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        중국어 평가 문항 작성 기법 연구

        金錫永(Kim, Sok-yong),宋紅玲(Song, Hong-ryung),李康齊(Lee, Kang-jae),李美京(Lee, Mi-kyoung),李衍淑(Yi, Yeon-sook) 중국어문학연구회 2015 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.90

        This paper critically examines the multiple-choice items in three major standardized Chinese language tests currently administered in Korea, namely, the new HSK, SNULT, and FLEX. Based on the analysis of the items, this article presents 15 different kinds of not-good items grouped under five major categories and discusses the problems in the illustrated items. Generalizing from these item examples and based on the existing literature of item writing guidelines, this study suggests 24 guidelines of seven different types for writing Chinese language items. The authors believe that the 15 invalid item patterns and the 24 item writing guidelines will significantly contribute to the betterment of test items in many standardized language tests including these three exams. It is also expected that these guidelines will provide useful criteria for classroom language assessment. The paper concludes with a suggestion that more research be conducted about item formats and optimal combination of sections in a test battery, which will help produce further guidelines pursuant to the possible new findings.

      • KCI등재

        글로벌 중국어 변이형에 대한 권역별 언어태도 조사 연구 ―중국 대륙과 타이완 어형에 대한 5개 지역 언중의 태도를 중심으로

        김석영 ( Kim¸ Sok-yong ) 한국중국어문학회 2021 中國文學 Vol.108 No.-

        This study explored language attitudes of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, and Taiwan people towards global Chinese regional variants, such as Mainland Chinese(Mandarin) vocabulary and Taiwan Chinese(Mandarin) vocabulary. The method used the matched guise technique. As a result of the analysis, it was found that people preferred the use of innovative forms by female speakers and the use of vernacular forms by male speakers. This is consistent with the general trend of female and male languages. Hong Kong people preferred the use of Mainland Chinese vocabulary by male speakers. This suggests that, unlike before the return, Hong Kong people now perceive the Mainland Chinese language type as a vernacular form.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        현대중국어에서 역외한자어의 위상과 그 판단기준

        김석영 ( Sok Yong Kim ) 한국중국언어학회 2011 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.34

        現代漢語有不少從日語、 韓語、 越南語等語言借來的漢字詞, 專指這些詞彙的術語有日源漢字詞、 借形詞、 形譯詞等, 但這些術語都有不妥之處。 本文提出一個新的術語:域外漢字詞(Sinoxenic word), 這種提法有幾點好處:不限於某一種具體的來源, 可以統稱日語、 韓語、越南語等不同來源的所有漢字詞;把漢字詞和字母詞這兩種借形詞區分開來, 專稱其中的漢字詞。 域外漢字詞明明是從外語借來的詞語, 不過其與漢語詞的同質性也흔突出, 因此, 圍繞著其性質和地位, 曆來爭論不休。 本文以"能指(signifiant)和所指(signifie)的借用與否"這一標准判斷出域外漢字詞的非外來詞屬性, 同時把借詞和外來詞這兩個術語的槪念區分開來, 提出借詞(loan word)爲大範疇、 外來詞(foreign word)爲次範疇的新體系。 域外漢字詞屬於借詞範疇, 但不屬於外來詞。 這樣就旣不否定從外語借來域外漢字詞的事實, 又能肯定其與漢語詞的同質性或相似性。

      • KCI등재

        글로벌 중국어 권역 간 공통어계 어휘 교류 양상 연구

        金錫永 ( Kim Sok-yong ) 중국어문학회 2021 中國語文學誌 Vol.- No.75

        This paper analyzed the spread of 9,874 regional standard vocabulary to understand the vocabulary interchange among global Chinese regions. The data used for the analysis were constructed through the items included in 4 kinds of global Chinese vocabulary dictionaries and 9 local field surveys conducted over 8 times. As a result of the analysis, it was confirmed that the influence of vocabulary in mainland China was overwhelmingly high, and that of Taiwan was not as high as expected. In addition, it was confirmed that the further away from the center of the global Chinese concentric circle distribution, the higher the dependence on the vocabulary of other regions. It was also confirmed once again that Hong Kong and Macau, Singapore and Malaysia each form one block in terms of vocabulary, and within each block, it was found that Hong Kong and Singapore had a high influence.

      • KCI등재

        고등학교 교육과정의 전문교과 외국어 계열 과목 재구조화 방안 연구: 해외 외국어 심화 과목 분석 및 외국어고 교사 F.G.I.를 중심으로

        김석영 ( Kim Sok-yong ),이주연 ( Lee Joo-youn ) 서강대학교 언어정보연구소 2021 언어와 정보 사회 Vol.44 No.-

        This study is the result of exploring ways to restructure specialized foreign language subjects and courses in the high school curriculum based on the analysis of overseas curriculums and F.G.I. for teachers. Education in Korea is currently preparing to implement curriculum reform and changes in education policies related to specialized subjects following the introduction of the high school elective credit system. Accordingly, this paper analyzes the system and characteristics of advanced foreign language subjects in Ontario, Canada, New South Wales, Australia, and Singapore, and analyzes the contents of the F.G.I. for teachers in the foreign language high schools. Based on the analysis, this paper suggests diversification of subject options and reinforcement of content-based subjects as a way to restructure specialized foreign language subjects and courses.

