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        Molecular Expression of Opsin Gene in Growing Juvenile Mackerel (Scomber japonicus Houttuyn)

        김응오,윤성종,김대현,도정완,박경현,조은섭 한국해양과학기술원 2009 Ocean science journal Vol.44 No.4

        Fish have developed color vision that is closely adapted to their photic environments, where both spectral sensitivity and the number of visual opsins are influenced. The mackerel used in this study is one of the most important fishery stocks in Korea. The opsin gene of the mackerel juveniles after 20 days in hatching was isolated and characterized based on the molecular study of visual photoreceptor. The full-length mackerel opsin gene was obtained by PCR amplification of genomic DNA, as well as cDNA synthesis. Sequence analysis of the opsin gene showed that it contained a 1,080 bp open reading frame encoding 360 amino acids. Based on Schiff’s base formation (S114, K119), glycosylation (E3, F37) and palmitoylation (S281, 282), the deduced amino acid sequence had a typical rod opsin. The mackerel and Gempylus serpens showed 73.7% DNA homology on opsin gene, which was higher than any other of investigated species. In the analysis of phylogenetic relationship, the genetic placement of the mackerel is closer to that of Scombroidei than Labroidei, with supporting somewhat strong bootstrap value. In the analysis of Northern and RT-PCR, the probed products were observed only in rapidly growing juveniles. These findings indicate that in mackerel opsin mRNA expression can be detected in day-20 hatching larvae. It may play an important role in stimulating growth hormone. Fish have developed color vision that is closely adapted to their photic environments, where both spectral sensitivity and the number of visual opsins are influenced. The mackerel used in this study is one of the most important fishery stocks in Korea. The opsin gene of the mackerel juveniles after 20 days in hatching was isolated and characterized based on the molecular study of visual photoreceptor. The full-length mackerel opsin gene was obtained by PCR amplification of genomic DNA, as well as cDNA synthesis. Sequence analysis of the opsin gene showed that it contained a 1,080 bp open reading frame encoding 360 amino acids. Based on Schiff’s base formation (S114, K119), glycosylation (E3, F37) and palmitoylation (S281, 282), the deduced amino acid sequence had a typical rod opsin. The mackerel and Gempylus serpens showed 73.7% DNA homology on opsin gene, which was higher than any other of investigated species. In the analysis of phylogenetic relationship, the genetic placement of the mackerel is closer to that of Scombroidei than Labroidei, with supporting somewhat strong bootstrap value. In the analysis of Northern and RT-PCR, the probed products were observed only in rapidly growing juveniles. These findings indicate that in mackerel opsin mRNA expression can be detected in day-20 hatching larvae. It may play an important role in stimulating growth hormone.

