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        유화조건이 홍화적색소의 물성에 미치는 영향

        이승룡,장규섭,이석건,윤혜현,한태룡 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 2000 농업과학연구 Vol.27 No.1

        상기 실험으로부터 얻어진 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. Hunter-value를 측정한 결과 hunter L-value 즉, 백색도에 있어서는 glycerin+carthamin+locithin의 경우가 실온저장 및, 열악조건 그리고 광조사시에 있어서 모두 8 시간이 경과하면서부터는 급격하게 상승하는 모습을 보였다. 2. 실온하에서 hunter a-value 즉, 적색도에 있어서는 carthamin 첨가구가, b-value 즉, 황색도에 있어서는 paprika 첨가구가 더 강하게 나타났다. 열악조건에서는 실온저장의 경우와 다소 다른 양상을 보여주었는데. D.W+carthamin+lecithin의 경우에 있어서도 hunter L-value가 낮은 값을 나타냈으며, hunter a-value의 경우 soybean oil+paprika에서도 높은값을 보여주었다. 3. 유변학적 특성에 대한 실험에서 비교적 고점도를 가지고 있는 glycerin을 base material로하였을 때는 이에 비해 저점도라고 할 수 있는 soybean oil이나 증류수가 쓰여졌을 때보다 spindle의 rpm에 따른 viscosity나 shear rate 및 shear stress등의 같이 월등히 높은 값을 나타냈다. 그리고, 일반적으로 spindle의 rpm에 대한 shear rate 및 shear stress의 값은 비례적으로 증가하는 경향을 나타냈다. 유화제의 사용여부에 있어서는 lecithin을 사용했을 경우. 사용하지 않았을 때보다 높은 점도를 나타냈고, 동일한 조건에서 carthamin보다는 paprika가 두 배 정도 더 높은 점도를 나타냈다. 4. soybean oil을 사용한 실험구에 있어서는lecithin의 첨가유무가 점도에 아무런 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났으나, glycerin을 사용한 실험구에 있어서는 유화제인 lecithin을 병행했을 경우, 특이하게도 오히려 paprika에서보다 carthamin에서 더 높은 점도를 나타냈다. 5. Shear stress의 경우 soybean oil 첨가구와 glycerin 첨가구가 현저한 차이를 보이며 증가한 반면, shear rate에 있어서는 두 가지 경우모두 거의 같은 경향을 나타낸 점이 특이했다. This study was peformed to evaluate the food technological properties according to different emulsion state of carthamus red pigment. For making emulsion, lecithin was used as an emulsifier and polyglycerol monooleate(PGMO) and polyoxyethylene sorbitan monooleate(Tween 80) were used as an assistant, and glycerin, distilled water and soybean oil were used as base materials respectively. Paprika stock solution was used for comparing carthamin on the rheological properties. The results were described as following; 1. Hunter L-value was not drastically increased until passed by 8 hours for glycerin, carthamin, and lecithin mixed sample. 2. Hunter a-value was higher at carthamin added sample than others, and b-value was higher to paprika added sample than others. 3. The viscosity, shear rate and shear stress levels in which glycerin was used as base material were higher than soybean oil or distilled water. 4. In which soybean oil was used as base material, lecithin was not affected on the rheological properties. But, in which glycerin was used, the lecithin was higher affected on carthamin than paprika. 5. The value of shear stress was increased both carthamin and soybean oil. However, that of shear rate was shown similar trends.

