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        조선전기 畿甸의 馬牧場 설치

        이홍두 서울역사편찬원 2016 서울과 역사 Vol.- No.93

        In Joseon, after the transfer of the capital to Hanyang, 8 horse ranches in the national capital area including 4 in Yangju-bu and 4 in Gwangju-mok, were built to protect the royal family and the capital, respond to Ming’s request for horses, and conquer the Manchu. In Yangju-bu, Jeongot and Nogyang Ranches were built, and in Imjin-hyeon, Yangju-bu, Hogot and Baegandugon Ranches were consructed. In Gwangju-mok, Majeonpo and Jopopyeong Ranches, and in Geumcheon-hyeon, Gwangju-mok, Dalchon and Saoipo Ranches were built. Their roles, however, were different. Jeongot Ranch was for royal riding, Nogyang and Saoipo Ranches for military purposes, and the other 5 ranches including Hogot for National Horses. Jeongot Ranch, producing royal horses for kings, was located in the east of the capital, an area including Seongdong-gu, Gwangjin-gu, and Jungnang-gu in current Korea. This ranch was contributed to the protection of the royal family and the capital by selecting royal horses for kings and carrying out military training and hunting. And, in this ranch, Majodan, Seonmokdan, Masadan, and Mabodan were constructed, and horse rituals were held early for the sake of the health and breeding of horses. The first King, Taejo Seong-gye Ri had Jeongot Ranch built, and grew Naegu Horses at pasture, but peasants’ loss was little since the horses were put in cages at night. After King Taejo resigned, however, the horses came to frequently damage common people’s grains and fields. King Taejong extended the size of Jongot Ranch, and then sent all Naegu Horses there except 30 left in the palace, to greatly reduce the damages of the fields. Right after the movement of the capital to Hanyang, the government provided soldiers with unused land to let them grow horses. Such ranches were called military ranches. Of them, Nogyang Ranch in Yangju-bu was the biggest in size. In Nogyang Ranch, horses from Jung-gun and Jawa-gun out of Samgun were at pasture and in Saoipo Ranch in Geumcheon-hyeon, Gwangju-mok, those from U-gun grazed. As the military ranches accommodated many soldiers (Gapsa) from other areas of the country, they were called Gapsa Ranches. King Sejo reconstructed Nogyang Ranch, which had been ruined, as a way of military reform, but then the ranch was closed due to tiger damages. Since King Seongjong, illegal cultivation and house building frequently occurred. Since the 10th year of King Seongjong, courtiers struggled with each other between the claims for cultivation of the ranch and for inhibition of the cultivation. Owing to King Seongjong, who supported the latter claim, Nogyang Ranch was reconstructed. The 5 ranches, including Hogot, Baegandugon, Majeonpo, Jopopyeong, and Dalchon rather than Jeongot, Nogyang, and Saoipo Ranches in the capital area, were national ranches. The government supplied horses needed in protecting the capital and conquering the Manchu and responding to Ming’s request for horses. Hogot Ranch in Imjin-hyeon, Yangju-bu, in particular, was a royal riding ranch that supplied royal horses in the late Goryeo period. King Taejong tried to make Hogot Ranch a royal riding ranch, but gave up due to the petition by Saganwon. Later, Hogot Ranch produced one of the best breeds of horses in the nation along with Jangbongdo and Sindo Ranches in the Ganghwa Island, Anmyeongot Ranch in Taean, Chungcheong-do, and Jindo Ranch in Jeolla-do. 조선은 한양으로 천도한 이후 왕실과 도성방어・명나라의 징마요구・야인정벌 등을 위해 수도권의 양주부에 4개, 광주목에 4개 등 총 8개의 마목장을 설치하였다. 양주부에는 전곶목장과 녹양목장을 설치하고, 양주부 임진현에는 호곶목장과 백안두곤목장을 설치하였다. 광주목에는 마전포목장과 조포평목장을 설치하고, 광주목 금천현에는 달촌목장과 사외포목장을 설치하였다. 그런데 이들 목장은 그 역할이 각각 달랐다. 전곶목장은 내승목장이고, 녹양목장과 사외포목장은 군사목장이며, 호곶목장 등 다섯 개 목장은 국마목장이다. 국왕의 어승마를 생산하는 전곶목장은 도성의 동쪽에 있었는데, 현재 성동구・광진구・중랑구를 합한 지역이다. 이곳에서는 어승마를 간택하고 군사훈련과 수렵 등을 행함으로써 왕실과 도성방어에 기여했다. 그리고 전곶목장 안에는 馬祖壇・先牧壇・馬社壇・馬步壇을 설치하고, 말의 무병과 번식을 위해 해마다 馬祭를 지냈다. 태조 이성계는 전곶목장을 설치하고 內廐馬를 방목했는데, 밤에는 우리에 가둠으로써 농민들의 피해가 적었다. 그러나 태조가 왕위에서 물러난 이후 내구마가 백성의 곡식과 밭을 해치는 일이 많았다. 태종은 전곶목장의 규모를 확대한 다음, 궁중에는 내구마 30필 정도를 남기고 모두 전곶목장에 보냄으로써 전지의 침탈이 크게 줄었다. 한양으로 천도한 직후 국가는 군사들에게 공한지를 주어 말을 기르도록 했다. 이러한 목장을 군사목장이라고 한다. 그런데 양주부의 녹양목장 규모가 가장 컸다. 녹양목장에서는 삼군의 중군과 좌군의 말을 방목하였고, 광주목의 금천현 사외포목장에서는 우군의 말을 방목하였다. 군사목장은 지방에서 올라온 甲士들의 숫자가 가장 많았으므로 세종 때는 갑사목장이라고 했다. 세조는 군제개혁의 일환으로 황폐한 녹양목장을 복설하였지만, 호랑이의 피해가 커서 목장을 폐지하였다. 녹양목장은 성종대부터 무단으로 개간하고 집을 짓는 일이 많았다. 성종 10년 이후 조정 대신들은 목장의 개간에 찬성하는 폐지론과 개간을 금지하자는 복설론이 상호 대립했다. 성종이 목장의 개간을 반대하는 견해에 동의함으로써 녹양목장은 복설되었다. 수도권의 전곶・녹양・사외포목장 이외의 호곶・백안두곤・마전포・조포평・달촌목장 등 5개 목장은 국마목장이었다. 국가는 이들 목장을 통해 도성방위와 야인정벌에 필요한 말을 공급하고, 명나라의 징마요구에 대처하였다. 특히 양주부 임진현의 호곶목장은 고려 말 어승마를 조달하는 내승목장이었다. 태종은 호곶목장을 내승목장으로 삼으려고 추진했지만, 사간원의 상소로 포기하였다. 이후 호곶목장은 강화도 장봉도목장과 신도목장, 충청도 태안의 안면곶목장, 전라도 진도목장과 함께 전국에서 가장 우수한 품종의 호마를 생산하였다.

