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      • 위암 환자의 복강내 투여를 위한 Activated Charcoal-Alginate Bead 제형으로부터 Mitomycin C의 용출 거동

        이진호,최선웅,서중기,김동민,정경수,오정연,김진향,노승무,민병무,김용백,김창식,박근성,강대영,송규상,양준묵,조준식,정현용,김학용,인현빈 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1998 충남의대잡지 Vol.25 No.1

        Locoregional recurrence is the most common type of recurrence in surgical operation of gastric adenocarcinoma, and peritoneal dissemination is one of the most difficult problems in advanced gastric adenocarcinoma treatment. Because the peritoneal cavity is the most common site of the first recurrence after gastric cancer resection, intraperitoneal chemotherapy seems a logical choice for cancer chemotherapy. In this study, Mitomycin C (MMC)-activated charcoal (CH)-alginate (ALG) beads were prepared by the mixtures of CH particles adsorbed with MMC as an anti-cancer drug and aqueous alginate solution. The alginate is recognized as biodegradable, nontoxic, and biocompatible. The release of MMC from the beads in 0.1 M Tris buffer was stable and continuous until about 1 week. The MMC-CH-ALG beads can be applied in the peritoneal cavity for intraperitoneal chemotherapy since they provide a good adhesiveness on the tissue and controlled release pattern of the drugs.

      • Utilization of Corpus Linguistics for English Education

        정향기 김천대학교 2008 김천대학교 논문집 Vol.29 No.-

        언어자료를 저장하고 처리하는 컴퓨터 기술의 눈부신 발전 때문에 코퍼스 언어학은 언어 연구자들 사이에 인기를 얻어가고 있다. 코퍼스 언어학은 실생활에서 사용되는 언어에 근거하여 언어를 연구하는 분야라고 정의 할 수 있다. 코퍼스(Corpus)는 실제로 언어가 어떻게 사용되는 지를 연구하기 위해서 실생활에서 사용되는 언어를 모아둔 텍스트 은행이다. 코퍼스를 사용하기 위해서 실생황에서 사용되는 언어를 모아둔 텍스트 은행이다. 코퍼스를 사용하여 언어를연구하면 책상에서 억지로 만들어진 예를 통해 언어의 규칙을 설명하기 보다는 경험적인 언어연구가 될 수 있다. 또한 본문에서는 코퍼스 언어학에 대한 역사를 고찰하고 코퍼스에 근거한 연구 분야에는 어떤 분야가 있는지를 살핀다. 이를 통해 영어교육에서 코퍼스 언어학의 전망이 어떻게 되는지를 살핀다.

      • 프로농구 경기시설이 농구팬의 재관람에 미치는 영향

        정병렬,황향희 한국스포츠리서치 2004 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.15 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to know if there are any differences between satisfactions about professional basketball league facilities and circumstances, and to analyze influences which facilities and circumstances make on a revisit intention. Examples of this study are spectators who purchased Korean men's professional basketball regular league tickets in 2003. Examples are 600 people and they are collected from Nov. 22, 2003 to Dec. 3, 2003 and first examples were 630 but incongruities were excepted. A One-Way ANOVA was conducted to know spectators' satisfaction differences followed by social demographic features and we got following results through the Multiple Regression Analysis to know effects which the satisfaction influences upon the revisit rate. First, there were differences on professional basketball pans' satisfactions about facilities and circumstances. In all factors but a 'stadium outline' factor. there appeared differences between other types of pans. One type of pans which supports a basketball team strongly showed higher satisfactions about facilities and circumstances than the other type of pans. Second, in professional basketball pans' satisfaction factors about facilities and circumstances, it was showed that the access to the stadium and event factors in the stadium influence affirmatively upon the revisit intention.

      • 학생들은 영어회화 시간이 왜 두려운가?

