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      • KCI등재후보

        열아홉 무렵에 대한 고백과 치유 - 소설 <너에게 가마 나에게 오라>와 영화 <나에게 오라>의 분석을 통해 -

        김영빈 ( Kim Young-bin ) 한국문학치료학회 2010 문학치료연구 Vol.15 No.-

        상업영화의 영화 기획에서 소설을 원작으로 하여 각색의 관행을 취하는 일은 다반사다. <나에게 오라>는 소설 <너에게 가마 나에게 오라>를 각색하여 만든 영화인 바, 소설의 작가 송기원과 영화감독 김영빈은 그들의 태생적 환경과 시대 등 여러 층위에서 공유점을 갖고 있는 매우 드문 경우를 보여주고 있다. 이들은 소설의 작가 후기와 영화의 자막을 통해 작의를 분명하게 드러내고 있다. 즉 이들은 소설과 영화를 통해 그들 성장기의 자신은 물론, 그때의 고향과 사람들의 내밀한 이야기를 30여년이 지난 오늘에 고백함으로써 죄의식의 정화와 치유를 꾀하고 있는 것이다. 소설과 소설의 각색물인 영화를 통해 문학치료와 영화창작치료를 병행하여 수행한 그들의 그러한 시도가 성공적이었는지에 대해서는 단언할 수 없다. 그렇다해도 음울한 생의 단편들을 고백한 후의 후련한 배설감과 이에 따른 긍정의 생철학적 각성이야말로 소설 <너에게 가마 나에게 오라>의 작가와 영화 <나에게 오라>의 감독이 자신에게는 물론이려니와 독자와 관객들에게 보내고자 했던 궁극의 의미 일것이다. It is a general practice to adapt the stories from original novels in the commercial film industry. < Naege Ola > is the film adapted from the story of < Nege Kama, Naege Ola >, which has a very interesting point in that Young-bin Kim, the director, and Ki-won Song, the author share lots of similarities in terms of their personal life. Both of them explicate their own intention of works in the epilogue or the subtitle. They confess their painful 30-year-ago puberty and the hometown secrecy in their artworks to overcome the sense of guilt, finally to purify their souls. Nobody knows if the try would be successful. However, it would communicate the feeling of catharsis from the confession of gloomy time of life an d offer the awareness of positive perspective of life to readers, audience and themselves at least.

      • KCI등재

        영화감독의 장르적응력에 대한 자기진단의 문제-극영화 <불새>의 경우-

        김영빈 ( Kim Young-bin ) 한국문학치료학회 2012 문학치료연구 Vol.22 No.-

        인간의 본성과 관계에 대한 탐색, 그들이 처해 있는 시대와 세계상의 형상화를 주된 내용으로 하는 영화만들기에서 그 중심역할을 하는 영화감독은 조물주의 전지전능적 존재성에 무의식의 동일시를 취할 수 있는 개연성을 내포함으로써 연출작의 장르선택에 필요한 엄격성과 균형의 유지에서 문제를 야기할 수 있는 소지를 안고 있다고 볼 수 있다. 1992년에 < 김의 전쟁, Kim`s War >으로 데뷔한 이래 6년의 경과기간 동안에 5작품의 극영화를 연출한 이후 후속 작품을 내놓지 못하고 있는 김영빈의 영화이력은 영화감독의 장르적응력에 대한 자기진단의 문제에서 시사하는 바 적지 않다. 이 연구는 그가 영화감독으로서의 존재효용성을 증명했던 시기의 4작품과 그의 패착으로 운위되는 < 불새, A Phoenix >의 장르성격 사이에 어떤 상이점이 있는가를 규명하고자 하는 것이다. 연구결과 <김의 전쟁>, < 비상구가없다, No Exit >, < 테러리스트, Terrorist >, < 나에게오라, Come to Me > 등 김영빈의 앞선 4작품들은 시대성의 굴레 안에서 부당한 힘 또는 세력에 저항하다가 비극적 최후를 맞게 되는 자유의지의 인간을 주인공으로 내세워 공리적 가치를 반추하게 하는 넓은 의미에서의 사실주의 장르성격을 보이는 데 반해 <불새>는 개인의 욕망을 우선하는 인물들의 상열지사를 다루는 멜로드라마라는 상이점이 존재 한다. 이러한 장르의 상이점은 작가주의 신봉자로서 김영빈의 연출작 선택에서 자기진단에 요구되는 엄격성과 균형감을 유지하지 못한 데서 연유한 것이며, 결과적으로 주류영화계에서 스스로 퇴진을 자초한 조건이 된 것으로 분석되었다. Exploring human relations and natures and configuring zeitgeist in cinematic representations, a director stands on the central position that can be unconsciously identified with God`s omnipotent empowerment. It can cause problem to director`s judgment in maintaining balance and appropriateness of film making, expecially a matter of genre adoption and adaptability. In the matter of director`s genre adaptability, Kim Young-bin`s filmography can be suggestive of further discussion. Kim made 4 more films in 6 years since his debut feature film < Kim`s War > in 1992. This self-diagnostic research focuses on differences in genre aesthetics between Kim`s previous 4 films that enabled him to be one of leading directors in 1990`s Korean cinema and < A Pheonix >, his fifth film, allegedly addressed as failure that caused multi-year quietness in his career. Kim`s 4 films - < Kim`s War >, < No Exit >, < Terrorists > and < Come to Me > - give critical speculations on common values in story of free-willed protagonist who fights against power and oppression in the social structure, only faces tragic end. While these films show Kim`s genre aesthetics of realist cinema, < A Phoenix > can be regarded as a melodrama of human sentiments and desires. The research is an effort to reveal that Kim`s disability of maintaining balanced, objective perspective in self diagnosis as an auteurist cineaste caused incoherence in trajectory of his genre aesthetics, which brought his retreat in the mainstream cinema.