      • KCI우수등재

        The Effect of Living Conditions on Stress and Behavior of Horses

        ( Sang Kook Park ),( Hee Jun Jung ),( You Lim Choi ),( Oh Sub Kwon ),( Young Hun Jung ),( Chung Il Cho ),( Min Jung Yoon ) 한국동물자원과학회(구 한국축산학회) 2013 한국축산학회지 Vol.55 No.4

        Providing an adequate environment for horses is important to minimize the level of stress for domesticated horses. The objectives of this study were 1) to evaluate the effect of living conditions on stress level of horses, 2) to observe the effect of one month confinement on self-maintenance behavior and stereotypic behavior of horses. The experiment was conducted at National Institute of Animal Science, Equine Field Station(Seonghwan-eup, Korea). Horses were staying in the paddock prior to the experiment. On day 1, five horses were randomly selected and housed in metal fence panels stall. Six horses remained in the same paddock. The ratio of neutrophil to lymphocyte (on day 15) and cortisol (on day 1 and 29) from stalled horses were significantly higher than horses in the paddock. Duration or frequency of self-maintenance behaviors such as feeding, drinking, resting, walking was not significantly different between day 1 and day 29. However, the frequency of urination significantly decreased(p<0.05) on day 29 compared with day 1. The frequency of stereotypic behaviors was not different between day 1 and 29. Our data indicate that horses may be more stabled when they are staying in the paddock rather than staying in the stall, but the stress level of horses in the stall during one month confinement was not effective for horses to adapt stereotypic behavior. In conclusion, providing an adequate environment and stress-less horse management techniques can minimize the stress level of horses.

