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      • KCI등재

        랜드스케이프 어바니즘의 관점으로 본 춘천 G5 국제설계경기 출품작 분석

        김아연,고미진,오형석,Kim Ah-Yeon,Koh Mi-Jin,Oh Hyung-Seok 한국조경학회 2006 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.34 No.3

        A city evolves over time. It grows, transforms, and sometimes degrades. Chuncheon is at a turning point from a city souggling with regulations regarding clean water supply and a military encampment to a masterpiece city with a sustainable vision. The city is getting ready to restructure itself to become a world-famous culture and tourism complex expanding its physical boundary across the Camp Page site and absorbing Jungdo as a major tourist attraction. The landscape in the future blueprint of Chuncheon will play a great role in restructuring urban form. The regenerated in will have a new networked open space system as well as re-evaluated landscape resources. The hybrid theoretical practice called 'landscape urbanism' burgeoning in the fields between 'landscape architecture' and 'urbanism' can guide us in considering the terms of the relationship between a city and landscape when we design a future city Landscape urbanism is considered to be an effective framework by which we can diagnose the current status of a landscape in our contemporary urban design practice in Korea. This paper tries to provide a different perspective from the viewpoint of landscape urbanism to decipher the hidden implications of the social agreement on the role of landscape in urban structure by re-reading eight design proposals presented for the ChunCheon G5 international design competition based on the main principles of landscape urbanism. The G5 design competition is a great opportunity to test out new ideas on a city, demonstrating the relative values among various urban-design professional realms. First, this paper provides an overview of the main ideas of landscape urbanism based on the literature review and case studies. Second, framework categories are suggested in order to extract the explicit and implicit ideas on the landscape. Third, eight proposals are reviewed according to the suggested categories to situate the current landscape design of Korea within the mainstream of contemporary practice of landscape urbanism. Based on the review of eight proposals, the following diagnostic conclusions are made; first, the ideas of landscape urbanism have not been actively introduced in large-scaled urban landscape projects in Korea like Chuncheon G5. Second, it remains to be a big task for landscape professions to be able to participate in design consortiums on an equal footing. Third, In order to introduce and reify the ideas of landscape urbanism in Korea, it is inevitable and critical to test the ideas in both academic fields and professional practices to find the appropriately adjusted model of landscape urbanism.

      • KCI등재

        Research on the Color Evolution and Brush Development of Landscape Painting

        WANG DANDAN 글로벌지식융합학회 2023 지식융합연구 Vol.6 No.2

        Landscape painting was independent from figure painting in the Sui Dynasty of China. At first, it was “Blue-and-Green Landscape” which was characterized with color expression. It matured in the Tang Dynasty and developed in the Song Dynasty. Then, the literati painters in the Tang Dynasty pioneered literati painting, with “Light Crimson Landscape” or “Ink Landscape” to lead landscape painting from realism to freehand, and established a combination of poetry, calligraphy, painting and seal. Then the literati in the Song Dynasty lent sparkle to the replacement of heavy green color with light crimson ink painting, and that became the mainstream of landscape painting. On this basis, the Yuan Dynasty painters developed a complete landscape painting formula, pushing the landscape expression to the peak. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, imitating the ancient style dominated the landscape painting world. At the same time, some painters pursued originality, forming the situation that the two forces were opposed in the same literati painting category. In modern times, due to the influence of Western culture, the traditional landscape painting has undergone great changes, and the new social life has prompted major changes in the content, form and method of landscape painting creation. Traditional techniques are combined with scientific modeling while ink and color complement each other, and the development of landscape painting has presented a diversified, rich, positive and prosperous appearance.

