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      • KCI등재

        지구온난화 논쟁과 그 대안

        김일방 한국환경철학회 2018 환경철학 Vol.0 No.26

        지구온난화 문제는 21세기의 최대 쟁점 가운데 하나로 부상하였다. 그 결과 지구온난화 문제를 놓고 많은 논쟁들이 있어왔고 현재도 논쟁은 계속되는 중이다. 지구온난화 반대론자들은 온난화 찬성론자들의 주장을 가리켜 ‘과장된 호들갑,’ ‘역사상 가장 엄청난 날조극’ 등의 표현을 써가며 공격을 가한다. 반면에 온난화 찬성론자들은 반대론자들을 가리켜 ‘의심은 그들의 종합상품,’ ‘그릇된 정보를 퍼뜨리는 세력’이라 부르며 역시 맞대응을 펴고 있다. 이러한 논쟁을 지켜보노라면 과연 어느 쪽의 주장이 정당한지 심히 헷갈리게 된다. 더욱 중요한 것은 어느 쪽의 주장에 따라 우리의 행동방향을 설정해야 할지 선뜻 판단내리기가 쉽지 않다는 점이다. 지구온난화 문제는 우리 삶에 직접적 영향을 미치는 만큼 문제 해결을 위해선 인류 공동의 행동방향 설정이 요구된다. 그러려면 지구온난화 문제에 대한 통일된 합리적 의견이 사전에 전제되어야 할 것이다. 이 논문은 바로 이러한 문제의식에서 출발한다. 먼저 이 논문은 지구온난화 문제를 놓고 ‘지구온난화는 엄연한 사실’이라고 주장하는 찬성측과 ‘지구온난화는 사실이 아니’라고 주장하는 반대측 간의 치열한 쟁점들을 살펴본다. 다음에는 앞에서 살펴본 논의를 토대로 지구온난화 문제에 관한 가장 합리적인 견해는 무엇인지를 모색해본다. Global warming has emerged as one of the biggest issues in the 21st century. For a long time we have been a lot of controversy over the issue of global warming, and the debate is still ongoing. Opponents of global warming attack global warming supporters by saying 'exaggerated drama queen', 'the greatest fake fiction in history' and so on. On the other hand, the Global warming supporters calls the opponents of global warming "the absurd distortion of science," "those who peddle false information." If you observe these arguments, it will be very confusing which one is right. It is not easy for us to gauge whether we should set our course of action based on which claim. Global warming has a direct impact on our lives, so we must have common measures to solve this problem. To do so, we must have a unified rational opinion on global warming. This paper starts from this problem consciousness. First, this paper will examine the issues between the pros and cons of global warming. This paper will then explore the most reasonable view of global warming based on the discussion above.

      • KCI등재

        실험 중심 지구온난화 프로그램이 초등학생들의 지구온난화 개념, 행동의지 및 신념에 미치는 효과

        변문희 ( Moon Hee Byun ),신애경 ( Ae Kyung Shin ) 한국초등과학교육학회 2013 초등과학교육 Vol.32 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to identify the effectiveness of concepts on global warming, practical will and belief on global warming mitigation by experiments based on global warming program. For this study, 60 6th grade students were selected in two elementary schools. They were divided into an experimental group and a control group. The students of the experimental group took part in global warming program focusing experiments for 10 lessons during 2 weeks. The students of the control group were taught according to the regular curriculum of 6th grade about global warming. To identify the effects of this program, both groups` students were tested on concepts on global warming, practical will and belief on global warming mitigation before and after the program implementation. Also the students of the experimental group wrote an essay and gave an interview about the program after implementation. The results were that the experimental group gained higher scores than the control group in the concepts on global warming. The programs improved students` practical will and belief on global warming mitigation. Also this program showed that the students systematically understood on global warming than existing classes in the regular curriculum. Key words : experiments, global warming programThe purpose of this study was to identify the effectiveness of concepts on global warming, practical will and belief on global warming mitigation by experiments based on global warming program. For this study, 60 6th grade students were selected in two elementary schools. They were divided into an experimental group and a control group. The students of the experimental group took part in global warming program focusing experiments for 10 lessons during 2 weeks. The students of the control group were taught according to the regular curriculum of 6th grade about global warming. To identify the effects of this program, both groups` students were tested on concepts on global warming, practical will and belief on global warming mitigation before and after the program implementation. Also the students of the experimental group wrote an essay and gave an interview about the program after implementation. The results were that the experimental group gained higher scores than the control group in the concepts on global warming. The programs improved students` practical will and belief on global warming mitigation. Also this program showed that the students systematically understood on global warming than existing classes in the regular curriculum.

