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      • KCI등재

        유치원 교사의 심폐소생술 실시 의향에 영향을 주는 요인

        정형근,엄태환,Jung, Hyung-Keon,Uhm, Tai-Hwan 한국응급구조학회 2015 한국응급구조학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        Purpose: To determine factors of kindergarten teachers' willingness to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and to suggest education methods toward CPR. Methods: We interviewed 92 kindergarten teachers trained to administer CPR. Among them, 74 answered the questions regarding CPR experience, barriers, and willingness. Logistic regression was used to calculate odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the association of willingness factors to cognition, performance, and attitude toward CPR. Results: Of the participants, 73 (98.7%) were female, 32 (43.0%) were in their twenties (mean age: 33.9 years), 31 (41.9%) graduated college, 47 (63.5%) had < 10 years of tenure, and 65 (87.8%) and 62 (83.8%) indicated willingness to perform CPR to family members and kindergarteners, respectively. Barrier factors included fear of performing CPR incorrectly (46.8%) and injuring the victim (25.6%). Willingness factors included understanding brain death (37.7%) and performing CPR correctly (26.1%). Willingness predictors included attitude toward family members (OR: 4.54, 95% CI: 1.19 -17.39, p = .027) and kindergarteners (OR: 3.07, 95% CI: 1.15-8.22, p = .025), and cognition to kindergarteners (OR: 0.36, 95% CI: 0.13-0.99, p = .050). Conclusion: The kindergarten teachers were more willing to perform CPR to family members and kindergarteners than to others in an attitude-dependent manner.

      • KCI등재

        개정 행정심판법의 주요쟁점에 관한 검토

        정형근(Jung Hyung Keun) 행정법이론실무학회 2010 행정법연구 Vol.- No.27

        The frequent revision of Administrative appeal tells us that the system settles in success. The act was revised again on January 15,2010 which was partly revised on February 29,2008. The number of requested administrative appeal case was increased every year and its capable function as the previous process of the administrative litigation was in demand. The specific part of this revision is the regulation on special administrative appeal process which is separated over the individual acts. The revision shows its desire to take the special administrative appeal process into the administrative appeal act. If the Government wants to establish special administrative appeal system, the revision states to cooperate with the Central Administrative Appeal Commission. However, we should think once a more on the process that states to cooperate with the temporary agency, the Commission. It is the spirit of the Constitution that asserts to apply due process to administrative appeal process. It seems like to persue the constitutional spirit with respect to reinforce the right of the process in this revision. The establishment of the application for an objection against the Commission's decision is also a trait of the revision. However, it prone to questionable on the efficiency of the system to judge the objection which was decided by the same commission. In addition, the Government newly established the disqualification of the representatives of the committee for fair administrative appeals. Moreover, the revision expanded remedy system to reinforce the citizen's right of relief function by administrative appeal. Firstly, the revision eased the condition of suspension of execution. It was modified from "damage prevention that hard to recover" to "prevent occurrence of the significant damage." Then, it was able to revitalize suspension of execution. Secondly, temporary disposition system was newly established. It is possible to commence temporary disposition that puts on the temporary position to prohibit significant disadvantage that the party might receive or urgent danger. Finally, it is also evaluable to newly establishes online administrative appeal application system upon the internet period that trends in general. The recent revision of the Administrative appeals act suggested more due process to apply. The claimant for adjudgment is able to get remedy on specific position In the organized adm inistrative appeal process and it is expected to see the function of the regulation on administrative action.

