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      • KCI등재

        Promotional Strategies of Local Drugstores

        Kim, Seung-Mi,Lee, Sang-Yoon,Kim, Pan-Jin,Kim, Nam-Myun,Youn, Myoung-Kil Korea Distribution Science Association 2010 The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business( Vol.1 No.1

        The retail business of drugstore was introduced to Korea for the first time 10 years ago. Since Olive Young introduced a retail store in the name of drugstore in 1999 for the first time in Korea, new distribution channel combining drugstore, cosmetic products and dairy products, etc has been made. At initial stage, the new distribution channel grew up slowly because of low specialty and economic stagnation. However, the three big distribution channels, that is to say, Olive Young (CJ), Watsons (GS) and W Store (Kolon Well Care), etc, were established to produce new distribution system following large-scaled discount stores as well as convenience stores. The purpose of the study is to investigate ways making Korean style drugstore be new retail business in addition to traditional markets, department stores, E-Mart and other general super markets and to examine problems preventing the drugstore from being promoted and to find out solutions. The speciality retailers that is called a category killer attacking department stores as well as marts is expanding market quickly. New consumption trend that gives priority to wellbeing is being expanded in accordance with high level of standards of living life: The drugstore is thought to be new alternative of distribution because it keeps special products. Young ladies who are main customers of drugstores respond to the trend sensitively to have more buying power that is thought to be promising. And, consumers' desire has become concrete and special. This is because consumers want not only convenient shopping but also special shopping system that is current trend. These days, so called Multi-shop and Total shop and other special shops have been recently opened. Special multi-shop has been concentrated on fashion product and miscellaneous goods so far: Health total wellbeing shop shall be popular in accordance with wellbeing trends. Drugstores can play an important role. Drugstores were opened for the first time ten years ago. In particular, Olive Young succeeded in going into the black after making efforts for a long time by many persons. Drugstores could succeed in the business owing to many persons in the past as well as customers who liked drugstores. However, drugstores once lost ways and recorded poor business results. The three drugstores, that is to say, Olive Young, Watsons making efforts to go into the black and W-Store pursuing traditional drugstore shall compete each other and make effort to satisfy customers' desire. In that way, the three drugstores can be assured of present business as well as future business. The consumers' demand trend has become special at sub-division so that drugstores that can satisfy the demand can succeed in the business. Large businesses may be more interested in the 4th generation retail business to produce good income and to have bright future. Drugstore business and market are likely to expand and develop owing to large business' participation in drugstore business. Drugstores expanded shop at Seoul and Gyeonggi-do until middle of 2000. Drugstore business at station sphere in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do that have high ratio of temporary population has low customer loyalty to have limitation on continuous growth. Since 2009, drugstores have opened new shops at local towns: From the year of 2010, drugstores need to establish multiple shop strategy by accelerating business speed and to allow customers to drop in the shop anywhere in the nation and to enter consumers' life deeply, so that they can strengthen business base definitely. Drugstores need to have price competitiveness to have multiple shop opening strategy and to satisfy consumers and to supply high quality services that is future subject to solve. And, Olive Young and Watsons that are Korean style drugstore need to keep system in order and to strengthen substance as Korean style drugstore and to expand marketing, so that they can get business outcome within 5 years that was done 10 years before

      • KCI등재

        Promotional Strategies of Local Drugstores

        Kim, Seung-Mi,Lee, Sang-Yoon,Kim, Pan-Jin,Kim, Nam-Myun,Youn, Myoung-Kil 한국유통과학회 2010 The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business( Vol.1 No.1

