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      • KCI등재

        계층화와 기능적 분화

        고봉진 한국법철학회 2017 법철학연구 Vol.20 No.2

        The question I would like to look at in this paper begins with a question about Luhmann's theory of social differentiation (which Luhmann dealt with in Chapter 4 ‘Differentiation’ of Society in Society). Luhmann deals with the functional differentiation of systems from the viewpoint of system theory by recognizing the priority of functional differentiation in the form of modern society, but not in terms of system theory functional differentiation. From the viewpoint of system theory, there is a possibility that if we deal with the functional differentiation of the system, we may miss the meaning of the functional differentiation of the other domain and overlook the variation of hierarchical differentiation. It is true that the main form of the differentiation has changed from the hierarchical differentiation to the functional differentiation, but is not the hierarchical differentiation still a form of differentiation in the modern society? In fact, it seems to be functional differentiation in the outer form, is not the hierarchical differentiation in the inside? If hierarchical differentiation still takes effect in the form of differentiation, is not there a problem with the viewpoint of the system theory of society? In conceiving a normative social theory model, I think the following should be considered essential. First, the new social theory must consider both stratification and functional differentiation. Second, normative social theory is needed to solve social problems on the premise of functional differentiation. Third, the concept of functional differentiation should be considered as a normative task and a plan to prevent the overall system of economic system should be sought. Fourth, it is necessary to operate a functional system that deals with the problem of stratification professionally. 필자가 본 논문에서 살피고자 하는 문제는 루만이 ‘사회의 사회’ 제4장 ‘분화’에서 다룬 ‘사회분화 이론’에 대한 의문에서 시작되었다. 루만은 기능적 분화의 우선성을 현대 사회의 형식으로 파악하여 체계이론의 관점에서 체계의 기능적 분화를 다루었지만, 기능적 분화를 체계이론의 관점에서만 볼 것은 아니다. 체계이론의 관점에서 체계의 기능적 분화를 다루다 보면 의도하지 않게 다른 영역의 기능적 분화가 가지는 의미를 놓쳐 버릴 염려가 있고, 계층적 분화의 변이를 간과하게 될 여지가 있다. 필자는 다음의 의문을 제기하였다. 계층적 분화에서 기능적 분화로 분화의 주요 형식이 바뀐 것은 사실이지만, 현대 사회에서도 계층적 분화는 여전히 힘을 발휘하는 분화 형식이지 않을까? 외형상으로 기능적 분화로 보이는 것도 사실은 그 내면에는 계층적 분화가 작용하는 것이 아닌가? 분화의 형식으로 계층적 분화가 여전히 효력을 띠고 있다면, 사회를 바라보는 체계이론의 관점에 문제가 있는 것은 아닐까? 규범적 사회이론 모델을 구상함에 있어 다음 사항은 필수적으로 고려되어야 한다고 필자는 생각한다. 첫째는 새로운 사회이론은 계층화와 기능적 분화를 동시에 고려해야 한다는 점이다. 둘째는 기능적 분화를 전제로 사회문제를 해결하는 규범적 사회이론이 요구된다는 점이다. 셋째는 기능적 분화 개념 자체를 하나의 규범적 과제로 제시하면서 경제체계의 총체성을 막는 방안이 모색되어야 한다. 넷째는 계층화의 문제를 전문적으로 다루는 기능체계의 작동이 필요하다는 점이다.