      • KCI등재

        호마의 전래와 조선시대 호마목장의 설치

        이홍두(Yi, Hong-Du) 국방부 군사편찬연구소 2016 군사 Vol.- No.99

        Horses in the Joseon Dynasty are largely divided into native Jeju horses and northern Manchurian horses. Since Jeju horses were not able to bear the weight of the horse armor and heavily armed cavalryman, large-sized Manchurian horses were used for the the cavalry. Manchurian horses were classified by Central Asian horses, Daldan-ma horses(韃靼馬-highland wild horses), and Mongolian horses. Central Asian horses were imported in the Period of the Korean Three Kingdoms, and Daldan-ma horses were imported from Jurchen through tribute trade in the early Koryo Dynasty. The number of tributes through which Jurchen paid horses during the period from King Jeongjong (945~949) to Yejong (1105~1122) was 127, and the number of tributary horses was approximately 4~5,000 heads. In the late Koryo Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty brought Daldan-ma horses to Tamra-do Island and installed Mongolian-style ranches there. In addition, it brought 150 Daldanma horses and distributed them to ranches throughout the country, and this increased the number of Manchurian horses in the country. As the diplomatic relationship with Jurchen was broken in the Joseon Dynasty, Manchurian horses could not be imported directly from Jurchen and only a small number of Manchurian horses were available through private trade. Even the private trading of Manchurian horses was prohibited from the reign of King Seongjong, and this accelerated the miniaturization of Manchurian horses. Under the rule of King Sejong, a male Manchurian horse was traded with two female Jeju horses. In the Joseon Dynasty, horse ranches were installed as one of King Taejong’s efforts to secure war horses because the trade of Manchurian horses with Jurchen was stopped and Ming confiscated the Jeju ranch. Taejong moved 1,800 male and female Manchurian horses from the Jeju ranch to Jin-do Island in Jeolla-do, and 100 heads to Mt. Gilsang in Ganghwa-do Island. In addition, King Sejong installed Sindo and Boeumdo Ranches in islands affiliated to Ganghwa-do Island, and pastured Manchurian horses, and prohibited the colts from being carried out of the islands for preserving the breed. King Sejo expanded the Jangbong-do Ranch in Ganghwa-do Island exclusively for Manchurian horses, and distributed colts from the ranch as breeding horses to other major ranches throughout the country. From King Seongjong, however, ranches were closed and instead government fields were installed, and this reduced the number of Manchurian horses gradually. The closure of horse ranches undermined the military power, and as a result, the country could not avoid Japanese invasion of 1592-1599 and Qing’s invasions. In the late Joseon Dynasty, Kings Sukjong and Jeongjo promoted the northern expedition policy, and installed the cavalry to content with Qing’s Eight Banners and this increased the number of Manchurian horses temporarily. As horse ranches had to be closed for arable lands, however, the production of Manchurian horses had to decrease gradually.

      • KCI등재

        몽골제국 카안울루스에서의 말과 일상의 변화·충돌·조정 ―비싸고 짓밟고 늙고 병들고 잃고―

        설배환 한국몽골학회 2020 몽골학 Vol.0 No.60

        This paper examines the spread of horse riding culture, horse trade, and horse raising knowledge in the thirteenth and the fourteenth centuries and its effects and defects in the daily lives in the Qa’an ulus (or, the Yuan dynasty) of the Mongol empire. The previous works greatly contributes to our understanding the production and management of horses in Mongolia, China and Goryeo (especially, Tamla 耽羅, or present Jejudo, Korea) in the empire in terms of military and economic affairs, and comprehending the operation of horse ranches in East and West Asia. On the other hand, they paid little attention to how horses in and out of Mongolia had affected society, culture and daily life in the Mongol steppe, as well as in the rural and urban areas. Precedent studies slightly neglected the colorful variables of horses as animals, and their multifaceted ties with people. The Mongols were able to nurture and supply high-quality horses with efficient labor of pastoral nomadism. The Mongols were very good at raising and riding horses. Mongolia was rich in grass and water, so it was suitable for herding sheep and horses. The Nongsang jiyao 農桑輯要, the Essentials of Agriculture and Sericulture provides a manual of feeding horses, their diseases and prescriptions. The Jujia biyong shilei quanji 居家必用事類全集, the Complete Collection of Classified Affairs Essential for Those Living at Home, one of the encyclopedias compiled under Mongol rule in the Yuan dynasty, which contains daily obligations of living among people, also elaborates the general methods to raise horses in a chapter of the “Yangma conglun” 養馬總論 and the essential knowledge to breed and raise livestock in a chapter of the “Muyang xuzhi” 牧養須知. The existence of these manuals supports the spread of horses and knowledge of horse raising in China. However, the manual did not necessarily guarantee the stabilization of the methods to raise horses. In the 1230s, the Chinese grew horses in exactly opposite ways of horse raising of the Mongols, so horses often got sick. The Mongols established administrative offices for stable supply and management of horses in China, such as the Quanmu suo 羣牧所, or the Office of Imperial Horse Raising and Harnesses, the Taipu si 太僕寺, or the Office of Imperial Horses, and others. The imperial pasturelands of the Qa’an ulus reached from Tamla (present Jejudo, Korea) in the east to Qori Tumat 火里禿麻 (now areas from the east to the west of the lake Baikal) in the north, Gansu 甘肅 in the west and Yunnan 雲南 in the south. The continual conquest of the Mongol troops and the consequent increase in horse demand stimulated the need for knowledge of horse raising and prompted the spread of the knowledge. The imperial spread and infiltration of horses caused widespread repercussions in the multi-aspect daily lives of subjects under the Mongols. Despite the increase in horses, unlike other livestock, people could not easily eat horses and cattle. Horse riding was a privilege, so horse raising was also sometimes a prerogative. Horse raising farmers or nomads often exercised illegalities against people. The increase of horses in farming lands in China often adversely affected agriculture and crops. Horse riding could cause accidents on the streets and alleys in cities and towns. Livestock was often lost. The Mongol government took a variety of administrative measures to solve these problems. In another point of view, unlike crops, horses were a product of greater burden to people and causing state intervention.

