This seem to have something to do with the population growth, the enlargement of tillable land, and the adoption of new crops and agricultural techiqnues. Consequently, the study of the residential distribution and change of aboriginal clans in Kangwon province, helps to understand the local history and culture of Kangwon province. Besides, this is a good topic in Cultural Geography of Korea and requires research work at several geographical scales.

      • KCI등재

        관촉사의 정치지리적 입지와 풍수적 특성

        옥한석,김규순 한국국학진흥원 2016 국학연구 Vol.0 No.31

        The location of Gwanchok Temple was optimal to control the powerful Honam local families and to strength the royal authority in the early Koryo dynasty. Maitreya stone statue of Gwanchok temple was made with a large rocks in Mir folk belief. Gwanchok temple was located to govern Nonsan local area an political geography point of view. But we recognized to transfer from Mir folk beliefs to Maitreya to use Complementary pungsu(裨補風水) and Pungsu estimation of land influenced space arrangement of Gwanchok temple. We make a conjecture they made a good site into a bad site with the select site method of Esoteric Buddhism(密敎擇地法), the telepathy of same spirits (同氣感應) that is a principle of Pungsu, contributed to stabilize Gwanchok temple. 고려 광종시대에 창건된 관촉사는 정치 지리적으로 지방호족을 감시 감독하고 호족의 반발을 억제할 수 있는 지리적 이점이 있으며, 또한 논산평야의 농산물을 관리하여 경제권을 확보하여 왕권강화에 일거이득의 효과를 볼 수 있는 곳이다. 관촉사는 미르신앙의 대상인 바위(핵석)를 석조미륵보살입상으로 만드는 과정을 거쳐 창건되었다. 관촉사는 토착신앙의 터가 사찰터로 변화하는 과정을 보여주고 있다. 관촉사는 논산지방 통치를 위한 정치지리적인 관점에서 입지를 구축했지만, 토착신앙에서 미륵신앙으로 종교적 전이가 이루어지는데 비보풍수가 활용되었으며, 풍수적 지형관찰이 사찰의 공간배치에 영향을 주었다. 밀교 택지법으로 흉지를 길지로 상향시켰음을 짐작하게 하였고 또한 동기감응이라는 풍수적 원리가 관촉사의 안정에 기여를 했음을 사찰의 명칭을 통하여 알 수 있다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국의 분권과 자치에 관한 역사지리적 고찰: 다문화 8도 지역분권모델을 위하여

