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      • KCI등재

        The Development of Attitudes to Historic Conservation - From Eurocentrism to Cultural Diversity -

        Chung, Seung-Jin,Kim, Chang-Sung Architectural Institute of Korea 2010 Architectural research Vol.12 No.1

        This paper investigates the development of attitudes to historic conservation from the turn of the nineteenth century when certain theoretical opinions on the protection of buildings began to be developed, through the time when the Venice Charter was established, to recent international trends in historic conservation. This paper also explores the contribution of these attitudes and ideas towards an international approach for historic conservation. This paper demonstrates that the Venice Charter is the acme of progress in the European stance towards restoration, reflecting European values of architecture and its conservation, and thus it is not sufficiently 'universal' to be unequivocally applied in non-Western countries. Secondly, recent international trends in historic conservation subvert the notions of Western cultural hegemony which have permeated global conservation practices, and accept the diversity of value criteria for heritage and its conservation in different cultural context. Thirdly, this paper argues that the conservation approaches in Asian societies need to move further into the retention and extension of the spirit and naturalistic sensibilities inherent in the architecture. Historic conservation is an expression of different cultural values attached to heritage resources by different societies. For conservation program to be effective, conservation should take place within a socio-cultural context.

      • KCI등재

        The Development of Attitudes to Historic Conservation

        Seung-jin Chung,Chang-sung Kim 대한건축학회 2010 Architectural research Vol.12 No.1

        This paper investigates the development of attitudes to historic conservation from the turn of the nineteenth century when certain theoretical opinions on the protection of buildings began to be developed, through the time when the Venice Charter was established, to recent international trends in historic conservation. This paper also explores the contribution of these attitudes and ideas towards an international approach for historic conservation. This paper demonstrates that the Venice Charter is the acme of progress in the European stance towards restoration, reflecting European values of architecture and its conservation, and thus it is not sufficiently 'universal' to be unequivocally applied in non-Western countries. Secondly, recent international trends in historic conservation subvert the notions of Western cultural hegemony which have permeated global conservation practices, and accept the diversity of value criteria for heritage and its conservation in different cultural context. Thirdly, this paper argues that the conservation approaches in Asian societies need to move further into the retention and extension of the spirit and naturalistic sensibilities inherent in the architecture. Historic conservation is an expression of different cultural values attached to heritage resources by different societies. For conservation program to be effective, conservation should take place within a socio-cultural context.