      • KCI등재

        기능적 분화와 사회 연대

        고봉진 한국법철학회 2022 법철학연구 Vol.25 No.1

        Capitalism today has superseded caste system of the past, and capital has risen to a position comparable to that of status. The division of labor according to function seemed to replace status, but as capital soon rose to the position occupied by status, division of labor became the dependent variable. In the change from a social class society to a capitalist society, I find the reasons why Adam Smith’s theory of division of labor succeeded and Durkheim’s theory of division of labor failed. In modern society, ‘function’ becomes more important. In the transition from the social class society to the capitalist society, the function seemed to be fully functioning. It even appears as if identity has been replaced by a function. Capitalism deviated from the framework of class society, and functions were liberated from being subordinated to class. The power of capital triumphed over the power of status. But capital itself is becoming an identity. Capital becomes a new identity and subordinates functions. An economy liberated from status was expected to usher in an era of genuine individuals, but individuals soon became subordinate to capital. In modern society, ‘function’ is more important, but the logic of capital is embedded within it. It’s hard to see it as a true functional superiority. It is difficult to see it as true functional differentiation. I demand that social theory be standardized in a way that limits the influence of capital on the economic system and reduces the influence of capital on other functional systems. Taking ‘functional differentiation’ as a normative concept means that functional differentiation is not realized properly in reality due to ‘the totality of capitalism’. While insisting on ‘functional differentiation as a normative task’, the author also insists on the differentiation of systems oriented toward social solidarity. Two points should be mentioned here. First, even if ‘functional differentiation as a normative task’ is elicited, the social solidarity effect is not fully achieved through this alone. In fact, it must be a very difficult task to derive ‘functional differentiation as a normative task’. This is because ‘functional differentiation as a normative task’ aims to dismantle ‘the totality of capitalism’ Second, for this reason, in addition to setting ‘functional differentiation as a normative task’, it is thought that various devices oriented toward social solidarity are needed. The normative language of human dignity and human rights is still valid, and the voice of human beings for social solidarity must be raised. Where human dignity and human rights are violated and social solidarity cannot be expected within the system, the struggle for recognition of the socially weak is important. Although I argue for ‘functional differentiation as a normative concept/ normative task’, I do not think this is the only solution. In resolving social problems, I emphasize that no solution can ignore ‘functional differentiation’ in modern society, and that ‘functional differentiation’ should be set as a normative concept rather than a factual concept to present a solution. Nevertheless, there are clearly areas that cannot be covered by ‘functional differentiation’, which means that concepts such as human dignity, human rights, and struggle for recognition have a strong effect on our normative pathos. 오늘날 자본주의는 이전의 신분주의를 대체했으며, 자본은 신분에 버금가는 위치에 올라섰다. 기능에 따른 분업이 신분을 대체하는 것처럼 보였지만, 자본이 이내 신분이 차지했던 위치에 올라섬으로써 기능에 따른 분업은 그 종속변수가 되었다. 신분사회에서 자본주의 사회로의 변화에서 필자는 애덤 스미스의 분업론이 성공하고 뒤르켐의 분업론이 실패한 이유를 찾는다. 현대사회로 갈수록 ‘기능’은 더 중요한 요소가 된다. 신분사회에서 자본주의 사회로의 변화 속에서 기능은 그야말로 제 기능을 발휘하는 것처럼 보였다. 신분이 기능으로 대체된 것처럼 보이기까지 한다. 자본주의는 신분사회의 틀을 벗어났고, 기능은 신분에 종속되는 것에서 해방되었다. 자본의 힘은 신분의 힘을 이겼다. 하지만 자본 스스로 신분이 되고 있다. 자본은 새로운 신분이 되어 기능을 종속시킨다. 신분에서 해방된 경제는 진정한 개인의 시대를 열 것으로 기대했지만, 개인은 이내 자본에 종속되었다. 현대사회로 갈수록 ‘기능’이 중요시되나, 그 내면에는 자본의 논리가 내재해 있다. 진정한 기능 우위라고 보기 어렵다. 진정한 기능적 분화라고 보기 어렵다. 필자는 자본의 영향력을 경제체계에 제한하고, 정치, 학문, 예술 등 다른 기능체계에 미치는 자본의 영향력을 축소하는 방향으로 사회이론을 규범화할 것을 주문한다. ‘기능적 분화’를 규범적 개념으로 삼았다는 것은 기능적 분화가 ‘자본주의의 총체성’에 의해 현실에서는 제대로 실현되지 못한다는 것을 의미한다. 필자는 ‘규범적 과제로서 기능적 분화’를 주장하면서, 사회 연대를 지향하는 체계의 분화도 주장한다. 여기서 두 가지 점을 언급해야 하는데, 첫째는 ‘규범적 과제로서 기능적 분화’를 이끌어낸다고 해도, 이것만으로 사회 연대 효과가 온전히 이루어지지 않는다는 점이다. 사실 ‘규범적 과제로서 기능적 분화’를 이끌어내는 것은 매우 어려운 과제임에 틀림없다. ‘규범적 과제로서 기능적 분화’는 ‘자본주의의 총체성’의 해체를 목표하기 때문이다. 둘째, 그렇기에 ‘규범적 과제로서 기능적 분화’를 설정하는 것 외에도, 사회 연대를 지향하는 여러 장치들이 필요하다고 생각된다. 인간존엄, 인권의 규범적 언어가 여전히 유효하며, 사회 연대를 주장하는 인간의 목소리가 높아져야 한다. 인간존엄과 인권이 침해되고, 사회 연대를 체계 내에서 기대하기 어려운 곳에는 사회적 약자의 인정투쟁이 중요하다. 필자는 ‘규범적 개념/규범적 과제로서 기능적 분화’를 주장하지만, 이것만이 유일한 해결책이라고 생각하지 않는다. 필자는 사회 문제를 해결함에 있어 현대사회에서는 어떤 해결책도 ‘기능적 분화’를 도외시할 수 없으며, ‘기능적 분화’를 사실적 개념을 넘어 규범적 개념으로 설정해 해결책을 제시해야 한다는 점을 강조한다. 그럼에도 ‘기능적 분화’로 포섭할 수 없는 영역이 분명 존재하며, 이는 인간존엄, 인권, 인정투쟁과 같은 개념들이 우리의 규범적 파토스에 강력한 효력을 발휘함을 의미한다.

