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        창극의 대중적 공연콘텐츠화 가능성에 대한 연구 - <전주마당창극>을 중심으로 -

        곽병창 판소리학회 2014 판소리연구 Vol.38 No.-

        이 글은 창극이 대중적 공연 콘텐츠로 변화할 수 있는지를 가늠해보기 위한시도이다. 그를 위해서 <전주마당창극>의 연극적 지향점과 그 특징을 살펴보았다. <전주마당창극>의 연극적 지향점은 다음과 같다. 첫째, <전주마당창극>은 극장 중심의 기존 창극들이 간과한 관객과의 왕성한소통을 추구한다. 극장 중심 창극은 여러 갈래의 실험을 거듭하면서 발전해왔지만 판소리의 원형이 지닌 왕성한 소통 능력과 개방적인 연희로서의 아름다움을드러내는 데 소홀하였다. 그런 의미에서 관객과의 소통과 참여를 이끌어내기위해서 선택한 대안적 형식이 곧 '마당창극'이라는 개념이다. 둘째, <전주마당창극>은 새롭게 형성되기 시작한 창극 관객층을 염두에 두고이들이 선호하는 대중적 공연콘텐츠를 지향한다. 그 전제는 다음과 같다. 1)관객들은 대체로 익숙한 판소리를 바탕으로 하고 지역적 특색을 잘 살린 공연콘텐츠를 선호한다. 2) 하지만 판소리 원전을 그대로 창극화한 전통적 창극보다는현실적인 소재와 주제를 담아 재창조한 작품을 더 선호한다. 3) 한옥이라는공간적 특성을 잘 살린 야외공연에 대한 기대가 크다. 4) 작품 안에서 ‘눈 대목’사설에 대한 전이해가 높은 경우에는 매우 열렬한 반응을 보이지만 어렵고낯선 사설들에 대해서는 비교적 지루해하는 경향을 보인다. 셋째, <전주마당창극>은 판소리 고유의 골계와 비애미를 두루 되살리고자한다. 공연을 통해서 확인한 결과, 마당에서의 창극은 골계와 난장적 분위기를조성하는 데에 탁월한 기능을 지닌다. 뿐만 아니라 판소리 고유의 ‘범인(凡人)적비애미’를 드러내고 공유하는 데에도 극장 무대에서의 창극에 비해 오히려 더유리하다. 위의 지향점을 충족하기 위해서 <전주마당창극>이 도입한 형식적 특징은아래와 같다. 1) 현실적인 주제와 소재를 도입하여 동시대 관객들의 기호와 눈높이에 부합하고 소통과 참여를 가능하게 하는 극 구조를 추구 한다. 2) 배우 중심 창극을 지향하여 둘 이상의 다양한 각편을 제시하면서, 어려운한문투와 고어체 사설을 현대적으로 풀어 쓴다. 3) 객석을 활용한 등퇴장과 벽 깨기를 통해서, 관객과의 소통을 적극적으로시도한다. 4) 돌출무대와 애니메이션을 활용하여 관객의 몰입도와 친근감, 그리고 작품에 대한 이해도를 높인다. <전주마당창극>은 아직 일천한 공연 기록을 지닌 초창기의 면모를 벗어나지못 했다. 하지만 지난 3 년 동안 발표한 세 편의 작품을 분석한 바에 의하면대중적 공연콘텐츠로서의 가능성은 충분하다고 볼 수 있다. 그러나 이 실험이창극사에 새로운 형식적 제안을 내놓을 수준이 되기 위해서는 새로운 창극의정형을 창조하려는 목표의식을 확고히 해야 한다. 그런 점에서 극장식 창극을단순히 마당으로 불러내는 차원의 공연에 안주하려는 마음을 버려야 한다. 그런점에서 마당극과 창극의 장점을 고루 계승해서 새로운 창극을 만들어내려는인식을 확고히 해야 한다. 그를 바탕으로 창극과 마당극의 미학적 지향점과공연원리를 더욱 치밀하게 분석하고 융합해서 명실상부한 새 창극 장르의 창출을 도모해야 할 것이다. This article is a trial to evaluate the possibility of Chang-geuk to be popular performance contents. And for it, check the dramatic purpose and formal characteristics of <Jeonju Madang(open-air) Chang-geuk>. The dramatic purpose of <Jeonju Madang(open-air) Chang-geuk> can be summarized as below. First, <Jeonju Madang(open-air) Chang-geuk> pursues vivid communication with spectator who's role have been thinned in former ‘therter-centric’ Chang-geuk. Though ‘Thearter-centric’ Chang-geuk has developed in various way of experiments, they are negligent to reveal vivid communicative competency and beauty of ‘Pansori’. In that meaning, <Jeonju Madang(open-air) Chang-geuk> is alternative concept of Chang-geuk to lead communication and participation with spectator. Second, <Jeonju Madang(open-air) Chang-geuk> pursues popular performance contents, and that is preference of new spectator group. The premise of it is like this. 1) New spectator group prefer performance content based on familiar story of Pansori and well-figured locality. 2) But they prefer re-created works including materials of everyday life and realistic theme rather than traditional Chang-geuk that dramatized original Pansori itself. 3) They largely expect open-air performance that have well-figured the speciality of ‘Han-Ok’ space. 4) If they have pre-perception about ‘high light text’ of Pansori, they show so enthusiastic reflects, but if they have not, they feel so bored at same scene. Third, <Jeonju Madang(open-air) Chang-geuk> try to resurrect both comic and tragic beauty in original Pansori. Through real performance we can certify that Madang(open-air) Chang-geuk has more outstanding function in revealing comic beauty and people’s collective tragic beauty rather than Chang-geuk in proscenium theater. Next summary is the formal characteristic of <Jeonju Madang(open-air) Chang-geuk>. 1) Positively including materials of everyday life and realistic theme that adjust to contemporary spectator and pursuing dramatic structure to accept communication and participation of spectator. 2) Presentation of various version as ‘actor-centric Chang-geuk. 3) Appearance and exit of actor through spectator seats and breaking ‘fourth-wall’ 4) Using thrust stage and animation movies. This devices increase concentration, familiarity and understanding competency of spectator. <Jeonju Madang(open-air) Chang-geuk> is still at experimental form. But through 3 works performed in last three years, it reveals possibility as new popular performance content. However, this experiment in order to be a new alternative genre of Chang-geuk, we must have obvious target consciousness to create new form of Chang-geuk. And for it, we have to scrutinize the strong points of Madang-Geuk and Chang-geuk. At the same time, we try to analize aesthetic directions and performance theories of each form. Based on it, we should plan to create innovative genre of Chang-geuk.

