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      • KCI등재

        Should prostitution be decriminalized? : Rethinking prostitution through the historical and foreign experience

        윤민우 원광대학교 경찰학연구소 2015 경찰학논총 Vol.10 No.2

        Prostitution has been one of the fiercely debated issues in the contemporary South Korean society. A new debate recently resumed when triggered by the Constitutional Court’s decision on adultery saying that the criminalization of adultery is unconstitutional on the ground that it violates the sexual selfdetermination. Prostitution in this article covers only voluntary prostitution. Prostitutes who provides sexual service for the male customer are limited to adult females for the current article. Voluntary prostitution means that an individual woman has freedom to choose the profession of prostitution and freedom to leave the job whenever she decides to quit the career. Any type of coerced prostitution is excluded in the scope of this paper. That type of prostitution is itself crime, not because it is prostitution but because it violates human right, self-determination, or other criminal codes. For example, kidnapping or defrauding a women for making her prostitute is itself crime, since kidnapping or defrauding is itself crime regardless of whether a woman later becomes a prostitute or not. It is also a type of crime that a prostitute has no freedom to quit her job and coerced to continue to work. It is a kind of false imprisonment, and therefore, it is by nature crime. This paper argues with the criminalization (or decriminalization) issue of prostitution. Thus, only considering matter should be the voluntary prostitution. Involuntary prostitution is excluded from the argument of this article. This paper introduces the historical and foreign experience on prostitution. Other societies faced to a similar situation like the contemporary South Korean society. Such experience of other historical and foreign societies may provide a worthy illustration to deal with prostitution for the South Korean society. Cases of other societies show that the prostitution issue of the South Korean is not unique rather universal. Lessons can be drawn from such cases of the other societies. The current paper suggests decriminalization of prostitution. It asks a substantial question: why prostitution should be decriminalized. For doing so, it examines the historical contexts of prostitution, the causes of prostitution, and the problems associated with prostitution and criminalization of prostitution. The grounds of decriminalization of prostitution include three aspects: logical, ethical, and practical. Prostitution should be decriminalized.

