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      • KCI등재

        Robot Operating System 기반 고속 자율주행 모바일 로봇의 개선된 벽면추종 주행방식

        한승한,최용래,양재필,황형준,김기훈,신주혜,장동영,심동하 한국생산제조학회 2019 한국생산제조학회지 Vol.28 No.3

        This study demonstrates an -based high-speed autonomous mobile robot using an improved wall-following driving algorithm. The right triangular method is a popular wall-following technique. However, it cannot provide a sufficiently fast response for the abrupt change in wall direction at a corner, resulting in crashes. Therefore, a mixed-mode method is proposed by using the triangle bisection method at a corner to achieve high-speed cornering. The autonomous robot detects a corner using a corner recognition algorithm. The implemented robot employs ROS for system operations and LIDAR sensor to scan wall faces. The maximum measured speed around corners is 2.8 m/s (10.1 km/h), which is 75% higher than that of the triangular method. The robot passes through a right angle corner without crashing at a maximum speed of 1.8 m/s (6.5 km/h). The implemented robot platform and algorithm can be applied and expanded for the development of high-speed autonomous mobile robots.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        비타민 D 보충이 운동선수의 신체적 퍼포먼스에 미치는 영향 : 무작위 대조 연구에 대한 체계적 문헌고찰 및 메타분석

        한승,오태웅 한국체육과학회 2022 한국체육과학회지 Vol.31 No.1

        Purpose: The recent observational study was clarified what the vitamin D supplementation is related to the physical performance of an athlete. However, RCTs, which have been reported so far, have not been concluded yet because every researcher shows a difference as for the impact of vitamin D supplementation on the physical performance. Also, there are many existing systematic considerations or meta analyses that were conducted targeting mainly the general public. Thus, there is a limit to evaluating the role of vitamin D as the improvement in physical performance of an athlete. Accordingly, this study is aimed to examine the influence of the Vitamin D supplement therapy in an athlete upon physical performance through meta analysis. Method: A literature search was carried out the comprehensive retrieval by using MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane Library. The integrated effect size of the collected research was analyzed by using statistical program R version 4.0.4 (Feb. 15, 2021). The effect size was distinguished in accordance with the guideline in Cohen’s d. Results: Totally 7 RCTs were included in meta analysis. The effect size of physical performance in an athlete after vitamin D supplementation stood at 0.39, thereby having reflected the meaningful effect size. The significant effect size was shown in counter movement jump(0.89) and Peak Power(1.24) out of the muscle power in physical performance. Conclusion: This meta analysis can be considered that the vitamin D supplementation has the impact on the counter movement jump and the Peak Power in an athlete’s physical performance. Nevertheless, the outcome needs to be interpreted carefully due to few number of usable RCTs and to the restrictions such as the research-based heterogeneity and the potential publication bias.

      • KCI등재

        ‘씻다’류 동사의 통시적 고찰과 그 본질적 속성 연구

        한승 중국어문학연구회 2023 중국어문학논집 Vol.- No.142

        This paper analyzed the essential properties of the verbs of “wash” from a diachronic point of view. The verbs of “wash” was “洗(xi)”、“沐(mu)”、“浴(yu)”、“盥(guan)”、“澡(zao)”, “濯(zhuo)”. “滌(di)”. “洗(xi)” had turned into the dominant word from WeiJin Southern and Northern Dynasties till modern times. The author found out the main reason why “洗(xi)” replaced “浴(yu)”, because it had the most semantic features from WeiJin Southern and Northern Dynasties. This paper also described the formation of various disyllable compound words from monosyllabic verbs and their formation rules. Specifically, it is mentioned as follows. The author researched that how monosyllabic verb is developed to a compounded words composed of synonyms and also researched on the reason why “洗澡(xizao)”, “洗浴(xiyu)” had developed to Separable Word. In addition, this paper also with researched on the relationship of verbs of “wash” and “乾淨(ganjing)”,“淨(jing)” and found the reason why the verbs of “wash” often collocate with it. Finally, from the typology of view, it showed the reason why the verbs of “洗(xi)” to be an ergative verb. The author found out “洗(xi)” can be an ergative verb, because “洗(xi)” can induce a change in the state of the object, and can indicate the result of a change in the state of the object by action of wash.

      • KCI등재

        對“掏出”類動詞曆時演變情況的探討 -“掏”對“取”的替換過程、“取”曆時上地位、雙音模式爲主考察-

        한승 한국중국학회 2015 中國學報 Vol.71 No.-

        汉语史上,“掏出”语义场裏主要成员有“掏、取、探、摸”等。新舊詞替換是在汉语詞彙历时上发展的必然趋势。从历时上看,主导词兴替如下:“取”(先秦两汉) — “探”(魏晋南北朝) — “取”(唐代至明代) — “掏”(清代至现代)。本文运用定量分析法,對“掏出”義動詞的历時演變情況进行描写,並且通过定性分析法,就证明了“掏”替換“取”的主要原因。其次、通过对历时上地位高的舊詞“取”和其它词的出现頻率、“取”的内在语义特征及其语法功能等的考察,尋找了在历時上沒產生同義並列式雙音詞的原因。最后、“掏出”類動詞在官話及各方言區域分布情況進行全面考察。

