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      • KCI등재

        人參의 種間雜種 Panax ginseng x P Quinquefoilium의 發生學的 研究

        黃種奎 한국작물학회 1969 Korean journal of crop science Vol.- No.5

        인삼식물의 종간교잡에 있어서 일대잡종식물은 양친에 대하여 약 1.6~3.0배의 강제를 나타내지만 심한 불임현상으로 거의 잡종 제삼세대를 얻을수 없었다는 점에서 그 원인을 밝히고저 고려인삼x인 미국인삼의 잡종에 대한 발생학적조사관찰을 하였던 바 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 잡종인삼의 영양생장은 양친과 같이 정상적이며 강세를 나타내나 생식생장에서는 심한 조해를 받는다. 2. 생식기관형성에 있어서도 감수분열기 이전까지는 제조직의 발생은 거의 정상적으로 진행된다. 3. 대포자모세포나 소포자모세포의 감수분 장과정은 심한 불규칙성을 나타내며 어떠한 것은 분열직전부터 퇴화되기 시작한다. 4. 소포자모세포의 핵분열에 있어서 제1분열 중기 또는 후기에 일가염색체 또는 염색체교 등이 출현하는 이상분열상을 관찰할 수 있었으나 감수분열이 끝난 것은 역시 사분자가 대부분이고 이분자나 사분자 이상의 소포자형성은 볼 수 없었다. 5. 소포자형성 또는 화분형성과정에 있어서 한 약내에서 여러 단계의 발육상을 볼 수 있었다. 6. 거대, 미소, 공허화분은 극히 적었다.(Fig. 23). 7. 대포자모세포기 이후 배주의 발육속도는 전반적으로 지연된다. 8. 감수분열을 마친 후 대포자는 오분자를 형성하는 것도 있다.(Fig. 5). 9. 대개는 합점측의 대포자가 활성화하는데 중간에 위치하는 것이 활성대포자인 것도 불 수 있다.(Fig. 6). 10. 배주의 퇴화는 대포자모세포기부터 팔핵배낭기까지 사이에 일어나는데 그 시작 시기는 개체마다 조만이 있으며 각양각색이다. 11.0 대포자의 배열은 양친에서는 선장, 중간형인데 F1에서는 선장, 중간형, T형, ㅗ형 등 여러 가지 형을 볼 수 있다.(Fig. 5, 7). 12. 배주에 있어서 감수분열이나 배낭핵분열 또는 배낭형성에 불규칙성에 심할수록 합점기부에 잔재하는 배심조직이 크다(Fig. 8, 10). 13. 배낭형성기까지 도달한 것이라 하더라도 배낭핵은 항시 불안정하여 정해진 장소에 배치되지 못한다.(Fig. 10, 11, 12). 14. 배유조직을 결한 배낭내에 선장의 4세포원배를 형성한 것을 볼 수 있었다.(Fig. 20) 15. 인삼의 잡종에 있어서의 불임원인을 다음과 같이 추정하였다. a) 잡종의 불임현상은 교잡에 의한 Gene-action system의 재조합으로 생체대사계에 혼란을 일으켜 배우자형성세포와 위요세포간의 우열관계가 전도되여 성적결함을 가져오는데 있다고 보았다. 즉 정상배낭에서는 배우자형성세포는 그것을 둘러싸고 있는 위요세포보다 크고 농염되며 활성적이어서 위요세포를 소화흡수하여 발육케 된다. 그러나 퇴화배낭에서는 재조합으로 인한 세포질의 변화는 극성 (Polarity) 또는 내생리듬 (Endogneousrhythm)의 변화 혹은 교란을 가져와 발육과정에서 성적결함을 일으켜 불임으로 된다고 추정하였다. On the growing of the interspecific hybrid ginseng plant, the phenomena of hybrid vigoures are observed in the root, stem, and leaf, but it can not produce seeds favorably since the ovary is abortive in most cases in interspecific hybrid plants. The present investigation was undertaken in an attempt to elucidate the embryological dses of the seed failure in the interspecific hybrid of ginseng (Panax Ginseng ~times P. Quinque folium). And the results obtained may be summarized as follows. 1). The vegetative growth of the interspecific hybrid ginseng plant is normal or rather vigorous, but the generative growth is extremely obstructed. 2). Even though the generative growth is interrupted the normal development of ovary tissue of flower can be shown until the stage prior to meiosis. 3). The division of the male gameto-genetic cell and the female gameto-genetic cell are exceedingly irregular and some of them are constricted prior to meiosis. 4). At meiosis in the microspore mother cell of the interspecific hybrid, abnormal division is observed in that the univalent chromosome and chromosome bridge occure. And in most cases, metaphasic configuration is principally presented as 23 II+2I, though rarely 22II+4I is also found. 5). Through the process of microspore and pollen formation of F1, the various developmental phases occur even in an anther loclus. 