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        선어말어미 ‘-□-’의 변화

        남미정 ( Mi Jeong Nam ) 한말연구학회 2014 한말연구 Vol.- No.34

        This study aims to examine the changes of three different levels that appear in the modern Korean language, especially the changes of second type, ‘-느-’. The second type, ‘-느-’, of modern Korean language appears in the expressions such as ‘-느냐’, ‘-는데’, ‘-는가’ and ‘-는지,’ and it normally has limitations in the combination with adjectives, but it can freely be combined with the past tense expression of ‘-었-’, unlike the ‘-느-’ in ‘-는 다’ and ‘-는구나’. In particular, it is noted that the word structure including the second type of ‘-느-’ is always an integrated ending including the adnominal ending ‘-ㄴ’. The reason why the second type, ‘-느-’, appears in the integrated ending inclusive of adnominal ending due to the limitations that originate from the prefinal ending ‘-□-’. A stage by stagy review of data on ancient Korean language has proven the high tendency of ‘-□-’ to be combined with adnominal ending from the olden times. Because of the characteristics of ‘-□-’ combining with adnominal ending, the limitations such as ‘-□-+-ㄴ’ were created and because of those limitations, the structure of ‘잇-+-□-+-ㄴ(X)’ in the Middle Age Korean could be drawn. And in the process of contracting the expression ‘-어 잇-’ into ‘-엇-’, the change of ‘-어 잇□+(ㄴ) > 엇□(ㄴ)’ happened which resulted in the combination of ‘-었는데, -었는가, -었느냐’ in modern Korean.

      • KCI등재

        《상례언해》 이본 비교 연구

        남미정 ( Nam Mi-jeong ) 서강대학교 언어정보연구소 2016 언어와 정보 사회 Vol.29 No.-

        This study aims to compare and analyze the content changes of funeral rite-related books in Korean annotation and the features of each book by comparing the configuration and details of different versions. Different versions of funeral rites in Korean annotation can be divided into four kinds. The Confucian style of funeral procedure consists of 19 steps. The manuscript 《Sangre Eonhe》 only covers from `Chojong` to `Seongbok` and does not carry the entire process of the funeral but the content is relatively rich with detailed informa-tion. The remaining kinds of Yi copy cover all of the procedures of funeral rite from `Chojong` to `Gilje`, but there are at times partially missing procedures. Whereas it was the main purpose of the xylographic copy to present a list of tools needed for the procedure of funeral rites, the printed book in modern style was different in that it was intended to show various forms and styles of written prayers. For the rest of copies in Korean annotation have differences respectively in the way they put the title, the way the content is divided, and the way to describe the information.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        接續語尾 ‘-’에 대한 一考察

        남미정(Nam Mi-Jeong) 구결학회 2004 구결연구 Vol.12 No.-

        이 글은 고대국어와 전기 중세국어가 만영된 구결 자료를 중심으로 ‘-늘’의 분포와 의미기능에 대해 살펴보는 것을 목적으로 한다. ‘-늘’의 분포에 대해서는 ‘후행절의 문체법에 따른 통합관계’, ‘서술어 통합관계’, ‘주어 통합관계’, ‘선어말어미 통합관계’로 나누어 살펴보았다. 후행절의 문체법으로 대부분 진술적 발화와 통합하고, 선행절 주어로는 3인칭이 주로 나타나는 현상이 특징적인 것으로 지적될 만하다. 그리고 서술어 통합에는 별다른 제약을 보이지 않았다. 선어말어미와의 통합에 있어서는 석독구결의 ‘-늘’은 다양한 선어말어미와 통합하여 별다른 제약이 없었고, 음독구결 시기부터 차츰 선어말어미 ‘-거-’외만 통합한다. ‘-거늘’이 어미구조체 또는 통합형어미로 재구조화되기 시작하는 시기라 할 수 있다. 한편, 구결 자료에서 ‘-늘’은 ‘상황제시’라는 의미 범주를 기본 틀로 하여 ‘이유’, ‘양보’, ‘대조’ 등의 산출적 의미를 나타냈던 것으로 보인다. ‘상황제시’는 ‘후행절에 제시될 명제내용을 위해 그와 관련된 포괄적이거나 구체적인 어떤 상황을 선행절에 제시하는 것’으로, 이때 선행절에 제시되는 명제내용은 ‘이미 일어난 사건이나 그 사건이 일어난 이후의 결과상태가 발화시에 유효하고 관여적인 것’이라고 정의해 볼 수 있다. 그리고 이러한 의미는 접속어미 ‘-늘’을 구성하고 있는 동명사어미 ‘-ㄴ’과 대격조사 ‘-을’의 기원적인 의미가 복합적으로 작용하여 형성된 것으로 봐야 할 것이다. This paper aims to investigate the distribution and the semantic function of '-n?l' appeared in Kugyols of Ancient and Early Middle ages. On morpho-syntactic distribution of '-n?l', I examine syntagmatic relation of it to sentence-final mood of following clause, predicate, subject and prefinal ending. It is noteworthy that '-n?l' mostly requires following clause to be statement utterance and preceding clause to have third person subject. And there is no restriction on predicate. On syntagmatic relation to prefinal ending, '-nil' could combine with various prefinal endings in Seokdok-Kugyols, but in Eumdok-Kugyols it turned to combine with only prefinal ending '-g?-', gradually. Therefore, Eumdok-Kugyols is the period that '-g?n?l' begins to be reconstructed ending-constitution or compound-form ending. In the meantime, '-n?l' in Kugyols seems to represent various meaning, i.e. primarily 'presentation of context' and secondarily 'cause,' 'concession', 'contrast.' The meaning of 'presentation of context' is that 'present, in preceding clause, inclusive and concrete context relating to following clause.' And proposition of preceding clause is already occurred event or perfective situation. Such semantic function comes from the compositional meaning of gerund '-eun' and accusative '-eul' consisting '-n?l'.