      • 米穀貯藏害蟲 밤빛쌀도둑(Tribolium castaneum)의 加害習性 및 生態的 特性에 관한 硏究

        金奎眞,朴江龍 전남대학교 농업과학기술연구소 2000 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.35 No.-

        This study was carried out to investigate damage aspects and ecological characteristics of red flour beetle which caused serious damages in stored grain pests in South area. The results were obtained as follows; Morphological characteristics of red flour beetle were 0.6±0.1, 5.6±0.5, and 3.8±0.2mm length with eggs, larvae and pupae, respectively. Also female and male of adults were 4.0±0.1 and 3.8±0.1mm, respectively, Each rearing periods was 6.0±1, 34±7.0, 9.0±3.0, 45±10, 65±15 days with egg, larva, pupa and adult female, male, respectivery. Also over-wintering adult was 210±15, 332±15 days with female and male, respectively. The host plants of red flour beetle were surveyed of 10 cereals, 1 bean, 3 farina, 7 processed goods, 2 herbs. Especially, the degree of feeding preference showed high in brown rice, barley and corn flour. Red flour beetle has three generation per a year. Its peak time appeared in mid-May to early-June, mid-July to late and early-September to late. Maximum peak time was the third generation. Damage degrees of red flour beetle showed on brown rice > polished rice > rough rice in rice and barley > pressed barley ≥ polished barley > naked barley in barley. Damage parts of brown rice showed by embryo parts > awn parts > back and front parts.

      • Adriamycin이 Mouse 십이지장선의 점액분비에 미치는 영향

        오흥룡,이범이,이규식,정호삼 漢陽大學校 環境科學硏究所 1991 環境科學論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        1.Alcian blue(pH 2.5)-PAS 이중 염색에서, adriamycin 투여 후 6시간 경과 후 mouse 십이지장선의 세포저부는 미약한 적색을 나타내었으나 세포첨부는 약한 적색을 나타내었다. Adriamycin 투여 후 12시간 및 24시간 경과군 mouse 십이지장선의 세포저부는 미약한 적색을 나타내었고 세포첨부는 중등도 적색을 나타내었으며, adriamycin 투여 후 48시간 경과군 mouse 십이지장선의 세포저부는 미약한 적색을 나타내었고 세포첨부는 약한 적색을 나타내었다. Adriamycin 투여 후 72시간 경과군 mouse의 대부분의 십이지장선은 세포저부 및 세포첨부에서 강한 적색을 나타냈으나 일부 십이지장선은 강한 청색을 나타내었다. 2. Alcian blue(pH 1.0)-PAS 이중 염색에서, Adriamycin 투여 후 6시간 mouse 십이지장선의 세포저부는 미약한 적색을 나타내었으나 세포첨부는 약한 적색을 나타내었다. Adriamycin 투여 후 12시간, 24시간 및 48시간 경관 mouse 십이지장선의 세포저부는 미약한 적색을 나타내었고 세포첨부는 중등도 적색을 나타내었다. Adriamycin 투여 후 72시간 경과군 mouse의 대부분의 십이지장선은 세포저부 및 세포첨부에서 중등도 적색을 나타내었다. 이상의 소견을 종합한 바, mouse에 adriamycin을 투여하면 십이지잔선의 세포에서 세포독성으로 작용하여 점액의 합성 및 분비를 억제하는 것으로 사료된다. 1. In alcian blue(PH 2.5)-PAS stain, the trace red color for PAS was observed at the alveolar cells in mouse duodenal glands of 6, 12, 24 and 48 hours groups treated with adriamycin, but strong red color was revealed at the alveolar cells in most of duodenal glands of 72 hours group and strong blue color for alcian blue was also observed at parts of glands. 2. In alcian blue(pH 1.0)-PAS stain, the trace red color was observed at the alveolar cells in mouse duodenal glands of 6, 12, 24 and 48 hours groups treated with adriamycin, but moderate red color was revealed in duodenal glands of 72 hours group. On the basis of the above results, it is consequently suggested that reduction of stain activity for mucin in adriamycin treated mouse duodenal glands was resulted from the adriamycin induced cytotoxicity to cytoplasmic organelles of alveolar cells.

