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      • KCI등재

        상(上)의 의미 확장에 대한 인지언어학적 접근 -"X+상(上)"을 중심으로-

        진현 한국중국언어학회 2014 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.51

        方位詞"上"是頻率흔高的詞。目前有關方位詞"上"的硏究經常分不淸方位詞"上"和動詞"上"的功能,或利用認知語言學的隱喩,但是思路不明確,沒有系統化,分析不淸楚。本論文利用認知語言學上意像圖式(Image Schema)、隱喩(Metaphor)、原型意義(Prototype Meaning)、意義擴張、投射(Mapping)、容器圖式(Container schema)、邊界(boundary)、拓撲可變性(topology)等槪念來解釋方位詞"X上","X裡"的語義。"X上"的意象圖式:激活領域"X",排除其他領域。"X上"的原型意義爲物體的"上面",例如:"卓子上"。"X上"的"上"意義擴張,可以表示處所的上面,例如:"地上"、"操場上"。表示處所的邊界是"線"或"點",例如:"海岸線"、"樹尖上"。從"卓子上"到"樹尖上"的"X上"都表示水平面上某種領域的上部。接下來的例子不在表示水平面上的"上部",只表示領域,這個領域可以是垂直的或是下面的領域,例如:"衣服上", "天上", 甚至表示"裡面",例如:"車上"。"X上"把三位空間的邊界看作是二維空間的邊界,所以"車上"也可以成立。"X上"的邊界可以更加模糊:"信, 報紙, 電視"。這些都是三維空間的物體,但是從타們所承載的內容(content)來看,타們只是抽象的容器。"X上"的"X"可以更抽象,表示虛擬空間:"心, 社會, 崗位, 思想, 形式"。有些"X上"詞組用的多,結果都成了詞彙:"基本上, 路上, 氣頭上, 身上, 堂上, 早上"。"裡"是典典型的容器圖示槪念。容器圖式具有"裡"和"外"、"邊界"的槪念。"X裡"的"裡"的原型意義爲物體的"裡邊",例如:"車裡"、"飛機裡"。"裡"的的意義擴張爲空間的"裡邊",例如:"城裡"、"山裏"、"大門裡"。"X裡"的X不表示空間的時候,"裡"表示把타空間化,"裡"的邊界變得흔模糊,例如:"心理、報紙裡、家裡、社會裡、心理"。"X裡"可以表示時間,例如:"夜裡、日子裡、春季裡"。以上,"X裡"的X都是名詞,但是也可以出現形容詞,此時"裡"的意義基本上失去原來的意義,例如:"壞裡、好裡、死裡"。"X裡"可以詞彙話。例如:"四下裡、私下裡、暗地裡、背地裡"。"X上"表示空間的時候,與"X裡"可以互換。例如:"車上"、"飛機裡","山上"、"信上"、"報紙上"、"心裡"、"社會上"、"組織上"等。但是由於兩者的意像圖式不同,因此造成有些詞組表達的意思不一樣。"心裡"表達的意像是容器圖式,因此可以表示內容,즉"感情",所以可以說"心裡흔難過",但是"心上"只能表示領域,可以說"別放在心上",而不能說"心上흔難過".

      • KCI등재

        의료관광 홈페이지 한중 번역 오류 분석

        진현 한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소 2015 통번역학연구 Vol.19 No.1

        The modern translation studies have been transformed from the word-clause level to the textuality, equivalence, and skopos and so on. The analysis based on Chinese websites in Korea found that there were so many syntax errors in translation. Moreover, few people(nobody) analyzed the translation mistakes such as Noun phrase, Sentence with no subject, Principal and subordinate clause (主从 句) and Meaning units. There are many sentences made of NPs or attributive structures with a complex modifier, and some sentences with no subject, which are influences of negative transfer of Koreanlanguage. Furthermore, errors are popular in translating two Korean meaning units into two Chinese sentences separately, such as “为向所有患 者提供最佳的诊疗经验與诊疗结果,我们将不懈地努力”In view of the above questions, the paper proposes four translation strategies: sentence-structure transformation, ellipsis, adjunction, substitution. From the perspective of translation education, the paper analyzes the related Korea-Chinese translation courses of Graduate School of Interpretation & Translation in Hankuk University of Foreign Studies and finds that no course is educated directing against the above four kinds of errors.