6). Macro, micro and empty pollen grains occur and the functional pollen is very rare. 7). After the megaspore mother cell stage, the rate of ovule development is, on the whole, delayed but the ovary wall enlargement is nearly normal. 8). Degenerating phenomena of ovules occur from the megaspore mother cell stage to 8-nucleate embryo sac stage, and their beginning time of constricting shape is variously different. 9). The megaspore arrangement in the parent is principally of the linear type, though rarely the intermediate type is also observed, whereas various types, viz, linear, intermediate, Tshape, and I shape can be observed in hybrid. 10). After meiosis, three or five megaspore are some times counted. 11). Charazal end megaspore is generally functional in the parents, whereas, in F1, very rarely one of the center megaspores (the second of the third megaspore) grows as an embryo sac mother cell. 12). In accordance with the extent of irregularity or abnormality in meiosis, division of embryo sac nuclei and embryo sac formation cause more nucellus tissue to remain within th, embryo sac. 13). Even if one reached the stage of embryo sac formation, the embryo sac nuclei are always precarious and they can not be disposed to theil proper, respective position. 14). Within the embryo sac, which is lacking the endospermcell, the 4-celled proembryo, linear arrangement, is observed. 15). Through the above respects, the cause of sterile or seed failure of interspecific hybrid would be presumably as follows, By interspecific crossing gene reassortments takes place and the gene system influences the metabolism by the interference of certain enzyme as media. In the F1 plant, the quantity and quality of chemicals produced by the enzyme system and reaction system are entirely different from the case of the parents. Generally, in order to grow, form, and develop naw parts it is necessary to change the materials and energy with reasonable balance, whereas in the F1 plant the metabolic process becomes abnormal or irregular because of the breakdown of the balancing. Thus the changing of the gene-reaction system causes the alteration of the environmental condition of the gameto-genetic cells in the anther and ovule; the produced chemicals cause changes of oxidatio-reduction potential, PH value, protein denaturation and the polarity, etc. Then, the abnormal tissue growing in the ovule and emdryo sac, inhibition of normal development and storage of some chemicals, especially inhibitor, finally lead to sterility or seed failure. Inconclusion, we may presume that the first cause of sterile or seed abortion in interspecific hybrids is the gene reassortment, and the second is the irregularity of the metabolic system, storage of chemicals, especially inhibitor, the growth of abnormal tissue and the change of the polarity etc, and they finally lead to sexual defect, sterility and seed failure.

