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      • 조선시대 난대성 식물의 분포역 변화

        공우석,원학희 한국제4기학회 2001 제사기학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        조선시대의 세종실록지리지, 신증동국여지승람, 동국여지지, 여지도서, 임원십육지, 대동지지, 증보문헌 비고, 조선일람 등 고문헌을 이용하여 난대성 식물의 시·공간적 분포를 복원하였다. 난대성 식물종의 지리적 분포는 9가지 유형으로, 시계열적 분포는 4가지 유형으로 구분되었다. 조선시대 동안 한 시기라도 가장 넓은 분포를 보인 난대성 식물은 전국의 100곳 이상의 군현에서 출현한 감나무이다. 50곳 이상에서 나타나 넓은 분포역을 나타낸 종은 왕대, 이대, 석류 등이고, 30곳 이상에서 나타난 종은 차, 모시 등이다. 조선시대 난대성 식물의 시·공간적 분포는 자연환경적 요인과 함께 이를 극복하려는 인간의 노력의 결과이다. The time-spatial distributional changes of fourteen warmth-tolerant plants have reconstructed by the use of the historical records of the Chosun Dynasty on the periods of 1454, 1531, 1660, 1760, 1842∼45, 1864, 1907 and 1931. Nine types of geographical distribution, and four types of temporal distribution are, respectively, recognised from fourteen warmth-tolerant plants. The most widely distributed species which occur at more than 100 counties was the persimmon. Species occurred more than 50 counties include the large bamboo, small bamboo and pomegranate. Tea plant and ramie are also commonly found species at more than 30 counties. Past geographical distribution of warmth-tolerant plants seems to be the result of both natural and anthropogenic environments.

      • KCI등재

        地下水汚染의 防止對策

        具然昌,元學喜,權五乘 한국환경법학회 1985 環境法 硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        The importance of protecting groundwater from pollution stems from its increasing use as a source of supply by industries, irrigators and domestic users. It presently represents approximately 15 percent of the total water amount consumed in Korea. By the year 2,000 groundwater may be relied on to supply as much as 30 percent of the amount needed, with the total demand by this time having increased as estimated two hundred percent. Thus if usable quantities of groundwater are to be available to meet this increasing demand, along with the acceleration of its development, its pollution will have to be controlled. The purposes of this study are to review the hydrologic characteristics with respect to groundwater and its pollution; to inquire into the reasons for groundwater pollution and its present situation in Korea; to investigate the legal and administrative mechanism for prevention of groundwater pollution in Korea along with some inquiry into those in the U.S. and Japan; and to make a few suggestions for prevention of groundwater pollution in Korea. Groundwater aquifers are generally recharged by infiltrating precipitation. The "recharge zone" of an aquifer is that portion of the land surface which is the principal source of the ground water inflow. The size of the recharge zone relative to the size of the aquifer and the extent to which the recharge zone has clear boundaries may vary considerably. Groundwater flows under the influence of gravity from the recharge zone toward eventual discharge to surface waters at a rate dependent on hydrologic factors. Flow rates are generally extremely slow compared to surface waters; centuries may pass between the time of recharge and the time of discharge. Understanding several hydrologic facts is crucial to effective groundwater management. First, since ground and surface waters are connected, each cannot be considered in total isolation from the other; polluted groundwater will in most cases discharge eventually to the surface, and polluted surface waters can, in some cases, contaminate groundwater. Second, because groundwater has such low rates of flow and dispersion, the nature of and possible remedies for its pollution are singular. On the other hand, pollution of a portion of an aquifer need not have any effect on safe use of the rest of the aquifer. Conversely, once an aquifer section is polluted, it may remain polluted indefinitely, even if the source of pollution is removed. Though the water may be treated at the time of withdrawal, cleanup of the aquifer itself is not generally possible. Finally, monitoring groundwater quality is fundamentally more difficult than monitoring surface water quality, not only because wells must be dug, but because the lack of mixing in an aquifer means that many samples from different locations are needed in order to get an accurate picture of groundwater quality in an area. There is no detailed and accurate data with respect to the storage of groundwater in Korea. Among hydrologists it has been a common opinion that there is not a plentiful storage of ground water because of the composition of rocks in Korea. However, the results of investigation which were performed in several areas revealed that a plentiful amount of groundwater storage was found in many areas. It was evidenced by the investigation in several areas that groundwater throughout the country is appropriate for all purposes of water uses. It was shown that total dissolved solids exist at the range of 200 or 300mg/l and thus groundwater is comparatively soft. But it was also revealed in estuaries and industrial areas that the total dissolved solids were more than 1,000mg/l. The range of pH of groundwater was 5.4 or 7.8. The sources of groundwater pollution in Korea may generally be the direct discharge of liquid waste into the ground through traditional toilets and various kinds of disposal; seepage or leachate from storage and disposal of waste; seepage from improper sewage system and stalls in rural areas. No attention has been paid to prevention of groundwater by both the government and citizens. No comprehensive law has been enacted to prevent groundwater pollution. There are only two available tools for protecting groundwater from pollution. One is available through Article 236 of the Civil Code, which protects groundwater users from suspension, diminution or other obstruction of groundwater uses. The category of obstruction includes quality obstruction as well as quantity one. On the other hand, the Implementing Regulations for the Environmental Preservation Act and the Garbage and Waste Cleaning Act include provisions to protect groundwater from pollution. The Regulations require that the facilities for disposal of industrial and domestic solid waste be provided by necessary measures to prevent groundwater pollution. However, there are no specified criteria and methods therefor. In order to supply a good quality of groundwater in the future, it is imperative for the government to protect groundwater from pollution from the present moment. First of all, the government and citizens must understand the hydrologic characteristics of groundwater and its pollution. Second, a comprehensive law should be enacted to protect groundwater from pollution. Third, to implement the groundwater protection program more effectively, a municipal regulation should be enacted to meet the need which is proper for each municipality. Fourth, the groundwater protection program should be implemented according to the sources of pollution: the pointsource and non-point source pollution. Fifth, one of the most significant methods for protecting groundwater is to establish a legal and administrative mechanism to properly select the site of disposal of waste through adopting the zoning system. Sixth, the existing legal and administrative system for prevention of air, water and soil pollution should be more effectively implemented. This will indirectly contribute to prevention of groundwater pollution. Finally, new technology for protecting groundwater from pollution should be developed.