      • KCI등재

        소설의 영화화에 수반되는 매체변용에서의 제 문제

        김영빈(Kim, Young-Bin) 한국영상제작기술학회 2012 영상기술연구 Vol.- No.17

        Advantage from transformation of medium through filmic adaptation of literary text lies in practical planning of film production and proximate calculation of its result based on elements that have already been appreciated from the original work. However, it cannot offers a safety net for possible boxoffice success, nor necessarily guarantees it. In this regard, it would be a meaningful work to speculate matters of transformation of medium in filmic adaptation of novel through analysis of <No Exit>(1993), Kim Young-bin"s filmic adaptation of Lee Soon-won"s novel <No Exit in Apgujeong-dong>. In successful practice of transformation of medium in filmic adaptation of novel, it should be considered to find the most effective way to adapt the elements in the film text based on close analysis on the original"s achievement, especially in evaluating the properness of the original"s theme, characters, story, spacio-temporal elements for the filmic adaptation through the objective eye. In this regard, there can be a question of <No Exit>, which shows a lot of transformation of elements from the original novel leaving the film in not much common with the original except the theme. And the question leads to another asking whether the novel is proper for this filmic adaptation from the beginning. Specifically, the film"s figuration of the novel"s fragmented stories in episodic structure, characters loosely connected to each other and "faceless terrorist" into a solid character that is not in causal relation with others leaves us to find demerits of transformation of medium. In short, <No Exit>"s transformation of medium in its adaptation of novel could be a failed case to reconsider.

      • 핵의학 영상검사에서 Pocket dosimeter 착용의 유용성 평가

        김영빈,이은지,김건재,Kim, Young-Bin,Lee, Eun-Ji,Kim, Kun-Jae 대한핵의학기술학회 2011 핵의학 기술 Vol.15 No.1