        The retail business of drugstore was introduced to Korea for the first time 10 years ago. Since Olive Young introduced a retail store in the name of drugstore in 1999 for the first time in Korea, new distribution channel combining drugstore, cosmetic products and dairy products, etc has been made. At initial stage, the new distribution channel grew up slowly because of low specialty and economic stagnation. However, the three big distribution channels, that is to say, Olive Young (CJ), Watsons (GS) and W Store (Kolon Well Care), etc, were established to produce new distribution system following large-scaled discount stores as well as convenience stores. The purpose of the study is to investigate ways making Korean style drugstore be new retail business in addition to traditional markets, department stores, E-Mart and other general super markets and to examine problems preventing the drugstore from being promoted and to find out solutions. The speciality retailers that is called a category killer attacking department stores as well as marts is expanding market quickly. New consumption trend that gives priority to wellbeing is being expanded in accordance with high level of standards of living life: The drugstore is thought to be new alternative of distribution because it keeps special products. Young ladies who are main customers of drugstores respond to the trend sensitively to have more buying power that is thought to be promising. And, consumers' desire has become concrete and special. This is because consumers want not only convenient shopping but also special shopping system that is current trend. These days, so called Multi-shop and Total shop and other special shops have been recently opened. Special multi-shop has been concentrated on fashion product and miscellaneous goods so far: Health total wellbeing shop shall be popular in accordance with wellbeing trends. Drugstores can play an important role. Drugstores were opened for the first time ten years ago. In particular, Olive Young succeeded in going into the black after making efforts for a long time by many persons. Drugstores could succeed in the business owing to many persons in the past as well as customers who liked drugstores. However, drugstores once lost ways and recorded poor business results. The three drugstores, that is to say, Olive Young, Watsons making efforts to go into the black and W-Store pursuing traditional drugstore shall compete each other and make effort to satisfy customers' desire. In that way, the three drugstores can be assured of present business as well as future business. The consumers' demand trend has become special at sub-division so that drugstores that can satisfy the demand can succeed in the business. Large businesses may be more interested in the 4th generation retail business to produce good income and to have bright future. Drugstore business and market are likely to expand and develop owing to large business' participation in drugstore business. Drugstores expanded shop at Seoul and Gyeonggi-do until middle of 2000. Drugstore business at station sphere in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do that have high ratio of temporary population has low customer loyalty to have limitation on continuous growth. Since 2009, drugstores have opened new shops at local towns: From the year of 2010, drugstores need to establish multiple shop strategy by accelerating business speed and to allow customers to drop in the shop anywhere in the nation and to enter consumers' life deeply, so that they can strengthen business base definitely. Drugstores need to have price competitiveness to have multiple shop opening strategy and to satisfy consumers and to supply high quality services that is future subject to solve. And, Olive Young and Watsons that are Korean style drugstore need to keep system in order and to strengthen substance as Korean style drugstore and to expand marketing, so that they can get business outcome within 5 years that was done 10 years before and they become the 4th generation retail business. The study had difficulties at collecting material from the three drugstore because of poor cooperation. And, the author had great difficulty at collecting statistical material that was made in disorder. Further effort is needed considering such problems.

      • KCI등재

        유통업체의 부실예측모형 개선에 관한 연구

        김정욱 한국유통과학회 2014 유통과학연구 Vol.12 No.11

        Purpose – The National Agricultural Cooperative Federation of Korea and National Fisheries Cooperative Federation of Korea have prosecuted both financial and retail businesses. As cooperatives are public institutions and receive government support, their sound management is required by the Financial Supervisory Service in Korea. This is mainly managed by CAEL, which is changed by CAMEL. However, NFFC’s business section, managing the finance and retail businesses, is unified and evaluated; the CAEL model has an insufficient classification to evaluate the retail industry. First, there is discrimination power as regards CAEL. Although the retail business sector union can receive a higher rating on a CAEL model, defaults have often been reported. Therefore, a default prediction model is needed to support a CAEL model. As we have the default prediction model using a subdivision of indexes and statistical methods, it can be useful to have a prevention function through the estimation of the retail sector’s default probability. Second, separating the difference between the finance and retail business sectors is necessary. Their businesses have different characteristics. Based on various management indexes that have been systematically managed by the National Fisheries Cooperative Federation of Korea, our model predicts retail default, and is better than the CAEL model in its failure prediction because it has various discriminative financial ratios reflecting the retail industry situation. Research design, data, and methodology – The model to predict retail default was presented using logistic analysis. To develop the predictive model, we use the retail financial statements of the NFCF. We consider 93 unions each year from 2006 to 2012 to select confident management indexes. We also adapted the statistical power analysis that is a t-test, logit analysis, AR (accuracy ratio), and AUROC (Area Under Receiver Operating Characteristic) analysis. Finally, through the multivariate logistic model, we show that it is excellent in its discrimination power and higher in its hit ratio for default prediction. We also evaluate its usefulness. Results – The statistical power analysis using the AR (AUROC) method on the short term model shows that the logistic model has excellent discrimination power, with 84.6%. Further, it is higher in its hit ratio for failure (prediction) of total model, at 94%, indicating that it is temporally stable and useful for evaluating the management status of retail institutions. Conclusions – This model is useful for evaluating the management status of retail union institutions. First, subdividing CAEL evaluation is required. The existing CAEL evaluation is underdeveloped, and discrimination power falls. Second, efforts to develop a varied and rational management index are continuously required. An index reflecting retail industry characteristics needs to be developed. However, extending this study will need the following. First, it will require a complementary default model reflecting size differences. Second, in the case of small and medium retail, it will need non-financial information. Therefore, it will be a hybrid default model reflecting financial and non-financial information.