      • KCI등재

        이동사건의 한중 유형학 분석과 대조

        진현 한국중국언어학회 2010 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.33

        位移事件是所有語言都存在的語言現象。Talmy認爲位移事件不憧憧是詞匯上的表述, 是一個由凸像、背景、位移、路經組成的血式的事件광架.這四要素是必不可少的槪念成分。除此之外,還是有方式和原因成分。在語言表屠上有核心成分和街星語成分:在印歐語言里,核心語成分是動詞, 表示 "爲移"街星是附加性的.如副詞類、前綴、介詞等 在位移事件上, TalmY把世界語言分成兩種: 動詞勾架語言 衛星勾架語言 路經表現在衛星語上。漢語界一般認爲漢語是衛星勾架語, 認爲在動補계結勾上, 動詞是主要的, 補語是次要的。但是在位移上, 夏合動詞沒有"動補"之分.都是實實在在的動詞, 因此勘向補語也可以單獨。 使用成句。漢語一般認爲動詞勾架語言, 但是路經動詞非常少, 而且흔多的時候흔탄單獨 使用, 封匪性較强, 不能成爲核心成分。漢語和韓語和都흔탄조到有規律、有內部均勾倂具排外 性質的核心語, 兩著不屬于動詞勾架語言, 愿語是獨立類型。漢語和韓語在一去"合成型和"-가다"合成型上有궤同。1在V1+去和V1, +가다上.雨者 都有三種排例: "<路經>+去、〈方式>+去、〈原因>+去和<路經>+가다, <方式〉+가다、〈原因>+가다+完全吻合。2在V2+VI+去"和V2+V,+가다"上. 除了一種排例 意外郁表示"<方式>+<路經>+去、〈原因>+<路經>+去"和"<方式〉十〈路經〉十가다,〈原因>+<路經>+가다"。

      • KCI등재

        중국어 학습 시간과 수용적 어휘량(읽기) 연구

        진현 영남대학교 중국연구센터 2023 중국과 중국학 Vol.- No.50

        본 논문의 목적은 한국인 대학생의 중국어 학습 시간에 따른 중국어 학습 어휘량(읽기)을 파악하는 데 있다. 이미 중국어 어휘, 문법 관련 ‘大綱’들이 있다. 이들 요강에 급수별 학습 시간과 어휘량이 제시되어 있다. 하지만 제시된 어휘량은 급수별 요구치일 뿐이다. 학습 시간 또한 검증을 거치지 않은 수치다. 게다가 한국인 대상으로 실제 조사를 거치지도 않았다. 본 논문은 HSK 5급 누적 어휘 2500개 중에서 총 47개 어휘를 추출하였다. 수용적 지식을 테스트하기 위해 Vocabulary Lebel Test를 사용하였다. 통계는 대응 표본 t-검정을 사용하였다. 연구 결과 180시간 학습한 대학생의 수용적 지식 어휘량은 1864개다. 1864개는 어휘의 수용적 지식이라는 측면에서만 관찰한 결과 임을 알아야 한다. 향후 생산적 지식 어휘량을 조사하면 어휘량은 상당히 줄어들 것이다. 대응 표본 t-검정 결과 통계적으로 유의미한 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 본 연구는 한국인 대학생을 대상으로 수용적 어휘량만을 살펴보았다. 향후 생산적 지식 어휘량 연구를 진행하면 좀 더 전반적인 어휘의 지식을 살펴볼 수 있을 것이다. .

      • KCI등재

        한국인 학습자를 위한 HSK 동사 등급 탐구

        진현,박병선 영남중국어문학회 2021 중국어문학 Vol.- No.87

        The purpose of this study is to statistically verify that the HSK verb vocabulary grade is not suitable for Korean learners. For example, when targeting Korean learners, even if the verb vocabulary is at the same grade, there may be a difference in average scores between the vocabularies. On the contrary, although the series of the HSK verb vocabulary are different, we try to verify that the scores may be similar among the vocabulary types. First, there was a statistically significant difference in scores for grade 5 ‘Chinese characters’ and grade 5 ‘nonequivalent word’, grade 5 ‘Equivalent’ and grade 5 ‘nonequivalent word’. There was a statistically significant difference between the grade 6 ‘Chinese characters’ and grade 6 ‘nonequivalent word’. It can be seen that the HSK verb vocabulary grade is not suitable for Korean learners. Second, HSK grade 4 ‘Chinese characters’ and grade 6 ‘Chinese characters’, grade 5 ‘Chinese characters’ and grade 6 ‘Chinese characters’ had similar scores. There was a vocabulary with a similar score difference in the ‘Equivalent’ and ‘nonequivalent word’. The verb vocabulary is grade 4, grade 5, and grade 6, but the difference in grades is not significant. In this study, it was verified whether the difficulty of grade 5 vocabularies could be made similar by adjusting the series of some vocabulary types related to grade 5. As a result, the scores of the grade 5 ‘Chinese characters’, the grade 5 ‘Equivalent’, and the grade 5 ‘nonequivalent word’ were similar for the grade 5 subjects.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of process variables for NO conversion by double-layered photocatalytic mortar with TiO2 nanoparticles

        진현,이태민,최하진,김교선 한국공업화학회 2023 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.117 No.-

