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      • KCI등재

        기조발표 : 과학기술법연구의 회고와 전망

        이경희 ( Kyung Hui Lee ) 한남대학교 과학기술법연구원 2006 과학기술법연구 Vol.11 No.2

        might be neglect of responsibility for lawyers to have an attitude that studying science and technology belongs to the realm of scientists not lawyers, under the circumstance that new problems are continuously arising and new regulations are continuously enacting, revising and repealing according to scientific innovations. Equally, it might be neglect of responsibility to think that studying science and technology law is none of scientists` business at all. And it is not appropriate idea that science and technology law could be handled by scientists and policy planners of science and technology, because science and technology law is deeply concerned with science and technology policy science. Science and technology law could be sufficiently developed through the joint research of law, natural science, economics, business administration, public administration, sociology, philosophy, ethics, psychology etc. To cope with the difficulties concerning Korean science and technology law, it is necessary to take systematic and academic approaches studying science and technology law totally, instead of traditional method of studying individual law case by case. From this viewpoint, this article concentrates on the necessity and feasibility of jurisprudence in science and technology law and problems to overcome.

      • KCI등재

        1960년대 ‘과학기술 붐’: 한국의 현대적 과학기술체제의 형성

        문만용 한국과학사학회 2007 한국과학사학회지 Vol.29 No.1

        South Korean Government’s efforts to promote science and technology started in 1960s. The efforts were influenced by South Korean scientists’ constant requests of an advanced research institute and a central administrative agency for science and technology policy since the country’s liberation in 1945. After 1961 Coup, the new military regime’s agenda of modernizing the country has given the scientists needed backing to realize their requests. With the aid from U.S. Government, KIST(Korea Institute of Science and Technology) was founded in 1966 and would be equipped with the up-to-date facilities. 7 months later, the scientists also organized ‘Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies’ to represent their voices. In addition, South Korean Government created MOST(Ministry of Science and Technology), an agency for science and technology policy, and enacted the law to promote the country’s science and technology in 1967. MOST formulated many important policies regarding science and technology. It organized ‘Korean Foundation of Science and Technology Support’ to look after the welfare of scientists and to promote popularization of science. One South Korean newspaper described these series of events as ‘science and technology boom’ in South Korea. Science and technology boom implied the formation of modern science and technology system, consisting of specialized administrative organization, R&D institute and other supporting system for science and technology development.

      • KCI등재후보

        광고로 바라본 21세기 과학: 1986~2004년 인쇄광고

        성영신,유홍구,김보경 한국소비자·광고심리학회 2005 한국심리학회지 소비자·광고 Vol.6 No.3

        This study is to look into how much the popularizations of the science technology has been achieved by analyzing contents of the science technology shown in the advertisements during the past twenty years and to present which way the science technology-related advertisements should go in the future by understanding how much it has been effective to convey the science technology to the public. For the study, we have analyzed the contents of the advertisements, the information related to the science technology, the visuals, and the models which are appeared in the five hundreds and thirty two science technology-related advertisements during the past twenty years. After the analysis, it is found out that, firstly, the science technology has been changing from the one for specific class to the one for numerous public. Secondly, the science technology is still described focusing on enterprise or products, not on human. Thirdly, the science technology only provides physical and sensual values, and it does not provide future-oriented values to the people. Fourthly, the science technology does not give good effect with regard to the attention, the memory, and the understanding. The results of this study will contribute to establish policies for the popularization of the science technology and to make the science technology-related advertisements. 본 연구는 최근 20년간의 광고에 표현된 과학기술을 내용분석(content analysis)하여 과학기술의 대중화가 어느 정도로 이루어져 왔는지를 살펴보고 과학기술광고가 과학기술을 전달하는데 있어 얼마나 효과적인지를 파악하여 앞으로 과학기술 관련 광고가 나아갈 바를 제시하고자 한다. 이를 위해 최근 20년간 532편의 과학기술광고에 표현된 광고 내용, 과학기술과 관련된 정보, 비주얼, 모델의 특성을 분석하였다. 분석 결과는 첫째, 과학기술은 특정 계층에서 벗어나 다수 대중을 위한 것으로 변화해 가고 있었다. 둘째, 과학기술은 여전히 기업, 제품 중심으로 묘사되고 있어 인간중심적이지 않다. 셋째, 과학기술은 인간에게 신체적, 감각적 수준의 가치만을 제공할 뿐 거시적 수준의 미래지향적 가치를 제공하지 못하고 있었다. 넷째, 과학기술광고는 주의, 기억, 이해의 측면에서 광고 효과가 좋지 않았다. 본 연구의 결과는 과학기술 대중화를 위한 정책 수립 및 과학기술과 관련된 광고의 제작에 많은 도움을 줄 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        신정부의 과학기술정책과 공법적 과제

