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        영어 장거리 의존 구문의 분석

        나기덕 대한언어학회 1996 언어학 Vol.4 No.-

        Nah, Kie-Deok. 1996. A Study on Unbounded Dependency Constructions in English. Linguistics 4, 57-76. Unbounded dependency constructions are constructions within which some linguistic elements occur in other places than those which they are expected to occur. Major constructions are those of topicalization, relative clauses, and questions. In this analysis, by extending and generalizing categorial rules such as functional application rules, functional composition rules and type raising rules in a categorial grammar, we show that those extended and revised formulations derive sufficiently unbounded dependency constructions. And we show that even parasitic gap constructions can be derived by another categorial rule, functional substitution rule. (Seokang College)

      • 라모의 조카에 나타난 비이성의 문제

        송기정 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1994 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.64 No.1

        Denis Diderot est un des ecrivains qui ont ete mal connus a leur epoque. Tres souvent Diderot etait considere comme un ecrivain manquant dordre, de coherence. Mais la confusion, le desorder et lincoherence sont une sorte de polarisastion menant a un nouvel ordre. Cest pourquoi son discours ne peut etre compris que de nos jours. Foucault a indique que depuis Le Neveu de Rameua, la folie reapparait dans le domaine du langage litteraire, ce qui etait defendu a lage classique. Quest-ce que signifierait-donc le discours de la folie, celui de la deraison que Diderot a attribue a Rameau? Le Neveu de Rameau est un dialogue entre le philosophe et le neveu de Rameau. Mais cest plutot Rameau qui parle et le philosophe ne fait que pousser Ramuau a parler. Rameau est un personage compose de hauteur et de bassesse, de bon sens et de deraison. Il a une conception tres originale de la morale. Dapres lui, tout ce qui est naturel, meme le vice, est jistifie, et donc legitime. Pour lui le bonheur est de boire du bon vin, de se gorger de mets delicats, de se rouler sur de jolies femmes et de se reposes dans des lits bien mollets; et le reste nest que vanite. Rameau le fou est introduit chez Bertin pour desennuyer les gens par ses discours de la folie. Il lui est donc interdit de parler de la parler de la raison. Mais une fois pour toutes, il a commis la faute de parler raisonnablement et il est chasse de chez Bertin. Or, quand il parle de la musique, son discours est tres raisonnable et ordonne. Mais aussitot quil sapercoit de ses discours raisonnables, il retourne a son etat de bouffon et joue le pantomime. Malgre le talent que Rameau a en musique, pourquoi nessaie-t-il pas de faire quelque close qui vaille, et pourquor reste-t-il toujours le meme : un fou, un bouffon, un vil parasite? Cest parce quil veut rester etranger et marginal, plutot que detre integre dans la societe ou la verite absolue nexiste plus, ou les notions de la vertu et du vice sont inverses. Et cest sa facon de se revolter contre la societe. Si Sade a exprime sa revolte contre un ordre social par son erotisme, le neveu de Rameau exprime sa revolte contre la societe par ses discours de la deraison.

