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        유아 과학교육 활동을 중심으로 한 수와 사회교육 통합 사례 분석

        김숙자,현금자 한국영유아보육학회 2004 한국영유아보육학 Vol.0 No.38

        본 연구의 목적은 과학활동을 중심으로 한 수와 사회 통합 교육 활동 수업 사례에서의 유아 반응을 분석하는 것이다. 분석 대상은 충북지역 M유치원 만 5세 유아 5명의 활동 수업 사례들이다. 「물」을 주제로 하여 총 10회 이루어진 교육활동은 선행연구(김숙자.김현정, 2003)에서 제시한 교수-학습과정 기본 모형을 토대로 하여 동기유발 단계, 초기개념 단계, 교수매체 투입, 개별 실험과 소그룹 토의를 통한 확장개념, 심화개념 단계로 재구성 하여 이루어졌다. 분석 결과 초기개념의 단계에서는 물을 옮길 수 있는 물체 예측을 통한 분류 개념과 물을 담는 용기의 높이와 물의 양과의 관련성이 분석되었다. 확장개념의 단계에서는 수 관련 개념으로 분류 개념, 수세기, 순서 짓기, 서수 개념, 높이, 크기, 길이, 양, 무게의 측정개념이 분석되었다. 사회 관련 개념은 문제해결을 위해 토의, 실험하기가 계속 순환되는 과정을 통해 나타난 협동하기, 다른 사람 의견 존중하기의 사회관련 개념이 분석되었다. 심화 개념의 단계에서는 물의 양과 물이 흘러나오는 속도, 물체의 형태변화와 부력의 관련성, 가라앉는 물체를 뜨는 물체에 올려놓는 위치와 부력의 관련성이 분석되었다. The purpose of this study was to analyze teacher's teaching-learning strategies and young children's responses to the science integrated study with mathematics and social studies for young children, based on the basic process model of teaching-learning. The basic process model of teaching-learning is a remodeling which is basic process model of teaching-learning. This was researched by Kim, Suk Ja;Kim, Hyun Joung(2003). To achieve this purpose, actual class episodes were analyzed. The episodes from the classes were derived from 10 sessions of interaction between teacher and 5 kindergarten children. With priority given to scientific activities, educational activities were integrated into mathematics, science and social study. The subject of scientific activities was water. Contents of activities were organized with activities to understand concepts of the volume of water and the velocity of water flow. A qualitative analysis was used to access responses of young children to teaching-studying strategies of teachers in case studies. As a result, young children could have their own scientific ideas about the volume of water, the relationship between volume of water, velocities of water flow, and buoyancy. They could understand the concept of mathematics in ractical exercise. By repetitions of experiments and discussions to solve problems, young hildren could realize the concepts of sociality such as cooperating with each other and respecting other people's opinions.

      • Meckel 게실의 합병증으로 수술 받은 환아의 임상양상

        김현아,최금자,한후재 이화여자대학교 2003 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.26 No.2