      • KCI등재

        역사적 건축문화유산의 인식변화와 보존가치의 형성

        홍순연,옥선호,김기수 동아대학교 석당학술원 2010 石堂論叢 Vol.0 No.46

        The conservation for recognizing historical architecture as culture heritage has been an important point since 15C. The conservation for historical architecture as culture heritage has been started after 1960's in Korea and the value of conservation has been evaluated with value of cultural assets such as historical value, artistic value and academic value ect. But the conservation with an existing valuation has became problems by expanding the scope of historical architecture as culture heritage. In the west, the conservation for historical architecture as culture heritage was discussed by rationalization after 18C stared the enlightenment. And changes of recognition on the conservation occurred by introducing the method of conservation for historical architecture as culture heritage as a new style in architecture Also, Viole-iet-duc from France and John Ruskin from England were conservation unity of style and protection point at issue become. And functionalism recognized by period value according to period correlation after 20th century. Demand reconstructed by Representation and various Presentation according to Artistic Practice and Historical Attitude from Post-historicism viewpoint. The value of conservation also occurred variously according to these changes of recognition. Before 19C, the value of conservation with Record value and scientific value basis on historical value, artistic value formed outline for value of conservation in each countries. And according to the international charter, the method of conservation with periodical transition has been acknowledged with base on social value since 20C also, even future-oriented value has been acknowledged in recent years. Therefore, this study will prepare more active guidelines for the conservation by doing research on the relations between the changes of recognition and the value of conservation. 보존의 문제는 15세기 이후부터 역사적 건축문화유산의 중요한 논점이 되어왔다. 한국의 경우 역사적 건축문화유산에 대한 보존은 1960년대 이후 부터 시작하였다. 그리고 그 대상에 따라 보존가치는 역사적가치, 예술적가치, 학술적가치 등 문화재적 관점에 의해 진행되고 있다. 하지만 역사적 건축문화유산의 범위가 확대되면서 기존의 가치평가 방식에 따른 보존방법이 문제시 되고 있다. 한편 서양의 경우 계몽주의가 시작된 18세기 이후부터 합리적인 사고에 의해 보존은 보호의 개념에서 벗어나 본격적으로 논의 되었다. 그리고 역사적 건축문화유산을 양식이라는 새로운 개념을 도입함으로서 보존에 대한 새로운 인식변화가 나타났다. 또한 19세기 프랑스와 영국의 비올레-르뒥과 존러스킨은 보존을 양식의 통일성과 보호라는 관점이 부딪치면서 보존에 대한 중요한 논쟁들이 나타나고 있었다. 그리고 20세기 들어서면서 보존에 대한 인식변화는 기능주의와 포스트 역사주의 관점으로 나눠진다. 즉, 기능주의는 시대적 상호관계에 따라 시대적 가치로 인정하였으며 포스트 역사주의 관점에서는 역사주의적 태도와 예술적 실무에 따라 다양한 표현과 재 표현에 의한 재구성을 요구하고 있다. 이러한 인식변화에 따라 보존가치 또한 다양하게 나타난다. 19세기 이전의 보존가치는 역사적가치, 예술적가치를 바탕으로 기록적가치, 과학적가치가 나타남으로서 각국의 보존가치의 틀을 마련하였다. 그리고 20세기 이후는 국제적 헌장에 따라 사회적가치를 바탕으로 시대적변화에 따른 보존방법 또한 인정하였으며 최근에는 미래지향적 가치까지 인정하고 있다. 그러므로 본 연구는 인식변화-보존가치에 대한 시대적 형성과정과 상호 관련성을 밝힘으로서 보다 적극적인 보존의 틀을 마련하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        생물다양성 관련 정책의 우선순위 및 중요도 분석

        오새라(Sae ra Oh),김규호(Kyu ho Kim),임정빈(Jeong bin Im) 한국농업정책학회, 한국축산경영학회 2017 농업경영정책연구 Vol.44 No.1

        In-situ conservation and Ex-situ conservation are two basic types of biodiversity conservation which are in respective article of the Convention on Biological Diversity(CBD). To successfully implement CBD, conservation of biodiversity is fundamentally required. In this regard, this paper aims to look over domestic policies related to in-situ conservation and ex-situ conservation and, to investigate priority and relative importance of the elements. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, we use Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) method as an useful tool of the multi-criteria decision making approach in combination with expert interviews. The main results of the study are as follows: In-situ conservation is scored more priority scale than ex-situ conservation, as CBD specifies it as the primary conservation strategy. Among the in-situ conservation policies, ‘development regulatory provisions for the protection of threatened species and population’ and ‘establishment a system of protected area and development the necessary guidelines for the protected areas’ have more priority than any other measures. And among the ex-situ conservation policies, ‘effort for recovery and rehabilitation of threatened species and fore their reintroduction into natural habits’ are significantly considered in expert groups related to biodiversity conservation. In conclusion, the government should gather and harmonize various policies in the field of biodiversity rather than constructing new strategy or policy. As biodiversity issues are comprehensive, we need to pursue policy consistency and manage the conflict affecting biodiversity.

