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      • KCI등재

        육계공급체인의 물발자국과 물 리스크 대응

        박석하 ( Seog Ha Park ) 한국물류학회 2013 물류학회지 Vol.23 No.5

        2012년 OECD의 2050 환경전망에 따르면 우리나라는 OECD국가 중에서 물 스트레스가 가장 심한 국가로 발표되었다. 2020년 우리나라는 물 부족국가에 진입 한다고 알려져 있다. 녹색성장의 키워드를 물 정책으로 제시하고 있다. 물발자국은 원재료조달에서 부터 생산, 폐기, 리사이클까지 상품의 라이프사이클의 물 사용량을 산출하고 물 자원의 부하를 정량화하는 수법이다. 물발자국 계산에는 물 소비원단위가 사용되고 있다. 본 연구는 육계 1마리 당 물소비량을 살펴보기 위하여, 육계용 병아리의 적정한 생육조건, 환경조건을 살펴 보고, 부화에서 양계, 가공까지 발생한 직,간접 물발자국을 계산하였다. 이를 통하여 각 분야, 대응분야별 물 리스크에 대응하는 방안을 모색해 보고자 한다. According to 2050 environmental forecast of OECD in 2012, Korea is the most water-stressful country among OECD members. It is said that Korea will become water- short country in 2020. Water footprint is a method to calculate water usage during the life cycle of a product from material procurement through production to disposal to recycle and to quantify the load to water resources. In water footprint calculation, water consumption unit is used.Water footprint was calculated by studying appropriate growing and environmental conditions for broiler chick. In this paper, direct and indirect water footprint was calculated from incubation to farming to processing of broiler chick. With this, the counter measures will be discussed by each action area.