        Objectives : The purpose of study is to assess the clinical characteristics of complicated Meckel's diverticulum in children. Methods : A retrospective review of pediatric cases of complicated Meckel's diverticulae that were surgically treated at Ewha Womans University Hospital from 1985 was performed. The charts were reviewed for the age and sex of the patients, operation finding, treatment, and outcome. Results : A total 13 patients with a complicated Meckel's diverticulum were identified. There were 8 boys(61.5%) and 5 girls (38.5%) with a mean age of 5.3 years (range, 1month to 14years). Presenting signs and symptoms included digestive hemorrhage (6), intestinal obstruction(4), perfora-tion (1), intussusception due to inverted Meckel's diverticulum (1) and diverticulitis (1). A ^(99m) technetium pertechnetate scintiscan was positive in 3 of 4 patients. Barium contrast studies and colonoscopys were not diagnostic. The mean distance from the ileocecal valve to the diverticulum was 47.0±15.7cm. Average length of the diverticulum was approximately 4.7±3.0cm. Segmen-tal small bowel resection including Meckel's diverticulum (84.6%) or wedge excision(15.4%) was done for treatment. In the bleeding group, ectopic gastric mucosa was present in 5 of 6 patients. Postoperative morbidity and mortality was each 0%. Conclusion : The results of this study draw attention to the fact that the complicated Meckel's diverticulum must be suspected in children with acute abdomen or gastrointestinal bleeding. 목적: Meckel 게실의 합병증의 원인이 되어 수술적 치료를 받은 소아 환자들의 임상적 증상과 수술소견, 병리학적 소견을 분석하여 이들의 특징을 알아보고자 하였다. 방법 : 1985년 이후 이화대학교의료원에서 Meckel 게실의 합병증으로 수술을 받은 15세 이하의 소아들 대상으로 하여 의무기록과 조직병리 검사 결과를 조사하였다. 결과: 총 13명의 환아가 Meckel 게실의 합병증으로 수술을 받았으며 남녀의 비는 1.6:1로 남아에서 호발하는 경향을 보였으며, 수술 시 평균 연령은 5.3세였다. 수술의 원인이 된 Meckel 게실의 진단은 장출혈 6예, 장폐색 4예,Meckel 게실의 천공 1예, 장중첩 1예, 게실염 1예였다. 회맹판에서 게실까지의 평균길이는 47.0±15.7cm이었으며, 소장부분절제술과 쐐기절제술이 각각 84.6%와 15.4%에서 시행되었다. 장출혈을 나타내었던 환아 6명 중 5예에서 병리조직에서 이소성 위 점막이 관찰되었다. 술 후 합병증과 사망예는 없었다. 결론 : 소아에서 외과적 급성 복증이나 장출혈의 증상이 나타날 경우, Meckel 게실의 합병증의 가능성에 대한 외과의의 인식이 필요하다.

      • 유방 병변의 초음파 유도 하 8 Gauge 맘모톰 생검과 11 Gauge 맘모톰 생검의 비교

        김현아,문병인,최금자,최혜영 이화여자대학교 의과대학 2005 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.28 No.2

        Purpose The goal of this study was to compare the diagnostic accuracy, complication rate between 11 and 8 gauge Mammotome probe during ultrasound-guided Mammotome biopsy. Methods Sixty eight patients who showed breast mass in sonography were included in this study. Statistical comparisons between the 11 and 8 gauge group were done. Results 75 biopsies were performed using the Mammotome biopsy system guided by sonography. 63 LESIONS(84.0%) had benign pathology and 12 lesions(16.0%) were malignant. 49(65.3%) of these biopsies were performend with the 11-gauge Mammotome probe, and 26(34.7%) with the 8-gauge probe. Complications such as pain, bleeding , hematoma and skin discoloration were compared between 11 and 8 gauge group. There were nostatistically significant differences in complications such as pain, bleeding, hematoma and skin discoloration. All complications had no significant difference between 11 gauge group and 8 gauge group. Conclusion The ultrasound-guided 8 gauge Mammotome biopsy system is as safe as ultrasound-guided 11 gauge Mammotome biopsy system.

      • 지역별 보건소 이용의 만족도에 관한 연구 : 경북지역을 중심으로

        이혜영,정경옥,김금자 김천과학대학 2007 김천과학대학 논문집 Vol.33 No.-

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the satisfaction and utilization and awareness of health center and satisfaction's affecting factors. Methods: The subjects consisted of 292 adult at three health centers on middle size cities in Gyeong San Buk-Do. Data was collected from August 2006 to June 2007 using structured questionnaires. One-way ANOVA were used to test satisfaction of health centers, utilization and awareness of health center and Kruskal-Wallis and Scheffe's test were used to test recommendation of health center and Post Hoc multiple comparison by using SPSS 14.0 for windows. Results: The satisfaction of health centers for community dwellers was related to age, educational level and family income and the difference of satisfaction of health centers were in comfortable surroundings, satisfaction of facilities, generosity of staff members and full explanation. The utilization and awareness of health center were differ from community areas. Conclusions: Further studies need to be done to investigate additional effects of satisfaction of health centers for community dwellers and to investigate nursing approaches for community dwellers to improve their satisfaction of health centers.