      • KCI등재

        철도역사의 실내 위치측위를 위한 지구자기장 측정시험 및 특성 분석

        황종규,이태형,김경희,안태기 대한전기학회 2019 전기학회논문지 P Vol.68 No.2

        In recent years, railway station has changed into a complex station connecting with other routes, so there are many difficulties for railway station users to find their destination in the railway station. Especially, the mobility handicapped has difficulty in finding a destination point. Accordingly, a variety of services for improving mobility are required within the stations of railway station users including the handicapped, these services basically require the indoor positioning technology of the railway station. In this paper, the applicability of the fingerprinting method based on the measurement of the geomagnetic field strength, which is the most economical and accurate method among the methods for indoor positioning in the railway stations, is analyzed through experiments. Experiments were carried out in the platform section and the waiting room section of the metro station with two floors underground, and In order to confirm the change of the geomagnetic signal according to the running of the train, various cases such as the case where the train entered the platform, the case where the train was not at the station were measured and et al. Through these experiments, this paper confirmed that the fingerprinting method based on the geomagnetic field signal, which is widely used in the general industry, is applicable to the indoor positioning of the railway station.

      • KCI등재

        지역축제의 문화정치적 특성에 관한 연구 : 안동국제탈춤페스티벌과 영주풍기인삼축제를 중심으로

        황종규,이명숙 대한지방자치학회 2008 한국지방자치연구 Vol.10 No.1

        본 연구는 지역축제가 지역문화와 지역정체성을 제고시키는 실질적 대안이 될 수 있는가라는 의문으로부터 출발하였으며, 따라서 본 논문의 초점을 문화정치적 관점에서 접근하였다. 문화정치적 분석요소로는 민주성, 연계성, 정체성이 도출되었으며, 분석결과로는 민주성과 정체성차원에서는 안동국제탈춤페스티벌과 영주풍기인삼축제 모두 다소 긍정적이나, 연계성차원은 안동의 경우나 영주의 경우 모두 지방정부 중심의 역학관계구조와 지역정치인들의 정치적 이해관계 표출의 장으로 전락할 가능성이 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 따라서, 지역축제가 그 지역의 문화적 자생력을 키울 수 있는 기반을 조성하고 진정한 축제의 장을 마련하기 위해서는 먼저, 축제의 민주성제고를 위해 지속적인 참여 시스템의 구축과 공개성을 확보해야 하고, 둘째, 연계성의 확보를 위해서는 축제주체들이 서로 다른 의미체계와 정치적 기회구조가 있음을 인식해야 하며, 셋째, 정체성 확보의 기제로서 지역축제가 활용되는 경우 긍정적 측면 외에 그로 인해 나타날 수 있는 지역적 갈등 및 배타적 지역성으로 확대되는 문제도 함께 고려할 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        열차자율주행제어 성능분석을 위한 SITL기반 시뮬레이터의 설계

        황종규,채성윤,최현영,정락교 대한전기학회 2022 전기학회논문지 P Vol.71 No.4

        Train control technology is being developed from ground-centered control to vehicle-centered control technology and new train control technology by direct communication between trains is being researched at home and abroad according to the recent development of communication technology. In the development of these new train control technology it is necessary to analyze performance on new technology through simulated driving on same virtual railway tracks or routes and comparative performance between the existing train control and new developed technology. This requires software-based virtual tracks for various comparative performance analysis of train control technology through the application of existing signaling systems as well as new technology like autonomous train driving technology. For these reason SITL-based train control simulator structure was proposed and a prototype of virtual operating track editor among of proposed simulator was developed. The proposed simulator in this paper is expected to be very useful in the development of new train control technology like autonomous driving control.