      • KCI등재

        대규모점포 영업시간규제에 의한 고용변화 분석-전주시 사례를 중심으로

        유대근 21세기기독교사회문화아카데미 2017 신학과 사회 Vol.31 No.4

        The Regulation on large retailing stores is composed of location, business hours and selling items regulations in Korea. This regulation begins for the protection of small retail business primitively. But the effect of this system is causing serious controversy between large and small retailing business. This paper will verify the hypothesis that regulation causes the reduction of sales volume and brings the employment cutdown in large retailing stores. Empirical research is conducted in Jeonju city case especially. Directly after the business regulation 2012, sales volume of large retailing stores decreased. However it is unclear that the decrease is caused from the regulation. Maybe it is a combination of economic slump, cannibalization of retailing, introduction of new retail formats and business regulation on large retailing stores. Employment types of large retailing stores are regular, cooperative and temporary works. Regulation brings the downsizing of cooperative and temporary workers rather than the regular workers. The results of this research could not be generalized to all cases of other city in Korea. But it is indisputable that regulation causes the employment change in large retailing stores. We suggest more detail research on this topic in depth, because the various factors will effect on the sales volume and employment of large retailing stores. 소상공인 보호를 위한 대규모점포에 대한 출점, 영업시간, 품목규제가 이뤄지고 있으나, 이를 놓고 규제 효과에 대한 논란이 아직도 진행 중이다. 본 연구에서는 대규모점포에 대한 영업시간 규제로 인하여 매출이 감소하여 고용이 감소한다는 대규모점포의 주장이 타당한 지 검증할 필요성이 있어 전주시의 사례를 중심으로 분석해 보았다. 대형마트의 영업시간규제가 이루어진 직후, 대형마트의 총매출액은 분명히 감소했지만 이것이 반드시 영업시간규제에 의한 것이라고만 볼 수는 없다. 2천 년대 후반부터 지속된 대형마트의 경기 침체, SSM 진출로 인한 상권의 자기잠식, 무점포판매, 복합쇼핑몰, 편의점 등 새로운 업태의 출현 등 여러 가지 원인이 매출 감소에 영향을 미쳤기 때문이다. 대규모점포 규제 이후 전주시 대규모점포의 총고용 인원 변화를 살펴본 결과, 대형유통업체의 의무휴업이 시행된 2012년에 영업시간규제라는 이벤트적인 사건에 따라 고용인원 감소가 현저하게 이루어졌음을 알 수 있다. 특히, 의무휴업이 실시된 2012년 2/4분기 이후 대부분의 대형마트에서 고용인원 감소가 발생했음을 알 수 있다. 하지만 일부 업체에서는 고용 증가도 발생했다. 고용형태별로 변화를 살펴보면, 전체적으로 직영인력, 협력인력, 임시인력 모두 감소 추세를 보이며, 일반적으로 인력 감소가 지속해서 진행되고 있음을 알 수 있다. 특히, 협업인력의 고용 감소가 컸다. 결국, 영업시간규제가 시작 후, 고용인력의 감소가 있었던 것은 사실이지만, 대형마트의 업체 상황에 따라 고용 증가와 감소를 조금씩 달리하고 있다. 매출 감소가 영업시간규제 이외의 다른 요인에 의해서 이루어질 수도 있기에, 본 분석 결과로 판단할 때, 영업시간규제가 고용변화의 결정적 이유라고 할 수는 없다. 본 연구는 특정지역의 사례를 중심으로 이루어졌기에 우리나라 전체로 일반화하기에는 어렵겠지만, 영업시간규제가 매출감소를 매개로 하여 어느 정도 직관적인 총고용 인원 감소에 영향을 주었다고 볼 수 있으나 매출 감소와 고용변화의 요인에 대해 보다 정교한 연구가 요구된다.

      • KCI등재

        미국과 일본의 소매업 입지전략에 관한 고찰

        이영채(Lee, Young-Chai),이현수(Lee, Hyun-Su),박금용(Park, Keum-Yong),박노현(Park, No-Hyun) 한국물류학회 2018 물류학회지 Vol.28 No.5