      • 自我槪念의 變化와 그 關聯要因의 探索

        金琪正 서원대학교 학생생활연구소 1984 학생생활연구 Vol.3 No.-

        The present study aimed to investigate the determinants of three measures of self-concept such as the academic self-concept, the general self-esteem, and the non-academic self-concept, on the students in primary and secondary school levels. A quasi-longitudinal design, motivated by the work of Kifer(1975), was used to test the effects of a pattern of academic success or failure on the changes of each measures of self-concept. For this design, the subjects from the fourth through the ninth grades were sampled purposively in Seoul and Cheong-Ju. And another sample from fifth, seventh, ninth, and eleventh grades was selected purposively in Seoul and Cheong-Ju, to examine the main, the combined, and the relative effects of the independent variables on the self-concepts. The independent variables for this study comprised the students` backgrounds(sex, living area, SES IQ), the present academic achievement, and the emotional relationships with their parent and friends. The major findings of this research were as follows: First, the academic self-concept was most highly related to cumulative patterns of academic success or failure than were the general self-esteem and the non-academic self-concept. The mean differences of academic self-concept measure between the success group and the failure group were serious with the size of about 1.2 standard deviation for the fourth graders through the seventh graders, and deepened with the size of about 1.8 SD for the ninth graders. Second, the combined effects of the independent variables on each of three measures of self-concept were significantly differentiated. The effects were estimated at about 35 percent for the academic self-concept, about 30 percent for the general self-esteem, about 25 percent for the non-academic self-concept, respectively. Third, SES, IQ< school achievement of students and the perceived parent`s attitude of acceptance were turned out to be important determinants of self-concepts. But the relative importance of these variables for each of three measures of self-concept were not the same. For the academic self-concept, the percentage of the combined effect of SES, IQ, and school achievement to the combined effect of all the independent variables was estimated at about 80 percent. And the percentage was decreased to about 30 percent for the general self-esteem and about 2 percent for the non-academic self-concept.

      • 歸因性向과 學業成就와의 關係 : 文獻的 考察

        金琪正 西原大學校 1990 西原大學 論文集 Vol.25 No.-

        Individual's perception about the cause of success and failure is one important motivational variable that appears to affect one's achievement-related behavior. Recent research(Harter, 1985) shows tat there are four patterns of causal attriutions : strong beneffectance, weak beneffectance, high internality, and self-blame. The research also shows that the four patterns are closelt related to grade levels, and to psychological varoables such as perceived cognitive competence, academic achievement, preference for challenge, and scholastic anxiety. The few causal analyses indicate that the locus of control tends to causally predominate over the achievement rather than the reverse. Twenty-eight out of thirth-four correlational studies which I reviewed show significant positive relationship between internality and achievement. Several studies consistently suport that attribution of success to one's good ability is associated with good achivement. This review suggests many important educational implications. It is important to provide students with as many success and few failure experiences as possible. However, what is much more important may be one's perceptions of the causes of the success or failure. Success enhances self-perceptions of competence only if one accepts one's responsibility for the success. In failure situation, one may expect the change for future achievement through attribution of failure to lack of effort rather than external acuases(tasks, luch) or lack of ability. In conclusion, it is suggested that it is desirable to change student's attributions in the direction of emphasizing their ablities and effots as te causes of success, and the lack of their efforts as the cause of failure. And it is also suggested tat these causal perceptions can maximize the academic performance of students.

      • 국가론의 적실성에 관한 연구

        辛起鉉 全北大學校 1987 論文集 Vol.29 No.-

        This paper reviews extensions of theories of the state from their usual focus on the national state to the state within a world system. At the same time, the discussion shows that the state in the Third World develops in a different set of conditions compared with those faced by the advanced capitalist countries. This paper deals with Neo-Marxism, World-System theory, Overdeveloped State theory, Bureaucratic-Authoritarianism, and Corporatism in explaining the characteristics of the state in Korea. Neo-Marxists see the state as determined by its role in the capitalist societies. They think that the state plays the important role in the capitalist societies and does not any longer reflect the civil society; World-System theory sees the state in terms of the capitalist world economy; Overdeveloped State theory sees that the state in the postcolonial societies overdeveloped relatively to the civil society because the postcolonial societies inherited overdeveloped state apparatus; Bureaucratic-Authoritarianism sees the state as the guarantor and organizer of the domination which excludes the previously activated popular sector and de-politicizes the civil society; In Corporatist view, the state takes a central role in the capitalist development and the autonomy of various groups is reduced in the name of economic growth and national order. These theories of the state have the relevance in explaining the state in Korea to a certain extent. But they are not always sufficient and relevant to the characteristics of the state in Korea, especially the division of Korea and the internal class struggle.