      • KCI등재후보

        분권교부세와 지방정부 복지지출의 변화분석: 영주시와 목포시의 사례

        황종규,서상현 대한지방자치학회 2007 한국지방자치연구 Vol.9 No.2

        본 연구는 재정분권 정책의 일환으로 추진된 국고보조사업의 지방이양과 재원보전을 위한 분권교부세제도가 지방정부의 복지지출에 어떠한 변화를 가져왔는지를 알아보기 위한 것이다. 2개의 기초자치단체를 사례로 하여 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 분권교부세과 국고보조금사업의 개편은 지방정부에 동일한 재정력 강화효과를 보이지 않았다. 둘째, 분권교부세의 시행은 지방정부의 복지지출에 대한 할당을 증가시키는 효과가 있었으나 실제로는 지방정부 부담의 증가에 의해 효과가 발생한 측면이 더 큰 것으로 보인다. 셋째, 분권교부세가 지방정부의 재정부담을 증가시키는 효과가 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 넷째, 지방정부간 복지지출 격차의 문제는 직접적인 영향으로 나타나지는 않았으나 지방정부의 부담이 증가한 것으로 보아 재정력이 열악한 지방정부에게 더 큰 부담으로 작용하여 장기적으로 복지지출 격차의 심화가능성이 있는 것으로 보인다. 분석 결과의 정책적 함의는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 분권교부세의 총액산정을 내국세의 일정비율로 묶기 보다는 수요에 대한 탄력성을 적용하는 방법을 고려하거나, 지출수요의 변화가 심한 사업의 경우 분권교부세 사업에서 배제하는 것도 생각해 볼 수 있다. 둘째, 지방정부의 부담을 경감하기 위해 교부세의 배정산식에 지방정부의 사업수요변화와 재정력지수를 적극적으로 반영하는 방법을 보완할 필요가 있다. 셋째, 복지공급의 격차를 완화하기 위한 별도의 복지교부세나 포괄적 보조금(block grant)를 도입하는 것도 검토할 필요가 있다.

      • 農民所得增大를 위한 고구마의 栽培와 利用에 관한 硏究

        黃鍾奎,梁熙天,崔定植,權涌周 全北大學校 1977 論文集 Vol.19 No.-

        New varieties of sweet potato Sinmi and Hwangmi were cultivated in the reclaimed hilly area of four kinds of soil series in Jeonbug province and their growth conditions such as cutting time, row spacing, application of fertilizers and plant growth regulators and covering effect were investigated. Besides these studies on cultivation of sweet potatoes, experiments on the change of chemical components of sweet potato tubers, adaptibility for storage and drying of sliced sweet potato tubers were carried out. The results are summarized as follows : 1. The early cutting of May 20, alley of 90 X 20cm, application of potassium(28kg/10a)and covering produced the high yield of sweet potatoes. The apllication of OED green did not increase the yield of sweet potatoes, 2. The yield of Hwangmi was higher than that of Sinmi. These two varieties of sweet potatoes grew well in all the test soil series except Bansan. By early cutting of May 20, the highest yield of Hwangmi was obtained in Songjung series soil and the highest yield of Sinmi was in Yesan. 3. Starch content was higher in Sinmi than in Hwangmi while yield of starch per unit area was high in Hwangmi because of its high yield of sweet potato tubers. Both Hwangmi and Sinmi showed very high water content of more than 70 per cent. The highest yield of total solid matter from Sinmi was on September 15 and that from Hwangmi on September 30. Sinmi and Hwangmi harvested on September 30 showed the highest starch content. 4. Variation in water content, starch, soluble sugar, protein and fat content during storage was minimum in the sweet potatoes stored in the temperature controlled storage chamber and was maximum in those stored in the cave under ground. As a result, percent of grade A sweet potatoes remaining was highest in the temperature controlled storage chamber and lowest in the cave under ground. 5. Hwangmi was more susceptible to Rhizopus nigricans than Sinmmi, especially under the humid condition. 6. Shape and thickness of slice did not affect the yield of dried sweet potatoes but affected the time needed for drying. Depending on the thickness and the shape of slice, variations of 36 hours and 12 hours in drying time were observed respectively. Drying table was most effective in drying of sweet potatoes and drying rack was also effective and required 2 days less time than mat. Dipping in water did not show any effect on drying time but improved the color of dried sweet potatoes.

      • 스테비아의 配偶體刑成에 관한 硏究

        黃鍾圭,南宮承泊 전북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 1983 農大論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        The Present studies were carried out to investigate the gametophyte formation of stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni), known as a crop of sweetening resource. The results obtained are as follows : 1. The anther is tetrasporangiate. 2. The middle layer is ephemeral. 3. Microspore dyad and tetrad were observed in different locule of the same anther. 4. The microspore tetrad is of tetrahedral type. 5. One vegetative nucleus and two sperms were observed in a matured pollen grain. 6. Nucellus is of tenuinucellate type. 7, Integument is unitegumic. 8. Ovule type is anatropous. 9. The arrangement of megaspore tetrad is of linear type. 10. Normally, the chalazal end megaspore functions as the embryo sac mother cell. 11. Embryo sac is a monosporic 8-nucleate polygonum type.

