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      • KCI등재

        공공ㆍ민간 사회복지사 이직의도 결정요인 비교연구

        장윤정 한국노인복지학회 2011 노인복지연구 Vol.0 No.51

        This study seeks to examine turnover intentions of social workers in the private and public sectors, and to understand what determines their turnover intentions. The major findings of this study are as follows:1. There exists a paradoxical difference in turnover intentions between public and private social workers. Private social workers tend to show their turnover intentions more often than public social workers. Even if public social workers’ pays are much higher than the private workers’, the former tends to be more dissatisfied with their jobs but to show turnover intentions less often than the latter. In contrast, private social workers tend to be more satisfied with their jobs even if their pays are much lower than public workers. Futhermore, private social workers tend to exhibit much stronger turnover intentions. 2. In the case of the total sample of social workers for this study, the most important determinants of turnover intentions are job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Of the two variables, organizational commitment is more significant variables in terms of the size of standardized regression coefficient. 3. The determinants of turnover intentions of public social workers are different form those of private social workers. In the case of private social workers, the most important variables turn out to be job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and pays in terms of statistical significance while job satisfaction and job insecurity are the most important variables in the case of public social workers. 본 연구는 공공․민간 사회복지사 간에 이직의도 수준의 차이가 있는지, 공공․민간 사회복지사 간에 이직의도 결정요인에 차이가 있는지 검증하였다. 연구결과를 간략히 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 연구대상 사회복지사 전체의 이직의도는 2.7543으로 5점 척도의 중간 정도 수준이다. 둘째, 공공 사회복지사와 민간 사회복지사의 이직의도 수준을 비교한 결과 민간 사회복지사의 이직의도가 더 강하게 나타났다. 그런데 여기에서 주목할 만한 사실은 공공 사회복지사는 급여수준은 높지만 직무에는 덜 만족하고 그럼에도 불구하고 이직의도는 높지 않다는 것이다. 한편, 민간 사회복지사는 급여수준은 낮은데도 직무에는 더 만족하고 그럼에도 불구하고 이직의도는 높다는 역설적인 결과를 보여주고 있다. 셋째, 이직의도 결정요인은 소속기관 유형(공공․민간)에 따라 차이가 있다. 민간 사회복지사의 이직의도에 영향을 미치는 변수는 조직몰입, 직무만족, 급여로 나타났다. 한편, 공공 사회복지사의 이직의도에 영향을 미치는 변수는 직무만족과 직업불안이었으며, 조직몰입은 통계적으로 유의미한 관련을 보이지 않았다.

      • KCI등재

        사회복지종사자의 클라이언트 폭력 경험 실태조사 - 사회복지종사자의 클라이언트 폭력 경험과 안전의식 및 감정노동을 중심으로 -

        김소남,박춘배 사단법인 한국안전문화학회 2022 안전문화연구 Vol.- No.18

        The purpose of this study is to prepare basic data for social welfare workers in Y to present safety protection support system and protection measures for social welfare workers. This study identifies the actual status of the violence experience of clients, violence risk, risk coping, management system, emotional labor, and mental health of social workers, and a survey was conducted on 730 social workers in Y. The survey was conducted for a total of 2 weeks from November 11 to 22, 2019. As for the contents of the study, a survey was conducted to understand the general characteristics of social welfare workers in Y city, the client experience violence of social welfare workers, the awareness of safety from the risk of violence, crisis response, institutional management system, emotional labor and mental health status. The differences between groups were analyzed through descriptive statistics and t-test by group using SPSS/WIN 25.0. The results are as follows. Females were the highest at 79%, with 34.3% in their 50s, and the majority was in their 40s or older. As for occupations, 48.8% of social workers and 50.8% of care giver were found to have a large number of multiple responses to both occupations. Regarding the violence experience of social workers, verbal violence was the most common at 56%, followed by physical violence at 42%, economic violence at 34%, and sexual violence at 24%. More than half of the respondents answered that they were unsafe from physical violence such as verbal violence, injuries, etc. The institutional management system for social welfare workers' crisis response was also found to be weak. The emotional labor of social workers was high at 3.54 out of 5, and mental health was low at 2.81 out of 5. In particular, it was found that the emotional labor of social workers at leisure facilities for the elderly was large, and those of public institutions were found to be prone to mental health when determined by the type of facility. In conclusion, the level of knowledge about crisis response was low in the risk response and management system of social workers, and the management system of the institution was not equipped in most areas, which improvement seemed needed. Thus, safety protection education is needed to improve the crisis response ability of social workers against client violence, as well as the programs to strengthen the capabilities of social workers according to various social welfare sites.