      • KCI등재후보

        EU에서의 성매매와 한국의 성매매 규제에 관한 연구

        김학태 한국외국어대학교 EU연구소 2008 EU연구 Vol.- No.23

        Prostitution means trading the sexual acts by paying money. There are cognitions which distinguishes prostitution from other trade in our society. Also, legal system is in existence that punishes prostitution. Though legal provisions exist,they are not observed well actually compared with other law. If legal provisions are not effective, we have to find out the cause in external law system such as social ideas, customs, and attitudes. Specially, in the side of cognition, it needs to solve a fundamental problem why we have to regulate prostitution by law. The problem is difficult but it is inevitable because it is impossible to eradicate prostitution without solving the problem. However, the profound discussion about punishment of prostitution is not made actually. The discussion is only made in amendment of law and trying which is related to the amendment. Therefore, the gap between law and reality is more serious by holding the law without changing the cognition. Moreover, the law of prostitution becomes nominal. If many people cannot realize the illegality of prostitution, the gap between legal regulation and reality is conspicuous. Strategies to prostitution in countries of the world are various and they are not concentrated to one way. Therefore, it is difficult to arrange and classify the Strategies to prostitution in countries of the world. However, it can be classified into “penalization” which doesn’t admit prostitution and punishes it, “abolition” which doesn’t regulate criminal penalties, and “regulation” which admit prostitution partially so that prohibit crime. Penalization prohibits all of prostitution by lawso that punishes buyer and seller of prostitution. Penalization is adopted in China, Vietnam, Japan, Taiwan, Sweden, U.S.A. (except Nevada), and Korea. Abolition has no regulation which punishes prostitution but it doesn’t admit prostitution legally. The countries which adopting abolition don’t have special regulation but they are discordant to admit prostitution legally. Abolition is adopted in France, Norway, Denmark, Switzerland, Spain, Poland, Finland, Italy, Ireland, England. Regulation is adopted in Netherland, Germany, Hungary, Austria, Turkey, and Nevada in U.S.A. In Switzerland, prostitution is admitted in certain region not in the center of city or place of residence. In Germany, there are red-light districts for permitting prostitution and federal states are permitted to prostitute for certain region or certain time. Although there are differences between each politic of countries, forced and deceived acts like minor prostitution, intercession or extortion of prostitutes, and human traffic are prohibited. This corresponds to “Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others” of UN, and this forced prostitution is regulated legally in abolition countries. Each legislation and politic is not for the punishment or regulation of prostitution itself but for the eradication of women’s exploitation, protection their human rights and life. It is impossible to eradicate or regulate prostitution perfectly in any society. Therefore, the legislation politics about prostitution is meaningful when it can control prostitution and minimize the problems. So it is necessary to make the law relatively so that prostitution should be treated as the social structural problems like rule, exploitation, and violation instead of the each behavior which is needed the moral or legal estimation. The necessity of the law is to support the organization of prostitutes, prevent human traffic and enforced detention and violation, and punish violent or abnormal pimp and buyer of sex. This is coincidence with the global legislation of the world prostitution law including the UN agreement. 성매매를 둘러싼 정책 경향은 유럽 각국마다 매우 다양하지만, 일반적으로 평가해 볼 때 성매매 자체를 인정하지 않고 따라서 성매매 행위를 처벌하는 금지주의, 성매매에 대해서 형사적 처벌을 규정하고 있지 않는 비범죄주의, 성매매를 부분적으로 인정함으로써 범죄화를 막자는 취지의 합법적 규제주의로 정리할 수 있다. 금지주의는 모든 종류의 성매매 행위를 법적으로 금지하여 성매매 행위자들을 처벌하는 형태로서 스웨덴이 여기에 속한다. 비범죄주의는 성매매 행위 자체를 처벌하는 규정이 존재하지 않지만, 성매매를 합법적으로 인정하지도 않는 형태이다. 비범죄주의를 채택하고 있는 국가에서는 성매매에 대한 특별한 법 규정을 가지고 있지 않는 경우이지만, 국가마다 성매매 행위 자체를 자유로운 거래로 용인하거나 성매매를 합법적으로 인정하는 문제에 있어서는 일치하지 않는다. 프랑스, 노르웨이, 덴마크, 스위스, 스페인, 폴란드, 핀란드, 이탈리아, 아일랜드, 영국 등이 여기에 속한다. 합법적 규제주의는 일정한 형태의 성매매를 법적으로 인정하고, 특정 지역에서만 성매매를 합법적으로 허용하기 위해서 특정 구역을 제한하고, 성매매 여성은 등록되거나 의료감시체계 등을 이용하며, 세금을 내기도 한다. 네덜란드, 독일, 헝가리, 오스트리아, 터키, 등이 여기에 속한다. 동서고금을 통하여 성매매가 사회도덕이나 개인윤리의 차원에서 비난의 대상이 되어 왔다. 그러나 현대사회로 발전해갈수록 신자유주의적인 세계화속에서 국제적인 성매매가 점점 증가하고 있고 빈곤한 여성에 대한 성착취는 더욱 극심해지고 있다. 본 논문에서는 성매매를 공통의 주제로 하여 문제점을 파악하고 현실적인 대책을 검토하였다. 특히 어떤 근거로 성매매를 규제하는지를 살펴보았고, 이를 바탕으로 성매매를 규제하고 있는 EU 국가들 법의 내용을 면밀하게 살펴본 후에, 또한 한국에서의 적용가능성을 고찰하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        청소년의 성매매 경험유무를 변별하는 사회심리적 특성 연구