      • 여성 관상동맥질환자의 동기요인이 건강행위에 미치는 영향 요인

        이혜영,정경옥,김금자 김천과학대학 2007 김천과학대학 논문집 Vol.33 No.-

        Background: Misconceptions exist that coronary artery disease(CAD) is a male dominant disease, although the leading cause of death due to heart disease in women increased 7.1% from 2001 to 2004 in Korea. Lack of motivational factors to health behavior change places women at risk for subsequent CAD events. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate motivational factors to health behaviors for women with coronary artery disease. Methods: Structured questionnaires survey was carried out on a convenience sample of 81 adult women in a cammunity setting. The subjects were recruited for an interview at outpatient clinic in hospitals. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regressions. Results; There were significant correlations between motivational factors and health behaviors(r=.664). Stepwise multiple regression revealed that 57% of variance in health behaviors was explained by self-efficacy and perceived benefits among four motivation variables(F=54.438 p<.01). However, there were no significant predicting factors of perceived barriers and emotional salience among motivational factors to health behaviors. Self-efficacy contributed the greatest amount of variance in health behaviors(β=.585), followed by perceived benefits(β=.226). Conclusions: The results of the study indicate that self-efficacy was very important in predicting health behaviors for women with coronary artery disease. Thus it would be necessary to include motivational factors in designing rehabilitation program to practice and adherence health behaviors for women with coronary artery disease.

      • 담도폐색증 - 대한소아외과학회회원 대상 전국조사 -

        최금자,김성철,김신곤,김우기,김인구,김재억,김재천,김해영,김현학,박귀원,박우현,송영택,오수명,이두선,이명덕,이석구,이성철,정상영,정성은,정풍만,최순옥,최승훈,한석주,허영수,홍정,황의호,Choi, Kum-Ja,Kim, S.C.,Kim, S.K.,Kim, W.K.,Kim, I.K.,Kim, J.E.,Kim, J.C.,Kim, H.Y.,Kim, H.H.,Park 대한소아외과학회 2002 소아외과 Vol.8 No.2