      • KCI등재

        근로기준법상 ‘사회적 신분’의 의미와 무기계약직에 대한 차별의 문제

        김태현 노동법이론실무학회 2017 노동법포럼 Vol.- No.20

        As we can infer from the negative connotations such as ‘pseudo-full-time worker or ‘quasi-full-time worker’ given to workers deemed permanent contract workers(“unlimited contract workers”) due to the application of the Act on the Protection Etc. of Fixed-Term and Part-Time Workers (the “Act”) by the labor unions and social workers alike, unlimited contract workers are discriminated from full-time workers in every aspect including, but not limited to, wages, promotions, welfare, etc. These issues are especially prevalent among temporary workers in the public sector and financial sectors, such as bank tellers. Even if unlimited contract workers do the same work as full-time workers, while fixed-term workers can fall back on the Act for any remedy to discrimination, unlimited contract workers fall outside of the scope of the prohibition against discrimination clause provided by the Act and are at a blind spot where discrimination against working conditions and welfare cannot be rectified. In order to address this problems, some have gone as far as to classify ‘unlimited contract worker’ status or ‘full-time worker’ status as part of the “social status” prescribed in Article 6 of the Labor Standards Act of Korea, providing an apparatus to argue “equal pay for equal work,” nonetheless, such argument was only in the minor opinion as the majority of the academia construed that worker status based on employment contracts did not constitute “social status” in Article 6 of the Labor Standards Act. A recent lower court decision shed new light on this topic by stating that full-time worker, unlimited contract worker and any type of employment constitutes the “social status” part of Article 6 of the Labor Standards Act despite the popular opinion regarding this matter. This particular court decision is exposed to criticism from a legal standpoint at is contradicts the precedent set by the Supreme Court;(i) wrongfully classifying type of employment as “social status” considering the social construct of “social status”, (ii) violates the principle of autonomous agreement, (iii) contradicts with the employer’s freedom to set different rules of employment for different types of employment, and (iv) different types of employment are not subject to the measure of equality. On the other hand, the court decision does goes out of its way to curb the abuse of using temporary workers in today’s reality with a high social cost of employment and is the first to provide a legal principle to protect unlimited contract workers’ status. Despite the lower court’s good intentions, the application of such in today’s reality where “equal pay for equal work” is not upheld is questionable, not to mention that the expansion of “equal pay for equal work” in other types of employment may trigger the wage system to be distorted into working as a performance-based annual salary system, which in turn may lengthen the working time of the employees and bring about a decline in the welfare of the employees. On the contrary, the Supreme Court still holds that different types of employments are not subject to equal treatment, therefore even if the employer sets a different track for these employees, no such discrimination would arise from such an action. In my opinion, the Supreme Court errs in that different types of employment are not subject to the same equal status as each other. But this opinion comes with a caveat that even if the lower court decision is correct in assessing that type of employment constitutes “social status” in Article 6 of the Labor Standards Act, equal status as an employee does not necessarily mean that each employee provide the same standard of work. It is important to take into consideration the skill (license, educational degree, ability to carry out a job through experience and the objective standard of skill), responsibility (characteristic, range and complication inhere... As we can infer from the negative connotations such as ‘pseudo-full-time worker or ‘quasi-full-time worker’ given to workers deemed permanent contract workers(“unlimited contract workers”) due to the application of the Act on the Protection Etc. of Fixed-Term and Part-Time Workers (the “Act”) by the labor unions and social workers alike, unlimited contract workers are discriminated from full-time workers in every aspect including, but not limited to, wages, promotions, welfare, etc. These issues are especially prevalent among temporary workers in the public sector and financial sectors, such as bank tellers. Even if unlimited contract workers do the same work as full-time workers, while fixed-term workers can fall back on the Act for any remedy to discrimination, unlimited contract workers fall outside of the scope of the prohibition against discrimination clause provided by the Act and are at a blind spot where discrimination against working conditions and welfare cannot be rectified. In order to address this problems, some have gone as far as to classify ‘unlimited contract worker’ status or ‘full-time worker’ status as part of the “social status” prescribed in Article 6 of the Labor Standards Act of Korea, providing an apparatus to argue “equal pay for equal work,” nonetheless, such argument was only in the minor opinion as the majority of the academia construed that worker status based on employment contracts did not constitute “social status” in Article 6 of the Labor Standards Act. A recent lower court decision shed new light on this topic by stating that full-time worker, unlimited contract worker and any type of employment constitutes the “social status” part of Article 6 of the Labor Standards Act despite the popular opinion regarding this matter. This particular court decision is exposed to criticism from a legal standpoint at is contradicts the precedent set by the Supreme Court;(i) wrongfully classifying type of employment as “social status” considering the social construct of “social status”, (ii) violates the principle of autonomous agreement, (iii) contradicts with the employer’s freedom to set different rules of employment for different types of employment, and (iv) different types of employment are not subject to the measure of equality. On the other hand, the court decision does goes out of its way to curb the abuse of using temporary workers in today’s reality with a high social cost of employment and is the first to provide a legal principle to protect unlimited contract workers’ status. Despite the lower court’s good intentions, the application of such in today’s reality where “equal pay for equal work” is not upheld is questionable, not to mention that the expansion of “equal pay for equal work” in other types of employment may trigger the wage system to be distorted into working as a performance-based annual salary system, which in turn may lengthen the working time of the employees and bring about a decline in the welfare of the employees. On the contrary, the Supreme Court still holds that different types of employments are not subject to equal treatment, therefore even if the employer sets a different track for these employees, no such discrimination would arise from such an action. In my opinion, the Supreme Court errs in that different types of employment are not subject to the same equal status as each other. But this opinion comes with a caveat that even if the lower court decision is correct in assessing that type of employment constitutes “social status” in Article 6 of the Labor Standards Act, equal status as an employee does not necessarily mean that each employee provide the same standard of work. It is important to take into consideration the skill (license, educational degree, ability to carry out a job through experience and the objective standard of skill), responsibility (characteristic, range and complication inhe...