      • KCI등재

        국어의 문법화에 대한 재고

        남미정(Mi Jeong Nam) 한국어학회 2010 한국어학 Vol.49 No.-

        The theory of grammaticalization may explain to synchronic and diachronic changes in language to a large extent. However, such explanation has been overly adopted to identify linguistic changes. This study is to raise questions about the application and extent of grammaticalization in some linguistic transformations. In conclusion, grammaticalization should be applied only when the original subject is considered a grammatical morpheme, which is derived from an attempt to recognize grammaticalization predicated upon its outcome. Accordingly, transformation of connective endings into terminative endings which has been assumed as a grammaticalization case should not be considered the case Prime examples where connective endings serve as terminative endings are `-geodeun` and `-neunde.` Both endings include a bound noun, `-da,` which is an example of grammaticalization where a syntactic composition with `-da` has become a terminative ending, Despite previous studies that has regarded `-geodeun` and `-neunde` playing both connective and terminative ending roles as a case of grammaticalization, it fails to constitute grammaticalization since the transformation is accompanied by no change in either the form or the meaning.

      • KCI등재

        간호사의 소아청소년 호스피스완화의료에 대한 지식 및 태도

        강경아,김현숙,권소희,남미정,방경숙,유수정,정연,최성은,정복례,Kang, Kyung-Ah,Kim, Hyun Sook,Kwon, So-Hi,Nam, Mi Jung,Bang, Kyung-Sook,Yu, Su Jeong,Jung, Yun,Choi, Sung Eun,Chung, Bok-Yae 한국호스피스완화의료학회 2014 한국호스피스.완화의료학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        목적: 본 연구는 말기아동 간호에 대한 교육자를 위한 교육프로그램인 ELNEC-PPC에 참여한 간호사의 소아청소년 호스피스완화의료(PPC)에 대한 지식 및 태도를 확인하기 위하여 수행되었다. 방법: 2012년 ELNEC-PPC 교육자를 위한 교육과정에 등록한 간호사 중 연구참여에 동의하고 서명날인 후 설문조사에 응답한 총 196명의 자료를 분석하였으며, 소아청소년 호스피스완화의료에 대한 지식과 태도는 20문항의 7점 척도로 측정하였다. 결과: 학력수준과 소아과병동 및 호스피스 근무경험에 따라 PPC에 대한 지식 정도에 차이가 있었다. 소아과 근무경험, PPC 경력 및 교육경험 이수 정도에 따라 소아 호스피스완화의료 태도에 차이가 있었으며, 기혼 간호사는 자녀의 완화의료서비스 결정에 대한 보호자의 권리에 대해 더 긍정적이었으며, 석사 이상군은 PPC에 대한 지식과 태도 정도가 높았다. 결론: PPC에 대한 간호사의 지식 및 태도를 높이기 위해서는 일반간호사를 대상으로 하여 표준화된 교육이 필요하다. Purpose: The aim of this research was to explore nurses' knowledge of and attitudes toward pediatric palliative care (PPC) in Korea. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional design was used. A total of 196 participants were recruited from the ELNEC-PPC course held in Seoul, Korea. All participants completed a 20-item survey questionnaire which assessed knowledge of and attitudes toward PPC using a 7-point Likert scale. Results: Nurses' knowledge of PPC correlated with their educational level and work experience in the pediatric unit and hospice care unit. The work experience in the pediatric unit, career length in PPC and completion of palliative education course made differences in the attitudes toward PPC. Married nurses scored significantly higher on the parental rights in determining palliative care service for their child, and nurses with master's degree or higher showed a higher level of understanding of and attitudes toward the differences between PPC and adult palliative care. Conclusion: The factors influencing nurses' knowledge of and attitudes toward PPC need be considered to develop a pediatric palliative training program.

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