        본 연구에서는 월마트와 이온의 입지전략을 중심으로 대형마트의 성장 전략을 알아보고자 하였다. 소매업은 입지산업이라고 할 만큼 입지전략이 중요하다. 선행연구 검토결과에서 경영전략 상 입지가 갖는 비중이 매우 크다는 것을 밝히고 있다. 이러한 점을 토대로 본 연구에 서는 소매입지로써 주목받지 못했던 농촌지역을 개발하여 성장해 온 미국의 월마트와 일본의 이온을 통해 이를 비교/검토하고자 했다. 월마트는 미국남부의 농촌지역으로의 도미넌트 출점을 하였다. 월마트는 지역욕구를 독점하기 위한 저가격 소구전략을 수립하여 미국 최고의 소매기업이 되었다. 일본의 이온도 농촌이나 교외에 백화점형 쇼핑센터를 개발하는 등 독특한 비즈니스 모델을 구축하였다. 양사 모두 자국에서 개발한 경쟁력이 있는 비즈니스 모델을 가지고 해외에 출점하여 소매의 국제화를 추진하였다. 오늘날의 소비시장은 소매업태의 라이프사이클이 짧아지고 있다. 따라서 새로운 업태의 개발과 함께 끊임없는 혁신을 하지 않으면 쇠퇴의 국면을 맞게 될 것이다. 이러한 상황을 전제로 향후의 연구과제로는 다음과 같은 것이 필요하다고 하겠다. 첫 번째, 현재 일본이나 미국과 같이 성숙한 사회에서는 기업마다 독자적인 형태의 점포를 만들어 내는 사례가 많기 때문에 그 결과 통합된 업태로 정의하기가 어려워지고 있다는 점이다. 두 번째, 소매업은 상품판매 서비스업이라고 할 수 있는 만큼 서비스업으로서의 측면도 함께 가지고 있다. 따라서 서비스 혁신을 촉진하여 생산성 향상을 도모하는 것도 필요하기 때문에 서비스업에 제조업의 과학 및 기술을 도입하여 서비스업을 과학적으로 인식하는 서비스과학이나 서비스 공학으로의 관심이 높아지고 있다. 제조업과 소매업의 융합이 새로운 혁신의 모양을 만들어 내는 경우도 있어서 소매업 분야로의 과학적, 공학적 접근에 대한 추이를 지켜볼 필요가 있다. In this study, I approached the growth strategy of large-scale supermarkets focusing on Walmart and Aeon’ s positioning strategy. Retail business is being called as positioning industry and its strategy is important. Based on the contents, I reviewed on previous studies of retail business positioning and examined differences from industrial positioning. Retail business positioning is very important for business management strategy. Furthermore, I examined the Walmrt and Japanese Aeon which has grown and developed its position by developing rural areas that have not been outstanding. Also I reviewed positioning selection and positioning adaptation. Walmart has become the world top retail business company in the United States by developing a business for a low-cost housing goods since dominant release open in southern rural area of United States. Aeon in Japan has developed a unique business model, developing a mall-type shopping center business in rural areas. Both companies has promoted internationalization of retailing by opening overseas markets with competitive business models developed in their countries. Today’ s consumer market is declining life cycle. If it is not going to be innovated with the development of new businesses, it is likely to be declined. Based on this situation, future studies and research are necessary as follows. First, in a mature society such as Japan and the United States, there are many cases that company creates their own type of store. As a result, it is being far away from the integrated type of business. Second, the retail industry can be said as the service industry or the product sales service industry. It has to promote service innovation and improve productivity. Therefore, interest in service science and service engineering are introduced. And scientifical service science or service engineering are becoming popular. There is also the convergence of manufacturing and retailing as a new kind of innovation, so we need to keep our eyes on the scientific and engineering approaches for the retail sector.

      • KCI등재

        대규모유통법 규제 재검토 논의를 위한 조항별 판례 분석

        강정희 한국경쟁법학회 2023 競爭法硏究 Vol.48 No.-

        The structure and market environment of the retail industry today is very different from that of 2012, when the Act on Fair Transactions in Large Retail Business was first enacted and implemented. Not only are distribution channels shifting from offline to online, but the commercialization of mobile devices has created a variety of sales channels that are incomparable to those of a decade ago. As consumers have more options, their purchasing behavior has also changed significantly from the past. The most significant regulatory effect of the Act on Fair Transactions in Large Retail Business is that it shifts the burden of proof for abuse of dominance from the KFTC to mass distributors. As such, the Act on Fair Transactions in Large Retail Business has a very strong regulatory effect compared to other antitrust laws such as the Subcontracting Act, so it is necessary to be wary of efforts to lay the foundation for fair competition in a way that shrinks the distribution market or conflicts with the creativity and innovation of business operators. At a time when there are increasing calls for an overhaul of the regulatory framework for large-scale retailers, which was built for the existing offline-oriented retail market, it is very meaningful to look at how the courts have interpreted and applied the provisions of the Act on Fair Transactions in Large Retail Business in order to find the most effective way forward. Considering that courts are bound to have certain limitations in interpreting the text and determining the burden of proof, no matter how much they reflect market conditions and transaction realities, the gaps caused by these limitations are best filled through legislative improvements. This article introduces and analyzes the most recent Supreme Court decisions or major cases in which violations of the Act on Fair Transactions in Large Retail Business were at issue, and explores the direction of reorganizing the Act on Fair Transactions in Large Retail Business.