      • 청년기 학생들을 위한 자기관리 프로그램의 개발

        金琪正 서원대학교 학생생활연구소 2003 학생생활연구 Vol.21 No.-

        This study aimed to develop the self-modification program that would teach adolescents the general skills for coping with problems of self-direction. The program was composed of 8 sessions in which were planned to teach the adjustment and the skills of self-direction, specifying targets of self-modification, self-knowledge: observation and recoding, the principles of self-modification, controlling the antecedents of behaviors, developing the behaviors: thoughts, actions, and feelings, controlling the consequences of behaviors, and developing a successful plan. Learning objectives, some lectures, learning activities, practices, session summary and homeworks were presented on each session.

      • KCI등재

        도서관자동화에 따른 사서의 전문영역 확대 -전산사서의 등장-

        권기원,방준필 한국문헌정보학회 1997 한국문헌정보학회지 Vol.31 No.1

        도서관자동화는 도서관의 기능을 전산기술을 통해 높이는 데 목적이 있다. 자동화 시스템은 문헌정보학 지식과 도서관 실무경력, 전산지식을 가진 사서가 관리·운영해야 하는데, 이러한 업무분야는 도서관자동화와 더불어 생긴 사서의 전문영역이다. 이 글은 이러한 업무를 수행하는 사서를 "전산사서"라고 명하고, 이들의 역할과 성격, 업무의 내용, 필요한 자질에 대하여 개술하고, 이들을 양성하는 방법을 제안하였다. 마지막으로 이들의 역할이 중요하므로 최대의 지원이 필요하며, 학술적으로도 활발한 연구가 필요함을 강조하였다 The purpose of library automation is to enhance the library function by the computer. Systems Librarian is the person who manages the automation systems, appeared with the presence of library automation. He/She has the professional knowlege of library and information science, experience of library services and computer technology. The purpose of this study is to introduce the role, characteristics, details of job, nature about systems librarian, and to sugest how purpose of promoting library automation

      • 自由反應에 의한 大學生들의 自己評價傾向

        金琪正 서원대학교 학생생활연구소 1992 학생생활연구 Vol.10 No.-

        The past researches on self-concept have almost exclusively employed reactive method or structured questionnaire in measuring the self-concept. The study reported here suggested that when students were allowed more freedom in describing themselves, we should obtain more detailed and wider range of informations about their self-concepts in the dimensions that were salient and significant to them. The subjects for this study were 86 male and 134 female students from sophomore of colleges in Cheong-ju area. They were asked to write down on the emptied lines the good and bad points of themselves that they have thought and felt. The major findings of this study were as follows: a. The responses of negative self-evaluation were slightly higher than those of positive self-evaluation of college students. b. The dimensions of free-answered self-evaluation contained 'general self', 'physical self', 'social self', 'moral self', 'self of ability', 'personal self', 'self in the family relationships' and 'self of specific skills'. c. The salient domains of self-evaluation of college students were found to be 'general self', 'social self', and 'personal self'. d. The negative responses on self-evaluation were higher than the positive responses in categories of self-evaluations such as 'personal self', 'the feelings of general competency', 'ego-identity', 'physical appearance', and 'intellectual ability'. e. The responses of the general and abstract aspects of self-evaluation were distinctively higher than those of the detailed and specific aspects of self-evaluation.

      • 협업영농의 방향과 효과에 관한 조사연구 : 사과원 경영을 중심으로 In Connection with Apple Orchard Management