      • KCI등재

        기후위기와 기업이 취해야 할 대응 고찰

        최용근 사단법인 한국법이론실무학회 2022 법률실무연구 Vol.10 No.3

        As many have pointed out so far, measures against global warming can be a business opportunity, and many companies are moving towards its realization. On the other hand, the momentum of global greenhouse gas emission growth has slowed due to the economic downturn, and some countries are predicting that it will start to decline, and the global warming problem appears to be heading in the direction of solving the problem ‘at first glance.’ As a result, interest in measures to combat global warming has diminished and the importance of measures to combat global warming has diminished. Therefore, this study intends to discuss how companies should recognize global warming in order to appeal again to the need for global warming countermeasures. In particular, we need to focus on the aspects of risk and recognize the issues of corporate governance and global warming. In business operations, risks associated with global warming are often classified into three categories: (1) physical risks, (2) regulatory risks, and (3) market risks. Physical risk can be defined as the risk that physical phenomena caused by climate change, such as sea level rise and abnormal weather, affect a company's business activities. For example, factories located in coastal areas risk flooding and shutting down operations due to rising sea levels, and there is a risk that rising temperatures and drought will affect harvests in agriculture, forestry and fisheries. Regulatory risk can be defined as the risk that greenhouse gas emission regulations and energy management regulations to avoid global warming may limit business activities or impair business profitability. Representative risks include emissions trading systems and environmental taxes, and are the most easily imaginable risks associated with global warming. We must thoroughly examine the various regulatory trends and consider their impact on our company. Market risk can be defined as the risk that changes in social and consumer demand due to global warming will reduce or disappear business opportunities. This includes the risk of significant damage to our reputation in the global warming sector due to inadequate responses to physical and regulatory risks, and consequently loss of support from society and consumers. When considering market risk, it is important to assume changes in social and consumer demand. These changes may arise due to physical and regulatory risks. Therefore, to understand the impact of market risk, both physical and regulatory risks must be considered. Currently, many companies are still waiting and waiting to respond to the global warming problem. Waiting and continuing to watch increases the risk. A real wait to respond to the risk of global warming will be carried out after completing the preparations mentioned in this study.

      • KCI등재후보

        지구온난화와 빈번한 한파 발생에 관한 연구

        박태원(Park, Tae-won),이혁재(Lee,Hyuk-jae),심용섭(Sim, Yong-sup),채지범(Chae, Ji-beum),아선임(Lee Seon-im) 한국과학영재교육학회 2017 과학영재교육 Vol.9 No.2

