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      • KCI등재

        음악 감상과 발성 음악활동이 통증환자의 통증, 기분 및 자율신경계에 미치는 영향

        이다연,이주영 한국음악치료학회 2010 한국음악치료학회지 Vol.12 No.2

        이 연구는 통증 환자를 대상으로 음악 감상, 음악 감상과 결합된 발성 음악활동, 휴식을 시행하고 이에 따라 통증, 기분 및 자율신경계에 각각 어떠한 변화가 있는지를 알아보기위해 실시되었다. 연구 대상은 2008년 1월부터 5월까지 서울시내 소재 모대학병원에서 통증관련 외래 진료를 받고 있는 환자들 중 통증진단을 받은 지 6개월 이상 된 만성통증 환자로 총 25명의 피험자가 모집되어 이중 실험을 완료하지 못한 7명을 제외하고 3주간의 실험을 모두 완료한 18명의 데이터를 분석하여 결과를 도출하였다. 실험은 무작위로 연구자에 의해 배정된 순서에 따라 1주일 간격으로 휴식, 음악 감상, 음악 감상과 결합된발성 음악활동을 시행하고 사전 사후 자가통증척도, 기분상태 검사, 자율신경계 검사를 반복 측정하였다. 3가지 방법의 사전 사후 측정 결과를 분석하여 다음과 같은 결과가 나타났다. 첫째, 통증 점수의 변화량은 휴식-음악 감상과 결합된 발성 음악활동 간에 유의한 차이가 나타났다. 둘째, 기분상태검사의 변화량은 휴식-음악 감상, 휴식음악 감상과 결합된 발성 음악활동 간에 유의한 차이가 나타났다. 셋째, 자율신경계 검사의 변화량은 SDNN, 스트레스 저항도, 스트레스 지수에서 휴식음악 감상과 결합된 발성 음악활동 간에 유의한 차이가 있음이 밝혀졌다. 넷째, 각 방법의 유효성을 검증한 결과, 통증 감소에는 음악 감상, 음악 감상과 결합된 발성 음악활동이 모두 유의한 효과가 있었고 기분상태에는 음악 감상이, 자율신경계 검사에서는 음악 감상과 결합된 발성 음악활동이 유의한 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of music listening, vocalization with music listening, and break on chronic pain patients. Accordingly, this study tried to measure how much pain, mood, and autonomic nervous system were changed respectively. The subjects of study were chosen from chronic pain patients, who are under the care of a doctor at K university of hospital in seoul from January and May, 2008. The experiments were randomly assigned by researcher to investigate the effects of music listening, vocalization with music listening and break on chronic pain patients at an interval of one week. It is following that the results were taken through analyzing pre and post test data of SF-McGill pain Questionnaire, Prosecutor of Mood States and heart rate variable. First, the change of pain grade has the significant differences between break and vocalization with music listening. Second, the change of prosecutor of mood states has the significant differences between break and music listening, break and vocalization with music listening. Third, the change of autonomic nervous system has the significant differences between break and vocalization with music listening at its subarea: SDNN, stress resistance, and stress index. Fourth, both music listening and vocalization with music listening are of effective for the pain reduction. Music listening is of effective for mood states and vocalization with music listening is of effective for autonomic nerve system.

      • KCI등재후보

        신개발 의료기술 수평탐색의 국내외 현황

        이다연,오기쁨,설아람 한국보건의료기술평가학회 2022 보건의료기술평가 Vol.10 No.1

        The aim of this study was to overview current trends and to share latest results on horizon scanning (HS) in the healthcare sector. HS, also known as an early awareness and alert system, explores new and emerging health technologies that will be introduced in the market in a few years. It provides early information regarding the safety, effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, ethical and policy considerations surrounding the adoption of new and emerging technologies for various stakeholders (i.e., clinicians, healthcare industries, patients, health planners and policy makers). Thus, HS can be used in guiding decision- and policymaking. Numerous agencies for health technology assessment are performing HS, though their programs are still in their infancy. Because healthcare R&D spending is continuously increasing, HS can play a significant role in making intelligent and evidence-based investments.