      • KCI등재

        서울시 물값소송 항소심판례의 분석과 연구

        윤석찬 전남대학교 법학연구소 2010 법학논총 Vol.30 No.2

        물의 체계적 관리와 분배문제는 우리 사회의 새로운 사회적 갈등요인으로 등장하였을 뿐만 아니라 국가간의 국제적 분쟁의 여지도 남기고 있다. 국내에서는 이미 용수와 관련된 일련의 사건들, 예를 들면 대구시의 낙동강 취수원 안동댐 이전분쟁, 인천시 물값 분쟁, 춘천시 취수 분쟁, 서울시의 청계천 물값 분쟁, 최근에는 4대강 사업찬반론까지 이어지고 있다. 대상판결로서 서울시 물값 소송은 크게 두 개의 소송물로 구성되어 있다. 첫째는 피고 서울시의 댐용수료 미납에 대한 원고 수자원공사의청구에 관한 것이고, 둘째는 피고 수자원공사의 부당이득에 대한 원고 서울시의 반환청구에 관한 것이다. 전자의 항소심에서는 항소인 서울시가 승소하였고 수자원 공사가 상고하여 지금은 대법원에 계류 중이다. 후자의 항소심에서는 수자원공사가 승소하였고, 이에 서울시는 상고하였고, 마찬가지로 지금은 대법원에 계류 중이다. 본고에서는 서울시 물값 소송에 관한 상기의 항소심 판결을 중심으로 수리권 분쟁판결을 연구하여 그 법리전개의 타당성을 검토하고자 한다. 대상판결에서는 댐사용권자인 수자원공사의 댐용수 사용료 산정의 폭리행위 등이 중점적으로 논의되었는바, 댐사용권자인 수자원공사는 댐저수의 사용에 관하여 독점적인 권리가 부여되어있기에 댐사용권자가 그 권리를 남용할 가능성이 인정되어 이를 방지하기 위하여 댐법에 댐용수 사용료의 산출방법이나 납부방법 등에 대하여 별도의 규정을 두고 있고,이를 바탕으로 수자원공사는 댐용수 사용료를 산정한 것이기에 대상판결에서의 서울시의 주장들은 설득력을 잃고 만다. 아울러 물값 산정방식에 있어서의 다툼은 상기의 용수공급계약의 유효 내지 무효에 영향을 줄 수 없다고 보여 진다. 종전의 2000년 이전에는 서울시와 수자원공사 사이에서의 물값 산정방식은 취수장별 공제방식이었다. 그러나 2000년 말경부터 취수장폐쇄, 취수량 변경 같은 상황의 발생하였지만 기득사용물량에 대한 배분조정이 이루어지지 않았다. 수자원공사는 계속 취수장별로 용수료를 산정하였고, 서울시는 그대로 용수료를 납부한 결과 기득사용물량을 공제받지 못한 것과 같은 결과를 낳은 것이고 이를 차후에 조정하려는 시도가 본 대상판결이다. 그러나 용수계약 해석법리에서그 결과는 타당하게 도출되리라 보여진다. 아울러 상고심의 판결이 기대되기도 한다. Korea Water Resources Corporation has been in conflict with some local governments, not only Seoul but also Chun-cheon regarding dam fees and there have been the movement that some cities like GyeongGi-do and In-cheon would not pay the water bill. For example, Chun-cheon filed constitutional appeal on September 20th, 1999 saying that to impose dam fees on the basis of the first clause of dam article 35 is unconstitutional but that was dismissed January 18th, 2001. The purpose of legislation that Korea Water Resources Corporation can impose dam fees is to make it easy to build dams and to manage them. The decision of the court said Korea Water Resources Corporation has the exclusive right to decide how to appropriate dam fees. It was also said that it was why there were extra regulations to prevent it from abusing the power and Seoul’s claim that there was not a legal basis for dam fee is not convincing. Clearly, it is possible to lower or reduce water rates in the case of using the water supervised by Korea Water Resources Corporation with publicity or other reasons according to “Dam Water Supply Regulations” but in other cases, it is not. During Lee’s tenure of mayor of Seoul, water rate for Cheonggyecheon was not paid and there were conflicts between Seoul and Korea Water Resources Corporation. At last, the ministry of construction and transportation admitted the water of Cheonggyecheon was supplied from the dams but decided to reduce water rates because it was for publicity. However, in this case, Seoul first made a contract with Korea Water Resources Corporation to get a permission for each stream occupation from the authorities. Therefore, it is in contravention of estoppel that Seoul insists the contract is void or nonexistence. In addition, the conflict of the calculation method for the use of water does not influence on whether the contract is valid or not. The method of measuring the use of water by each water intake had been used for Seoul before 2000. But, there were some accidents like the close of water intakes or the change of them in late 2000. In spite of that, Korea Water Resources Corporation kept using that method in the same way. So, it resulted in incorrect calculation of water use in Seoul. After the government audit criticized the loss of tax, Seoul asked Korea Water Resources Corporation to change the calculation method of water use regarding all amounts of every water intake as one. Korea Water Resources Corporation rejected it and Seoul files a suit against it. There is no wonder that the original agreement between Seoul and Korea Water Resources Corporation is the calculation method by each water intake. Also, those who will benefit have to bear the cost of the water. It is not convincing that the whole country pays for the cost of managing chungju dam for the citizens of Seoul.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Aesthetic of Water Elements in the Exterior Space of Architecture - Focused on Evolutionary Aesthetics and Neuroscience -

        대 우 항,조 택 연 한국디자인트렌드학회 2023 한국디자인포럼 Vol.28 No.1

        Background Water, an essential resource for survival, helps architects better demonstrate their design preferences in their works. Human beings have been exploring the relationship between man and nature and space, from the ancient lifestyle of choosing water to the construction environment full of reinforced concrete. Presently, advocating the return of nature and drawing closer to the sense of alienation between man and the natural environment have become the design method highly recommended by modern architectural space. As for the exterior space of the architecture, water will become a positive landscape resource, expressing and transmitting the beauty and energy from nature to the artificial structure in a fusion manner. Methods Firstly, the structure of the brain's preference for water as a landscape element is analyzed based on evolutionary aesthetics. Secondly, this study analyzes the projects which used water elements in the exterior space of architecture. The aesthetic characteristics of symmetry, orderliness, and impression are summarized through the categories of three expressions: plane, facade, and impression. Finally, the processing of aesthetic preferences for water elements occurring in the brain is analyzed in the context of neuroscience theory. Result It was concluded that the natural preference for water, the unconscious preference for the gloss of water, and the restoration of water's attention to people were preferred as survival resources. It is found that the expression of symmetrical beauty by the plane of water elements in the outer space of the building produces positive emotions. The order of the surface of the water element creates pleasure by inducing aesthetic favor. The semantic beauty of water as an impression creates positive emotions. Conclusion This study argues that it has an excellent sensitivity to the combination of architecture and water landscape elements based on research in evolutionary aesthetics. Through the study of two theories of evolutionary aesthetics and neuroscience, this study recognizes the aesthetic relationship of water elements in the outer space of architecture, providing scientific direction to architectural design.