      • KCI등재

        A study on air jet drying for water content reduction of sludge

        Jung-Eun Lee,Eun-Man Cho 한국화학공학회 2010 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol.27 No.6

        An air jet drying system composed of a turbo blower, an air ejector and three stage cyclones is constructed to produce a dried powder through water content reduction of dewatered cake obtained from sludge treatment process. The air flow to be ventilated by the turbo blower forms a high speed flow field by passing through the air ejector and a circulative flow field by passing through the cyclones. Dewatered cake, 100 mm in size, is disintegrated by jet and collision through passing the air ejector and becomes fragmented with size no more than 2mm. These fragmented particles follow air flow and are dried as moisture is evaporated from particle surface. A powder composed of 1.6 mm spherical particles is produced from pilot scale equipment of 1 ton/hr under the conditions of air velocity, maximum flow rate and air temperature profile of 84 m/sec, 180 m3/min and 73-28 oC, respectively. The air dried powder with average water content of 49.8 wt% is recovered after drying the dewatered cake with water content of 83.3 wt% in a real operation, indicating 33.5 wt% decrease in water content. It is estimated that the power consumption of the air jet drying system requires 92 kWh/Ton to reduce the water content by 33.5 wt%, which is no more than a half against heat drying system to consume 164 kWh/ton.

      • KCI등재후보

        콘크리트 공극 분석을 위한 평면간격계수의 제안

        정원경,최성용,김성환,윤경구 江原大學校 産業技術硏究所 2005 産業技術硏究 Vol.25 No.A

        Air void systems in hardened concrete has an important influence on concrete durability such as freeze-thaw resistance, water permeability, surface scaling resistance. Linear traverse method and point count method described at ASTM are the routine analysis of the air void system that have been widely used to estimate the spacing factor in hardened concrete. Recently, many concretes often have a spacing factor higher than the generally accepted 200-250㎛ limit for the usual range of air contents. This study is proposed to estimate the plane spacing factor by calculation of simplicity. The plane spacing factor need two parameters that are air content and numbers of air voids in the hardened concrete. Those obtained from the standard air-void system analysis of the ASTM C 457. The equation is valid for all values of paste-to-air ratio because the estimation of paste content is unnecessary at the using ASTM C 457. The plane spacing factor yields a similar estimate of the standard spacing factor.