      • KCI등재

        경관영향 요소별 경관 대비성 평가 - 자연경관에 도입되는 건축물을 중심으로 -

        최원빈,신지훈,Choi, Won-Bin,Shin, Ji-Hoon 한국농촌계획학회 2018 농촌계획 Vol.24 No.3

        While cities became bigger and bigger since 1990s, many indiscretely high buildings started to be built in the mountain areas inside a city and in the rural areas in the suburb of each city. To regulate such indiscrete developments, the government prepared for some relevant legal and institutional criteria by having enacted the "Landscape Act" and established a strong management means in the legal and institutional aspects by having introduced the natural landscape deliberation system and the landscape deliberation one into the "Natural Environment Conservation Act." However, since some uniform levels of absolute height and no. of stories are suggested legally and institutionally, it is hard to consider the effects of a real building structure onto the relevant landscape. Accordingly, this thesis is intended to grasp the contrast of the landscape elements in the allowable height section, which is presented through landscape sensitivity. As the results from the visual contrast rating on a small apartment complex located in Dangjin and a large scale of apartment complex in Seosan as the apartment complexes surrounded with natural landscapes that were selected as the subjects of this study, the following conclusion can be finalized. First, there were deducted some factors, that is, forms, lines, colors, textures and sizes as the ones with which can measure and evaluate the contrasting properties when a structure gets into a natural landscape. Second, in case of a small scale of apartment complex (in the foreground) compared to a large one (in the foreground), it was found that the contrasting properties were bigger. In addition, it was also found that the contrasting property of the landscape factor of the foreground compared to that of the middle one becomes bigger depending on a distance. Third, as the results from an evaluation on the contrasting properties of the landscape factor depending on the changes of each floor of a structure, it was found that the factors, that is, forms, lines, colors, textures and sizes are very significant. Among those factors, the factors, forms and lines in a small scale of apartment complex (in the foreground) showed each log regression. But in all of the other cases, they showed each line regression. Fourth, as the results from examining the regression coefficients of the landscape factor, the coefficients of the shapes and lines have similar coefficients and the colors and the textures have similar ones, too. In case of the sizes of apartment complexes, the colors and the textures of a large apartment complex (in the foreground) have similar coefficients, in case of that in the middle ground, the shapes and lines have similar coefficients. Fifth, as the results from estimating the contrasting properties of the landscape factor on the floors within the allowed scope of the landscape sensitivity, it was found that the contrasting property was 3.5 to 4.9 in case of a small scale of apartment complex (in the foreground), but 2.5to 3.7 in case of a small scale of one. In case of a large scale of apartment complex, the value was 3.5 to 5.3, but in case of a large one in the middle ground was 2.9 to 4.9. Sixth, it was comprehended that the contrasting properties of the landscape factor become different depending on each size of apartment complex and the distance of a view point. In this study, it is intended to find the meaning from the aspect that the results can be used as the baseline data for comprehending a proper range of heights of structures objectively during a natural landscape deliberation or a landscape deliberation.

