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      • KCI등재

        敎育이 政治充員에 미치는 영향

        李峻炯 성신여자대학교 교육문제연구소 1988 교육연구 Vol.22 No.-

        본고는 공식교육이 정치 엘리트 충원에 어떠한 기능을 가지는가를 규명하고 그것의 정치적 충원 양상을 고찰하고 있다. 이를 위하여 이론적 배경으로 교육의 정치적 의의와 교육의 정치적 기능을 규명하여 교육이 정치체계에 대해 갖은 기능 중에서 정치지도자의 선발, 충원, 훈련 기능을 연구의 분야로 정하고 있다. 또한 이론적 배경으로 엘리트의 개념과 기능, 순환을 일별하여 정치엘리트의 개념 규정과 그것의 교육과의 관계를 규명하고 있다.

      • 로봇 매니퓰레이터의 선형모델을 이용한 다변수 제어기 설계

        이준형,김정주,강진식 濟州大學校 産業技術硏究所 1999 산업기술연구소논문집 Vol.10 No.1

        In this paper, we present a multivariable controller for the robot manipulator. By using the linearized model, calculation time is reduced because of the linearized model could relax the nonlinear property. Since the linearized model improve the influence of the modification of the robot dynamic parameters, errors, caused by the variation of dynamics such as the unknown load of a manipulator, nonlinear properties are compensated. By this reason, the presented controller can be adopted in the industrial application. An usual multivariable controller, using pole placement, has relatively a large tracking errors. In order to obtain small tracking errors, rapid response, and stabilize the robot manipulator, the linearized dynamics of the manipulator and PID controller structure are used in the presented controller which is designed via pole placement algorism. To show the suggested controller have rapid trajectory tracking property, and it is not affected by the unknown load and load variation, the simulation results of the 2-link robot manipulator are presented.

      • KCI등재

        Réforme du régime de la copropriété des immeubles bâtis en Corée du Sud

        이준형,홍기원 한국민사법학회 2014 民事法學 Vol.67 No.-

        이 글은 원래 한국과 프랑스 양국의 물권법 개정 동향을 주제로 2012년 6월 28일과 29일 양일간 서울대에서 있었던 한국 앙리 까삐땅 협회 창립기념 국제학술대회에서 발표하였던 원고를 가필한 것이다. 프랑스 앙리 까삐땅 협회가 발표한 물권법 개정초안을 보면 집합건물법제의 주요 개념을 민법전 안에 편입시켰다. 이에 반하여 한국에서는 집합건물에 관한 유일한 민사특별법인 집합건물의 소유 및 관리에 관한 법률을 2012년 12월 제정 4반세기만에 크게 개정하였다. 이 글에서는 먼저 2012년 대개정의 배경을 설명하고(Ⅰ), 이번 개정의 내용을 집합건물법제의 현대화와 복권이란 두 개의 방향으로 나누어 설명하였다(Ⅱ와 Ⅲ). 이러한 설명방식은 이번 개정의 첫출발이었던 지난 2010년 12월 14일 법무부 주최 공청회에서 필자 중 1인이 기존 법제의 문제점과 그 개선방향에 관하여 발제하였던 내용을 개정 이후의 사정을 참작하여 다시금 새롭게 정리한 것이다. 집합건물법제의 現代化의 관점에서 법률관계의 명확성을 기하기 위한 개정으로서는 하자담보책임규정의 개정, 표준(관리)규약 제도의 도입, 총회결의에 대한 이의방법의 규정을, 법률관계의 효율성 제고를 위한 개정으로서는 관리위원회 제도의 신설, 전자적 의결방식의 도입, 집합건물분쟁조정위원회의 구성을 각각 꼽을 수 있다(Ⅱ). 이에 반하여 집합건물법제의 復權이란 관점에서 보면 자율적 관리를 위한 관리단의 제한적 권리능력 인정, 임차인의 관리참여, 분양자의 책임과 같은 개정이 중요할 것이다(Ⅲ). 이번 개정에 대한 반응은 대체적으로 호의적이지만, 그럼에도 불구하고 몇 가지 점에서 이번 개정에 한계가 있음을 지적하지 않을 수 없다. 첫 번째는 대륙법적 집합건물법제와 영미법적 주택공법 사이의 대립을 완전히 해소하지 못하였다는 점이고, 두 번째는 先분양 後시공의 분양현실에서 모델하우스나 광고만 보고 계약을 체결하는 소비자를 보호하기 위한 방안을 마련하지 못하였다는 점이며, 세 번째는 노후화되었으나 재건축이 곤란한 집합건물의 구분소유자를 위한 구분소유관계 종료제도를 도입하지 못하였다는 점이다. 프랑스의 오랜 경험은 우리에게 시사하는 바가 적지 않은바, 특히 구분명세서, 관리위원회, 관리단의 권리능력, 분양자의 책임과 같은 문제와 관련하여 앞으로 많은 참고가 될 것이다.

