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        송정식 한국일본어문학회 2007 日本語文學 Vol.33 No.-


      • KCI등재후보

        「中学校教科書」語彙比較 ─意味分野別構造分析を通して─

        송정식 한국일어교육학회 2009 일본어교육연구 Vol.16 No.-

        本稿では語彙研究の一つの方法である「意味分野別構造分析」を通して、「中学校教科書」語彙における「社会科」語彙と「理科」語彙の分析により、「中学校教科書」語彙の特徴を考察してみた。 今回の調査結果を簡単にまとめてみると、部門による分析では「社会科」語彙の場合、特に1.2<人間活動の主体>の意味分野に属する語が非常に多く、「理科」語彙の場合、1.5<自然物及び自然現象>の意味分野に属する語が多く使われていることが分かった。 中項目による単語コードの小数点以下第2位までの分析では、まず「社会科」語彙が有意に大である項目を簡単にまとめてみると次の通りである。(1)1.25<公私>項目では、主に「国」と「地名」に関する語が高頻度語であった。例えば「にっぽん(日本/761), あめりか(245), ちゅうごく(中国〔China〕/205)」などのように、1.253<国>と1.259<固有地名>に属する語が圧倒的に多い。(2)1.20<われ・なれ>項目では、「ひと(人/735)」という語が非常に多く使われており、「しゃ(者/308)」「じん(人/136)」のように接尾辞的機能をする語も高頻度語であった。特に「社会科」語彙の場合には「きりすと(23), ふじわら(藤原/22), ひでよし(秀吉/19), とくがわ(徳川/17), よりとも(頼朝/13)」などのように歴史的人物を表す語が多く使われている。(3)1.23<人種・民族>項目では、「ぶし(武士/112), てんのう(天皇/75), だいみょう(大名/69)」などのように「社会階層」を表す語が殆んど上位語を占めていることである。 次に、「理科」語彙が有意に大である項目を簡単にまとめてみると次の通りである。(1)1.51<自然・物体>項目では、「みず(水/312), ぶっしつ(物質/238), でんりゅう(電流/227), すい(水/198), げんし(原子/150), ようえき(溶液/145), さんか(酸化/134), さんそ(酸素/121), でんき(電気/109), g(〔グラム〕/105), いおん(/105), ぶったい(物体/102), がん(岩/100)」などのような「物理」「化学」などの分野の語が非常に多く用いられている。(2)1.55<生物>項目では、「しょくぶつ(植物/119), せいぶつ(生物/110), さいぼう(細胞/104), は(葉/90), まめ(豆/52), ようぶん(養分/42), ね(根/32), しゅし(種子/32)」などの語が30回以上使われおり、「理科」という科目の特徴として知識的に接していく必要のある語で構成されていることが分かる。続いて(3)1.57<体>項目では、「め(目/91), からだ(〔体〕/87), て(手/60), たまご(卵/27), けつえき(血液/22)」などの語が高頻度語であった。

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        『분류어휘표(分類語彙表)』의 의미분류를 활용한 한, 일 초등학교 저학년 국어교과서 어휘고찰