        정향기 김천대학교 2009 김천대학교 논문집 Vol.30 No.-

        This paper aims at researching why the students fear of English Class and English isn't stress anymore to them but they feel like studying English and studying what kind of effects the first language based approach has and when the students can have self-confidence in English class. For this the self report diaries were collected and then Nvivo8, qualitative data processing program, was used. The reason of doing the qualitative research was to grasp the reason from a real voice of them not the guess of teacher about the English studying problem. This pour me paper shows that the reason of their fear of English results from a lack of their English speaking ability. They prefer Korean English teacher to foreign English teacher because of communication problems and their beginner level of English. Consequently, when the learning environment of English such as contents proper to students' level, easy communication with teacher and real life experience of their studying materials are provided, the students feel like studying English and can have self confidence of English.

      • 특수교육 행·재정 지원 실태 분석

        정희섭,한현민,김향지 국립특수교육원 2004 연구보고서 Vol.- No.6

        본 연구는 1994년 특수교육진흥법의 전문 개정 및 그에 따른 통합교육의 확산 등과 같은 급격한 사회 환경의 변화에 부응하여, 특수교육의 교육여건을 획기적으로 개선하고 그 교육의 질을 제고할 수 있도록 '지원'함을 목적으로 하는 특수교육 행정서비스가 어떠한 방향으로 개선되어야 할 것인지, 그 대안을 모색하기 위한 연구다. 특수교육 행정은 특수교육에 대한 '지원체제'(support system)이자 그 질의 관리'를 위한' '지원서비스'(support service)라는 가정 하에, 현재의 특수교육 행정서비스가 어떤 점에서 개선이 요구되는지, 그에 대한 사항들을 분석하고 이를 바탕으로 향후 특수교육 행ㆍ재정 및 특수교육정책이 나아가야 갈 방향을 제안ㆍ제시하는데 목적이 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 정책, 법률, 조직, 교육과정, 학사ㆍ학생, 장학, 인사, 재무, 시설, 사무, 평가 등을 비롯한 교육행정의 광범위한 분야 중에서 법률관리, 조직관리, 인사관리, 재무관리 등으로 범위를 제한하여 그 현황과 함께 행정행위의 실태를 조사하기로 방향을 정하였다. 이를 위해, 특수교육 관련 주요 법률과 그 규정에 대한 분석과 해석, 관계 문헌에 대한 이론적 고찰, 교원과 교육전문직을 참여자로 하고 웹(web)을 통하여 실시한 실태조사, 주요 기관ㆍ학교의 홈페이지 검색과 내용분석 등의 방법을 사용하였다. 특수교육 관련법률의 현황은 특수교육진흥법을 중심으로 하여 관련법률의 주요 규정들을 조사하였으며 법률 규정에 따른 특수교육의 전개 과정을 제시하였다. 이에 따라 교육행정기관 내의 특수교육 행정조직, 인사행정, 행정행위 등의 현황과 문제점을 분석하였으며, 특수교육 재정의 현황과 문제점은 그 확보ㆍ분배ㆍ운용 등을 중심으로 분석하였다. 이상과 같은 내용에 대한 문헌연구와 조사연구를 통하여 얻은 결과를 종합하며 다음과 같은 결론을 도출하였다. 특수교육 법규 및 행정의 경우, 첫째, 현행 특수교육진흥법은 시대의 흐름에 맞게 개정되어야 한다. 이는 그 구성체제, 조문의 내용 및 배열 등 대폭적인 개정이 필요하기에 부분 개정보다 '전문 개정'의 방향이 되어야 한다. 최근의 추세ㆍ동향의 반영보다 '현실적 적합성'이 최우선적으로 고려되어야 한다. 둘째, 특수교육은 중앙집권제에 따라 교육인적자원부(특수교육보건과)가 주도적인 역할을 하여야 한다. 이를 위해, 교육인적자원부의 직제 개편을 통하여, 현재 교육인적자원부 내 "특수교육보건과"의 위상이 제고되어야 한다. '특수교육정책과'로의 분리 또는 "특수교육정책심의관" 등으로의 승격 등과 함께 특수교육을 '전담'(專擔)하는 '전문'(exclusive & professional responsibility) 인력이 대폭 충원되어야 한다. 셋째, 국립특수교육원(KISE: Korean Institute 'for' Special Education)은 특수교육'연구'기관, 특수교육'행정'기관, 교원'연수'기관 등의 기능을 함께 수행하고 있기에, 그 성격이 명확하지 못하다. 그 정체성(identity) 재정립이 필요하다. '국립특수교육연구원(NIKOSE: National Institute 'of' Korean Special Education)으로의 개칭과 위상의 강화 또는 한국교육개발원(KEDI: Korean Educational Development Institute)이나 한국교육과정평가원(KICE: Korean Institute 'of' Curriculum and Evaluation)과 같이 국무총리실 산하 '인문사회연구원 소속기관'으로의 격상 등이 그 대안이 될 수 있다. 넷째, 시ㆍ도교육청과 지역교육청의 특수교육담당 장학관ㆍ장학사는 특수교육전담 장학관ㆍ장학사이어야 한다. 또한, 시ㆍ도교육청은 특수교육을 전담하는 기구를 신설하여야 한다. 지역 교육청은 특수교육지원센터의 설치와 그 운영에 필요한 전문ㆍ전담인력(예, 특수교육교사, 치료 교육교사, 전문상담교사, 물리치료사, 작업치료사, 언어치료사, 사회복지사 등)의 정원과 예산을 확보할 수 있는 방안을 모색하여야 한다. 이를 위해 국가와 지방자치단체는 적극 지원하여야 한다. 다섯째, 특수학교나 일반학교를 막론하고, 단위학교의 역량을 크게 강화하여야 한다. 특수학교의 교장ㆍ교감은 대학 또는 대학원에서 특수교육을 전공한 교장ㆍ교감을 임명하여야 한다. 특수학급이 설치되어 있는 유ㆍ초ㆍ중ㆍ고등학교는 가급적 일반교육 교장ㆍ교감자격과 특수교육 교장ㆍ교감자격을 함께 가지고 있는 교장ㆍ교감자격자를 임명하는 것이 바람직하다. 