      • KCI등재

        조선전기 호마의 조련과 기마전

        이홍두(Yi, Hong Du) 역사실학회 2018 역사와실학 Vol.67 No.-

        조선시대 호마는 고려전기 여진의 달단마와 고려 말 원나라 몽고마가 그 연원이다. 그동안 조선시대 호마는 궁중의 내구마에 한정하였으나, 필자는 내구마로 간택되지 못해 각 고을에 보낸 분양마, 영진의 군사에게 지급한 전마, 동절기의 여러 목장에서 각 고을에 보낸 목장마를 호마로 규정하였다. 내구마 조련은 태종대 중반까지는 내승이, 태종대 후반은 겸사복이 주도하였다. 겸사복은 마상무예를 겸비한 사복이 상호군‧호군‧첨총제‧행사직 등과 같은 관직을 겸직하면서 시작되었다. 특히 세조대 겸사복은 지위가 급속히 상승했는데, 호마목장의 설치, 호마의 조련, 창덕궁 후원마 사육 등을 그 통로로 이용하였다. 성종대에는 내사복시의 위상이 강화됨으로써 내승이 겸사복을 감찰하는 지위를 회복하였다. 각 고을의 분양마 제도는 궁중의 내구마와 동절기의 목장마가 그 시초이다. 당시 각 고을에서는 수용할 수 있는 분양마를 남기고 여분의 분양마를 북방과 영진의 무재가 있으나 말이 없는 군사에게 지급하였다. 한편 내구마와 분양마로 지칭되는 준마는 어가의 행차나 실전과 같은 기마전을 통해 조련의 강도를 심화시켰다. 국왕이 타는 어가는 大駕와 法駕 및 少駕가 있는데, 각 어가는 좌우에 세우는 어마의 숫자에 차이가 있으며, 국왕의 행차에는 수많은 방패와 깃발 및 고각이 동원되었다. 따라서 평소 어마를 길들일 때 깃발과 고각소리에 눈과 귀가 익숙하도록 조련하였다. 내구마와 군사들의 전마는 훈련형식의 마상무예를 통해 조련의 성과를 이루었다. 임란왜란 이후 동아삼국은 전쟁에서 대포와 총을 사용하였다. 특히 조선의 군사가 포를 쏘면 화염 때문에 앞을 분간할 수가 없었고, 폭발음이 커서 여진의 기병이 혼비백산하였다. 따라서 양란 이후 군사들의 전마 조련은 말이 대포와 총소리에 익숙하도록 훈련하였다. The origin of Homa horses in Joseon era is from Yeojin`s Daldanma horses at early Goryeo era and Mongo horses of Yuan Dynasty at late Goryeo era. In the meantime, Homa horses in Joseon era were limited to Naeguma horses in court, but this study defined Bunyangma horses not selected as Naeguma horses but sent to each village, war horses sent to Yeongjin military, and ranch horses sent to each village from various ranches in the winter season were as Homa horses. Naeseumi horses were trained by Naeseungi until the middle of king Taejong, and were trained by Gyeomsabok in late King Taejong era. Gyeomsabok started as Sabok, who had horse martial arts, took an office such as Sanghogun-Hogun-Cheomchongje-Haengsajik. In King Sejong era, in particular, the status of Gyeomsabok rapidly increased, and it used installation of Homa horse ranches, training of Homa horses, breeding of Changdeokgung Huwonma horses as a pathway. In King Seongjong era, Naesaboksi`s status was reinforced and the status to supervise Naeseungi Gyeomsabok was restored. The beginning of Bunyangma horse system of each village is Naeguma horses of court and ranch horses of winter season. At the time, Bunyangma horses were left in each village that could afford to receive, and extra Bunyangma horses were sent to the soldiers in the Yanggye region and Yeongjin with Mujae but without the horses. The strength of training of Homa horses, also called Naeguma horses and Bunyangma horses, was intensified through the use of king"s royal coach coming or horse battles such as real combats. The royal coach of the king consisted of Daega(大駕), Beopga(法駕) and Soga(少駕), and each royal coach had a different number of royal horses on its left and right, and there were numerous shields, flags, and horns mobilized. So, usually when royal horses were tamed, their eyes and ears were trained to familiarize with the flags and horn sounds. The Naeguma horses and the war horses of the soldiers were trained through a training type of horse combat. After Imranwaeran, east Asian three countries used cannons and guns in the war. Especially when Joseon`s military shot cannons, they could not distinguish the front due to the flames, and the explosion sounded so hard that Yeojin`s cavalry got frightened out of their senses. Therefore, after Yangran, the military trained war horses to get accustomed to being familiar with cannons and gunshots.


