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        X65 및 X70강 가스배관의 DWTT 및 파괴인성평가

        조예원(Ye-Won Cho),송영호(Young-ho Song),김정민(Jeong-Min Kim),김우식(Woo-Sik Kim),박준식(Joon-Sik Park) 한국가스학회 2012 한국가스학회지 Vol.16 No.3

        실 배관을 평가하는 DWTT (Drop Weight Tearing Test)의 파괴인성 값은 실 배관의 파괴인성 값 및 연성취성천이 온도를 예측할 수 있는 실험방법이므로, 최근 DWTT의 값에 대한 중요성이 증가되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 API X70과 API X65 라인파이프강의 DWTT 후의 온도에 따른 연성파면율, 역파면율, 흡수에너지와 온도(-60 ℃~상온)와의 관계를 비교분석 하고자 하였다. X65과 X70의 값에서 마찬가지로 연성파면율 및 흡수에너지는 온도가 낮아질수록 함께 낮아지는 경향을 보였으며, X70의 경우에는 -40℃ 까지 연성파괴를 보이는 반면, X65는 -30℃ 까지 연성파괴를 보였다. DWTT (Drop Weigh Tearing Test) is one critical method that can exhibit the fracture properties of line pipe steel, since it estimates the properties with real pipe steel. In this study, the ductile portion, inverse fracture ratio and absorbed energy of API X65 and X70 line pipe steels were estimated with temperature variation. Both steels showed that the ratio of ductile area and absorbed energy were decreased with respect to decreasing the test temperature. However, while the ductile fracture behavior exhibited until -40 ℃ for the X70 steel, but it showed until -30℃ for the X65 steel. The fracture properties were discussed with respect to test temperatures.

      • KCI등재

        양극 산화 조건 변화에 따른 AAO Template Morphology 제어

        조예,이성갑,김경민,Jo, Ye-Won,Lee, Sung-Gap,Kim, Kyeong-Min 한국전기전자재료학회 2015 전기전자재료학회논문지 Vol.28 No.4

        In this study, the application of biosensor having a large surface area for more effective and AAO (anomic aluminium oxide) template in order to gain concentration and voltage of anodizing process morphology changes to the control of experiments were conducted. The biosensor surface may increase the response characteristics by having a large surface area. So the entrance to a little more efficient wide depth sensing experiment was carried out to obtain a structure body with a branch shape with a large surface area with increasing. Experimental results from the FE-SEM observation was obtained template morphology. As a result, depending on the anodizing time, the depth of the layer of aluminum oxide was found that it was confirmed that the deepening of the pore size changes according to anodizing condition. And measuring the detection performance according to the conditions in the electrolyte and the reaction because of blood using a biosensor measuring sensing property according to the depth of the pore depth is considered that does not have a significant impact.

      • KCI등재

        다문화 중국사회의 문제해결을 위한 유교부활과 조화이념의 적용함의

        조예,김진열 동국대학교 동서사상연구소 2017 철학·사상·문화 Vol.0 No.23

        China is a socialist state in which multicultures of 56 ethnic groups exist. The rapid economic development since the reformation has shaped diverse troubles at home and abroad. In order to resolve such troubles from a lon g-term point of view, not only did Chinese Community Party revive Confucianism but it also applied a core idea of Confucianism which is the harmony ideology. The reasons why Chinese Community Party has tried to apply the harmony ideology to the Chinese society are summarized as follows. First, the party regarded the harmony ideology, the core idea of Confucianism, as a basis of the theory both to solve practical problems which the country has been faced with since the rapid economic development and to realize the great nation politics which the whole world would agree to. Second, the party tried to apply the harmony ideology in order to work on these problems which would include quantitative expansions, minority groups, the re-rise of Chinese threat, the cross-strait reunification and others. Third, based on confidence in the economy and diplomacy, the party understood the ideology and culture of Confucianism as great foundations for unifying multiracial and multicultural communities and for building up cultural soft power which the world would recognize. 중국은 56개 민족의 다문화가 존재하는 사회주의국가이다. 개혁개방이후 고속경제발전은 대내외적으로 다양한 문제점들을 구체화하였고, 중국공산당은 장기적인 관점에서 이러한 문제점들을 해결하기 위해 유교부활과 함께 유교의 핵심사상인 조화이념을 적용하였다. 다문화 중국사회에서 중국공산당이 조화이념을 적용한 함의는 다음과 같다. 첫째는, 고속경제발전 이후 당면하고 있는 현실문제 해결과 세계가 공감하는 대국정치의 실현을 위해 유교의 핵심사상인 조화이념을 이론적인 토대로 보았다. 둘째는, 개혁개방으로 인한 양적팽창문제, 소수민족문제, 중국위협론 재부상, 양안통일문제 등의 해결을 위해 조화이념을 적용하고자 하였다. 셋째는, 경제와 외교에 대한 자신감을 토대로 다민족 다문화의 사회통합과 세계가 인정하는 문화소프트파워 건설을 위해 유교의 이념과 문화를 훌륭한 기초로 보았다.