      • KCI등재

        지방분권시대에서의 경관법과 도시경관조례

        김세규(Kim Se-Kyu) 한국비교공법학회 2009 공법학연구 Vol.10 No.4

        도시에서는 건축물 등 인공적 구조물이 어떻게 공간을 구성하고 있는가에 따라 직접적으로 도시주민의 생활의 질을 규정할 뿐만 아니라 역사적 건축물, 문화적 시설, 거리와 그 밖의 경관의 배치에 따라 도시의 문화적이고 사회적 환경을 형성한다는 것이다. 더불어 도시정책 패러다임의 전환과 함께, 최근 무분별한 개발로 인해 훼손되고 있는 도시경관에 대한 관심이 대두하고 공공성을 갖는 도시경관에 대한 사회적 가치가 날로 커지게 되었다. 그 결과, 2002년 제정된 「국토의 계획 및 이용에 관한 법률」에서 경관부문이 중요한 분야를 차지하게 되었으며, 2007년 5월에는 도시경관에 관련한 기본법의 성격을 지닌 「경관법」이 제정되었다. 도시경관은 인공성의 여부에 따라 자연경관과 인공경관으로 구분하며, 주거지경관 · 상업지경관 · 가로경관 등과 같이 시가지를 구성하는 모든 경관을 의미하는 것으로 도시의 역사 · 문화 · 자연을 보전하고, 공간 · 문화환경의 총체적 질을 높이면서 도시기능의 회복도 도모하고, 도시 곳곳에서 일상적 체험이 가능한 매력적인 장소와 공간을 제공함으로써 시민의 삶의 질을 윤택하게 하는 총체적인 도시가꾸기 작업을 뜻한다. 다시 말하면 “도시경관조례”는 도시전체 또는 일정지역에 대하여 지역성을 반영한 아름답고 쾌적한 도시이미지(city image)를 특정한 경관이미지로 유도하기 위한 복잡 다양한 사항을 정리 · 통합하는 것으로서 도시경관형성을 유도하는 제도인 것이다. 이는 결코 규제가 아니며, 시민의 삶의 질 향상과 시민의 다양한 의식 및 생활양식, 국제화에 어울리는 지역의 경관형성을 통한 쾌적한 도시경관형성에 동시다발적으로 요구되는 다종다양한 경관요소들을 수용하여 공간에 작용하여 만들어 가는 것이다. 관련하여 경관이익이란 객관화, 광역화된 가치 있는 자연상태를 형성하고 있는 경치나 풍경을 향유할 수 있는 이익이라는 것이다. 이는 주민일반의 공공적 이익이고, 그 침해에 대한 구제는 본래 도시계획이나 행정소송을 통한 공법적 구제가 적합하다. 또한 미국에서의 재판상 경관미적 개념의 수용을 국내의 법정에서도 받아들여져서, 경관미라는 단독적인 이유만으로도 부자연스런 개발과 시설물설치행위를 통제할 수 있도록 하여야 할 것이다. 그리고 현행 지방자치법 제15조에 근거한 조례의 제정과 개폐 청구제도는 주민이 해당 지방자치단체의 장에게 조례의 제정과 개폐를 청구할 수 있을 뿐, 주민이 직접 조례를 제정하거나 개폐할 수 있는 제도는 아니다. 독일의 여러 란트에서는 조례규정사항(예산조례등은 제외)까지도 주민(시민)이 결정할 수 있는 주민결정(시민결정)제도가 인정되고 있는데, 한국의 지방자치법 제15조상의 조례의 제정과 개폐 청구는 독일의 주민결정(시민결정)제도와 비견될 만큼 강력한 주민참여제도는 아니다는 것이다. 따라서 제한된 범위 안에서 주민의 결정으로 도시경관형성등의 조례를 제정하거나 개폐할 수 있는 제도도입 필요성의 견해제시에 공감하며, 이러한 견해제시가 우리의 지방자치법상 원용될 수 있기를 기대한다. In a city, it prescribes quality in citizens' life directly how artificial structure such as buildings is formed and a cultural and social environment in a city is formed according to arrangement of historical buildings, cultural facilities, street and other landscapes. In addition, interest for city landscape damaged by indiscreet development as well as conversion of paradigm in city landscape was distinguished and social value of city landscape with publicness was increased day by day. As the result, landscape part occupied an important field in 「Act on Planning and Use of National Territory」 enacted in 2002 and 「Landscape Law」 with characteristics of basic law related to city landscape in May, 2007 was enacted. City landscape is divided into natural landscape and artificial landscape according to artificiality and means all landscapes composed of a city area such as housing landscape, landscape of commercial area and street landscape. Therefore, it means overall works for city decorating to make quality in citizens' life glossy by groping recovery of city function and offering attractive space making ordinary experience possible here and there in a city, preserving history, culture and nature in a city and raising overall quality of spatial and cultural environment. Namely, 'City landscape ordinance' is a system to induce formation of city landscape by arranging/integrating diverse complicated matters to lead beautiful and pleasant city image reflecting locality to a peculiar landscape image with regard to the total or a fixed area of a city. It is not pertinent to regulation and is to be applied to space by accepting diverse landscape elements required to formation of clean city landscape through improvement of quality in citizens' life and citizens' diverse kind of consciousness and lifestyles and landscape formation of area suitable to internationalization. Landscape profit is a profit to enjoy scenery or landscape forming objectified and integrated valuable natural conditions. It is a public profit of all citizens and, for relief of the violation, relief of public law through city plan or administrative litigation is suitable. In addition, the government shall control unnatural development and facility installation act with only independent reason which is landscape beauty by accepting concept of landscape beauty in USA judgment to domestic court. And in the event of enactment of ordinance and system for claim of its revising/abrogating based on article 15 of the present local autonomy act, citizens can just claim enactment and revising/abrogating of ordinance to the head of local government. Therefore, it is not a system that citizens can enact or revise/abrogate ordinance directly. In diverse German lands, system of citizens' decision that citizens can decide even regulations of ordinance (budget ordinance excluded) is recognized. Namely, claim of enactment and revising/abrogating of ordinance in article 15 of local autonomy act in South Korea is not a citizen participatory system as powerful as being compared with German system of citizens' decision. Therefore, within a limited scope, the author sympathizes with opinions to introduce a system to enact or revise/abrogate ordinance of city landscape formation by citizens' decision, and anticipates that such opinions will make Korean local autonomy act reviewed.