        이해경,이경성,신현숙 한국청소년학회 2004 청소년학연구 Vol.11 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to explore social-psychological characteristics of adolescents having experienced prostitution and identify variables that would differentiate adolescents with prostitution experiences from those without prostitution experiences. Seventy-four adolescents with prostitution experiences and 72 adolescents without such experiences participated in this study. Compared to adolescents without prostitution experiences, those with prostitution experiences were found to have more difficulties in such problem areas as conflict with teachers, conflict with parents, school adjustment problems, sexual violence, pregnancy, and abortion. Adolescents with prostitution experiences also were more involved in bullying both as bullies and as victims than were those without prostitution experiences. Also, adolescents with prostitution experiences were more depressed and anxious than were those without prostitution experiences. The results of a discriminant analysis showed that, of 12 variables, sexual violence experiences and bullying victim experiences differentiated adolescents with prostitution experiences and those without prostitution experiences with 67.1% accuracy. The results of this study suggest that these two variables be addressed in planning intervention services for adolescents who have been engaged in prostitution. 이 연구는 성매매 경험 청소년들의 사회심리적 특성을 분석하고, 성매매 경험 유무를 변별하는 변인을 탐색하기 위한 것이다. 이를 위해 성매매 유경험 청소년 74명과 성매매 무경험 청소년 72명의 사회심리적 특성을 비교하였다. 사회심리적 특성에 대한 분산분석의 결과, 인터넷 중독에서는 성매매 유경험집단과 무경험집단이 차이를 보이지 않았으나, 성매매 유경험집단은 무경험집단보다 가족 및 교사와의 관계에서 더 문제가 많으며, 학교부적응을 더 많이 경험하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 성매매 유경험집단은 무경험집단보다 집단괴롭힘의 피해 및 가해경험이 더 많고 성폭력 경험, 임신 및 낙태를 더 많이 경험하였으며, 우울과 불안 수준이 더 높았다. 선행연구를 통해 선정된 12개의 청소년 성매매 관련 변인들 가운데 집단괴롭힘 가해경험과 성폭력 경험이 청소년 성매매 경험 유무를 변별하는 유의한 변인으로 밝혀졌다. 이 두 변인이 성매매 유경험 집단과 무경험 집단을 정확하게 분류하는 비율은 67.1%였다. 논의에서는 청소년 성매매 유경험 청소년들을 위한 개입방안에서 고려해야 할 사항에 대하여 논의하였다.

      • KCI등재

        네덜란드의 성매매 합법화의 배경과 딜레마 연구

        허경미 한국교정학회 2019 矯正硏究 Vol.29 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to examine the background and process of the legitimization of prostitution in the Netherlands, and the problems that the Netherlands has after the prostitution legalization. The Netherlands is a representative member of the United Nations and the European Union that emphasize human rights. The nation has a high level of national income index, and is a country that inherits moralistic traditions and cultures that reflect the characteristics of the Reformed Church. Despite these national characteristics, the Netherlands introduced the world's first prostitution legalization since October 2000. To summarize the characteristics of Netherlands legalization of prostitution, First, the politicians of the Dutch central government tried to draw consensus with their will. Second, the dialogue and consensus of the Autonomous Council, the Degraf Foundation, and the feminist organizations were formed, There is no active or radical opposition to legalization. Fourth, social members no longer think that the role of the state is moralist. Fifth, individual human rights and public order are protected from a more pragmatic side. This is the background of legalization of prostitution. The Dutch Ministry of Justice diagnosed that the six prostitution legalization goals were not successfully achieved through the 2002, 2007, and 2015 Legislation Legalization Assessment Report. In other words, it is difficult to grasp the exact situation of voluntary prostitution, forced prostitution, and trafficking, and it is not clear that the result of illegal sex industry enlargement, difficulty in precise status of minors engaged in sex industry, and improvement of social status of sex workers is not clear. In addition, it is difficult to evaluate the successful interception of prostitution and crime. It also pointed out the problems of human rights of sex workers, increasing foreign migrants, and the image of prostitution countries. 이 연구의 목적은 네덜란드의 성매매 합법화의 배경과 그 과정, 그리고 성매매 합법화 이후 네덜란드가 안고 있는 문제점을 살펴보는 것이다. 네덜란드는 인권을 중시하는 대표적인 유엔 및 유럽연합의 회원국이고, 그리고 국민소득지표가 독보적으로 높은 국가이며, 개혁교회적 특성을 반영한 도덕주의적 전통과 문화를 계승하는 국가이다. 이와 같은 국가적 특성을 가졌음에도 불구하고 네덜란드는 2000년 10월부터 세계 최초로 성매매 합법화를 도입하였다. 네덜란드의 성매매 합법화의 특징을 정리하자면, 첫째, 네덜란드 중앙정부를 구성하는 정치인들이 지속적으로 의지를 가지고 합의점을 도출하려고 노력하였고, 둘째, 자치단체협의회와 드 그라프재단, 페미니스트단체들의 대화와 공감대가 형성되어 합법화 의지를 지속화하였으며, 셋째, 성매매 합법화를 반대하는 적극적인 또는 급진적인 세력이 존재하지 않았으며, 넷째, 사회구성원들은 더 이상 국가의 역할이 도덕주의자라고 생각하지 않았으며, 다섯째, 개인의 인권이나 공공질서는 좀 더 실용주의적 측면에서 보호할 필요가 있다는 사회적 인식과 공감대 형성 등이 성매매 합법화의 배경이라고 할 수 있다. 네덜란드 법무부는 2002년, 2007년, 2015년의 성매매 합법화 평가보고서를 통하여 성매매 합법화 목표를 모두 성공적으로 달성하지는 못하였다고 진단하고 있다. 즉 자발적 성매매와 강제적 성매매, 인신매매의 정확한 실태파악이 어렵고, 비합법적 성산업의 확대, 성산업에 종사하는 미성년자의 정확한 실태파악 곤란, 성노동자의 사회적 지위 향상의 결과가 뚜렷하지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 또한 성매매와 범죄와의 결탁을 성공적으로 차단하였다고 평가하기 어렵다는 것이다. 또한 성노동자의 인권문제와 외국인 이주민의 유입증가, 성매매국가이미지 등의 문제점이 지적되었다.