        이부하 한국법제연구원 2022 법제연구 Vol.- No.63

        The new government’s science and technology-related national tasks are: First, to enhance R&D quality growth through redesign of the science and technology system, second, to become a G5 nation by fostering super-gap strategic technology, and third, to create a research environment centered on autonomy and creativity and nurture human resources. Strengthening, fourth, enhancing vitality of science and technology innovation centered on the private sector, fifth, establishing a system of regional innovation in the era of local science and technology sovereignty, sixth, promoting scientific and technological innovation in response to public health, safety and climate change, seventh, through science and technology It is summarized in seven points, including strengthening the ability to respond to digital transformation. In relation to the development and innovation of local science and technology of the new government, it will be a meaningless policy for regions that currently do not have such a basis for scientific and technological development or ability to develop science and technology. If the government has a will for regional science and technology development and innovation, it is possible to establish and implement a regional science and technology development comprehensive plan. In addition, since the development and securing of strategic technology through public-private collaboration is highly likely to be centered in the metropolitan area, the possibility of developing and securing strategic technology in the region will decrease. At the legal level, it is desirable to establish a legal basis for the formation of the Science and Technology Innovation Committee. There is no committee based on the 「National R&D Innovation Act」. Therefore, it is appropriate to place the legal basis of the Science and Technology Innovation Committee in the 「National R&D Innovation Act」. To nurture scientific and technological manpower, it is necessary to enact the (tentative name) 「Science and Technology Manpower Support Act」. This Act aims to contribute to creating a foundation for scientific and technological development, innovating science and technology, and strengthening national competitiveness by supporting the smooth supply and demand of scientific and technological manpower for scientific and technological development institutes or research institutes, and stipulating matters necessary for nurturing excellent scientific and technological manpower. In order to secure excellent foreign manpower, it is considered an efficient way to attract highly skilled manpower in science and technology to Korea to allow science and technology technicians to obtain an E-3 visa even if their working period is less than 90 days as high-quality foreign manpower residing in Korea. 새 정부의 과학기술 관련 국정과제는 첫째, 과학기술 시스템 재설계를 통한 R&D 질적 성장 제고, 둘째, 초격차 전략기술 육성을 통한 G5 국가로 도약, 셋째, 자율・창의 중심의 연구환경 조성 및 인재 양성 강화, 넷째, 민간 중심의 과학기술 혁신 활력 제고, 다섯째, 지역 과학기술 주권시대의 지역혁신 대순환 체계 구축, 여섯째, 국민 건강, 안전 및 기후변화 등에 대응하는 과학기술혁신 촉진, 일곱째, 과학기술을 통한 디지털 전환 대응력 강화 등 7가지로 요약된다. 새 정부의 지역 과학기술의 개발・혁신과 관련하여 현재 이러한 과학기술 개발 기반이나 과학기술 개발 능력이 없는 지역에는 무의미한 정책이 될 것이다. 지역 과학기술 개발・혁신에 대한 정부의 의지가 있다면 지역 과학기술 개발 종합계획을 수립하고 실행하면 가능하다. 또한 민관협업을 통한 전략기술 개발・확보는 수도권 중심으로 이루어질 가능성이 높기 때문에 지역에는 전략기술 개발・확보의 가능성은 줄어들 것이다. 법률 차원에서 과학기술혁신위원회의 구성에 대한 법적 근거를 마련하는 것이 바람직하다. 「국가연구개발혁신법」에 근거하고 있는 위원회가 없다. 따라서 혁신위원회의 법적 근거를 「국가연구개발혁신법」에 두는 것이 적절하다. 혁신위원회는 첫째, 과학기술 혁신에 대한 주요 정책 및 기본계획의 수립과 조정에 관한 사항을 심의해야 한다. 둘째, 혁신 기본계획의 수립뿐만 아니라 변경 사항에 대해서도 심의・의결한다. 셋째, 계획된 혁신 기본계획 정책과 사업이 실제 제대로 진행되고 있는지에 대한 점검할 기회가 있어야 한다. 넷째, 과학기술 혁신 정책과 관련된 법・제도의 개선사항을 검토하여 새로운 법・제도 개정이 필요한 경우, 이를 제안할 수 있어야 한다. 다섯째, 과학기술 혁신과 관련된 정책이나 사업이 부처 간에 중첩되거나 상반되는 경우, 이를 조정하고 부처 간에 협력할 수 있도록 법적 근거가 마련되어야 한다. 여섯째, 혁신 기본계획 및 시행계획이 행정적으로 실현되고 있는지를 점검할 수 있는 법적 근거가 있어야 한다. 일곱째, 과학기술 혁신의 국제협력에 관한 사항을 심의한다. 과학기술 인력 양성을 위하여는 (가칭) 「과학기술인력지원법」을 제정할 필요가 있다. 과학기술 개발기관 또는 연구기관의 원활한 과학기술인력 수급을 지원하고 우수 과학기술인력의 양성 등에 필요한 사항을 규정함으로써 과학기술발전을 위한 기반을 조성하고 과학기술을 혁신하며 국가경쟁력을 강화함에 이바지하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 해외 우수인력을 확보하기 위해서 국내에 거주하는 외국인 고급인력으로서 과학기술자의 경우에는 근무기간이 90일 이하더라도 E-3비자를 받을 수 있도록 하는 것이 과학기술 우수인력을 국내에 유치하기 위한 효율성 있는 방안이라 사료된다.