      • KCI등재

        사회복지사의 직무특성이 직무만족에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        강흥구(Kang Heung-Gu) 한국사회복지학회 2006 한국사회복지학 Vol.58 No.2

        이 연구는 사회복지사의 직무특성이 직무만족에 미치는 영향을 고찰함으로써 사회복지사의 직무 설계 시 고려해야 할 요소를 밝혀내기 위해 시행되었다. 설문은 사회복지관의 사회복지사와 의료사회복지사 240명이 응답한 결과를 토대로 분석하였다.<br/> 연구결과 사회복지기관 사회복지사의 직무만족에는 자율성, 피드백, 정체성, 전문성, 필요성의 직무특성과 자기효능감이 영향을 미쳤으며, 의료사회복지사의 직무만족에는 필요성과 자기효능감, 성별, 직위만이 영향을 미쳐, 직무특성요인이 부분적으로 결과변수에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 특히 핵크맨과 올드햄(1975)의 핵심직무특성보다는 정체성, 전문성, 필요성의 직무특성 영향력이 보다 강한 것으로 나타나, 사회복지사의 지식과 기술, 기법 외에 관점이나 정체성, 필요성 등을 강조하는 접근이 필요한 것으로 나타났다. 또한 자기효능감이 직무만족에 미치는 영향력이 다른 변수보다 강하였고, 직무특성이 직무만족에 영향을 미침에 있어 부분적인 매개역할을 하고 있는 것으로 나타나, 사회복지사의 자기효능감을 증진시키기 위한 교육과 지지적인 환경, 수퍼비전 등이 필요한 것으로 나타났다.<br/> 이 연구는 핵크맨과 올드햄(1975)의 핵심직무특성 모형을 사회복지조직에 적용한 연구로, 직무설계 시 사회복지실천현장의 특성별로 달리 나타나는 직무특성 요인을 감안한 직무의 설계와 재설계를 통하여 사회복지조직의 효율성을 도모해야 할 필요성을 제기하고 있다. The objective of this study examined the effect of job characteristics on the job satisfaction of social worker employed by 1st social agency, hospitals. Data were collected by 240 social workers. Based on Hackman and Oldham's(1975) theory of core job characteristics, this study was to defined other element of job characteristics in social worker's duties, focused on moderating effect of self-confidence for job satisfaction, and compared to social worker's job characteristics between 1st social agency and hospitals.<br/> The results of this study were summarized as follows; First, job autonomy, feedback among Hackman and Oldham's 5 core job characteristics showed positive influence on job satisfaction. The other job characteristics found out significantly effected social worker's job satisfaction than Hackman and Oldham's 5 core job characteristics. Second, identities of social worker's job, cognition of professional level, necessity, and self-confidence variables were found to have a statistically significant strong relationship with job satisfaction of 1st setting social worker. The other side, necessity, self-confidence, sex, social worker's academic career variables positive influenced medical social worker's job satisfaction. Third, the moderating variables which had significant difference among social worker's working conditions. 1st setting social worker's self-confidence partial moderated the effect of job characteristics on social worker's job satisfaction. But, medical social worker's self-confidence not moderated the effect of job characteristics on job satisfaction.<br/> As a result, Social worker's job satisfaction depended on job characteristics and self-confidence. Therefore, to assure the job satisfaction, redesign for social worker's job characteristics, reinforced their self-confidence. Staff-development education program, supportive environment, supervision program is strongly recommended.