      • KCI등재

        Should prostitution be decriminalized? : Rethinking prostitution through the historical and foreign experience

        Yun, Minwoo 원광대학교 경찰학연구소 2015 경찰학논총 Vol.10 No.2

        성매매는 최근 한국사회에서 첨예하게 논쟁이 되는 이슈들 가운데 하나 이다. 최근 간통에 관한 헌법재판소의 판결에 의해 성매매에 관한 새로운 논쟁이 촉발되었으며 성매매 역시 성적 자기결정권의 하나이기 때문에 성매 매의 범죄화는 위헌이라는 주장이 제기되었다. 이 논문은 성매매에 관한 역 사적 사례들과 해외 사례들을 소개한다. 여기에서 다루게 될 성매매는 매춘 으로도 정의될 수 있다. 성매매와 매춘은 서로 같은 말로 다루어진다. 성매 매는 성을 파는 주체와 사는 주체의 자기결정권과 자발성을 핵심으로 한다. 때문에 이 논문에서는 강요되거나 억압, 사기, 위협 등에 의한 성매매는 논 의에서 제외된다. 이러한 행위들은 그 자체로 범죄로 간주되어야하기 때문 이다. 또한 여기서 성매매의 주체는 반드시 성인임을 전제로 한다. 따라서 자발성과 자기결정권에 근거해 있더라도 미성년자의 경우에는 이 논문의 논 의에서 제외된다. 미성년자를 대상으로 한 성매매 역시 그 자체로 범죄로 다루어져야하기 때문이다. 이처럼 이 논문에서 논의의 대상이 되는 성매매 는 성매매의 주체가 성년이며 성매매의 진입과 이탈이 완전히 자유롭고 스 스로의 자기결정에 의해 이루어지는 그러한 유형의 성매매에 한정된다. 또한 여기서 다루게 될 성매매는 성 매수자는 남성 그리고 성 매도자는 여성인 경우로 제한된다. 이 연구에서 살펴 본 역사적으로 존재했거나 해외 의 다른 사회들 역시 성매매와 관련하여 현재 우리사회와 유사한 상황에 직 면했었다. 역사적으로 또는 해외에서 경험한 것들은 한국 사회가 성매매를 어떻게 다루어야 할 것인가에 대한 쓸모 있는 정보를 제공할 수 있다. 그리 고 이러한 사례들은 한국의 성매매와 관련된 상황이 독특한 것이 아니라 일 반적인 것이라는 것을 보여준다. 이 논문은 성매매를 비범죄화할 것을 제안한다. 이 글은 왜 성매매가 비범죄 화되어야 하는 가와 관련된 본질적 의문 을 제기한다. 그렇게 함으로써 이 글은 성매매의 역사적 맥락, 성매매의 원 인들, 성매매와 성매매의 범죄화와 관련된 문제들을 조사한다. 성매매의 비 범죄화의 근거들은 세 가지 측면들을 포함한다. 그 세 가지는 논리적, 윤리 적, 그리고 실제적 측면들이다. 성매매는 비범죄화 되어야 한다. Prostitution has been one of the fiercely debated issues in the contemporary South Korean society. A new debate recently resumed when triggered by the Constitutional Court’s decision on adultery saying that the criminalization of adultery is unconstitutional on the ground that it violates the sexual selfdetermination. Prostitution in this article covers only voluntary prostitution. Prostitutes who provides sexual service for the male customer are limited to adult females for the current article. Voluntary prostitution means that an individual woman has freedom to choose the profession of prostitution and freedom to leave the job whenever she decides to quit the career. Any type of coerced prostitution is excluded in the scope of this paper. That type of prostitution is itself crime, not because it is prostitution but because it violates human right, self-determination, or other criminal codes. For example, kidnapping or defrauding a women for making her prostitute is itself crime, since kidnapping or defrauding is itself crime regardless of whether a woman later becomes a prostitute or not. It is also a type of crime that a prostitute has no freedom to quit her job and coerced to continue to work. It is a kind of false imprisonment, and therefore, it is by nature crime. This paper argues with the criminalization (or decriminalization) issue of prostitution. Thus, only considering matter should be the voluntary prostitution. Involuntary prostitution is excluded from the argument of this article. This paper introduces the historical and foreign experience on prostitution. Other societies faced to a similar situation like the contemporary South Korean society. Such experience of other historical and foreign societies may provide a worthy illustration to deal with prostitution for the South Korean society. Cases of other societies show that the prostitution issue of the South Korean is not unique rather universal. Lessons can be drawn from such cases of the other societies. The current paper suggests decriminalization of prostitution. It asks a substantial question: why prostitution should be decriminalized. For doing so, it examines the historical contexts of prostitution, the causes of prostitution, and the problems associated with prostitution and criminalization of prostitution. The grounds of decriminalization of prostitution include three aspects: logical, ethical, and practical. Prostitution should be decriminalized.