여섯째, 교육인적자원부장관, 시ㆍ도교육감, 교육장, 학교장 소속의 각종 위원회(즉, '특수교육 운영위원회'와 '특수교육 협의체,' '학교운영위원회'와 '개별화교육운영위원회')의 활성화에 필요한 현실성 있는 방안을 모색하여야 한다. 앞에서 언급한 바와 같이, '특수교육지원센터'의 설치 확대와 전문인력의 배치 등이 그 대안이 될 수 있다. 일곱째, '장애인이해교육'을 일반학생만을 대상으로 할 것이 아니라, 일반학생과 그 부모, 교 장ㆍ교감ㆍ교사 등 일반ㆍ특수교육 교원, 장학사·장학관 등 (특수)교육전문직, 지역사회 주민 등, 특수교육 및 (일반)교육의 교육 당사자 모두에게 실시하여야 한다. 일과성(一過性) 행사가 아닌, 지속성 있는 교육이 필요하다. 장애학생을 자녀로 둔 부모에 대한 교육과 훈련(parent education & training) 및 일반교육과 특수교육 가릴 것 없이 모든 교원과 교육전문직을 대상으로 그 교육적 역량을 강화(empowerment)시킬 수 있는 직원개발(staff development)이 이루어져야 한다. 특수교육 재정의 경우, 첫째, 특수교육재정의 확보를 위한 다각도의 지원이 있어야 한다. 특수 교육재정확보를 위해서는 교육재정 전반의 확충이 있어야 하는 것은 물론, 아울러 교육부 예산에서 책정되는 특수교육비의 안정적인 화보를 위해 당해 년도의 의무교육비의 일정 비율을 특수교육비로 하는 재원 확보 방안이 적극적으로 고려되어야 한다. 둘째, 특수교육재정의 분배 방식에 있어서 개혁이 필요하다. 특수교육재정의 분배 방식이 교육기회의 기본적 보장이라는 학급당 균등 배분 방식에서 벗어나 아동의 요구수준, 장애영역과 장애 정도에 따라 장애아동의 잠재력을 최대로 개발 할 수 있는 차원에서 분배 방식이 모색되어야 한다. 셋째, 우리나라 일선 교육기관에서의 특수교육재정 운용은 대체로 만족한 수준을 보이나 전반적 개선 사항이 요구되고 있다. 특수교육이 이루어지는 최일선 교육기관인 학교와 학급에서의 재정 운용 불만족이 다양하게 표출되고 있으며, 특히 국ㆍ공립학교보다는 사립학교에서 재정 운용에 대한 불만이 더 큰 것으로 나타나 이에 대한 효율성ㆍ책무성 제고가 있어야 한다. 요컨대, 이상과 같이 특수교육의 질적 개선과 그 관리를 위해서는, 교육인적자원부, 시ㆍ도교육청, 지역교육청, 단위학교, 교원과 교육전문직, 학생과 학부모 등 교육 공동체 당사자 모두가 상호 협력하고 지원하는 체제의 마련이 시급하다. 이와 같이 특수교육 분야는 향후 해결하여야 하는 많은 과제를 안고 있다. 이러한 사항들을 특수교육행정과 후속연구를 위한 제언으로 제시 하였다. The present study is an attempt to find solutions to a variety of problems recently occurring in administrational services for special education due to Special Education Promotion Law revised in 1994, the lasting expansion of integrated education, and the rapid changes in social environments. Specifically, assuming that special educational administration should be the support system and service, the purposes of the study are to investigate the present conditions of the existing special educational administration, to analyze its problems, and finally to suggest and/or present the directions toward improvement of special education policies, including administrational and financial policies in the future. The study limited its scope only to include the management of laws and regulations, organizations, personnel, and finance, though educational administration includes policies, laws, organization, curriculum, students and school affairs, supervision, personnels, finance, facilities and equipments, office affairs, and evaluation. Then, the study examined the contents of the above areas and investigated the actual situations of the administrational activities. The methodologies used in the study included the analytic and interpretative approach to special education laws and its articles, the theoretical discussion on related literature, the Web-based survey to teachers and educational staffs, the search and analysis of homepages of major related institutes and schools, and so on. The investigations of the status of special education-related laws was primarily done through regulations analysis of the Special Education Promotion law of 1997 (including Presidential Decrees and Enforcement Decrees of the Minister) and resulted in Korean special educational procedures regulated by the laws. Then, the present status-quo of administrational organizations, personnel administration, and administrational activities for the more efficient special education within the educational administrational institutes and the educational institutes and their problems were analyzed based on the legal