      • KCI등재

        도시철도차량 공기압축기의 유지보수 실감형 콘텐츠 기술 연구

        권휘진(Hwi-Jin Kwon),차재환(Jae-Hwan Cha),박용기(Yong-Ki Park),김철수(Chul-Su Kim) 한국도시철도학회 2022 한국도시철도학회논문집 Vol.10 No.1

        국내 도시철도 운영기관의 철도차량 유지보수 교육은 지금까지 서면 형식으로 수행됐다. 이러한 교육방식은 시간, 공간 및 인력 운영 등의 제약으로 인하여 비효율적이다. 따라서 서면 교육의 단점을 극복하기 위해서는 고화질 동영상 기반의 교육 콘텐츠 개발이 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 철도차량 유지보수 종사자들에게 몰입감과 현장감을 높일 수 있도록 공기압축기의 유지보수에 증강현실 기법을 적용한 실감형 콘텐츠를 개발하였다. 철도차량 유지보수 종사자들은 실감형 콘텐츠를 모바일 기기에 탑재하여 별도의 장비 없이 현장 작업장에서 효율적으로 작업 정보를 전달받는다. 본 연구는 공기압축기 유지보수 실감형 콘텐츠의 유용성을 평가하기 위해 철도차량 전공 대학생 100명을 대상으로 유용성 평가(SUS) 설문을 시행하였다. 실감형 콘텐츠에 대한 SUS 10문항의 전체 평균 점수는 76.65점, 유용성 등급은 ‘B(Good)’이다. 이로부터 본 콘텐츠는 철도차량 초심자들에게 유용하며, 공기압축기 유지보수 교육에 활용하기 적합하다고 판단된다. Railway vehicle maintenance training of urban railway-operating organizations is generally conducted in booklet-type training. This training method is inefficient due to the restrictions of time, space and human resource management. Therefore, to overcome the drawbacks of booklet-type training, it is important to develop high-definition video-based training content. In this study, to enhance the immersion and realism of railway vehicle maintenance operators, the augmented reality based realistic content was designed for air compressor maintenance. Railway vehicle maintenance operators can use realistic content without additional equipment on personal mobile device and receive maintenance details efficiently in the work site. This study used the SUS survey on 100 college students majoring in the railway vehicle field. The survey conducted to evaluate usability of realistic content for air compressor maintenance. The mean score of SUS 10 questions for content was 76.65 and the usability grade was ‘B(Good). This indicates that the content is useful for beginners of railway vehicles and is suitable for air compressor maintenance training.

      • KCI등재

        배합요인 및 건조상태 변화에 따른 PP섬유 혼입 고강도 콘크리트의 폭렬특성

        한천구,한민철,송용원 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 2008 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 논문집 Vol.12 No.4

        본 연구는 화재시 고강도 콘크리트의 폭렬발생에 대한 영향요인을 검토한 것으로써, 폭렬에 직접적인 상관관계에 있는 물-결합재비, 공기량 및 함수율 등을 PP섬유의 혼입률과 함께 변화시켜 실험을 실시하였다. 실험결과 유동특성은 섬유의 혼입률이 0.05 vol.% 증가함에 따라 약 11%정도 감소하는 것으로 나타났고, 공기량이 10%인 경우는 다량의 AE제 사용에 기인하여 섬유의 혼입률과 상관없이 거의 유사한 유동성을 나타냈다. 강도특성으로는 W/B 15, 25 및 35%일 경우 100, 80 및 60 MPa이상으로써 고강도 범위로 나타났으며, 공기량 변수의 경우는 H-air가 L-air에 비해 약 1/2배 정도로 낮게 나타났다. 폭렬특성으로는 KS F 2257-1에 규정되어 있는 표준가열곡선에 의해 1시간 내화시험을 실시한 결과, W/B는 고강도로 W/B가 낮을수록 심하게 발생하는데, 15%를 제외한 모든 경우에서 전반적으로 PP섬유의 혼입률 0.10 vol.%에서 폭렬이 방지되는 것으로 나타났고, 공기량을 10%로 많이 함유하는 시험체와 완전건조 시킨 시험체는 0.05 vol.% 혼입시에도 폭렬현상이 발생하지 않는 것으로 나타났다. This paper is to investigate the affecting factors on spalling of the high strength concrete including W/B, air content and moisture condition as well as PP fiber contents subjected to fire. An increase with 0.05% of PP fiber resulted in a reduction of slump flow by as much as 11%. Ten percent of air contents due to excessive amounts of AE agent does not lead to variance of slump flow, regardless of PP fiber content. For the effect of the compressive strength, high strength concrete with 15, 25 and 35% of W/B gained 60 MPa~100 MPa of the compressive strength. High strength concrete with H-air had half of compressive strength of that with L-air due to large amount of air. Fire test was conducted in accordance with KS F 2257-1 for 1 hour. Spalling did not occur with all specimens containing more than 0.10% of PP fiber except those with 15% of W/B. Moreover, it is interesting to note that the specimens with more than 10% of air content and with oven dried condition, respectively, had no spalling even if the content of PP fiber is 0.05 vol.%.