        이 연구는 과학고에서 진행하는 Research & Education (R&E) 과제로 수행되었다. R&E 과제의 주제를 찾던 중에, 우리는 지구온난화로 지구의 평균온도는 꾸준히 상승하고 있다고 들었는데, 최근에 한파의 발생이 과거보다 더욱 빈번한 것을 경험하였다. 사전 연구들을 통해 한파의 발생은 북극진동에 의한 제트류의 변화가 영호탤 주고 있으며 이 제트류는 또한 지구온난빼 의해서도 변화할 수 있다는 것을 알았다. 그래서 우리는 지구온난화로 인해 제트류가 한파의 발생 빈번해지는 쪽으로 변화되고 있다는 가설을 세우고, 이를 확인하기 위해 전 지구의 관측 자료를 사용하여 지구온난화, 한파, 북극진동, 그리고 이를 이어주는 제트류를 분석하였다. 열반적인 대기에서는 고위도 지역과 저위도 지역의 큰 온도 차이에 의해 고위도 지역을 둘러싼 강한 바람인 제트류가 불고 있어 북극 지역의 매우 차가운 공기가 중위도로 나가는 것을 막고 있다. 하지만, 지구온난빼 의한 온도 상승이 저위도 지역보다 고위도 지역에서 매우 크게 나타나고, 이는 고위도와 저위도 사이의 온도 차이를 감소시킨다. 감소된 온도 차이는 북극진동의 음의 상태와 유사하게 제트류를 약화시키면서 고위도 지역의 차가운 공기가 중위도 지역으로 빠져나가게 만든다. 결과적으로, 지구온난화 하에서의 빈번한 한파 발생의 원인은 위도별 불균등한 온도 상승에 의한 음의 북극진동과 관련된 제트류 의 약화라고 할 수 있다. 본 연구를 통해 우리는 지구온난화와 한파라는 모순되는 현상의 관계를 과학적으로 설명할 수 있었고 이 결괴는 많은 학생들이 지구온난화와 한파라는 주제를 이해하는 데에 도움을 줄 수있을 것이라고 생각한다. This study is based on Research and Education (R&E) project in science high school. Recently, we heard that the Earth mean temperature has been increasing under the global warming and cold surge occurrences are more frequent relative to the past. Previous studies reported that changes of the jet stream related to the Arctic Oscillation influence cold surge occurrences 없ld the jet stream can be changed by the global warming. Thus, we make a hypothesis that the jet stream under to the global warming are changing to make frequent cold surge occurrences. To ascertain the hypothesis, we analyze the global warming, cold surge, the Arctic Oscillation, and the jet stream using the observed data over the globe. In general atmosphere, the large temperature difference between high- and low-latitudes can make the jet stream that is the strong wind surrounding high-latitudes. The jet stream prevents the Arctic cold air from getting out mid-latitudes. Under the global warming, temperature increase in the high-latitudes is much larger than that in low-latitudes, reducing the temperature difference between high- and low-latitudes. The reduced temperature difference can force the jet stream to become weak, similar to the situation for negative Arctic Oscillation when the cold air easily gets out mid-latitudes. As a result, the reason for frequent cold surge occurrences in spite of warming trend over the globe is the weakening of jet stream formed by the unequal latitudinal warming trend, related to negative phase of the Arctic Oscillation. Though this research, we can scientifically explain the contradictory relationship between the global warming and the cold surges. The results analyzed in this study could be helpful for student to understand the global warming and the cold surges.