      • 과학기술 헌법조항의 재검토 및 개정방향

        박기주 헌법재판연구원 2016 헌법재판연구 Vol.3 No.1

        Science and technology provisions of our Constitution have been stayed in the ideological values and limits of the economic constitution. At the time of the Constitution created, our society recognized science and technology as a means of economic development rather than to the recognition of science and technology was created based on the science that strive for the truth. To overcome this problem, this research suggests that the title of Chapter 9 in our Constitution should be changed as “the economy and social development” and Article 127 (1) should be revised as follows : “The State shall strive to pursue the society that harmonize human worth and dignity with the development of science and technology by developing science and technology, information and human resources and encouraging innovation. In addition, this research proposes that we should pursue the sustainability for human and nature and development of society based on science and technology throughout the pursuits of social implications of science and technology, understanding and cooperation for nature (including to promoting the basic science), the combination of the social diversity and technology and the pursuits of appropriateness of science and technology throughout the social innovation technology in order to re-establish our Constitution system. Meanwhile, it suggests that we should pursue economic interests by spreading the research and development results and coordinating science policy based on ‘framework act on science and technology’. It also suggests that we should make legal system that provides us with formal process and reasonable dialogue possibility for social acceptance of science and technology. Science and technology provisions of our Constitution should be pursued the society that harmonize human worth and dignity with the development of science and technology and utilized two legal system such as ‘framework act on science and technology’ and ‘social acceptance act on science and technology’. The next science and technology provisions in the Constitution should be complementary legal system for nation and civil society by harmonizing the development of society and science & technology. 우리헌법의 과학기술 조항은 경제헌법의 이념적 가치와 한계를 벗어나지 못하고 있다. 헌법이 만들어질당시의 우리 사회는 과학기술이 진리탐구를 기본으로 하는 과학을 바탕으로 생성되었다는 사고를 하기 보다는 경제발전의 수단으로 인식했다. 이를 극복하기 위한 대안으로 본 연구는 헌법 제9장을 “경제와 사회발전”으로 표제를 변화시키고 제127조의 제1항은 “국가는 과학기술의 혁신과 정보 및 인력의 개발을 통해 인간의 존엄과 가치가 과학기술의 발전과 조화되는 사회를 추구한다.”로 개정하는 것을 제안한다. 또한 과학기술 헌법 체계의 재정립을 위해서 과학기술의 사회적 의미 추구, 자연에 대한 이해와 공조(기초과학 육성을 포함), 사회의 다양성과 기술의 접목, 공공기술을 통한 과학기술 적정화 등을 통해 과학기술을 통한 사회발전과 인간과 자연의 지속가능성을 추구할 것을 제안한다. 과학기술기본법을 통해 과학기술정책을 총괄하고 연구개발성과를 확산하여 경제적 이익을 추구하는 한편, 과학기술의 사회적 수용을 위한 법률 등을 제정하여 사회가 새로운 과학기술을 수용할 수 있는 ‘절차적과정’ 혹은 ‘합리적 대화가능성’의 체계를 만들 필요성도 제기하고자 한다. 헌법의 과학기술조항은 인간의존엄과 가치가 과학기술과 조화되는 사회를 추구하고 이를 실현하는 수단으로 ‘과학기술기본법’과 ‘과학기술의 사회적 수용을 위한 법률(가칭)’을 두 축으로 기능하도록 하는 것이 바람직하다. 국가와 사회가 상호보완적으로 과학기술의 발전과 그로 인한 사회의 조화로운 발전을 추구하는 것이 향후 우리헌법이 추구해야 할 과학기술헌법 조항의 가치가 되어야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라와 이스라엘의 중학교 과학과 교육과정 비교연구