      • KCI등재

        소경 굴참나무 횡절 원판의 강제송풍천연건조

        이준우 ( Joon Woo Lee ),강춘원 ( Chun Won Kang ),박로원 ( Ro Won Park ),강호양 ( Ho Yang Kang ) 한국목재공학회 2015 목재공학 Vol.43 No.1

        소경 참나무 횡절목을 열처리하여 브로치 등 악세사리용 소재로 개발하였다. 그러나 국산참나무는 난건조수종으로 특히 횡절 원판을 건조결함없이 건조하기 어렵다. 소경 굴참나무(Quercus variabilis)에서 얻은 원판(섬유방향 길이7 mm)을 여름과 가을에 강제송풍천연건조하면서 여러 조건에 따른 건조수율을 조사하였다. 같은 조건에서 가을에 건조한 시편의 최종 평균함수율이 여름에 건조한 시편의 평균함수율보다 낮았다. 두 계절 모두 큰 직경의 시편은 풍속에 따른 차이를 보이지 않았으나 작은 직경의 시편은 풍속이 높았을 때 최종 평균함수율이 약간 낮았다. 두 계절 모두 직경이 큰 시편의 할렬 발생빈도가 직경이 작은 시편보다 높았는데 가을에는 2배 정도인데 반해 여름에는 4배가 넘었다. 여름에 낮은 풍속에서 건조한 큰 직경 시편의 할렬 발생빈도가 높은 이유는 여름의 높은 습도와 낮은 풍속으로 반복적인 수분 응축과 증발이 일어났기 때문으로 설명할 수 있다. Cross-cut disks from small diameter oak logs were thermally modified and developed to make accessories such as a brooch. However it is known that domestic oaks are refractory and it is hard to dry their cross-cut disks without any drying defects. The cross-cut disks of Quercus variabilis (7 mm long in the longitudinal direction) were forced to dry in air at two different air velocities in summer and fall season, and their drying yields were investigated. Under the same condition, the average final moisture contents (MCs) of the specimens dried in the fall were lower than those dried in the summer. The average final MCs of the small diameter specimens dried at higher air velocity were slightly lower than those at lower air velocity while those of the large diameter specimen were not influenced by the air velocity. The number of the large diameter specimens with cross checkings was higher than that of the small diameter specimen. This discrepancy between two different diameters was twice in the fall, while it was more than four times in the summer. The large diameter specimens dried at low air velocity in Summer were cross-checked most, which was attributed to repeated water condensation and evaporation due to high humidity and low air velocity.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Enhancement of Antioxidant Activity of Onion Powders by Browning during Drying Process

        Dong-Jin Lee(이동진),Jung-Ah Han(한정아),Seung-Taik Lim(임승택) 한국식품과학회 2016 한국식품과학회지 Vol.48 No.1

        Drying process was applied to increase the antioxidant activity of onion powder: freeze-drying or air-drying at 50, 70, and 90°C and onion extracts were obtained from each powder using water or aqueous ethanol (50%) at 25°C and 60°C. In the color analysis, the freeze-dried powders showed higher L* and lower a* and b* values than did the air-dried ones. The browning index of powders air-dried at 90°C was significantly higher than that of freeze-dried powders or those air-dried at temperatures below 90°C. Phenolic content in the extracts was 4.02-23.12 mg gallic acid equivalent/g sample, and was the highest in the extract from the sample air-dried at 90°C, regardless of the extraction condition. The highest antioxidant activity, measured by 2,2-azinobis-3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl methods, was found in the powder air-dried at 90°C, which induced browning. These findings indicate that antioxidant activity depends more on browning during drying than on extraction conditions.