        Comparison of Fecal Microbiota of Mongolian and Thoroughbred Horses by High-throughput Sequencing of the V4 Region of the 16S rRNA Gene

        Zhao, Yiping,Li, Bei,Bai, Dongyi,Huang, Jinlong,Shiraigo, Wunierfu,Yang, Lihua,Zhao, Qinan,Ren, Xiujuan,Wu, Jing,Bao, Wuyundalai,Dugarjaviin, Manglai Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2016 Animal Bioscience Vol.29 No.9

        The hindgut of horses is an anaerobic fermentative chamber for a complex and dynamic microbial population, which plays a critical role in health and energy requirements. Research on the gut microbiota of Mongolian horses has not been reported until now as far as we know. Mongolian horse is a major local breed in China. We performed high-throughput sequencing of the 16S rRNA genes V4 hypervariable regions from gut fecal material to characterize the gut microbiota of Mongolian horses and compare them to the microbiota in Thoroughbred horses. Fourteen Mongolian and 19 Thoroughbred horses were used in the study. A total of 593,678 sequence reads were obtained from 33 samples analyzed, which were found to belong to 16 phyla and 75 genera. The bacterial community compositions were similar for the two breeds. Firmicutes (56% in Mongolian horses and 53% in Thoroughbred horses) and Bacteroidetes (33% and 32% respectively) were the most abundant and predominant phyla followed by Spirochaete, Verrucomicrobia, Proteobacteria, and Fibrobacteres. Of these 16 phyla, five (Synergistetes, Planctomycetes, Proteobacteria, TM7, and Chloroflexi) were significantly different (p<0.05) between the two breeds. At the genus level, Treponema was the most abundant genus (43% in Mongolian horses vs 29% in Thoroughbred horses), followed by Ruminococcus, Roseburia, Pseudobutyrivibrio, and Anaeroplasma, which were detected in higher distribution proportion in Mongolian horses than in Thoroughbred horses. In contrast, Oscillibacter, Fibrobacter, Methanocorpusculum, and Succinivibrio levels were lower in Mongolian horses. Among 75 genera, 30 genera were significantly different (p<0.05) between the two breeds. We found that the environment was one of very important factors that influenced horse gut microbiota. These findings provide novel information about the gut microbiota of Mongolian horses and a foundation for future investigations of gut bacterial factors that may influence the development and progression of gastrointestinal disease in horses.