      • 접촉산화수로공법에 의한 수질개선연구

        김태철,이규승,오범룡,민진우 忠南大學校 環境問題硏究所 1998 環境硏究 Vol.16 No.-

        The effect of non-point source pollution in rural area has much influence on the stream water quality. It is difficult to improve the stream water quality, because of complex pollutant loads technically and because of treatment-cost of the deteriorated water economically. The best way to reduce the non-point source pollution is to check the water quality in the inlet of irrigation channel and control the water quality in the outlet of drainage channel. Stream water quality in the rural area is closely related with the fertilizers, pesticides, and livestock wastewater. Basically the rate of treatment and retention time were estimated for BOD, COD, SS, NH₄-N, T-N, NO₃-N, T-P, PO₄-P using materials such as gravel, crushed stone, useless tire, geotextiles, and concrete block, respectively and also using the combined materials. The rate of treatment for BOD, COD, SS is high, but that for NH₄-N, T-N, NO₃-N, T-P, PO₄-P is low. Optimal retention time in the natural contact channel was 90 minutes.

      • KCI등재

        초미세 위치결정시스템을 이용한 실리콘 웨이퍼의 파괴거동에 관한 연구

        박기태,이병룡,박규열,홍동표 韓國工作機械學會 2000 한국생산제조학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        The background of this study lies in the investigation of the formation mechanism of ductile mode(nanometer-size) chips of bristle materials such as fine ceramics, glass and silicon. As the first step to achieve this purpose, this paper intends to observe the micro-deformation behavior of these materials in sub ㎛ depth indentation tests using a diamond indentor. In this study, it was developed Ultra-Micro Indentation Device using the PZT actuator. Experimentally, by using the Ultra-Micro Indentation device, the micro fracture behavior of the silicon wafer was investigated. It was possible that ductile-brittle transition point in ultimate surface of brittle material can be detected by adding an acoustic emission sensor system to the 'Ultra-Micro Indentation apparatus.

      • KCI등재후보

        심상성 루프스에서 Nested-Primer Gene Amplification Assay에 의한 결핵균 DNA의 검출

        신문석,전효진,김병천,이규석,김재룡,권호준,송준영 啓明大學校 醫科大學 1994 계명의대학술지 Vol.13 No.4

        Lupus vulgaris, which is a progressive form of postprimary tuberculosis in patients with a moderate to high degree of immunity and tuberculin sensitivity, is the most common, most serious, and most variable type of cutaneous and mucous membrane tuberculosis. Domonstration of M.tuberculosis directly or in culture in some of these eruptions can be difficult. It is essential to demonstrate the presence of M.tuberculosis in a clinical sample for a definitive diagnosis of tuberculosis. With the discovery of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the DNA diagnostic approach for infection has developed in a short period. With the dual purpose of definitive and rapid diagnosis of tuberculosis, this study examined the usefulness of a nested PCR for detection of M. turberculosis. Compared with a single-step PCR, the two-step PCR was able to enhance sensitivity approximately 1,000-fold on the basis of bacterial counts and DNA quantity. We concluded that two-step nested PCR appeared to be the most useful PCR protocol for early and sensitive diagnostic method detecting M.tuberculosis in acid-fast stain negative specimens.

      • KCI등재

        Spatial Autocorrelation Analysis of Carex humilis on Mt. Giri by RAPD

        Bok Kyu Lee(이복규),Byeong Ryong Lee(이병룡),Man Kyu Huh(허만규) 한국생명과학회 2010 생명과학회지 Vol.20 No.9