      • KCI등재

        청탁금지법상 공직자등의 직무와 관련한 금품등의 수수 금지

        정형근(Jung, Hyung-Keun) 전북대학교 법학연구소 2018 法學硏究 Vol.57 No.-

        청탁금지법은 공직자등의 직무 관련 여부 및 수수된 금품등의 가액을 기준으로 제재를 달리하고 있다. 공직자등이 1회에 100만원을 초과하는 금품등을 받으면 직무 관련 여부를 묻지 않고 3년 이하의 징역으로 처벌한다. 100만원을 소액으로 쪼개어 제공하는 것을 방지하고자 매 회계연도에 300만원을 초과하는 금품 수수도 동일하게 처벌한다. 이는 공무원이 금품을 받았음에도 직무관련성 또는 대가성이 존재하지 않는다는 이유로 뇌물죄로 처벌할 수 없었던 그간의 법의 흠결을 보완한 측면이 강하다. 청탁금지법의 또 다른 특징은 공직자등이 직무와 관련하여 대가성 여부를 불문하고 100만원 이하의 금품을 수수하면 과태료를 부과한다는 점이다. 이때 공직자등에게 직무관련성만 있으면 되고, 대가성까지는 요구하지 않는다. 그렇기에 형법상 뇌물죄가 성립하지 않는다. 만약 직무와 관련되고 대가성까지 있으면 뇌물죄에도 해당된다. 따라서 ‘대가성 여부는 불문’한다는 문구는 직무관련성은 있지만, 대가성은 없다는 것을 전제하는 것이다. 그렇지만 대가성까지 인정되어도 청탁금지법을 적용해야 한다는 것인가 하는 논란을 야기할 수 있다는 점에서 이 문구는 삭제하는 것이 옳을 것으로 보인다. 청탁금지법은 뇌물의 가액을 묻지 않는 형법상 뇌물죄와 달리 금품등의 요구, 약속행위에 그치는 것이 아니라 그 속에 포함된 금품가액을 파악하여 형사처벌을 하거나 과태료 부과대상인지를 확정해야 하는 문제가 있다. 향후 실무경향을 지켜보아야 할 것이지만, 금품의 요구 또는 약속행위에 대해서는 그 금품가액을 특정하기가 어려워 사실상 규율하기 어려울 것으로 보인다. 그리고 공직자등의 직무와 관련한 금품 수수 금지 원칙은 청탁금지법만의 고유한 영역이 아니고 형법과 질서위반행위규제법과의 관계도 고려하여 해석 · 적용해 가야 한다. The case started when the accuser delivered a box of rice cake which is worth 45,000 won to a police officer who is in charge of the affair. Because it is considered that the accuser offered financial or other advantage not exceeding one million won to the police officer in connection with his duty, the accuser was charged a negligence fine of 90,000 won corresponding to the double amount of the financial or other advantage offered. The improper Solicitation and Graft Act includes the Prohibition of Improper Solicitations and the Prohibition of Acceptance of Financial or other Advantages. Public official or relevant person shall not accept unacceptable financial or other advantage and shall not accept, request, or promise to receive as well. In addition, no one shall offer, promise to offer, or express any intention to offer, any unacceptable financial or other advantage to any public official or relevant person, or to his or her spouse. The Order adjudicated the accuser to be guilty of violating this rule by offering financial or other advantage to the police officer. The Improper Solicitation and Graft Act applies different amount of fine depending on the value of the financial or other advantages received by public official or relevant person. If the value of financial or other advantage exceeds one million won at a time, the recipient shall be punished regardless of the relationship between such offer and his or her duties by imprisonment for not more than three years or by a fine not exceeding 30 million won. The same punishment shall be applied when the financial or other advantage exceeds three million won in a fiscal year. In order to prevent the acceptance of financial or other advantage more effectively, it is necessary to reduce the upper limit of acceptable amount in a fiscal year. Public official or relevant person will be punished regardless of the relationship between such offer and his or her duties based on this rule. This characterizes the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act and that is why this law was established. In the Criminal Act, a public official will not be punished for accepting bribe as long as receiving, demanding or promising to accept a bribe is not in connection with his/her duties. Public official or relevant person shall not accept, request, or promise to receive any financial or other advantage not exceeding one million won in connection with his/her duties. This law applies, in connection with his or her duties, regardless of whether such offer is given in exchange of any favors. Criminal Acts Acceptance of Bribe shall be additionally applied if such an act was in connection with his or her duties and such offer was given in exchange of any favors as well. Therefore, it would be proper to delete the phrase regardless of whether such offer is given in exchange of any favors in order to make the interpretation of the law easier.

      • KCI등재

        생태시 교육에 관한 몇 가지 단상 : 중학교 학생들의 반응을 중심으로

        정형근(Jung Hyung-Geun) 문학과 환경학회 2009 문학과 환경 Vol.8 No.1

        First, this thesis deals with response of Korean middle school student's for Ecopoetry. Also, this thesis studies a hard nut to crack and deliberate problem through analysis for Ecopoetry. I use Peirce's Pragmatic Semiotics for analyzing student's reponses. For Peirce, sign divided into index, icon, symbol as relation of sign and object the sign represents. Poems that show Nature as index-sign reveal the culture as opposed to Nature. In preceding studies, 'poems accusing of destructing Nature' relate to them. Poems that show Nature as iconsign regard Nature as Idea that human- should learn. In preceding studies, these relate to poems which find the principle of Nature. Poems that show Nature as symbol-sign imagine Utopia human and Nature coexist. In preceding studies, these relate to poems which expect Ecotopia. As a result, student's feel difficult because of unfamiliar word and absence of experience. Also they feel difficult in understanding metaphorical transference. Finally, they seem to understand Ecopoetry as instructive and must-be.