        송정식,이미숙 한국일어교육학회 2014 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.29

        한·일 초등학교 ``-;학년 국어교과서 어휘 중, 李·宋(;0``)에서 분석한 ‘體の類’를 제외한 나머지 ‘用の類’와 ‘相の類’ 그리고 ‘その他’의 중항목 의미분야별 어휘 고찰결과는 다음과 같다. <;.>(所有·收得)항목에서는 한·일 양국교과서 모두 ‘주고받는 표현’에 관련된 단어들이 고빈도어들로 사용되고 있다는 점에서는 서로 비슷한 양상을 보였다. <;.>(農工業·設備·處理)항목에서는 양국 교과서 모두 같은 의미의 ‘만들다(作る/)’ ‘つくる(作る/``)’의 ;단어가 동일하게 높게 사용되는 점에서 유사하지만, 한국교과서의 경우는 제조나 건축과 관련된 ‘만들다(作る)’와 ‘짓다(建てる)’ ;단어만으로도 0회나 사용되어 매우 높은 사용빈도를 나타내고 있다는 점에서 한국교과서의 특징이라고 할 수 있겠다. <;.``>(時間·時刻)항목에 속한 단어들을 살펴보면 한국교과서의 경우는 단어, 일본교과서의 경우는 단어밖에 사용되지 않았지만, 전체어수에서 일본교과서의 경우는 한국교과서에 비해 사용양이 많아 유의차가 크게 나타난 것으로 조사되었다. <;.``>(呼び·名)항목에 속한 단어들을 살펴보면, 한·일 양국교과서 모두 ‘말하기 쓰기 읽기 표현’에 관련된 단어들의 사용빈도가 높다는 점에서 서로 비슷한 경향을 보였다. <.````>(關係)항목에 속한 단어들을 살펴보면 한·일 양국교과서 모두 ‘함께’라는 단어가 고빈도어로 사용되고 있다는 점에서 서로 비슷한 양상을 보인다. 다만 한국교과서의 경우는 개별어수도 많고 ‘함께(一緖に/;), 서로(お互い/;;), 같이(一緖に/), 한데(一緖に/``)’ 등과 같이 유사한 유의어가 많이 사용되는 특징을 보이는 것으로 확인되었다. <.``;>(在不在)항목에 속한 단어들을 살펴보면, 양국 교과서 모두 부재(不在)를 나타내는 ‘없다’라는 단어가 동일하게 높게 사용되는 점에서 유사하나 개별어수도 많고 전체어수에서는 한국교과서 쪽이 배 이상 많이 사용되는 것을 확인할 수 있다. <.``>(變化·動き)항목에 속한 단어들을 살펴보면 의성어 의태어를 많이 사용한다는 점에서 양국교과서의 공통적인 특징을 확인할 수 있다. 다음으로 <.``>(表現態度)항목에 속한 단어들을 살펴보면 한국교과서의 경우는 ``-;학년 교과서에 ‘아! 이가 아파요. 아, 재미있구나!’ “아, 해다, 밝은 나라야!” 등과 같은 형태의 감탄사 ‘아(あ)’가 많이 사용되는 특징을 보였으며, 반면에 일본교과서의 경우는 ‘「あら、そうね。五さいだから、さかなつりにいくわ。」「あら、そうね。わたしも入るわ。」등과 같은 여성어 감탄사 ‘あら’가 많이 사용되는 특징을 보였다. 『分類語彙表』の意味分類を活用した韓·日小學校低學年の國語敎科書語彙考察韓·日兩國``-;年生の國語敎科書の自立語の中で、「體の類」を除いて「用の類」と「相の類」そして「その他」の意味分野に屬している中項目の語を考察してみた結果は次のとおりである. まず、<;.>(所有·收得)項目では韓·日兩國敎科書共に「やりもらい表現」に關する語が高頻度語として使われているという點でお互いに似ている傾向を見せている. <;.>(農工業·設備·處理)項目では兩國敎科書共に同樣の意味として韓國敎科書では「만들다(作る/)」日本敎科書では「つくる(作る/``)」の;語が同じく多く用いられている點で似ているが、韓國敎科書の場合は製造や建築關係の「만들다(作る)」と「짓다(建てる)」の;語だけでも0回以上使使われており、非常に高い使用頻度を占めている. <;.``>(時間·時刻)項目に屬している語を見てみると、韓國敎科書の場合は語、日本敎科書の場合は語しか使われず數量的には少ないけれども、日本敎科書の場合は延べ語數で韓國敎科書に比べて使用頻度が高いのが有意差の原因であった. <;.``>(呼び·名)項目に屬している單語を見てみると、兩國敎科書共に「話す、書く、續む表現」に關する單語の使用頻度が高いという點でお互いに似ている傾向を見せている. 續いて<.````>(關係)項目に屬している語を見てみると、兩國敎科書共に「一緖に」という語が高頻度語として使われているという點では似ている. ただし韓國敎科書の場合は異なり語數も多く「함께(一緖に/;)、서로(お互い/;;)、같이(一緖に/)、한데(一緖に/``)」などのように類義語がたくさん用いられているという特徵が伺える. <.``;>(在不在)項目に屬した單語を見てみると、兩國敎科書に不在を現わす「ない」という語が同じく多く使われていえ點では似ているが、韓國敎科書の方が異なり語數も多く、延べ語數でも日本敎科書に比べて約倍以上多く使われているので有意差が生じていることが分かった. <.``>(變化·動き)項目に屬している語を見てみると、オノマトペに該當する擬聲語や擬態語がたくさん使われているという點では兩國敎科書共に共通的特徵を見せている. 次に<.``>(表現態度)項目に屬している語を見てみると韓國敎科書の場合は、``-;年生敎科書に「아! 이가 아파요. 아, 재미있구나!、“아, 해다, 밝은 나라야!」などのような感動詞「아」という語が多く用いれている特徵を見せている、一方、日本敎科書の場合は「「あら、そうね. 五さいだから、さかなつりにいくわ. 」、「あら、そうね. わたしも入るわ. 」などのような女性語と呼ばれる感動詞「あら」が多く用いられている.