      • 논문(論文) : 계급해방 속의 창기(娼妓)해방 -1950년대 상해시(上海市) 금창사업(禁娼事業)-

        장수지 ( Soo Ji Chang ) 한국중국근현대사학회(구 중국근현대사학회) 2010 중국현대사연구 Vol.48 No.-

        The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) had implemented the nationwide work to prohibit prostitution since the foundation of People`s Republic of China in 1949 until the late 1950s. The CCP asserted that this work would destroy the savage institution, which had insulted women and injured their physical and mental health. Local governments in every city closed brothel houses and arrested and punished brothel owners. They also helped prostitutes to return to society after treatment for venereal diseases and labor education. Works of prostitution prohibition were enforced from 1951 to 1958 in Shanghai city, which had showed the largest number of prostitutes in the world. Shanghai city government operated the licensed prostitution for two years and six months after the liberation and expected to restrict the prostitution business by controlling transactions of women`s sex through this public system. The city government declared it would execute such a radical policy as an education of whoremongers and help prostitutes with their job change. Although there is no way to confirm how many of these policies were carried out, it is certain that the city government concentrated more on regulating prostitutes and prostitute houses rather than it executed such radical policies. This operation of public prostitution, which laid stress on control policies, shows that the CCP`s policy of prostitution prohibition was not the one for women but a part of the works of purification of society. The regulation to prohibit prostitution overall carried out in Shanghai city in November 27th 1951 was applicable only to prostitutes and brothel owners, and such a trend to emphasize the reform of prostitutes continued until 1958. It is understandable that the reform of prostitutes was centered in the business of prostitution prohibition because the CCP saw prostitutes not only parasites which represented bad habits of old society and capitalist society but also their victims. The CCPas we can see from its experiment in the licenced prostitution, expected to solve the prostitution problem only by transforming "sellers of sex." Prostitutes who belonged to the class of drifting people were officially "liberated" when they became social workers after being educated in relocation camps. Such liberation was possible when the CCP was controlling the whole population and organizing women`s labor power. All the people who had the jobs related with prostitution were defined as the class of drifting people, which was understood as the laziest, parasitic, and breaking public morality. In the socialist country, therefore, it became urgent to correct such bad habits of this class. Moreover, it is because of this very understanding of drifting people that the CCP understood the reform of prostitutes` parasitic habits more important rather than the critique of social habits that made transactions of sex possible. Prostitutes were seen as the exploited in relation to their masters(brothel owners)who belonged to the same class of drifting people. This recognition of prostitutes as the exploited became clear since the overall enforcement of prostitution prohibition policy in November 1951 and strengthened when prostitutes were publicly complaining about the wrongdoings done by their masters. That is to say, prostitutes were understood as social victims because they became prostitutes to be exploited by their masters, but it was not understood that they became prostitutes because they were the women of the exploited class. In such an official discourse, therefore, not only discussions of the gap between rich and poor or their origins but also the critique of prostitutes` sufferings