regulations related to special education. In the study, the educational administrational institutes include the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development (MOE), Metropolitan ("Si") Office of Education (SOE), Provincial("Do") Office of Education (POE), and District Office of Education (DOE). And the educational institutes refers to special schools and special dasses. The analysis on the present condition and its problems of special educational finance focused on the guaranteeing, distributing and practically using of its finances. The conclusions drawn from the results obtained through literature review and survey on the above contents are as follows. First, the Special Education Promotion Law (SELF) of 1997 must be revised with the change of the times. Because the drastic changes such as the organizing system, the contents of many articles and their arrangement, and so on are required, the direction for revision must be all-out revising of full articles, not revising some articles. Above of all, the revision of articles in the law must give priorities to the relevance with actual educational conditions in Korea as well as recent trends in special education field. Second, the Special Education and School Health Division of the MOE must strongly promote special education policies and related administration affairs. To accomplish these tasks, the status of th Division in the MOE must be lifted. The alternatives indude the new establishment of the Special Education Policy Division through the separation of the Division's affairs and the its upgrade into "Special Education Policy Officer." Also, the more "Educational Specialists" and "Educational Researchers" should be recruited and be imposed the professional and exclusive responsibility to planning special educational policies. Third, the identity of the Korea Institute for Special Education (KISE) must be reestablished through changing of its present name into, for example, the National Institute of Korean Special Education (NIKOSE). In another hands, the Korea Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences (KRCHS) under the Office of the Prime Minister needs to incorporate KISE, together with the existing affiliated organizations, that is Korean Educational Development Institute (KEDI) and Korean Institute of Curriculum and Evaluation (KICE). Fourth, superviser-in general and superviser who has majored in special education should be in charge of special education in SOE, POE, and DOS. Also, SOE and POE must have a new organization that takes charge of special education exclusively and professionally. DOE should found and administer actively "Special Education Support Center" in addition to place in the center various and professional service providers (for example, the therapeutic and the special education teacher, the teacher majors in counseling, the physical and the occupational therapist, the speech-language therapist, the social worker, and so on) necessary to administer the center substantially and efficiently. The central, metropolitan and provincial, and local government should provide financial assistances necessary to administer the center and provide various services. Fifth, in the school level, all schools across the country need to make efforts for developing their capacity to effectively teach all students including children with disabilities and special educational