      • KCI등재

        근대기 서양인들의 조선견문기를 통해 본 19세기 말 조선의 경관 - 경관 관련 어휘와 내용 분석을 중심으로 -

        김동현,신현실 한국전통조경학회 2018 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.36 No.1

        This study aims to illuminated landscape of Joseon Dynasty in the end of 19th century when Joseon dynasty began to modernize through the perspective of Westerners. Historical meaning to Western people’s landscape records has been preceded. And landscape typology and their perception were analyzed. The results were as follows. First, the Westerners who visited Joseon dynasty at that time were involved in the historical and political situation of the Joseon Dynasty or understood their culture through traveling for so long. And record of Westerners is a significant data to analyze scenery at that time because common contents appear in various books. Second, the landscape of Joseon dynasty that appears in Western records was mainly recorded in small towns and villages, natural environments, scenic sites, historic sites, modern facilities, and cultivated areas. Small towns and villages are mainly mentioned with shabby alleys and dense houses. And natural landscape were identified to mountain landscapes and diverse geomorphological landscape that surrounding vegetation along the coast and rivers. The palaces, fortress and temples were recorded as main objects of scenic sites and historic site. And western-style buildings such as foreign legations and settlements, churches and schools were mentioned in the modernized facilities. A cultivated land was confirmed to be underdeveloped and neglected, but as range of view became wider, it was seen to a peaceful and prosperous rural landscape. Third, Westerners' landscape perception of Joseon dynasty at that time can be deduced from positive or negative perceptions. The residential environment was perceived as negative because it was unsanitary and backward. On the contrary, outstanding natural landscapes, scenic sites and historic sites, and upper class gardens were perceived as positive. For modernized landscapes, positive and negative perceptions were similarly mentioned. Positive perceptions were formed in improvement of civilized landscape, and appeared negative perception because damaged traditional landscapes and heterogeneity. 본 연구는 서양인들의 시각에서 조선이 근대화되기 시작한 19세기말 조선의 경관을 조명하는데 목적이 있으며, 서양인들의 경관관련 기록의 역사적 의미를 도출하고 이에 대한 경관의 유형화 및 그들의 인식을 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 당시 조선을 방문했던 서양인들은 조선의 역사적, 정치적 상황에 개입되거나 오랜 기간 여행을 통해 조선의 문화를 이해하고있으며, 이에 대한 설명이 여러 저서에서 공통으로 확인되는 점은 그들의 기록을 통해 당시의 경관을 조명하는 과정이 유의한 것으로보인다. 둘째, 서양인들의 기록에 나타나는 조선의 경관은 소도시 및 마을, 자연환경, 명승·고적, 근대시설, 경작지 등이 주로 언급되었다. 소도시 및 마을은 허름한 뒷골목과 빼곡히 들어선 가옥들이 주로 언급되고 있으며, 자연경관은 산악경관과 해안 및 하천을 따라펼쳐지는 다양한 지형경관과 주변식생이 확인되었다. 궁궐과 산성, 사찰 등은 명승·고적의 주요 대상으로 기록되었으며 근대화된시설에는 외국인 공사관 및 거류지, 교회나 학교 등의 서양식 건축이 언급되고 있었다. 경작지는 낙후되고 방치된 모습이 확인되었으나, 조망구도가 넓어질수록 평화롭고 번창한 분위기의 농촌경관으로 비춰지고 있었다. 셋째, 조선에 대한 당시 서양인들의 인식은 비위생적이고 낙후된 주거환경에 대한 부정적 인식과 빼어난 산수와 수려한 명승고적, 상류층의 주택정원을 대상으로 하는 긍정적 인식이 나타났다. 근대화된 경관에 대해서는 문명화된 경관 개선이라는 점에서 긍정적인식이 형성되었으며, 전통경관의 훼손 및 이질감에 대한 부정적 인식이 유사한 양상을 보이고 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        사운드스케이프 다양성을 고려한 산림경관평가기법 연구