      • KCI등재

        문화재 보존에 있어서 합리적 판단을 위한 제언 -회화문화재를 중심으로-

        이수정 ( Su Jeong Lee ) 한국불교미술사학회(한국미술사연구소) 2013 강좌미술사 Vol.41 No.-

        문화재 보존은 정답이 존재하지 않는 판단에 근거한 사회적 행위이다. 그러므로 보존가는 문화재에 대한 물리적 개입 여부를 결정하거나, 그 재료·방법·절차를 선택하는 데 있어서 무엇보다도 논리적인 사고과정을 통해 합리적인 판단을 내려야 할 의무를 지니고 있다. 지금까지 국내에서는 보존이 단순히 첨단의 과학적 장비를 동원하여 재질과 기법을 분석하고 전통 재료를 개발하여 사용하는 기술적 작업으로 생각하는 경향이 있었으나 국제적으로는 보존이논리적인 철학적 사유와 합리적 판단에 근거하는 행위로 그 개념이 전환하고 있다는 측면에서 사고의 전환이 있어야 한다. 이러한 관점에서 본 논문은 보존이라는 행위에 대해서 보다 철학적 측면에서 정의하고, 회화문화재를 중심으로 보존 행위에 대한 당위성을 문화재가 지닌 다양한 가치와 의미에서 서술하였다. 먼저 회화문화재가 지닌 가치를 문화재보호법에 명시된 예술적·학술적·역사적 가치의 측면에서 분석하고, 이것이 문화재의 보존처리에 대한 당위성과 어떻게 연관관계를 가지는지 논하였다. 그리고 앞에 서술한 문화재의 가치를 보존하는 것은 보존행위의 목표라는 측면에서 가치보존을 위해서 실제 보존처리 행위의 단계별로 재료의 선택이나 기법의 선택 등에서 보존가가 반드시 지켜야 할 사항을 보존가를 위한 윤리지침에 준하여 제언하였다. Conservation is a ``social process``, of which result is not being judged as right or wrong answer but a rational decision-based practice based on logical ground of thinking. Therefore conservators has responsibility to make a rational decision in choosing materials and techniques for conservation. Science-based approach which understands conservation is a technical practice with advanced equi[ments and scientific analysis has been deeply rooted in heritage conservation in Korea. Such approach has been challenged in western countries by recognising conservation which is totally derived from philosophical way of reasoning. Considering such change of attitude towards understanding and executing conservation, this study has dealt with they way how to make a rational decision in conservation of paintings. First I has described various values of paintings so that conservation can present a rational of their practice before making detailed hardware such as materials and techniques. As being stated that heritage values are artistic, historical, and informational values in the Cultural Heritage Protection Act of Korea, this has displayed various aspects and characteristic aspect of heritage values. Thereafter it has noted what conservators should carefully consider in choosing conservation materials and techniques based on the Ethical Guidelines for Conservation(2012). Finally it argues that conservators should have a logical process of thinking in deciding materials and techniques so that values of painting can be preserved and delivered to our next generations.

      • KCI등재

        보존유적 현황과 문제 인식을 통한보존조치 제도 연구

        소재윤 국립문화재연구원 2020 헤리티지:역사와 과학 Vol.53 No.3

        The term “conserved remains” refers to cultural remains that are preserved in accordance with the valuationof buried cultural properties when important remains are recognized in rescue excavations during constructionwork. South Korea’s rapid economic growth and ensuing land development over the past few decades compelled asharp increase in the number of rescue excavation cases, and, naturally, of conserved remains. Today, an increasinglylarge number of conserved remains have raised issues, including those concerning land expropriation as well as themanagement and utilization of such remains, but no clear solutions have been proposed. This study attempts to propose plans for improvement based mainly on the recognition of institutional issuesrather than technical issues related to the conservation of cultural remains. This is because the identification andreview of institutional deficiencies must be prioritized in order to efficiently manage conserved remains with limitedresources and manpower. Among many possible proposals to demand improvement of conservation policies, one that must first beexamined under the current system is the rapid transition, or review thereof, of “conserved remains” to “designatedcultural properties.” Unlike designated cultural properties, conserved remains are merely a temporary means ofconservation, because they lack regulations for follow-ups subsequent to preliminary measures. Naturally, deferringthe definition of relics as “conserved remains” for extended periods causes numerous problems. Measures to resolvesuch problems may include establishing a legal system to manage conserved remains at a level similar to designatedcultural properties or seeking ways to improve management under the current system. This study focuses onareas where institutional improvement for conserved remains is possible by methods other than through the rapidtransition to designated cultural properties and presents several proposals. Currently, conservation measures are divided into three categories: on-site conservation, relocation conservation,and record conservation. This study reclassifies these categories from three into four categories. On-siteconservation includes only two categories: conserved remains and the newly-proposed soil-covered remains. Tworemaining categories, the relocation conservation remains and the record conservation remains, are presented asclassifications in which development projects are possible, and they are presented as alternative conservation typesthat contrast with on-site conservation. Unlike conserved remains, soil-covered conservation presented as a newcategory in which development projects are possible.