needs. Thus, it is most desirable that individual who has graduated the department of special education in the universities and/or majored in special education in graduate school (of education) as well as has met the criteria of certification for principal is nominated as the principal of the school with special class as possible and of the special school, in particular. Sixth, the plan with practical effect on activating all kinds of committees under the Deputy Prime Minister of MOE, the superintendent, and the school principal, say, the Committee on Special Education, the School Steering Committee, and the Committee on Individualized Education should presented. As mentioned above, to activate "Special Education Support Center" can be an alternative. Seventh, the education for general students to understand disabilities and peers with disabilities needs to expand the scope of the target population to their parents, the principals and teachers of schools, especially of general schools and the supervisers of the DOE, further to all members of the community. This education should be administered continuously, not temporary events. For the parents and families with children with disabilities, parent education and training need to be implemented, too. In addition, the various and practical sorts of staff development program needs to be developed and to be administered to empowerment all teachers and educational staffs. Eighth, many-sided supports must be given to secure finance of special education. There is no doubt that the overall expansion of educational finance will need in order to secure finance of special education. In addition the resources security plan which is given special education expenses an invariable ratio in compulsory education of the year must actively be considered to stably secure special education expenses appropriated in budget of the Ministry of Education. Ninth, the reformation needs in the sharing form of special education finance. The sharing form of special education finance must get out of the equal sharing form per class that is the basic security of education opportunity and must be searched for developing the latent ability of the disabled students at their maximum according to the extent of impediment and the level of the need of the students. Finally, the financial operation of special education is generally satisfactory level in the first-line educational institutions of the nation but, the general matters for improvement is required. Dissatisfaction of financial operation is expressed diversely in schools and classes which are the first-line educational institutions for special education. Especially the private schools are more dissatisfied with financial operation than the national schools and the public schools. Based on this, the efficiency and responsibility must be promoted. In sum, to improve and to efficiently manage the quality of special education in Korea, it is most important that the educational community itself, including the MOE, SOE and POE, DOE, school, teachers and educational staffs, students and their parents, should be systemized to cooperate and support each other. As such, the present special education confronts a number of problems and tasks that should be solved in the future. The implications for improving special educational administration & finance practices and for further studies were presented, too.