      • KCI등재

        고전시가 분석에서의 자연어처리 활용 ― 次韻詩 詩句의 부자연스러움 증명

        이다연 중국어문학연구회 2022 중국어문학논집 Vol.- No.135

        Rhyme-matching poem is a kind of replying poem. It is written based on the rule that the rhymes in the original poem should be used in order. Loved by great poets, it achieved widespread popularity after the Song Dynasty. However, rhyme-matching poems had been criticized for unnatural expressions due to the use of fixed rhymes, and such works had been pointed out. So this study performed the ‘fill-mask’ task using the embeddings of pre-trained models that learned Chinese classical text in a Masked Language Modeling (MLM) so as to verify whether the expressions of the verse in rhyme-matching poems is unnatural compared to those of original poems. The subject of this experiment is the poems of the literary network led by Su-Shi in the North Song Dynasty. The experimental result shows the probability to predict the rhyme tokens in rhyme-matching poem was lower than that of original poem; the probability was much lower in the long poem. This proves that the expressions in rhyme-matching poems are not general compared to that of original poems, but more strongly represents the need for using rhyme-matching method in the literary networks. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that rhyme-matching poems were advantageous for close connection with the original poems and the authors.

      • KCI등재

        국내 유통 콘택트렌즈 관리용품의 살균제 성분조사

        이다연,김태훈 대한시과학회 2017 대한시과학회지 학술대회 Vol.2017 No.06

        목적: 최근 가습기살균제 성분과 유사한 구조를 갖고 있으며 콘택트렌즈 살균제로 쓰이는 PHMB(polyhexamethylen biguanide)성분이 문제가 되었다. 이에 본 연구는 콘택트렌즈 관리용액 중 살균제로 쓰이는 성분과 PHMB의 사용 비율을 조사하였다. 방법: 식품의약품안전처 홈페이지에 의약외품으로 분류되어있는 콘택트렌즈 관리용품(분류 번호:44000) 의 주성분과 원료명을 참고하여 관리용품에 살균제로 쓰이는 성분들을 조사하였다. 결과: 현재 식약처에 신고 및 허가된 총 179종의 콘택트렌즈 관리용품 중 살균성분을 포함 하고 있는 관리용품은 111종으로 약 62%를 차지하는 것으로 나타났으며 살균제로 쓰이는 성분은 PHMB, polyquad, hydrogen peroxide, polysorbate, aldox 등이 사용되는 것으로 으로 조사되었다. 살균성분을 포함하고 있는 111종 중 95종이 PHMB를 사용하고 있어 전체 살균성분 중 85.6%을 나타내었다. 그 다음 polyquad가 10종 9.0%, hydrogen peroxide 는 3종 2.7%, polysorbate는 2종 1.8%, aldox는 1종 0.9%로 조사되었다. 그리고 식품의약 품안전처에서 진행한 최근 조사에서는 임의로 선정한 10종의 콘택트렌즈 관리용품 중 7종 이 PHMB 성분표기를 하였으나 7종 중 2종은 성분이 검출되지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 결론: 콘택트렌즈 관리용품 중 살균제를 포함하고 있는 용품이 절반 이상을 차지하고 있었으며, 최근 문제로 제기되고 있는 가습기살균제와 유사한 구조를 가지고 있는 살균제인 PHMB를 가장 많이 사용하고 있는 것으로 나타났다.

