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제주마의 번식과정에 있어서 혈중 Steroid Hormone 수준변화에 관한 연구 1 . 성성열과 발정주기중의 혈중 Estradiol -17β , Progesterone 수준변화
김중계(J . K . Kim),장덕지(D . G . Chang),서문현(M . H . Seo) 한국축산학회 1990 한국축산학회지 Vol.32 No.7
The reproductive status of 428 heads of Cheju pony mares raised on Cheju island was investigated to improve the reproductive efficiency and to get fundamental data for Cheju pony mares. 1. The average ages at the first estrus and the first foaling were 15.1±1.59 and 38.9±5.48 months, respectively, the differences among the feeding farms were great. 2. The average durations of estrus, estrus cycle, gestation period and foaling interval of mares were 5.7±1.81. 20.8±2.42, 333.9±5.41 and 432.6±134.2 days, respectively. 3. The average parturition rate was 60.9% and the differences among the feeding farms were great: The highest parturition rate was 71.4% for Cheju national monumental pony mares. 4. The reccurrence of estrus after foaling excluding and including alternate year foaling were 21.5±19.0, 114.3±133.84 days, respectively. 5. Seasonal variations of estrous mares were 49.4% goes to summer, 45.2% spring, 3.1%, winter and 2.3% autumn.
Context를 고려한 Digital 곡선의 특징점 검출
최형길(Choi H. G.),김경아(Kim K. A.),김문현(Kim M. H.) 한국정보과학회 1991 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.18 No.2
Digital 폐곡선의 형상의 특징을 표현하기 위하여, 곡선의 국부적인 성질만을 고려한 연구가 주로 되어왔다. 본 논문에서는 한 점이 포함된 context, 즉 전체영상의 구조적인 특징 및 주위 영역의 특징을 반영한, 국부적인 곡률의 최대치를 찾는 새로운 algorithm을 제안한다. 제안된 algorithm은 digital 곡선의 k-곡률 산출 방식에서 문제가 되는 k 값을 입력 변수로 요구하지 않고 각 점에서 주위환경에 따라 자동적으로 산출한다. 제안된 algorithm을 이차원 영상의 경계선에 적응시켜 보였으며, 효율성을 기존의 context를 고려한 algorithm과 비교하여 보였다.
제주마의 번식과정에 있어서 혈중 Steroid Hormone수준변화에 관한 연구 Ⅰ : 성성열과 발정주기중의 혈중 Estradiol-l7β, Progesterone수준변화
김중계,장덕지,서문현 제주대학교 농과대학 제주도축산문제연구소 1991 畜産論叢 Vol.6 No.1
This study was conducted to find out the changes of estradiol-17 β and progesterone levels in the plasma occurrenoe of their puberty and during estrus cycle with 9 heads of Cheju ponies. The estradiol-17 β and progesterone in the plasma samples were assayed by radioimmunoassay methods. The results are as follow ; 1. The estradiol-17 β levels showed 45.4-93.6 pg/ml during 6-10 months of puberty, however it reached at peak of 162.6±73.77pg/ml at 13months with onset of estrus. 2. The progesterone levels during puberty of fillies reached peak levels of 8.28±4.52ng/ml at 14months and 0.01~0.36ng/ml during 6-10 months of puberty. 3. The estradiol-17 β and progesterone levels decreased to 75.1±27.26pg/ml and 1.96±2.25ng/ml respectively 16months o f puberty in the non-breeding season. 4. The estradiol-17 β levels during the estrus cycles showed a peak level of 107-145pg/ml at 1-7 days after the onset of estrus and decreased 66.1-91.9pg/ml at 11-17 days. 5. The progesterone levels during the estrus cyole showed less than Ing/ml at 1-7 days after the onset of estrus and a peak level of 7.5-7.7nglml at 11-15 days.
제주마의 번식과정에 있어서 혈중 Steroid Hormone수준변화에 관한 연구 Ⅱ : 임신기간과 분만전후의 혈중 Estradiol-l7β, Progesterone수준변화
김중계,장덕지,서문현 제주대학교 농과대학 제주도축산문제연구소 1991 畜産論叢 Vol.6 No.1
This study was conducted to find out the changes of estradion- 17β and progesterone levels in the plasma of Cheju mares during gestation period and before and after parturition with 12 heads of Cheju ponies. The results are as follows ; 1. The estradiol- 17β and progesterone levels on the 1-4 months showed 61.6-134.2 pg/ml and 7.74-9.20 ng/ml respectively, but the estradiol- 17β levels rapidly increased to 426.4- 1772.9 pg/ml, and the progesterone levels decreased to 1.42 - 5.43 ng/ml on the 5- 10 months of gestation period. 2. The progesterone levels of the pragnant and the non-pregnant mares showed 4.80 ng/ml and 0.04 ng/ml in winter, respectively. but both of the two appeared 1211.5 pg/ml dnd 99.4 pg/ml of estradiol-17β, respectively. Therefore the diagnosis of pregnancy might be more accurate with the levels of es-tradiol- 17p in autumn. 3. The progesterone levels showed 3.20 ng/ml the day before parturition and less than 1 ng/ml on 8 days after partunton. The estradiol- 178 levels, showing the rising trend, are 90.1-162.4 pg/ml up to 10 days.