      • KCI등재

        한국사회의 이데올로기적 민족주의 개념강화로 인한 반(反)다문화주의 현상의 시사적 함의

        조예 역사와교육학회 2020 역사와 교육 Vol.30 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to understanding the implications of the anti-multiculturalism phenomenon of multicultural Korean society. Unlike the West, a multicultural country, Korea has a poor understanding of multicultural concepts. As Entering a multicultural society, anti-multiculturalism phenomena different from those shown in the historical development direction are appearing. The implications of these phenomena toward Korean society are as follows. First, for the development of a multicultural country, Marshall (1950), who viewed the concept of citizenship as a right to the development of the times, and Norman (1993) who regarded the people as a common emotional entity. Second, it will create a social environ ment for the formation of a multi-ethnic community in which various members participate in order to break away from the national multiculturalism policy and promote the citizen-led mult iculturalism policy. Third, Korean society will strengthen inclusive assimilation policy for the formation of positive recognition and horizontal relationships with various cultures and characteristics of overseas immigrant minority groups. 본 연구의 목적은 다문화 한국사회에서 나타나고 있는 반(反)다문화주의 현상을 살펴보고 미래 다문화사회 통합을 위한 시사적 함의를 알아보고자 한다. 한국은 다문화 국가인 서구와는 달리 다문화 개념이 정리되지 않은 상황에서 다문화 사회로 진입하여 서구국가들이 보여준 역사적 발전방향과는 상이한 반(反)다문화주의 현상들이 나타나고 있다. 반(反)다문화주의 현상들의 한국사회를 향한 시사적 함의는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 다문화주의 국가로의 발전을 위해 시민권 개념을 시대 발달의 권리측면으로 보았던 Marshall(1950)과 민족을 공동 감성체로서 간주했던 Norman(1993)개념을 동시에 수용해야 한다. 둘째, 국가주도의 다문화주의 정책을 탈피하고 시민주도의 다문화주의 정책 추진을 위해 다양한 구성원들이 참여하는 다민족 공동체 구성을 위한 사회 환경을 조성한다. 셋째, 한국사회가 해외 이주민 소수 집단의 다양한 문화와 특징들에 대한 긍정적 인정과 수평적 관계형성을 위한 포용적 동화주의 정책을 강화한다.

      • KCI등재

        라캉의 욕망이론으로 본 VR건축

        조예,이경훈 한국문화공간건축학회 2021 한국문화공간건축학회논문집 Vol.- No.74

        VR (Virtual Reality) is a aspect of our lives that allows us to go beyond the physical obstacles of reality. The concept of VR is in line with the history of mankind in that the goal of visual art is to implement reality. Modern VR, which has developed through cave paintings of the Paleolithic Age and perspective of the Renaissance, has the ability to completely replace reality. Current functional building types will be replaced in virtual reality and will not require physical entities. This situation has architectural implications, as it is the visualization and spatialization of the virtual world and affects the reality, threatening cities and architecture. Lacan's theory, Three orders, provides an important appliance for analysis of architectural aspects of reality and VR as a framework for analysis of reality and consciousness. Future architecture and VR architecture can be analyzed as if Keatler analyzed the recording system as Lacan's theory.

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