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      • 건강지표를 이용한 초등학생의 건강수준 평가

        박태섭,김영란 명지대학교 예체능연구소 2003 藝體能論集 Vol.14 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to determine health Index for elementary school students based on their health and physical-condition records in an effort to help them check heir health status, provide authentic health information and suggest how to take advantage of health records The subjects were 400 boy and girl students in their fifth and sixth grade of elementary school in Incheon. For data handing. t-test, ANOVA test, Pearson correlation coefficient, multiple regression analysis, principal component analysis and Cronbach's a were employed, And SPSS Win 100 program was utihzed. The findings of this study were as below. First, the boy students had a better physical condition in every area than the girls, and the slxth grades grew better than the fifth grades at the p,.001 level of significance. Second, concerning the development of physical fitness, the sixth grade boys excelled the fifth grade boys at every area except sit and reach, and the gsp between them was more significant in 50m run dash, standing broad jump and set-ups. In the case of the girls, the sixth grades outperformed the fifth grades in every area, but the disparity between the two was insignificant. By gender, the girls significantly outdid the boys in sit and reach, but the boys had a significantly better physical fitness than the girls in the other areas. Third, the Width and volume seemed to be more related to physical development than height and sitting height. Although the contribution of physical condition to physical fitness depends on school year and gender, height and sitting height made a less prediction of physical development than the width and volume did. Fourth, when their fitness level was assessed by physical-condition index, the width and volume developed better than height and sitting height, and the students made the best progress in endurance run and walk. Fifth, concerning the impact of health habits on fitness level, they were most healthy at the time of workout. Their gender made a significant difference to fitness level during exercise, as the boys were more healthy than the girls at the p<.001 level of significance.

      • 켈러의 소설론

        박태섭 群山大學校 1996 論文集 Vol.23 No.-

        Diese Abhandlung beabsichtigt, Gottfried Kellers Romantheorie zu untersuchen und ihre Bedeutung im Hinblick auf die Geschichte der deutschen Literaturkritik herauszufinden. Kellers Besprechung der Werke des Schweizer Schriftstellers Jeremias Gotthelf stellt seine ausfuhrliche Auseinandersetzung mit der Literatur eines anderen Autors dar. Er schrieb diese Besprechung wahrend der Entstehungszeit sines eigenen groβen Roman <Der grune Heinrich> und seines Novellenzyklus <Die Leute von Seldwyla>; auch von daher konnen wir erwarten, in der Auseinadersetzung mit dem fremden Text einiges von dem gespiegelt zu finden, was Keller in der fur ihn so entscheidendden Zeit in Berlin als die Zielrichtung der eigenen Literatur beschaftigte. In Kellers Briefen finden sich wesentlich nur Auβerungen zur Thematik und zur Technik des Dramas. Dagegen die Gotthelf-Aufsatze enthalten Uberlegungen vor allem zum Roman. Keller begreift von Anfang an den Roman im Sinn der Hegelschen und auch der Vischerschen Asthetik als ein modernes Epos. Er wurdigt Gotthelf als einen Autor, der dem Epos noch sehr nah stehen und deshalb einen Anspruch auf das Adjektiv ‘poetisch’besitzen wurde. Gotthelf stellt dar, ‘was rein menschlich ist’; dies sei ‘bekanntlich die Aufgabe aller Poesie’. Daraus ruhrt auch die Volkstumlichkeit des Gotthelfschen Werks, eine Kategorie, die von Keller als geschichtlich bestimmte gedacht wird:‘Und was vor tausend Jahren da und dort volkstumlich gewesen sein mag, es ist jetzt nicht mehr’. Nach einfuhrenden Literatursoziologischen Uberlegungen zum Preis und zu den Distributionsbedingungen der Gotthelfschen Bucher kommt Keller auf das zu sprechen, was fur ihn den Kern des Gotthelfschen Werks ausmacht. Keller sieht im Charakter der Helden die Nahe zum Epos gegeben. Keller bewundert also bei Gotthelf eine fugenlose Durchdringung des Erzahlerischen mit dem Dichterischen. Sozialhistorisch stand Keller zwischen der Poesie der Schweizer Handwerker- und Ackerburgergesellschaft einerseits und der sich immer rascher durchsetzenden prosaischen Industriegesellschaft andererseits. Keller hat sich zudem zeigen lassen, daβvom altaglichen Stoff uber die asthetische Qualitat bis zum ubergeordneten Ziel er eine positive Konzeption seines Erzahlens in der Auseinandersetzung mit Gotthelf darstellend entwickelt. .