        설문 문항에 따라 심도 있는 토의가 진행된 내용을 요약 하면 다음과 같다. 문항 1의 영아 황달 환자의 감별진단을 위한 검사에 대한 토론에서 복부초음파검사가 과거에는 담즙정체 환자에서 선별검사 목적으로 시행되었으나 1992년 부터 일부에서는 좀 더 확실한 진단 방법으로 이용하려는 견해가 있음이 소개되었다. 또한 Triangular cord sign (TC sign)은 문맥 앞쪽에 있는 삼각형이나 띠 모양의 반사성 (echogenecity)을 나타낸다는 것과 이 반사성은 간문맥섬유화 종괴를 조영하는 것으로 이 반사성 두께가 2.5mm면 담도폐색증으로 진단할 수 있다고 하는 TC sign에 근거한 진단방침에 대한 논의가 있었으나, 아직은 충분히 검증된 방법으로 보기는 어렵다는 견해도 함께 제시되었다. 문항 8의 간문맥 부위의 시야를 좋게 하기 위한 토론에서는 소아의 복부는 좌우 옆으로 발달이 되어 간의 현수인대와 간의 좌우 삼각인대 (triangular ligament)와 낫인대 (falciform ligamnet)를 잘라내면 간이 쉽게 배 밖으로 나오게 돼며, 수술 시야가 양호해 진다는 의견이 제시되었다. 피부 절개선을 간의 가장자리 보다도 한 횡지 위 쪽으로 넣는 것과 간을 너무 당기면 하대정맥에 각이 져서 순환허탈이 올 수 있다는 점이 주의사항이라고 하였다. 문항 9 portal fibrous mass 의 절제범위에 대한 토론에서는 양쪽 외측에서 담즙 배출이 많이 되므로 가능하면 양쪽 외측으로 많이 나가야 되며 좌우 간동맥 안쪽으로 절제하고 뒤쪽은 문맥 분기 뒤쪽의 정상 간 표면이 나올 때까지 절제한다는 의견이 있었고, 외측으로 가는 범위는 혈관 밖에까지 가는 것이 좋으며 혈관 위에는 문합이 불가능하므로 장이 혈관을 overriding하도록 장을 그냥 씌우면 된다는 의견이 있었으나 반면 좌우 간동맥 사이의 간표면에서 절제하는 정도만 해도 최선이며 무리하다 오히려 간동맥에 손상을 주변 담도의 혈류가 차단되어 세담관 증식에 장애가 된다는 의견도 있었다. 확장절제를 위해 좌.우 간문맥 두번째 분지까지 절제하면 절제면이 약 3 cm 크기가 되고 그 부위에다 넓게 장문합을 하며, 절제 깊이는 간실질까지 들어가는 것을 피하기 위하여 fibrous mass 기저부를 일부 남기면서 간표면을 따라 조심스럽게 절제한다는 의견이 있었다. 이를 위해 retractor를 효과적으로 사용하면 간문맥 제2분지까지 접근 가능하므로 가능한 한 깊이 절제하는 것이 좋다고 하였으나 한편 담도폐색증에서는 혈관기형이 많이 동반되어 혈관손상 위험이 있으므로 몇 번째 분지까지 절제하여야하는가 보다는 위험하지 않을 정도로 외측으로 갈수 있는 데까지 가는 것이 좋다는 의견도 있었다. 일반적으로 Kasai 수술의 목적 'cure' 내지는 'improvement' 되는 것이라고 본다면, Kasai술식에서 fibrous mass를 공격적으로 절제해서 효과적인 담즙배액을 성취할 수 있는지, 또는 장기간 추적조사에서 정말 훨씬 좋은 결과를 얻을 수 있는지를 비교하여야 하므로 아직은 충분히 검정되지 않은 의견으로 보아야 한다는 견해도 제시되었다. 문항 13의 담도폐색증 수술 후 통상적으로 처방하는 약제의 복용기간은 회원마다 상당한 차이가 있었다. 즉, Ursodeoxycholic acid (우루사)는 한달에서 부터 2년까지 또는 더 오랜 동안 처방한다는 의견도 있었고, systemic antibiotics도 2주에서 2년까지 처방 기간이 다양하였으며, 스테로이드는 대부분 2 - 3주 사용하고 있다고 하였다. 본 조사 결과는 18개 병원에서 21년 동안 대한소아외과학회 A survey on biliary atresia was made among 26 members of the Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons. The members were required to complete a questionnaire and a case registration form for each patient during the twentyone-year period of 1980-2000. Three hundred and eighty patients were registered from 18 institutions. The average number of patients per surgeon was one to two every year. The male to female ratio was 1:1.3. The age of patients on diagnosis with biliary atresia was on average $65.4{\pm} 36.2$ days old. The national distribution was 32.8% in Seoul, 25.3% in Gyoungki-Do, 21.6% in Gyoungsang-Do, 9.27% in Choongchung-Do, etc. in order. The most common clinical presentation was jaundice (98.4%) and change of stool color (86.2%) was second. Two hundred eighty (74.7%) of 375 patients were operated by 80 days of age. Three hundred thirty six (9 1.9%) of 366 patients were operated on by the original Kasai procedure, and 305 (84.3%) of 362 patients were observed by bile-drainage postoperatively. The overall postoperative complication rate was 18.5% and the overall postoperative mortality rate was 6.8%. The associated anomalies were observed in 72 cases (22.5%). One hundred ninty five (64.7%) of 302 patients have been alive in follow-up and 49 (25.1%) have survived over 5 years without problem after operation. Ascending cholangitis, varices and ascites affected survival significantly, and the important long-term prognostic factor was the occurrence of complications.

      • 담관낭종 -대한소아외과학회회원 대상 전국조사-

        최금자,김대연,김상윤,김성철,김신곤,김우기,김인구,김재억,김재천,김해영,김홍주,박귀원,박우현,박진영,백홍규,서정민,송영택,오수명,유수영,이두선,이명덕,이석구,이성철,박영식,이태훈,정상영,Choi, Kum-Ja,Kim, D.Y.,Kim, S.Y.,Kim, S.C.,Kim, S.K.,Kim, W.K.,Kim, I.K.,Kim, J.E.,Kim, J.C.,Kim 대한소아외과학회 2003 소아외과 Vol.9 No.1