      • 소포로리피드와 해죽순, 핑거루트 추출물을 활용한 항여드름 화장품 제조 및 특성 비교

        이다연,이서영,진병석 한국공업화학회 2019 한국공업화학회 연구논문 초록집 Vol.2019 No.0

        최근 유해 화학물질에 대한 소비자의 불안감이 증폭되면서 화장품 원료에서도 기존의 화학성분을 천연물 소재로 대체하려는 경향이 커지고 있다. 본 연구에서는 미생물 대사공정을 통해 생산된 천연 생물 계면활성제로, 항여드름 효능을 지닌 락톤형 소포로리피드와 항산화 및 항균 효능을 지닌 해죽순, 핑거루트 추출물을 각각 배합하여 화장품 제형을 만들었다. 배합된 각 성분들의 항균, 항산화 효능 및 세포독성을 비교하고, 이들을 다양한 비율로 혼합하여 화장품 제형으로 만들었을 때 여러 특성을 비교하여 보면서 화장품 원료로서 이들 성분들의 활용 가능성을 살펴보았다.

      • KCI등재

        루브릭의 적용이 학업 성취도에 미치는 영향 -NCS 기반 피부미용 교과 ‘모델링 마스크하기’ 중심으로

        이다연,유유정,이종숙 대한미용학회 2023 대한미용학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        This study examined the effects of the rubric, developed for the ‘Modeling mask’ subject out of the NCS skin-beauty ‘Face pack-mask’ learning modules, on the academic achievement of 40 high school sophomores. The results are described as follows. First, the rubric was developed by establishing the practice plan, practice process, practice result, and practice attitude as evaluation items according to the achievement standards of the skin beauty subject 'Modeling mask' unit. Second, the suitability of the ‘modeling mask’ rubric for students, teachers, and experts was verified for reasons that included high ‘results availability’ and ‘understanding of the evaluation tool’. Third, no difference in pre-evaluation of academic achievement was observed for the comparative group, to whom the rubric was not provided, and the experimental group, who received the rubric. Fourth, meaningful differences in the prepost evaluation on the ‘modeling mask diagram’ in the practice plan and ‘working posture’ in the practice process were observed in the comparative group. Fifth, meaningful differences in the pre-post evaluation of all items, practice plan, process, results, and attitude were observed in the experimental group. Application of the rubric to the ‘modeling mask’ evaluation resulted in improvement of students’ academic achievement. The findings of this study demonstrated that development and application of a rubric for performance assessment for practice subjects can result in more effective learning outcomes.

      • KCI등재

        롤랑 바르트의 신화론으로 典故 읽기 ― 北宋 交遊詩의 典故를 대상으로

        이다연 중국어문학연구회 2019 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.114

        Classical allusions(典故) were a common part of writing poems for literati who were living in Northern Song Dynasty. Because the government gave preference to intellectuals as its policy, literati could write poems as he or she wishes. Classical allusions are words that contains a story composed mainly of several words. It was widely used in classical poetry in that it can contain rich contents efficiently and it was a sign that everyone accepted as the classical allusions were widely used. Hence, I set friendship poetry as a research target. The way that literati interacted with each other, mostly in high-ranking positions, had become very important in their lives, so I can find that there are mythologies based on Confucian culture in the classical allusions of friendship poetry. Also I realized Roland Barthes’s Mythologies would be useful to reveal hidden ideologies because this method has the ability to disclose what the ideology of bourgeois hides. This research was conducted by dividing the objectives of the classical allusions into two categories, each divided into three and two. One is to depend on the type of images being presented specifically, and the other is to rationalize the circumstances imposed on a writer. Firstly, the aim of using classical allusions in friendship poetry was to highlight the ideal images. It was an ideal attitude for writers to worry about their country, love the people and have the courage of their convictions. Secondly, the aim of using classical allusions was to rationalize the circumstances which failed to enter government. The disappointed literati could get a spiritual value because the image of living in poverty means ‘distant from worldly life.’ So did living in seclusion and the rural life. Only by showing their integrity and noble mindedness, could they hide their difficulties. I undertook this study to disclose literati’s spirit forced by Confucian ideologies. Using Roland Barthes’s Mythologies, I got satisfied results which have been difficult to testify. Classical allusions have been the product of Confucian culture that no one realized for its naturalness. This was what put Roland Barthes on guard. Consequently, literati had been restrained by Confucian ideologies. I believe that this study will assist researchers to approach Semiotics and to appreciate the covered ideologies in the ancient times.

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