      • KCI등재

        Water Cut Meter의 표준 검교정 시스템 구성 및 그에 따른 기초 연구

        김진목(Jin-Mok Kim),임공섭(Kong-Seop Lim),서재훈(Jae-Hoon Seo),이동준(Dong-Jun Lee) 융복합지식학회 2022 융복합지식학회논문지 Vol.10 No.2

        수분함량 측정기(이하, Water Cut Meter)는 석유 생산 현장에서 관로를 통해 흐르는 원유 성분 중 물 유량의 비율을 측정하는 장비이다. 비전통 에너지가 부상하면서 오일 샌드 생산이 증가하게 되었고 이로 인해 생산 유체 중 수분 비율의 더 높은 정확도가 요구되었다. 업계에서는 현장 배치에 앞서 유량계 및 Water Cut Meter의 성능 정확도를 설정하기 위해 다상 유량 루프(Multiphase Flow Loop)를 활용한다. 그러한 시설을 보유한 국가로는 미국, 영국 등이 있지만 현재 국내에 Water Cut Meter 국가교정기관은 없는 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 Water Cut Meter 검교정 시스템을 구성하여 Water Cut 측정 실험과 전산유체해석(CFD)을 수행하였다. 실험 및 CFD 결과, Case 1(Water:Oil=1:1)의 경우에는 시험탱크에 투입한 물과 오일의 비율과 비교해 오일의 농도가 물보다 더 높게 나타난 반면 Case 3(Water:Oil=3:1)은 오일의 농도가 오히려 더 낮게 나타나 물과 오일의 부피 분율이 초기 투입 비율과 달라졌다. 본 연구를 통해 물과 오일의 성분 비율에 따라 관로 내 유동 성질이 다르다는 것을 전제로 Water Cut Meter 검교정 시스템을 구성해야 함을 확인하였다. Water Cut Meter is an equipment that measures the ratio of water flow among crude oil components flowing through pipelines at an oil production site. The rise of unconventional energies has led to an increase in oil sand production, which requires a higher degree of accuracy in the proportion of water in the production fluid. Industry utilizes Multiphase Flow Loops to establish the performance accuracy of flow meters and Water Cut Meters prior to field deployment. Countries with such facilities include the United States and the United Kingdom, but there is currently no national water cut meter calibration institute in South Korea. In this study, water cut measurement experiment and computational fluid analysis (CFD) were performed by configuring a water cut meter calibration system. As a result of experiments and CFD, in Case 1 (Water:Oil=1:1), the concentration of oil was higher than that of water compared to the ratio of water and oil injected into the test tank, whereas Case 3 (Water:Oil=3:1) showed a lower oil concentration, so the volume fraction of water and oil was different from the initial input ratio. Through this study, it was confirmed that the Water Cut Meter calibration system should be configured on the premise that the flow properties in the pipeline are different depending on the ratio of water and oil components.

      • 물수요 중심 용수공급시스템 활용을 위한 국내 농업용수 공급체계 분석

        이광야,최경숙,Lee, Kwang-Ya,Choi, Kyung-Sook 경북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 2013 慶北大農學誌 Vol.31 No.2

        This study analyzed agricultural water distribution systems for the utilization of water demand-oriented water supply systems. Three major TM/TC(telemeter/telecontrol) districts of agricultural water management were selected for analyzing the characteristics of the water distribution systems. In addition, the characteristics of the water supply systems for general water supply zones based on irrigation facilities were also investigated, along with the case of special water management during the drought season. As a result, high annual and monthly variations were observed for the water supply facilities, including the reservoirs and pumping stations. In particular, these variations were more obvious during the drought season, depending on the type of facility. The operations of the pumping stations and weirs were more sensitive to the stream levels than the reservoirs, and the smaller reservoirs were influenced more than the larger reservoirs. Therefore, a water-demand-oriented water supply system should consider the existing general practices of water management in the agricultural sector, and focus on achieving a laborsaving system rather than water conservation in the case of reservoirs. Equal water distribution from the start to the end point of irrigation channels could be an effective solution for managing pumping stations.