      • 北韓의 政治社會化 變因에 關한 硏究 : 學校變因을 中心으로

        李峻炯 韓國共産圈硏究協議會 1988 共産圈硏究論叢 Vol.1 No.-

        동서고금을 막론하고 체제의 안정, 유지, 발전, 존속을 위해 정치교육 즉 정치사회화과정의 의도적 계획을 외면한 예는 찾아볼 수 없을 것이다. 일찍이 서양에서는 플라톤이 동양에서는 공자가 정치교육의 중요성을 명확히 했던 것이다. 각 나라의 정치이념과 체제, 전통과 교육체계에 따라 각기 상이한 정치교육이 실시되고 있으나, 최근에는 정규의 교육과정에서 정치교육을 취급하고 나아가서는 독립교과로 정치교육을 취급해야 할 것이라고 강조하는 나라들이 늘어나게 되었다.

      • 解放神學의 社會分析視角에 관한 硏究

        李峻炯 誠信女子大學校 1987 硏究論文集 Vol.25 No.-

        Theology of liberation is very interesting to usKoreans who have confronted Communist North Korea because it has influenced the fields of religion, religious life and social life of Koreans . Especially theology of liberation has adopted Marxian concepts and perspectives as its analaytical concepts and perspectives. Thus the aims of this study are (1) to investigate the social perspectives of liberation theology and (2) to examine the relation between liberation theology and “people's theology”in Korea to help give the exact understanding liberation theology and suffice our intellectual interests and curiosities about theology of liberation. Generally speaking, theology of liberation from Latin America seems to have earnest motives and purposes to feel responsible and humanistic for the poor, to try to get rid of the causes of the poverty, but there seems tobe something wrong with the methods to realize such motives and purposes. So it is thought to be very important that the social perspectives should be analyzed on the base of the Marxian conceptual framework. To examine the methodological defects of theology of liberation, we employed as the analytical framework the Marxian concepts and perspectives to destory capitalism and to build up socialism or communism;“orthopraxis,”“dual structure of society,”“class struggle,”“violent socialist revolution.” The results of the analgses of the perspectives of liberation theology are as follows: The “orthopraxis”of liberation theology stems directly from Mark’s proposition, “philosophers have tried to only interpret the world, but what matters is to change the world.” There are largely two ways to change the world: reformation and revolution. Liberation theology chooses the latter like Marxism. But the 20 century has proved that the revolution theory of communism is inferior to the developmental theory of liberal capitalism. Liberation theology asserts that Christianity has explained impoverishment, not to try to improve it. But that’s not true. Christianity has attempted to change society through individual repentance and the change of individual personality. It is a serious fallacy that liberation theology has accepted the dualism of social structure which means dividing society in two hostile classes. In theological sense the dualism controdicts God’s impartial love for mankind and universal truth regardless of time and place. In terms of social science it is doubtful whether or not it is approfriate to apply the dualism indiscriminately to the various societies of Latin America though there is a huge gulf between rich and poor. In practical viewpoint the hostile dualism is thought not to help get rid of poverty from Latin America because it can not acquire national consensus and is deprived of many benifical strategies of capitalism through the separation from the western block. The class struggle, which accompanies the dualism, also goes to a great degree against the impartial love and the universal truth of Christianity and produces a big problem in idiological sense of Christianity. The christian love means the reconciliatory love to tolerate others as well as the universal love for all hnman beings, while the class struggle of liberation theology impies hatred and hostility, not love of recociliation. The class struggle of liberation thelogy is alleged to include the simultaneous liberations of oppressors and oppressed. But the success of the oppressed in the class struggle is only the victory against the oppressors, never the liberation of the oppressed themselves, because the oppressed will use still more power and violence to prevent the revolts and resistances of the old oppressors who have been reduced to the oppressed. That means not the simultaneous liberation of both parties, but the exchange of the previous positions between the two. One of the important responsibilities of the clergy of Latin America is that they must not confuse the unjust violence of the oppressors and the just violence of the oppressed in considering violence problems in Latin America. Theologists have asserted that they can not liberate the oppressed without violence, which also goes against the love for foes in the Bible. This means not worshiping the gospel of the Bible, but interpreting the universal love of Christianity to justify the socialist revolution. The “people’s thelogy”of Korea came into existance through particular scio-economic and political situations of Korea during 1960s and 1970s. People’s theology was once named, “Industrial mission”in 1958 and “Urban industrial mission”in 1968. It has been influenced by liberation theology since the serious socio-economic and political adversities of 1970s. People’s theology has refused to use the term “liberation”because the term seems to be related to the “People’s liberation”of North Korea, the violence of communism and kiberation theology, the rivalry in the dependency theory of Latin America, in the ethnic disputes of the United Ststes and in the class struggle. Even if people’s theology emphasizes its independence and originality, the influence of liberation theology on it is made clear by these common features between them, such as (1) the criticism of the orthodox theologies, (2) the confluence of people’s movement and the theological history of people (3) the relation between theology and the particular social situation like poverty, unfair distribution and infringement of people’s rights, (4) the emphasis of social salvation and praxis, (5) the special notice of the alienated class, (6) the citation of the Exodus as the ground of the Bible, (7) the assertion of Jesus Christ being the friend and emancipator of poor and sick, (8) the most criticism from outside on the excessive situational analysis, etc. Onthe other hand, liberation theology has had a great deal of influence on our way of life and way of thinking. So intelligentzia and students have become interested in lower people's life and their culture.