      • KCI등재

        대규모유통업자와 납품업자의 판매촉진비용부담과 납품업자의 종업원사용금지

        심재한 전북대학교 동북아법연구소 2019 동북아법연구 Vol.13 No.2

        The Act on Fair Transactions in Large Franchise and Retail Business regulates various unfair practices between large franchise and retail business operators and suppliers. The Fair Trade Commission has taken a number of corrective actions regarding the Unjustly Shifting Burden of Sales Promotional Expenses and the Use of Employees. Since the promotion of sales promotions incurs expenses, Article 11 (1) prohibits the burden of selling promotion expenses to suppliers, etc., without contracting them with suppliers. This regulation is intended to regulate the act of transferring excessive sales promotion costs to suppliers. The share ratio of sales promotion costs should be based on the proportion of economic benefits (estimated profits) that large franchise and retail business operators and suppliers are expected to obtain directly through the sales promotion events, respectively. However, the economic benefits that large franchise and retail business operators and suppliers can obtain through sales promotions are not easily assessed. In addition, the gains from sales promotions conducted by both parties may be underestimated or overestimated. Nevertheless, if the expected profit ratio cannot be calculated, the expected profit is assumed to be the same. According to Article 11 (4), the share of the sales promotion cost sharing ratio of suppliers is allowed to be up to 50%. Article 12 prohibits the use of employees, stating that "A large franchise and retail business operator shall not request a supplier, etc. to dispatch employees or other human resources employed by such supplier, etc. to work in the workplace of the large franchise and retail business operator." Article 12 is closely related to the provisions of Article 11 concerning the burden of the promotion costs. The supplier can perform effective sales promotion activities by sending competent assistants to retailers. The question is how large franchise and retail business operators and suppliers will share the costs incurred by employees and so on. Reasonable interpretation and enforcement of The Act on Fair Transactions in Large Franchise and Retail Business should benefit distributors, suppliers and consumers. 유통업자와 납품업자 사이의 다양한 불공정행위를 규율하는 대규모유통업법상 많은 시정조치 실적이 있는 행위유형은 판매촉진비용의 부담전가와 납품업자 등의 종업원사용이다. 판매촉진행사를 실시하면 비용이 발생하기 마련인바, 제11조 제1항에서는 판매촉진비용의 부담 등을 납품업자등과 약정하지 아니하고는 이를 납품업자등에게 부담시키는 행위를 금지하고 있다. 이 규정은 대규모유통업자보다 거래상 열위에 있는 납품업자에 대하여 지나치게 과도한 판매촉진비용을 전가시키는 행위를 상대방에 대하여 불이익을 부과하는 행위라고 보고 이를 규제하려는 것이다. 판매촉진비용의 분담비율은 대규모유통업자와 납품업자등이 각각 해당 판매촉진행사를 통하여 직접적으로 얻을 것으로 예상되는 경제적 이익(예상이익)의 비율에 따라 정하는 것이 원칙이다. 그런데 대규모유통업자와 납품업자가 판매촉진행사를 통해 획득할 수 있는 경제적 이익이 용이하게 평가될 수 있는 성질의 것은 아니다. 또한 양 당사자가 실시하는 판매촉진행사를 통해 획득하는 이익이 과소평가되거나 혹은 과대평가 될 여지도 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 예상이익 비율 산정불가의 경우 예상이익이 같은 것으로 추정되며, 제11조 제4항에 따라 납품업자등의 판매촉진비용 분담비율은 최대 100분의 50까지만 인정된다. 대규모유통업법 제12조는 제1항 본문에서 “대규모유통업자는 납품업자 등으로부터 종업원이나 그밖에 납품업자 등에 고용된 인력을 파견받아 자기의 사업장에서 근무하게 하여서는 아니 된다”고 하여 납품업자등의 종업원 사용 금지를 규정하고 있다. 제12조는 원래 판매촉진비용의 부담에 관한 제11조의 규정과 밀접한 관계를 가지고 있다. 제11조에 대한 설명에서 볼 수 있는 바와 같이 납품업자가 판매자 보조를 제공하는 것은 판매촉진대상중 소매업체에 대한 판매촉진 수단에 해당하기 때문이다. 즉 납품업자는 자신의 제품을 받아 소비자에 대한 직접적인 판매활동을 수행하는 소매업체에 능력있는 보조자를 파견하여 효과적인 판매촉진 활동을 수행할 수 있다. 문제는 납품업자가 파견한 종업원 등으로 인하여 발생한 비용에 관하여 대규모유통업자와 납품업자가 어떻게 분담할 것인가이다. 대규모유통업법의 합리적인 해석과 시행을 통하여 유통업자와 납품업자 그리고 소비자에게 모두 이익이 되도록 하여야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        대규모유통업법상 적용제외 규정의 재검토