      • KCI등재

        실제 물이용 체계를 고려한 한강 동해 권역 물수급 평가

        오지환(Oh, Ji-Hwan),류경식(Ryu, Kyong Sik),복정수(Bok, Jung Soo),장연석(Jang, Yeon Seok),배영대(Bae, Yeong Dae),이봉국(Lee, Bong Guk) 한국방재학회 2019 한국방재학회논문집 Vol.19 No.7

        우리나라는 수자원의 여건 변화와 개발 및 공급, 적절한 배분 및 이용을 위해 물수급 평가를 수행해왔다. 이에 본 연구에서는 현재 물수급 분석에 대한 문제점과 선행 연구에서 제시한 개선 사항을 파악하고, MODSIM 모형을 활용하여 실제 물이용 체계를 고려한 물수급 분석 체계를 구축하였으며, 행정구역 단위의 물 부족 결과를 제시하였다. 이에 물 관리가 상대적으로 취약한 한강 동해 권역을 대상으로 분석 공간 단위를 표준유역단위로 세분화하고, 용도별 용수수요량의 기초 단위를 적용하여 왜곡을 최소화하였다. 또한 수자원시설물, 지하수이용 등 지역공급원을 모형 내 일부 직접 반영하고, 하수처리장 정보를 이용한 회귀지점을 고려하여 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 기존의 분석 방식에서는 확인하기 어려웠던 행정구역 단위의 물 부족 표출 가능성을 확인하였고, 특히 최근 가뭄 상황이 발생했던 강릉시, 속초시에 대한 물 부족을 확인하였다. 본 연구에서 제안한 방법은 더 현실적인 물수급 분석이 될 것으로 기대된다. Korea has assessed its water supply-and-demand system to change, develop, and allocate water resources. This study confirmed the current problems in water supply-and-demand analysis and the need for improvement suggested by previous studies. By considering these problems and the proposed improvement, we developed a water supply-and-demand analysis system that takes the actual water-use system into account and quantifies the resulting water shortage in each administrative district. The spatial-unit analysis was subdivided into standard hydrologic watershed units in the East Sea region of the Han River, where water management was relatively weak, and the distortion was minimized by directly reflecting the basic unit of water demand for each type using the MODSIM model. In addition, the regional sources for water supply, such as water facilities and groundwater use, were directly reflected in the model. As a result, we discovered the possibility of water shortage in administrative district units that was not identified by the existing analysis system. In particular, the water-shortage problem that occurred in Gangneung-si and Sokcho-si was indirectly expressed by our method. Improved specific and realistic water-resource planning can possibly be realized by using the method developed in this study rather than the existing method.

      • KCI등재

        Development of a Monitoring System for Water-borne Bacteria by a Molecular Technique, PCR-RFLP-sequence Analysis

        Ji-Young Lee,Eun-Young Jeong,Kyu-sang Lee,Seul Ju,Jong-Bae Kim,Joon-Wun Kang,Hyeyoung Lee 대한의생명과학회 2003 Biomedical Science Letters Vol.9 No.3

        Since water borne infection causes acute diseases and results in spread of diseases by secondary infection, the prevention is very important. Therefore, it is necessary to have a method that is rapid and effective to monitor pathogenic bacteria in drinking water. In this study, we employed a systematic method, Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis, to develop an effective monitoring system for possible bacterial contaminants in drinking water. For this purpose, PCR primers were derived from 992 bp region of the 16s rRNA gene that is highly conserved through the different species of prokaryotes. To test whether the PCR primers designed are indeed useful for detecting all the possible microbial contaminants in the water, the primers were used to amplify 16s rRNA regions of different microbial water-borne pathogens such as E. coli, Salmonella, Yersinia, Listeria, and Staphylococcus. As expected, all of tested microorganisms amplified expected size of PCR products indicating designed PCR primers for 16s rRNA indeed can be useful to amplify all different microbial water-borne pathogens in the water. Furthermore, to test whether these 16s rRNA based PCR primers can detect bacterial populations present in the water, water samples taken from diverse sources, such as river, tap, and sewage, were used for amplification. PCR products were for then subjected for cloning into a T-vector to generate a library containing 16s rRNA sequences from various bacteria. With cloned PCR products, RFLP analysis was done using PCR products digested with restriction enzyme such as Hae Ⅲ to obtain species-specific RFLP profiles. After PCR-RFLP, the bacterial clones which showed the same RFLP profiles were regarded as the same ones, and the clones which showed distinctive RFLP profiles were subsequently subjected for sequence analysis for species identification. By this PCR-RFLP analysis, we were able to reveal diverse populations of bacteria living in water. In brief, in unsterilized natural river water, over 60 different species of bacteria were found. On the other hand, no PCR products were detected in drinking tap-water. The results from this study clearly indicate that the PCR-RFLP-sequence analysis can be a useful method for monitoring diverse, perhaps pathogenic bacteria contaminated in water in a rapid fashion.