        In this study, we prepared the double-layered photocatalytic mortar, where the top-layer has the minimumthickness of 2 mm. We investigated systematically the effects of various process variables (initialNOX concentration, TiO2 addition amount, UV-A radiation, gas flow rate and relative humidity) on photocatalyticconversion of NOX and also the transient NOX conversions for changing ambient conditionsof process variables with time. The higher the nano-TiO2 concentration in the mortar or UV-A radiationintensity is, or the lower the NOX gas flow rate or relative humidity is, the higher the NOX conversion efficiencyis. As the initial concentration of NOX increases, NOX conversion efficiency decreases, but theamount of NOX conversion increases. It is confirmed that the prepared photocatalytic mortar could convertNOX in the air efficiently for various conditions of process variables. NOX conversion efficiencies intransient environmental conditions were equivalent to those in fixed conditions for the same processvariables. This study provides strong basic data to apply the photocatalytic mortar to convert NOX efficientlyusing solar energy without the use of extra energy and can be easily extended to future applicationsto infrastructures such as buildings, tunnels, or roads.

      • KCI등재

        한국인 중국어 학습자를 위한 문법 항목 연구 방법론 탐색 -‘把’구문 문법 항목 순서를 중심으로-

        진현 한민족문화학회 2023 한민족문화연구 Vol.84 No.-

        본 논문의 목적은 한국인을 대상으로, 생산적 지식 관점에서 기존 중국어 문법 항목의 교육 순서 문제점을 지적하고, 문법 항목 순서 배열을 위한 방법론 제시하는 데 있다. 제2언어 학습에서 어휘 지식은 ‘듣거나 읽을 때 필요한 지식’과 ‘말하거나 쓸 때 필요한 지식’으로 구분된다. 이러한 구분은 제2언어 문법 학습에도 적용될 수 있다. 연구 결과를 통해 알 수 있는 것은 다음과 같다. 1. 國際漢語教學通用課程大綱 (2014)에서 사용된 ‘把’자문의 문법 의미 항목 구분은 한국인에게 적절하지 않다. 2. 문법 의미 항목 등급 구분도 한국인에게 적합하지 않다. 전문 통역사들을 대상으로 조사한 결과 ‘把’구문 문법 의미 항목 중 6급 전체와 5급 ‘주어+把+목적어+给+동사절’ 항목은 생산적 지식 교육에 부적합하다는 결과가 나왔다. 한국인 대학생들의 설문 결과를 분석한 결과에서도 ‘把’구문 문법 의미 항목 6급 전체와 5급 ‘주어+把+목적어+给+동사절’ 항목은 생산적 지식 교육에 부적합해서 삭제해야 한다는 결과가 나왔다. 또 國際漢語教學通用課程大綱 (2014)에 제시된 3, 4급 모든 항목과 5급 ‘주어+把+목적어+동사+着’ 항목은 모두 너무 어렵게 나타났다. 기존 교과서를 분석해보니 ‘把’구문 교육이 제대로 이루어지지 않았음을 알 수 있었다. 문항반응이론을 사용하여 조사한 결과 3, 4급 모든 항목과 5급 ‘주어+把+목적어+동사+着’ 항목의 난이도에 차이가 거의 없었다. 항목 재분석과 재배열이 필요하다. 결론적으로, 한국인을 대상으로 생산적 지식 관점에서 볼 때, 國際漢語教學通用課程大綱 (2014) 6급 항목 전체와 5급 ‘주어+把+목적어+给+동사절’ 항목은 교육에서 배제되어야 한다. 3, 4급 항목 전체와 5급 ‘주어+把+목적어+동사+着’는 생산적 지식 어휘 관점에서 볼 때 재분석과 재배열이 필요했다. The study conducted on Koreans yields two main conclusions.: 1. the arrangement of the “把” construction grammar items in the “International Curriculum for Chinese Language Education” (2014) was found to be inappropriate. 2. the classification of grammar meaning items was not practical. In this paper, survey questions were developed based on the grammar meaning items of the “把” construction as outlined in the “International Curriculum for Chinese Language Education” (2014), with a focus on productive knowledge. Surveys were conducted among Korean university students and professional interpreters regarding the grammar meaning items of the “把” construction. The results revealed that all three Level 6 items and the Level 5 “subject + 把+ object + 给+ verb phrase” item were deemed unsuitable for productive knowledge education. Furthermore, according to the results of the investigation on item difficulty based on item response theory, the same Level 6 items and the Level 5 “subject + 把+ object + 给+ verb phrase” item were found to be extremely challenging. It is considered appropriate to remove these items from the educational targets.