        장효진(Jang, Hyo Jin),민수희(Min, Su Hui),주우영(Joo, Woo Yeong) 한국지적정보학회 2015 한국지적정보학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        산림경관은 지형, 생태, 심미적 가치가 복합된 주요 자연환경요소 중 하나로, 최근 산림경관의 다원적 가치를 고려한 경관관리에 대한 요구가 높아지고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 기존의 시각 중심의 산림경관평가에서 벗어나 산림경관의 심미성뿐만 아니라 식생을 위주로 한 생태성과 사운드스케이프를 고려한 산림경관평가기법(Integrated Forest Landscape Assessment:IFLA)을 제시하고 강원도 점봉산을 대상으로 평가기법을 적용하였다. 식생다양성과 시각적 민감도 평가 결과를 중첩하여 종합적 산림경관 등급을 총 4개로 구분하였다. 1등급 지역은 식생 등급이 우수하여 경관관리요구가 높고 4등급 지역은 비교적 시각적 민감도가 낮은 지역으로 개발사업으로 인해 산림경관이 훼손된 지역이고 경관의 복원 및 개선이 필요한 것으로 나타났다. 분석 결과, 산지의 고도에 따른 지형유형(산정형, 산록형, 계곡형), 중첩등급결과, 사운드스케이프 다양성의 유의성이 확인되었으며 사운드스케이프 다양성을 고려한 산림경관 평가기법의 필요성을 입증하였다. Forests are considered the nature ecosystem to require landscape management as important preferred landscape. The research suggested that the forest landscape assessment method to integrated soundscape diversity and ecological properties with the traditional landscape assessment based solely on a visual aspect. We attempted to prove the effectivity by applying the new assessment tool to the forest landscapes in Mt. Jumbong in Gangwon-do. The Integrated Forest Landscape Assessment (IFLA) was drawn by overlaying the results of visual sensitivity with the ones of vegetation diversity, classifying the forest landscape to four categories; the First category accounts for the forest landscapes with the highest visually sensitive and ecologically sound area, and thus requires the greatest landscape management and maintenance. On the other hand, the Forth category includes the forest landscapes with ecological degradation by land development to some degree and visually less influenced area which rather requires landscape restoration. This study showed the statistically significant relationship between the landscape classification by IFLA and soundscape diversity in accordance with three landscape types(ridges, hillsides, and valleys).

      • KCI등재후보

        濟州道 牛島八景 景觀正體性에 關한 硏究

        서주환,김상범 경희대학교 부설 디자인연구원 2007 예술· 디자인학연구 Vol.10 No.1

        Udo and Schemeori oreum[cow's head rising]: "Cow's head rising" and "Cow's head mountain" have both a shape just like a cow is lying and considering that two places' geographically high location and its district name are also configurative, we can sense landscape Image as a "a cow-shaped island lying down" and Jeju I slanders' unique consciousness of the geographical features. Udo Palkyong[eighl picturesque sights at Udo]ail shows a format of "poem-recitation-after titling" consisting of a lour-Chinese-letter word derived from the ancient history as a format for semantic access, but if we take a little closer look at it, it is noted that Udo Palkyong turns to be ontological subject of landscape mainly targeting formative elements. Therefore, in formative sense, Udo Palkyong belongs to China's famous sight experience type, but as for the contents, it is much closer to famous landscape type haying the formative elements like Gwandong Palkyong or Danyang Palkyong as major landscape elements. It was found that the seven landscapes centering on Hanlasan Baerokdam[a crater lake on top of Halasan], except Cheonjingwansan brook haying three landscapes, iorm their landscape within a 0.87-kilometer radius. In addition, as for viewing composition pattern, there are live panoramic landscapes which reflect the features of Seaside Landscape; two geographical landscapes. and one focal landscape. Besides, the prospect type consists of mostly landscape type and far-and-wide viewing type. As for landscape format, there appear a variety of features of main landscape subject's visibility areas from a distant view to a short-range view, and also structural properties within the physical, landscape, visual, psychological influence. In addition, there appear a variety of viewing compositions, such as the five panoramic landscapes, two detailed landscapes, and one geographical landscape. We can trace a vestige of a tense atmosphere of bodhisattva's death and the pursuit of stability of dialectical composition. Conclusively, Udopalkyong is well expressive of aesthetic characteristics, at a viewpoint of time and space, boasting of exceptional landscape quality regardless of day and night, heaven and earth, front and rear, and at whatever direction Udopalkyong may be viewed.