      • KCI등재

        청탁금지법상 ‘금품등 수수 금지의 예외사유’에 관한 고찰

        정형근(Jung, Hyung-Keun) 경희법학연구소 2017 경희법학 Vol.52 No.2

        The Improper Solicitation and Graft Act prohibits the improper solicitations and the acceptance of financial or other advantages. Public official or relevant person shall not accept unacceptable financial or other advantages and shall not accept, request, or promise to receive as well. The improper Solicitation and Graft Act occasionally allows public official or relevant person to accept financial or other advantages that either exceeds one million won for unrelated to his/her duties, or less than one million own in connection with his/her duties. This refers to the exception reason for The Improper Solicitation and Graft Act and The Acceptance of Financial or Other Advantages. This exception reason was not established originally in The Improper Solicitation and Graft Act. It has been adopted from the Code of Conduct for Public Officials. The most noticeable item among the exception reason for the prohibition of accepting financial or other advantages is “Food and drink, congratulatory or condolence money, gifts, or other items that are offered to facilitate performance of duties or for social relationships, rituals, or assistance to festivities and funerals, the value of which is within the limit provided by Presidential Decree. According to the Presidential Decree, the amount of money was decided to be 30,000 won for food, 50,000 won for gifts, and 100,000 won for congratulatory or condolence. As a result, public official or relevant persons who are not civil servants under the State or Local Public Officials Act are in confusion due to such unprecedented regulations. Because of such low limit of money on food and gifts, it is pointed out the difficulty of living for restaurants and livestock industries. Additionally, restriction of Acceptance of Honoraria for Outside Lectures or Relevant Activities is included in the exception reason for the porhibition of accepting financial or other advantages. Outside lectures or relevant activities should be requested either in connection with his/her duties or by de facto influence arising from his or her position or responsibilities. The subject of outside lecture should be related to the duty and the requester of the outside lecture should be a duty-related party. Public/Private university professors have significant disadvantages regarding the restriction of acceptance of Honoraria for outside lectures. Public university professors receive 30,000 won for outside lecture while private university professors receive one million own which creates a huge discrepancy. This law shall be revised henceforth because of the possibility of restricting the freedom of learning and occupation. The Enforcement of Decree of the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act ordered a measure to examine the upper limit of money for food, gifts, and congratulatory or condolence as well as the outside lectures to be revised by December 31, 2018. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the result thoroughly and take a required measure until the fixed period by the Decree. 청탁금지법은 공직자등이 수수 금지 금품등을 받거나 요구 또는 약속할 수 없도록 한다. 공직자등이직무와관련없이100만원을초과하는금품등을받았거나, 직무와관련하여100만원이하의금품을받았더라도이를허용하는경우가있다. 바로이것이청탁금지법제8조제3항이 정하는 수수 금지 금품등의 예외사유이다. 이 예외사유는 제3항 각호의 내용과 외부강의등에 관한 사례금에 규정이 이에 해당된다. 제3항 각호의 내용은 청탁금지법에서 최초로 규정한 것은 아니다. 이미 공무원 행동강령 과 법관 및 법원공무원 행동강령 등에서 규정하여 시행 중이던 내용을 청탁금지법에서 받아들인 것이다. 금품등의 수수 금지의 예외사유 중에서 가장 주목을 받는 조항은 “원활한 직무수행 또는사교 의례 또는 부조의 목적으로 제공되는 음식물 경조사비 선물 등으로서 대통령령으로정하는가액범위안의금품등”(제2호)에관한규정이다. 이에따라제정된시행령에서는음식물은3만원, 선물은5만원, 경조사비는10만원으로정하고있다. 그결과청탁금지법상공무원이아닌공직자들은기존에없던제한으로상당한혼란을겪고있다. 특히비교적적은금액으로 정해진 음식물과 선물가액 때문에 음식점업자 등의 생계곤란이 지적되기도 한다. 그리고 외부강의등의 사례금 수수 제한도 금품등의 수수 금지 예외사유이다. 외부강의등은 직무와 관련하여 또는 지위 직책으로 인한 사실상 영향력으로 요청받아야 한다. 외부강의는 그 내용이 직무와 관련이 있거나 강의를 요청한 자가 직무관련자여야 한다. 외부강의등의사례금수수제한과관련하여국 공립대학의교수는상당한불이익을받고있다. 국립대학교수는 시간당30만원을받을수 있을뿐이라서시간당 100만원인사립대학교교수와큰 차이가 있다. 이는 교수의 학문의 자유와 직업의 자유를 침해할 가능성이 있기 때문에향후개정할 필요가있다. 청탁금지법 시행령은2018. 12. 31.까지 음식물 선물 경조사비 및 외부강의등의 사례금 상한액을 검토하여 개선등의 조치를 하도록 하였다. 따라서 당장 시행령개정을 시도하기보다는 위시행령에서 정한시기까지그 결과를면밀히 검토하여필요한 조치를 취하는 것이 필요하다고 본다.