      • KCI등재

        環境保全을 위한 土地利用規制 制度의 檢討

        李順子(Lee, Soon-Ja) 한국토지공법학회 2010 土地公法硏究 Vol.48 No.-

        환경보전을 위한 토지이용규제는 사전예방적 환경보전수단으로성 중요성이 커지고 있으며 이를 위해 자연자원, 자연경관, 상수원, 토양, 동·식물 그리고 지하수등의 보호와 관련하여 국가는 광범위한 구역을 지정하고 그 구역내에서는 건축과 같은 토지이용을 규제하는 경우가 많아졌다. 그 법적 근거는 헌법적 근거와 법률적 근거에서 찾을 수 있는데 헌법적 근거로는 제23조와 제35조 그리고 제120조와 제122조에서 찾을 수 있고, 법률적 근거로는 토지이용규제 기본법을 비롯하여 국토의 계획 및 이용에 관한 법률에서 각종 용도지구와 용도지역의 설정, 환경정책기본법에 의한 특별대책지역, 자연환경보전법에 의한 생태·경관보전지역, 토양환경보전법에 의한 토양보전대책지역, 수도법에 의한 상수원관리지역 등에서 토지이용제한을 규정한 것에서 그 근거를 찾을 수 있다. 환경보전을 위한 수단은 여러 가지가 있지만 그 중에서 토지이용규제가 환경보전을 위해 필요하며, 이런 토지이용규제를 함에 있어서는 규제를 하는 법령간의 체계성이 떨어지고, 환경보전을 위해 의미없는 지역을 지정하는 문제점, 주민지원이나 손실보상이 필요함에도 불구하고 규정이 미흡했다. 이를 위해 개발위주의 법령과 보존위주의 법령간의 유기적 체계확립을 필요로 하며 자연환경보전법과 국토의 계획 및 이용에 관한 법의 조화, 국토기본법과 환경정책기본법의 조화 등 법제의 개정이 필요하였다. Land use regulations have important implications for a means to environmental conservation; actually, there have been increasing cases where the Government designates a specific, extensive area for the conservation of natural resources & landscape, water sources, soil, animals & plants, groundwater, etc. so that land uses (e.g. construction activities) are regulated within the conservation area Legal grounds for these regulations involve the two legal systems: the Constitution and other laws. Constitutional grounds can be found in Articles 23, 35, 120 and 122 of the former. Legal grounds are rooted in various provisions on land use regulations contained in various law, including the Basic Act on Land Use Regulation; the Act on Land Plan and Use (a clause providing the establishment of various use disticts and areas); the Environmental Policy Act (a clause providing special conservation areas); the Natural Environment Conservation Act (a clause providing ecology & landscape conservation areas); the Soil Environment Conservation Act (a clause providing soil conservation areas); and the Water Supply Act (a clause providing water conservation areas). Problems with land use regulations for environmental conservation include a lack of systematicness among laws and regulations on land uses, a mis-designation of conservation areas in terms of environmental conservation, insufficient regulations on supports for residents or compensations for their due losses or damages, etc. To improve those problems, legal amendments for the establichment of an organic coordination between development-related laws and conservation-related laws, and a legal harmonization between the Natural Environment Conservation Act and the Act on Land Plan and Use and between the Basic Act on National Land and the Environmental Policy Act, are required.