      • 돈분뇨 퇴비의 펠렛가공 효과

        정광화,김재환,최동윤,박치호,곽정훈,유용희,한명석,정만순,원학희,윤태영,Jeong, K.H.,Kim, J.H.,Choi, D.Y.,Park, C.H.,Kwag, J.H.,Yoo, Y.H.,Han, M.S.,Jeong, M.S.,Won, H.H.,Yoon, T.Y. 한국축산환경학회 2008 축산시설환경학회지 Vol.14 No.3

        본 연구는 가축분 퇴비의 가공에 따른 품질 및 이용성을 향상시키는 기술을 개발하는 목적으로 수행되었다. 펠렛퇴비의 가공효과 개선 및 관련 기술 개발 그리고 퇴비 이용성 개선이 본 과제 수행에 있어 핵심적 해결요소이다. 본 과제 수행에 있어 지금까지 도출된 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 1 펠렛퇴비 최적가공조건 설정시험 결과, 돈분발효퇴비의 펠렛가공 효과는 재료의 구성과 혼합을 그리고 퇴비원료의 수분함량에 큰 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났다. 2. 스쿠루 형태의 제조방법이나 펄렛밀 형태의 제조방법을 취하는 경우, 두 방법 모두 펠렛화 과정에 따른 퇴비중의 양분손실 현상은 크게 나타나지 않았다. 3. 가공온도가 높고 계분이 함유된 처리구에서 암모니아 발생정도가 가장 높았고 동일한 수준의 돈분뇨 퇴비를 함유한 시험구의 경우, 가공온도와 암모니아 발생량이 정의 상관관계를 보이는 것으로 판단된다. 단 첨가재로 이용된 물질이 가공단계에서 퇴비재료의 pH를 상승시키는 역할을 할 경우 암모니아 발생을 촉진한다. 4. 정상상태의 실온에 보관하였을 경우 펄렛퇴비의 중량은 점차 감소하는 경향을 보인다. 펠렛퇴비 중량의 경우 가공 후 최초 15일 까지는 시간의 흐름에 비례하는 감소하는 경향을 보이고 그 이후부터는 감소율이 낮아지는 결과를 보인다. 펠렛퇴비의 중량감소 정도는 원재료의 구성보다는 경과일수에 영향을 더 받는다. 부피도 시간의 흐름에 따라 감소하는 경향을 보이는데 중량변화보다는 그 변이가 크지 않은 결과를 보였다. 5. 돈분퇴비와 패각을 혼합한 처리구의 내압축력이 상대적으로 낮았던 반면에 돈분과 계분퇴비에 버섯배지와 패각 그리고 미강을 혼합하여 제조한 펠렛퇴비의 내압축적이 가장 우수한 것으로 나타났다. Farmers directly spread the livestock manure compost on their arable land as an organic fertilizer. However, there are some difficult problems to solve. first, we are unsure of whether the livestock manure compost can meet the nutritional demand of plant. Second, application of the current powered livestock manure compost to crop land is very difficult work due to heavy weight of compost and its powdered shape. For this reason, this study was carried out to develope high quality pelletized livestock manure compost. In pelletizing process with composted manure, the optimal water content for pelletizing was around 30$\sim$40%. When rice bran was mixed with 5% as a bonding agent on volume basis, the pelletizing effect was remarkably improved. On a dry matter basis, the contents of N and P of manure compost were 1.31%, and 0.58%, respectively. After pelletizing, the contents of compost pelleted were 1.37% and 0.54%, respectively. The same parameters of pelletized compost made by screw type Instrument were 1.37% and 0.53%, respectively. The other hand, N and P content of pelletized compost made by pellet mill type instrument were 1.06% and 0.18%, respectively.

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