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유창연 중국고중세사학회 2022 중국고중세사연구 Vol.65 No.-
众所周知,秦代地方政府的基本架构是郡县制,而郡县制的核心是县。适当任用县官是郡县顺利管理的前提。本文以朝代县吏的任用办法及统一后的特殊运作情况为研究对象。因此,我们首先分析了置吏律,并关注了官・新地吏・冗吏等制度。我试图判断其中哪些是普遍的,哪些是特殊的。基于这样的问题意识,详细考察了守官制度和新地吏・冗吏任用制度的作用和特点。 秦代《置吏律》的规定,表明县少吏的任用有严格的标准。县官的官佐・官史任命是针对当地人的,需要识字能力或爵位。秦县的佐史,通过斗食吏,得以晋升为有秩吏。或者,县令推荐的人也可以被任命为有秩吏。同时,秦代守官制度是对秦代《置吏律》的补充,起到了县吏升迁或补缺作用。秦代《置吏律》和守官制度可以说是秦朝的一种普遍的縣吏任用方式。 但是,随着秦朝统一天下,领土急剧扩张,新设了许多郡县,以前的任用制度无法承受官吏需求的增加。因此,秦朝新设了与統一以前的任用限制规定相矛盾的新地吏处罚规定。新地吏处罚是缓期免职或廢官处罚,而是派遣到新地的刑罚,具有类似于戍邊刑。因此,新地吏在刑期结束后可以摆脱新地吏的身份,但被免职后继续担任守护新地。另外,故地少吏被判罚款,如果他们不能缴纳,就降格为冗吏,派遣到新地。他们以在新地郡县工作的方式偿还了罚款,如果达到罚款相应的工作时间,就可能回到原籍。或者,一些冗吏可以再次被任用为新地县的佐史。通过这种行政力量的转移,秦帝国想压制新地土著风俗和政治秩序,夯实新地统治的基础。
가시오갈피 미숙배 배양으로부터 Callus 형성 및 식물체 재분화
유창연,김재광,안상득 한국약용작물학회 1997 한국약용작물학회지 Vol.5 No.1
가시오갈피의 조직배양을 통한 대량증식방법체계 확립의 방법으로 기내배양에서의 캘러스형성 및 식물체 분화에 영향을 미치는 배지와 식물생장 조절물질 및 농도의 최적조건을 구명코자 실시한 실험 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. MS배지를 기본으로하여 여러 가지 식물생장 조절물질(2, 4-D, TDZ, IAA, NAA, BAP) 을 단독 처리할 때 2, 4-D 2mg/l 에서 callus 형성율이 45.5%로 가장 양호하였으며 shoot의 분화는 TDZ 처리시 양호하였으며 간헐적으로 multiple shoot와 root분화가 생겼다. 2. MS배지를 기본으로하여 식물생장조절물질을 2, 4-D와 TDZ의 조합처리시 callus 형성율은 2, 4-D 2mg/ l +TDZ 0.7mg/ l 일때 가장 양호하였으며 shoot의 분화는 2, 4-D의 농도가 낮고 TDZ의 농도가 높은 2, 4-D 0.1mg/ l +TDZ 0.7mg/ l 에서 양호하였다. 3. 배지조성에 따른 callus 형성은 B5, MSB5 배지 모두 MS배지를 기본으로하여 실시한 실험과 마찬가지로 2, 4-D 2mg/ l +TDZ 0.7mg/ l 에서 양호하였으며, B5배지에서 2, 4-D 2mg/ l +TDZ 0.7mg/ l 처리시 100%의 callus형성율을 나타냈다. Shoot의 분화는 auxin류인 2, 4-D보다 cytokinin류인 TDZ처리시 양호하였고 조합처리 또한 2, 4-D의 농도가 낮은 2, 4-D 0,1mg/ l 일때 shoot분화가 형성되었으며 MSB5 배지에서 양호한 shoot의 분화가 형성되었다. This study was conducted to establish mass propagation system from the tissue culture using immature embryos in Eleutherococcus senticosus. Immature embryos from seeds were removed under the microscope and placed on MS, MSB5 and B5 medium containing several plant growth regulators. While the calli were well formed on media containing 2 mg/l of 2, 4-D, 2 mg/l of 2, 4-D and 0.7 mg/l of TDZ, shoot regeneration was better on MS medium with combinations of high concentrations of TDZ and low concentrations of 2, 4-D. Treatment of 2, 4-D alone was better than treatment of TDZ alone in callus induction, but plant regeneration was reversed. The results of callus formation and shoot regeneration on MSB5 and B5 media were similar to those of MS media. The rate of callus formation was nearly 100% when 2, 4-D was added to B5, medium on concentration of 2 mg/l or 0.7 mg/l. TDZ showed very significant effect on the formation of multiple shoots.
보리 , 수수의 식물체 추출물이 잡초의 발아와 초기생육에 미치는 영향
유창연,정일민 ( Chang Yeon Yu,Ill Min Chung ) 한국환경농학회 1997 한국환경농학회지 Vol.16 No.1
This experiment was conducted to test the allelopatic activity on germination and early seedling growth of weed species by barley and sorghum plants residues. The fresh barley extraction inhibited the germination and early seedling growth of weeds, Echinochloa crus-galli, Sataria viridis, and P. oleracea. As the extract concentration increased, the germination and early seedling growth of weeds was significantly inhibited. The water extraction of dried barley and sorghum residues also ehibited the strong inhibition effect on germination and Barley seedling growth of weeds. Digitaria sanguinalis, Siegesbechia pubescens, Sectaria viridis, P. oleracea, E. crus-galli. In the dried barley and sorghum residues mixture into the vermiculite, as the dried residue concentration ncreased, emergence percentage, length of shoot and root of weeds, D. saguinalis, S. viridis, S. pubescens, Ammaranthus lividus, and Solanum nigrum, was significantly inhibited. More than 10% concentration of dired residue caused 80% emergence percentage and growth inhibition. From this study, we conclude that barley and sorghym weeds. These results suggest that barley and sorghum has some possibility to control some weed species like natural herbicide.