      • Gottfriend Keller의 「옷이 날개」에 나타난 사회사적 의미 : Kleider machen Leute

        박태섭 군산대학교 1989 論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        Dieser Aufsatz beabsichtigt, Gottfried Kellers Novelle <Kleider machen Leute> im Sinne der gesellschaftlichen Heschichte zu interpretieren. Dieses Werk wird fur den Muster des poetischen Realismus gehalten. Im Bezug darauf, daβ das Kennzeichen des Deutschen Realismus die Auswahl einer begrenzten Anzahl von Themen unter strengen Ausschlieβung vieler anderer ist, sollte Keller sich fur die Novelle interessieren. Benno von Wiese und Fritz Martini interpretieren das Werk auf einer werkimmanenten Weise. Dann wird der Held eine Art Kunstler, nicht Schneider. Und es handelt sich um die Problematik von Sein und Schein. Aber das Werk bezieht sich auf die gesellschaftliche Geschichte und man muβ auf diese Situation aufpassen, um das Werk im Ganzen zu begreifen. Hier werden die Entstehungsgeschichte des Werks, das Gesellschftsbild und das Ver-Ha¨ltnis zwischen der Arbeit und der bu¨rgerlichen Gesellschaft untersucht. Besonders Umfaβt die Entstehungsgeschichte din geschichtlichen Hintergrund und die literarische Vorlage des Werks. Zusammenfassend gesagt enthu¨llt der Autor das Scheinhafte-und Maskenhafte in der Bu¨rgerlichen Gesellschaft

      • 신체발육에 관여하는 생활환경조건의 분석

        朴兌涉,朴亨涉 명지대학교 예체능연구소 1993 藝體能論集 Vol.3 No.-

        This is a mixed longitudinal study to clarify Socio-Environmental factors that affect adolescents' physical growth of boys. One thousand and one hundred three boys, range from 9 to 15, were used in this study. They were students of elementary and middle schools in Pusan. Eight physique items and 52 items socio-evironmental condition questionnaire, which are classified into the status of family, home, physical exercise, daily play activity, nutrition intake and hereditary influence, were measured or surveyed. From 1986 to 1989, 4 times investigation of individual records was done. Results of the study were as following: 1) For the degree of contributions of socio-environmental factors in fluencing physical growth: In case of lengthwise growth, daily activities and physical exercise could be significant factors during elementry school years. However, nutritional status, the members of family, and the daily activities are that of middle school years. For the broadwise growth, the daily activities and the physical exercis were significant factors to the both periods. On the other hand, the body composition growth of elementry school boys are significantly influenced by the members of family and genetic factors. However, the daily activities and physical exercise could be factors for the middle school students. In this period, communality score of the physical growth for the elementry school students was higher than that of the middle school students. 2) For the degree of contributions of socio-environmental factors influencing physical growth in case of patial out the whole for the ages : Socio-environmental factors of the elementary school year can be sunable for the body composition growth. However, that of the middle school year is better for the broadwise growth. In this period, communality socore of the physical growth for elementry school students was higher than that of the middle school students. 3) For the degree of contributions of socio-environmental factors influencing whole of the physical growth : physical growth of elementary school boys, three factors, the daily activities, the physical exercise, the genetic factor could be significance. However, that of the middle school students were significantly influenced by the daily activities, physical exercise and their nutritional status. In this period, communality score of the physical growth for the elementry school students was higher than that of the middle school students.

      • 유아의 기초운동기능 발달에 맞춘 유아체육 프로그램의 개발

        박태섭 한국유아체육학회 2002 한국유아체육학회지 Vol.3 No.-

        본 연구는 유아체육수업에 있어서 실제적으로 이용되는 기초운동기능발달별 체육프로그램의 구성방안을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 이를 위해 Gal1ahue의 기초적 운동패턴의 가설적 구조를 기초로 한 기초운동기능 항목을 선행연구의 문헌연구를 통하여 선택하고, 선택된 기초운동기능 항목에 대해 운동성취테스트를 실시하여 연령별 성취률의 유의성을 검정하였다. 이를 통해 통계적으로 유의한 기초운동기능의 이동형 운동패턴에서 14항목, 조작형 운동패턴에서 8항목, 안정형 운동패턴에서 6항목의 총 28항목을 재 선택한 후, 기초운동기능(fundamental motor skill)의 영역별 발달특징을 검토하였다. 이를 통해 유아의 기초운동기능의 발달을 기본으로 한 운동 및 놀이프로그램의 구성안을 제시하였다. The purpose of this study was to develop a physical education program based on fundamental motor skill development for infant. The 37 items were selected from 223 items by taking into account various conditions like a hierarchical structure in fundamental motor ability proposed by Gallahue, possibility of behavior observation, difficulty of task, and so on. As a results, 28 items representing each motor pattern of locomotion, manipulation, and stability domains were reselected. For the purpose mentioned above, using factor analytic procedures, eight motor pattern factors for three domains were extracted and interpreted as follows: 1) walking-jumping, 2) hopping, 3) climbing for the locomotion element, 1) catching, 2) throwing further, 3) throwing to aim for the manipulation element, 1) maintaining posture, 2) stability during action for the stability element. Physical education program was constructed in developmental aspects by eight motor pattern factors that is extracted by factor analysis.