      • KCI등재

        교토 의정서와 CO_2 감축의무 대상국의 시장충격

        임형록,정석균 한국기업경영학회 2011 기업경영연구 Vol.18 No.1

        Global warming is no more than a climate change but it is drawing a global attention heading to some international cooperations based on mutual interests between climate and economic sacrifice. It is indispensible to analyze the impact of Kyoto protocol on global economy as it affects the economic performance of Annex-B countries that are supposed to cut off their CO_2 emission. A presumption of international cooperation for CO_2 emission control is that any country abided by CO_2 emission control duty would afford critical economic loss. This is the reason why we are concerned on Koyto Protocol that assigned CO_2 emission control to 34 countries, which are named to be Annex-B countries. They are important groups, in particular, because they are leading countries with affording a sort of voluntary sacrifice. Surely, Annex-B countries are able to take advantage of stronger bargaining power against non Annex-B countries as their preemptive action would enforce the non Annex-B countries to compromise another step toward global warming prevention. However, if the Annex-B countries had to sacrifice critical economic losses due to CO_2 emission control, we may fail to initiate another post Kyoto Protocol international cooperation for global warming. For this concern, this paper considers two groups of firms: Annex-B countries vs. Non Annex-B countries. We use a panel data that is composed of both Annex-B countries and non Annex-B countries from 1990 to 2008. Because Annex-B countries are supposed to decrease their CO_2 emission to 1990 level by the year of 2012, we created time series frm 2009 to 2012, which means that our study is designed to forecast, not to examine real performances. As we study country-level data, endogeneity is inevitable. In order to circumvent endogeneity problem, we test 2SLS(two-stage least squares) and panel IV(instrument variable) model. According to the main findings, it is obvious that Annex-B countries must afford significant economic losses, which indicates that post 2012 international cooperation will not be sustainable. In particular, we test how CO_2 emission control affects GDP and the ratio of export to GDP, which strongly supports the sacrifice of Annex-B countries. Therefore, one can say that post-2012 global cooperation for reducing global warming may not be that sustainable. This outcome presents an important implication to businesses. In that, global conglomerates need to adapt their value chains to CO_2 emission control; however, it may not be that urgent strategic choice as another next global warming cooperation are not likely to go forward smoothly. 지구 온난화 극복을 위한 CO_2 배출량 감축은 생산활동을 위축시켜 경제적 충격으로 이어진다는 우려가 지배적이고, 바로 이 점이 국제공조의 가장 큰 난점으로 작용하여 왔다. 이에 본 연구는 지구 온난화 방지를 위한 국제공조 즉, 교토 의정서에 의하여 2012년까지 CO_2 감축의무가 부과된 Annex-B 국가군과 CO_2 감축의무가 없는 非Annex-B 국가군을 구별하여 Annex-B 국가들에게 실제적인 경제적 負의 충격이 발생하는가를 실증적으로 규명하고자 하였다. 분석단위가 국가단위로 거시변수들이 사용되는 만큼 내생성(endogeneity)이 필연적으로 발생하므로 이를 극복할 수 있는 Panel IV(instrument variable) 추정방식을 사용하였다. 경제적 충격 변수로 일국의 富를 측정할 수 있는 불변 GDP와 함께 불변 수출액의 불변 GDP 내 비중을 각각 사용하였는데, 두 변수 모두 2012년까지 교토 의정서에 의한 감축목표를 달성된다고 가정할 때 Annex-B 국가군에서만 통계적으로 유의한 수준의 負의 효과가 발생할 것으로 예측되었다. 반면 非Annex-B 국가들의 경우 과거 10년 간의 추세대로 CO_2를 배출할 경우 양 지표 모두 유의적인 수준에서 상승할 것을 예상할 수 있다. 이는 경제적 가치를 강조할 경우 2012년 이후 지구 온난화 방지를 위한 다음 단계의 국제공조가 쉽지 않을 것임을 시사하고 따라서 국제공조의 지속가능성 문제가 제기될 수 있다. 그러나 2010년 기준 세계 7대 수출대국으로 성장한 우리나라의 경우 설령 국제공조의 지속 가능성이 낮을지라도 국제공조에서 방관자적 입장만을 취할 수는 없다. 즉, 현재 개발도상국 지위를 부여받고 있으나 국제공조에 대한 선제적 대응이 경제적 負의 충격을 최소화할 수 있는 것이다. 향후 어떠한 형태로든 국제공조에 참여하여야할 것이고 대외 무역의존도가 매우 높은 경제구조인 우리나라 주요 제조업체들의 원가상승 압력을 우회할 수 있는 경영진의 전략적 속도대응이 요구된다.

      • 지구온난화현상 저감 정책에 대한 국민들의 지불의사액 추정

        조주현,이주석 국회입법조사처 2010 입법과 정책 Vol.2 No.1

        As the global warming is worsen, many countries have developed an action plan for boosting cooperation and technology in hopes to prevent the global warming aggravation. However the action plan to prevent the global warming aggravation in Korea is in the early stage. Therefore, there are few study to evaluate the economic benefits of prevention of global warming in Korea. This paper applies the contingent valuation methode to measuring the economic benefits of prevention of the global warming. According to estimating ways, WTP for prevention of the global warming aggravation is from 827.9 Korean Won to 3,241.9 Korean Won. This paper contributes to complementing the existing valuation methods by estimating the economic benefits of prevention of the global warming aggravation and providing policy-makers with useful methodological framework and quantitative information in the decision-making process related to the policy of the global warming. 지구온난화현상의 피해가 막대함에도 불구하고 그 피해규모나 범위가 명확하지 않기 때문에 이에 대한 경제학적인 논의는 활발히 이루어지고 있지 않는 실정이다. 또한 지구온난화현상을 막아야 한다는 필요성에는 공감대가 형성되어 있지만 지구온난화현상을 막기 위한 재정규모의 적절성에 대해서는 논란이 있다. 이에 본 연구는 일반인들의 지구온난화 방지에 대한 지불의사액을 추정하여, 이에 대한 일반인들의 인식수준을 살펴보고 관련 정책수립의 기초자료를 제공하고자 한다. 이를 위하여 본 연구는 최근 활용되고 있는 1.5경계조건부 가치측정법을 사용하였으며, 실증분석 결과 지구온난화 방지를 위한 가구당 월평균 WTP는 827.9원/월, 절단된 WTP는 3,241.9원/월에 이르고 있다. 이러한 추정결과를 이용하여 지구온난화 방지를 통하여 발생하는 연간 편익은 전국적으로 평균 WTP를 이용할 경우 연간 약 1,462.2억원, 절단된 WTP를 이용할 경우 5,725.5억원에 이르는 것으로 분석되었다.