      • 사회복지사의 노후준비에 관한 연구 : 경남지역 사회복지기관을 중심으로

        장대일 培材大學校 人文科學硏究所 2018 人文論叢 Vol.35 No.-

        사회복지사의 노후준비에 관한 선행연구를 보면 아직 그다지 활발하게 논의가 이루어지고 있지는 않지만, 사회복지사의 노후준비 인식과 실태에 관한 몇몇 시사적인 연구결과들이 제시되어 있어 주목할 만하다. 가령, 사회복지사들의 노후준비 인식과 노후준비 실태를 경제적, 정서적, 신체적 요인을 중심으로 조사한 결과를 보면 노후준비 인식은 매우 높게 나타났지만 노후준비 실태는 낮다고 하였다(김정표, 2005). 또한, 노후준비 인식과 노후준비 실태에 영향을 미치는 결정요인을 분석한 결과 혼인 상태, 학력, 직종과 직급, 이직, 퇴직금 제도가 노후준비에 큰 영향을 미치고 있다고 하였다(이춘희, 2008). 본 연구는 이러한 선행연구의 연장선상에서 사회복지사의 인구사회학적 특성과 직업적 환경이 사회복지사의 노후준비 인식과 실태에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 체계적으로 규명함으로써 사회복지사의 안정적인 노후설계를 위한 기초자료를 제공하고자 한다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of social demographic characteristics and occupational environment on social workers' perception and behavior for preparing their retirement. The perception and behavior for preparing retirement consist of three sub–dimensions(Economic, emotional, and physical areas) respectively. Altimately, this study will suggests the policy and practical implications of social workers' retirement design support. For this study, we conducted a structured questionnaire survey of 289 social workers working in social welfare facilities in Gyeongsang nam-do. Data analysis was performed through SPSS for Windows ver.22.0 program. As a concrete analysis method, descriptive statistics, reliability test, T-test, ANOVA analysis, post analysis, and multiple regression analysis were used. The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, the level of social workers' perception for preparing retirement. was average at 3.2392(mean) In terms of three sub-dimensions of retirement preparation recognition, 'Economic perception for preparing retirement' was the highest at 3.2725(mean), followed by 'Emotional perception for preparing retirement' at 3.2307(mean) and 'Physical perception for preparing retirement' at 3.1592(mean). Seconds, the level of social workers' behavior for preparing retirement. was average at 3.1070(mean) In terms of three sub-dimensions of retirement preparation recognition, 'Emotional behavior for preparing retirement' was the highest at 3.6301(mean), followed by 'Physica behavior for preparing retirement' at 2.9602(mean) and 'Economic behavior for preparing retirement' at 2.7307(mean). Third, There was equally group differences between the perception and behavior or preparing retirement. According to the social demographic characteristics(age, final educational background, marital status, and the type of household) have differences in the case of the perception and behavior for preparing retirement. Also, the perception and behavior for preparing retirement were different according to occupational environment such as employment type, work experience, position type and total income. Fourth, multiple regression analysis was conducted to examine factors affecting The perception and behavior for preparing retirement. The results of this study show that employment status, working experience, and facility sector have an influence on the overall perception for preparing retirement. Also, the age, spouse status, employment type, work experience, type of facility have an influence on the overall behavior for preparing retirement. Based on the above results, the suggestions for the preparation of social workers' retirement are as follows. First, Economic perception for preparing retirement was the highest among the perception for preparing retirement. However, Economic behavior for preparing retirement is the lowest level among the behavior for preparing retirement. This means that social workers have difficulties in preparing for economic deprivation and are not getting enough preparedness. Above all, active intervention and efforts of the government and local governments are needed for social workers who can not prepare for economic retirement due to low income and salary. Since the current salaries of social workers are low, it seems urgent to find a reasonable plan to increase pay. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the welfare system such as loan for housing funds and support for living expenses. Seconds, The term, “Health in old age is more important than economic” related the Physical perception for preparing retirement was the highest. However, “I exercise regularly for a healthy life of old age” was relatively low. When asked about the overall aging preparation situation, the most important factor in aging was the question "Living healthy" (34.4%). This means that social workers are at the forefront of health than economics, but they are having difficulty in preparing for their physical aging due to excessive work and poor working conditions. Therefore, the government and social welfare organizations should work together to raise the health status of the social workers and improve the work environment so that they can be interested in the preparation of social workers' old age. Third, It is necessary to establish a systematic and professional design support system for social workers' retirement preparation. In response to the question, "Do you participate in retirement planning counseling or education to prepare for retirement," 214 (74.0%) of the many social workers answered that they did not. This is a very high figure. In addition, 107 respondents (50.0%) answered that they did not know how to receive such education about questions "Why did not receive education for old age"? This is half of the total response. A professional support system should be established to provide systematic and comprehensive support for social workers' stable and successful retirement preparation. In addition, the Korean Association of Social Workers should establish a education program on retirement preparation in social welfare worker education.