        RAPD에 의한 지리산 내 산거울 집단의 유전자 빈도와 지리적 거리에 따른 공간적 상관관계를 분석하였다. 전체 102 DNA 분절(밴드)이 107 개체에서 탐지되었다. 102 밴드 중 48(47.1%)개 밴드는 다형성을 나타내었다. 분집단간 다형성의 비교에서 거리 구간 Ⅰ와 Ⅴ가 가장 낮은 변이(16.7%)를 나타내었고, 거리 구간 Ⅷ이 가장 높은 변이를 나타내었다(22.6%). 전체 다양도는 0.076이었다. 구간 Ⅷ이 가장 높은 다양도(0.093)를 나타내었고, 구간 Ⅰ가 가장 낮았다(0.063). 구간 사이의 유전적 유사도는 60 m 거리까지는 유사하였다. 지리산 집단에서 산거울은 강한 공간구조를 나타내고 있음이 RAPD 마커로 알 수 있었다. 이는 지리산 집단에서 낮은 이주자수와 개체들이 덩어리 모양의 분포를 나타내기 때문으로 판단된다. 본 연구에서 RAPD 마커로 산거울의 공간구조와 유전적 구조를 파악하는데 유용하게 이용될 수 있음을 입증하였다. The spatial distribution of alleles and geographical distances of a Carex humilis population on Mt. Giri in Korea were studied. A total of 102 DNA fragments (bands) were found among 107 plants. Among these 102 bands, 48 (47.1%) bands were polymorphic. In a simple variability of subpopulations by the percentage of polymorphic bands, distances I and V exhibited the lowest variation (16.7%). Distance Ⅷ showed the highest variation (22.6%). The total genetic diversity (H) was 0.076 across species. Class Ⅷ had the highest H (0.093), while class I had the lowest (0.063). Genetic similarity of individuals was found among subpopulations at up to a scale of 60 m distance, and this was partly due to a combination of alleles. Within the Mt. Giri population, a strong spatial structure was observed for RAPD markers, indicating a very low amount of migration among subpopulations and that the distribution of individual genotypes of a given population was clumped. The present study demonstrated that analysis of RAPD markers could be successfully used to study the spatial and genetic structures of C. humilis.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        칼슘길항제가 급성 허혈성 신손상후 Renin 유전자 발현에 미치는 효과

        이규백(Kyu Beck Lee),차대룡(Dae Ryong Cha),김용섭(Yong Seop Kim),조원용(Won Yong Cho),김형규(Hyoung Kyu Kim) 대한내과학회 1997 대한내과학회지 Vol.53 No.3

        N/A Objectives: lschemic acute renal failure(ARF) is characterized by an abrupt and sustained decline in GFR within minutes to days after renal ischemia and not immediately reversed on restoration of renal blood flow. The typical delay of a few days to a few weeks suggests reversible parenchymal damage awaiting cell regeneration for functional recovery. Many potentially cell damaging factors, such as ATP depletion, plasma membrane phospholipid degradatian and superoxide-induced membrane damage, play a central part in ischemic injury. More recently, much attention has been focused on the role of calcium, especially ischemic cell injury and the possible therapeutic role of calcium channel blockers emerged from studies conducted several years ago. In the past, it was thought that activation of renin-angiotensin system plays a role in the pathogenesis of ARF. Now the role of angiotensin in human renal ischemia also appears to be controversial. The following study was done in order to investigate the effect of a calcium channel blocker, nifedipine, on gene expression of renin during acute ischemic renal injury. Methods: The Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into 4 groups, group I(n=3) as the control, group II (n=3) as the sham operation group, group III(n=15) as the ischemic renal injury group without nifedipine pretreatment, and group IV(n=15) as the ischemic renal injury model by right nephrectomy and left renal artery clamping for 40 minutes with systemic nifedipine pretreatment(10mg/kg), 1n ischemic renal injury model(group III and IV), rats were further divided into three subgroups according to reperfusion time of 1,24,72 hours. The non-ischemic right kidney removed at the time of initial procedure served as paired control. Total renal RNA was extracted by Chomczynskis method and electrophoresis was done in a 1% agarose gel containing 2,2M formaldehyde. Northern was performed at 42℃ with isotope labeled renin probe for 18 hours, Autoradiographs were obtained and quantitated by a densitometer measured at 530nm. Results: 1) The expression of renin gene was markedly decreased after renal ischemia and slowly recovered to one half of the control level after 72 hours of reperfusion. 2) Renin gene expression pattern of ischemic renal injury with prior nifedipine treatment was similar to the ischemic group without nifedipine pretreatment. Conclusion: These findings suggest that the renin gene expression was markedly decreased after renal ischemia and slowly recovered. Systemic nifedipine pretreatment does not have a significant effect on gene expression pattern of renin in ischemic renal injury.

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