        Pocket dosimeter는 열형광선량계(TLD)나 필름 뱃지(Film Badge)와 다르게 실시간으로 피폭량을 확인할 수 있다. 주로 행하여지는 핵의학 영상검사에서 Pocket dosimeter가 Survey meter와 비교하여 얼마나 정확히 피폭량을 측정할 수 있는지를 알아보고 각 핵의학 영상검사에 따른 피폭량을 비교해보고자 하였다. 대상은 2010년 9월에 핵의학과를 방문한 환자 22명을 대상으로 하였다. 방법은 첫 번째로 Pertechnetate 185 MBq부터 1850 MBq까지 각각 185 MBq씩 증가시킨 점선원을 50 cm 거리에서 Survey meter로 측정하고 같은 위치에서 Pocket dosimeter로 5분 동안 측정하였다. 두 번째로 PET/CT 검사를 받는 환자 12명을 대상으로 $^{18}F$-FDG 370 MBq를 정맥주사하고 90분 후에 환자로부터 50 cm거리에서 Survey meter로 측정하고 같은 위치에서 Pocket dosimeter로 5분 동안 측정하였다. 세 번째로 Bone Scan 검사를 받는 환자 10명을 대상으로 $^{99m}Tc$-DPD 925 MBq를 정맥주사하고 3시간 후에 환자로부터 50 cm거리에서 Survey meter로 측정하고 같은 위치에서 Pocket dosimeter로 10분 동안 측정하였다. 점선원을 이용한 실험결과 Survey meter로 측정된 값은 평균 $70.12{\pm}39.36{\mu}Sv/h$이고 Pocket dosimeter로 5분 동안 측정된 값은 평균 $5{\pm}3.06{\mu}Sv$였다. PET/CT 환자에서 측정한 결과 Survey meter로 측정된 값은 평균 $25.04{\pm}6.16{\mu}Sv/h$이고 Pocket dosimeter로 5분 동안 측정된 값은 평균 $2.41{\pm}0.51{\mu}Sv$였다. Bone Scan 검사에서 측정한 결과 Survey meter로 측정된 값은 평균 $8.58{\pm}0.96{\mu}Sv/h$이고 Pocket dosimeter로 10분 동안 측정된 값은 평균 $1{\mu}Sv$였다. 위 실험 측정 결과에서 Pocket dosimeter의 값은 Survey meter의 값에 비해 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 나타내었다(p<0.001). 본 연구 결과에 따르면 Survey meter의 값이 증가할수록 Pocket dosimeter의 값이 증가됨을 알 수 있었고 통계적으로도 유의한 차이를 나타내었다. 따라서 핵의학 영상검사에서 Pocket dosimeter의 착용은 방사선사의 피폭관리에 도움을 줄 것으로 사료된다. Purpose: The aim of study is to find accuracy of pocket dosimeter in measuring exposed dose in compared with survey meter and to compare exposed dose according as Nuclear medicine exams. Materials and Method: First, radiation dose to point source(185 MBq,370 MBq, ${\ldots}$, 1665 MBq, 1850 MBq) were measured in using a pocket dosimeter and a survey meter. Second, radiation dose to 12 patients injected $^{18}F$-FDG 370 MBq were measured in using a pocket dosimeter and a survey meter. Third, radiation dose to 10 patients injected $^{99m}Tc$-DPD 925 MBq were measured in using a pocket dosimeter and a surveymeter. Result: The average is $70.12{\pm}39.36{\mu}Sv/h$ in measurement of point source with Surveymeter and $5{\pm}3.06{\mu}Sv$ in measurement of point source with Pocket dosimeter. The average is $25.04{\pm}6.16{\mu}Sv/h$ in measurement of PET/CT patients with Surveymeter and $2.41{\pm}0.51{\mu}Sv$ in measurement of PET/CT with Pocket dosimeter. The average is $8.58{\pm}0.96{\mu}Sv/h$ in measurement of Bone Scan patients with Surveymeter and $1{\mu}Sv$ in measurement of Bone Scan patients with Pocket dosimeter. Significant difference found between Survey meter value and Pocket dosimeter value in all experimentation (p<0.001). Conclusion: Accoring to rusult Wearing Pocket dosimeter is usefulnee in manerage of exposed dose in nucler medicine exams.

      • 타액선 신티그라피 검사에서 타액선 영상과 타액 제거율의 비교 연구

        김영빈,신규설,박연경,김건재,Kim, Young-Bin,Shin, Kyu-Seol,Park, Yeon-Kyung,Kim, Keon-Jae 대한핵의학기술학회 2009 핵의학 기술 Vol.13 No.1