      • KCI등재

        조선 초기 內廐의 운영과 留養馬 변동

        이홍두 서울역사편찬원 2017 서울과 역사 Vol.- No.96

        The operation of Naegu is to effectively manage the Naegu horses breeding and training in the palace, including Naeseungjamokso in Hamgyeong‐do and Naeseung Ranch in Jeongot, Gyeonggi‐do. As Joseon was founded, Saboksi ruled Naegu, but after it transferred the capital to Hanyang, Naesaboksi took charge of Naegu horses. Taejo installed Naeseung Ranch in Jeongot, Yangjubu and gave Naegu horses to the deserving retainers, and Taejong assigned the increasing Naegu horses to the government regional offices. Naegu was run by Naesaboksi and Gyeomsabok. Although the academia generally says that Naesaboksi was established in the 9th year of Taejong, the author recognized Naegu as a Naesaboksi installation at Holjeokbakdong, Yangjubu just before the transfer of the capital to Hanyang. Naeseung and Sabok are the subjects that operate Naegu, and Gyeomsabok became the main body of Naegu operation as Taejong had Sabok with Mujae hold another position of sinecure concurrently. From Naesaboksi, Sejo separated Gyeomsabok that was responsible for the breeding and training of Naegu horses and the management of Naeseung Ranch, and made it Chinbyeong Ahmun. The training of Naegu horses was carried out by Naesaboksi and Saboksi on shares. Naesaboksi trained government horses and private horses 6 days for 3 days each every month and from the Sejo era it trained them for additional 6 days in Changdeokgung Rear Garden. Saboksi's government horse training was held the same day as Naesaboksi, and the private horse training was carried out for 3 days separately. Naegu horses were also trained with martial arts on horseback, whose purpose was to confront the Jurchens and teach them how to hit and poke on horseback. In the Saboksi, Yuyang horses were provided for Seonjeongwan, doctor and officers in attendance for protection of the king in a short distance when the king performed his duties. Yuyang horses were generally maintained with over 300. 내구의 운영은 궁궐에서 사육하고 조련하는 내구마를 효율적으로 관장하는 것인데, 함경도의 내승자목소와 경기도 전곶의 내승목장을 포함한다. 조선은 개국하면서 사복시가 내구를 관장하였지만, 한양 천도 후에는 내사복시가 내구마를 담당하였다. 태조는 양주부 전곶에 내승목장을 설치하여 공신들에게 내구마를 하사하였고, 태종은 증가하는 내구마를 지방 관아에 분양하였다. 내구는 내사복시와 겸사복이 운영하였다. 내사복시는 태종 9년에 설치되었다는 것이 요즈음 학계의 일반적 경향이지만, 필자는 한양 천도 직전 양주부 홀적방동에 설치한 내구를 내사복시의 설치로 인식하였다. 내구를 운영하는 주체는 내승과 사복인데, 태종이 무재를 겸비한 사복에게 한직을 겸임케 하면서 겸사복이 내구의 운영 주체가 되었다. 세조는 내구마의 사육과 조련 및 내승목장의 관리를 담당하던 겸사복을 내사복시에서 분리 독립시켜 친병 아문으로 삼았다. 내구마의 조련은 내사복시와 사복시가 분담하여 실시했다. 내사복시는 매월 관마와 사마를 각각 3일씩 6일을 조련하고, 세조대부터는 창덕궁 후원에서 별도로 6일을 조련하였다. 사복시의 관마 조련은 내사복시와 같은 날 거행하였고, 사마 조련은 별도로 3일 동안 시행하였다. 내구마도 마상무예를 조련했는데, 그 목적은 여진과의 대치를 상정하여 마상에서 치고 찌르는 법을 가르쳤다. 사복시에서는 국왕이 행행할 때 국왕을 근접 시위하는 선전관과 내의원 및 대소인원에게 유양마를 제공하였다. 유양마는 대체로 3백여 필을 유지하였다. 태조는 유양마를 공신에게 하사하는 용도로 사용하였고, 세종은 6백 7십 필의 유양마를 3백여 필로 감축하였다.