      • 행동관찰에 의한 유아의 운동성취테스트 개발

        박태섭 한국유아체육학회 2001 한국유아체육학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        본 연구는 Gallahue의 기초 운동 패턴의 가설적 구조를 기초로 각 영역에서 여러 가지의 조건을 고려하면서 타당성, 신뢰성 및 객관성의 검토를 통해 유효하면서 실용적인 행동 관찰에 의한 유아의 운동 성취 테스트는 어떠한 것이며, 또한 행동 관찰에 의해 유아의 기초 운동 기능의 발달을 손쉽게 관찰할 수 있는 운동 프로그램은 어떤 것인가를 제시하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 이에 각 테스트 항목에 있어서 평가치 및 실측치의 신뢰성과 객관성, 판별력 및 평가치와 실측치의 일치도 등을 검토한 28개 항목의 운동 성취 테스트를 제시하고, 인자 타당성, 실용성 등을 고려하여 16개 항목 및 9개 항목으로 구성된 행동 관찰을 기본으로 한 운동 성취 테스트와 평가 척도를 소개하였다. 또한 이러한 행동 관찰을 기본으로 한 평가가 이루어질 수 있는 운동 놀이 프로그램의 구성안을 제시하였다. 향후 유아 교육 시설의 제반 환경을 조사하여 보다 실용적인 운동 성취 테스트의 개발과 유아 놀이를 중심으로 한 운동 놀이 프로그램의 개발을 진행할 예정이다. The purpose of this study was to construct a conventional motor achievement test battery based on pass or fail criteria for preschool children. 37 items were examined on reliability and objectivity of both observed value and measured value, agreement between observed value and measured value, and discriminating power of items. The 37 items were selected from 223 items by taking into account various conditions like a hierarchical structure in fundamental motor ability proposed by Gallahue, possibility of behavior observation, difficulty of task, and so on. As a results, 28 items representing each motor pattern of locomotion, manipulation, and stability domains were reselected. Examining the factorial validity in addition to taking practicability into consideration, 16 items were chosen at first and 9 items were chosen from them next. Because these test items showed a positive relation with another motor test on which performances were measured by CGS scales, they were considered to be practical and effective to estimate motor ability.

      • KCI등재

        Efficient transgene expression system using a cumate-inducible promoter and Cre-loxP recombination in avian cells

        박태섭,김시원,이정효 아세아·태평양축산학회 2017 Animal Bioscience Vol.30 No.6

        Objective: Transgenic technology is widely used for industrial applications and basic research. Systems that allow for genetic modification play a crucial role in biotechnology for a number of purposes, including the functional analysis of specific genes and the production of exogenous proteins. In this study, we examined and verified the cumate-inducible transgene expression system in chicken DF1 and quail QM7 cells, as well as loxP element-mediated transgene recombination using Cre recombinase in DF1 cells. Methods: After stable transfer of the transgene with piggyBac transposon and transposase, transgene expression was induced by an appropriate concentration of cumate. Additionally, we showed that the transgene can be replaced with additional transgenes by co-transfection with the Cre recombinase expression vector. Results: In the cumate-GFP DF1 and QM7 cells, green fluorescent protein (GFP) expression was repressed in the off state in the absence of cumate, and the GFP transgene expression was successfully induced in the presence of cumate. In the cumate-MyoD DF1 cells, MyoD transgene expression was induced by cumate, and the genes controlled by MyoD were upregulated according to the number of days in culture. Additionally, for the translocation experiments, a stable enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP)-expressing DF1 cell line transfected with the loxP66-eGFPloxP71 vector was established, and DsRed-positive and eGFP-negative cells were observed after 14 days of co-transfection with the DsRed transgene and Cre recombinase indicating that the eGFP transgene was excised, and the DsRed transgene was replaced by Cre recombination. Conclusion: Transgene induction or replacement cassette systems in avian cells can be applied in functional genomics studies of specific genes and adapted further for efficient generation of transgenic poultry to modulate target gene expression.

      • KCI등재

        Current Strategies of Genomic Modification in Livestock and Applications in Poultry

        박태섭 사단법인 한국동물생명공학회 2019 한국동물생명공학회지 Vol.34 No.2

        Since the development of the first genetically-modified mouse, transgenic animals have been utilized for a wide range of industrial applications as well as basic research. To date, these transgenic animals have been used in functional genomics studies, disease models, and therapeutic protein production. Recent advances in genome modification techniques such zinc finger nuclease (ZFN), transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALEN), and clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRIPSR)-Cas9, have led to rapid advancement in the generation of genome-tailored livestock, as well as experimental animals; however, the development of genome-edited poultry has shown considerably slower progress compared to that seen in mammals. Here, we will focus primarily on the technical strategies for production of transgenic and gene-edited chickens, and their potential for future applications.

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