        장진주 ( Jang Jin Ju ),서혜애 ( Seo Hye Ae ),송방호 ( Song Bang Ho ) 한국과학교육학회 2003 한국과학교육학회지 Vol.23 No.5

        The research aimed to compare science curriculum between Korea and Israel and find out characteristics of science curriculum in Israel at middle school level. The middle school `science` of the 7th revised national curriculum in Korea and middle school `science and technology` in Israel were compared. Among characteristics of the Israel curriculum of` `science and technology`, distinct ones are as follows: First, `science and technology` was most highly emphasized with the largest number of time allotment among all subjects at middle school level in Israel. Second, the contents of `science and technology` were classified into seven areas of `energy and interaction`, `materials`, `organism`, `earth and the universe`, `technological systems and products`, `information and communication`, and `ecosystems` rather than four areas of energy, materials, life and earth in Korea, Third, `organism` was allocated with the highest number of hours among seven areas. Fouth, objectives of each content of science and technology` were divided into three categories: scientific aspect, technological aspect, and social value and objectives of each category were related to one another. This characteristic seems to stress STS, multidisciplinary, and interdisciplinary approaches in `science and technology` in Israel. Such characteristics of the `science and technology` education in Israel are likely to make significant contributions to establish human resources of highly developing science and technology including IT, BT, NT, ST in the future society. Reflecting upon the characteristics of `science and technology` education in Israel, Korea might seek for ways to improve its national power based on science and technology through strengthening science and emphasizing science and technology contents among school curriculum.

      • KCI등재

        식민지 과학기술을 넘어서—근대 과학기술의 한국적 진화—

        김근배 한국근현대사학회 2011 한국 근현대사 연구 Vol.58 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to identify the legacy of colonial science and technology in the historical flow of Korea’s modern science and technology and to illuminate its position and meanings. Has the legacy of colonial science and technology been the basis of the development of modern science and technology? Or has modern science and technology been attained because the colonial legacy had been hurriedly cleared away?Colonial legacy is a complex issue that should not be judged only on some parts of science and technology or on whether they have been in existence. This paper proposes to examine the legacy of colonial science and technology from the aspects of time, objects, and status macroscopically, and also from institutional, human, material, and intellectual aspects in detail. In other words, it is necessary to understand the colonial legacy of science and technology by appropriately positioning it in the historical and social context of South Korea. In this paper, I used the concepts of national scientific and technological system and scientific community to appropriately grasp the unique aspects that were revealed in the development of Korea’s modern science and technology. This analytical framework shows how modern science and technology has developed in South Korea, and in this process, what role has the legacy of colonial science and technology played. In conclusion, this paper argues that the development of Korea’s modern science and technology has been achieved because unexpectedly it surpassed the historical limits in new ways rather than because colonial legacy has been in existence or cleared away. The main point is that the emergence and transition of new scientific and technological system and the reorganization and expansion of scientific community have been the core sources of making Korea’s science and technology leap over the colonial legacy.