      • KCI등재

        항울제 및 항정신병 약물로 유발된 섬망상태 1례

        정향균,김영철,이시형 大韓神經精神醫學會 1988 신경정신의학 Vol.27 No.2

        The authors reported a case of tricyclic and antipsychotic agent induced delirium. The patient was a 64 years old man who had been treated by drugs with anticholinergic properties (amitriptyline-thioridazine combination) and showed the characteristic symptoms of delirium such as confused mentality, disorientation, auditory and visual hallucination, the change of diurnal cycle, attention disturbance and hyperactivity. Discontinued the administration of amitriptyline and thioridazine and substituted haloperidol and lorazepam, delirious symptoms were improved within 5 day.

      • 아동을 위한 한국적 간호중재 개발 Ⅰ : 마사지 중재 연구의 동향 The Research Trends on Massage

        정향미 동의대학교 기초과학연구소 2000 基礎科學硏究論文集 Vol.10 No.1

        This study was done to analyze research trends and to suggest future direction for research on massage intervention for growth and development of Korea children. The author reviewed 51 Korean and foreign research papers which have been published in the literature since 1960. Seven studies were published in Korea and 44 studies were published abroad. The number of Studies done abroad have been increasing rapidly since 1995. An analysis of the research design of the studies showed that 4 Korean studies and 22 foreign studies used quasi-experimental research design, 2 Korean studies and 18 foreign studies used literature reviews, 1 Korean study and 2 foreign studies used survey design, and 1 study in both home and abroad was case study The study subjects were diverse: 7 foreign studies dealt with healthy people who were adult and elderly, 4 Korean studies and 16 foreign studies dealt with patient with various illness such as critically ill, cardiovascular disease, post operational state, dementia, inpatients, cystic fibrosis, atopic dermatitis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, neonates born to HIV-positive mothers, preterm infants, and cocain-exposed preterm neonates. Types of massage were back massage in 18 studies, hand massage in 3 studies, and whole body massage in 6 studies. Length of massage was below 5 minutes in 9 studies, 6∼10 minutes in 8 studies, 11∼20 minutes in 8 studies, above 21∼30 minutes in 1 study. Frequency of massage was only 1 time in 17 studies, 2∼5 times in 3 studies, 6∼10 times in 2 study, and above 11 times 5 studies. Massage produced positive subjective and objective effects. Positive subjective effects were anxiety relief, mood enhancement, relaxation, pain relief, and sleep promotion. Positive objective effects on body systems were cadiovascular system: blood pressure, heart rate, change of arrythmia; integumentary system: local skin flow, skin temperature, galvanic skin response, allergic state; immune system: S-IgA, T lymphocyte, NK cell, cortisol, epinephrine(norepinephrine), blood glucose, leucocyte(lymphocyte, neutrophil); respiratory system: respiration rate, mixed venous oxygen saturation, peak air flow; muscular system: muscle tension; growth and development: body weight, Brazeltone score, and agitation, behaviors and pupil size. As recommendations for the future research, it is necessary to develop massage nursing intervention according to age, sociocultural background, the nature of illness and purpose of massage, to identify the instruments to measure effects of massage, and to replicate study to establish the effect of massage nursing intervention.

      • ARENA 시뮬레이션을 이용한 차체공장 수행도 분석

        정재호,김현근,김향희,전태보 강원대학교 산업기술연구소 2000 産業技術硏究 Vol.20 No.A

        Simulation analysis for an auto body manufacturing system has been performed in this study. The major goal is to figure out the condition yielding the production rate, 70 per hour. It is, however, very difficult to maintain this rate due to inherent system factors such as machine failure rates, machine repair rates, number of carriers between manufacturing lines(shops), carrier speed etc. We first carefully examined the system and developed a simulation model using ARENA. We then applied statistical experimental design concepts for performance analysis. Our results indicate that the buffer size of 30 and quick repair of failed robots are required for the desired production rate. Other factors, on the other hand, are seen to have minor effects on the throughput. The approach taken in this study and the results obtained may provide a practical guideline for performance analysis and thus be applied without trepidation for similar cases.

      • 익렬유동의 수치해석에서의 복합 정렬-비정렬 격자계의 적용 연구

        정향남,정희택 慶尙大學校 經營行政大學院 2004 工學硏究院論文集 Vol.20 No.-

        Numerical simulation has been performed to examine the effects of the computational grids on the prediction of the flow characteristics inside the transonic turbine cascades. Three kinds of computational grids are applied to the high-turning transonic turbine rotor blades and are compared in the sense of stability and accuracy. In addition, the grid adaptation has been tried in order to improve the prediction of the blade performance.

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