      • 美國人蔘의 形態 및 發生學的硏究

        黃鍾奎,宮澤洋一 全北大學校 1967 論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        The present study attempts to examine the morphological and embryological phenomena of American ginseng(Panax Quinquefolium L.).The results obtained may be summarized as follows. 1. The wall layer of anther is regulatively formed i.e., hypodermal archesporium is divided periclinally into two parts, forming the primary parietal cell outside and the sporogenous cell inside. The primary parietal cell is divided into two secondary parietal layer through the process of one division, the outside secondary parietal cell periclinally forms endothecium outside and middle layer inside. And the inside secondary parietal cell grow to tapetum without cytokimesis. That is of dicotyledonous type. 2. The type of microspore tetrad is tetraheral. 3. The division of sperm nucleus within the pollen grain was not observed. 4. Syncarpous gynoecium has central marginal placenta with two carpels and two loculi. 5. Two ovules grow in a carpel and one of them elongates toward upright and the other downward. 6. The angles formed between the ovarian axis and the nucellar axis are measured so as to determine the relationships between the measured angles and the growth of ovule and anther respectively. 7. Megaspore tetrad was mostly arranged to form linear type, but rarely, decussate and intermediate type was also observed. 8. Normally, the charazal end megaspore functions as the embryo sac mother cell, but very rarely micropylar end megaspore may also functions. 9. Ovule type is of anatropous. 10. Embryo sac is of polygonium type. 11. Ovule has a single integument. 12. The development of integument in rudimentary ovule is discontinued after the early stage. 13. Double fertilization is finished within 24-36 hours after pollination. 14. The first division of primary endosperm nucleus occurs immediatly after fertilization while in the zygote after 10 days. 15. The embryo of Panax Quinquefolium corresponds with that of chenopodium Bonus-henricus. 16. Endosperm nucleus is of free nuelear type. 17. Proembryonic differentiation is slightly later than the case of Korean ginseng. 18. Ovule type is the "crassinucellate".

      • 엘더베리의 雄性配偶體形成에 關한 硏究

        黃鍾奎 全北大學校 1982 論文集 Vol.24 No.-

        엘더베리(Sambucus canadensis)의 雄性配偶體 形成에 關하여 調査하였던 바 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1. 內被組織에서는 垂側分裂만을 하는 것이 通例인데 本 植物에서는 一回의 竝側分裂을 하여 二層으로 된 內被層을 볼 수 있다. 2. 葯壁組織의 形成過程은 雙子葉型에 屬한다. 3. 初生胞子形成細胞는 數次의 有絲分裂로 胞子形成組織을 이룬다. 4. 同一 葯囊의 各 葯室에 따라서는 小胞子四分子와 二核細胞를 特異하게 볼 수 있다. 5. 開葯時의 成熟花粉은 營養核과 2개의 雄核을 갖는다. 6. 開葯直前에도 隣接되어 있는 小胞子囊 사이의 隔壁은 그대로 남아 있게 된다. The present investigation was carried out to elucidate the formation of microgametophyte of elderberry (Sambucus canadensis). The results obtained are summarized as follows : 1. In general, the cell division of endothecial tissue has known to be forming one layered tissue, however, the periclinal division was exceptionally observed in the present work. 2. The parietal tissue was formed as a dicotyledonous type. 3. Sporogenous tissue was formed through several mitosis. 4. Microspore tetrad and binucleate cells were observed in different locule of an anther. 5. A vegetative nucleus and two sperms were observed in a matured pollen grain. 6. The two microsporangia of each side in anther are not confluent because of no breaking down of the partition between them.

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