      • KCI등재

        일개 종합병원 기억장애 클리닉을 방문한 환자들의 뇌영상 검사의 특성

        이준형,이수지,안진영,허재혁 대한치매학회 2012 Dementia and Neurocognitive Disorders Vol.11 No.4

        Background: With the ageing population, number of dementia patients is on the rise, as well as the public interest. The population who would visit memory disorder clinic will also grow. The diagnostic significance of brain MRI in dementia lies in idetifying hippocampal atrophy or ischemic lesions. However, patients visiting memory disorder clinic are mostly old-aged with multiple vascular risk factors, raising the risk of cerebrovascular abnormalities. The authors set out to evaluate the need for cerebrevascular imaging in patients who visited memory disorder clinic. Methods: The study recruited patients who visited the memory clinic in Seoul medical center between July 2011 and June 2012. Among those, patients who had taken the neuropsychiatric test and had both brain MRI and MRA taken were included for analysis. In brain MRI, severities of white matter hyperintensities and presence of cerebral infarction were assessed. In brain MRA, intra- and extra-cranial arterial stenosis and presence of aneurysm were noted. Results: A total of 173 patients was included, and 64 were men. The mean age was 71±9.4 years, and the mean education period was 7±5.2 years. In brain MRI, white matter hyperintensities were observed in 113 patients (65.3%), and cerebral infarction was present in 57 patients (32.9%). In brain MRA, 88 (50.9%) patients showed more than one stenotic segment in intracranial vessel or proximal ICA and 6 patients (3.5%) were diagnosed with unruptured aneurysm. Conclusions: The incidence of white matter hyperintensities or stenosis of cerebral vessels on magnetic resonance imaging is very high. Therefore, brain MRI and MRA should be included in diagnostic work up for dementia in patients who are old aged and have multiple vascular risk factors. It would provide clinicians with valuable information in making treatment decisions and prevention of future cerebrovascular accident.

      • KCI등재

        지역 방재예산을 고려한 호우피해 예측

        이준형,김종성,김동현,이태우,김형수 한국방재학회 2019 한국방재학회논문집 Vol.19 No.6

        Many researches are conducted to evaluate benefit from local disaster prevention projects. However, since such evaluation can only be assessed at the local district level, there is a limitation to applying this assessment to the local government's disaster prevention management in that it requires the local characteristics. To compensate for this, in this study, the effect of disaster damage reduction through local governments’ local disaster prevention budget was estimated, and that used for disaster damage reduction in the area was calculated. Further, the effect was applied to the damage prediction model that is typical local government-level disaster prevention management, and heavy rain damage prediction was done considering the effect. As a result of applying it to the study area, the effect was prominent in Pyeongtaek-si and Pocheon-si in Gyeonggi-do. Also, considering the results of the effect, it was confirmed that error in the heavy rain damage prediction function was reduced. The results of this study can be used to establish disaster prevention budget management and disaster mitigation plans. 지방자치단체 내 지구단위로 시행되는 재해예방사업의 경우 사업 시행으로 인한 재해예방 효과를 산정하는 등의 사후평가가 활발하게 진행되었다. 하지만 이러한 사후평가는 지자체 내 지구단위로만 평가가 가능하고, 대상지의 지역적 특성이 반영된 평가라는 점에서 지자체 차원의 방재관리에 적용하는데 한계가 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 지자체 단위로 관리되고, 지역 내 재해저감을 목적으로 사용되고 있는 방재예산 자료를 수집하여 방재예산 투입에 따른 재해저감효과를 평가하였다. 이러한 재해저감효과를 대표적인 지자체 단위의 방재관리 방안인 호우피해 예측모형에 적용하여 재해저감효과를 고려한 호우피해 예측을 수행하였다. 연구 대상지역에 적용해 본 결과 경기도 평택시와 경기도 포천시에서 재해저감효과가 두드러지게 나타났다. 또한 재해저감효과 분석 결과를 고려할 경우 호우피해 예측함수의 예측오차가 큰 폭으로 감소하는 것을 확인하였다. 본 연구결과는 효율적인 방재예산 관리 및 재해저감방안을 수립하는데 사용될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.

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