      • KCI등재

        중등 교육과정 중국어 의사소통 기능 항목 체계의 적절성에 대한 연구

        이희정(Lee, Heejung),김석영(Kim, Sok-yong) 한국중국어교육학회 2018 중국어교육과연구 Vol.0 No.28

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the appropriacy of Chinese communicative function categories’ system in the National Secondary Chinese Curriculum of South Korea. Based on the result of reviewing four functional syllabuses published in China, we classified into three issues when establishing the system of Chinese communicative function categories. The first is about compromising between function and linguistic form. The second is about integration or separation of categories of positives-negative function. And the third is about hierarchy and balance of communicative function categories. According to these three issues, we analyzed the Appropriacy of Communicative Function Categories of basic Chinese communicative expressions in the 2015 Revised National Chinese Curriculum. As a result of analyzing 2015 Revised National Chinese we found that different characteristic categories such as function, style, concept and context are mixed in a current curriculum. Moreover, categories of positives-negative function are uniformly integrated and some functional categories are out of balance in a current curriculum. Therefore, we conclude that the categories should be unified into functional categories and context categories. Moreover, the balance of the categories should be adapted.

      • KCI등재

        한국인 학습자의 중국어 ‘득(得)+AP’ 상태보어 구문 습득 양상에 관한 연구

        채춘옥 ( Chae Chunok ),김석영 ( Kim Sok-yong ) 한국중국어문학회 2020 中國文學 Vol.103 No.-

        This study examined errors made by Korean learners in the process of learning “得+AP” state complement construction in Chinese language. To identify the exact causes of those errors, the study first investigated how Chinese sentences with state complements correspond in the Korean language. Next, 4 type error samples related to “得” state complements were extracted from the sentences in the HSK Dynamic Composition Corpus, and specific error types and frequencies were examined. In addition, a survey was carried out among Koreans learners of the Chinese language, which showed that the most common errors of “得+AP” state complement construction were omission, ordering, selection, and addition, in that order. The acquisition order of “得+AP” state complement construction was non-object construction, general object construction, separable verb construction, and 把 construction, in that order. Finally, other problems such as mother-tongue interference, the effect of learning strategies, and teaching materials and methods were reviewed.

      • KCI등재

        중국의 동아시아 한자어 연구 동향 분석 - CNKI 학술지 데이터를 중심으로

        정지수 ( Jeong Jiesu ),김석영 ( Kim Sok-yong ) 한국중국언어학회 2022 중국언어연구 Vol.- No.102

        In this article, We analyzed the research trends of East Asian Sino words in China, based on the articles of the CNKI data. We collected 2,436 articles dealing with Sino words in Korean, Chinese, Japanese and Vietnamese languages using 44 keywords which related to East Asian sino words such as ‘HANZICI(漢字詞)’, ‘HANYUCI(漢語詞)’ ect. We obtained a list of 1543 papers by deleting the duplicated lists. Finally, the list of 983 analysis targets was confirmed by confirming whether it met the scope of this study. We analyzed the research topics, objects, scope, periods, and methods, through the titles, keywords, abstracts, and text. As a result of the analysis, the most studies were related to the homographs in Chinese and Japanese, Japanese loanwords in Chinese, and the formation modern Chinese vocabulary, followed by studies related to homographs in Korean and Chinese characters, especially for education. The research of Vietnamese Sino words had the least proportion and lacked of diversity.

      • KCI등재

        중국어 교재 평가 체크리스트 개발 연구

        신원철(Shin, Wonchul),김나래(Kim, Narae),소민정(So, Minjeong),손남호(Sohn, Nam-Ho),이강재(Lee, Kangjae),이연숙(Yi, Yeon-Sook),이미경(Lee, Mikyoung),김석영(KIM, Sok-yong) 한국중국어교육학회 2017 중국어교육과연구 Vol.0 No.25

        Establishing the criteria for evaluating textbooks is a prerequisite to such endeavors as research, selection, development and information building on the textbook. In the domestic Chinese education field, however, academic explorations for such criteria have been lacking. Aiming to develop an evaluation checklist appropriate for the characteristics of Chinese textbooks, the current study followed the procedure of 1) developing a draft checklist based on literature review 2) testing practicality through pilot testing and 3) checking face validity with a group of experts. In the first phase of literature review, the authors reviewed a few dozen checklists for assessing foreign language textbooks developed from the 1970"s through the 2000"s as well as their inductive compendiums. They also reviewed research studies on Chinese textbook evaluation checklists conducted in China and Korea, which led to the completion of a draft with 51 items under 13 categories. The draft underwent a pilot test based on the evaluation of two textbooks written in Korea, translated versions of two Chinese textbooks, and two textbooks developed in China, which revised the draft into the one with 43 items under 8 categories. In the final phase, Chinese education researchers and in-service school teachers tested face validity of the checklist, which finalized the checklist with 45 question items subsumed under 8 categories. The checklist this study created will be utilized for Chinese textbook research, development and selection, and constructive criticism garnered from it will further modify the checklist, eventually enhancing its validity and practicality. The authors also plan to build an informative platform of Chinese textbooks based on this checklist and in the process the current checklist could be subsequently confirmed and refined.

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