      • KCI등재후보

        발굴유구의 보존방법과 적용

        안진환 국립문화재연구원 2010 헤리티지:역사와 과학 Vol.43 No.3

        발굴유구에서 보존은 보존에 복원을 포괄하는 개념이며, 여기서 복원은 유구 원래의 원형으로 복원하는 것을 의미하는 것이 아니라, 발굴 당시의 모습 그대로 복원하는 것을 의미한다. 즉 발굴유구 보존은 수리복원의 개념이 함께 포함된 것이다. 발굴유구는 보존하는 위치에 따라 크게 현장보존과 이전보존으로 나눌 수 있다. 현장보존은 발굴유구를 현장에 그대로 보존하는 것으로 유구의 훼손을 방지하기 위해 복토하는 복토 현장보존법과 유구를 노출된 상태 그대로 보존하는 노출 현장보존법이 있다. 유구가 발굴된 장소에서 다른 장소로 이전하는 것을 전제로 한 보존방법을 이전보존이라 하며, 세부방법으로 원형이전, 전사이전, 복제이전, 해체이전으로 나눌 수 있다. 원형이전은 유구의 원형을 그대로 다른 곳에 이전하는 방법이고, 전사이전은 유구 표면의 일정부분을 떼어내어 이전하는 것이다. 복제이전은 발굴된 유구의 형태를 본떠 이전할 곳에서 다시 복원하는 방법이며, 해체이전은 유구를 구성하고 있는 부재를 해체ㆍ이전하여 해체의 역순으로 복원하는 방법이다. 발굴유구의 보존에서 가장 기본이 되는 것은 발굴유구의 원형을 그대로 보존하는 것이지만 실제로는 발굴유구를 둘러싼 여러 가지 환경 즉 사회ㆍ경제ㆍ문화ㆍ지역 상황에 따라 보존방법이 결정되는 경향이 있다. 앞으로 더 효과적인 발굴유구 보존을 위해 보존방법별로 좀 더 세분화되고 전문화된 방안을 도출하고, 인접학문과의 교류 및 발전하는 과학기술을 접목시켜 발굴유구를 가장 효과적으로 보존할 수 있는 방법에 대한 지속적인 연구가 필요하다. When the term conservation is used with regard to excavated features, it means not only conservation but also restoration. Restoring the features here does not imply restoring their original form but restoring their form at the moment of excavation. That is, the conservation of excavated features includes the concept of reparation and restoration. The way of conserving excavated features can be largely categorized into on-site conservation and transfer conservation. On-site conservation means to conserve excavated features as they were at the excavation site. It can be further categorized into soil-covered on-site conservation, in which excavated features are covered with soil to prevent them being damaged, and exposed on-site conservation in which the features were conserved as they were exposed. Transfer conservation is operated on the premise that excavated features are transferred to another place. It can be further categorized into original form transfer, transcribing transfer, reproduction transfer, and dismantlement transfer. Original form transfer refers to the method of moving the original forms of excavated features to another place. Transcribing transfer refers to moving some of the surfaces of excavated features to another place. Reproduction transfer refers to restoring the forms of excavated features in another place after copying the forms of excavated features at the excavation site. Dismantlement transfer refers to the method of restoring excavated features in a place other than the excavation site in the reverse order of dismantlement after dismantling the features at the excavation site. The most fundamental issue regarding conserving excavated features is the conservation of their original forms. However, the conservation of excavated features tends to be decided depending on a variety of conditions such as society, economy, culture, and local situations. In order to conserve excavated features more effectively, more detailed and specialized conservation methods should be created. Furthermore, continuing research is needed to find the most effective way of conserving them through exchange with other neighboring academic fields and scientific technology.