        형기주 慶北大學校 生産技術硏究所 1970 生産技術 Vol.4 No.-

        The government's plan to convert farming into both enterprise and cooperative forms has drawn particular attention from many people. It seems that the main objective of the government policy is to increase agricultural income by promoting large enterprise and cooperative farming under the name of agricultural modernization, thereby overcoming grievances arising from the submarginal scale of management. The purpose of this paper is to define in terms of apple orchard management in Korea what types of cooperatives we ought to promote, what effects of problems we can expect, and what difficulties for cooperative farming we have to overcome. These are very important studies in finding a way to increase farm income through scientific management, and in providing research materials to help in the formation of agricultural policy. Many illustrations of foreign countries which use cooperative farming were employed as materials in this research. The author also depended on empirical methods including observation of the operations of cooperatives and interviews of 48 members of the five cooperatives already established in Kyungpook province at Jungpyung, Duksung, Hwangsung, Kumnam and Soosua. 〔Some possibilities of cooperative farming〕 As far as apple orchard management is concerned, cooperative farming would be most successfully encouraged in Korea. The reasons are as follows: ① the apple industry is high in the ratio of capital and equipment; ② it's profit margin is considerably stable in comparision with other agricultural enterprises; ③ the orchard owner's value system determining farm management decisions is generally rational and enlightened; ④ most of the orchard owner hope to cooperate in the utilization of labor and the means of production, and to mechanize the apple cultivation process due to the labor shortage; ⑤ the scuccessful operation of the Jungpyung cooperative farm suggests that the fragile structure of Korean agriculture could be improved by converting individual management into cooperative system; and ⑥ the successful result of cooperative farming is also evident in the apple orchard management in the northeast province in Japan, especially in the cooperative system of insecticide spraying by speed sprayer (S.S). 〔Types of cooperative farming〕 Cooperative farms are classified into several types according to various points of view. One restrictive condition, however, must be attached to the cooperative farming system that we hope to have. This condition calls for promoting such cooperatives as are developed under the prevailling capitalist system. In reality, most of the orchard owners in the five cooperatives hope to achieve not an undivided or complicated system of management but a divided of simplified system of cooperation. For example, they want to operate cooperatively only in such managerial categories as insecticide spraying, storage facilities and sales of products. These are the essential parts of apple orchard management enabling one to set up cooperatives easily and to gain their results. Finally, in accordance with the realities facing Korea, we must encourange a second type of cooperative farming-use of joint producion facilities-of a third type of it-use of joint labor and production facilities-leading towards development of complete joint farming. As far as apple orchard management is concerned, the most effective unit in cooperative farming is seen to be that with a management scale of less than 20ha, in which about 10 farm households are jointed. 〔Basic conditions for cooperative farming〕 The basis conditions for successful cooperative farming are as follows: ① spiritual unity and mutual understanding between cooperative members; ② competent leadersphip by the farm leader; ③ adequate availability of cooperative systems already existing; ④ rational and enlightened value systems of farm owners; ⑤ grouping of farm field; ⑥ abundant capital; ⑦ organic system of labor division; ⑧ similar managerial conditions between cooperative memberships; ⑨ improvement of the laws dealing with agriculture; ⑩ establishmemt and arrangement of an agricultural mechanization system; ⑪ improvement of the marketing channel system; ⑫ financing and technical guidance; and ⑬ adequate training in managerial accounting. 〔Some effects of cooperative farming〕 Cooperative farming is a way by which the input cost of apple orchard management can be economized and efficient individual labor can be developed. Moreover, the labor and input cost saved by cooperative operation could be effectively used for other purpose. These facts are evident on the Income Statement and Balance Sheet of the Jungpyung cooperative farm for 1968-1969. According to these, the cost of agricultural chemicals by s.s cooperative spraying is 24 percent less than that of individal spraying. Also, with regard to insecticide spraying, the labor supply needed was 97 percent less than that needed on individual farm, and with regard to the whole process of the apple cultivation the rate of saving was 32 percent(see table 32). The effects of S.S cooperative insecticide spraying have also succesively influence on the other managerial operations including apple grading and other odd jobs. The profit margin of the Jungpyung cooperative farm was 24 percent higher than that of individual farms (see table 40). 〔The important problems of cooperative farming〕 In realities facing Korea, the author considers that the important problems for promotion of cooperative farming are as follows; ① improvement of the market channel system for apple price stabilization; ② employment problems due to a surplus farm population; ③ efficient arrangement and grouping of cultivated fields; ④ improvement of laws dealing with agriculture; and ⑤ financing of capital and technical guidance for cooperation. The important problems derived from S.S. cooperative spraying are as follows: ① improvement of planting distance and shape of apple trees; ② developement of farming roads; ③ adjustment of the insecticide spraying schedule according to varying weather conditions; ④ multiple application of the speed sprayer; ⑤ training and employment of S.S operator; ⑥ organic system of efficient labor division; and ⑦ establishment of a service center for the S.S..

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