from transactions of sex or men`s habits to buy women`s sex were missed. The CCP could avoid the fundamental critique of contradictory recognition of sex, which was too strict about women and generous to men, although it destroyed the social habit of prostitution. The CCP`s definition of prostitutes as parasites and victims transformed the question of prostitution from women`s problem to the class issue. This transformation took away the sexual image of prostitutes by employing more vocabularies of class and weakened a social habit to evaluate women`s behavior by their chastity. People still criticized prostitutes for their "sexual decadency," however, while sexually discriminatory recognition was not fundamentally criticized. This example of the CCP`s prostitution prohibition policy tells that the work of "emancipation of women" avoided the fundamental critique of and transformation of sexually discriminatory society.

      • KCI등재

        성매매 탈출의 전환점 연구

        정혜원 ( Hye-won Jung ) 대한범죄학회 2017 한국범죄학 Vol.11 No.1

        이 연구에서는 생애과정범죄학을 통해 성매매여성의 성매매 탈출과정을 탐색해 보았다. 이를 위해 성매매 경험이 있는 여성 13명을 심층면접 분석하였다. 그 결과, 성매매여성들의 경우 안정적 파트너, 임신과 자녀, 신 체적·심리적 소진, 몸가치 하락, 부채, 단속과 외부지원 등과 같은 전환점을 경험하면 성매매로부터 벗어남을 탐색할 수 있었다. 첫째로 성매매여성이라는 특수성에서 본다면 결혼과 같은 제 도적 측면보다는 친밀하고 안정적인 지원과 지지를 할 수 있는 타자로서의 파트너의 의미가 매우 중요하며, 자녀 또한 성매매여 성의 또 다른 형태의 사회적 지지라는 의미에서 친밀한 타자의 의미로 해석될 수 있다. 또한 이러한 전환점이 성매매 탈출로 이 어지기 위해서는 그에 대한 적절한 지원 및 대안들이 필요하다. 둘째로, 성매매현장에서 일어나는 폭력의 구조는 여성들 개인에 게는 신체적 정신적 소진으로, 부채라는 경제적 장치로 이어지며, 이것들에 대해 더 이상 버틸 수 없다고 느낄 때 여성들은 성 매매로부터 탈출을 하며, 이러한 경우 자살 등과 같은 극단적인 방식을 차용하기도 한다. 여성들이 극단적인 방식으로 성매매로 부터 탈출하기전에 정부가 적극적인 방식으로 여성들을 성매매 로부터 벗어날 수 있도록 지원하는 것도 중요하다. 이러한 정부의 적극적인 탈성매매 정책 중에 하나가 집결지 아 웃리치(Out-Reach)이다. 연구참여자 가운데 일부는 집결지 아웃리 치를 오는 상담원들과의 친밀한 교감을 통해 성매매로부터 탈출한 경우가 있었으며, 성매매 탈출 시 상담소 및 쉼터의 정보를 아웃리 치를 통해 습득하고 이를 활용하여 성매매를 그만 둔 경우들이 있었다. 이에 성매매여성들이 성매매 탈출을 구체적으로 구상할 수 있도록 외부의 단속과 지원을 효율적으로 진행해야 할 것이다. This study investigated the exit from prostitution of prostitutes through life-course criminology. For this, the researcher did and analyzed in-depth interview of 13 women who experienced prostitution. As a result, in case of prostitutes, if they experienced turning points such as stable partner, pregnancy and children, physical and psychological exhaustion, a drop in body value, debt, and crackdown and outside help, they could investigate an exit from prostitution. First, in the distinct characteristic as prostitutes, a meaning of a partner as the other who is close, and support stably rather than institutional aspects such as marriage is so important, and a meaning of the close other should be analyzed in a sense that children are also another type of social support of prostitutes. In addition, to make this turning point lead to an exit from prostitution, proper supports and alternatives are needed. Second, a structure of violence happening in the actual place of prostitution leads to an economical system as debt, and physical and psychological exhaustion of women, and when they feel that they cannot stand it any more, they exit from prostitution, and in this case, they often resort to an extreme measure such as suicide. Before women exit from prostitution with this extreme measure, it is important for the government to try to make women exit from prostitution with an active approach. One of these active exitd prostitution policies of the government is Out-Reach of an assembly place. Some research participants exitd from prostitution through close communion with advisers doing Out-Reach of an assembly place, and on escaping from prostitution, some prostitutes stopped prostitution by acquiring and using information of counseling centers and shelters through Out-Reach. Therefore, to make prostitutes plan to exit from prostitution in the concrete, outside crackdown and support should be efficiently proceeded.