      • KCI등재

        다원주의와 기능적 분화

        고봉진 ( Ko Bong-jin ) 제주대학교 법과정책연구원 2021 法과 政策 Vol.27 No.3

        I think the important trend that characterize modern society are 'pluralism' and 'functional differentiation'. I believe that the modern world we live in is an era in which the idea of absolute right is over and ideas based on different values coexist. The age of natural law dominated the ancient, medieval, and modern times, but gave way to positivism in modern times. Relativism, previously non-mainstream, has risen to a mainstream position in modern times. This trend is represented by 'pluralism'. I assert that the 'functional differentiation as factual concept' should be considered when designing a normative social theory suitable for modern society. If the ideal content is set as normative concept without considering the functional differentiation that takes place in reality, this may be indescribable in theory, but it becomes a difficult concept to realize in reality. I present 'functional differentiation as normative concept' or 'functional differentiation as normative task' as normative social theory suitable for modern society. Functional differentiation as a factual concept proceeds in modern society, but in many cases it is not realized properly by the 'totality of capitalism'. Functions favorable to capitalism are well differentiated, while functions far from capitalism are eliminated. For example, the economic system is differentiated and differentiated, but the welfare system is not. 'Functional differentiation as normative concept' that the author claims is concerned with 'functional systems' that have not been properly differentiated in modern capitalist society. At the same time, it tries to limit the excessive influence of the economic system reinforced by capitalism. A functional system that is completely autonomous under the influence of the economic system cannot realistically exist, but it cannot be underestimated that the autonomy of various functional systems is destroyed by the economic system. It is true that the function of economy is important in society, but it would be (figuratively speaking) the function of the heart in an organism. The heart plays an important role in supplying blood and oxygen to many other organs, but does not interfere with the autonomy of other organs. The economic system is the most important functional system, such as the heart or brain, but it only helps the functional systems of other societies to function properly. The 'functional differentiation as normative concept' does not argue that the entire society should be reformed as ideology. It criticizes the excessive influence of the 'economic system' on other functional systems by the totality of capitalism, and demands that the state take the initiative to form a functional system such as poorly differentiated welfare system for the protection of the socially weak. I believe that when the ongoing 'functional differentiation of society' is normatively adjusted, it will become a proper 'functional differentiation'.