        이기종 ( Lee Ki Jong ) 한국상사판례학회 2020 상사판례연구 Vol.33 No.4

        대규모유통업법은 거래상대방의 열등한 지위로 인해 그 적발과 증명이 어려운 대규모유통업자의 불공정거래행위에 대처하기 위한 입법이다. 그리고 이러한 은밀한 불공정거래행위의 대상이 되는 것은 주로 중소규모 사업자들이다. 그럼에도 동법은 그 적용범위를 규정함에 있어 대기업이나 심지어 대규모 기업집단 소속회사들도 동법의 적용대상인 납품업자나 매장임차인에서 제외시키지 않고 있다(동법 제2조 및 제3조). 그리하여 중소사업자들에게만 주어져야 할 특별한 보호수단들이 이들 대기업들에게도 동일하게 주어진다고 하는, 동법의 본래의 입법취지와 상충되는 결과를 초래하였다. 또한 일련의 법개정을 통해 고발요청권의 확대 및 3배배상제도의 도입과 같은 더욱 강력한 납품업체 보호수단들이 도입됨에 따라 이러한 문제점은 더욱 심화되었다. 물론 대규모유통업자의 우월적 지위가 부정되는 경우 동법의 적용제외가 인정되고 있으나, 동법의 문언상 우월적 지위의 존부에 대한 증명책임을 누가 부담하는지 명확하지 않다. 그리하여 동법상 증명책임의 전환은 명문으로 규정된 경우에 국한하여 인정된다는 견해도 있지만, 동법의 적용제외를 인정받기 위해 대규모유통업자가 우월적 지위의 부존재를 증명하여야 한다는 견해도 제시되고 있다. 후자에 따를 경우 대규모유통업자가 그 우월적 지위의 부존재를 증명하기 전까지는 대기업인 납품업자등도 원칙적으로 동법의 보호대상이 된다는 문제가 발생한다. 더욱이 대규모유통업의 실무에서는 거래 상대방이 적용제외 대상인지 사전에 명확하게 판단하기 어려운 경우 법적 리스크를 피하기 위해 대부분의 거래상대방과의 관계에서 동법의 적용을 전제로 하고 거래를 할 수 밖에 없게 되어 이러한 문제가 더욱 증폭되고 있다. 이처럼 대규모유통업법의 보호수단을 필요로 하지 않는 대규모 납품업자등에 대하여서까지 동법의 보호수단이 제공됨으로써 당해 유통업자 자신의 수익력과 경쟁력이 감소할 뿐 아니라, 그로 인한 피해가 중소납품업자등에 전가될 수 있고, 우리나라 유통산업의 전반적 경쟁력과 외국 제조업체에 대한 협상력 저하를 초래할 우려가 있다. 또한 유통업자와 대규모 납품업자등이 호혜적인 기반 위에서 새로운 거래유형을 개발하는 데 장애가 될 수 있으며, 동법의 조문들 중에는 대기업인 납품업자등을 그 적용대상으로 함으로써 오히려 납품업자등에게 불리한 결과를 가져오는 경우가 있는 것이다. 또한 유사한 입법목적을 가진 다른 법률들, 즉 하도급법 및 대리점법의 경우 원칙적으로 그 보호대상을 중소사업자로 한정하고 있으며, EU 2019 불공정거래지침도 그 보호 대상을 공급업자의 규모를 기준으로 한정하고 있다. 따라서 대규모유통업법의 보호대상 사업자를 원칙적으로 중소기업자로 한정하는 획기적인 전환이 필요하다. 즉, 원칙적으로 중소기업자가 납품업자등인 경우를 동법의 적용대상으로 하되, 우월적 지위의 존재가 증명되는 경우 중소기업자가 아닌 납품업자등인 경우에도 동법을 적용할 수 있게 하는 것이다. 중소기업자가 아닌 납품업자등이라면 공정거래위원회나 법원의 절차를 통해 유통업자의 우월적 지위를 증명할 능력이 있을 뿐 아니라, 일단 우월적 지위만 증명되면 대규모유통업법이 제공하는 강력한 보호수단들(증명책임의 전환, 엄중한 제재 등)을 모두 활용할 수 있게 되기 때문에 중소기업자가 아닌 납품업자등에 대한 보호가 약화될 우려는 없는 것이다. The Act on Fair Transactions in Large Retail Business (AFTLRB) was enacted to deal with unfair trade practices by large retail businesses that are hard to uncover and prove, due to the inferior position of their trade opponents. The small and medium size businesses are the major victims of those undetected unfair trade practices. However, the AFTLRB does not exclude large businesses, including the affiliates of large conglomerates, from its protection, granting extraordinary protective measures that are originally meant to protect small and medium size businesses. The problem became worse, as the AFTLRB kept introducing tougher sanctions against large retail businesses, such as treble damages, to protect small and medium size suppliers. The AFTLRB allows an exception when a large retail business lacks a superior bargaining position. The AFTLRB does not expressly distribute the burden of proof among the parties. However, some commentators say that a large retail business shall prove the non-existence of its superior bargaining position. Further, in practice, as it is hard to prove the non-existence of superior bargaining position, large retail businesses deal with all their trade opponents on the premise that the AFTLRB shall apply to the transactions between them. As the AFTLRB grants extraordinary protective measures not only to small and medium size businesses but also to large businesses, various adverse effects have been produced: (i) it reduces the profitability and competitiveness of large retail businesses and their loss could be passed on to the small and medium size trade opponents; (ii) it could undermine the overall competitiveness of Korean distribution industry and reduce its bargaining power against foregn manufacturers; (iii) it could be an obstacle to developing new trade models between large retail businesses and their trade opponents on a reciprocal basis; and (iv) some of the provisions of the AFTLRB brings about adverse consequences to the trade opponents when they apply to lage scale suppliers. We need to also take into account that several statutes in adjacent areas, such as the Fair Transactions in Subcontracting Act and the Fair Agency Transactions Act, grant protective measures only to small and medium size enterprises at least in principle. Thus this article suggests that the AFTLRB also needs to grant extraordinary protective measures only to small and medium size enterprises in principle, allowing an exception when a supplier proves the existence of superior bargaining position on the part of a large retail business.