      • KCI등재
      • 가막만 지중해담치, Mytilus galloprovincialis의 생식주기

        신윤경,김응오,이원찬,진영국 한국발생생물학회 2010 한국발생생물학회 학술발표대회 Vol.29 No.-

        지중해담치 Mytilus galloprovincialis는 대서양연안, 지중해, 홍콩 및 일본 남부증지에 분포하며, 한국에서는 동, 서, 남해안 그리고 제주도와 울릉도에서 채집된다 (Choe et al., 1999). 전남 여수시 가막만에서 양식되고 있는 지중해담치는 6~8월 동안 자연채묘하여 중간양성을 거친 후 이듬해 5~6월에 본양성을 위하여 시설되며, 그해 11월부터 수확이 시작된다. 조개류의 생식주기에 관한 연구는 주로 기초 생물학적 연구와 자원증대 및 양식기술 개발을 위한 기초자료를 제공하기 위하여 수행되어 왔다. 그 가운데 우리나라에 서식하는 조개류의 생식에 관한 연구로는 바지락, Ruditapes philippinarum의 생식소 발달과 연령 및 성장 (Chung et al., 1994), 대복, Gomphina veneriformis의 생식소 발달과 생식주기 (Park et al., 2003), 백합, Meretrix lusoria의 성 성숙과 배우자형성 (Chung and Kim, 2000) 및 개조개의 생식소발달과 생식주기(Shin et al., 2007)등 다수가 발표되고 있으나, 현재 양식 생산량이 많으며, 주요 양식대상종임에도 불구하고 국내에서 지중해담치의 생식생리에 관한 보고는 찾아보기 힘들다. 이매패류의 성 성숙 및 생식주기에 미치는 영향요인들 가운데 수온은 외인성 요인으로 여러 요인들 가운데 가장 중요하게 작용하는 요인이며 (Mackie, 1984), 수온은 주로 위도와 지리적 조건에 따라 달라진다. 최근 기후변화에 따라 연안 수온의 상승 및 강우량의 증가에 의해 연안에서 양식되고 있는 생물의 산란시기가 불규칙하여 자연 채묘 및 생산량의 변동이 초래되고 있는 실정이다. 본 연구는 여수시 가막만에서 양식되고 있는 지중해담치를 대상으로 생식생태학적 기초 자료인 성비, 생식소 발달, 생식소 지수, 비만도의 월 변화와 생식주기를 조사하여 산란시기 추정에 따른 채묘시기를 예측하고, 생산량 증가를 위한 적정양식시설의 재배치 및 적정생산량 산정을 위한 기초자료 제공을 위해 실시되었다. 본 연구에 사용한 지중해담치는 2009년 6월부터 2009년 12월까지 전남 여수시 가막만 해역에서 수하연 중간부분의 개체를 매월 30~40개체씩 채집하였다. 채집한 개체는 각장, 각고, 전중량 및 육중량 등의 측정형질을 계측한 후, 생식소가 포함된 내장낭의 일부를 Bouin's solution에 일정시간 고정한 후 파라핀 절편법으로 두께 4 ㎛의 조직표본을 제작하였다. 염색은 Mayer's hematoxylin과 0.5% eosin 비교염색을 행하였다. 생식소 발달단계는 회복 및 초기활성기I (Re & EaⅠ: recovery and early active stageⅠ), 초기활성기Ⅱ (EaⅡ: early active stageⅡ), 후기활성기 (La: late active stage), 완숙기 (R: ripe stage), 방출기 (S: spent stage)의 5단계로 나누었다. 담치의 비만도는 조사지역(원포, 소호)에서 암․수 모두 6월에 가장 높은 정점 (암: 0.046, 수: 0.050)을 나타냈다. 성비는 원포지역의 경우 1:0.94(암:수), 소호지역은 1:1.2(암:수)로 나타났으나 유의적인 차이는 없었다(P>0.05). 생식소 발달은 원포지역과 소호지역 모두 7월부터 산란 및 방정을 시작하여 12월까지 지속되었다. 생식소지수는 원포지역의 경우 암컷과 수컷 모두 6월에 가장 높은 값을 나타낸 후 감소하여 10월에 다시 증가하는 경향을 보여주고 있었고, 소호지역 역시 8월을 제외하고 원포지역과 동일한 경향을 나타내었다. 두 지역 모두 주 산란기는 7~9월로 추정되었다. 그러나 소호지역은 원포지역보다 생식소의 발달이 다소 느리며, 퇴화․흡수 후 휴지기에 들어가는 개체들의 비율이 낮게 관찰되었다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Changes in Sex Steroid Hormones and Ovarian Development during Artificial Maturation of Female Eel, Anguilla japonica

        김대중,배준영,김응오 한국통합생물학회 2007 Animal cells and systems Vol.11 No.2

        The present study demonstrates the changes inbody weight (BW) and plasma sex steroid hormone profilesduring artificial maturation induced by human chorionicgonadotropin (HCG) or salmon pituitary extract (SPE)injections in cultured eel, Anguilla japonica , kept in seawaterfor 3 months. In the weekly SPE-injected female group, BWof vitellogenesis, females exhibited a rapid increase of BW,and the oocytes were observed to be in the migratorynucleus stage at the end of the experiment. Plasmatestosterone (T) and estradiol-17β (E2) levels increasedslightly during vitellogenesis and peaked at an average of5.82 ng/mL and 4.76 ng/mL, respectively, at the end of theexperiment. In the weekly control and HCG-injected femalegroups, BW slowly decreased during the experimentalperiod, and the oocytes of the two groups were observed toinjected female group, plasma T and E2 levels increasedslightly during vitellogenesis and decreased afterward. Inthe control female group, however, plasma T and E2 levelswere not altered during the experimental period. Furthermore,plasma 17 α,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (DHP) was notdetected in all experimental groups. Fertility and hatchingrates of SPE-injected females were significantly higher inThese results indicate that long rearing in seawater increasesresponsivenes to SPE in ovarian maturation of the Japaneseeel, resulting in shortened period from completion ofvitellogenesis by sex steroid hormone production.

      • KCI등재

        Variation in Physiological Energetics of the Ark Shell Scapharca broughtonii (Bivalvia: Arcidae) from Gamak Bay, South Coast of Korea

        신윤경,최윤석,김응오,손상규 한국수산과학회 2009 Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Vol.12 No.4

        This study presents physiological rates of respiration and excretion, clearance rate, and assimilation efficiency of the ark shell Scapharca broughtonii, determined during 2007 from specimens collected in Gamak Bay on the south coast of Korea. Physiological parameters were measured monthly under static, laboratory controlled conditions with ambient conditions, and measurements were performed seasonally in order to estimate scope for growth and its probable sources of variation. Temperature directly influenced respiration and excretion. Clearance rates showed a tendency to be low during May-August, which is a period of gametogenesis. Assimilation efficiency was not significantly different seasonally and was independent of the concentration of chlorophyll a. The scope for growth was negative during high-temperature months (July–August), reflecting the high temperature and low clearance rate, and had its highest positive values during spring and autumn. The energy budget or growth potential of bivalves has been applied to other economically important species. Data on the physiological parameters and scope for growth of S. broughtonii obtained in this study will be used to assess the carrying capacity for ark shell cultivation.

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