      • KCI등재

        역사적 건축문화유산의 인식변화와 보존가치의 형성

        홍순연 ( Soon Yeon Hong ),옥선호 ( Seon Ho Ok ),김기수 ( Ki Soo Kim ) 東亞大學校附設 石堂傳統文化硏究院 2010 石堂論叢 Vol.0 No.46

        보존의 문제는 15세기 이후부터 역사적 건축문화유산의 중요한 논점이 되어왔다. 한국의 경우 역사적 건축문화유산에 대한 보존은 1960년대 이후 부터 시작하였다. 그리고 그 대상에 따라 보존가치는 역사적가치, 예술적가치, 학술적가치 등 문화재적 관점에 의해 진행되고 있다. 하지만 역사적 건축문화유산의 범위가 확대되면서 기존의 가치평가 방식에 따른 보존방법이 문제시 되고 있다. 한편 서양의 경우 계몽주의가 시작된 18세기 이후부터 합리적인 사고에 의해 보존은 보호의 개념에서 벗어나 본격적으로 논의 되었다. 그리고 역사적 건축문화유산을 양식이라는 새로운 개념을 도입함으로서 보존에 대한 새로운 인식변화가 나타났다. 또한 19세기 프랑스와 영국의 비올레-르?과 존러스킨은 보존을 양식의 통일성과 보호라는 관점이 부딪치면서 보존에 대한 중요한 논쟁들이 나타나고 있었다. 그리고 20세기 들어서면서 보존에 대한 인식변화는 기능주의와 포스트 역사주의 관점으로 나눠진다. 즉, 기능주의는 시대적 상호관계에 따라 시대적 가치로 인정하였으며 포스트 역사주의 관점에서는 역사주의적 태도와 예술적 실무에 따라 다양한 표현과 재 표현에 의한 재구성을 요구하고 있다. 이러한 인식변화에 따라 보존가치 또한 다양하게 나타난다. 19세기 이전의 보존가치는 역사적가치, 예술적가치를 바탕으로 기록적가치, 과학적가치가 나타남으로서 각국의 보존가치의 틀을 마련하였다. 그리고 20세기 이후는 국제적 헌장에 따라 사회적가치를 바탕으로 시대적변화에 따른 보존방법 또한 인정하였으며 최근에는 미래지향적 가치까지 인정하고 있다. 그러므로 본 연구는 인식변화-보존가치에 대한 시대적 형성과정과 상호 관련성을 밝힘으로서 보다 적극적인 보존의 틀을 마련하고자 한다. The conservation for recognizing historical architecture as culture heritage has been an important point since 15C. The conservation for historical architecture as culture heritage has been started after 1960`s in Korea and the value of conservation has been evaluated with value of cultural assets such as historical value, artistic value and academic value ect. But the conservation with an existing valuation has became problems by expanding the scope of historical architecture as culture heritage. In the west, the conservation for historical architecture as culture heritage was discussed by rationalization after 18C stared the enlightenment. And changes of recognition on the conservation occurred by introducing the method of conservation for historical architecture as culture heritage as a new style in architecture Also, Viole-iet-duc from France and John Ruskin from England were conservation unity of style and protection point at issue become. And functionalism recognized by period value according to period correlation after 20th century. Demand reconstructed by Representation and various Presentation according to Artistic Practice and Historical Attitude from Post-historicism viewpoint. The value of conservation also occurred variously according to these changes of recognition. Before 19C, the value of conservation with Record value and scientific value basis on historical value, artistic value formed outline for value of conservation in each countries. And according to the international charter, the method of conservation with periodical transition has been acknowledged with base on social value since 20C also, even future-oriented value has been acknowledged in recent years. Therefore, this study will prepare more active guidelines for the conservation by doing research on the relations between the changes of recognition and the value of conservation.