      • KCI등재

        공법 : 성매매죄의 개념에 관한 연구

        박찬걸 ( Chan Keol Park ) 한양대학교 법학연구소 2009 법학논총 Vol.26 No.1

        Recent issues in the criminal policy on prostitution is whether prostitution is legalized or decriminalized or still prohibited as criminal. The Anti-Prostitution Act of 1961 has kept the strict criminalization policy on the basis of legal moralism. And two Anti-Prostitution Acts of 2004 are said to fully reflect mainstream feminists claim for special measure to prevent prostitution and to protect prostitutes. On the punishment of procuring prostitution and prevention of prostitution and protection of victims. Korea government attempts to prohibit all acts of prostitution, as well as the activities that promote it, such as keeping a brothel. These acts are designed to replace old policy of criminalization of prostitution with more correctional one for rehabilitation of the prostitutes. After five years has passed from time their application, however, one can hardly be sure that such intents of the legislators have been so effectively or efficiently achieved. The current acts punishing sex trade women, sex trade man and middle mediators in crime. The prostitution is not rare in Korea. Although an act of prostitution and sex trade which sell and buy the sex is totally prohibited by the law, there are rearly punished people. It is considered as a usual social phenomenon. As we have seen, A established debate in relation to prostitution is various developed from decriminalization of prostitution to an extent of punishment. But, there was not a lively discussion on concept in prostitution. I`m take notice of these point. In conclusion, the purpose of this study is to provide fundamental references for concept in prostitution in korea.

