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        적백하오관중탕 증류액이 노화 흰쥐 비장세포의 항산화능에 미치는 영향

        영춘 ( Young-chun Park ),김일구 ( Il-gu Kim ),김태민 ( Tae-min Kim ) 대한본초학회 2016 大韓本草學會誌 Vol.31 No.4

        Objective: The purpose of this study is to investigate the anti-oxidative effect of Jeokbaekhaogwanjoong-tang (JGT) distillate in spleen cells of aged rats. Methods : This experiment was performed using spleen cells of 10w, 52w, 72w old sprague dawley (SD) rats. The spleen cells of 10, 52, 72 weeks old rats were divided into three groups; DW group, Vit. C group, and JGT group. The cells of DW group were treated with distilled water. The cells of Vit.C group were treated with Vitamin C. And the cells of JGT group were treated with JGT distillate. After the treatment of DW, Vit.C, and JGT, the levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione (GSH), nitric oxide (NO) and lipid peroxidation (MDA) were measured. Results : In the spleen cells of 72 weeks old rats, SOD activity was significantly increased in the JGT group compared to those in the DW group and the Vit.C group. In the spleen cells of 52 weeks old rats, GSH activity was significantly increased in the JGT group compared to the Vit.C group, and NO concentration was significantly decreased in the JGT group compared to the DW group and the Vit.C group. MDA concentration was not changed significantly in any cell groups by the treatment of JGT distillate. Conclusions : Jeokbaekhaogwanjoong-tang (JGT) distillate may have an anti-oxidative effects in the spleen cells of aged rats. Further investigation is needed for the anti-aging effect of JGT.

      • KCI등재

        디자인 프론티어리즘; 하이테크 기업의 디자인경영철학

        영춘,이문규 디자인융복합학회 2007 디자인융복합연구 Vol.6 No.2

        하이테크 산업에 있어서 미래의 시장은 매우 복잡하고 소비자들의 욕구도 다앙하여 기업에 대해 많은 기회요인을 제공해 줌과 동시에, 경쟁이 심하고 변화의 속도가 빨라 기업에 위협요인도 되고 있다. 이렇게 빠르게 발전해 나아가고 경쟁이 심화되어가는 시장에서 생존과 성장을 하기 위해 기업은 디자인 리더십을 가지고 시장을 선도해 나아가야 할 것이다. 본 논문에서는 성공한 상품을 출시한 기업의 디자이너와 상품기획담당자들을 대상으로 한 면접조사를 바탕으로 하여 핵심성공요인을 도출해보고 이를 기초로 디자인 프론티어리즘을 제시하였다. 디자인 프론티어리즘이란 하이테크 신제품 개발에 있어서 디자인이 그 선도역할을 해 나아가야 한다는 가정으로서 장기적인 시각에서 제품개발에 대한 투자가 이루어지고 한 기업의 대표 브랜드, 대표 모델을 키워내기 위해 반드시 필요한 디자인 경영철학이다. 또한 이 논문에서는 디자인 프론티어리즘을 실천에 옮기기 위한 경영과정으로서 다음과 같은 세 가지 방법을 제시한다. 이는 (1) 디자인 리서치 중심. (2) 프로세스 협업 중심, 그리고 (3) CEO 중심 등이다 디자인 프론티어리즘이야말로 하이테크 산업에서의 시장기회를 극대화할 수 있는 경영철학이다. High-technology product markets are characterized by diverse and complicated consumer needs, offering companies many business opportunities, but at the same time, they are changing so rapidly and the competition within and across the industries are becoming more fierce, posing threats to many firms. High-technology firms need to take the leadership in design and marketing in order to survive and grow in such a turbulent environment. In this paper, a conceptual framework called, design frontierism is proposed on the basis of the results from a qualitative research with designers and product planners working at very successful high-technology companies. Design frontierism holds that a key to the success of a high-technology firm is to let the design function take the lead in the new product development process. It also suggests three major ways to implement such a philosophy: (a) design research-driven process, (b) functional integration process, and (c) CEO-driven new product development process. It is believed that design frontierism will serve as a set of useful guidelines for the new product development process for high-technology firms.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        다중 부호 무게를 가진 2차원 광 직교 부호의 설계

        영춘(Yong-Chun Piao),신동준(Dong-Joon Shin) 한국통신학회 2008 韓國通信學會論文誌 Vol.33 No.1C

        광학적 부호 분할 다중접속방식(OCDMA)은 각각의 사용자에게 고유의 부호어를 부여하여 여러 명의 사용자가 동시에 사용할 수 있게 하는 기술이다. 이 시스템에 쓰이는 광 직교 부호(OOC)는 좋은 성질의 자기상관관계와 상호상관관계를 지닌 이진 수열이라고 할 수 있다. 이러한 광 직교 부호의 자기상관관계와 상호상관관계 값은 그 시스템의 성능을 판가름하는 중요한 척도가 된다. 최근에는 1차원보다 더욱 많은 사용자를 지원하는 2차원 광 직교 부호설계기법이 많이 연구되고 있으며, 본 논문에서는 조합론을 이용하여 자기상관관계 값이 0이고 상호상관관계 값이 1인 다중 부호 무게를 가진 2차원 광 직교 부호를 설계하고 이러한 광 직교 부호의 크기에 대한 상한 값을 유도한다. Optical code division multiple access (OCDMA) systems make the active users to share the bandwidth by simply assigning distinct optical orthogonal codeword to each active user. An optical orthogonal code (OOC) is a collection of binary sequences with good correlation properties which are important factors of determining the capacity of OCDMA systems. Recently, 2-D OOC construction method is frequently researched which is able to support more users than 1-D OOC. In this paper, a combinatorial construction of simple multi-weight 2-D OOC with autocorrelation 0 and crosscorrelation 1 is proposed and the bound on the size of these codes is derived.