      • KCI등재

        한·일 초등학교 3학년 국어교과서 어휘 고찰 -품사별 사용빈도 상위어 비교를 중심으로-

        송정식 한국일본언어문화학회 2014 일본언어문화 Vol.28 No.-

        In this study, through Korean and Japanese 3rd grade language textbooks comparison of the vocabulary words that appear in both books the most frequently used words by part of speech of the study was to reveal similarities and differences. To sum up briefly study results are as follows. 1) In the case of noun, form nouns which relevant to the most frequently used words in both korean and Japanese textbooks show similar trend. 2) In the case of the pronoun, in korean textbook, personal pronoun, demonstrative pronoun and name of the main character highly used. On the other hand, in Japanese textbook, the main character’s name and demonstrative pronouns are frequently used. 3) In the case of the verb, in Korean textbook consists of various words and the frequency of use of individual control is also remarkably high. In korean textbook, representing the behavior words like ‘하다(132), 가다(65)’ are used overwhelmingly high. In the case of Japanese textbooks, ‘する(47)’ corresponding to Korean ‘하다(132)’ used many times and words which indicating presence or absence ‘ある(49)’ identified as the most frequently used words. 4) In the case of adjective, in Korean textbook, words like ‘없다(92), 좋다(30), 같다(15), 많다(15), 둥글다(11), 희다(11), 빨갛다(10), 아름답다(10)’ are high-frequency words which used more than 10 times. In the case of Japanese textbooks, ‘いい(18), しろい(13)’ only these two words are used more than 10 times. 5) In the case of adverbs, both textbooks show similar but a little different forms all aspects of the textbook group. In Korean textbook words of reason or cause like ‘이렇게(29), 어떻게(16), 왜(16)’ frequently used, whereas in Japan textbook, words representing the quantity and frequency like ‘よく(12), すこし(8), たくさん(7)’ are used many times.

      • KCI등재

        Treat-to-Target Strategy for Asian Patients with Early Rheumatoid Arthritis: Result of a Multicenter Trial in Korea

        송정식,송영욱,배상철,차훈석,최정윤,최성재,김현아,김진석,김성수,이충기,이지수,이상헌,이신석,이수곤,이성원,박성환,박원,심승철,서창희,유빈,유대현,류완희 대한의학회 2018 Journal of Korean medical science Vol.33 No.52

        Background: To evaluate the therapeutic benefits of the treat-to-target (T2T) strategy for Asian patients with early rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in Korea. Methods: In a 1-year, multicenter, open-label strategy trial, 346 patients with early RA were recruited from 20 institutions across Korea and stratified into 2 groups, depending on whether they were recruited by rheumatologists who have adopted the T2T strategy (T2T group) or by rheumatologists who provided usual care (non-T2T group). Data regarding demographics, rheumatoid factor titer, anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody titer, disease activity score of 28 joints (DAS28), and Korean Health Assessment Questionnaire(KHAQ) score were obtained at baseline and after 1 year of treatment. In the T2T group, the prescription for disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs was tailored to the predefined treatment target in each patient, namely remission (DAS28 < 2.6) or low disease activity (LDA) (2.6 ≤ DAS28 < 3.2). Results: Data were available for 163 T2T patients and 162 non-T2T patients. At the end of the study period, clinical outcomes were better in the T2T group than in the non-T2T group (LDA or remission, 59.5% vs. 35.8%; P < 0.001; remission, 43.6% vs. 19.8%; P < 0.001). Compared with non-T2T, T2T was also associated with higher rate of good European League Against Rheumatism response (63.0% vs. 39.8%; P < 0.001), improved KHAQ scores (−0.38 vs. −0.13; P = 0.008), and higher frequency of follow-up visits (5.0 vs. 2.0 visits/year; P < 0.001). Conclusion: In Asian patients with early RA, T2T improves disease activity and physical function. Setting a pre-defined treatment target in terms of DAS28 is recommended.

      • KCI등재


        宋正植 한국일본언어문화학회 2018 일본언어문화 Vol.43 No.-

        In this study, we attempted to conduct a vocabulary survey of the Korean and Japanese elementary school textbooks for 4th year to find similarities and differences between frequently used words of each word class based on the items of parts that resulted in a significant differences between the two textbooks. A brief summary of the findings is as follows. 1) In the case of the pronouns, the Korean textbook was found to be used 269 times in combination with the first person pronoun, “Na,” “ Nae,” and “Jeu”. Japanese textbooks also used the first person pronoun 72 times, such as “Watashi(35)”, “Watashitachi(13)”, “Ore(13)”, and “Boku(11)”. In Japanese textbooks, however, the use of the demonstrative pronoun “Sore(24)” is high, but individual usage of the personal pronoun is low, while the names in the novel are used frequently like ‘Yumiko(23)’ and ‘Matsui San(13)’. 2) In the case of the verbs, both textbooks tend to have similarity in high usage of verbs representing the movement, presence verbs and action verbs. In Korean textbooks, the action verb “hada(218)” was used overwhelmingly, followed by “Ittda(115)”. For Japanese textbooks, “Aru(41)” was most commonly used which correspond to Korean “Ittda”, and “Omou(35)” and “Kanggaeru(38)” were also often used to indicate thought. 3) In the case of the adjectives, in Korean textbooks, the word “Jota(79)” is was most frequently used word to express feelings, and “upda(78)” comes the next which indicates existence. On the other hand, Japanese textbooks were used 35 times both “ii(25)” and “yoi(10)” which correspond to Korean word “Jota(79)”. The second high frequency word is “shiroi(17)” which indicates color. 4) In both textbooks, onomatopoeia used more than mimetic words. In particular, for Japanese language, it is good information for Japanese language learners to know that Hiragana and Katakana, Katakana and hiragana marks are mixed in the usage of the language.

      • KCI등재

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