      • KCI등재

        마침표와 쉼표의 한중 대조 분석

        진현 한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소 2013 통번역학연구 Vol.17 No.1

        The punctuation researsch, in South Korea and China are rarely investigated. This proves that scholars have not paid enough attention to it, so the comparative study of punctuation or rare. The contribution of this research is to study and compare their differences. Korean the periods in and Chinese have some things in common : used in declarative sentences, interrogative tone indirect, soothing imperative sentences and exclamatory sentences at the end. Korean Comma includes douhao, dunhao of Chinese. Korean Comma and Chinese Douhao have many similarities: clauses pause, call back, back - exclamation, parenthesis, Korean Comma and comma also have many different. Korean Comma and Chinese dunhao are used within a sentence pause between juxtaposed words. But the Korean Comma can only be used for nout phrase juxtaposition, cannot be used for adjectives and verbs of pauses between juxtaposed words.

      • KCI등재

        `수사+다(多)+양사+명사`와 `수사+양사+다(多)+명사`의 의미 분석

        진현 영남중국어문학회 2017 중국어문학 Vol.0 No.74

        `多` means `beyond that number` after the number. We will analyze `numeral+多+Classifier+noun` and `numeral+Classifier+多+noun`. We will identify the causes of Correct sentence and Wrong sentence through cognitive linguistic principles. Conceptually, if there is a lower-order digit, it is a correct sentence. Conceptually, if there are no lower-order digits, it is Wrong sentence. According to the above principle, the questions raised in the introduction can be easily answered. First, What is the cause of `十多個國家` is a correct sentence. What is the cause of `七多個國家` being a incorrect sentence? `十` is because there are lower-order digits. So `十多個國家` is a correct sentence. But `七` does not have a lower-order digits. So `七多個國家` is a incorrect sentence. Second, What is the cause of `一個多小時` and `十個多小時` is a correct sentence. What is the cause of `七個多國家` and `十個多國家` being a incorrect sentence? `小時` is because there are lower-order digits. So `一個多小時` and `十個多小時` is a correct sentence. But `國家` does not have a lower-order digits. So `七個多國家` and `十個多國家` is a incorrect sentence. Third, What is the cause of `吃了三塊多蛋?` is a correct sentence. What is the cause of `買了三塊多蛋?` being a incorrect sentence? `Eat a cake` is because there are lower-order digits. So `吃了三塊多蛋?` is a correct sentence. But `buy a cake` does not have a lower-order digits. So `買了三塊多蛋?` is a incorrect sentence.

      • KCI등재

        중국어 A1등급 교재 어휘 분석 ― 『国际汉语教学通用大纲』과 비교하여

        진현 대한중국학회 2019 중국학 Vol.66 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to clarify the distribution and overlapping characteristics of vocabulary used in four kinds of commercial textbooks. To do this, we chose the first book of four kinds of textbooks. And we examined the distribution of vocabulary and the number of vocabulary repetition frequency around 'new word'. There were too many vocabularies other than grade 1 in all four textbooks. In all four textbooks, there were too many vocabularies other than first grade, 54% -68%. There were also many vocabularies not included in the grade. 26-35% of all four textbooks are not included in the grade. The number of repetitions of the first grade of four kinds of teaching materials is higher than that of 47-74%. However, in the case of the second grade, the vocabulary of more than 4 repetitions is 13-25%, the third grade is 5-33%, the 5-6 grade is 0% Respectively. Overall, the number of vocabulary repetition is considerably low. In conclusion, the biggest cause of the problem is that too many vocabularies other than first grade appear. In the case of a first class vocabulary, vocabulary is a vocabulary that has to be repeated frequently. However, vocabularies other than the first grade can not be repeated because of the limitation of the pitch in the case of the beginner textbook. 본 논문의 목적은 시중 A1 등급 교재 4종에 사용된 어휘의 등급별 분포와 어휘 반복 횟수를 밝히는 데 있다. 이를 위해 시중 A1 등급 교재 4종을 선택하여 ‘새단어’를 중심으로 어휘 등급 분포와 어휘 반복 횟수를 살펴보았다. 교재 4종 모두 1등급 이외의 어휘가 54%-68%로 너무 많았다. 등급 외 어휘들도 대단히 많았다. 교재 4종 모두 26-35%가 등급 외 어휘였다. 교재 4종의 1등급 반복 횟수 4회 이상의 어휘가 47-74%로 상대적으로 높은 수치를 보인다. 하지만 2등급은 반복 횟수 4회 이상의 어휘가 13-25%, 3등급의 경우 5-33%, 4-6등급은 0%, 등급 외 어휘들은 6-8%를 나타냈다. 전반적으로 어휘 반복 횟수가 상당히 낮음을 알 수 있다. 어휘 빈도수와 어휘 반복 횟수를 높이기 위해서는 나선형 혹은 순환형 주제 배열 교재와 기능 분리형 교재가 더욱 많아져야 한다.

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