      • KCI등재

        사회복지사의 자격등급과 직무의 관계분석 : 자격제도의 의미구현을 위한 시론

        이현주 서울대학교 한국사회복지연구회 2003 사회복지연구 Vol.21 No.-

        우리나라에는 사회복지사 자격제도가 있어 사회복지사들이 전문직으로서 형식상의 인정을 받고 있다. 자격제도는 자격기준과 역할에 대한 규정을 담는 것이 일반적이다. 우리나라 사회복지사 자격제도에서 자격등급별 직무에 대한 규정은 미약하다. 본 연구는 자격등급별 사회복지사의 직무를 분석하고 이를 토대로 자격등급의 의미를 구현하는 방향을 모색하고 있다. 사회복지 이용시설과 생활시설의 종사자들을 대상으로 실시한 설문조사 자료를 분석한 결과, 자격등급별 수행직무에 대한 구체적인 규정이 미비함에도 불구하고 1급 사회복지사가 2,3급 사회복지보다, 그리고 2,3급 사회복지사가 사회복지사 자격이 없는 종사자보다 전문적인 직무를 더 많이 수행하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 분석결과에 기초하여 각 자격등급별 사회복지사 직무의 구성을 제안하였다. 수행하는 전문직 직무의 비중에서 나타난 차이가 자격등급의 영향에서 비롯된 것인가를 확인하기 위하여 수행되는 전문적 직무를 종속변수로 하여 관련 변수와 자격등급의 영향을 회귀분석을 하였다. 분석결과, 수행하는 전문직 직무의 비중에 종사시설과, 자격등급, 그리고 직급이 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 사회복지사 자격등급의 의미를 구현하기 위해서는 자격등급별 직무를 명확하게 규정하여야 하며, 직무를 규정함에 시설의 종별 차이를 고려하도록 하여야 할 것이다. 그리고 직급의 전문적 역할 수행에 대한 영향을 배제하기 위하여 이중위계제의 도입을 제안하였다. Our society gives sanction the social worker to be the profession formally by qualification system. Generally, qualification system prescribes the minimum level of capability as qualification criteria and role that the profession can carry out exclusively. But in out country, qualification system is unready for setting the role of the social worker. Even if the grade for social worker is divided into three by the rule, the role of each grade is not classified. Consequently, function of the qualification system is imperfect. The role is composed by some tasks. This study is about the tasks of social worker in our country. Up to now, the tasks of social worker have not been the topic for the study in social welfare. This study analyzes the tasks carried by the personnel in social work field and classifies the tasks for the each grade. As a result, the first grade social worker spent more time to carry out professional tasks than the second or the third grade social worker. The second or the third grade social worker spent more time to carry out professional tasks than the nonprofessional worker. On the basis of findings, this study proposes the tasks that must be carried out by each grade social worker. The difference of the tasks carried by social workers may be affected by several factors. The effect of these factors must be analysed to find out how much the grade of social worker influences tasks accurately. Multiple regression was employed in order to analyze the data. The professional tasks carried are different from the organization which social worker work in, grade of qualification, and job ranking. To realize the purpose of qualification system, the tasks for each grade of social worker must be prescribed by the rule. And the difference is good to remove the influence of the job ranking from the tasks carried and to protect the profession in organization.