      • KCI등재

        랜드스케이프 어바니즘 관점의 도시황무지 경관계획 평가항목 중요도 분석

        기성간,문정민 한국디자인트렌드학회 2022 한국디자인포럼 Vol.27 No.3

        Background With the start of the Industrial Revolution in the mid-18th century, the development of cities brought about great changes in people's lives. The industrial revolution brought about a rapid flow of urbanization through technological innovation. Today, as urbanization progresses rapidly and industrialization develops, social economy and changing social systems expand, more and more wasteland and wasted resources are being created in the city. The landscape that is emerging through this urban phenomenon is called a 'wasteland landscape'. It undermines the ecological continuity, cultural continuity, and artistic aesthetics of the city, and acts as the biggest obstacle to the sustainable development of the city, and abolition is prominent among them. In the 1970s and 1980s, the West, including France and Germany, ended the industrialization process early and began to move toward "reverse industrialization." As a result, the wasteland was reborn as a new and dynamic place in the city through landscape design. In recent years, some excellent examples of utilizing the landscape ideology have reintegrated and established urban landscape resources, and development has been renewed through the renovation of wasteland. In this process, architecture aims to provide a unique way of thinking and design perspective for sustainable development of the city as a way to develop the city with landscape design, not the center of the city. Methods The research method clarified the concept of 'Landscape Urbanism' and defined its characteristics. He then explained the "wasteland" and "wasteland landscape," as well as reviewed the problems of the abandoned landscape in the process of urban development. In addition, the cases of three regions, New York High Line Park, Shanghai Bai Xi Park, and Seoul's Seoullo 7017, which were transformed into urban landscape spaces by wasteland, were explained based on the characteristics of "Landscape Parentism," and 21 evaluation indicators were created. AHP importance survey was conducted, and the data of the survey results were analyzed using SPSS24 to derive the weight of the evaluation index, and an evaluation standard was established to quantify the urban wasteland renovation according to the landscape reform theory. Result In order to solve the decision problem based on the landscape parent theory, a decision frame was created to analyze the multi-factor evaluation criteria using the AHP integrated analysis method that considers both quantitative and qualitative factors. As a result, the decision frame As a result, the decision frame includes in descending order: "Connection and diffusion of user flow", "Dynamic ecosystem ", "Connection with urban infrastructure", "Cultural collabora -tion role", "Multi-dimensional media connection", "Internal change of site boundary", "Connection of natural environmen -t", "Connection with urban environment", and "Connection". Conclusion It is of great significance to future urban development and landscape planning by reviewing the value of landscape theory applied to the evaluation of waste landscape planning projects and developing guidelines that can serve as criteria for deliberation validity for designers, managers, and reviewers. In addition, this study is expected to be able to be modified and expanded in subsequent studies due to insufficient verification and multi-field evaluation.

      • KCI등재

        익산시 경관계획 수립 및 실행방안 확보에 관한 연구 : 동지역을 중심으로

        김현숙,배진아 전북대학교 부설 휴양및경관계획연구소 2011 휴양및경관연구 (J East Asian Landscape Studies) Vol.5 No.1