      • KCI등재

        日本における地球温暖化対策の法政策 - 福島原発事故後の課題

        高橋 滋 조선대학교 법학연구원 2012 法學論叢 Vol.19 No.2

        This study examines Legal Policies of Global Warming Countermeasures and the Challenges after the Explosion of Nuclear Power Plants in Japan. According to the Kyoto Protocol, Japan was classified as one of the mandatory reduction countries to reduce global greenhouse gases. As a result, by the first period of commitments which is in 2012, Japan is obligated to reduce gases by 6% from 1990 levels. After the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol, Japan enacted the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures and made efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Post-Kyoto Protocol and Japan's enactment of the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures, Japan adopted enhanced measures to combat global warming, including a cap and trade system, but in June of 2010, the proposal was scrapped due to regime change. In March 2011 the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan emerged as a major obstacle to the promotion of global warming countermeasures. Nevertheless, the current regime set up active policy goals and fulfilled the international obligations imposed on the Japanese to reduce global warming. This paper is organized as follows:First, this paper explains legal policies and resulting measures against global warming in Japan. Second, this paper introduces how these measures are organized in the laws after the change in government in 2009 and the 2011 nuclear power plant accident in Fukushima. Finally, this paper suggests the author's opinions about addressing global warming in Japan after the nuclear power plant accident.

      • KCI등재후보

        지구 온난화 문제점과 생태계 위기에 대한 기독교 윤리적 답변

        황봉환(Hwang, Bong-Hwan) 개혁신학회 2009 개혁논총 Vol.10 No.-

        The aim of this paper is to understand global warming problem and present Christian ethical answer to ecosystem crisis. According to this purpose, this paper will study the earth as the ground of human life and examine the historical perspective and main factors of global warming. On the historical perspective, it would be said that global warming is caused by natural climate change, development of human civilization and industrial revolution. The main factors of global warming are increased by greenhouse gases which come out from CO2, CH4, N2O CFCs. This global warming affects the whole ecosystem including human being and all other lives on the earth, agricultural products, water source environment and human society. Human Existence is also directly related by destroy of ecosystem. Christian ethics needs to give an answer to destroy and crisis of ecosystem and to request the transformation of christian thought way. Many ecologists, natural philosophers and Roman Catholic church leaders say that protestant theology teaches human domination of nature and extortion of nature for his own need. They, thus, insist that theological and ethical teaching of natural neglection must be changed. How, then, does the christian response to their judgement of christian worldview of dominion of nature? Christian responses to their judgement are that christian needs new recognition of domination of nature and practical faith to overcome ecosystem crisis. What, then, is christian answer to corelation between christian doctrine and ecosystem crisis on the reformed theological perspective? What the christian ethics teach is that the absolute domination of nature is on God, human domination of nature is on stewardship and main factor of ecosystem crisis was caused by human fall. In fallen society, christian ethical obligation for ecosystem crisis is to preserve and care for the created nature by God. But perfect restoration of disordered nature by human fall will be restored by redemption of Christ through his death on the cross. He will rule over the new heaven and earth that would be accomplished by His second coming. The ecosystem crisis by global warming increase now more and more with the industrial development and human technology in pragmatic society. Christian must not neglect his obligation on preservation and caring for the nature for which he is called as steward.