        본 조사 결과는 32개 병원의 39명의 회원에 의해 수술받은 환자 348명의 기록과 회원 37명의 설문 응답자를 분석한 것으로 많은 수의 기록지가 내용이 불충분하거나 일치되지 않은 기술로 인해 자료로서의 한계가 있었다. 특히 췌담관합류 이상에 대한 기록 중 약 절반이 미상으로 기록된 것에서 알 수 있드시 자료가 매우 미흡하였고, 담관낭종의 유형을 정하는 것 예후 인자 및 산 전 진단된 담관낭종의 수술 적기등에 대하여도 회원마다 견해 차이가 있으나 심도있는 토론이 이루어지지 않았다. 따라서 이 결과를 외국의 통계 분석과 비교하는 것 보다는 회원들의 향 후 진료와 연구에 참고가 될 수 있다는 것에 의미를 두고자 하며, 회원들이 동일한 등록지를 작성하는 전향적 연구로 우리나라 담관낭종에 대한 분류, 췌담관 합류이상, 예후 인자들에 대한 재 논의의 출발점이 되기를 기대한다. A nationwide survey on choledochal cyst was undertaken among 39 members of the Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons. The members were required to complete a questionnaire and the case registration form for each patient during the five year period of 1997 to 2001. Three hundred and forty eight patients were registered from 32 institutions. The average number of patients per surgeon was one to two every year. The male to female ratio was 1:3.4. The age of patients on diagnosis was $49.0{\pm}44.4$ months. The geographic distribution was 34.8% in Seoul and Kyoungki-do, 33.3% in Kyoungsang-do, 17.9% in Cholla-do, and 8.5% in Choongchung-do, in order of frequency. The three common clinical presentations were abdominal pain (63.8%), vomiting (35.3%), and jaundice (29.1%). Only seven patients (2%) presented with classic triad, and 25 patients were diagnosed by antenatal ultrasonographic examination. According to the Todani Classification, 238 patients (7l.3%) were type 1, 3 (0.9%) type 11, and 93 (27.8%) type IV. At the time of the operation, three important associated conditions were choledocholithiasis in 45 patients (15.1%), liver fibrosis (Grade 1-4) in 35, and previous operative procedure for biliary diseases in 10. Associated anomalies were observed in 13 patients (3.8%). Three hundred thirty nine (98.8%) of 343 lesions were treated by Cyst excision and Roux-Y hepaticoiejunostomy. One hundred seventy-six patients had an anomalous arrangement of the pancreatobiliary ductal system (APBD): APBD was not in 92 patients, biliary duct joined to the pancreatic duct in 51, and pancreatic duct joined to the biliary duct in 26. There were 8.5% early, and 7.7% late phase operative complications. The major complications were bleeding, anastomotic leakage, and acute pancreatitis. The combination of acute abdomen and choledochal cyst may suggest spontaneous rupture. Because of the development of late intrahepatic bile duct stones, long term follow up after cyst excision and hepaticojejunostomy is required. The optimal time of surgical intervention should also be considered in the situation of routine use of antenatal ultrasonographic examination. This is the first review of the choledochal cyst in Korea and provides baseline data for future comparisons.

      • Efficient green phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes depending on concentration of lithium quinolate in electron transport layer.

        Kim, Bo Young,Lee, Seok Jae,Koo, Ja Ryong,Lee, Song Eun,Lee, Kum Hee,Yoon, Ju An,Kim, Woo Young,Yoon, Seung Soo,Kim, Young Kwan American Scientific Publishers 2013 Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Vol.13 No.12

        <P>Systematic studies on carrier injection and transport are very important for achieving high efficiency in OLEDs. We demonstrate excellent green phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes (OLED) with lithium quinolate (Liq) doped in 1,3,5-tris(N-phenylbenzimidazole-2-yl) benzene (TPBi) as the electron transport layer (ETL). The doping concentration of Liq was varied from 0% to 10%. The optimized green phosphorescent OLED with 5% Liq in the ETL showed the best efficiencies, which were maximum luminous efficiency, power efficiency, and quantum efficiency of 65.76 cd/A, 57.39 Im/W, and 20.03%, respectively. Moreover, high triplet energy states of TCTA and TPBi as a triplet exciton-blocking layer (TEBL) played a role in efficient exciton confinement.</P>

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