      • KCI우수등재

        변호사의 보수에 관한 고찰

        정형근 ( Hyung Keun Jung ) 법조협회 2010 法曹 Vol.59 No.6

        변호사는 헌법상 인정되는 인권옹호를 사명으로 하는 준사법기관에 해당된다. 변호사는 의뢰인으로부터 보수를 받고 법률지식으로 의뢰인의 이익을 위하여 직무를 수행한다. 전문소송기술 등 무형의 용역을 제공하여 그 대가를 받는다는 점에서는 일응 상인의 영업행위와 유사한 성격을 갖는다. 그러나 변호사는 공공성을 지닌 법률전문직에 해당되고 그 직무는 영업이 아니다. 따라서 변호사는 영리를 목적으로 활동할 수 없다는 것이 헌법과 변호사법 및 변호사윤리장전의 정신이다. 변호사가 일반 사업자와 구별되는 것은 영리를 목적으로 직무를 수행하는 것이 아니라는 점과, 변호사의 보수는 직무수행에 대한 대가적 거래의 대상이 될 수 없다는 점이다. 변호사와 의뢰인의 관계는 위임계약이지만, 변호사와 의뢰인의 관계에 민법상의 위임규정을 그대로 적용할 수 없는 점도 있다. 그 중에서 수임인의 보수에 관한 규정이다. 변호사 보수는 변호사가 의뢰인과의 수임계약의 결과로 의뢰인이 변호사에게 지불하는 대가를 말한다. 민법상 위임계약에서 수임인은 특별한 약정이 없으면 위임인에 대하여 보수를 청구하지 못하는 것이 원칙이다(민법 제686조 제1항). 그러나 변호사는 의뢰인과 명시적으로 보수지급에 관한 특약이 없었더라도, 보수 지급에 관한 암묵적인 합의가 있는 것으로 인정하여 변호사에게 보수청구권이 있다고 해석된다. 대한변호사협회 회칙은 변호사의 보수에 관하여 규정하고 있다. ① 변호사·법무법인·법무법인(유한)·법무조합은 그 직무에 관하여 사무보수, 사건보수 및 실비변상을 받을 수 있다(회칙 제44조 제1항). ② 사무보수는 상담료, 감정료, 문서작성료 및 고문료로 나눌 수 있으며, ③ 사건보수는 그 사건의 종류에 따라 착수금과 성공보수로 나눌 수 있으며, ④ 실비변상은 수임사무 및 사건의 처리비용과 여비 등으로 나눌 수 있다(대한변호사협회 회칙 제44조 제2항). 여러 종류의 보수로 구분할 수 있지만, 착수금과 성공보수가 대표적인 변호사의 보수이다. 성공보수에 대하여 그 적법성 여부에 관한 논쟁도 있었지만, 현재에는 그 금액의 적정성 여부가 문제되고 있다. 현행 변호사 보수는 당사자간의 보수약정으로 정해지고 있으며, 보수에 관한 적정한 기준을 법정하는 노력이 필요하다.

      • KCI우수등재

        변호사의 직업윤리에 대한 고찰

        정형근 ( Hyung Keun Jung ) 법조협회 2009 法曹 Vol.58 No.6

        A lawyer, as a member of the legal profession, is a representative of clients, an officer of the legal system and a public citizen having special responsibility for the quality of justice. As a representative of clients, a lawyer performs various functions. As advisor, a lawyer provides a client with an informed understanding of the client`s legal rights and obligations and explains their practical implications. As advocate, a lawyer zealously asserts the client`s position under the rules of the adversary system. In addition to these representational functions, a lawyer may serve as a third-party neutral, a nonrepresentational role helping the parties to resolve a dispute or other matter. Some of these Rules apply directly to lawyers who are or have served as third-party neutrals. In all professional functions a lawyer should be competent, prompt and diligent. A lawyer should maintain communication with a client concerning the representation. A lawyer should keep in confidence information relating to representation of a client except so far as disclosure is required or permitted by the Rules of Professional Conduct or other law. In representing a client, a lawyer shall exercise independent professional judgement and render candid advice. In rendering advice, a lawyer may refer not only to law but to other considerations such as moral, economic, social and political factors, that may be relevant to the client`s situation.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        변호사업무 광고와 대한변호사협회 「변호사 광고에 관한 규정」의 개정절차상 문제점