      • KCI등재

        사회복지사의 정치참여 결정요인에 관한 연구

        오승환 한국지역사회복지학회 2023 한국지역사회복지학 Vol.- No.86

        본 연구는 한국의 사회복지사의 정치참여 실태와 정치참여에 영향을 미치는 요인을발견하기 위한 연구이다. 본 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위해 2021년 한국사회복지사협회에서 실시한 사회복지사통계연감자료 중 사회복지시설근무 사회복지사를 대상자료를 사용하였다. 사회복지사의 정치참여에 영향을 미치는 요인으로는 개인(자원)특성과 복지의식및 정치관련 의식 특성으로 나누어 살펴보았다. 먼저 사회복지사의 정치참여 경험에 대한 실태를 분석한 결과 14점 만점에 4.70점으로 나타났다. 14개 문항 중 대부분이 참여한 대통령선거와 국회의원선거 문항 2가지를제외한 12개 정치참여 항목 중 3개 이하의 정치활동에 참여한 매우 낮은 정치참여 수준을 보여주고 있다. 정치참여에 영향을 미치는 요인을 분석한 결과, 개인변수 중에서는 여자보다는 남자가, 연령과 학력이 높을수록, 2급보다는 1급사회복지사가, 관리직일수록 그리고 생활시설보다는 이용시설 종사자의 정치참여가 높은 것으로 분석되었다. 복지의식에서는 정치참여 필요성을 높게 인식할수록, 복지이념이 진보적일수록 그리고 정치효능감이 높을수록정치참여가 높은 것으로 분석되었다. 이러한 분석결과에 따라서 사회복지사의 정치참여를 증대할 수 있도록 하는 사회복지사 정치참여에 대한 인식 제고, 사회복지사 특성에 따른 정책 개발, 정치참여 관련 교육체계의 개편, 정치효능감 제고 및 정치참여기회의 확대 등의 방안을 제시하였다. This study is to discover the status of social workers' political participation and analyze the factors that affecting political participation. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, the statistical yearbook data of social workers conducted by the Korea Social Workers Association in 2021 were used. Factors affecting social workers' political participation were divided into individual (resource) characteristics, welfare consciousness, and political consciousness characteristics. First, as a result of analyzing the actual situation of social workers' experience in political participation, it was 4.70 points out of 14 points. Considering the results of 95% of social workers voting in the presidential and parliamentary elections, it is a very low level of political participations in less than 3 out of 12 political participation items. As a result of analyzing the factors affecting political participation, in individual variables, men were more likely to participate in politics than women, first degree certificate grade social workers were higher than second degree, social worker with a managerial position is more higher than line worker and social worker working in community facility than social worker in living facilities. In welfare consciousness, it was analyzed that the higher the need for political participation, the more progressive the welfare ideology, the higher the political efficacy, the higher the political participation As a result of this analysis, several improvement measures were proposed. Raising and spreading awareness of political participation, developing political participation measures suitable for the characteristics of social workers, reorganizing the social worker training education system, strengthening the social worker association's education and the expanding opportunity for social workers to participate in politics was suggested.

      • KCI등재후보

        시장경제 이후 러시아 사회복지사의 실태와 전망

        정선희,원석조 한국사회복지교육협의회 2014 한국사회복지교육 Vol.28 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to analyze the conditions and prospects of Russian social workers since the transformation from planned economy to market economy. For the purpose, the backgrounds and process of social workers’ appearance, the conditions of social work college education, and problems of social workers were analyzed, and developmental possibility of social workers was prospected. The results are as follows;First, the first Russian social workers were appeared in 1991 when the new capitalist social problems were prevailed and lives of weak groups were worsened since market economy. They were the social work specialists who defined themselves different from the traditional workers in social welfare institutions. Second, social welfare colleges for training professional social workers were also appeared. Some colleges in Moscow, Saint Petersburg and Saratov recognized social work as new social and human science, and opened the social work department. Third, Russian social workers have very serious problems such as unawareness of social workers as a profession by government and citizen, very low wage, and no laws on social workers’occupational status and licence. Russian and Chinese social worker have similar background and plans for the construction and development of social workers’ status in government-led expansion policy of social welfare. In Russia, the most important issue of social workers is no laws and low recognition on social workers. In order to overcome it, the public officials of social welfare department, social welfare institutions and social work professors must try to change the attitudes of government and citizens toward social workers who are necessary professions in social welfare delivery system. 본고는 계획경제에서 시장경제로 이행한 이후 등장한 러시아 사회복지사의 실태를 분석하고 전망하는 데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 러시아 사회복지사 출현의 배경과 과정, 사회사업대학교육의 실태, 사회복지사가 직면한 문제점들을 분석했고, 이를 바탕으로 사회복지사의 발전가능성을 전망했다. 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 시장경제 이후 자본주의적 사회문제가 발생하고, 취약계층의 삶이 악화되는 등 사회복지사가 필요한 조건이 조성된 1990년대 초 기존의 사회복지시설종사자와 차별화된 전문직을 지향한 일군의 사회사업스페셜리스트들이 사회복지사조직을 만들었는데, 이들이 러시아 최초의 사회복지사였다. 둘째, 같은 시기 사회복지전문가를 양성하기 위한 교육기관도 생겨났다. 사회사업을 새로운 사회과학 및 인문학의 하나로 인정한 모스크바, 상트페테르부르크, 사라토프의 일부 대학들이 사회사업학과를 개설한 것이다. 셋째, 러시아 사회복지사는 정부와 시민의 전문직업 불인정, 근로빈민 수준의 낮은 보수, 사회복지사의 직업적 지위와 자격을 규정한 사회복지사 관련 법령의 미비 등 매우 심각한 문제점을 안고 있다. 러시아와 사회복지사 등장배경이 유사한 중국은 정부가 사회복지사의 역할과 지위를 확고히 하는 데 앞장섰다. 사회복지사 자격 국가시험의 신설, 사회복지사 자격에 관한 법령의 제정, 사회복지사 활동영역의 개발, 사회복지사 처우개선 등을 정부가 주도해 나갔다는 것이다. 이런 중국의 사례는 러시아 사회복지사제도의 발전에 많은 점을 시사한다.