      • 국민 삶의 질 향상과 사회문제 해결을 위한 과학기술혁신역량 변화 방향 제언

        이승규(Seung-kyu Yi),용태석(Tae-seok Yong),김진경(Jink-yung Kim) 한국기술혁신학회 2018 한국기술혁신학회 학술대회 발표논문집 Vol.2018 No.11

        본고에서는 OECD의 더 나은 삶 지표(Better Life Index, 이하 BLI)와 COSTII를 이용해 우리나라의 과학기술혁신역량이 삶의 질 관점에서 취약한 구조를 가지고 있음을 보여주었다. 분석 결과 과학기술혁신역량이 삶의 질에 활용되는 정도가 OECD 34개국 중 최하위였다. 과학기술혁신역량을 구성하는 5개 부문은 삶의 질과의 상관관계가 환경>성과>네트워크>활동>자원 순으로 높았지만 한국의 역량 수준은 OECD 34개국 중 역량별 순위가 활동>자원>성과>네트워크>환경 순으로 나타났다. 따라서 삶의 질 향상을 위해 필요한 과학기술의 첫 번째 변화 방향은 과학기술혁신역량의 균형적 포트폴리오 확보라고 할 수 있다. 혁신성장과 삶의 질 향상의 균형 있는 추진이 가능하도록 기존의 자원, 활동 부문 역량 중심에서 탈피하여 환경, 성과, 네트워크 부문의 역량의 향상이 필요하다. 특히 지원제도, 문화, 다양한 협력 역량 등의 강화가 시급하다. 본고에서는 국민수요조사와 해외동향을 바탕으로 세부역량 강화방안을 함께 제시하였다. 두 번째 변화 방향은 변화된 과학기술혁신역량 포트폴리오의 전문적 관리와 활용 기반 마련이다. 혁신역량의 모니터링과 관리를 바탕으로 효과적인 정책과 사업이 추진되는 시스템을 구축해가야 한다. 그 출발은 삶의 질과 사회문제 해결에 특화된 과학기술혁신역량 관리 체계와 전담 조직 운영이 될 수 있다. 이와 관련해 ‘(가칭)과학기술기반사회혁신지수’ 등의 개발, ‘사회문제과학기술정책센터’ 운영 등을 예시로 제시하였다. 세 번째 변화방향은 과학기술혁신역량의 사회적 활용 극대화를 위해 사회와의 소통과 연계 체계를 강화하는 것이다. 국민 삶의 질과 사회문제 해결은 과학기술만의 힘으로 어려울 수 있다. 정부연구개발비 총액의 증가가 둔화되고 있는 상황에서 삶의 질 향상과 사회문제 해결에 대한 재정투자의 효율성을 높여야 한다. 삶의 질과 관련성이 높은 재정이나 시민사회 분야와 같은 사회혁신역량과 과학기술혁신역량의 환경 부문 역량의 연계 방안은 국민 삶 향상에 대한 시너지 효과를 가져 올 수 있다. 지역문제, 사회적경제, ODA 등 다양한 분야 사회정책과의 연계도 과학기술의 사회적 역할을 강화할 수 있는 방안이 될 것이다. In this paper, we show that Korea "s science and technology innovation capacity has weak structure in terms of quality of life by using OECD" s Better Life Index (BLI) and COSTII. As a result, the level of science and technology innovation capacity was the lowest among the 34 OECD countries. In terms of quality of life, the 5 sectors that constitute science and technology innovation capacity were ranked in order of environment>performance>network>activity>resource, but Korea"s competency level was ranked in order of activity>resource>performance>network>environment among 34 OECD countries. Therefore, the first change direction of science and technology needed to improve the quality of life is securing a balanced portfolio of science and technology innovation capacity. In order to achieve balanced growth of innovation growth and quality of life, it is necessary to improve the competencies of environment, performance and network sector by moving away from the existing capacity of resources and activities. In particular, it is urgent to strengthen support systems, culture, and various cooperation capabilities. In this paper, based on national demand research and overseas trends, we suggested ways to strengthen detailed capacity. The second direction of change is professional management and utilization of changed science and technology innovation capability portfolio. Based on the monitoring and management of innovation capabilities, we should build a system that promotes effective policies and projects. The departure can be a system of science and technology innovation capacity management specialized in the quality of life and solving social problems and a dedicated organization. In this regard, the development of "(tentative) science and technology-based social innovation index" and the operation of "Social Problem Science Technology Policy Center" are given as examples. The third direction is to strengthen communication and linkage with society in order to maximize the social utilization of science and technology innovation capability. The quality of life and solving social problems of the people can be difficult due to the power of science and technology alone. In a situation where the increase in the total amount of government R & D expenditures is slowing, the efficiency of financial investment in improving quality of life and solving social problems should be raised. The linkage of social innovation capacity such as finance and civil society field with high quality of life and environmental capacity of science and technology innovation capacity can bring synergy effect to improvement of people"s life. The linkage with social policy in various fields such as regional problem, social economy, ODA will be a way to strengthen the social role of science and technology.