      • KCI등재

        근대 유럽 사회의 기후 변화에 대한 역사학적 접근 - 베네치아의 해수면 변화를 중심으로 -

        이성재 한국세계문화사학회 2016 세계 역사와 문화 연구 Vol.0 No.38

        The phenomenon of Anthropogenic global warming is one of the main interests of current generation. While global warming is widely understood to be due to the multiplication of carbon dioxide, the alternative view is also quite persuasive. This study tries to contribute to this controversy by historical analysis, taking a critical position on the situation that the climate-related forecasts and policies have been focused on carbon dioxide-caused global warming. Concretely, this study will compare Venice in the paintings and current Venice and estimate the sea-level change, which allows to determine how much sea-level rise has been due to global warming. Venice is considered being submerged as a consequence of two problems: land subsidence and sea level rise due to global warming. We should distinguish these two problems in order to exactly know the sea level rise due to global warming. The Venetian painter Canaletto and his pupil Belloto made accurate reproductions of Venetian buildings using a camera obscura on the site. Since the Canaletto’s time, first half of the 18th century, the movement of algae belt is 61±11cm. In this period, the average submersion rate of Venice was 1.9mm/year. About half of the movement of algae belt is due to land subsidence, the other to thermal expansion of oceanic water. A painting by Véronèse provides us another opportunity to know the sea level in 1571. From 1571 to the first half of the 18th century, the average submersion rate of the city was 1.2mm/year, mostly due to land subsidence. In short, their paintings indicate that the sea level of Venice had barely risen from 1571 to the first half of the 18th century, and has been gradually risen thereafter. But just the half of rise since the first half of the 18th century is due to global warming considering the land subsidence. It is not easy task to forecast the future climate. However, historians can contribute to this issue because historical studies show long-term climate changes. (Chungbuk National University) 지구 온난화는 현 세대의 최대의 관심사 중 하나이다. 현재는 이산화탄소 증가에 의한 지구 온난화가 지배적인 주장으로서 받아들여지고 있지만 이에 대한 반론도 만만치 않다. 본 연구는 현 기후 변화에 대한 예측과 정책이 지구 온난화 한 방향에만 맞추어져 있는 상황을 비판적으로 바라보면서, 역사학적 분석을 통해 이 문제에 기여하고자 한다. 구체적으로 본 연구에서는 베네치아를 그린 과거의 그림과 베네치아의 현재 모습을 비교하여 해수면 변화를 추정함으로써 지구 온난화가 어느 정도의 해수면 상승을 야기했는지를 볼 것이다. 베네치아는 지반 침하와 지구 온난화로 인한 해수면 상승으로 인해 가라앉고 있다. 따라서 이 둘을 구별해야만 지구 온난화의 영향을 정확히 파악할 수 있다. 베네치아 화가인 카날레토, 그의 제자인 벨로토 그리고 그 이전에 활동했던 베로네세는 과거 베네치아 건물들을 정교하게 그려냈다. 카날레토가 활동하던 시대, 즉 18세기 전반기 이래 현재까지 해초 띠의 움직임은 61±11cm이었다. 이 시기에 베네치아의 평균적 침하율은 연간 1.9mm이었다. 따라서 해초 띠 움직임의 절반 정도는 지반 침하에 의한 것이고 다른 절반은 대서양의 온도 상승에 기인한 것이다. 베로네세의 그림은 1571년의 해수면의 높이를 알게 해준다. 1571년부터 18세기 전반기까지 베네치아의 평균 침하율은 연간 1.2mm이었다. 이는 대부분 지반 침하때문이었다. 즉 카날레토, 벨로토, 베로네세의 그림을 통해 베네치아의 해수면이 1571년에서 18세기 상반기까지는 거의 상승하지 않았으며, 18세기 상반기 이후부터 점차 상승했음을 확인할 수 있었다. 물론 후자의 상승에서도 건물의 침식을 고려한다면 온난화가 베네치아의 해수면 상승의 절반 정도만 설명하고 있다는 결론을 도출할 수 있다. 사실상 기후 변화에 대해서 미래의 예측을 하는 것은 많은 변수를 고려해야 하기 때문에 쉽지 않은 일이다. 그럼에도 역사학계의 이러한 작업들은 분명 장기적인 흐름에서의 기후 변화 양상을 보여준다는 점에서 그 의미를 가질 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        초,중학생의 지구온난화와 기후변화에 대한 인식

        이지숙 ( Ji Sook Lee ),박혜경 ( Hye Gyeong Park ),정철 ( Cheol Cheong ) 경북대학교 과학교육연구소 2011 科學敎育硏究誌 Vol.35 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to investigate elementary and middle school (grade 5 and 7) students` perceptions of global warming and climate change. A total of 239 students completed opened-form questionnaire consisting of cartoons regarding global warming and climate change. The results showed that are as follows. Elementary and middle school students had low level of perception of global warming and climate change. A majority of students rightly believed that the global warming is related to greenhouse gases, glacier, environmental pollution, etc. Also, Many students had scientific concepts about the cause of global warming while some of the students had misconceptions that destruction of the ozone layer will cause an global warming. We have found that some of the students of elementary and middle school had confused between the cause of global warming and ozone depletions.

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