      • KCI등재

        페루 ODA보건사업에서의 의료사회복지사의 역할에 관한 연구-중남미 페루의 빈곤지역 대상 건강증진 프로그램 운영 사례 보고-

        김윤섭 ( Yun Seop Kim ),남은우 ( Eun Woo Nam ),김연주 ( Yeun Ju Kim ),김혜경 ( Hae Kyung Kim ),김종구 ( Jong Koo Kim ) 대한보건협회 2016 대한보건연구 Vol.42 No.3

        연구목적 : 페루 사회복지사 양성 교육과정을 살펴보고, ODA 건강증진 프로그램에 소속되어 있는 의료사회복지사의 역할을 파악하여, ODA 보건 및 복지 분야 통합 사업 개발 추진 시 업무향상의 대안을 제시하고자 한다. 연구방법 : 본 연구는 2015년 6월 ~ 7월 까지 총 한 달에 걸쳐 페루 북리마 및 까야오지역 모자보건센터에서 기존 모자보건센터 업무를 기반으로 활동하는 사회복지사(이하 ``일반사회복지사``) 4명과 ODA 건강증진 프로그램에 종사하는 사회복지사(이하 ``의료사회복지사``) 4명 및 페루의 국립대학교 사회복지학과 주임교수 1명을 대상으로 사례연구를 실시하였다. 연구결과 : 페루는 사회복지사 양성 교육과정에 있어 대학 간 통일된 교육지침이 없었고, 사회복지 관련 학회 및 협회의 부재로 인하여 전문성 있는 사회복지사 양성에 어려움이 있었다. 일반사회복지사와 의료사회복지사 업무의 가장 큰 차이는 일반사회복지사의 경우 의료보험 등록과 같은 행정 위주의 업무를 주로 담당하고 있었으며, 전문성 향상을 위한 보수교육과 외부교육의 지원은 부족하였다. 또한, 동료 간 소통이 부족하여 업무진행이 원활하지 못 한 것으로 파악되었다. 반면에 KOICA 건강증진사업에 참여하고 있는 의료사회복지사는 건강증진 프로그램 중 체계적인 행정관리(사정, 직접서비스 수행, 평가, 사후관리 등)를 수행하며, 건강증진 프로그램의 일환으로 전문성 향상을 위한 교육훈련의 기회가 많았다. 또한, 타 분야 전문가(간호사, 영양사, 심리상담사 등)와 통합적 연계를 통하여 지역사회 주민들에게 양질의 서비스를 제공하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 결론 : 일반사회복지사는 저소득층의 의료보험 및 환자등록과 같은 일반적인 행정업무를 담당하는 반면에 의료사회복지사는 사정과 사후관리, 가정방문 서비스를 통한 건강증진 교육프로그램을 수행하는 차이가 있었다. 향 후 효율적인 페루 ODA사업 추진을 위해 교육적 측면에서는 사회복지사 자격시험 마련과 협회와 학회설립이 필요하며, 업무 역량강화 측면에서는 만성질환에 대한 이해와 전문지식 배양, 그에 따른 교육훈련의 기회가 확대될 필요가 있다. Objective: This study was conducted to develop role of Medical Social Worker when perform a community-based health promotion program for ODA health promotion project in Peru. Methods: This study was conducted as a targeted case study to understand the Peruvian Social Welfare Training Program curricula and current status of social workers. The target subjects include a total of eight social workers and one professor, the head of the department of Social Welfare at San-Marcos National University in Peru. Four of the social workers were in the field of general medical service (the General Social Worker), and the other four were social workers devoted to health promotion programs (the Health Promotion Social Worker). Results: Absence of a unified educational guidance between universities and lack of society or association raised difficulties in fostering a social welfare of a specialized expertise. The biggest difference between the work of the General Social Workers and the Health Promotion Social Workers, is that the General Social Workers are mainly in charge of administrative duties such as, health insurance system register, and that support for supplementary education and external education in order to improve specialty was inadequate. Also, lack of communication between colleague interfering work progress were perceived. On the other hand, Health Promotion Social Workers take core business of health promotion program (reception, health problem assessment, intervention plan etc.), and they had more opportunities to receive educational training for professional development. In addition, they provide quality service to resident of community through their integrated connection with other professionals (nursing, nutrition, psychology, etc.). Conclusion: Social workers engaged in the medical field in Peru showed insufficient educational opportunities for improving the administrative oriented tasks and for the professionalism. The future professional competency as a committed workforce in health promotion program is needed.