      • KCI등재

        제도 공리주의

        고봉진 한국법철학회 2021 법철학연구 Vol.24 No.3

        The fact that ‘majority problem’ is highlighted by modern capitalism is the main background for utilitarianism to be in the spotlight. Utilitarianism is the optimal theory that can deal with ‘majority problem’ in that it aims for ‘the greatest happiness of the greatest number.’ With the totality of modern capitalism, today’s economic sector affects all areas of society. Utilitarianism emerges again as progressive theory in this era in that modern society is a structure of ‘minority to majority.’ Utilitarianism becomes a counter theory against the totality of capitalism. I insist on creating and operating a system for the benefit of the majority through ‘institutional utilitarianism.’ Social reform is none other than institutional reform. It is to promote public interest through the establishment and operation of the system. Institutional utilitarianism emphasizes the importance of building a proper system. Public interest should be understood as social organizational system, and our task is to make social systems promote public interest. In creating and operating social systems, the priority of pain removal and the secondarity of pleasure promotion should be considered. The ‘institutional utilitarianism’ requires harmony with ‘functional differentiation of society.’ Laws and system should be prepared in consideration of the ‘functional differentiation’ that actually occurs in society. Otherwise it can be counterproductive. It has a more effective effect to operate an appropriate system in line with the functional differentiation of society. Institutional utilitarianism for “the greatest happiness of the greatest number” promotes desirable functional differentiation from ‘normal perspective’ against the backdrop of functional differentiation realized in society. If ‘functional differentiation as factual concept’ is the background and condition for realizing ‘institutional utilitarianism’, ‘functional differentiation as normative concept’ becomes the goal that ‘institutional utilitarianism’ seeks to realize. If you are satisfied with the functional differentiation that actually occurs in society as it is, you cannot expect to differentiate the system for the weak naturally in society. I insist on realizing ‘functional differentiation as normative task’ in areas outside the market. In this regard, from my point of view, ‘utilitarianism’ and ‘functional differentiation as normative task’ are very closely related. 현대 자본주의에 의해 ‘다수의 문제’가 부각되는 점은 공리주의가 각광을 받게 되는 주된 배경이 된다. 공리주의는 ‘최대 다수의 최대 행복’을 지향하고 다수의 公利를 다룬다는 점에서 ‘다수의 문제’를 다룰 수 있는 최적의 이론이다. 현대 자본주의의 총체성으로 오늘날 경제영역은 사회 전 영역에 영향을 미친다. 현대 사회가 ‘소수 대 다수’의 구조라는 점에서 공리주의는 이 시대에 진보적인 이론으로 다시 부상된다. 공리주의는 자본주의의 총체성에 대항하는 대항 이론이 된다. 필자는 ‘제도 공리주의’를 통해 다수의 이익을 위한 제도를 만들고 운영할 것을 주장한다. 사회개혁은 다름 아닌 제도개혁이며, 제도의 설립과 운영을 통해 公利를 증진시키는 것이다. 제대로 된 시스템 구축의 중요성을 ‘제도 공리주의’는 강조한다. 공리는 사회 조직 체계로 파악되어야 하고, 우리의 과제는 사회제도가 공리를 증진하는 것으로 만드는 데 있다. 사회 제도를 만들고 운영함에 있어서는 ‘고통 제거의 우선성’과 ‘쾌락 증진의 이차성’을 고려해야 한다. ‘제도 공리주의’는 ‘사회의 기능적 분화’와 조화를 이룰 것을 요한다. 사회에서 실제로 일어나는 ‘기능적 분화’를 고려해 법과 제도를 마련해야지, 다수를 위한 제도와 정책이 표면상으로 옳다고 해서 이를 무턱대고 추진해서는 오히려 역효과가 날 수 있다. 사회의 기능적 분화에 발맞추어 적절한 제도 운영을 하는 것이 더 실효적인 효과를 낸다. ‘최대 다수의 최대 행복’을 위한 ‘제도 공리주의’는 사회에 실현된 기능적 분화를 배경으로 ‘규범적인 관점’에서 바람직한 기능적 분화를 도모한다. ‘사실적 개념으로서 기능적 분화’가 ‘제도 공리주의’를 실현하기 위한 배경과 조건이라면, ‘규범적 개념으로서 기능적 분화’는 ‘제도 공리주의’가 실현하고자 하는 목표가 된다. 사회에 실제로 일어나는 기능적 분화를 그대로 두는 것으로 만족한다면, 사회에서 자연스럽게 약자를 위한 체계가 분화되기를 기대할 수 없다. 필자는 ‘규범적 과제로서 기능적 분화’를 시장 외의 영역에서 실현할 것을 주장한다. 그런 점에서 필자의 관점에서는 ‘공리주의’와 ‘규범적 과제로서 기능적 분화’는 매우 밀접한 관련성이 있다.

      • KCI등재


        陳英傑 경성대학교 한국한자연구소 2019 한자연구 Vol.0 No.23

        “Differentiation of form” plays an important role in Tang Lan’s theory system. It is not only an important path to the evolution of characters, but also the theoretical basis of the natural classification created by Tang Lan. This theory is put forward in the second part of ‘The Origin and Evolution of Writing’ and in the Fourth quarter of ‘Composition of Ancient Chinese Characters’, in Introduction to Ancient Philology. According to Tang’s theory, the earliest text is hieroglyphs, but some rarely recorded real name is not representative of hieroglyphic language. In order to record language, hieroglyphics produced three kinds of methods: shaping evolution under the guise of differentiation, meaning extension, and transliteration. ‘Six Skills’ in Chinese Philology section of the “differentiation” is very different to Introduction to Ancient Philology, only one point is probably the same (i.e. change form). The differentiation in China Philology, including corruption and division, also touched the variant that includes differentiation, differentiation due to evolution caused by the text, these are not involved in Introduction to Ancient Philology. This paper makes a detailed analysis of Tang’s differentiation examples on different occasions, so as to understand his theory more accurately and to explore the theoretical value of his theory of “form differentiation”.