      • KCI등재

        영주 부석사 조사당 벽화의 수리·보존 이력 및 손상변화에 관한 문헌적 고찰

        문혜영,김설희,이태종,장성윤,정혜영 한국전통문화대학교 전통문화연구소 2022 한국전통문화연구 Vol.30 No.-

        Currently, mural paintings in the Josadang Shrine of Buseok-sa Temple have severe white pollution all over them and damage to the painting layer, and the cultural heritage conservation science center is treating them for conservation. In this process, for setting directions for more systematic conservation treatment, this study would figure out the history of the conservation state of the mural. The mural has been through several times of conservation treatment and movements of the place of storage for about 100 years after being separated from the Josadang Shrine, and a more detailed investigation would be needed in that most of the damages were caused by conservation treatment in the past. Thus, this study collected materials after the Japanese colonial era related to the mural painting in the Josadang Shrine of Buseok-sa Temple, which have not been revealed and investigated how the conservation states were changed. So that they would be utilized in setting directions for conservation treatment. As a result of the study, the records of preservation for about 100 years since around 1916 when the mural was separated from the Josadang Shrine were drawn up as a chronological table, and it was possible to compare the main conditions of damages by periods. The mural had two times of conservation treatment in 1925 and 1985 and four times of movement of the place of storage after the separation from the Josadang Shrine. When separated from the building, there were cracks and losses of the wall, and it was reinforced with gypsum (CaSO4) in the first conservation treatment. The gypsum used at this time rose from the humid environment to the surface, and the overall mural was covered. The painting layer had already had losses around the middle height before the separation and generally been weak. Thus, reinforcement and adhesion were done, using resins in two times of conservation treatment. However, accordingly, additional damages currently have occurred seriously like the excessive hardening and flaking of the painting layer, the discoloration of the remaining adhesive agents and polishes. As for the data on the Josadang Shrine mural after the Japanese colonial era, there have been gaps in terms of periods, and there was a limitation that the records related to conservation treatment have informally been written. However, it was possible to comprehensively investigate history and changes of conservation state of the mural paintings in Josadang Shrine of Buseok-sa Temple through this study, which would be going to be utilized as the baseline data in establishing plans for conservation treatment in the future. 현재 부석사 조사당 벽화는 전면에 걸친 백색 오염과 채색층 손상 등이 심각하여 문화재보존과학센터에서 보존처리 중에 있다. 이 과정에서 보다 체계적인 보존처리 방향 수립을 위하여 벽화의 보존 상태 이력을 파악하고자 하였다. 벽화는 조사당에서 분리된 후 약 100여 년 동안 여러 차례의 보존처리와 환경 변화가 있었는데, 손상의 대부분이 과거 보존처리에서 기인한다는 점에서 더욱 자세한 조사가 필요하였다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 기존에 확인되지 않은 부석사 조사당 벽화 관련 일제강점기 이후 자료를 수집하고, 이를 바탕으로 시기별로 보존 상태가 어떻게 변화되어 왔는지를 파악하여 앞으로의 보존처리 방향 수립에 활용할 수 있게 하고자 하였다. 연구 결과, 1916년경 조사당에서 벽화가 분리된 시점부터 현재까지 약 100여 년간 벽화의 보존 이력을 연표로 작성하고 주요한 손상 상태를 시기별로 비교할 수 있었다. 벽화는 조사당에서 분리된 후 1925년경과 1985년, 총 두 차례의 보존처리와 네 차례의 보관 장소 이전이 있었다. 건물에서 분리될 때 벽체 균열 및 손실이 발생하여 첫 번째 보존처리에서 이를 석고(Gypsum, CaSO4)로 메움처리하고 목재보관함에 넣은 것이 현재까지 유지되고 있다. 이때 사용된 석고가 다습한 환경에서 표면으로 용출되어 벽화 전면을 피복하게 되었다. 채색층은 분리 이전부터 중간 높이 부근의 손실이 있었고 전반적으로 약화된 상태였다. 이에 두 차례의 보존처리에서 수지를 이용한 경화·고착이 이루어졌다. 그러나 이로 인해 현재는 채색층의 과도한 경화와 박리·박락, 잔류한 고착제의 변색 및 광택과 같은 추가적인 손상이 심각하게 발생하였다. 일제강점기 이후의 조사당 벽화 자료는 시기상 공백이 존재하고 보존처리와 관련한 기록이 약식으로 기재된 한계가 있었다. 그러나 본 연구를 통해 부석사 조사당 벽화의 이력과 보존 상태 변화를 종합적으로 고찰할 수 있었으며, 이는 향후 보존처리 계획 수립에 기초자료로서 활용될 예정이다.

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