      • KCI등재

        退溪의 主賓觀과 民主主義

        한승 영남퇴계학연구원 2019 퇴계학논집 Vol.- No.25

        A democratic society is a collection of citizens with diverse opinions. That is why the value of democracy shines when one's opinions are not considered unfair, that is, when they are right. The two impeachment trials in the history of the constitutional government of the Republic of Korea are a good example of how democracy is progressing. Democratia(δημοκρατία), the etymology of modern democracy, means that the people have sovereignty. In the Joseon Dynasty, however, the king is called a host of people. If the host can not the role of host, he or she is impeached. A host of people and Democratia seem to be different concepts, but they are certainly similar in their appearance. Mencius understood his host and guest as a matter of the proprieties. The aspect of host-guest is neither the host nor the guest. However, if the host fails to be the host, and when the guest tries to be the host, he or she quickly fails to be in a relationship with the host-slave, and eventually, there is a Gapjil(갑질) controversy over the issue. It is clear that in a democracy everyone is the host, so who are the guests? I would like to find a solution to this problem through the "Diagram of the heart-mind connecting nature and emotion" of Toegye. Toegye places the painting as the host and the king Seonjo as the guest, in the book "Diagram of the heart-mind connecting nature and emotion" that was given to King Seonjo. These problems cause that king always looks south, which faces the people, to be viewed north. Toegye means that even the king must learn from his guests’ seats. In particular, the Xingqinglun(性情論) of the "Second Diagram of the heart-mind connecting nature and emotion" is a form of the goodness of human nature, and it is said that king have to learn it. This learning position, the king who understood the position of guests, looks toward the people. Learning hosts do not judge their guests in their own way. In other words, they have the perception of the true host to understand the other person as he is. These hosts’ epistemology keeps an the proprieties of a all guest listening to all sounds. 민주주의 사회는 다양한 의견을 가진 시민들의 집합체이다. 그렇기 때문에 각자가 지닌 의견이 부당하다고 여겨지지 않을 때, 즉 그 의견이 올바를 때 민주주의의 가치는 빛이 난다. 대한민국 헌정 역사에서 겪었던 두 차례의 탄핵 심판은 민주주의가 얼마나 제대로 가고 있는지 살펴볼 수 있는 사례이다. 현대의 민주주의를 일컫는 어원인 데모크라티아는 국민에게 주권이 있다는 말이다. 그러나 조선시대에는 임금을 인주(人主)라고 부른다. 주인이 주인 노릇 못하면 탄핵을 당하고, 탄핵을 하는 주인은 국민이다. 인주와 데모크라티아는 다른 개념 같지만, 분명히 보여주고 있는 양상이 유사하다. 맹자는 주인[主]과 손님[賓]에 대해 예(禮)의 일로 보았다. 주빈의 양상은 언제나 주인이지도 않을 뿐더러, 언제나 손님이지도 않다. 그렇다고 주인이 주인 노릇 못하고, 손님이 주인 노릇하려하면 금세 인격적 주종 관계로 틀어지고 결국엔 갑질 논란이 일어나고 만다. 주인다운 주인, 손님다운 손님의 모습은 어떤 모습일까? 민주주의에서 모두가 주인인 것은 분명한데, 그렇다면 손님은 누구일까? 필자는 퇴계(李滉, 退溪, 1501~1570)의 「심통성정도」에 나타난 주빈관(主賓觀)을 통해 이 문제의 해결점을 찾아보고자 한다. 퇴계는 선조 임금에게 올린 「심통성정도」에서 그림을 주인의 자리에, 선조 임금을 독자, 즉 손님의 자리에 위치시킨다. 이러한 문제는 항상 백성을 향하는 남면(南面)의 자리에 위치하는 임금을 북향(北向)시키고 있다. 아무리 임금일지라도 손님의 자리에서 배우지 않으면 안된다는 퇴계의 뜻이 표현된다. 특히 「심통성정도-중도」의 성정론은 인간 본성의 선함을 간직한 형태로서, 아무리 임금일지라도 이것을 배우고, 확인할 것을 말하고 있다. 이같이 배우는 자리, 즉 손님의 자리를 이해한 임금은 백성들을 향해 남면한다. 배우는 주인의 특징은 손님을 자기만의 방식으로 재단하지 않는다. 즉 상대방을 있는 그대로 이해하려는 참된 주인의 인식론을 지닌다. 이러한 참된 주인의 인식론은 모든 소리에 경청하는 손님의 예(禮)를 지키게 된다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Selection of Resistant Varieties to Aspergillus flavus by Determination of Aflatoxin B1 Content in Korean Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Accessions

        한승아(Seungah Han),김병철(Byeong-Cheol Kim),하정민(Jungmin Ha),전태환(Tae-Hwan Jun) 한국작물학회 2023 한국작물학회지 Vol.68 No.3

        Peanuts, also known as groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea L.), are globally recognized as a vital oilseed crop. Peanuts are rich in proteins (e.g., arginine), oils (e.g., oleic acid and linoleic acid), fiber, vitamins (e.g., niacin and tocopherol), and carbohydrates and are consumed worldwide. However, the presence of aflatoxin (AF) has garnered substantial attention since its initial discovery as the causative agent of Tukey’s X disease in the United Kingdom in 1960. Among the 18 aflatoxins identified, aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) has the highest toxic activity and causes hepatocellular carcinoma. It is classified as Group I by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the World Health Organization (WHO). The present study was conducted to evaluate aflatoxin B1 resistance of 102 peanut accessions and select putative aflatoxin B1-resistant peanut accessions to aflatoxin B1. One hundred and one Korean germplasms harvested in 2020 were inoculated with A. flavus to identify aflatoxin-resistant cultivars, and the aflatoxin B1 concentration was measured using an ultra-performance liquid chromatography-photodiode array detector. Twenty-six accessions with aflatoxin B1 concentrations lower than those of the check plant 55-437 were chosen for the development of aflatoxin-resistant varieties in Korea. As Korean aflatoxin-resistant varieties have not yet been developed, the findings of the present study are expected to provide useful information for the development of aflatoxin-resistant cultivars.

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