      • KCI등재

        대규모유통업법의 적용 범위에 관한 고찰 - 대규모유통업법의 입법 취지를 중심으로 -

        김정헌 ( Kim Junghun ),박종하 ( Park Jongha ),김규식 ( Kim Kyusik ),김영석 ( Kim Youngseok ),김윤수 ( Kim Yunsoo ) 한국유통법학회 2020 유통법연구 Vol.7 No.2

        대규모유통업법은 공정거래법상 거래상 지위 남용행위에 대한 특별법임을 감안하여 대규모유통업자가 거래상 우월적 지위를 가지지 않는 거래에 대하여는 대규모유통업법을 적용하지 않도록 규정하였다. 그런데, 최근 공정거래위원회 및 법원은 대규모유통업법상 대규모유통업자에 해당하기만 하면 실질적으로 납품업자에 대하여 거래상 우월적 지위를 가지고 있는지에 대한 심도 있는 검토 없이 그대로 대규모유통업법을 적용하는 경향을 보이고 있다. 그러나, 대규모유통업법이 대규모유통업자와 납품업자 간의 사법상의 권리관계에 제한을 가하는 것으로서 본질적으로 사적 자치의 한계 내지 예외에 해당한다는 점, 공정거래법상 거래상 지위 남용행위의 특별법으로서 강력한 규제가 부과된다는 점 등에 비추어보면, 그 적용 범위를 엄격하게 해석 및 운용할 필요가 있다. 현실적으로 규제당국이 각 납품업자와 대규모유통업자간의 거래상 지위를 일일이 판단하는 것이 어렵다면, 일정한 매출액 규모 요건 등 보다 객관적인 기준을 통해 누가 보더라도 대규모유통업법 적용 대상인지 여부를 쉽게 판단할 수 있도록 개선할 필요가 있다. 한편, 대규모유통업법은 일정 규모 이상의 가맹본부에 대해서도 대규모유통업자로 간주하고 있다. 그러나, (ⅰ) 대규모유통업법은 기본적으로 백화점, 대형마트 등 거래상 지위를 가진 소매업자의 중소 납품업자나 임차인에 대한 불공정거래행위를 규제하는 것을 그 목적으로 하는 법률이어서 도매업자에 가까운 가맹본부에 대해서까지 적용하는 것이 타당한지에 대한 의문이 있다는 점, (ⅱ) 가맹본부에 대규모 유통업법을 적용함으로써 가맹본부로 집결된 협상력을 제한한 결과, 공동구매에 따른 협상력 제고라는 가맹사업의 본질을 해하고 결과적으로 가맹점사업자 보호에 역행한다는 점, (ⅲ) 특히 편의점 가맹본부의 경우 전체 구매 상품 중 67~90%에 이르는 상품을 대기업으로부터 구매하는바, 대규모유통업법으로 인하여 영세한 가맹점사업자보다 오히려 대기업인 납품업자를 보호하게 되는 불합리한 결과가 초래 된다는 점 등에 비추어보면, 관련 규정을 개정할 필요성이 인정된다. 즉, 가맹본부를 대규모유통업법 적용 대상인 대규모유통업자의 범위에서 제외하는 방안을 적극 검토할 필요가 있다. 아울러, 최근 대규모유통업법 개정으로 인해 유통업자가 아닌 부동산 임대사업자에 대하여도 대규모유통업법이 적용되게 되었는바, 이는 대규모유통업자를 규제하는 대규모유통업법의 취지에 부합하지 않고, 상가임대차법과 중복된 이중적 규제라는 등의 문제점이 있으므로 이러한 규제를 유지할 것인지에 대하여도 신중한 검토가 필요하다고 생각된다. The Act on Fair Transactions in Large Retail Business (hereinafter the Large Retail Act) shall not apply to a transaction which is not deemed to give a large retailer a superior bargaining position over a supplier (Article. 3.1.). Nonetheless, recently, the Korea Fair Trade Commission and courts tend to apply the Large Retail Act directly to a certain retail business entity without an in-depth analysis of whether it has actually superior bargaining position over a supplier as long as it is a large retailer under the Large Retail Act However, considering that the Large Retail Act is essentially an exception to principle of private autonomy and it substantially regulates the business activities of large retailer, it is necessary to narrowly interpret the scope of a large retailer. In particular, the Large Retail Act stipulates that the franchisers of a certain size or larger also fall within the scope of a large retailer. However, considering the following, it is highly recom- mended to revise the relevant regulations;(ⅰ) the purpose of the Large Retail Act is basically to regulate the abuse of market dominance or unfair trade practices by large retailers, such as department stores and supermarket. (ⅱ) If the bargaining power aggregated into the franchiser is limited by applying the Large Retail Act to the franchiser, the nature of the franchise business, which is enhancing franchisee's bargaining power by purchasing jointly will be undermined and consequently the protection of franchisees will be impaired;(ⅲ) especially, since convenience store franchisers purchase 67 to 90 