        익산시는 KTX역세권, 국가식품클러스터, 고도지정 등에 의한 대규모 도시개발 사업으로 인해 도시경관의 급격한 변화가 예상되므로 종합적인 경관계획을 필요로 하고 있다. 본 연구는 첫째, 익산시에 내재되어 있는 경관자원을 도출하여 자원의 보존, 연계방안을 설정하고, 둘째, 시가지 환경개선과 지역특색을 강화하기 위한 종합적이고 바람직한 경관계획을수립하며, 셋째, 주민과 함께하는 경관계획 실행 방안을 제안하는데 목적이 있다.연구는 도농통합시 익산의 중심시가지인 15개 동지역을 대상으로 현장조사를 통해 경관자원을 도출하고 자원의 가치및 중요도를 펑가한 후, 계획의 방향을 설정하였다. 경관유형은 자연경관, 시가지경관, 가로 및 철도경관으로 구분하였다.자연경관에서는 배산, 탑천, 대간선 수로의 보존 및 녹지의 네트워크화 방안이 모색되었다. 주거지, 상업지, 공업지및 KTX 역세권에 대해서는 주요 지역에 대한 특정경관계획과 건축물 및 외부공간을 중심으로 한 디자인 가이드라인을설정하였다. 가로 및 철도경관에서는 하나로, 송학로의 선형공원화를 통해 녹지 네트워크를 강화하였으며 철도변 경관저해요소 제거방안을 제시하였다.계획의 실행은 경관사업과 병행하여 주거지 경관정비는 주민 주도형 경관협정을, 탑천, 폐선부지, 하나로의 공원화사업은용도지구 지정을, 배산, 역세권, 대학로는 지구단위계획을 수립함으로서 규제 및 인센티브가 상호 보완적으로 나타날수 있게 하였다. Iksan-si has got to set a comprehensive landscape planning as there is expected a rapid change in the cityscape by the large scaled urban development from its designation of KTX station area, national food cluster, and historic city. Therefore this study was conducted with the following purpose. First, it sets a plan to identify the scenic resources in Iksan-si so that they can be conserved and linked with each other. Second, it sets the comprehensive and desirable landscape planning to improve the urban environment and reinforce its characteristics. Third, it suggests a implementing method for the landscape planning that can be practiced with residents. For this purpose the landscape resources were identified through the field survey on the base of downtown areas built with 15 dongs in Iksan and their value and importance were assessed. And then the method of conservation and the direction of development were decided. Landscape type was divided into four as natural, urban, street, and railroad landscape. For the natural landscape there was investigation on Baesan, Tapcheon, conservation of main road waterway, network of green belts. For residence areas, commercial areas, industrial areas, and KTX station areas a design guideline was made on the base of buildings and outer space as well as a specific landscape planning on the main areas. For street and railroad landscape, green belts network was reinforced with the construction of linear park for Hana-ro and Sonhak-ro and also a plan was suggested to remove the landscape impediments around railroads. To implement the plan for landscape, both the methods of regulation and incentive were taken by offering the residence areas project to citizen-leading agreement, park construction of Tapcheon, abolished railroads, and Hana-ro to designation of zoning district, and Baesan, station areas, and Dahak-ro to establishment of district unit planning.

      • KCI등재

        문화지리학의 경관 연구와 경관의 텍스트성

        한지은 ( Ji Eun Han ) 영미문학연구회 2013 안과 밖 Vol.0 No.34

        Landscape is one of the “hottest” keywords in social sciences and humanities. It has long been studied in many fields such as visual art, landscape architecture, environmentology and earth sciences literature. At the same time, it has been a focus of geography``s engagement with the humanities. The term “landscape” generally means everything you can see when you look across an area of land, including mountains, rivers, buildings, and trees, But in geography it has been defined as an appearance of an area made up of a distinact association of forms. The pioneer of American cultural geography Carl Sauer, who was influenced by German geographers such as the “Landshaft School,” introduced the concept of “cultural landscape” and regarded landscape as an area composed of distinct association of forms. In the late 1970s, the “New Cultural Geographers” challenged the traditional concept of landscape. Denis Cosgrove defined “a landscape as “a cultural image, a pictorial way of representing, structuring or symbolizing surroundings.” Under this view, many cultural geographers have studied landscape as “a way of seeing” and analysed visual descriptions of landscape in painting , photography and film. On the other hand, a number of geographers have also developed a text metaphor of landscape as shown in The City as Text by James Duncan. Duncan insisted that we have to read landscape represented in various texts. Although landscape is representation of texts as he said, it also represents reality at the same time. Since the 1990s, cultural geographers have paid attention to “politics of place,” and they have emphasized that landscapes are social products. So we have to examine how some (dominant) people create, (re)present, and interpret landscape based on their own power relationships. Gillian Rose thought that traditional landscape studies in geography were involved in a masculinist way of seeing. Don Mitchell was worried that recent landscape studies were only concerned with representations in images and texts. Landscape is not only a symbolic process but also a material and ideological process. This is the reason why we have to explore this interesting concept by employing both literature and geography, the humanities and social science.

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