        Determination of air-void parameters of hardened cement-based materials using X-ray computed tomography

        Kim, Kwang Yeom,Yun, Tae Sup,Choo, Jinhyun,Kang, Dong Hun,Shin, Hyu Soung Elsevier 2012 Construction and Building Materials Vol.37 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>This paper presents an attempt to tackle limitations in the two-dimensional (2D) stereological characterization of the air-void parameters of hardened cement-based materials by employing three-dimensional (3D) X-ray computed tomography (CT), a technique capable of simultaneously imaging numerous sections within a specimen. Using three hardened cement paste specimens composed of different air-void systems, we performed sensitivity analyses in terms of the number of traverse lines employed for a single section and the number of sampling sections across the height of a specimen. Parameters for a single section converged rapidly as the number of traverse lines increased, although unacceptable variations were in evidence across multiple sections. When the number of sampling sections exceeded about 10, a set of representative air-void parameters was successfully obtained within a standard variation of less than 10% of average values. The spacing factor and air content measures obtained via CT image analysis were in good agreement with previously reported data and with the original spacing factors defined for 3D space. Some advantages found in the use of X-ray CT imaging for determining air-void parameters are discussed.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P>► The 3D X-ray CT imaging provides efficient and reliable estimation of air-voids parameters for cement-based materials. ► The spacing factor in 3D space is applicable to the quantification of heterogeneous distribution of air-voids. ► The representativeness of parameters increases by minimizing sampling effects.</P>

      • KCI등재

        예비천연건조가 잣나무 중목구조부재의 고온저습건조 특성에 미치는 영향

        이창진 ( Chang Jin Lee ),이남호 ( Nam Ho Lee ),박문재 ( Moon Jae Park ),박주생 ( Joo Saeng Park ),엄창득 ( Chang Deuk Eom ) 한국목재공학회 2014 목재공학 Vol.42 No.1

        최종함수율은 예비천연건조를 수행한 시험재에서 더 균일하게 건조가 가능하였으며, 예비천연건조 후 고온저습건조시 최종함수율은 초기함수율에 영향을 받는 것으로 사료된다. 재면할렬 억제 효과는 예비천연건조를 수행한 시험재에서 더 효과적인 것으로 조사되었으나, 예비천연건조 중 발생된 재면할렬에 의한 영향이 크기 때문에 예비천연건조 중 할렬발생 억제가 중요할 것으로 판단된다. 부분엔드코팅은 내부할렬, 표면경화율, 비틀림, 수축율에 미치는 영향이 없는 것으로 조사되었다. 예비천연건조는 고온저습건조 중 내층에 발생하는 인장응력을 감소시켜 내부할렬의 발생을 매우 효과적으로 억제하고 표면경화율을 감소시키는 것으로 조사되었다. 비틀림의 경우 함수율감소에 따른 수축으로 인하여 비틀림의 정도가 증가되었다. The pre-air-drying of Korean pine before the high-temperature and low-humidity drying was shown to be effective in uniform moisture content distribution and prevention of surface check. Our results suggest that initial moisture content of the timber also plays important role in high-temperature and low-humidity drying method. The pre-air-drying also helps in the reduction of surface checks in Korean pine when compared to the Korean pine dried by only high-temperature and low-humidity. End-coating was not effective in the prevention of twist, shrinkage, case hardening and internal checks. The pre-air-drying reduces the internal tension stresses which occur during high-temperature and low-humidity drying thus decreasing case hardening and also preventing internal checks. The pre-air-drying decreases the moisture content and causes shrinkage which leads to increased twist in the Korean pine.

      • KCI등재

        국내 지방공항의 특성화 및 활성화 방안 연구 - 방위산업 기반 에어쇼 사례를 중심으로 -

        박상용,박성식 한국항공운항학회 2023 한국항공운항학회지 Vol.31 No.4

        Since 2017, South Korea's defense exports have shown the world's highest rate of increase of 177% over the past five years, making it the 8th largest defense exporting country in the world. In particular, the aerospace industry is playing a leading role in the Korean defense industry. Among these K-defense industries, the capabilities of the aerospace industry are closely related to the Sacheon Air Show. Sacheon Air Show is one of the largest aviation events in Korea, and products with expertise in the aerospace field are exhibited and demonstrated. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to seek the revitalization of domestic local airports, especially Sacheon Airport, through the Sacheon Air Show held at Sacheon Airport in Gyeongsangnam-do. The first is the development of various contents, the second is the maximization of expertise using air shows, and the third is internationalization. By actively promoting these measures, Sacheon Air Show will be able to maximize the expertise of K-Defense, recognize it as an international event, and promote the vitalization of Sacheon Airport in Gyeongsangnam-do by securing domestic and foreign participants and visitors.

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