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Segmenting sport video gamers by motivation: a cluster analysis
김용재,Soojin Kim 한국마케팅과학회 2013 마케팅과학연구 Vol.23 No.1
Using the Uses and Gratifications paradigm, the present study examines motives for playing sport video games (SVG). Based on motivations, this study identifies segments of SVG users using a cluster analysis, and then explores potential similarities and differences between segments based upon demographic and behavioral variables. With a sample of 378 SVG users from four popular video game websites, the cluster analysis yielded two distinct clusters: Fun seekers and Fantasy seekers. Results indicated that the members of each cluster seek various gratifications from SVG use. Each cluster also was further distinguished based upon gender, marital status, and media consumption behaviors. Implications are discussed relative to virtual sport experience in the mediated environment and its corresponding marketing strategies.
김용재,이필우,김은변 한국목재공학회 1976 목재공학 Vol.4 No.1
This study was carried out to know the adaptability of barley flour, potato flour and white ash as extender and filler of urea-formaldehyde resin for plywood as a substitute material of wheat flour. The extenders and filler used at this study were extended by several groups of percentages. Shear strength, moisture contents, and specific gravities were compared among tested groups. The results obtained are summarized as follows. I) Wet and dry shear strength of plywoods extended by 10% barley flour, 30% potato flour, and wheat flours were shown better results than non extended plywoods. 2) There was no significant difference between plywoods extended until 50% barley flours and non extended plywoods. 3) Shear strength of plywoods extended by 50% potato and 100% barley flours were shown worse result than non extended. 4) Dry and wet shear strength of plywoods extended by white ash were shown worst result. 5) The plywoods extended by potato flours were shown nat only better shear strength, but also considered more profitable cost for extending.
김용재 한국금융법학회 2009 金融法硏究 Vol.6 No.1
As to prohibited activities on market manipulation, Article 176 paragraph 4 of the Financial Investment Services and Capital Markets Act in Korea, which has been effective since February of 2009th, provides that "no one shall conduct any activity falling under the following subparagraphs with respect to the transactions of listed securities or exchange-traded derivatives: 1. changing or fixing the price of the underlying asset of exchange-traded derivatives for the purposes of gaining unjust profits or having a third person gain unjust profits when purchasing or selling the exchange-traded derivatives; 2. changing or fixing the price of the exchange-traded derivatives for the purpose of gaining unjust profits or having a third person gain unjust profits when purchasing or selling the underlying assets of exchange-traded derivatives; 3. changing or fixing the price of securities prescribed by the Presidential Decree as linked to the securities concerned for the purpose of gaining unjust profits or having a third person gain unjust profits when purchasing or selling the securities." A question arises whether Article 176 paragraph is enough to regulate interrelated unfair transactions between the commodity and derivatives markets completely. This paper does answer negatively because current regulators such as the Financial Service Commission (FSC) or the Korea Exchanges (KRX) do not have a supervisory jurisdiction over commodities or underlying assets at all. Thus, those regulators may not ask suspicious traders or relevant investment bankers to submit necessary data and materials for effectively supervising unfair transactions regarding underlying assets. This paper is trying to re-allocate supervisory jurisdictions reasonably among relevant regulators such as derivatives regulators and commodities regulators, thereby having the FSC or the KRX gain any materials easily and promptly from the commodity market itself. In addition, it suggests the reform of the current regulatory regime. Tentatively, the MOU regarding the transmission of necessary data may be arranged between the derivative regulator and commodity regulator. However, this alternative cannot be final and permanent. Other legal and regulatory systems of financially advanced countries are deeply analyzed for the successful study.
김용재 영남퇴계학연구원 2020 퇴계학논집 Vol.- No.26
Park-Sewha teacher(1834-1910) is a living witness of history who has watched the entire process of going to ruin through turbulent times both at home and abroad, as evidenced by his secret ties. From the difficult and arduous youth to the harsh opening of the port and modernization, he was a born Confucius spirit, who had not forgotten only the country and its people for a moment. There was always a solemnity hidden in his heart, and his words and deeds convey a greater impression to us than any other high-ranking government official at the time. He also told us what 'true knowledge' is. And he personally practiced what "the honorable life of an intellectual" is like and ended his life. So, what made this series of actions possible? What kind of calling did he have to give up the courage to throw away such a noble life? If 'philosophy' is one of your own values and worldviews based on the life and reality of the time, where is the root that led to the death of your patriotic martyrdom? What is the justification that we still have to remember him 100 years later? Why should we regard him as a model for the eternal spirit of Confucius? This was the question of this paper. This paper argues that his knowledge and practice would have been possible from different people and different philosophies. And the reason was that his knowledge was based on the philosophy that practice was important. 毅堂 선생님은 23일 동안 絶食하시고 끝내 순국한 선비 중의 선비로서, 죽음으로써 庚戌國恥에 항거한 인물이었다. 나라가 속절없이 무너진 상황 하에, 참된 지식인의 고뇌가 함축된 절박한 몸부림이었다. 지식인 노릇하기가 이토록 힘들고 어려웠다는 말인가? 의당 선생의 절명시는 비슷한 시기에 자결로 충정을 받쳤던 ‘매천 황현’의 절명시와도 다를 바가 없다. 의당 박세화 선생(1834~1910)의 생몰연대에서 알 수 있듯이, 그는 국내・외적으로 격동기를 거치며 망국으로 치닫는 모든 과정을 지켜본, 역사의 살아있는 증인과도 같았다. 그는 어렵고 고달픈 청춘으로부터 험난한 개항, 그리고 근대화를 거치기까지, 그는 오직 나라와 민족을 한시도 잊지 못하였던, ‘타고난 선비’였다. 그의 마음속엔 늘 비장함이 숨어 있었고, 그의 언행과 遺跡은 당시 그 어떤 高官들보다도 우리에게 큰 울림을 전해주고 있다. 또한 당신은 ‘참된 지식’이 무엇이고, ‘지식인의 떳떳한 삶’이 어떤 것인지를 몸소 보여주시고 生을 마감하신 인물이다. 그렇다면, 그의 이러한 일련의 행위들을 가능케 할 수 있었던 것은 과연 무엇이었을까? 의당 선생님은 도대체 어떠한 시대적 소명을 가졌기에 그토록 숭고한 목숨까지 버릴 수 있는 용기의 足跡을 남기실 수 있었을까? ‘철학’이 당시의 삶과 현실을 토대로 만들어진 자신만의 가치관이자 세계관이라 한다면, 의당 선생님의 우국충정의 발로를 끝내 순국으로 이르게 하였던 저점은 어디에서부터 기인하는가? 100년이 지난 지금에도 우리가 毅堂 선생님을 기억해야만 하는 당위성은 무엇이고, 그를 왜 萬世師表의 귀감으로 여겨야만 하는지에 대하여 생각해보지 않을 수 없다. 본고는 그의 언행과과 지행관이 남다른 성리학적 세계관으로부터 가능했으리라는 전제로부터 출발하며, 그의 反主知主義의 실천철학에 무게를 싣는 것으로 결론지었다.