      • KCI등재

        키르기즈 유목민의 일생의례와 말

        장준희 ( Jun Hee Jang ) 중앙아시아학회 2013 中央아시아硏究 Vol.18 No.1

        The mainrites of passages of the Kyrgyz nomads include the cradle, sunnot toi, ritual of circumcision, wedding, funeral, and memorial rituals. Each of these rituals features characteristics of the nomads` way of life. Horses, sheep, goats, and yak provide the meat and milk used in these rituals, while horses play other important roles. This study examines the role and significance of horses in Kyrgyz nomads` rites of passages. In the ritual of laying anew born child in a cradle, the cradle is a substitute for the horse`s back These nomads believe that Umai Ene, the earth with the holy power of the horse, symbolized by a cradle. The ritual circumcision of male babies has a symbolic meaning as the first ritual that distinguishes the roles of males and females in society. After undergoing this ritual, male babies are accepted as crucial components of the nomadic society, and can henceforth own horses. The ritual is supposed to symbolize the baby`s proper entry into the nomadic life, with the emphasis on the skillful handing of horses. As is the casepretty much everywhere else, the wedding is a ritual that celebrates the start of a new and hopefully prolific family. The wedding serves as an occasion that completes the cycle of a patriarchal nomadic family, with the usual accompaniment of horses. Among Kyrgyz nomads, the tradition of the bridegroom paying kalym, the price paid for the bride, is still kept. Women were compelled to make an oral oath that she would take good care of her husband`s horses. Even in the funeral ritual, horses are important. In the past, a horse would be buried alive along with its master`s dead body. Nowadays, a feature of this age old tradition remains. Sometimes a favorite horse is killed upon the death of its master, or horsehair is hung on a pole to mark the tomb. The nomadsalso prepare horse meat for a memorial ceremony to representthe wish that the deceased may be accompanied into the afterlife by a horse. As noted above, Kyrgyz nomadic life starts with horses.A horse is one of the most important elements ofthis nomadic life, Males are required to handle their horses skillfully. Diverse horse associated plays and games have also developed over time, as well as horse related religions. Life without horses is unthinkable for the Kyrgyz nomads. Furthermore, theybelieve that horses have their own sacred rights, in addition to being important livestock. Besides being a convenient means of transportation, horses are life partners. Such a pattern will not change as long as they maintain their nomadic way of life.

      • KCI우수등재

        Relationship between oxytocin and serotonin and the fearfulness, dominance, and trainability of horses

        ( Junyoung Kim ),( Youngjae Park ),( Eun Joong Kim ),( Heejun Jung ),( Minjung Yoon ) 한국축산학회(구 한국동물자원과학회) 2021 한국축산학회지 Vol.63 No.2

        Oxytocin (OXT) and serotonin (5-HT) are essential neurotransmitters associated with the behavior of animals. Recently, we found that the plasma concentration of OXT is positively correlated with horse docility and friendliness toward humans. However, the relationships between the neurotransmitters and other temperaments such as fearfulness, dominance, and trainability are unknown. This study aimed to identify whether the plasma concentration of OXT or 5-HT is correlated with fearfulness, dominance, and trainability of horses. Blood samples of 34 horses were collected at the Horse Industry Complex Center of Jeonju Kijeon College. The concentration of OXT and 5-HT was measured in the plasma samples using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. The fearfulness, dominance, and trainability of horses were scored by three professors who were very familiar with the horses. One-way analysis of variance with the least significant difference post-hoc analysis was used to compare the scores for fearfulness and dominance among groups. The trainability of horses was compared using the student t-test. The 5-HT was negatively correlated with dominance, but it had no relation with fearfulness. The OXT appeared to be negatively correlated with fearfulness and dominance in horses. Furthermore, OXT was positively correlated with the trainability of horses. Additionally, 5-HT appeared to enhance trainability. In conclusion, the concentration of OXT or 5-HT in horse blood plasma can be used as a biomarker to monitor the fearfulness, dominance, or trainability of horses.

      • KCI등재

        李公麟의 『五馬圖』 연구 : 宋代天馬의 흔적

        朴世旭),박세욱(Park Se Wok 대한중국학회 2015 중국학 Vol.51 No.-

        This work seeks to examine visible traces of Heavenly Horse天馬 through Li Gonglin's Five Horses「五馬圖」. The conclusions are summarized as follows: First, Li Gonglin's Five Horses is a painting that consists of more than one painting of a horse. Accordingly, Five Horses is not an official work of Li Gonglin. Second, Heavenly Horse of Song Dynasties was a swift horse born in the Western Region西域 and was a term used to refer especially to the one that the emperors rode. The horses of Five Horses were tributes from foreign countries to the emperors, which were raised in the imperial palace. Therefore, Li Gonglin's Five Horses shows the appearance of Heavenly Horses of Song Dynasties as they were. Third, Li Gonglin's paintings made a stylistic standard, so the appearance of Heavenly Horses had no special features. Consequently, it is not false that the horses in Li Gonglin's Five Horses are illustrations of traditional Heavenly Horse.

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