      • KCI등재

        사회복지사의 법적지위에 관한 문제점과 개선방안

        김영미(Kim, Young Mi) 사회복지법제학회 2014 사회복지법제연구 Vol.5 No.1

        Today, one of the topics suggested in South Korean society is about social workers’ expertise and interests. If their legal status and rights are not guaranteed, the level of social welfare services will not be assured. Especially, job insecurity and working conditions of increasing non-regular social workers are at severe levels. In this situation, recently, as labor unions are organized in the form of industry-level union nationwide, social workers collective motions appears, and of various roles of social welfare workers, especially, the status of those working in private social welfare institutions in the labor law becomes an issue. Various acts on labor relations, including the Labor Standards Act apply to social workers as laborers based on labor relations. In other words, they are subject to the basic principles of the safeguard of human rights and labor relations as laborers and should not be discriminated in recruitment and employment. In addition, they should achieve recognition of the same labor value and have a right to be protected from sexual harassment and aggrievement at the workplace. Of course, they should be protected by the labor law as temporary workers or short-time workers regarding job security of social workers employed as non-regular workers, and regarding the application of exemption of working time, a system for guarantee of long time working should be prepared. In contrast, in collective labor-management relations, for them to claim for their just right as employees and get protected, they should exercise their rights to organize themselves as subjects of the right. Most of all, they should have bargaining power equal to their users, showing their united power by organizing a labor union. Yet, reflecting the specificity of the social welfare sector, there is an open issue of the possible restriction of their right to collective action. However, institutional improvement must be carried out to vitalize social workers labor union activities and establish the labor-management committee of social welfare institutions. In addition, for the improvement of the treatment of social workers, compliance with laws and institutions should be thoroughly supervised. Especially, the roles of social welfare supervisor (tentatively called) are necessary in the middle position as the intermediary between the local governments and social welfare institutions. In addition, it is necessary to improve the working conditions of social workers employed in small social welfare institutions or female social workers and expand the national support for them. In this respect, this study took related legislation centered around social workers employment-related legal relationship as the subject to review, looked into social workers rights in the labor law and attempted to suggest improvements for the future. 오늘날 우리사회에서 제시되고 있는 화두의 하나는 ‘사회복지사의 전문성과 권익’에 관한 것이다. 사회복지사의 법적지위와 권리가 보장되지 않는다면 사회복지서비스의 수준도 보장될 수 없을 것이다. 특히 증가하는 비정규직 사회복지사의 고용불안과 근로조건은 심각한 수준을 보이고 있다. 이러한 상황에서 최근 산별노조의 형태로 전국단위의 노동조합이 결성되면서 사회복지사의 집단적 움직임이 나타나고 있으며, 사회복지분야 종사자의 다양한 역할 중에서 특히 민간사회복지기관에 종사하고 있는 사회복지사의 노동법적 지위가 쟁점이 되고 있다. 근로자로서의 사회복지사는 근로관계에 기초하여 근로기준법을 비롯하여 다양한 노동관계법의 적용을 받는다. 즉 근로자로서의 인권보장과 근로관계의 기본원칙의 적용을 받으며, 모집과 채용에서 고용상의 차별을 받지 않아야 한다. 또한 동일노동가치를 인정받아야 하며, 직장 내 성희롱과 괴롭힘으로부터 보호받을 권리가 있다. 물론 비정규직 근로자로 고용된 사회복지사의 고용안정과 관련하여 기간제근로자나 단시간근로자로서의 노동법적 보호가 이루어져야하고, 근로시간특례적용과 관련하여 장시간 근로에 대한 보장장치도 마련되어야 한다. 한편, 집단적 노사관계에서 근로자로서의 정당한 권리를 주장하고 보호받기 위해서는 스스로 권리주체로서 단결권을 행사하여야 한다. 무엇보다 노동조합을 결성하여 단합된 힘을 보여줌으로써 사용자와 대등한 교섭력을 갖추어야 한다. 다만, 사회복지분야의 특수성을 반영하여 단체행동권의 제한가능성의 문제는 열려있다. 그렇지만 사회복지사의 노동조합 활동을 활성화하고 사회복지기관의 노사협의회 설립을 촉진하기 위한 제도적 개선은 반드시 이루어져야한다. 그 밖에 사회복지사의 처우향상을 위하여 법과 제도의 준수여부를 철저히 감독할 필요가 있다. 특히 국가 및 지방자치단체와 사회복지기관 사이에 매개자로서 중간자적 지위에 있는 (가칭)사회복지감독관의 역할이 요구된다. 또한 영세한 사회복지기관에 종사하거나 여성인 사회복지사의 근로조건을 개선하고 국가적 지원을 확대해 나갈 필요가 있다. 이러한 관점에서 본 연구는 사회복지사의 고용과 관련한 법률관계를 중심으로 관련 법제를 검토의 대상으로 하였으며, 사회복지사의 노동법적 권리를 살펴보고 향후 개선방안을 제시하고자 하였다.

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