percent of the total purchased goods from large companies, the application of the Large Retail Act to franchiser results in unfairly protecting the large suppliers more than the franchisees, which are much smaller than the large suppliers. In order to solve these problems, it is desirable to establish sales volume requirements to determine whether to apply the Large Retail Act, and furthermore, exclude the franchiser from the scope of a large retailer which is subject to the Large Retail Act. Meanwhile, due to the recent revision, the Large Retail Act also applies to real estate rental businesses, which is not distributor. This is not consistent with the objective of the Large Retail Act, which regulates a large retailer, and causes overlapping regulations between the Commercial Building Lease Protection Act and the Large Retail Act. Therefore, a careful consideration is also required on whether to maintain this regulatory framework.

      • 화훼소매점의 온라인 유통서비스 진화에 따른 정보기술서비스 전략 - A Typhoon Positioning Strategy를 중심으로 -

        이승창,안성혁,이숭 한국유통과학회 2009 유통과학연구 Vol.7 No.4

        The internet has dramatically changed a way of business management and competition in the business environment. Especially, it stimulated not only to evolve online floral distribution service but also to change a phase of competition among floral retail stores in industry. And that also led to keen competition among IT service providers as well. This study is to examine how floral retail stores have been evolved and competed with the radical situation of the floral distribution industry through IT service in the aspect of business and information technology. In addition, the Typhoon Positioning Strategy(TPS), a strategy for the IT service positioning, is introduced from IT service provider's perspective. For IT service providers to create high business value and continuous service providing, IT service should be positioned on the customers' "core business" and developed to the level of "solution." The Typhoon Positioning Strategy(TPS) is a strategy for the IT service positioning, indicating that IT service should be positioned according to a Business Process-Service model with the consideration of business development direction, IT service trend, and user's IT capability. That is, IT service providers should find out customers' "core business" area first to provide a right IT service to the company, and the IT service provided should meet to the level of business solution. The capability of the IT solution users is also an important factor to be considered for the advanced IT service. There are four principles of the Typhoon Positioning Strategy(TPS). Principle 1) IT service provided should be an IT solution Map suitable for customer business processes. Principle 2) IT service provided should be able to support customer core business. Principle 3) IT service provided should be a business solution. Principle. 4) IT service provided should be applied differently according to the level of customer's IT capability.

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