        정형근(Jung, Hyung-Keun),서인겸(Seo, In-Kyeom) 경희법학연구소 2022 경희법학 Vol.57 No.1

        변호사업무에관한광고는변호사의직업의자유와표현의자유로보호된다. 이런광고로소비자는변호사선택권과조력을받을권리를누리는데도움을받을수있다. 변호사법은광고를허용하면서도변호사의공공성과공정한수임질서및소비자에게피해를주는광고는금지하고있다. 표시광고법이나의료법등과같은법률에서도광고할수없는사유를구체적으로 정하고 있다. 변호사의광고에관한구체적인내용은대한변호사협회가회칙으로정하게되어있다. 대한변호사협회는 변호사법이 위임하는 사무를 처리하는 행정청의 지위에 있다. 대한변호사협회는 회칙을 제정하거나 개정하는 등으로 변호사의 기본권을 제한할 수 있다. 변호사는회칙을 준수할 의무가 있고, 이를 위반할 때는 징계처분을 받을 수 있다. 그래서 법무부장관이 대한변호사협회가 만든 회칙이 헌법이나 법률에 위반되는지 여부를 심사한다. 이런국가의 감독을 통하여 대한변호사협회에서도 법치행정의 원리가 작동되도록 한다. 대한변호사협회는 변호사법이위임하는광고에관한 사항은변호사의기본권을제한하는내용이포함되므로, 이광고에관한사항을제정·개정할때는국가의합헌성·합법성통제를받아야 하는 회칙 또는 규칙의 형식으로 한다. 대한변호사협회가 2021. 5. 3. 개정한 변호사 광고에 관한 규정 은 변호사법이 위임하는 내용을 포함하고 있다. 그 때문에 이를 개정할 때는 총회의 의결을 거쳐야 한다. 변호사 광고에 관한 규정 은 그 명칭과는 달리 총회의 의결을 거쳐야 하는 ‘규칙’에 해당되기 때문이다. 그런데 대한변호사협회는 총회가 아닌이사회 의결로 개정을 하였고, 법무부장관에게 보고하여 법령과 회칙에 위반되는지를 심사받는 절차도 거치지 않았다. 따라서 변호사 광고에 관한 규정 은 변호사법과 대한변호사협회 회칙 및 회규관리규칙에도 위반된다. Advertisement for the legal services of a lawyer is protected under the lawyer s freedom of occupation and expression. These advertisements can greatly help consumers enjoy the right to choose a lawyer and be assisted by counsel. While allowing advertisements, the Attorney-at-Law Act prohibits advertising that damages consumers, as well as the public character of lawyers and fair competition order. An act including The Act On Fair Labeling And Advertising and the Medical Service Act also provides the grounds for prohibition to specific advertisements. It is provided that the details on the lawyer’s advertisement shall be stipulated by the Korean Bar Association. The Korean Bar Association is in the position of an administrative agency that handles the affairs delegated by the Attorney-at-Law Act. The Korean Bar Association is empowered to restrict the basic rights of lawyers by enacting or revising rules of the association. Attorneys are obligated to comply with the rules of the association, and disciplinary actions shall be imposed when they violates the rules. Therefore, the Minister of Justice examines whether the rules enacted by the Korean Bar Association violate the Constitution or legislation. With the supervision by national authority, the Korean Bar Association can be operated under the principle of administration by the rule of law As the details on the lawyer’s advertisement delegated by the Attorney-at-Law Act entail the restrictions on the basic rights of attorneys, it must be enacted or revised by the rules or regulations of the association that controlled by the constitution and legislation of the nation. The Regulation on Attorneys Advertising revised by the Korean Bar Association on May 3rd 2021 includes the contents delegated by the Attorney-at-Law Act. Therefore, when revising the regulation, it must be resolved by the general assembly of the associtation. It is because, contrary to its title, the Regulation on Attorneys Advertising is the subject of “Rules“ that must be resolved by the general assembly. However, the Korean Bar Association revised it by a resolution of the board of directors, not by the general assembly. In addition, there was no procedure of reporting it to the Minister of Justice to examine whether it violated laws and regulations. Therefore, the Regulation on Attorneys Advertising revised by the Korean Bar Association also violates the Attorney-at-Law Act and the Korean Bar Association s rules governing the rules and regulations of it.

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