      • KCI등재

        김동인의 「감자」에 형상화된 매춘의 문제

        김현정,김문주 한민족어문학회 2020 韓民族語文學 Vol.0 No.89

        This study was designed to reveal the following contents. Kim Dong-in’s novel “Potato” is a work that criticizes the changes in Joseon and the widespread prostitution culture through prostitution and prostitutes. The purpose of this study is to examine the way the artist expressed prostitution and prostitutes, and and reconsider previous discussions. The prostitution in the slum outside Chilseongmoon, reproduced in this work, vividly reflects reality in many aspects. Since the implementation of the Gongchang system, the number of prostitutes has rapidly increased, and in this background, blessed women have emerged. In particular, Kim Dong-in sharply noted the problem of capital that lies behind prostitution. This can be confirmed by mentioning the amount of recurring transactions in the work and prostitution with the Wang Seo-bang. It is outstanding that the prostitution reproduced in <Potato> sharply reproduces reality. However, when describing prostitution, the artist reveals the male-centeredness naturally acquired in a patriarchal society. For this reason, prostitution between the Bok-nyeo and Wang Seo-bang has been mainly interpreted as an affectionate relationship, and this study reconsidered this interpretation. Existing discussions were conducted in a state of uncritically accepting the artist’s gaze, and prostitution was evaluated as a subjective act in which the desire of a blessing woman was realized. This study noted this point and prepared a reference point for future research. This thesis clarified the specificity of prostitution between the Bok-nyeo and Wang Seo-bang, and examined the prostitution embodied in <Potato>. In conclusion, prostitution is a device that effectively reproduces the reality of Joseon in the 1920s that the artist witnessed. 본 연구는 김동인의 소설 「감자」가 매춘 여성을 주인공으로 내세워 당대의 세태 변화와 만연한 매춘 문화를 비판하는 작품임을 밝히고, 매춘과 매춘 여성을 형상화한 작가의 서술 방식과 태도를 고찰함으로써 선행한 논의들을 보충하고 「감자」에 형상화된 매춘의 의미를 확인하고자 기획되었다. 이 작품이 재현하는 칠성문 밖 빈민굴의 매춘은 여러 측면에서 현실을 생생하게 반영한다. 공창제 실시 이후 매춘 여성의 급격한 증가는 복녀라는 주인공을 탄생케 한 배경이 되었다. 특히 김동인은 매춘의 배후에 자리한 자본의 문제와 자본이 바꾸어놓은 인간의 심성 변화를 날카롭게 지적하였는데, 이를 복녀와 왕서방과의 매춘에 담긴 사회학적 의미를 고찰함으로써 확인하였다. 「감자」는 매춘 여성을 주인공으로 삼아 당대적 현실의 측면들을 탁월하게 형상화하였다는 점에서 의미를 지닌다. 반면 매춘 여성과 매춘을 형상화하는 과정에서는 작가가 가부장제 사회에서 자연스럽게 습득한 남성 중심성이 드러나고 있다. 이러한 균열을 간과한 채 복녀의 매춘을 성적 욕망이 실현되는 주체적 행위로 평가한 기존 논의의 시각을 재고하고, 작품에 투영된 작가의 젠더 의식을 고려하여야 한다는 점을 제안함으로써 향후 연구의 참조점을 마련하고자 하였다. 이로써 「감자」에 형상화된 매춘은 1920년대 조선 사회의 변화와 현실을 효과적으로 재현하는 장치이며, 변화된 세태의 문제가 복녀를 통해 수렴되었다고 보았다. 동시에 매춘과 매춘 여성을 서술하는 태도에는 작가의 젠더 의식도 함께 투영되어 있음을 확인하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        해방 후 공창제 폐지와 그 영향에 관한 연구

        박유미(Park Yu-mi) 역사실학회 2010 역사와실학 Vol.41 No.-

        Since the liberation from Japanese Colonial Rule, prostitutes were still in poverty and they had to swallow inhumane treatment and criticism in terms of a sense of virtue and sanitation. The number of prostitutes did not decrease, but rather increased, due to difficult social and economic situations. The prostitutes, who were regarded as the part of clean up of colonial remaining, were essential target to be cleansed. The military administration authorities, legislators and women circles abolished the licensed prostitution system through an enactment of a law, and prohibited prostitution. Although official prostitution was prohibited by law, institutional measures to completely ban prostitution were not taken; therefore, the meaning of law enactment was reduced. A new subject in prostitution, that is, U.S. armed forces, appeared in the Korean society’s prostitution, after the licensed prostitution was abolished. The U.S. armed forces were both the originator that removed the licensed prostitution system that had been transplanted by Japan and the main player that established sexual culture faster in the Korean society as a paradox. The advent of a new buyer of prostitution, the U.S. armed forces, cemented unlicensed prostitution furthermore, and caused some problems such as mixed blood to the Korean society. Prostitution targeting the U.S. armed forces has spread further in combination with militarism since the Korean War. The licensed prostitution withdrawn with the liberation from Japanese Colonial Rule did not present different future for prostitutes from the past, and it was just switched to unlicensed prostitution. Consequently, a different prostitution method was only presented. Prostitution in Korea evolved into a different form as militarism ruled the Korean society through the Korean War and as foreign armed forces were stationed in Korea.

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