      • KCI등재

        기혼남녀의 자아분화와 삶의 만족간의 관계: 가족기능과 사회적 지지의 매개효과

        김선희 ( Sun Hee Kim ) 한국가족관계학회 2013 한국가족관계학회지 Vol.18 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to examine the mediating effects of family functioning and social support on the relationship between self-differentiation and life satisfaction among married men and women. A total of 199 questionnaires were used in the statistical analysis. For the statistical analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling were undertaken with PASW 18.0 and AMOS 21.0 program. The results of the study were as follows. First, the direct effect of self-differentiation on life satisfaction was not significant. Second, the direct effect of self-differentiation on family functioning was significant. Third, the direct effect of family functioning on life satisfaction was significant. Fourth, the direct effect of self-differentiation on social support was significant but the direct effect of social support on life satisfaction was not significant. In conclusion, there was a causal link between self-differentiation and life satisfaction mediated by family functioning. The complete mediation of family functioning on the relationship between self-differentiation and life satisfaction among married men and women was appropriate. The findings showed that in order to enhance life satisfaction among married men and women, it is necessary to boost family functioning. Finally, the implication and limitations of the study and suggestions for the future research were discussed.

      • KCI등재

        분업과 기능적 분화

        고봉진 법과사회이론학회 2019 법과 사회 Vol.0 No.62

        Based on the theory of social organisms, Durkheim insisted the organic solidarity of division of labor. Compared with the theory of Durkheim, I would like to look at the theory of Comte and Spencer. Comte was concerned about the collapse of morality caused by heterogeneous differentiation. Durkheim saw morality still effective in heterogeneous differentiation. Spencer accepted the consequences of heterogeneous differentiation, independent of morality. The other side of the theory can be seen clearly. I claim that we should respond to heterogeneous differentiation not with morality but with functional differentiation. Since the regulatory system does not occur naturally, it is necessary for the government to respond artificially. Unlike other systems, the welfare system lacks self-reference. Of course, intervention by the government must be appropriate. Later in the paper, Durkheim’s argument and other authors’ arguments were discussed. Durkheim predicted that new solidarity will emerge as individuals do, but the reality is the opposite. Solidarity is lost, and individuals are thus lost. Due to the totality of capitalism, ‘functional differentiation’ appears in a distorted form. I call for the justice of inter-social systems for this modern society. We need the specialized system that takes care of the weak. I ultimately emphasize the role of the state. In today’s globalized world, the role of the state is becoming increasingly heavy, but paradoxically, it lacks the ability to build a public system. 논문 전반부에서는 뒤르켐이 ‘사회분업론’에서 전개한 이론을 비판적으로 살피면서, 콩트와 스펜서의 이론을 들여다보고자 한다. 뒤르켐은 콩트와 스펜서보다 더 철저한 ‘사회유기체설’에 기반해 ‘분업의 유기적 연대’를 주장했다. 콩트는 이질적 분화가 초래하는 도덕의 붕괴를 우려했고, 뒤르켐은 이질적 분화에도 여전히 도덕이 효력을 가진다고 보았다. 스펜서는 도덕과는 별개로 이질적 분화의 결과를 그대로 받아들였다(자유방임주의). 세 사람의 이론에서 다른 면을 확실히 볼 수 있다. 필자는 이질적 분화에 대해 ‘도덕’이 아니라, ‘기능적 분화’로 대응해야 한다는 주장한다. 규제체계가 자연스럽게 발생하지 않기에 정부의 인위적인 규제 대응이 필요하다. 복지체계도 다른 체계와 달리 자기준거성이 부족한 부분이 있다. 정부의 인위적인 개입이 필요하다. 논문 후반부에는 뒤르켐의 주장과 다른 필자의 주장을 펼쳤다. 뒤르켐은 개인의 등장에 따라 새로운 연대의 출현할 것이라고 전망했지만, 현실은 이와는 정반대라고 진단된다. 연대는 상실되었고 이에 따라 개인도 상실된다. 자본주의의 총체성에 의해 ‘기능적 분화’는 왜곡된 형태로 나타난다. 필자는 이러한 현대 사회의 모습에 대해 사회체계의 기능적 분화를 제대로 세울 것을 주문한다. 이는 분화 과정을 잘 제어하고 관리하는 체제(regime)의 필요성, 약자를 돌보는 기능을 담당하는 특화 체계를 요구하며, 종국에는 국가의 역할을 강조한다. 오늘날 세계화된 시대에 국가의 역할은 점점 더 막중해지지만 역설적이게도 공공시스템을 구축하는 기능을 놓치고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        Microarray Profiling of Genes Differentially Expressed during Erythroid Differentiation of Murine Erythroleukemia Cells