      • KCI등재

        2015 개정 과학과 교육과정 속 첨단과학기술 내용 분석

        문지영(Jiyeong Mun) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2022 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.22 No.22

        목적 본 연구에서는 향후 개정 과학과 교육과정에서 첨단과학기술 반영에 대한 시사점을 도출하기 위하여, 2015 개정 교육과정 속에서 첨단과학기술 주제가 어떻게 나타나고 있는지 알아보고자 하였다. 이에 2015 개정 과학과 교육과정에 제시된 첨단과학기술 주제별 빈도수와 서술 방식을 분석하였다. 방법 본 연구에서는 최근 이루어진 과학기술예측조사 결과를 바탕으로 첨단과학기술을 정의하고, 각 이슈의 중요도를 기준으로 첨단과학기술을 6개 그룹과 14개의 주요 이슈로 도출하였다. 첨단과학기술 서술범주는 기초, 원리, 이용, 영향, 직업 다섯 가지로 분류하였다. 분류틀을 바탕으로 2015 개정 과학과 교육과정의 중학교 과학, 고등학교 통합과학과 과학탐구실험 및 선택 과목에 대해 성취기준과 학습 내용을 분석하였고, 첨단과학기술 주제와 관련한 내용을 조사하고 서술된 방식을 분석하여 빈도수를 나타내었다. 결과 첨단과학기술 이슈 중 생태계⋅친환경 그룹이 가장 높게 나타났으며, 의료⋅생명 그룹과 기타(공통) 그룹이 두 번째 높았다. 가장 낮은 빈도수로 나타난 것은 정보⋅통신 그룹과 운송⋅로봇 그룹이었다. 과목군 중에는 고등학교 선택 과목에서 가장 언급이 많이 되고 있었으며, 특히 생활과 과학 과목이 8건, 과학사 과목 3건으로 빈도수가 높았다. 첨단과학기술과 관련한 직업 내용은 중학교에서만 다루고 있었다. 구체적인 기술 사례로서 중학교 1학년 과학 교과서에서 인공지능과 정보 기술 발달로 나타나는 새로운 직업군이 소개되고 있었다. 또한, 서술범주 분석결과 이용, 원리, 사회적 영향의 비중이 높게 나타나지만, 기초, 직업 서술범주는 상대적으로 적게 나타나고 있어, 첨단과학기술 서술방식이 편중되어 있음을 확인하였다. 결론 첫째, 교육과정과 교과서에 제시되는 첨단과학기술의 범주가 다양화되어야 할 필요가 있다. 재해재난 대응책이나 원전의 안전성과 같은 사회인프라 그룹의 주제들은 적게 나타나고 있으므로, 편중되지 않은 다양한 첨단과학기술 분야 내용을 소개하는 것이 필요하다. 둘째, 여러 분야에 응용될 수 있는 주요 첨단과학기술 주제를 명시적으로 드러낼 필요가 있다. 셋째, 구체적인 서술방식이 원리를 이해하거나 조사하는 것에 그치고 있으므로, 실제로 첨단과학기술을 탐구하거나 실험할 수 있도록 다양하게 수업을 구성할 수 있는 방향으로 제시하는 것이 필요하다. Objectives In modern society, which is continuously changing due to advances in science and technology, the 4th industrial revolution has accelerated the changes in human life. In this study, in order to draw implications for the reflection of advanced science technology in the future revised curriculum, we investigate how the topic of advanced science technology appears in the 2015 revised curriculum. Methods In this study the advanced science technology were defined base on the findings of the recent science and technology prediction survey and advanced science technology were divided into six groups and fourteen major issues depending on their importance. Also, advanced science and technology are classified into five descriptive categories: basic, principle, usage, influence, and profession. The achievement goals and learning contents of the 2015 revised curriculum were analyzed using this classification framework for middle school science, high school science. Results In the 2015 revised science curriculum the ecology/eco friendly group showed the highest percentage among the advanced science technology issue. The topic groups with the lowest frequency were the transportation/robot group and the information/communication group. When examining topic groupings, the high school elective courses were cited the most, particularly life science subjects with 8 cases and science history subjects with 3 cases. As a result of the frequency according to the advanced science technology content description category, the proportion of use, principle, and social impact was high, whereas the proportion of basic and profession description categories was small, confirming that the description method of advanced science and technology was biased. Conclusions First it is vital to diversify the advanced science technology categories given in curricula and textbooks. It is necessary to provide the non-biased contents of diverse sectors of the advanced science technology. Second, it is necessary to expose openly major advanced science technology topics. Third, it is required to deliver the class in a manner that may be adjusted in a variety of ways so that students can truly investigate or experiment with the advanced science technology.