        Purpose: The aim of study is to find a correlation between Salivary clearance rate using saliva and blood and Secretion rate and Excretion rate using Salivary gland Scan images. Materials and Methods: Salivary Scan and Stimulate clearance of $^{99m}Tc$-pertechnate was performed in 20 patients with moderate function(group 1), 9 patients with severe function glands (group 2), 3 patients with non function (group 3) and normal 6 controls. Salivay clearance rate was compare with Secretion rate and Excretion rate of Salivary glands' ROI. Result: Stimulate salivary clearance of normal controls was 18.4 ml/min, salivary clearance of group 1 was 10.1 ml/min, salivary clearance of group 2 was 10.4 ml/min and salivary clearance of group 3 was 2.3 ml/min. Significant difference was found between normal controls and group 2,3 (p<0.05, p<0.05). Secretion rate and Excretion rate of normal controls was 21.6%, 24.6%, Secretion rate and Excretion rate of group 1 was 17.6%, 24.0%, Secretion rate and Excretion rate of group 2 was 8.8%, 13.9% and Secretion rate and Excretion rate of group 3 was 5.6%, 2.9%. Significant difference was found between normal controls and group 2,3 (p<0.05, p<0.05). Conclusions: Stimulate salivary clearance using saliva and blood and Secretion rate and Excretion rate using Salivary gland Scan images accord well together.

      • KCI등재

        장애환경설정 기반의 에너지절약 지능형 조명시스템 구현

        김영빈,류광렬,Kim, Young Bin,Ryu, Conan K.R. 한국정보통신학회 2014 한국정보통신학회논문지 Vol.18 No.11

        본 논문은 사용자의 장애 환경에 맞추어 장애 환경설정을 이용함으로서 조명 이용의 편의성을 향상시키고 에너지 절약을 위한 지능형 조명시스템에 관한 연구이다. 장애 환경은 조명의 점등이 원활하지 않은 상태를 의미하는 것으로서 이를 해결하기 위한 방법으로 원격제어 방식이 요구된다. 원격제어 방식은 스마트폰, 움직임 센서, 타이머를 이용하여 조명을 점등 한다. 스마트폰과 움직임 센서는 이벤트를 감지하였을 때 원격에서 조명 시스템으로 이벤트 발생을 전송하고 이벤트를 수신한 조명 시스템은 램프를 전등한다. 조명 사용자의 설정 환경에 맞추어 조명을 제어함으로서 사용시간을 조절하고 점등 조작을 감소하여 에너지 절약을 실현한다. 제안 기법을 적용하여 조명시스템을 설계 및 구현하여 실험 결과 편의성이 향상 되었고 최적화된 점등으로 약 13.5w/h 정도 에너지가 절감된다. This paper describes the smart illuminating system based on the obstacle environmental presetting to improve the user convenience to easy lighting and energy conservation. Obstacle environment has trouble controlling the illuminating equipment using manual buttons in certain circumstances, which requires a smart remote controller. The smart remote controller is operated by the smart phone, motion sensor and timer to turn on and off the lamps. The event sensor module transmits the signals of the event occurrence to equipment on the remote place when smart phone and motion sensor detect an event, and the illuminator received the event turn on or off the lamp. The system results in energy saving by simple on/off control and manipulating the operating time with controlling the illuminating system preset by user's obstacle or preference circumstances. The proposed system implementation is experimented to figure out the energy saving about13.5w/h and the optimized convenience control.

      • KCI등재후보

        기립성 단백뇨에 동반된 Nutcracker 증후군 1례

        김영빈,백성철,유황재,김철홍,이현희,박노혁,김병길,Kim Young-Bin,Baek Sung-Chul,Yoo Hwang-Jae,Kim Cheol-Hong,Lee Hyun-Hee,Park Noh-Hyuck,Kim Pyung-Kil 대한소아신장학회 2004 Childhood kidney diseases Vol.8 No.1

        저자들은 학교검진에서 우연히 발견된 기립성 단백뇨를 보인 환아의 복부 도플러 초음파검사에서 좌측 신정맥 죄임 소견을 확인하여 신정맥 조영술을 시행해 nutcracker 증후군을 확진한 1례를 경험하였기에 이를 보고하는 바이다. Orthostatic proteinuria is documented as a benign condition and the most common cause of isolated proteinuria. The etiology and pathogenesis of orthostatic proteinuria is not clear yet. Recently there were a few report that nutcracker syndrome seemed to cause orthostatic proteinuria. We experienced a case of a twelve-yeat-old female patient with incidently discovered orthostatic proteinuria who was suspected to have nutcracker phenomenon by doppler sonography. We confirmed this patient as nutcracker syndrome by renal venography.