      • KCI등재


        朴永春 전북대학교 동북아법연구소 2020 동북아법연구 Vol.14 No.2

        Under the trend of economic globalization, The new normal of China's economic development has changed from high-speed to high-quality development. In 2013, the Company Law of the People's Republic of China abolished the previous capital verification procedure, carried out a comprehensive reform of the corporate capital system, and fully implemented the capital subscription system, thus stimulating the vitality of the Chinese market. However, the tendency of excessive liberalization of the company caused by this has aroused concerns, the protection of creditors' interests has become the focus of attention, the issue of whether shareholders' capital contribution can accelerate the maturity has become the focus of contradiction, the abnormal agreed term is not consistent with the original intention of subscription system, and will also harm the stable development of the economy. At present, the theories about accelerating the maturity of shareholders' contributions in China are mainly divided into positive theory, negative theory and compromise theory. In the judicial practice in China, because there is no clear legal and judicial interpretation, appear different in the process of the court, of the same provision or judicial interpretation have different usage in practice, has the different connection with the given situation, represented by the higher people's court tend to deny doctrine, the vast majority of the court that shareholder capital contribution is due not accelerating. It is worth mentioning that on September 11, 2019, the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court adopted the Minutes of the National Court's Conference on Civil and Commercial Trials, which also explains this issue. 在经济全球化发展趋势下,中国经济发展新常态由高速转为高质量发展,2013年《中华人民共和国公司法》将之前的验资程序取消,对公司资本制度实施全面改革,全面实行资本的认缴制,从而激发中国市场活力。但由此引发的公司过度自由化倾向引发担忧,债权人的利益保护成为备受关注,股东出资是否可以加速到期问题成为矛盾焦点,畸形约定期限与认缴制设立的初衷并不相符,也会伤害到经济的稳定发展。 目前中国有关股东出资加速到期的理论主要分为肯定学说、否定学说和折中学说,肯定学说认为股东间内部约定不可对抗债权人,股东间约定履行期限过长的合同属于缺乏履行可能性的合同,并且《破产法》并没有明确否认公司存续期间股东出资是否可以加速到期,同时,肯定学说将股东认缴出资这一行为看做是一种担保形式,担保其资本可以清偿公司债权人,当公司资产无法清偿债权人时,股东则在自己的认缴出资额内负担相应责任;否定说学者则认为股东在缴纳出资享有的期限利益是法定利益,当公司资产已无法偿还债权人时,并没有明确法律依据支持债权人有权要求股东对其认缴的出资额加速到期,并且股东间约定出资期限已经载入公司章程并在工商部门登记,而且进行公示,债权人应当风险自担;折中说学者认为认为只有在特殊情况下才能适用公司存续期间股东出资加速到期,包括公司经营困难以及当债权人为非自愿债权人时,才可要求公司存续期间股东出资加速到期。 在中国司法实务中,由于目前没有明确的法律及司法解释,法院在裁判过程中出现不同判决,对同一条文或司法解释的在实践中使用情况也不同,出现同案不同判的情况,以中国高级人民法院为代表的绝大多数法院倾向于否定学说,认为股东出资不可加速到期。值得一提的是2019年9月11日最高人民法院审判委员会通过的《全国法院民商事审判工作会议纪要》也对此问题进行了阐释:在注册资本认缴制下,股东依法享有期限利益。债权人以公司不能清偿到期债务为由,请求未届出资期限的股东在未出资范围内对公司不能清偿的债务承担补充赔偿责任的,人民法院不予支持。但是,下列情形除外:第一,公司作为被执行人的案件,人民法院穷尽执行措施无财产可供执行,已具备破产原因,但不申请破产的;第二,在公司债务产生后,公司股东(大)会决议或以其他方式延长股东出资期限的。 因此,股东出资加速到期制度的建立对于认缴制度的完善和日后的发展起举足轻重的作用,应当通过对于相关法律法规的明确规定及适应性扩大司法解释,关于《公司法司法解释(三)》第13条第2款的如何适用以及对《公司法》第二十二条规定扩大解释同时降低受理企业破产及强制清算案件的门槛;建立完善相关配套的法律制度,如资本催缴制度、出资信息公示制度等,避免同案不同判情况的出现;明确“公司不能清偿债务”的标准认定,采取多元化多角度标准认定,包括公司持续偿债能力、公司资产通过强制执行后是否能够清偿债务等认定标准,以此对债权人与股东和公司之间的利益予以平衡。

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