      • 충청남도내 호소 수질 실태

        이창균(Chang-Gyun Lee),김종숙(Jong-Suk Kim),정금희(Geum-Hui Jeong) 대전대학교 환경문제연구소 2007 환경문제연구소 논문집 Vol.11 No.-

        The objective of this study is to investigate water quality of lake and to provide data for management practices of water quality measurement network in Chungcheongnam-do. 100 Samples of lakes was collected and analyzed. Variation degree of water contamination and changing trend of lake water for the samples were considered focussed on COD. The obtained results were as follows; 1. As a analytical results to water contamination, COD concentration for 28 lakes in 8 cities exceeded 8.0㎎/L so that it was evaluated these water can't help using farming water. 2. All lakes in Gongju and Cheonyang region was suitable for agricultural water as 3th class of water quality standard, 9 out of 12 lakes in Taean was short of the quality of agricultural water standard, and 3 lakes in Dangjin was serious contaminated under the regular grades. 3. There was no lake water fitted to 1 grade class of environmental standard of lake water quality in korea, only one lake suitable to 2 class, 48% for 3 class, 21% for 4 class, 16% for 5 class and 12% under the grade. So it was become that water quality of most lakes in Chungcheongnam-do was contaminated.

      • KCI등재후보

        The prediction of recovery percent of water-free stage and its application in the correction of theoretical water cut

        Zhang Hongyou,Zhang Yanhui,Wang Yuejie,Wang Meinan,Deng Di 한국자원공학회 2024 Geosystem engineering Vol.27 No.2

        Water-free oil production period is an important stage for oil production, prediction and water cut prediction. Because there are many factors affecting the water-free oil production period and the influencing mechanism is complex, it is very difficult to calculate the water-free oil production period. In this paper, the main influencing factors of water-free oil production period are analyzed by the stream tube approach method. The influence law of four influencing factors on water-free oil production period was analyzed and the quantitative relationship between four influencing factors and water-free oil production period were established. The average water saturation of reservoir and water saturation near producers are different which is important for the calculation of theoretical water cut. The quantitative relationship between average water saturation of reservoir and water saturation near producers is established. On this basis, a new method for calculating theoretical water cut is built and is applied to BZ reservoir. The result shows the theoretical water cut calculated by this method is consistent with field data.

      • KCI등재

        제주도 기후변화 관련 상수도시설 취약성 평가 및 적응대책

        김진근 대한상하수도학회 2018 상하수도학회지 Vol.32 No.6

        Climate adaptation strategies for water utilities including 16 water treatment plants(WTPs) in Jeju were investigated. Drought, heat wave, and heavy rain were among the most significant climate factors affecting water utilities in Jeju. Heat wave increases water temperature, which in turn increases the concentration of algae, color, and odor materials. Some adaption strategies for the heat wave can be strengthening water monitoring and introducing advanced water treatments. Heavy rain increases raw water turbidity in surface water. The 7 WTPs that take raw water from streams or springs had a maximum turbidity of less than 50 NTU under heavy rain. However, due to concerns of turbidity spike in treated water, some WTPs discontinued intaking raw water when raw water turbidity increased more than 2 NTU. They instead received treated water from other WTPs which took groundwater for water supply. This happens because of the low skills of employees. Thus, there needs to be an increase in operator competency and upgrade of water facilities for the adaption of heavy rain. To improve adaption for the drought, there should be an increase in the capacity of intake facilities of surface water as well as a decrease in water loss. In addition, water consumption per person should be decreased.

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