        옥한석 동양사회사상학회 2019 사회사상과 문화 Vol.22 No.3

        This study firstly analyzes the old Korean historical geographical approach about decentralization by rule of multi ethnic groups which is associated with their autonomy, rather than single ethnic and lineage centralized authoritarian rule. Secondly, it reviews periodical changes of administrative boundaries for decentralization and suggests 8 province system that is already validated. Koryo dynasty and previous Kingdoms consisted of multi ehtnic group, which strongly ruled their local areas even though reorganizing local administrative boundary. However, in Chosun dynasty, King sent local governor, in place of him to rule over with his strong centralized power. Through this, the Chosen dynasty created multi lineage groups to be ranked. And this ranking system led a society with an order based on Confucianism. The dynasty reorganized 8 provincial administrative boundary to rule the ethnic groups, weakening the autonomy. Against Japanese rule, awareness of single ethnic was aroused, increasing the independent movement, but Japanese imperial government enforced centralized colonial rule. After liberalization, Korean military government has been always the same. In order to solve the problem of population growth, Korea should move toward a multi cultural society, which is based on 8 provincial decentralized autonomous model, being evidence of foreign labors and family groups. The model effects on civil groups making better harmony of the free market and state in post-modern society. 이 연구는 오늘날 단일민족(單一民族, single ethnic group)의 중앙집권적체제와 달리 한국은 과거 오랫동안 다종족(多種族, multiple ethnic groups) 의 분권전통이 오히려 오랫동안 유지되어 왔다는 점에 착안하여 첫째다수 종족 지배 중심의 분권과 자치에 관한 역사적 고찰과 행정구역 변화를 시대별로 살펴본 다음, 둘째 다문화 사회로의 변동이 실현되기 위해서는 8도의 지리적 범위가 분권의 단위가 될 수 있는지를 구명하고자한다. 이를 위하여 문헌연구를 하였으며 ‘자유와 다문화 8도 지역분권’ 모델을 제시하게 된다. 고려시대와 그 이전의 왕조는 주로 북방계 종족에 의한 다종족국가(多 種族國家)였으며 이들을 중앙의 왕조 속에 흡수하고자 행정구역이 설정되고 개편된 후, 거의 중요 군현에 지방관이 파견되는 8도체제가 조선왕조에 자리 잡으면서 중앙 군주의 힘이 절대적으로 행사되고 지방 군현에자리 잡은 주요 종족들 중 주요 종족(宗族, lineage groups)들이 관료임용제도인 문과와 무과에 합격하는 길을 택하여 자신의 세력을 유지하였기때문에 행정적 품계에 따라 왕권과 병렬하는 관계에 놓이게 되었다. 샤머니즘과 태양족 즉 천손의 후예인 단군 숭배라고 하는 유목토속문화에 길들여진 고대 종족(種族, ethnic groups)은 외래종교인 불교나 유교와동화되어 중앙집권적 체제가 한반도 전체에 영향을 미치는 데까지 천년이상의 시간이 걸렸으며 고대적 유목적 전통이 정착농경문화로의 문화적 변용(acculturation)이었던 것이다. 불교사찰의 가람 배치 요소 중의 하나인칠성단과 산신각이 그것을 말해주며 종족(種族)의 세력 중심의 상징물이었던 서낭당이 불교 유입이후의 향도로 대체되고 조선왕조에 들어와 유교의 서원과 향청이 이를 대신하게 되었다. 불교의 자치세력인 향도가조선 왕조의 성리학적 향약으로 대체될 때까지 지속되었던 것이다. 동화되어 나타난 종족(種族) 세력 내의 다양한 성씨 집단은 조선 왕조에 들어서 지역에 기반을 둔 부계혈통의 종족(宗族, lineage groups) 세력으로서부침을 거듭하게 되었다. 이른바 해동천하라는 이념 아래에서 이루어진 다양한 종족(種族)의 고려왕조는 조선 왕조에 들어와 유교적 이념과 새로운 문자, 이른바 한글에의한 문화적 통일이 시도되었다. 다양한 관습과 문화를 가진 지방호족 중특정 종족(宗族)들은 성리학적인 세계화 속에서 한글의 사용에 따라 의사소통이 보다 더 강화되고 이론화되어 단일민족이라는 의식이 싹트는 계기가 마련되었다. 당시 지방호족들은 말씨가 달랐으며 오늘날 사투리로남게 되었다. 그 후 동시에 종족적(種族的) 우위보다는 특정 집안의 우월감, 바로 종족적(宗族的) 우위와 성리학적 이념의 도덕적 우위가 널리 수용되었고 부계조상(父系祖上)에 대한 제사가 성행하게 되었다. 조선왕조는 주자의 성리학적 이념을 구현한 중앙집권적 지배체제의 완성이었다. 중앙집권적 체제가 실현된 조선시대의 8도제는 상이한 문화와 역사적배경을 담고 있는 지리적 범위로 인식되어 은연중에 지리적인 ‘지역구분’의 단위로 받아들여 질 만큼 중요해졌으며 오늘날의 분권과 자치를위한 단위로 적용해볼 만하다. 또한 가까운 시일 내에 인구 급감을 경험하게 되는 한국은 8도를 단위로 수정된 ‘자유와 다문화 지역분권’ 모델은 분권과 자치를 기본을 한 다문화사회로의 변동에 유익하리라고 본다. 시민사회가 중심이 된 지역공동체...

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