        김철근,Hyen Seok Heo,Ju Hyun Kim,Young Jin Lee,Sung-Hyun Kim,조윤신 한국분자세포생물학회 2005 Molecules and cells Vol.20 No.1

        Murine erythroleukemia (MEL) cells are widely used to study erythroid differentiation thanks to their ability to terminally differentiate in vitro in response to chemical induction. At the molecular level, not much is known of their terminal differentiation apart from activation of adult-type globin gene expression. We examined changes in gene expression during the terminal differentiation of these cells using microarray-based technology. We identified 180 genes whose expression changed significantly during differentiation. The microarray data were analyzed by hierarchical and k-means clustering and confirmed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. We identified several genes including H1f0, Bnip3, Mgl2, ST7L, and Cbll1 that could be useful markers for erythropoiesis. These genetic markers should be a valuable resource both as potential regulators in functional studies of erythroid differentiation, and as straightforward cell type markers.

      • KCI등재

        68명의 기능성 소화불량증 환자에 대한 한의학적 변증분석

        박양춘,조정효,최선미,손창규,Park, Yang-Chun,Cho, Jung-Hyo,Choi, Sun-Mi,Son, Chang-Gue 대한한방내과학회 2008 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.29 No.3

        Objective : Functional dyspepsia is a common disease impeding subjective quality of life. The present study aimed to analyze syndrome differentiation of functional dyspepsia to help with development of oriental therapeutics. Methods : Sixty-eight subjects diagnosed with functional dyspepsia were analyzed and classified into one of five syndrome differentiations. We compared symptomatic characteristics according to the Nepean Dyspepsia Index (NDI), such as severity, kinds of dyspepsia-related complaints and functional dyspepsia quality of life (QOL) among groups. Results : Patients with disharmony between liver and stomach were most prevalent (52.9%), but no patients with complex of fever and cold. The scores of symptom severity and QOL were not significantly different between groups. Each group had a specified pattern of complaints. Conclusions : Clinical-study based analysis of functional dyspepsia constructed by this study, could be useful in objectively developing Oriental medicines for this disease.

      • KCI등재

        Functional analysis of SH3 domain containing ring finger 2 during the myogenic differentiation of quail myoblast cells

        김시원,이정호,박태섭 아세아·태평양축산학회 2017 Animal Bioscience Vol.30 No.8

        Objective: Owing to the public availability of complete genome sequences, including avian species, massive bioinformatics analyses may be conducted for computational gene prediction and the identification of gene regulatory networks through various informatics tools. However, to evaluate the biofunctional activity of a predicted target gene, in vivo and in vitro functional genomic analyses should be a prerequisite. Methods: Due to a lack of quail genomic sequence information, we first identified the partial genomic structure and sequences of the quail SH3 domain containing ring finger 2 (SH3RF2) gene. Subsequently, SH3RF2 was knocked out using clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat/Cas9 technology and single cell-derived SH3RF2 mutant sublines were established to study the biofunctional activity of SH3RF2 in quail myoblast (QM7) cells during muscle differentiation. Results: Through a T7 endonuclease I assay and genotyping analysis, we established an SH3RF2 knockout (KO) QM7#4 subline with 61 and 155 nucleotide deletion mutations in SH3RF2. After the induction of myotube differentiation, the expression profiles were analyzed and compared between regular QM7 and SH3RF2 KO QM7#4 cells by global RNA sequencing and bioinformatics analysis. Conclusion: We did not detect any statistically significant role of SH3RF2 during myotube differentiation in QM7 myoblast cells. However, additional experiments are necessary to examine the biofunctional activity of SH3RF2 in cell proliferation and muscle growth.

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