      • KCI등재

        성공적인 골유도재생술을 위한 봉합술 : 점막하 봉합법을 이용한 이중 봉합술의 예비 보고

        김영빈,조성대,임대호,Kim, Young-Bin,Cho, Sung-Dae,Leem, Dae-Ho 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 2009 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.31 No.1

        The success of implants essentially depends on a sufficient volume of healthy bone at the recipient site during implant placement. In patients who have the severe alveolar bone resorption or pneumatized maxillary sinus, it should be performed that bone regeneration procedure before implant placement. Development of barrier membrane makes it possible that predictable result of alveolar bone reconstruction. Many kind of materials used for barrier membrane technique are introduced, non-absorbable or absorbable membranes. But, when operation site was ruptured with membrane exposure, bacterias can be grow up at the bone graft site. Then morphology and migration of fibroblast will be changed. It works as a negative factor on healing process of bone graft site. In oral and maxillofacial department of Chonbuk national university dental hospital, we use variable suture technique like as subgingival suture, vertical mattress suture, simple interrupted suture, if need, tenting suture after GBR or block bone graft. Within these suture technique, wound healing was excellent without complication, so now we take a report of suture technique in reconstruction of alveolar bone surgery.

      • KCI등재

        정상 성인에서의 전기성문파형 검사 ; 연하장애 환자의 전기성문파형 검사를 위한 예비연구

        김영빈,이주경,임대호,백진아,고승오,임익재,김현기,신효근,Kim, Young-Bin,Lee, Ju-Kyung,Leem, Dae-Ho,Baek, Jin-A,Ko, Seung-O,Im, Ik-Jae,Kim, Hyun-Ki,Shin, Hyo-Keun 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 2008 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.30 No.5

        Electroglottography (EGG) is a simple and non-invasive technique for analyzing the vibratory patterns of the vocal folds by detecting impedance changes across the larynx. An abnormal electroglottogram is shown in patients who have a dysphagia associated with neuromuscular disorder. Electroglottography offers reliable informations for diagnosis of swallowing disorder and gives quantitative datas. The purpose of this study is to provide the normal value of electroglottography in normal adults. We took electroglottograms of 80 adults who have no problem in swallowing and utterance. EGG data were analyzed to find out the value of Pitch, Jitter and Closed quotient with a commercially available software. There were significant differences between a usual voice and loud voice in 3 measures on the EGG signalmean pitch, Avg. jitter, mean quotient. To get a proper electroglottography, phonation of a usual voice was better than a loud voice. Four measurements- S.D pitch, Avg. Jitter, Mean closed quotient, S.D closed quotient- were independent of sex for adult. Three measurements- Mean pitch, S.D pitch, Mean closed quotient - were independent of age for adult aged twenties to fifties. The Avg. Jitter of twenties appeared to be lower than those of forties and fifties. The S.D closed quotient of twenties appeared to be lower than those of thirties, forties and fifties.

      • KCI등재

        국내 한의학 학술지에 게재된 사시 관련 논문들의 경향성 분석

        김영빈,권강,Kim, Young-Bin,Kwon, Kang 대한한방안이비인후피부과학회 2021 한방안이비인후피부과학회지 Vol.34 No.1

        Objectives : Strabismus is a disease that can be observed and treated directly from the outside. Therefore, it is very important in Korean medicine ophthalmology in accessibility to treatment. This study is designed to investigate the trends of strabismus-related studies published in Journal of Korean medicine. Methods : 5 Internet databases were selected to search for the study subject. The following 9 keywords were used; Strabismus, Heterophoria, Binocular vision, Visual acuity, Diplopia, Paralytic, Cover test, Oculomotor nerve paralysis, Abducens nerve paralysis. Through this process, a total of 45 studies were found and analyzed into 5 categories ; publication year, publication journal, number of author, type of article, analyzation of case report. Results : There were 2 review articles, 1 original article and 42 case reports. 5 studies(11.1%) were published in 2004 year. Journal of Korean Oriental Medical Ophthalmology & Otolaryngology & Dermatology were the most common with 40%. The authors were often 2 and 3 (each 22.2%). In the case report study, the treatment period was most often 1-30 days (35.7%). Conclusions : 42 studies were on paralytic strabismus and 1 study was on paralytic and non-paralytic strabismus. These results represent that the studies are concentrated in case reports about paralytic strabismus, but this seems to be an area to be improved in future research.

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