      • KCI등재

        과학기술진흥법제의 체계적 고찰

        손경한(Sohn, Kyung Han) 충북대학교 법학연구소 2010 과학기술과 법 Vol.1 No.1

        In this paper, I theoretically categorized various Korean legislations for promotion of science & technology (“S&T”) and examined legal meanings of each statute thereunder. Legal system for promotion of S&T can be, in the process of research & development (R&D) and utilization of S&T, divided into three categories of (ⅰ) legislation for innovation in S&T, (ⅱ) legislation for protection of S&T, and (ⅲ) legislation for management and exploitation thereof. The legislation for innovation in S&T can be divided into (ⅰ) legislation for innovation infrastructure, (ⅱ) legislation for innovation in basic technology, and (ⅲ) legislation for innovation in applied technology. The legislation for innovation infrastructure means the laws that provide the directions and policies of a state, a research institution, or an enterprise for its innovation in S&T and construct its infrastructure for R&D. According to the stage of application of S&T, legislation for innovation in basic technology means legislation for R&D of pure science, applied science, and basic technology while legislation for innovation in applied technology means legislation for R&D of the technology applied to actual industry and social life. The legislation for protection of S&T is composed of two parts; (ⅰ) intellectual property law, a private law system that enables the government to promote R&D without pecuniary expenditure by granting an exclusive right to S&T, and (ⅱ) all administrative law systems for protection of S&T which include legal system for protection of technological measures. The legislation for management and exploitation of S&T is a legal system that accumulates and manages achievements in S&T and promotes utilization of the achievements such as transfer or commercialization of technology. As to the legal system for promotion of S&T, it is necessary to establish a legal system that aims at innovation in S&T without overlooking the dignity and values of human being, protection of privacy, guarantee of environmental rights, and so forth. In this perspective, the Science & Technology Basic Act (“STBA”) can be highly appreciated in that it has provided a base to significantly enhance the Korea’s level of science & technology, for example, by declaring the fundamental idea of science & technology law, but still it stands on being science and technology promotion for mankind. However, the STBA exposes many problems in the legal system in that it was enacted only in 2001 which is later than enactment of other special statutes for science and technology promotion. For the short term, government and institutions for science and technology must keep in mind that, when they establish and proceed with the National Basic Science and Technology Plan, they must pay attention to realizing the science and technology policies where the fundamental idea of the STBA flows through. In the long term, they must systemize the legislations for promotion of science & technology under the fundamental idea and theory therefor, and further, must set up a legal system to protect both the efficiency of investment in R&D for science and technology and the dignity of human being.

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